Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) SAS Institute, All rights reserved. * General Public License: **/ /** * History:<br> * * <br> NOV 19, 2013 (CANAGL) Original Release. * <br> DEC 18, 2013 (LeiWang) Update to support ComboBox. * <br> MAR 05, 2014 (SBJLWA) Move some keywrod constants to ComponentFunction, implement click-related keywords. * <br> APR 29, 2014 (SBJLWA) Support keyword ExecuteScript. * <br> SEP 15, 2014 (SBJLWA) Modify showComponentAsMuchPossible(): before scrolling, check if the component is fully shown. * <br> MAY 18, 2015 (SBJLWA) Add refresh(): Try to refresh a stale WebElement. * <br> JUL 24, 2015 (SBJLWA) Add refresh(boolean): call it in localProcess to refresh WebElement if it is stale. * <br> SEP 07, 2015 (SBJLWA) Add method dragTo(). * <br> OCT 30, 2015 (SBJLWA) Modify exist(): highlight component for keyword GUIDESOEXIST etc. * <br> NOV 26, 2015 (SBJLWA) Remove checkForCoord() and _lookupAppMapCoordReference(), their functionality will be provided by super class. * <br> NOV 26, 2015 (SBJLWA) Modify method getComponentRectangle(): include the frame's location for a webelement. * <br> FEB 25, 2016 (SBJLWA) Modify localProcess(): Set 'SearchContext' and 'RecognitionString' to libComponent for refreshing. * <br> APR 19, 2016 (SBJLWA) Modify componentClick(): Handle the optional parameter 'autoscroll'. */ package org.safs.selenium.webdriver; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Polygon; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.openqa.selenium.Keys; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.safs.ComponentFunction; import org.safs.IndependantLog; import org.safs.Log; import org.safs.SAFSException; import org.safs.SAFSParamException; import org.safs.StatusCodes; import org.safs.StringUtils; import org.safs.autoit.AutoItRs; import org.safs.image.ImageUtils; import org.safs.model.commands.GenericMasterFunctions; import org.safs.model.commands.GenericObjectFunctions; import org.safs.model.commands.WindowFunctions; import org.safs.robot.Robot; import org.safs.selenium.webdriver.lib.Component; import org.safs.selenium.webdriver.lib.Json; import org.safs.selenium.webdriver.lib.SeleniumPlusException; import org.safs.selenium.webdriver.lib.WDLibrary; import org.safs.selenium.webdriver.lib.model.Element; import org.safs.selenium.webdriver.lib.model.HierarchicalElement; import org.safs.selenium.webdriver.lib.model.IHierarchicalSelectable; import org.safs.selenium.webdriver.lib.model.ISelectable; import org.safs.text.FAILKEYS; import org.safs.text.FileUtilities; import org.safs.text.GENKEYS; import org.safs.text.GENStrings; import; import; import; /** * Component Functions for Selenium WebDriver. * **/ public class CFComponent extends ComponentFunction { public static final String SAFS_JAVASCRIPT_RESULT = "__$_SAFS_JAVASCRIPT_RESULT_$__"; public static final String INDENT_MARK = "\t"; protected WebDriverGUIUtilities wdUtils; protected WDTestRecordHelper wdHelper; protected WebElement winObject; protected WebElement compObject; protected Component libComponent = null; /**A cache, which stores a pair(WebElement, Component)*/ protected static Map<WebElement, Component> libComponentCache = new HashMap<WebElement, Component>(); /** 5, the default maximum time to retry enter text if verification fails.*/ public static int DEFAULT_MAX_RETRY_ENTER = 5; /** The maximum time to retry 'enter the text' into Component box if the verification fails. */ private int maxRetry = DEFAULT_MAX_RETRY_ENTER; public CFComponent() { super(); } /** * @param maxRetry int, the max times to retry 'enter the text' into Component box if the verification fails. * */ public void setMaxRetry(int maxRetry) { this.maxRetry = maxRetry; } public void process() { String debugmsg = this.getClass().getName() + ".process(): "; // assume this for now.. updateFromTestRecordData(); wdHelper = (WDTestRecordHelper) testRecordData; testRecordData.setStatusCode(StatusCodes.SCRIPT_NOT_EXECUTED); try { getHelpers(); wdUtils = (WebDriverGUIUtilities) utils; } catch (SAFSException ex) { testRecordData.setStatusCode(StatusCodes.GENERAL_SCRIPT_FAILURE); log.logMessage(testRecordData.getFac(), "SAFSException: " + ex.getClass().getName() + ", msg: " + ex.getMessage(), FAILED_MESSAGE); return; } winObject = wdHelper.getWindowTestObject(); compObject = wdHelper.getCompTestObject(); if (TIDComponent.noWaitGUIExistence(action)) { //If check the GUI's existence, don't waste time to wait here. waitForObject() will be called later. //If action is GUILess, NO window/component to wait. Log.debug( debugmsg + " action '" + action + "' is GUILess or CheckGUIExistence, don't need to wait GUI."); if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(GenericMasterFunctions.TYPEKEYS_KEYWORD) || action.equalsIgnoreCase(GenericMasterFunctions.TYPECHARS_KEYWORD)) { String keystrokes = null; try { iterator = params.iterator(); if (!iterator.hasNext()) { issueParameterValueFailure("TextValue"); } else { keystrokes =; Log.debug(debugmsg + " processing command '" + action + "' with TextValue " + keystrokes); if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(GenericMasterFunctions.TYPEKEYS_KEYWORD)) { WDLibrary.inputKeys(null, keystrokes); } else { WDLibrary.inputChars(null, keystrokes); } issuePassedSuccessUsing(keystrokes); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(debugmsg + "SeleniumPlus Error processing '" + action + "'.", e); issueErrorPerformingActionUsing(keystrokes, e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", " + e.getMessage()); } return; } } else { if (winObject == null) { String winRec = null; try { winRec = testRecordData.getWindowGuiId(); } catch (Exception ignore) { } if ((winRec != null) && ImageUtils.isImageBasedRecognition(winRec)) { testRecordData.setStatusCode(StatusCodes.SCRIPT_NOT_EXECUTED); + " returning SCRIPT_NOT_EXECUTED assuming Image-Based Testing..."); return; } else if ((winRec != null) && AutoItRs.isAutoitBasedRecognition(winRec)) { testRecordData.setStatusCode(StatusCodes.SCRIPT_NOT_EXECUTED); + " returning SCRIPT_NOT_EXECUTED assuming AutoIt Testing..."); return; } } if (compObject == null) { Log.warn(debugmsg + " Component Object is null, try to get it through WebDriverGUIUtility."); if (!windowName.equals(compName)) { try { if (wdUtils.waitForObject(mapname, windowName, compName, secsWaitForWindow) == 0) { Log.debug(debugmsg + " we get the component object through WebDriverGUIUtility."); winObject = ((WDTestRecordHelper) testRecordData).getWindowTestObject(); compObject = ((WDTestRecordHelper) testRecordData).getCompTestObject(); } else { Log.debug(debugmsg + " can not get component object through WebDriverGUIUtility: waitForObject() error."); } } catch (SAFSException e) { Log.debug(debugmsg + " can not get component object through WebDriverGUIUtility: Exception=" + e.getMessage()); } if (compObject == null) { Log.warn(debugmsg + " Component Object is still null."); } } else { // windowName equals windowName try { if (wdUtils.waitForObject(mapname, windowName, windowName, secsWaitForWindow) == 0) { Log.debug(debugmsg + " we got the window object through WebDriverGUIUtility."); winObject = ((WDTestRecordHelper) testRecordData).getWindowTestObject(); compObject = ((WDTestRecordHelper) testRecordData).getCompTestObject(); } else { Log.debug(debugmsg + " can not get window object through WebDriverGUIUtility: waitForObject() error."); } } catch (SAFSException e) { Log.debug(debugmsg + " can not get window object through WebDriverGUIUtility: Exception=" + e.getMessage()); } } } //If 'Hightlight' has been turned on, then highlight the componet before action //As we are going to call javascript function to change the style of WebElement, not suer if this //will cause the WebElement becomes stale, if so, we need to get the WebElement again. if (WebDriverGUIUtilities.HIGHLIGHT) { if (compObject != null) WDLibrary.highlight(compObject); else if (winObject != null) WDLibrary.highlight(winObject); } try { // do the work localProcess(); if (testRecordData.getStatusCode() == StatusCodes.SCRIPT_NOT_EXECUTED && action != null) { if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(WindowFunctions.SETFOCUS_KEYWORD)) { try { Log.debug(debugmsg + " processing command '" + action + "' with parameters " + params); iterator = params.iterator(); _setFocus(); } catch (SAFSException e) { Log.error(debugmsg + "SeleniumPlus Error processing '" + action + "'.", e); testRecordData.setStatusCode(StatusCodes.GENERAL_SCRIPT_FAILURE); String msg = getStandardErrorMessage(windowName + ":" + compName + " " + action); String detail = "Met Exception " + e.getMessage(); log.logMessage(testRecordData.getFac(), msg, detail, FAILED_MESSAGE); } } } } catch (SeleniumPlusException ignore) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " ignore Exception " + StringUtils.debugmsg(ignore)); } } if (testRecordData.getStatusCode() == StatusCodes.SCRIPT_NOT_EXECUTED) { componentProcess();//handle Generic keywords } else { Log.debug(debugmsg + "'" + action + "' has been processed\n with testrecorddata" + testRecordData + "\n with params " + params); } //If 'Highlight' has been turned on, then clean highlight the component after action if (WebDriverGUIUtilities.HIGHLIGHT) { StringUtilities.sleep(1000); WDLibrary.clearHighlight(); } } /** * Handle the cache for component-library.<br> * In this class CFComponent, component-library is not required for some keywords like Maximize, Minimize etc.<br> * So in the method {@link #process()} of this class, when calling {@link #localProcess()}, <br> * if any Exception is caught, just ignore it.<br> * But for subclass, component-library is required, so if this method is overrided, user needs to<br> * call super.localProcess() in a try-catch clause like following:<br> * <pre> * <code> * try{ * super.localProcess(); * subLibrary = (SubComponentLibrary) libComponent; * * }catch(SeleniumPlusException se){ * testRecordData.setStatusCode(StatusCodes.GENERAL_SCRIPT_FAILURE); * } * </code> * </pre> * @throws SeleniumPlusException */ protected void localProcess() throws SeleniumPlusException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(getClass(), "localProcess"); try { synchronized (libComponentCache) { //compObject may be null, which will cause Exception, and libComponent will be null if (!libComponentCache.containsKey(compObject)) { IndependantLog .debug("CFComponent.localProcess contains NO CACHED library for this WebElement."); libComponent = newLibComponent(compObject); //Set the winObject as search context and compRS as 'recognition string' for refreshing libComponent.setSearchContext(winObject); String compRS = testRecordData.getCompGuiId(); if (compRS != null) libComponent.setPossibleRecognitionStrings(new String[] { compRS }); else IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg + " Recognition String for " + compName + " is null. It cannot be used to refresh webelement!"); WDLibrary.checkNotNull(libComponent); libComponentCache.put(compObject, libComponent); } else { IndependantLog.debug("CFComponent.localProcess retrieving CACHED library for this WebElement."); libComponent = libComponentCache.get(compObject); } if (libComponent == null) IndependantLog.warn("component library is null!"); } if (libComponent == null) IndependantLog.warn("component library is null!"); //refresh the compObject if stable, //TODO do we need to refresh winObject too??? refresh(false); } catch (SeleniumPlusException se) { se.setInfo("Fail to get the component's library! " + se.getInfo()); throw se; } catch (Exception e) { throw new SeleniumPlusException( "Fail to get the component's library! Met Exception " + StringUtils.debugmsg(e)); } } /** sub class MUST to override this method and provide its own library Component.*/ protected Component newLibComponent(WebElement webelement) throws SeleniumPlusException { return new Component(webelement); } /**clear the cache 'libComponentCache'*/ public static void clearInternalCache() { synchronized (libComponentCache) { Iterator<Component> components = libComponentCache.values().iterator(); while (components.hasNext()) {; } libComponentCache.clear(); } } public void _setFocus() throws SAFSException { boolean rc = libComponent.setFocus(); if (!rc) throw new SAFSException("setFocus failed on window"); issuePassedSuccess(null); } /**clear the cache 'libComponentCache'*/ public void clearCache() { clearInternalCache(); issuePassedSuccess(null); } /** * handles InputKeys and InputCharacters. */ protected void inputKeystrokes() throws SAFSException { if (params.size() < 1) { issueParameterCountFailure(); return; } String text = null; try { text =; } catch (NoSuchElementException x) { issueParameterValueFailure("TextValue"); return; } try { if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(GenericMasterFunctions.INPUTKEYS_KEYWORD)) { libComponent.inputKeys(text); } else { libComponent.inputChars(text); } issuePassedSuccessUsing(text); } catch (Exception x) { String errormsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(x); IndependantLog.debug(action + " failed. Met Exception " + errormsg); issueErrorPerformingActionOnX(compName, errormsg); return; } } /** *Subclass should give its own implementation<br> */ protected void _setPosition(Point position) throws SAFSException { WDLibrary.setPositionBrowserWindow(position.x, position.y); } /** *Subclass should give its own implementation<br> */ protected void _setSize(Dimension size) throws SAFSException { WDLibrary.resizeBrowserWindow(size.width, size.height); } /** * Maximize the window. * @throws SeleniumPlusException */ protected void _maximize() throws SeleniumPlusException { WDLibrary.maximizeBrowserWindow(); } /** * Close the window. * @throws SeleniumPlusException */ protected void _close() throws SeleniumPlusException { WDLibrary.closeBrowser(); } /** * Minimize the window. * @throws SeleniumPlusException */ protected void _minimize() throws SeleniumPlusException { WDLibrary.minimizeBrowserWindow(); } /** <br><em>Purpose:</em> componentClick **/ protected void componentClick() throws SAFSException { if (compObject == null) throw new SAFSException("Component WebElement is null."); try { java.awt.Point point = checkForCoord(iterator); String autoscroll = null; if (iterator.hasNext()) autoscroll =; long begin = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(CLICK) || action.equalsIgnoreCase(COMPONENTCLICK)) { if (point == null) {, autoscroll); } else {, point, autoscroll); } } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(DOUBLECLICK)) { WDLibrary.doubleClick(compObject, point, autoscroll); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(RIGHTCLICK)) { WDLibrary.rightclick(compObject, point, autoscroll); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(CTRLCLICK)) {, point, Keys.CONTROL, WDLibrary.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT, autoscroll); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(CTRLRIGHTCLICK)) {, point, Keys.CONTROL, WDLibrary.MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT, autoscroll); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(SHIFTCLICK)) {, point, Keys.SHIFT, WDLibrary.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT, autoscroll); } long timeConsumed = System.currentTimeMillis() - begin; IndependantLog.debug("it took " + timeConsumed + " milliseconds or " + (timeConsumed / 1000) + " seconds to perform " + action); testRecordData.setStatusCode(StatusCodes.NO_SCRIPT_FAILURE); String msg = null; if (point != null) {"clicking point: " + point); String use = "X=" + String.valueOf(point.x) + " Y=" + String.valueOf(point.y); altText = windowName + ":" + compName + " " + action + " successful using " + use; msg = genericText.convert("success3a", altText, windowName, compName, action, use); } else { altText = windowName + ":" + compName + " " + action + " successful."; msg = genericText.convert("success3", altText, windowName, compName, action); } log.logMessage(testRecordData.getFac(), msg, PASSED_MESSAGE); } catch (Exception e) { String errormsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(e); IndependantLog.debug(action + " failed. Met Exception " + errormsg); issueErrorPerformingActionOnX(compName, errormsg); } } /** <br><em>Purpose:</em> executeScript **/ protected void executeScript() throws SAFSException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(getClass(), "executeScript"); if (compObject == null) { throw new SAFSException("Component WebElement is null."); } if (params.size() < 1) { issueParameterCountFailure(); return; } Iterator<?> iterator = params.iterator(); String script = (String); + " executing script :\n " + script); List<Object> args = new ArrayList<Object>(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { args.add(; } try { Object result = WDLibrary.executeJavaScriptOnWebElement(script, compObject, args.toArray(new Object[0])); //TODO need a way to bring back the Object result returned from javascript. if (result != null) { String resultStr = result.toString(); IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "return result: " + resultStr); testRecordData.setStatusInfo(resultStr);//for jsafs user setVariable(SAFS_JAVASCRIPT_RESULT, resultStr); } testRecordData.setStatusCode(StatusCodes.NO_SCRIPT_FAILURE); String msg = genericText.convert("success3", windowName + ":" + compName + " " + action + " successful.", windowName, compName, action); log.logMessage(testRecordData.getFac(), msg, PASSED_MESSAGE); return; } catch (Exception e) { String errormsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(e); IndependantLog.debug(action + " failed. Met Exception " + errormsg); issueErrorPerformingActionOnX(compName, errormsg); } } /** <br><em>Purpose:</em> verifyComputedStyle() **/ protected void action_ComputedStyle(boolean verification) throws SAFSException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false) + (verification ? "Verify: " : "Get: "); if (compObject == null) { throw new SAFSException("Component WebElement is null."); } if (params.size() < 1) { issueParameterCountFailure(); return; } String filename = (String); + " received filename: " + filename); try { //Save the computed style to test file JSONObject actualJsonObj = null; Map<String, String> map = WDLibrary.getCssValues(compObject); actualJsonObj = new JSONObject(map); File testfile = deduceTestFile(filename); IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " component's computed style has been saved to '" + testfile.getAbsolutePath() + "'."); FileUtilities.writeStringToUTF8File(testfile.getCanonicalPath(), actualJsonObj.toString()); //Do the verification if (verification) { File benchfile = null; JSONObject benchJsonObj = null; try { if (filename.contains(":") || filename.startsWith("/") || filename.startsWith("\\")) { benchfile = new CaseInsensitiveFile(filename).toFile(); // user specified } else { benchfile = deduceBenchFile(filename); } } catch (Exception ef) { + " file exception" + ef); } InputStream benchStream = new FileInputStream(benchfile); String jsonStr = IOUtils.toString(benchStream); benchJsonObj = new JSONObject(jsonStr); if (!Json.jsonsEqual(actualJsonObj, benchJsonObj)) { testRecordData.setStatusCode(StatusCodes.GENERAL_SCRIPT_FAILURE); String p1 = benchfile.getAbsolutePath(); String p2 = testfile.getAbsolutePath(); String alttext = "the content of '" + p1 + "' does not match the content of '" + p2 + "'"; String message = GENStrings.convert(GENKEYS.CONTENT_NOT_MATCHES_KEY, alttext, p1, p2); componentExecutedFailureMessage(message); return; } } testRecordData.setStatusCode(StatusCodes.NO_SCRIPT_FAILURE); String msg = genericText.convert("success3", windowName + ":" + compName + " " + action + " successful.", windowName, compName, action); log.logMessage(testRecordData.getFac(), msg, PASSED_MESSAGE); } catch (Exception e) { String errormsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(e); IndependantLog.debug(action + " failed. Met Exception " + errormsg); issueErrorPerformingActionOnX(compName, errormsg); } } protected Object getPropertyObject(String propertyName) throws SAFSException { return WDLibrary.getProperty(compObject, propertyName); } protected Map<String, Object> getProperties() throws SAFSException { return WDLibrary.getProperties(compObject); } /** * Sub class may override this method to get its own data.<br> */ protected Collection<String> captureObjectData() throws SAFSException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); Collection<String> contents = null; try { if (libComponent instanceof IHierarchicalSelectable) { contents = new ArrayList<String>(); captureHierarchicalData(contents, ((IHierarchicalSelectable) libComponent).getContent(), INDENT_MARK, 0); } else if (libComponent instanceof ISelectable) { ISelectable selectable = (ISelectable) libComponent; contents = convertElementArrayToList(selectable.getContent()); } } catch (SAFSException se) { IndependantLog.warn( debugmsg + "Fail to capture data by interface ISelectable. due to " + StringUtils.debugmsg(se)); } if (contents == null || contents.isEmpty()) { String value = null; if (contents == null) contents = new ArrayList<String>(); try { value = getProperty(PROPERTY_DOT_itemText); } catch (SAFSException ignore) { } try { if (value == null) value = getProperty(PROPERTY_textContent); } catch (SAFSException ignore) { } try { if (value == null) value = getProperty(PROPERTY_innerHTML); } catch (SAFSException ignore) { } if (value != null) contents.add(value); } if (contents == null || contents.isEmpty()) { IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg + " Cannot get any content!"); } return contents; } /** * Get the text of each element object in an array, and add it to a list, then return the list. * @param elements Element[], an array of element object * @return List<String>, a list of element's text */ public static List<String> convertElementArrayToList(Element[] elements) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); List<String> content = new ArrayList<String>(); try { String value = null; for (Element element : elements) { value = element.contentValue(); if (value != null) content.add(value); } } catch (Exception e) { IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + StringUtils.debugmsg(e)); } return content; } /** * Caputre the content of hierarchical structure like tree or menu. * @param contents Collection<String>, out, provide a empty Collection and will be filled with content. MUST NOT be null. * @param nodes HierarchicalElement[], an array of hierarchical structure's nodes * @param indentMark String, The character(s) to indent the child nodes from the parent branch. * @param level int, the level of the node in the whole hierarchical structure. 0 at root level. * @throws SeleniumPlusException */ public static void captureHierarchicalData(Collection<String> contents, HierarchicalElement[] nodes, String indentMark, int level) throws SeleniumPlusException { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if (contents == null) { IndependantLog.error("The content collection container is null!"); return; } if (nodes == null) { IndependantLog.error("The nodes array is null!"); return; } for (HierarchicalElement node : nodes) { try { sb.setLength(0); if (indentMark != null && !indentMark.isEmpty()) for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) sb.append(indentMark); sb.append(node.contentValue()); contents.add(sb.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { // IndependantLog.warn("Fail to get content of node due to "+StringUtils.debugmsg(e)); } captureHierarchicalData(contents, node.getChildren(), indentMark, level + 1); } } /** * @param webelement WebElement, for who to get the screen rectangle * @return Rectangle, the absolute rectangle on screen for the webelement object. */ private Rectangle getRectangleOnScreen(WebElement webelement) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); Rectangle rectangle = null; try { rectangle = WDLibrary.getRectangleOnScreen(webelement); } catch (Exception e) { IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg + " Met " + StringUtils.debugmsg(e)); } return rectangle; } /** @return Rectangle, the absolute rectangle on screen for the window */ protected Rectangle getWindowRectangleOnScreen() { Rectangle rectangle = getRectangleOnScreen(winObject); if (rectangle == null) IndependantLog.warn("Fail to get bounds for " + windowName + ":" + windowName + " on screen."); return rectangle; } /** @return Rectangle, the absolute rectangle on screen for the component */ protected Rectangle getComponentRectangleOnScreen() { WebElement component = (compObject != null ? compObject : winObject); Rectangle rectangle = getRectangleOnScreen(component); if (rectangle == null) IndependantLog.warn("Fail to get bounds for " + windowName + ":" + compName + " on screen."); return rectangle; } /** * Show the component in the browser's viewport as much as possible. */ protected boolean showComponentAsMuchPossible(boolean verify) throws SeleniumPlusException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(true); WebElement component = (compObject != null ? compObject : winObject); IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " verify=" + verify); //show the component in the browser's viewport if (WDLibrary.showOnPage(component, String.valueOf(verify))) { return true; } else { IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg + "Fail to show " + windowName + ":" + compName + " on screen."); return false; } } /** * Refresh the winObject/compObject if stable. Do nothing if not stable.<br> * @param includingWinObject boolean, if true this method will also refresh window object. * if false, only refresh component object. */ protected void refresh(boolean includingWinObject) { refresh(includingWinObject, true); } /** * Refresh the winObject/compObject if stable or refresh is forced by setting parameter 'checkStale' to false.<br> * @param includingWinObject boolean, if true this method will also refresh window object. * if false, only refresh component object. * @param checkStale boolean, whether to check if the webelement is stable before refresh. * true, check stable; false, force refresh directly without check. */ protected void refresh(boolean includingWinObject, boolean checkStable) { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); if (winObject == null || compObject == null) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + "the winObject or compObject is null!"); return; } //We need to refresh winObject if it is not the same as compObject if (winObject != compObject && includingWinObject) { winObject = refresh(winObject, checkStable); } //Refresh the compObject if (libComponent != null) { libComponent.refresh(checkStable); } else { IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg + "The libComponent component is null!"); compObject = refresh(compObject, checkStable); } } /** * Try to get a fresh WebElement.<br> * When the page change, the WebElement may be stale, or the information (like its location, size etc.) may be stale, * so we need to get the fresh WebElement on the page to get latest information.<br> * <b>Note:</b> This method may consume some time for getting refreshed WebElement.<br> * @param webelement WebElement, to be refreshed. * @return WebElement, the new refreshed WebElement; or the original WebElement if there is something wrong. * @see #refresh(WebElement, boolean) */ public static WebElement refresh(WebElement webelement) { return refresh(webelement, false); } /** * Try to get a fresh WebElement if it is stale.<br> * When the page change, the WebElement may be stale, or the information (like its location, size etc.) may be stale, * so we need to get the fresh WebElement on the page to get latest information.<br> * <b>Note:</b> This method may consume some time for getting refreshed WebElement.<br> * @param webelement WebElement, to be refreshed. * @param checkStale boolean, whether to check if the webelement is stable before refresh. * true, check stable; false, force refresh directly without check. * @return WebElement, the new refreshed WebElement;<br> * or the original WebElement if it is not stale or if there is something wrong.<br> */ public static WebElement refresh(WebElement webelement, boolean checkStale) { synchronized (libComponentCache) { Component libComponent = null; if (libComponentCache.containsKey(webelement)) { libComponent = libComponentCache.get(webelement); } else { try { libComponent = new Component(webelement); } catch (SeleniumPlusException e) { IndependantLog.debug(StringUtils.debugmsg(false) + StringUtils.debugmsg(e)); } //Do we need to put the libComponent to cache libComponentCache? maybe not. } if (libComponent != null && libComponent.refresh(checkStale)) { return libComponent.getWebElement(); } return webelement; } } /** @return Rectangle, the rectangle relative to the browser. * * If this return 'absolute rectangle on screen', we SHOULD remove override method {@link #getRectangleImage(Rectangle)}.<br> * But we need to be careful, Robot will be used to get image, we have to implement RMI to get image if the <br> * browser is running on a remote machine.<br> */ protected Rectangle getComponentRectangle() { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); WebElement component = (compObject != null ? compObject : winObject); try { //Get component's location relative to the browser Point p = WDLibrary.getLocation(component, false); org.openqa.selenium.Dimension dim = component.getSize(); return new Rectangle(p.x, p.y, dim.getWidth(), dim.getHeight()); } catch (Exception e) { IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg + "Fail to get bounds for " + windowName + ":" + compName + " on screen due to " + StringUtils.debugmsg(e)); } return null; } protected BufferedImage getRectangleImage(Rectangle imageRect) throws SAFSException { return WDLibrary.captureBrowserArea(imageRect); } protected boolean exist() throws SAFSException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); // wait for the window - secTimout of 0 means a single try to search for given comps // waitForObject checks only component validity and tells nothing about its visibility WebElement compObject = wdUtils.getTestObject(mapname, windowName, compName, true); if (compObject == null) { IndependantLog.warn(debugmsg + windowName + ":" + compName + " does not exist."); return false; } else { if (WebDriverGUIUtilities.HIGHLIGHT) WDLibrary.highlight(compObject); } return WDLibrary.isVisible(compObject); } protected boolean performHoverMouse(Point point, int milliseconds) throws SAFSException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); try { WebElement we = (compObject != null ? compObject : winObject); WDLibrary.mouseHover(we, point, milliseconds); return true; } catch (Exception e) { IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + " Met " + StringUtils.debugmsg(e)); } return false; } /** * perform LeftDrag or RightDrag on component moving from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2). * Format: "T,SwingApp,component,LeftDrag,"Coords=x1;y1;x2;y2" * @exception SAFSException */ protected void performDrag() throws SAFSException { String debugInf = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); if (params.size() < 1) { paramsFailedMsg(windowName, compName); return; } try { //format of preset: Coords=0,0,640,480 String preset = (String) params.iterator().next(); preset = getPossibleMapItem(preset); Polygon polygon = StringUtils.convertLine(preset); Point p1 = new java.awt.Point(polygon.xpoints[0], polygon.ypoints[0]); Point p2 = new java.awt.Point(polygon.xpoints[1], polygon.ypoints[1]); String msg = " :" + action + " from " + p1.toString() + " to " + p2.toString(); if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(LEFTDRAG)) { WDLibrary.leftDrag(compObject, p1, p2); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(SHIFTLEFTDRAG)) { WDLibrary.shiftLeftDrag(compObject, p1, p2); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(CTRLSHIFTLEFTDRAG)) { WDLibrary.ctrlShiftLeftDrag(compObject, p1, p2); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(CTRLLEFTDRAG)) { WDLibrary.ctrlLeftDrag(compObject, p1, p2); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(ALTLEFTDRAG)) { WDLibrary.altLeftDrag(compObject, p1, p2); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(CTRLALTLEFTDRAG)) { WDLibrary.ctrlAltLeftDrag(compObject, p1, p2); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(RIGHTDRAG)) { WDLibrary.rightDrag(compObject, p1, p2); } testRecordData.setStatusCode(StatusCodes.OK); log.logMessage(testRecordData.getFac(), genericText.convert(TXT_SUCCESS_4, altText + msg, windowName, compName, action, msg), PASSED_MESSAGE); } catch (Exception e) { Log.debug(debugInf + e.getMessage()); testRecordData.setStatusCode(StatusCodes.GENERAL_SCRIPT_FAILURE); componentFailureMessage(e.getMessage()); } } /** * perform dragTo from component1 to component2 with offset. * @exception SAFSException */ protected void dragTo() throws SAFSException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); if (params.size() < 2) { paramsFailedMsg(windowName, compName); return; } try { String toWindow = (String); String toComponent = (String); IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "Source component is '" + windowName + ":" + compName + "'"); IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "Before getting target component '" + toWindow + ":" + toComponent + "'," + "\n TestRecordData: winrec=" + testRecordData.getWindowGuiId() + "; comprec=" + testRecordData.getCompGuiId()); //BE CAREFUL!!! This calling (wdUtils.getTestObject) may change the testRecordData object, which will contain information of the target component!!! WebElement toElement = wdUtils.getTestObject(mapname, toWindow, toComponent, true); IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + "After getting target component '" + toWindow + ":" + toComponent + "'," + "\n TestRecordData: winrec=" + testRecordData.getWindowGuiId() + "; comprec=" + testRecordData.getCompGuiId()); //offset String offset = "50%, 50%, 50%, 50%"; if (iterator.hasNext()) { offset = (String); offset = getPossibleMapItem(offset); } IndependantLog.debug(debugmsg + " offset is " + offset); String[] offsetArray = StringUtils.convertCoordsToArray(offset, 4); if (offsetArray == null) { throw new SAFSParamException(" Offset '" + offset + "' is not valid! The valid examples could be '20%,10%,%50,%60', '30,55,70,80', or even '20%,10%,70,80'."); } Point p1 = WDLibrary.getElementOffsetScreenLocation(compObject, offsetArray[0], offsetArray[1]); Point p2 = WDLibrary.getElementOffsetScreenLocation(toElement, offsetArray[2], offsetArray[3]); if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(GenericObjectFunctions.DRAGTO_KEYWORD)) { Robot.leftDrag(p1, p2); } else { throw new SAFSException("Not supported yet.", SAFSException.CODE_ACTION_NOT_SUPPORTED); } String msg = " :" + action + " from " + p1.toString() + " to " + p2.toString(); testRecordData.setStatusCode(StatusCodes.OK); log.logMessage(testRecordData.getFac(), genericText.convert(TXT_SUCCESS_4, altText + msg, windowName, compName, action, msg), PASSED_MESSAGE); } catch (Exception e) { String errorMsg = "Met " + StringUtils.debugmsg(e); IndependantLog.error(debugmsg + errorMsg); testRecordData.setStatusCode(StatusCodes.GENERAL_SCRIPT_FAILURE); componentFailureMessage(errorMsg); } } /** * Set the text of Component box. * * @param libName String, the concrete Component name of class, which calls 'doSetText()' method, * like 'EditBox', 'ComboBox'. * @param isCharacter boolean, if true, the text'll be treated as plain text, without special key dealing; <br> * if false, the text'll be treated as special keys. * @param needVerify boolean, if true, verify if the text has been correctly entered.(But if the text contains special keys, * i.e. isCharacter is false, there's no verification.) * if false, no verification. */ protected void doSetText(String libName, boolean isCharacter, boolean needVerify) { String dbg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); String msg = ""; if (params.size() < 1) { issueParameterCountFailure(); return; } iterator = params.iterator(); String text =; IndependantLog.debug(dbg + "isCharacter=" + isCharacter + ", needVerify=" + needVerify + " proceeding with TEXT parameter '" + text + "'"); if (needVerify) { //For SetTextValue, If there're special keys, no verification. if (!isCharacter && StringUtils.containsSepcialKeys(text)) { IndependantLog.debug(dbg + "Input text contains special keys, ignoring verification."); needVerify = false; } } try { setText(libName, isCharacter, text); if (needVerify) {"Verifying the " + libName + " ..."); boolean verified = libComponent.verifyComponentBox(libName, text); int count = 0; //If verification fails, then try to reenter text. while (!verified && (count++ < maxRetry)) { IndependantLog.debug(dbg + " retry to enter '" + text + "'"); setText(libName, isCharacter, text); //we MAY need to slow down, so that we can get all text from component-box after setting. verified = libComponent.verifyComponentBox(libName, text); } if (verified) { testRecordData.setStatusCode(StatusCodes.NO_SCRIPT_FAILURE); msg = genericText.convert(GENKEYS.SUCCESS_2, action + " '" + "verifying" + "' successful", action, "verifying"); log.logMessage(testRecordData.getFac(), msg, PASSED_MESSAGE); } else { testRecordData.setStatusCode(StatusCodes.GENERAL_SCRIPT_FAILURE); msg = failedText.convert(FAILKEYS.ERROR_PERFORMING_2, "Error performing '" + "verification" + "' on " + action, "verification", action); standardFailureMessage(msg, testRecordData.getInputRecord()); } } else { //If we don't need to verify, we just set status as OK. testRecordData.setStatusCode(StatusCodes.NO_SCRIPT_FAILURE); msg = genericText.convert(GENKEYS.SUCCESS_3, windowName + ":" + compName + " " + action + " successful.", windowName, compName, action); log.logMessage(testRecordData.getFac(), msg, PASSED_MESSAGE); } } catch (SeleniumPlusException spe) { IndependantLog.error(dbg + " failed due to: " + spe.getMessage()); issueActionOnXFailure(compName, spe.getMessage()); } } /** * Clear the content of Component box first, and then enter the text into it. * * @param libName String, the concrete Component name of class, which calls 'setText()' method, * like 'EditBox', 'ComboBox'. * @param isCharacter boolean, if true, the text'll be treated as plain text, without special key dealing; <br> * if false, the text'll be treated as special keys. * @param text String, the content to be entered into Component box. * * @throws SeleniumPlusException */ protected void setText(String libName, boolean isCharacter, String text) throws SeleniumPlusException { libComponent.clearComponentBox(libName); if (isCharacter) { libComponent.inputComponentBoxChars(libName, text); } else { libComponent.inputComponentBoxKeys(libName, text); } } }