Java tutorial
/* == This file is part of Tomahawk Player - <> === * * Copyright 2013, Enno Gottschalk <> * * Tomahawk is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Tomahawk is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Tomahawk. If not, see <>. */ package org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.infosystem; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import; import; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.authentication.AuthenticatorManager; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.authentication.AuthenticatorUtils; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.collection.Album; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.collection.Artist; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.collection.Playlist; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.collection.PlaylistEntry; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.database.DatabaseHelper; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.infosystem.hatchet.HatchetInfoPlugin; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.infosystem.hatchet.models.HatchetPlaybackLogEntry; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.infosystem.hatchet.models.HatchetPlaybackLogPostStruct; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.infosystem.hatchet.models.HatchetPlaylistEntries; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.infosystem.hatchet.models.HatchetPlaylistEntriesPostStruct; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.infosystem.hatchet.models.HatchetPlaylistEntriesRequest; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.infosystem.hatchet.models.HatchetPlaylistPostStruct; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.infosystem.hatchet.models.HatchetPlaylistRequest; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.infosystem.hatchet.models.HatchetRelationshipPostStruct; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.infosystem.hatchet.models.HatchetRelationshipStruct; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.resolver.Query; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.utils.GsonHelper; import; import org.runbuddy.tomahawk.utils.IdGenerator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import de.greenrobot.event.EventBus; /** * The InfoSystem resolves metadata for artists and albums like album covers and artist images. */ public class InfoSystem { private static final String TAG = InfoSystem.class.getSimpleName(); private static class Holder { private static final InfoSystem instance = new InfoSystem(); } public static class OpLogIsEmptiedEvent { public HashSet<Integer> mRequestTypes; public HashSet<String> mPlaylistIds; } public class ResultsEvent { public boolean mSuccess; public InfoRequestData mInfoRequestData; } private final ArrayList<InfoPlugin> mInfoPlugins = new ArrayList<>(); private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, InfoRequestData> mSentRequests = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, InfoRequestData> mLoggedOpsMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); // We store "create playlists"-loggedOps separately, because we need to check whether or not all // "create playlists"-loggedOps have been pushed to Hatchet before sending the corresponding // playlist entries private final ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, InfoRequestData> mPlaylistsLoggedOpsMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); // LoggedOps waiting to be sent as soon as mPlaylistsLoggedOpsMap is empty private final ArrayList<InfoRequestData> mQueuedLoggedOps = new ArrayList<>(); private Query mLastPlaybackLogEntry = null; private Query mNowPlaying = null; private InfoSystem() { mInfoPlugins.add(new HatchetInfoPlugin()); } public static InfoSystem get() { return Holder.instance; } public void addInfoPlugin(InfoPlugin plugin) { mInfoPlugins.add(plugin); } public void removeInfoPlugin(InfoPlugin plugin) { mInfoPlugins.remove(plugin); } /** * HatchetSearch the added InfoPlugins with the given keyword * * @return the created InfoRequestData's requestId */ public String resolve(String keyword) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(keyword)) { QueryParams params = new QueryParams(); params.term = keyword; return resolve(InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_SEARCHES, params); } return null; } /** * Fill up the given artist with metadata fetched from all added InfoPlugins * * @param artist the Artist to enrich with data from the InfoPlugins * @param full true, if top-hits and albums should also be resolved * @return the created InfoRequestData's requestId */ public String resolve(Artist artist, boolean full) { if (artist != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(artist.getName())) { QueryParams params = new QueryParams(); = artist.getName(); if (full) { return resolve(InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_ARTISTS_TOPHITSANDALBUMS, params); } else { return resolve(InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_ARTISTS, params); } } return null; } /** * Fill up the given artist with metadata fetched from all added InfoPlugins * * @param album the Album to enrich with data from the InfoPlugins * @return the created InfoRequestData's requestId */ public String resolve(Album album) { if (album != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(album.getName())) { QueryParams params = new QueryParams(); = album.getName(); params.artistname = album.getArtist().getName(); return resolve(InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_ALBUMS_TRACKS, params); } return null; } /** * Fill up the given user with metadata fetched from all added InfoPlugins * * @param user the User to enrich with data from the InfoPlugins * @return the created InfoRequestData's requestId */ public String resolve(User user) { if (user != null && !user.isOffline() && !TextUtils.isEmpty(user.getId())) { QueryParams params = new QueryParams(); params.ids = new ArrayList<>(); params.ids.add(user.getId()); return resolve(InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_USERS, params); } return null; } /** * Get random users * * @param count the number of users to get * @return the created InfoRequestData's requestId */ public String getRandomUsers(int count) { QueryParams params = new QueryParams(); params.random = String.valueOf(true); params.count = String.valueOf(count); return resolve(InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_USERS, params); } public String resolve(Playlist playlist) { if (playlist != null) { QueryParams params = new QueryParams(); params.playlist_local_id = playlist.getId(); params.playlist_id = playlist.getHatchetId(); return resolve(InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_PLAYLISTS_PLAYLISTENTRIES, params); } return null; } /** * Fetch a logged-in user's id and store it * * @param username the username with which to get the corresponding id * @return the created InfoRequestData's requestId */ public String resolveUserId(String username) { if (username != null) { QueryParams params = new QueryParams(); = username; return resolve(InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_USERS, params); } return null; } /** * Fill up the given user with metadata fetched from all added InfoPlugins * * @param user the User for which to get the socialActions * @param beforeDate the Date that specifies which socialActions to fetch * @return the created InfoRequestData's requestId */ public String resolveSocialActions(User user, Date beforeDate) { if (user != null && !user.isOffline()) { QueryParams params = new QueryParams(); params.userid = user.getId(); params.before_date = beforeDate; params.limit = String.valueOf(HatchetInfoPlugin.SOCIALACTIONS_LIMIT); return resolve(InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_SOCIALACTIONS, params); } return null; } /** * Fill up the given user with metadata fetched from all added InfoPlugins * * @param user the User to enrich with data from the InfoPlugins * @param beforeDate the Date that specifies which socialActions to fetch * @return the created InfoRequestData's requestId */ public String resolveFriendsFeed(User user, Date beforeDate) { if (user != null && !user.isOffline()) { QueryParams params = new QueryParams(); params.userid = user.getId(); params.type = HatchetInfoPlugin.HATCHET_SOCIALACTION_PARAMTYPE_FRIENDSFEED; params.before_date = beforeDate; params.limit = String.valueOf(HatchetInfoPlugin.FRIENDSFEED_LIMIT); return resolve(InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_SOCIALACTIONS, params); } return null; } /** * Fill up the given user with metadata fetched from all added InfoPlugins * * @param user the User to enrich with data from the InfoPlugins * @return the created InfoRequestData's requestId */ public String resolvePlaybackLog(User user) { if (user != null && !user.isOffline()) { QueryParams params = new QueryParams(); params.ids = new ArrayList<>(); params.ids.add(user.getId()); return resolve(InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_USERS_PLAYBACKLOG, params); } return null; } /** * Fill up the given user with metadata fetched from all added InfoPlugins * * @param user the User to enrich with data from the InfoPlugins * @return the created InfoRequestData's requestId */ public String resolveLovedItems(User user) { if (user != null && !user.isOffline()) { QueryParams params = new QueryParams(); params.ids = new ArrayList<>(); params.ids.add(user.getId()); return resolve(InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_USERS_LOVEDITEMS, params, true); } return null; } /** * Fill up the given user with metadata fetched from all added InfoPlugins * * @param user the User to enrich with data from the InfoPlugins * @return the created InfoRequestData's requestId */ public String resolveFollowings(User user) { if (user != null && !user.isOffline()) { QueryParams params = new QueryParams(); params.ids = new ArrayList<>(); params.ids.add(user.getId()); return resolve(InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_USERS_FOLLOWS, params); } return null; } /** * Fill up the given user with metadata fetched from all added InfoPlugins * * @param user the User to enrich with data from the InfoPlugins * @return the created InfoRequestData's requestId */ public String resolveFollowers(User user) { if (user != null && !user.isOffline()) { QueryParams params = new QueryParams(); params.ids = new ArrayList<>(); params.ids.add(user.getId()); return resolve(InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_USERS_FOLLOWERS, params); } return null; } /** * Fetch the given user's list of loved albums * * @return the created InfoRequestData's requestId */ public String resolveLovedAlbums(User user) { if (user != null && !user.isOffline()) { QueryParams params = new QueryParams(); params.ids = new ArrayList<>(); params.ids.add(user.getId()); return resolve(InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_USERS_LOVEDALBUMS, params, true); } return null; } /** * Fetch the given user's list of loved artists * * @return the created InfoRequestData's requestId */ public String resolveLovedArtists(User user) { if (user != null && !user.isOffline()) { QueryParams params = new QueryParams(); params.ids = new ArrayList<>(); params.ids.add(user.getId()); return resolve(InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_USERS_LOVEDARTISTS, params, true); } return null; } public String resolvePlaylists(User user, boolean isBackgroundRequest) { if (user != null && !user.isOffline()) { QueryParams params = new QueryParams(); params.ids = new ArrayList<>(); params.ids.add(user.getId()); String requestId = IdGenerator.getSessionUniqueStringId(); InfoRequestData infoRequestData = new InfoRequestData(requestId, InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_USERS_PLAYLISTS, params, isBackgroundRequest); resolve(infoRequestData); return infoRequestData.getRequestId(); } return null; } /** * Build an InfoRequestData object with the given data and order results * * @param type the type of the InfoRequestData object * @param params all parameters to be given to the InfoPlugin * @return the created InfoRequestData's requestId */ public String resolve(int type, QueryParams params) { return resolve(type, params, false); } /** * Build an InfoRequestData object with the given data and order results * * @param type the type of the InfoRequestData object * @param params all parameters to be given to the InfoPlugin * @param isBackgroundRequest boolean indicating whether or not this request should be run with * the lowest priority (useful for sync operations) * @return the created InfoRequestData's requestId */ public String resolve(int type, QueryParams params, boolean isBackgroundRequest) { String requestId = IdGenerator.getSessionUniqueStringId(); InfoRequestData infoRequestData = new InfoRequestData(requestId, type, params, isBackgroundRequest); resolve(infoRequestData); return infoRequestData.getRequestId(); } /** * Order results for the given InfoRequestData object * * @param infoRequestData the InfoRequestData object to fetch results for */ public void resolve(InfoRequestData infoRequestData) { for (InfoPlugin infoPlugin : mInfoPlugins) { infoPlugin.resolve(infoRequestData); } } public void sendPlaybackEntryPostStruct(AuthenticatorUtils authenticatorUtils) { if (mNowPlaying != null && mNowPlaying != mLastPlaybackLogEntry) { mLastPlaybackLogEntry = mNowPlaying; long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); HatchetPlaybackLogEntry playbackLogEntry = new HatchetPlaybackLogEntry(); playbackLogEntry.albumString = mLastPlaybackLogEntry.getAlbum().getName(); playbackLogEntry.artistString = mLastPlaybackLogEntry.getArtist().getName(); if (playbackLogEntry.artistString.isEmpty()) { playbackLogEntry.artistString = "Unknown Artist"; } playbackLogEntry.trackString = mLastPlaybackLogEntry.getName(); if (playbackLogEntry.trackString.isEmpty()) { playbackLogEntry.trackString = "Unknown Title"; } playbackLogEntry.timestamp = new Date(timeStamp); HatchetPlaybackLogPostStruct playbackLogPostStruct = new HatchetPlaybackLogPostStruct(); playbackLogPostStruct.playbackLogEntry = playbackLogEntry; String requestId = IdGenerator.getSessionUniqueStringId(); String jsonString = GsonHelper.get().toJson(playbackLogPostStruct); InfoRequestData infoRequestData = new InfoRequestData(requestId, InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_PLAYBACKLOGENTRIES, null, InfoRequestData.HTTPTYPE_POST, jsonString); DatabaseHelper.get().addOpToInfoSystemOpLog(infoRequestData, (int) (timeStamp / 1000)); sendLoggedOps(authenticatorUtils); } } public void sendNowPlayingPostStruct(AuthenticatorUtils authenticatorUtils, Query query) { if (mNowPlaying != query) { sendPlaybackEntryPostStruct(authenticatorUtils); mNowPlaying = query; long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); HatchetPlaybackLogEntry playbackLogEntry = new HatchetPlaybackLogEntry(); playbackLogEntry.albumString = query.getAlbum().getName(); playbackLogEntry.artistString = query.getArtist().getName(); if (playbackLogEntry.artistString.isEmpty()) { playbackLogEntry.artistString = "Unknown Artist"; } playbackLogEntry.trackString = query.getName(); if (playbackLogEntry.trackString.isEmpty()) { playbackLogEntry.trackString = "Unknown Title"; } playbackLogEntry.type = "nowplaying"; playbackLogEntry.timestamp = new Date(timeStamp); HatchetPlaybackLogPostStruct playbackLogPostStruct = new HatchetPlaybackLogPostStruct(); playbackLogPostStruct.playbackLogEntry = playbackLogEntry; String requestId = IdGenerator.getSessionUniqueStringId(); String jsonString = GsonHelper.get().toJson(playbackLogPostStruct); InfoRequestData infoRequestData = new InfoRequestData(requestId, InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_PLAYBACKLOGENTRIES, null, InfoRequestData.HTTPTYPE_POST, jsonString); send(infoRequestData, authenticatorUtils); } } public InfoRequestData buildPlaylistPostStruct(String localId, String title) { HatchetPlaylistRequest request = new HatchetPlaylistRequest(); request.title = title; HatchetPlaylistPostStruct struct = new HatchetPlaylistPostStruct(); struct.playlist = request; String requestId = IdGenerator.getSessionUniqueStringId(); String jsonString = GsonHelper.get().toJson(struct); QueryParams params = new QueryParams(); params.playlist_local_id = localId; return new InfoRequestData(requestId, InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_PLAYLISTS, params, InfoRequestData.HTTPTYPE_POST, jsonString); } public void sendPlaylistPostStruct(AuthenticatorUtils authenticatorUtils, String localId, String title) { long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); InfoRequestData infoRequestData = buildPlaylistPostStruct(localId, title); DatabaseHelper.get().addOpToInfoSystemOpLog(infoRequestData, (int) (timeStamp / 1000)); sendLoggedOps(authenticatorUtils); } public InfoRequestData buildPlaylistEntriesPostStruct(String localPlaylistId, List<PlaylistEntry> entries) { HatchetPlaylistEntriesPostStruct struct = new HatchetPlaylistEntriesPostStruct(); struct.playlistEntries = new ArrayList<>(); for (PlaylistEntry entry : entries) { HatchetPlaylistEntriesRequest request = new HatchetPlaylistEntriesRequest(); request.trackString = entry.getQuery().getName(); request.artistString = entry.getArtist().getName(); request.albumString = entry.getAlbum().getName(); struct.playlistEntries.add(request); } String requestId = IdGenerator.getSessionUniqueStringId(); String jsonString = GsonHelper.get().toJson(struct); QueryParams params = new QueryParams(); params.playlist_local_id = localPlaylistId; return new InfoRequestData(requestId, InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_PLAYLISTS_PLAYLISTENTRIES, params, InfoRequestData.HTTPTYPE_POST, jsonString); } public void sendPlaylistEntriesPostStruct(AuthenticatorUtils authenticatorUtils, String localPlaylistId, List<PlaylistEntry> entries) { long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); InfoRequestData infoRequestData = buildPlaylistEntriesPostStruct(localPlaylistId, entries); DatabaseHelper.get().addOpToInfoSystemOpLog(infoRequestData, (int) (timeStamp / 1000)); sendLoggedOps(authenticatorUtils); } public void deletePlaylist(AuthenticatorUtils authenticatorUtils, String localPlaylistId) { long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); String requestId = IdGenerator.getLifetimeUniqueStringId(); QueryParams params = new QueryParams(); params.playlist_local_id = localPlaylistId; InfoRequestData infoRequestData = new InfoRequestData(requestId, InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_PLAYLISTS, params, InfoRequestData.HTTPTYPE_DELETE, null); DatabaseHelper.get().addOpToInfoSystemOpLog(infoRequestData, (int) (timeStamp / 1000)); sendLoggedOps(authenticatorUtils); } public void deletePlaylistEntry(AuthenticatorUtils authenticatorUtils, String localPlaylistId, String entryId) { long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); String requestId = IdGenerator.getLifetimeUniqueStringId(); QueryParams params = new QueryParams(); params.entry_id = entryId; params.playlist_local_id = localPlaylistId; InfoRequestData infoRequestData = new InfoRequestData(requestId, InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_PLAYLISTS_PLAYLISTENTRIES, params, InfoRequestData.HTTPTYPE_DELETE, null); DatabaseHelper.get().addOpToInfoSystemOpLog(infoRequestData, (int) (timeStamp / 1000)); sendLoggedOps(authenticatorUtils); } public void sendRelationshipPostStruct(AuthenticatorUtils authenticatorUtils, User user) { sendRelationshipPostStruct(authenticatorUtils, user.getId(), null, null, null); } public void sendRelationshipPostStruct(AuthenticatorUtils authenticatorUtils, Query query) { sendRelationshipPostStruct(authenticatorUtils, null, query.getName(), query.getArtist().getName(), null); } public void sendRelationshipPostStruct(AuthenticatorUtils authenticatorUtils, Artist artist) { sendRelationshipPostStruct(authenticatorUtils, null, null, artist.getName(), null); } public void sendRelationshipPostStruct(AuthenticatorUtils authenticatorUtils, Album album) { sendRelationshipPostStruct(authenticatorUtils, null, null, album.getArtist().getName(), album.getName()); } public InfoRequestData buildRelationshipPostStruct(String user, String track, String artist, String album) { HatchetRelationshipStruct relationship = new HatchetRelationshipStruct(); relationship.targetUser = user; relationship.targetTrackString = track; relationship.targetArtistString = artist; relationship.targetAlbumString = album; relationship.type = user != null ? HatchetInfoPlugin.HATCHET_RELATIONSHIPS_TYPE_FOLLOW : HatchetInfoPlugin.HATCHET_RELATIONSHIPS_TYPE_LOVE; HatchetRelationshipPostStruct struct = new HatchetRelationshipPostStruct(); struct.relationShip = relationship; String requestId = IdGenerator.getSessionUniqueStringId(); String jsonString = GsonHelper.get().toJson(struct); return new InfoRequestData(requestId, InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_RELATIONSHIPS, null, InfoRequestData.HTTPTYPE_POST, jsonString); } public void sendRelationshipPostStruct(AuthenticatorUtils authenticatorUtils, String user, String track, String artist, String album) { long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); InfoRequestData infoRequestData = buildRelationshipPostStruct(user, track, artist, album); DatabaseHelper.get().addOpToInfoSystemOpLog(infoRequestData, (int) (timeStamp / 1000)); sendLoggedOps(authenticatorUtils); } public void deleteRelationship(AuthenticatorUtils authenticatorUtils, String relationshipId) { long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); String requestId = IdGenerator.getSessionUniqueStringId(); QueryParams params = new QueryParams(); params.relationship_id = relationshipId; InfoRequestData infoRequestData = new InfoRequestData(requestId, InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_RELATIONSHIPS, params, InfoRequestData.HTTPTYPE_DELETE, null); DatabaseHelper.get().addOpToInfoSystemOpLog(infoRequestData, (int) (timeStamp / 1000)); sendLoggedOps(authenticatorUtils); } /** * Send the given InfoRequestData's data out to every service that can handle it * * @param infoRequestData the InfoRequestData object to fetch results for * @param authenticatorUtils the AuthenticatorUtils object to fetch the appropriate access * tokens */ private void send(InfoRequestData infoRequestData, AuthenticatorUtils authenticatorUtils) { mSentRequests.put(infoRequestData.getRequestId(), infoRequestData); for (InfoPlugin infoPlugin : mInfoPlugins) { infoPlugin.send(infoRequestData, authenticatorUtils); } } /** * Get the InfoRequestData with the given Id */ public InfoRequestData getSentLoggedOpById(String requestId) { return mSentRequests.get(requestId); } /** * Method to enable InfoPlugins to report that the InfoRequestData objects with the given * requestIds have received their results */ public void reportResults(InfoRequestData infoRequestData, boolean success) { ResultsEvent event = new ResultsEvent(); event.mInfoRequestData = infoRequestData; event.mSuccess = success; EventBus.getDefault().post(event); } public synchronized void sendLoggedOps(AuthenticatorUtils authenticatorUtils) { List<InfoRequestData> loggedOps = DatabaseHelper.get().getLoggedOps(); for (InfoRequestData loggedOp : loggedOps) { verifyLoggedOp(loggedOp); } loggedOps = DatabaseHelper.get().getLoggedOps(); for (InfoRequestData loggedOp : loggedOps) { if (!mLoggedOpsMap.containsKey(loggedOp.getLoggedOpId())) { mLoggedOpsMap.put(loggedOp.getLoggedOpId(), loggedOp); if (loggedOp.getType() == InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_PLAYLISTS_PLAYLISTENTRIES || (loggedOp.getHttpType() == InfoRequestData.HTTPTYPE_DELETE && loggedOp.getType() == InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_PLAYLISTS)) { mQueuedLoggedOps.add(loggedOp); } else { if (loggedOp.getType() == InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_PLAYLISTS) { mPlaylistsLoggedOpsMap.put(loggedOp.getLoggedOpId(), loggedOp); } send(loggedOp, authenticatorUtils); } } } trySendingQueuedOps(); } public synchronized void onLoggedOpsSent(ArrayList<String> doneRequestsIds, boolean discard) { List<InfoRequestData> loggedOps = new ArrayList<>(); HashSet<Integer> requestTypes = new HashSet<>(); HashSet<String> playlistIds = new HashSet<>(); for (String doneRequestId : doneRequestsIds) { if (mSentRequests.containsKey(doneRequestId)) { InfoRequestData loggedOp = mSentRequests.get(doneRequestId); loggedOps.add(loggedOp); requestTypes.add(loggedOp.getType()); if (loggedOp.getType() == InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_PLAYLISTS_PLAYLISTENTRIES) { playlistIds.add(loggedOp.getQueryParams().playlist_local_id); } else if (loggedOp.getType() == InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_PLAYLISTS) { List<HatchetPlaylistEntries> results = loggedOp.getResultList(HatchetPlaylistEntries.class); if (results != null && results.size() > 0) { HatchetPlaylistEntries entries = results.get(0); if (entries != null && entries.playlists.size() > 0) { playlistIds.add(entries.playlists.get(0).id); DatabaseHelper.get().updatePlaylistHatchetId( loggedOp.getQueryParams().playlist_local_id, entries.playlists.get(0).id); } } } mLoggedOpsMap.remove(loggedOp.getLoggedOpId()); } } if (discard) { for (InfoRequestData loggedOp : loggedOps) { mPlaylistsLoggedOpsMap.remove(loggedOp.getLoggedOpId()); } trySendingQueuedOps(); DatabaseHelper.get().removeOpsFromInfoSystemOpLog(loggedOps); if (DatabaseHelper.get().getLoggedOpsCount() == 0) { if (!requestTypes.isEmpty()) { OpLogIsEmptiedEvent event = new OpLogIsEmptiedEvent(); event.mRequestTypes = requestTypes; event.mPlaylistIds = playlistIds; EventBus.getDefault().post(event); } } } } private synchronized void trySendingQueuedOps() { if (mPlaylistsLoggedOpsMap.isEmpty()) { while (!mQueuedLoggedOps.isEmpty()) { InfoRequestData queuedLoggedOp = mQueuedLoggedOps.remove(0); QueryParams params = queuedLoggedOp.getQueryParams(); String hatchetId = DatabaseHelper.get().getPlaylistHatchetId(params.playlist_local_id); if (hatchetId != null) { if (queuedLoggedOp .getType() == InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_PLAYLISTS_PLAYLISTENTRIES) { if (queuedLoggedOp.getHttpType() == InfoRequestData.HTTPTYPE_POST) { // Now that we know the hatchetId, we can add it to the playlistEntry // object we POST to Hatchet int newHatchetId = Integer.valueOf(hatchetId); JsonElement element = GsonHelper.get().fromJson(queuedLoggedOp.getJsonStringToSend(), JsonElement.class); if (element.isJsonObject()) { JsonObject object = (JsonObject) element; JsonObject playlistEntry = object.getAsJsonObject("playlistEntry"); if (playlistEntry != null) { // old way of posting playlistEntries (one per request) playlistEntry.addProperty("playlist", newHatchetId); } else { // new way of posting playlistEntries (all at once) object.addProperty("playlist", newHatchetId); } } queuedLoggedOp.setJsonStringToSend(GsonHelper.get().toJson(element)); } else if (queuedLoggedOp.getHttpType() == InfoRequestData.HTTPTYPE_DELETE) { params.playlist_id = hatchetId; } } else { params.playlist_id = hatchetId; } send(queuedLoggedOp, AuthenticatorManager.get().getAuthenticatorUtils(TomahawkApp.PLUGINNAME_HATCHET)); } else { Log.e(TAG, "Hatchet sync - Couldn't send queued logged op, because the stored " + "local playlist id was no longer valid"); discardLoggedOp(queuedLoggedOp); } } } } private void discardLoggedOp(InfoRequestData loggedOp) { mSentRequests.put(loggedOp.getRequestId(), loggedOp); ArrayList<String> doneRequestsIds = new ArrayList<>(); doneRequestsIds.add(loggedOp.getRequestId()); InfoSystem.get().onLoggedOpsSent(doneRequestsIds, true); } /** * Verify if the given loggedOp needs to be converted to a newer version. This is needed because * the Hatchet API changes. */ private void verifyLoggedOp(InfoRequestData loggedOp) { InfoRequestData convertedLogOp = null; if (loggedOp.getType() == 1300) { // old v1 way of posting a socialAction JsonElement element = GsonHelper.get().fromJson(loggedOp.getJsonStringToSend(), JsonElement.class); if (element instanceof JsonObject) { JsonObject socialAction = ((JsonObject) element).getAsJsonObject("socialAction"); String action = getAsString(socialAction, "action"); if (action != null && action.equals("true")) { String trackString = getAsString(socialAction, "trackString"); String artistString = getAsString(socialAction, "artistString"); String albumString = getAsString(socialAction, "albumString"); convertedLogOp = buildRelationshipPostStruct(null, trackString, artistString, albumString); } else { // We have to discard the loggedOp since we don't have any way of getting the // associated relationShipId. Therefore we are unable to delete this particular // relationship. DatabaseHelper.get().removeOpFromInfoSystemOpLog(loggedOp); } } } else if (loggedOp.getType() == 1001) { JsonElement element = GsonHelper.get().fromJson(loggedOp.getJsonStringToSend(), JsonElement.class); if (element instanceof JsonObject) { JsonElement playlist = ((JsonObject) element).get("playlist"); if (playlist instanceof JsonObject && !((JsonObject) element).has("playlistEntry")) { // It's definitely an old "create playlist"-struct String title = getAsString((JsonObject) playlist, "title"); convertedLogOp = buildPlaylistPostStruct(loggedOp.getQueryParams().playlist_local_id, title); } } } else if (loggedOp.getType() == 1002) { JsonElement element = GsonHelper.get().fromJson(loggedOp.getJsonStringToSend(), JsonElement.class); if (element instanceof JsonObject) { JsonObject playlistEntry = ((JsonObject) element).getAsJsonObject("playlistEntry"); if (playlistEntry != null) { String trackString = getAsString(playlistEntry, "trackString"); String artistString = getAsString(playlistEntry, "artistString"); String albumString = getAsString(playlistEntry, "albumString"); Query query = Query.get(trackString, albumString, artistString, false, true); PlaylistEntry entry = PlaylistEntry.get(loggedOp.getQueryParams().playlist_local_id, query, IdGenerator.getLifetimeUniqueStringId()); List<PlaylistEntry> entries = new ArrayList<>(); entries.add(entry); convertedLogOp = buildPlaylistEntriesPostStruct(loggedOp.getQueryParams().playlist_local_id, entries); } } } if (convertedLogOp != null) { DatabaseHelper.get().removeOpFromInfoSystemOpLog(loggedOp); DatabaseHelper.get().addOpToInfoSystemOpLog(convertedLogOp, (int) System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000); } } private String getAsString(JsonObject object, String memberName) { JsonElement element = object.get(memberName); if (element != null && element.isJsonPrimitive()) { return element.getAsString(); } return null; } }