Java tutorial
/* == This file is part of Tomahawk Player - <> === * * Copyright 2015, Enno Gottschalk <> * * Tomahawk is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Tomahawk is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Tomahawk. If not, see <>. */ package org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.infosystem.hatchet; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient; import com.squareup.okhttp.Request; import com.squareup.okhttp.Response; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.collection.Album; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.collection.AlphaComparator; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.collection.Artist; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.collection.Image; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.collection.ListItemString; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.collection.Playlist; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.collection.PlaylistComparator; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.collection.PlaylistEntry; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.infosystem.InfoRequestData; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.infosystem.QueryParams; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.infosystem.Relationship; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.infosystem.SocialAction; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.infosystem.User; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.resolver.Query; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.utils.GsonHelper; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.utils.ISO8601Utils; import org.runbuddy.libtomahawk.utils.NetworkUtils; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory; import retrofit.RequestInterceptor; import retrofit.RestAdapter; import; import retrofit.client.OkClient; import retrofit.converter.GsonConverter; import static android.os.Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST; public class Store { private final static String TAG = Store.class.getSimpleName(); public static final String HATCHET_BASE_URL = ""; public static final String HATCHET_API_VERSION = "/v2"; private final Cache mCache = new Cache(); private static class Cache { private Map<Class, Map> mCaches = new HashMap<>(); public Cache() { } public <T> void addCache(Class<T> clss) { mCaches.put(clss, new HashMap<String, T>()); } public <T> void put(Class<T> clss, String id, T object) { mCaches.get(clss).put(id, object); } public <T> T get(Class<T> clss, String id) { return (T) mCaches.get(clss).get(id); } } private final OkHttpClient mOkHttpClient; private final Hatchet mHatchet; private final Hatchet mHatchetBackground; public Store() { RequestInterceptor requestInterceptor = new RequestInterceptor() { @Override public void intercept(RequestFacade request) { if (!NetworkUtils.isNetworkAvailable()) { int maxStale = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; // tolerate 1-week stale request.addHeader("Cache-Control", "public, max-stale=" + maxStale); } request.addHeader("Content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"); } }; mOkHttpClient = new OkHttpClient(); File cacheDir = new File(TomahawkApp.getContext().getCacheDir(), "responseCache"); com.squareup.okhttp.Cache cache = new com.squareup.okhttp.Cache(cacheDir, 1024 * 1024 * 20); mOkHttpClient.setCache(cache); RestAdapter restAdapter = new RestAdapter.Builder().setLogLevel(RestAdapter.LogLevel.BASIC) .setEndpoint(HATCHET_BASE_URL + HATCHET_API_VERSION) .setConverter(new GsonConverter(GsonHelper.get())).setRequestInterceptor(requestInterceptor) .setClient(new OkClient(mOkHttpClient)).build(); mHatchet = restAdapter.create(Hatchet.class); Executor httpExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(new ThreadFactory() { @Override public Thread newThread(final Runnable r) { return new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { android.os.Process.setThreadPriority(THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST);; } }, "Retrofit-Idle-Background"); } }); restAdapter = new RestAdapter.Builder().setLogLevel(RestAdapter.LogLevel.BASIC) .setEndpoint(HATCHET_BASE_URL + HATCHET_API_VERSION) .setConverter(new GsonConverter(GsonHelper.get())).setRequestInterceptor(requestInterceptor) .setClient(new OkClient(mOkHttpClient)).setExecutors(httpExecutor, new MainThreadExecutor()) .build(); mHatchetBackground = restAdapter.create(Hatchet.class); mCache.addCache(Image.class); mCache.addCache(Artist.class); mCache.addCache(Album.class); mCache.addCache(Query.class); mCache.addCache(ChartItem.class); mCache.addCache(Chart.class); mCache.addCache(PlaybackLogEntry.class); mCache.addCache(PlaylistEntry.class); mCache.addCache(User.class); mCache.addCache(Playlist.class); mCache.addCache(SocialAction.class); mCache.addCache(Search.class); mCache.addCache(SearchResult.class); mCache.addCache(Relationship.class); } public Hatchet getImplementation(boolean isBackgroundRequest) { return isBackgroundRequest ? mHatchetBackground : mHatchet; } public <T> T findRecord(String id, Class<T> resultType, boolean isBackgroundRequest) throws IOException { T record = mCache.get(resultType, id); if (record == null) { Hatchet hatchet = getImplementation(isBackgroundRequest); List<String> ids = new ArrayList<>(); ids.add(String.valueOf(id)); if (resultType == Image.class) { storeRecords(hatchet.getImages(ids), resultType, isBackgroundRequest); } else if (resultType == Artist.class) { storeRecords(hatchet.getArtists(ids, null), resultType, isBackgroundRequest); } else if (resultType == Album.class) { storeRecords(hatchet.getAlbums(ids, null, null), resultType, isBackgroundRequest); } else if (resultType == PlaylistEntry.class) { storeRecords(hatchet.getTracks(ids, null, null), resultType, isBackgroundRequest); } else if (resultType == User.class) { storeRecords(hatchet.getUsers(ids, null, null, null), resultType, isBackgroundRequest); } else if (resultType == Playlist.class) { storeRecords(hatchet.getPlaylists(ids), resultType, isBackgroundRequest); } record = mCache.get(resultType, id); if (record == null) { throw new IOException("Couldn't fetch entity from server."); } mCache.put(resultType, id, record); } return record; } public <T> List<T> storeRecords(JsonObject object, Class<T> resultType, boolean isBackgroundRequest) throws IOException { return storeRecords(object, resultType, -1, isBackgroundRequest); } public <T> List<T> storeRecords(JsonObject object, Class<T> resultType, int requestType, boolean isBackgroundRequest) throws IOException { return storeRecords(object, resultType, requestType, isBackgroundRequest, null); } public <T> List<T> storeRecords(JsonObject object, Class<T> resultType, int requestType, boolean isBackgroundRequest, QueryParams params) throws IOException { List<T> results = new ArrayList<>(); JsonElement elements = object.get("images"); if (elements instanceof JsonArray) { for (JsonElement element : (JsonArray) elements) { if (element instanceof JsonObject) { JsonObject o = (JsonObject) element; String id = getAsString(o, "id"); Image image = mCache.get(Image.class, id); if (image == null) { String url = getAsString(o, "url"); int width = getAsInt(o, "width"); int height = getAsInt(o, "height"); image = Image.get(url, true, width, height); mCache.put(Image.class, id, image); } if (resultType == Image.class) { results.add((T) image); } } } } elements = object.get("artists"); if (elements instanceof JsonArray) { for (JsonElement element : (JsonArray) elements) { if (element instanceof JsonObject) { JsonObject o = (JsonObject) element; String id = getAsString(o, "id"); Artist artist = mCache.get(Artist.class, id); if (artist == null) { String name = getAsString(o, "name"); String wiki = getAsString(o, "wikiabstract"); artist = Artist.get(name); artist.setBio(new ListItemString(wiki)); JsonElement images = get(o, "images"); if (images instanceof JsonArray && ((JsonArray) images).size() > 0) { String imageId = ((JsonArray) images).get(0).getAsString(); Image image = findRecord(imageId, Image.class, isBackgroundRequest); artist.setImage(image); } mCache.put(Artist.class, id, artist); } if (requestType == InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_ARTISTS_TOPHITSANDALBUMS) { JsonElement rawAlbums = get(o, "albums"); if (rawAlbums instanceof JsonObject && resultType == Album.class) { results.addAll(storeRecords((JsonObject) rawAlbums, resultType, isBackgroundRequest)); } JsonElement rawTopHits = get(o, "topHits"); if (rawTopHits instanceof JsonObject && resultType == Query.class) { List<Chart> chartItems = storeRecords((JsonObject) rawTopHits, Chart.class, isBackgroundRequest); List<Query> topHits = new ArrayList<>(); if (chartItems != null && chartItems.size() > 0) { for (ChartItem item : chartItems.get(0).getChartItems()) { topHits.add(item.getQuery()); } } results.addAll((List<T>) topHits); } } if (resultType == Artist.class) { results.add((T) artist); } } } } elements = object.get("albums"); if (elements instanceof JsonArray) { for (JsonElement element : (JsonArray) elements) { if (element instanceof JsonObject) { JsonObject o = (JsonObject) element; String id = getAsString(o, "id"); Album album = mCache.get(Album.class, id); if (album == null) { String name = getAsString(o, "name"); String artistId = getAsString(o, "artist"); Artist artist = findRecord(artistId, Artist.class, isBackgroundRequest); album = Album.get(name, artist); JsonElement images = get(o, "images"); if (images instanceof JsonArray && ((JsonArray) images).size() > 0) { String imageId = ((JsonArray) images).get(0).getAsString(); Image image = findRecord(imageId, Image.class, isBackgroundRequest); album.setImage(image); } String releaseType = getAsString(o, "releaseType"); album.setReleaseType(releaseType); mCache.put(Album.class, id, album); } if (requestType == InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_ALBUMS_TRACKS) { JsonElement rawTracks = get(o, "tracks"); if (rawTracks instanceof JsonObject && resultType == Query.class) { results.addAll(storeRecords((JsonObject) rawTracks, resultType, isBackgroundRequest)); } } if (resultType == Album.class) { results.add((T) album); } } } } elements = object.get("tracks"); if (elements instanceof JsonArray) { for (JsonElement element : (JsonArray) elements) { if (element instanceof JsonObject) { JsonObject o = (JsonObject) element; String id = getAsString(o, "id"); Query query = mCache.get(Query.class, id); if (query == null) { String name = getAsString(o, "name"); String artistId = getAsString(o, "artist"); Artist artist = findRecord(artistId, Artist.class, isBackgroundRequest); query = Query.get(name, null, artist.getName(), false, true); mCache.put(Query.class, id, query); } if (resultType == Query.class) { results.add((T) query); } } } } elements = object.get("users"); if (elements instanceof JsonArray) { for (JsonElement element : (JsonArray) elements) { if (element instanceof JsonObject) { JsonObject o = (JsonObject) element; String id = getAsString(o, "id"); User user = User.get(id); String name = getAsString(o, "name"); user.setName(name); String about = getAsString(o, "about"); user.setAbout(about); int followersCount = getAsInt(o, "followersCount"); user.setFollowersCount(followersCount); int followCount = getAsInt(o, "followCount"); user.setFollowCount(followCount); String nowplayingId = getAsString(o, "nowplaying"); if (nowplayingId != null) { Query nowplaying = findRecord(nowplayingId, Query.class, isBackgroundRequest); user.setNowPlaying(nowplaying); } String nowplayingtimestamp = getAsString(o, "nowplayingtimestamp"); user.setNowPlayingTimeStamp(ISO8601Utils.parse(nowplayingtimestamp)); String avatar = getAsString(o, "avatar"); if (avatar != null) { Image image = findRecord(avatar, Image.class, isBackgroundRequest); user.setImage(image); } if (requestType == InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_USERS_PLAYLISTS) { JsonElement rawPlaylists = get(o, "playlists"); if (rawPlaylists instanceof JsonObject) { List<Playlist> playlists = storeRecords((JsonObject) rawPlaylists, Playlist.class, isBackgroundRequest); Collections.sort(playlists, new PlaylistComparator()); user.setPlaylists(playlists); } } else if (requestType == InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_USERS_LOVEDITEMS) { JsonElement rawLovedItems = get(o, "lovedItems"); if (rawLovedItems instanceof JsonObject) { List<Playlist> playlists = storeRecords((JsonObject) rawLovedItems, Playlist.class, isBackgroundRequest); if (playlists != null && playlists.size() > 0) { user.setFavorites(playlists.get(0)); } } } else if (requestType == InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_USERS_LOVEDALBUMS) { JsonElement rawLovedAlbums = get(o, "lovedAlbums"); if (rawLovedAlbums instanceof JsonObject) { List<Relationship> relationships = storeRecords((JsonObject) rawLovedAlbums, Relationship.class, isBackgroundRequest); List<Album> albums = new ArrayList<>(); for (Relationship relationship : relationships) { albums.add(relationship.getAlbum()); } user.setStarredAlbums(albums); } } else if (requestType == InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_USERS_LOVEDARTISTS) { JsonElement rawLovedArtists = get(o, "lovedArtists"); if (rawLovedArtists instanceof JsonObject) { List<Relationship> relationships = storeRecords((JsonObject) rawLovedArtists, Relationship.class, isBackgroundRequest); List<Artist> artists = new ArrayList<>(); for (Relationship relationship : relationships) { artists.add(relationship.getArtist()); } user.setStarredArtists(artists); } } else if (requestType == InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_USERS_PLAYBACKLOG) { JsonElement rawPlaybackLog = get(o, "playbacklog"); if (rawPlaybackLog instanceof JsonObject) { List<Playlist> playlists = storeRecords((JsonObject) rawPlaybackLog, Playlist.class, isBackgroundRequest); if (playlists != null && playlists.size() > 0) { user.setPlaybackLog(playlists.get(0)); } } } else if (requestType == InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_USERS_FOLLOWS || requestType == InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_USERS_FOLLOWERS) { boolean isFollows = requestType == InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_USERS_FOLLOWS; JsonElement rawFollows = get(o, isFollows ? "follows" : "followers"); if (rawFollows instanceof JsonObject) { JsonObject follows = (JsonObject) rawFollows; storeRecords(follows, null, isBackgroundRequest); JsonElement relationships = get(follows, "relationships"); if (relationships instanceof JsonArray) { TreeMap<User, String> followsMap = new TreeMap<>(new AlphaComparator()); for (JsonElement relationship : (JsonArray) relationships) { JsonObject relationshipObj = (JsonObject) relationship; String relationshipId = getAsString(relationshipObj, "id"); String userId = getAsString(relationshipObj, isFollows ? "targetUser" : "user"); User followedUser = findRecord(userId, User.class, isBackgroundRequest); followsMap.put(followedUser, relationshipId); } if (isFollows) { user.setFollowings(followsMap); } else { user.setFollowers(followsMap); } } } } mCache.put(User.class, id, user); if (resultType == User.class) { results.add((T) user); } } } } elements = object.get("playlistEntries"); if (elements instanceof JsonArray) { for (JsonElement element : (JsonArray) elements) { if (element instanceof JsonObject) { JsonObject o = (JsonObject) element; String id = getAsString(o, "id"); PlaylistEntry entry = mCache.get(PlaylistEntry.class, id); if (entry == null) { String trackId = getAsString(o, "track"); Query query = findRecord(trackId, Query.class, isBackgroundRequest); String playlistId = getAsString(o, "playlist"); entry = PlaylistEntry.get(playlistId, query, id); mCache.put(PlaylistEntry.class, id, entry); } if (resultType == PlaylistEntry.class) { results.add((T) entry); } } } } elements = object.get("playlists"); if (elements instanceof JsonArray) { for (JsonElement element : (JsonArray) elements) { if (element instanceof JsonObject) { JsonObject o = (JsonObject) element; String id = getAsString(o, "id"); String title = getAsString(o, "title"); String currentrevision = getAsString(o, "currentrevision"); Playlist playlist = null; if (requestType == InfoRequestData.INFOREQUESTDATA_TYPE_PLAYLISTS_PLAYLISTENTRIES) { JsonElement rawEntries = get(o, "playlistEntries"); if (rawEntries instanceof JsonObject) { List<PlaylistEntry> entries = storeRecords((JsonObject) rawEntries, PlaylistEntry.class, isBackgroundRequest); if (entries != null) { playlist = Playlist.fromEntryList(id, null, null, entries); playlist.setFilled(true); } } } else { JsonElement entryIds = o.get("playlistEntries"); if (entryIds instanceof JsonArray) { List<PlaylistEntry> entries = new ArrayList<>(); for (JsonElement entryId : (JsonArray) entryIds) { PlaylistEntry entry = findRecord(entryId.getAsString(), PlaylistEntry.class, isBackgroundRequest); entries.add(entry); } playlist = Playlist.fromEntryList(id, null, null, entries); playlist.setFilled(true); } } if (playlist == null) { playlist = Playlist.get(id); } playlist.setName(title); playlist.setCurrentRevision(currentrevision); playlist.setHatchetId(id); int entryCount = getAsInt(o, "entryCount"); playlist.setCount(entryCount); String userId = getAsString(o, "user"); playlist.setUserId(userId); JsonElement popularArtists = get(o, "popularArtists"); if (popularArtists instanceof JsonArray) { ArrayList<String> topArtistNames = new ArrayList<>(); for (JsonElement popularArtist : (JsonArray) popularArtists) { String artistId = popularArtist.getAsString(); Artist artist = findRecord(artistId, Artist.class, isBackgroundRequest); if (artist != null) { topArtistNames.add(artist.getName()); } } playlist.setTopArtistNames(topArtistNames.toArray(new String[topArtistNames.size()])); } mCache.put(Playlist.class, id, playlist); if (resultType == Playlist.class) { results.add((T) playlist); } } } } elements = object.get("playbacklogEntries"); if (elements instanceof JsonArray) { for (JsonElement element : (JsonArray) elements) { if (element instanceof JsonObject) { JsonObject o = (JsonObject) element; String id = getAsString(o, "id"); PlaybackLogEntry logEntry = mCache.get(PlaybackLogEntry.class, id); if (logEntry == null) { String trackId = getAsString(o, "track"); Query query = findRecord(trackId, Query.class, isBackgroundRequest); String timestamp = getAsString(o, "timestamp"); Date date = ISO8601Utils.parse(timestamp); logEntry = new PlaybackLogEntry(query, date); mCache.put(PlaybackLogEntry.class, id, logEntry); } if (resultType == PlaybackLogEntry.class) { results.add((T) logEntry); } } } } elements = object.get("playbacklogs"); if (elements instanceof JsonArray) { for (JsonElement element : (JsonArray) elements) { if (element instanceof JsonObject) { JsonObject o = (JsonObject) element; String id = getAsString(o, "id"); JsonArray playbacklogEntries = get(o, "playbacklogEntries").getAsJsonArray(); ArrayList<PlaylistEntry> entries = new ArrayList<>(); for (JsonElement entry : playbacklogEntries) { String entryId = entry.getAsString(); PlaybackLogEntry logEntry = findRecord(entryId, PlaybackLogEntry.class, isBackgroundRequest); PlaylistEntry e = PlaylistEntry.get(id, logEntry.getQuery(), entryId); entries.add(e); } Playlist playlist = Playlist.fromEntryList(id, "Playbacklog", null, entries); playlist.setHatchetId(id); playlist.setFilled(true); mCache.put(Playlist.class, id, playlist); if (resultType == Playlist.class) { results.add((T) playlist); } } } } elements = object.get("socialActions"); if (elements instanceof JsonArray) { for (JsonElement element : (JsonArray) elements) { if (element instanceof JsonObject) { JsonObject o = (JsonObject) element; String id = getAsString(o, "id"); SocialAction socialAction = mCache.get(SocialAction.class, id); if (socialAction == null) { socialAction = SocialAction.get(id); String action = getAsString(o, "action"); socialAction.setAction(action); String date = getAsString(o, "date"); socialAction.setDate(ISO8601Utils.parse(date)); String actionType = getAsString(o, "type"); socialAction.setType(actionType); String trackId = getAsString(o, "track"); if (trackId != null) { Query query = findRecord(trackId, Query.class, isBackgroundRequest); socialAction.setQuery(query); } String artistId = getAsString(o, "artist"); if (artistId != null) { Artist artist = findRecord(artistId, Artist.class, isBackgroundRequest); socialAction.setArtist(artist); } String albumId = getAsString(o, "album"); if (albumId != null) { Album album = findRecord(albumId, Album.class, isBackgroundRequest); socialAction.setAlbum(album); } String userId = getAsString(o, "user"); if (userId != null) { User user = findRecord(userId, User.class, isBackgroundRequest); socialAction.setUser(user); } String targetId = getAsString(o, "target"); if (targetId != null) { User target = findRecord(targetId, User.class, isBackgroundRequest); socialAction.setTarget(target); } String playlistId = getAsString(o, "playlist"); if (playlistId != null) { Playlist playlist = findRecord(playlistId, Playlist.class, isBackgroundRequest); socialAction.setPlaylist(playlist); } mCache.put(SocialAction.class, id, socialAction); } if (resultType == SocialAction.class) { results.add((T) socialAction); } } } if (params != null) { User user = findRecord(params.userid, User.class, false); if (user != null && resultType == SocialAction.class) { if (HatchetInfoPlugin.HATCHET_SOCIALACTION_PARAMTYPE_FRIENDSFEED.equals(params.type)) { user.setFriendsFeed((List<SocialAction>) results, params.before_date); } else { user.setSocialActions((List<SocialAction>) results, params.before_date); } } } } elements = object.get("searchResults"); if (elements instanceof JsonArray) { for (JsonElement element : (JsonArray) elements) { if (element instanceof JsonObject) { JsonObject o = (JsonObject) element; String id = getAsString(o, "id"); SearchResult searchResult = mCache.get(SearchResult.class, id); if (searchResult == null) { float score = getAsFloat(o, "score"); String trackId = getAsString(o, "track"); if (trackId != null) { Query query = findRecord(trackId, Query.class, isBackgroundRequest); searchResult = new SearchResult(score, query); } String artistId = getAsString(o, "artist"); if (artistId != null) { Artist artist = findRecord(artistId, Artist.class, isBackgroundRequest); searchResult = new SearchResult(score, artist); } String albumId = getAsString(o, "album"); if (albumId != null) { Album album = findRecord(albumId, Album.class, isBackgroundRequest); searchResult = new SearchResult(score, album); } String userId = getAsString(o, "user"); if (userId != null) { User user = findRecord(userId, User.class, isBackgroundRequest); searchResult = new SearchResult(score, user); } String playlistId = getAsString(o, "playlist"); if (playlistId != null) { Playlist playlist = findRecord(playlistId, Playlist.class, isBackgroundRequest); searchResult = new SearchResult(score, playlist); } if (searchResult == null) { throw new IOException("searchResult contained no actual result object!"); } mCache.put(SearchResult.class, id, searchResult); } if (resultType == SearchResult.class) { results.add((T) searchResult); } } } } elements = object.get("searches"); if (elements instanceof JsonArray) { for (JsonElement element : (JsonArray) elements) { if (element instanceof JsonObject) { JsonObject o = (JsonObject) element; String id = getAsString(o, "id"); JsonArray rawSearchResults = get(o, "searchResults").getAsJsonArray(); ArrayList<SearchResult> searchResults = new ArrayList<>(); for (JsonElement rawSearchResult : rawSearchResults) { String resultId = rawSearchResult.getAsString(); SearchResult searchResult = findRecord(resultId, SearchResult.class, isBackgroundRequest); searchResults.add(searchResult); } Search search = new Search(searchResults); mCache.put(Search.class, id, search); if (resultType == Search.class) { results.add((T) search); } } } } elements = object.get("relationships"); if (elements instanceof JsonArray) { for (JsonElement element : (JsonArray) elements) { if (element instanceof JsonObject) { JsonObject o = (JsonObject) element; String id = getAsString(o, "id"); String type = getAsString(o, "type"); if (type.equals(HatchetInfoPlugin.HATCHET_RELATIONSHIPS_TYPE_LOVE)) { String userId = getAsString(o, "user"); User user = findRecord(userId, User.class, isBackgroundRequest); String dateString = getAsString(o, "date"); Date date = null; if (dateString != null) { date = ISO8601Utils.parse(dateString); } Relationship relationship = Relationship.get(id, type, user, date); String targetId; if ((targetId = getAsString(o, "targetTrack")) != null) { Query query = findRecord(targetId, Query.class, isBackgroundRequest); relationship.setQuery(query); user.putRelationship(query, relationship); } else if ((targetId = getAsString(o, "targetAlbum")) != null) { Album album = findRecord(targetId, Album.class, isBackgroundRequest); relationship.setAlbum(album); user.putRelationship(album, relationship); } else if ((targetId = getAsString(o, "targetArtist")) != null) { Artist artist = findRecord(targetId, Artist.class, isBackgroundRequest); relationship.setArtist(artist); user.putRelationship(artist, relationship); } mCache.put(Relationship.class, id, relationship); if (resultType == Relationship.class) { results.add((T) relationship); } } } } } elements = object.get("chartItems"); if (elements instanceof JsonArray) { for (JsonElement element : (JsonArray) elements) { if (element instanceof JsonObject) { JsonObject o = (JsonObject) element; String id = getAsString(o, "id"); ChartItem item = mCache.get(ChartItem.class, id); if (item == null) { String trackid = getAsString(o, "track"); Query query = findRecord(trackid, Query.class, isBackgroundRequest); int plays = getAsInt(o, "plays"); int listeners = getAsInt(o, "listeners"); item = new ChartItem(query, plays, listeners); mCache.put(ChartItem.class, id, item); } if (resultType == ChartItem.class) { results.add((T) item); } } } } elements = object.get("chart"); if (elements instanceof JsonArray) { for (JsonElement element : (JsonArray) elements) { if (element instanceof JsonObject) { JsonObject o = (JsonObject) element; String id = getAsString(o, "id"); Chart chart = mCache.get(Chart.class, id); if (chart == null) { List<ChartItem> items = new ArrayList<>(); JsonElement chartItems = get(o, "chartItems"); if (chartItems instanceof JsonArray) { for (JsonElement chartItemid : (JsonArray) chartItems) { String itemId = chartItemid.getAsString(); ChartItem chartItem = findRecord(itemId, ChartItem.class, isBackgroundRequest); items.add(chartItem); } } chart = new Chart(items); mCache.put(Chart.class, id, chart); } if (resultType == Chart.class) { results.add((T) chart); } } } } return results; } public int getAsInt(JsonObject object, String memberName) throws IOException { JsonElement element = get(object, memberName); if (element != null && element.isJsonPrimitive()) { return element.getAsInt(); } return -1; } public float getAsFloat(JsonObject object, String memberName) throws IOException { JsonElement element = get(object, memberName); if (element != null && element.isJsonPrimitive()) { return element.getAsFloat(); } return -1; } public String getAsString(JsonObject object, String memberName) throws IOException { JsonElement element = get(object, memberName); if (element != null && element.isJsonPrimitive()) { return element.getAsString(); } return null; } public JsonElement get(JsonObject object, String memberName) throws IOException { JsonElement element = object.get(memberName); if (element == null) { JsonObject links = object.getAsJsonObject("links"); if (links != null && links.has(memberName)) { Request request = new Request.Builder().url(HATCHET_BASE_URL + links.get(memberName).getAsString()) .build(); Log.d(TAG, "following link: " + request.urlString()); Response response = mOkHttpClient.newCall(request).execute(); if (!response.isSuccessful()) { throw new IOException("API request with URL '" + request.urlString() + "' not successful. Code was " + response.code()); } try { element = GsonHelper.get().fromJson(response.body().charStream(), JsonElement.class); } catch (JsonIOException | JsonSyntaxException e) { throw new IOException(e); } finally { response.body().close(); } } } return element; } }