Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2003 - 2012 Research Triangle Institute * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * */ package org.rti.zcore.dar.remote; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.HashMap; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.rti.zcore.ClientSettings; import org.rti.zcore.Constants; import org.rti.zcore.DropdownItem; import org.rti.zcore.Drugs; import org.rti.zcore.DynaSiteObjects; import org.rti.zcore.EncounterData; import org.rti.zcore.FieldEnumeration; import org.rti.zcore.Form; import org.rti.zcore.FormField; import org.rti.zcore.PageItem; import org.rti.zcore.Site; import org.rti.zcore.dao.EncountersDAO; import org.rti.zcore.dar.dao.InventoryDAO; import org.rti.zcore.dar.gen.StockControl; import; import org.rti.zcore.exception.ObjectNotFoundException; import org.rti.zcore.exception.PersistenceException; import org.rti.zcore.impl.SessionSubject; import org.rti.zcore.utils.DatabaseUtils; import org.rti.zcore.utils.SessionUtil; import org.rti.zcore.utils.StringManipulation; import org.rti.zcore.utils.WidgetUtils; import; import; public class StockEncounter { /** * Commons Logging instance. */ public static Log log = LogFactory.getFactory().getInstance(StockEncounter.class); /** * This is only for editing patient dispensary items * @param inputType * @param value * @param pageItemId * @param formId * @param encounterId * @param widgetType - "Form" or "Chart" * @param bridgeId - if the record is a patient bridge table * @return updated value */ public static String update(String inputType, String value, Long pageItemId, Long formId, Long encounterId, String widgetType, Long displayField, Long bridgeId, String currentFieldNameIdentifier) { String result = ""; WebContext exec = WebContextFactory.get(); String username = null; try { username = exec.getHttpServletRequest().getUserPrincipal().getName(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // unit testing - it's ok... username = "demo"; } Connection conn = null; HttpSession session = null; try { conn = DatabaseUtils.getZEPRSConnection(username); SessionUtil zeprsSession = null; try { session = exec.getSession(); zeprsSession = (SessionUtil) session.getAttribute("zeprs_session"); } catch (Exception e) { // unit testing - it's ok... } Long patientId = null; Long eventId = null; Long siteId = null; String documentId = null; if (displayField == null) { displayField = encounterId; } PageItem pageItem = (PageItem) DynaSiteObjects.getPageItems().get(pageItemId); FormField formField = pageItem.getForm_field(); Long formFieldId = formField.getId(); if (widgetType.equals("Form")) { documentId = String.valueOf(formFieldId); } else if (widgetType.equals("Chart")) { documentId = String.valueOf(encounterId) + "." + String.valueOf(formFieldId); } if (pageItemId == 3861) { documentId = String.valueOf(encounterId) + "." + String.valueOf(displayField); } Form encounterForm = (Form) DynaSiteObjects.getForms().get(formId); if (encounterForm.getFormTypeId() == 6) { // patient bridge table form documentId = currentFieldNameIdentifier + String.valueOf(formFieldId); } SessionSubject sessionPatient = null; // sessionPatient used for rule processing in EncountersDAO.update if (zeprsSession != null) { try { sessionPatient = (SessionSubject) zeprsSession.getSessionPatient(); patientId = zeprsSession.getSessionPatient().getId(); eventId = zeprsSession.getSessionPatient().getCurrentEventId(); ClientSettings clientSettings = zeprsSession.getClientSettings(); siteId = clientSettings.getSiteId(); } catch (SessionUtil.AttributeNotFoundException e) { log.error("inputType: " + inputType + " value: " + value + " pageItemId: " + pageItemId + " formId: " + formId + " encounterId: " + encounterId); return documentId + "=" + "Error: your session may have expired. Please refresh this page or login again."; } catch (NullPointerException e) { // it's ok - testing patientId = new Long("44"); eventId = new Long("38"); siteId = new Long("1"); } } else { log.error("inputType: " + inputType + " value: " + value + " pageItemId: " + pageItemId + " formId: " + formId + " encounterId: " + encounterId); return documentId + "=" + "Error: your session may have expired. Please refresh this page or login again."; } Form form = (Form) DynaSiteObjects.getForms().get(formId); EncounterData encounter = null; String className = Constants.getDynasiteFormsPackage() + "." + StringManipulation.fixClassname(form.getName()); Class clazz = null; try { clazz = Class.forName(className); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { log.error(e); } try { encounter = (EncounterData) clazz.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { log.error(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { log.error(e); } try { encounter = (EncounterData) EncountersDAO.getOne(conn, encounterId, "SQL_RETRIEVEID" + formId, clazz); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e); } catch (ServletException e) { log.error(e); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { log.error(e); } // extra validation for stock. Long itemId = null; String dataType = formField.getType(); Integer intValue = null; if (dataType.equals("Integer")) { try { intValue = Integer.valueOf(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { try { throw new PersistenceException( "This input field requires an integer value (e.g.: 55). You entered : " + value, e, false); } catch (PersistenceException e1) { result = documentId + "=" + "Error:" + e.getMessage(); } } } if (formField.getIdentifier().equals("dispensed")) { String itemIdStr = null; String dispensedStr = null; Long originallyDispensed = null; try { itemIdStr = BeanUtils.getProperty(encounter, "item_id"); dispensedStr = BeanUtils.getProperty(encounter, "dispensed"); } catch (IllegalAccessException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } if (itemIdStr != null) { itemId = Long.valueOf(itemIdStr); originallyDispensed = Long.valueOf(dispensedStr); if (DynaSiteObjects.getStatusMap().get("balanceMap") != null) { HashMap<Long, StockReport> balanceMap = (HashMap<Long, StockReport>) DynaSiteObjects .getStatusMap().get("balanceMap"); StockReport stockReport = balanceMap.get(itemId); if (stockReport != null) { Integer balance = stockReport.getBalanceBF(); if (balance <= 0) { result = documentId + "=Error: This item is out of stock. Cannot proceed with this update. Current balance: " + balance; return result; } else if ((balance + originallyDispensed) - intValue < 0) { // add the originallyDispensed value back to the balanace, and then subtract the new dispensed value. result = documentId + "=Error: This update would create a negative stock balanace Please reduce the amount dispensed. Current balance: " + balance; return result; } } } } } else if (formField.getIdentifier().equals("item_id")) { result = documentId + "=Error: You may not change the stock item. Either delete this record or set the Quantity dispensed for this item to zero (0) and create a new record (Dispensing link -> \"Create New Dispensing record\" link)."; return result; } Timestamp lastModified = null; if (value != null) { try { EncountersDAO.update(conn, value, pageItemId, formId, encounterId, siteId, username, patientId, eventId, sessionPatient, lastModified, bridgeId, currentFieldNameIdentifier, null, session); if (formField.getIdentifier().equals("dispensed")) { if ((itemId != null) && (DynaSiteObjects.getStatusMap().get("balanceMap") != null)) { HashMap<Long, StockReport> balanceMap = (HashMap<Long, StockReport>) DynaSiteObjects .getStatusMap().get("balanceMap"); StockReport stockReport = balanceMap.get(itemId); if (stockReport != null) { if (intValue != null) { StockControl tempStockControl = InventoryDAO.getCurrentStockBalance(conn, itemId, null); Integer currentBalance = tempStockControl.getBalance(); //Integer currentBalance = balanceBF - intValue; stockReport.setBalanceBF(currentBalance); stockReport.setOnHand(currentBalance); balanceMap.put(itemId, stockReport); } } } } } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); } catch (ServletException e) { log.error(e); } catch (PersistenceException e) { result = documentId + "=" + "Error:" + e.getMessage(); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { log.error(e); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { log.error(e); } catch (IOException e) { result = documentId + "=" + "Error:" + e.getMessage(); log.error(e); } if (result.equals("")) { if (value.equals("")) { result = documentId + "=" + value; } else { if (inputType.equals("select") || inputType.equals("select-dwr") || inputType.equals("multiselect_item")) { FieldEnumeration fieldEnum = (FieldEnumeration) DynaSiteObjects.getFieldEnumerations() .get(Long.valueOf(value)); switch (formFieldId.intValue()) { default: result = documentId + "=" + fieldEnum.getEnumeration(); break; } } else if (inputType.equals("lab_results")) { FieldEnumeration fieldEnum = (FieldEnumeration) DynaSiteObjects.getFieldEnumerations() .get(Long.valueOf(value)); result = documentId + "=" + fieldEnum.getEnumeration(); } else if (inputType.equals("currentMedicine")) { // Drugs drug = DrugsDAO.getOne(Long.valueOf(value)); Drugs drug = null; try { drug = (Drugs) DynaSiteObjects.getDrugMap().get(Long.valueOf(value)); result = documentId + "=" + drug.getName(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (drug == null) { result = documentId + "=" + value; } } else if (inputType.equals("Yes/No")) { if (value.equals("1")) { value = "Yes"; } else if (value.equals("0")) { value = "No"; } result = documentId + "=" + value; } else if (inputType.equals("checkbox")) { if (value.equals("true")) { value = "Yes"; } else if (value.equals("1")) { value = "Yes"; } else if (value.equals("on")) { value = "Yes"; } else if (value.equals("false")) { value = ""; } else if (value.equals("0")) { value = ""; } else if (value.equals("off")) { value = ""; } result = documentId + "=" + value; } else if (inputType.equals("checkbox_dwr")) { if (value.equals("true")) { value = "Yes"; } else if (value.equals("on")) { value = "Yes"; } else if (value.equals("false")) { value = ""; } else if (value.equals("off")) { value = ""; } result = documentId + "=" + value; } else if (inputType.equals("sex")) { if (value.equals("1")) { value = "Female"; } else if (value.equals("2")) { value = "Male"; } result = documentId + "=" + value; } else if (inputType.equals("ega")) { int valueInt = new Integer(value); int days = valueInt % 7; int weeks = valueInt / 7; value = weeks + ", " + days + "/7"; result = documentId + "=" + value; } else if (pageItem.getInputType().equals("sites") || pageItem.getInputType().equals("sites_not_selected")) { Long thisSite = new Long(value); Site site = (Site) DynaSiteObjects.getClinicMap().get(thisSite); value = site.getName(); result = documentId + "=" + value; } else if (inputType.equals("text") & displayField.intValue() != formFieldId.intValue()) { // used in Lab form chart to share two fields in one cell. /*if (displayField != 0) { documentId = String.valueOf(encounterId) + "." + String.valueOf(displayField); }*/ result = documentId + "=" + value; //} else if (inputType.equals("dropdown") & currentFieldNameIdentifier != null) { } else if (inputType.equals("dropdown") || inputType.equals("dropdown-add-one") || inputType.equals("dropdown_site")) { //Integer id = Integer.valueOf(value); String uuidValue = null; Integer id = null; if (pageItem.getFkIdentifier() != null && pageItem.getFkIdentifier().equals("uuid")) { uuidValue = value; } else { id = Integer.valueOf(value); } DropdownItem item = null; try { item = WidgetUtils.getDropdownItem(conn, pageItem.getDropdownTable(), pageItem.getDropdownColumn(), id, null, pageItem.getFkIdentifier(), uuidValue); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { log.debug("value for Dropdown item not found:" + e); } catch (SQLException e) { log.debug("value for Dropdown item not found:" + e); } if (item != null) { value = item.getDropdownValue(); result = documentId + "=" + value; } else { value = "Unable to fetch updated value."; result = documentId + "=" + value; } } else { result = documentId + "=" + value; } } } } else { result = documentId + "=" + "Error: No value entered."; } } catch (ServletException e) { log.error(e); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (conn != null && !conn.isClosed()) { conn.close(); conn = null; } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return result; } }