Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright (C) 2009-12 by RStudio, Inc. * * Unless you have received this program directly from RStudio pursuant * to the terms of a commercial license agreement with RStudio, then * this program is licensed to you under the terms of version 3 of the * GNU Affero General Public License. This program is distributed WITHOUT * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING THOSE OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, * MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Please refer to the * AGPL ( for more details. * */ package; import org.rstudio.core.client.CommandWithArg; import org.rstudio.core.client.Counter; import org.rstudio.core.client.HandlerRegistrations; import org.rstudio.core.client.StringUtil; import org.rstudio.core.client.dom.DomUtils; import org.rstudio.core.client.theme.res.ThemeStyles; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class DocumentOutlineWidget extends Composite implements EditorThemeStyleChangedEvent.Handler { public class VerticalSeparator extends Composite { public VerticalSeparator() { panel_ = new FlowPanel(); panel_.addStyleName(RES.styles().leftSeparator()); initWidget(panel_); } private final FlowPanel panel_; } private class DocumentOutlineTreeEntry extends Composite { public DocumentOutlineTreeEntry(Scope node, int depth) { node_ = node; FlowPanel panel = new FlowPanel(); setIndent(depth); setLabel(node); panel.add(indent_); panel.add(label_); panel.addDomHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { target_.setCursorPosition(node_.getPreamble()); target_.getDocDisplay().alignCursor(node_.getPreamble(), 0.1); // Defer focus so it occurs after click has been fully handled Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { target_.focus(); } }); } }, ClickEvent.getType()); initWidget(panel); } private void setLabel(Scope node) { String text = ""; if (node.isChunk()) { text = node.getChunkLabel(); if (StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(text)) text = "(" + node.getLabel().toLowerCase() + ")"; } else if (node.isFunction()) { ScopeFunction asFunctionNode = (ScopeFunction) node; text = asFunctionNode.getFunctionName(); } else if (node.isYaml()) { text = "Title"; } else { text = node.getLabel(); } if (label_ == null) label_ = new Label(text); else label_.setText(text); label_.addStyleName(RES.styles().nodeLabel()); label_.addStyleName(ThemeStyles.INSTANCE.handCursor()); label_.removeStyleName(RES.styles().nodeLabelChunk()); label_.removeStyleName(RES.styles().nodeLabelSection()); label_.removeStyleName(RES.styles().nodeLabelFunction()); if (node.isChunk()) label_.addStyleName(RES.styles().nodeLabelChunk()); else if (node.isSection() && !node.isMarkdownHeader() && !node.isYaml()) label_.addStyleName(RES.styles().nodeLabelSection()); else if (node.isFunction()) label_.addStyleName(RES.styles().nodeLabelFunction()); } private void setIndent(int depth) { depth = Math.max(0, depth); String text = StringUtil.repeat(" ", depth * 2); if (indent_ == null) indent_ = new HTML(text); else indent_.setHTML(text); indent_.addStyleName(RES.styles().nodeLabel()); indent_.getElement().getStyle().setFloat(Style.Float.LEFT); } public void update(Scope node, int depth) { node_ = node; setLabel(node); setIndent(depth); } public Scope getScopeNode() { return node_; } private Scope node_; private HTML indent_; private Label label_; } private class DocumentOutlineTreeItem extends TreeItem { public DocumentOutlineTreeItem(DocumentOutlineTreeEntry entry) { super(entry); entry_ = entry; } public DocumentOutlineTreeEntry getEntry() { return entry_; } private final DocumentOutlineTreeEntry entry_; } @Inject private void initialize(UIPrefs uiPrefs) { uiPrefs_ = uiPrefs; } public DocumentOutlineWidget(TextEditingTarget target) { RStudioGinjector.INSTANCE.injectMembers(this); emptyPlaceholder_ = new FlowPanel(); emptyPlaceholder_.add(new Label("No outline available")); emptyPlaceholder_.addStyleName(RES.styles().emptyPlaceholder()); container_ = new DockLayoutPanel(Unit.PX); container_.addStyleName(RES.styles().container()); target_ = target; separator_ = new VerticalSeparator(); container_.addWest(separator_, 4); // This is a somewhat hacky way of allowing the separator to 'fit' // to a size of 4px, but overflow an extra 4px (to provide extra // space for a mouse cursor to drag or resize) Element parent = separator_.getElement().getParentElement(); parent.getStyle().setPaddingRight(4, Unit.PX); tree_ = new Tree(); tree_.addStyleName(RES.styles().tree()); panel_ = new FlowPanel(); panel_.addStyleName(RES.styles().panel()); panel_.add(tree_); container_.add(panel_); handlers_ = new HandlerRegistrations(); initHandlers(); initWidget(container_); } public Widget getLeftSeparator() { return separator_; } @Override public void onEditorThemeStyleChanged(EditorThemeStyleChangedEvent event) { updateStyles(container_, event.getStyle()); updateStyles(emptyPlaceholder_, event.getStyle()); } private void initHandlers() { handlers_.add(target_.getDocDisplay().addScopeTreeReadyHandler(new ScopeTreeReadyEvent.Handler() { @Override public void onScopeTreeReady(ScopeTreeReadyEvent event) { rebuildScopeTree(event.getScopeTree(), event.getCurrentScope()); resetTreeStyles(); } })); handlers_.add(target_.getDocDisplay().addCursorChangedHandler(new CursorChangedHandler() { @Override public void onCursorChanged(CursorChangedEvent event) { if (target_.getDocDisplay().isScopeTreeReady(event.getPosition().getRow())) { currentScope_ = target_.getDocDisplay().getCurrentScope(); currentVisibleScope_ = getCurrentVisibleScope(currentScope_); resetTreeStyles(); } } })); handlers_.add(target_.addEditorThemeStyleChangedHandler(this)); handlers_.add(uiPrefs_.shownSectionsInDocumentOutline().bind(new CommandWithArg<String>() { @Override public void execute(String prefValue) { rebuildScopeTreeOnPrefChange(); } })); } private void updateStyles(Widget widget, Style computed) { Style outlineStyles = widget.getElement().getStyle(); outlineStyles.setBackgroundColor(computed.getBackgroundColor()); outlineStyles.setColor(computed.getColor()); } private void addOrSetItem(Scope node, int depth, int index) { int treeSize = tree_.getItemCount(); if (index < treeSize) { DocumentOutlineTreeItem item = (DocumentOutlineTreeItem) tree_.getItem(index); item.getEntry().update(node, depth); } else { tree_.addItem(createEntry(node, depth)); } } private void setActiveWidget(Widget widget) { panel_.clear(); panel_.add(widget); } private void rebuildScopeTreeOnPrefChange() { if (scopeTree_ == null || currentScope_ == null) return; rebuildScopeTree(scopeTree_, currentScope_); } private void rebuildScopeTree(JsArray<Scope> scopeTree, Scope currentScope) { scopeTree_ = scopeTree; currentScope_ = currentScope; currentVisibleScope_ = getCurrentVisibleScope(currentScope_); if (scopeTree_.length() == 0) { setActiveWidget(emptyPlaceholder_); return; } setActiveWidget(tree_); int h1Count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < scopeTree_.length(); i++) { Scope node = scopeTree_.get(i); if (node.isMarkdownHeader()) { if (node.getDepth() == 1) h1Count++; } } int initialDepth = h1Count == 1 ? -1 : 0; Counter counter = new Counter(-1); for (int i = 0; i < scopeTree_.length(); i++) buildScopeTreeImpl(scopeTree_.get(i), initialDepth, counter); // Clean up leftovers in the tree. int oldTreeSize = tree_.getItemCount(); int newTreeSize = counter.increment(); for (int i = oldTreeSize - 1; i >= newTreeSize; i--) { TreeItem item = tree_.getItem(i); if (item != null) item.remove(); } } private void buildScopeTreeImpl(Scope node, int depth, Counter counter) { if (shouldDisplayNode(node)) addOrSetItem(node, depth, counter.increment()); JsArray<Scope> children = node.getChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length(); i++) { int newDepth = depth + 1; // Don't add extra indentation for items within namespaces if (node.isNamespace()) newDepth--; buildScopeTreeImpl(children.get(i), newDepth, counter); } } private boolean isUnnamedNode(Scope node) { if (node.isChunk()) return StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(node.getChunkLabel()); return StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(node.getLabel()); } private boolean shouldDisplayNode(Scope node) { String shownSectionsPref = uiPrefs_.shownSectionsInDocumentOutline().getGlobalValue(); if (node.isChunk() && shownSectionsPref.equals(UIPrefsAccessor.DOC_OUTLINE_SHOW_SECTIONS_ONLY)) return false; if (isUnnamedNode(node) && !shownSectionsPref.equals(UIPrefsAccessor.DOC_OUTLINE_SHOW_ALL)) return false; // NOTE: the 'is*' items are not mutually exclusive if (node.isAnon() || node.isLambda() || node.isTopLevel()) return false; // Don't show namespaces in the scope tree if (node.isNamespace()) return false; // don't show R functions or R sections in .Rmd unless requested TextFileType fileType = target_.getDocDisplay().getFileType(); if (!shownSectionsPref.equals(UIPrefsAccessor.DOC_OUTLINE_SHOW_ALL) && fileType.isRmd()) { if (node.isFunction()) return false; if (node.isSection() && !node.isMarkdownHeader()) return false; } // filter out anonymous functions // TODO: Annotate scope tree in such a way that this isn't necessary if (node.getLabel() != null && node.getLabel().startsWith("<function>")) return false; return node.isChunk() || node.isClass() || node.isFunction() || node.isNamespace() || node.isSection(); } private void resetTreeStyles() { for (int i = 0; i < tree_.getItemCount(); i++) setTreeItemStyles((DocumentOutlineTreeItem) tree_.getItem(i)); } private DocumentOutlineTreeItem createEntry(Scope node, int depth) { DocumentOutlineTreeEntry entry = new DocumentOutlineTreeEntry(node, depth); DocumentOutlineTreeItem item = new DocumentOutlineTreeItem(entry); setTreeItemStyles(item); return item; } private void setTreeItemStyles(DocumentOutlineTreeItem item) { Scope node = item.getEntry().getScopeNode(); item.addStyleName(RES.styles().node()); DomUtils.toggleClass(item.getElement(), RES.styles().activeNode(), isActiveNode(node)); } private Scope getCurrentVisibleScope(Scope node) { for (; node != null && !node.isTopLevel(); node = node.getParentScope()) if (shouldDisplayNode(node)) return node; return null; } private boolean isActiveNode(Scope node) { return node != null && node.equals(currentVisibleScope_); } private final DockLayoutPanel container_; private final FlowPanel panel_; private final VerticalSeparator separator_; private final Tree tree_; private final FlowPanel emptyPlaceholder_; private final TextEditingTarget target_; private final HandlerRegistrations handlers_; private JsArray<Scope> scopeTree_; private Scope currentScope_; private Scope currentVisibleScope_; private UIPrefs uiPrefs_; // Styles, Resources etc. ---- public interface Styles extends CssResource { String panel(); String container(); String leftSeparator(); String emptyPlaceholder(); String tree(); String node(); String activeNode(); String activeParentNode(); String nodeLabel(); String nodeLabelChunk(); String nodeLabelSection(); String nodeLabelFunction(); } public interface Resources extends ClientBundle { @Source("DocumentOutlineWidget.css") Styles styles(); } private static Resources RES = GWT.create(Resources.class); static { RES.styles().ensureInjected(); } }