Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright (C) 2009-12 by RStudio, Inc. * * Unless you have received this program directly from RStudio pursuant * to the terms of a commercial license agreement with RStudio, then * this program is licensed to you under the terms of version 3 of the * GNU Affero General Public License. This program is distributed WITHOUT * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING THOSE OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, * MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Please refer to the * AGPL ( for more details. * */ package; import org.rstudio.core.client.CommandWithArg; import org.rstudio.core.client.HandlerRegistrations; import org.rstudio.core.client.StringUtil; import org.rstudio.core.client.dom.WindowEx; import org.rstudio.core.client.resources.CoreResources; import org.rstudio.core.client.widget.FixedTextArea; import org.rstudio.core.client.widget.ModalDialogBase; import org.rstudio.core.client.widget.Operation; import org.rstudio.core.client.widget.OperationWithInput; import org.rstudio.core.client.widget.ProgressImage; import org.rstudio.core.client.widget.ThemedButton; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class RPubsUploadDialog extends ModalDialogBase { public RPubsUploadDialog(String contextId, String title, String htmlFile, boolean isPublished) { this(contextId, title, htmlFile, null, isPublished); } public RPubsUploadDialog(String contextId, String title, RPubsHtmlGenerator htmlGenerator, boolean isPublished) { this(contextId, title, null, htmlGenerator, isPublished); } private RPubsUploadDialog(String contextId, String title, String htmlFile, RPubsHtmlGenerator htmlGenerator, boolean isPublished) { RStudioGinjector.INSTANCE.injectMembers(this); setText("Publish to RPubs"); title_ = title; htmlFile_ = htmlFile; htmlGenerator_ = htmlGenerator; isPublished_ = isPublished; contextId_ = contextId; } @Inject void initialize(GlobalDisplay globalDisplay, EventBus eventBus, RPubsServerOperations server) { globalDisplay_ = globalDisplay; eventBus_ = eventBus; server_ = server; } @Override protected Widget createMainWidget() { Styles styles = RESOURCES.styles(); SimplePanel mainPanel = new SimplePanel(); mainPanel.addStyleName(styles.mainWidget()); VerticalPanel verticalPanel = new VerticalPanel(); HorizontalPanel headerPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); headerPanel.addStyleName(styles.headerPanel()); headerPanel.add(new Image(RESOURCES.publishLarge())); Label headerLabel = new Label("Publish to RPubs"); headerLabel.addStyleName(styles.headerLabel()); headerPanel.add(headerLabel); headerPanel.setCellVerticalAlignment(headerLabel, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); verticalPanel.add(headerPanel); String msg; if (!isPublished_) { msg = "RPubs is a free service from RStudio for sharing " + "documents on the web. Click Publish to get " + "started."; } else { msg = "This document has already been published on RPubs. You can " + "choose to either update the existing RPubs document, or " + "create a new one."; } Label descLabel = new Label(msg); descLabel.addStyleName(styles.descLabel()); verticalPanel.add(descLabel); // if we have a generator then show title and comment UI if (htmlGenerator_ != null) { Label titleLabel = new Label("Title (optional):"); titleLabel.addStyleName(styles.fieldLabel()); verticalPanel.add(titleLabel); titleTextBox_ = new TextBox(); titleTextBox_.addStyleName(styles.titleTextBox()); titleTextBox_.getElement().setAttribute("spellcheck", "false"); verticalPanel.add(titleTextBox_); Label commentLabel = new Label("Comment (optional):"); commentLabel.addStyleName(styles.fieldLabel()); verticalPanel.add(commentLabel); commentTextArea_ = new FixedTextArea(6); commentTextArea_.addStyleName(styles.commentTextArea()); verticalPanel.add(commentTextArea_); // not using either for now titleLabel.setVisible(false); titleTextBox_.setVisible(false); commentLabel.setVisible(false); commentTextArea_.setVisible(false); previewButton_ = new ThemedButton("Preview"); previewButton_.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { htmlGenerator_.generateRPubsHtml(titleTextBox_.getText().trim(), commentTextArea_.getText().trim(), new CommandWithArg<String>() { @Override public void execute(String rpubsFile) { globalDisplay_.showHtmlFile(rpubsFile); } }); } }); addLeftButton(previewButton_); } HTML warningLabel = new HTML("<strong>IMPORTANT: All documents published to RPubs are " + "publicly visible.</strong> You should " + "only publish documents that you wish to share publicly."); warningLabel.addStyleName(styles.warningLabel()); verticalPanel.add(warningLabel); ThemedButton cancelButton = createCancelButton(new Operation() { @Override public void execute() { // if an upload is in progress then terminate it if (uploadInProgress_) { server_.rpubsTerminateUpload(contextId_, new VoidServerRequestCallback()); if (uploadProgressWindow_ != null) uploadProgressWindow_.close(); } } }); continueButton_ = new ThemedButton("Publish", new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { performUpload(false); } }); updateButton_ = new ThemedButton("Update Existing", new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { performUpload(true); } }); createButton_ = new ThemedButton("Create New", new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { performUpload(false); } }); if (!isPublished_) { addOkButton(continueButton_); addCancelButton(cancelButton); } else { addOkButton(updateButton_); addButton(createButton_); addCancelButton(cancelButton); } mainPanel.setWidget(verticalPanel); return mainPanel; } @Override protected void onDialogShown() { super.onDialogShown(); if (hasTitle()) titleTextBox_.setFocus(true); } protected void onUnload() { eventRegistrations_.removeHandler(); super.onUnload(); } private String getTitleText() { if (hasTitle()) return titleTextBox_.getText().trim(); else return title_; } private String getCommentText() { if (hasComment()) return commentTextArea_.getText().trim(); else return ""; } private boolean hasTitle() { return (titleTextBox_ != null) && titleTextBox_.isVisible(); } private boolean hasComment() { return (commentTextArea_ != null) && commentTextArea_.isVisible(); } private void performUpload(final boolean modify) { // set state uploadInProgress_ = true; // do upload if (Desktop.isDesktop()) { performUpload(null, modify); } else { // randomize the name so firefox doesn't prevent us from reactivating // the window programatically globalDisplay_.openProgressWindow("_rpubs_upload" + (int) (Math.random() * 10000), PROGRESS_MESSAGE, new OperationWithInput<WindowEx>() { @Override public void execute(WindowEx window) { performUpload(window, modify); } }); } } private void performUpload(final WindowEx progressWindow, final boolean modify) { // record progress window uploadProgressWindow_ = progressWindow; // show progress showProgressPanel(); // subscribe to notification of upload completion eventRegistrations_ .add(eventBus_.addHandler(RPubsUploadStatusEvent.TYPE, new RPubsUploadStatusEvent.Handler() { @Override public void onRPubsPublishStatus(RPubsUploadStatusEvent event) { // make sure it applies to our context RPubsUploadStatusEvent.Status status = event.getStatus(); if (!status.getContextId().equals(contextId_)) return; uploadInProgress_ = false; closeDialog(); if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(status.getError())) { if (progressWindow != null) progressWindow.close(); new ConsoleProgressDialog("Upload Error Occurred", status.getError(), 1).showModal(); } else { if (progressWindow != null) { progressWindow.replaceLocationHref(status.getContinueUrl()); } else { globalDisplay_.openWindow(status.getContinueUrl()); } } } })); // synthesize html generator if necessary RPubsHtmlGenerator htmlGenerator = htmlGenerator_; if (htmlGenerator == null) { htmlGenerator = new RPubsHtmlGenerator() { @Override public void generateRPubsHtml(String title, String comment, CommandWithArg<String> onCompleted) { onCompleted.execute(htmlFile_); } }; } // generate html and initiate the upload final String title = getTitleText(); htmlGenerator.generateRPubsHtml(title, getCommentText(), new CommandWithArg<String>() { @Override public void execute(String htmlFile) { // initiate the upload server_.rpubsUpload(contextId_, title, htmlFile, modify, new ServerRequestCallback<Boolean>() { @Override public void onResponseReceived(Boolean response) { if (!response.booleanValue()) { closeDialog(); globalDisplay_.showErrorMessage("Error", "Unable to continue " + "(another publish is currently running)"); } } @Override public void onError(ServerError error) { closeDialog(); globalDisplay_.showErrorMessage("Error", error.getUserMessage()); } }); } }); } private void showProgressPanel() { // disable continue button continueButton_.setVisible(false); updateButton_.setVisible(false); createButton_.setVisible(false); if (previewButton_ != null) previewButton_.setVisible(false); enableOkButton(false); // add progress HorizontalPanel progressPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); ProgressImage progressImage = new ProgressImage(CoreResources.INSTANCE.progress_gray()); progressImage.addStyleName(RESOURCES.styles().progressImage());; progressPanel.add(progressImage); progressPanel.add(new Label(PROGRESS_MESSAGE)); addLeftWidget(progressPanel); } static interface Styles extends CssResource { String mainWidget(); String headerPanel(); String headerLabel(); String descLabel(); String progressImage(); String warningLabel(); String titleTextBox(); String commentTextArea(); String fieldLabel(); } static interface Resources extends ClientBundle { @Source("RPubsUploadDialog.css") Styles styles(); ImageResource publishLarge(); } private final boolean isPublished_; static Resources RESOURCES = (Resources) GWT.create(Resources.class); public static void ensureStylesInjected() { RESOURCES.styles().ensureInjected(); } private TextBox titleTextBox_; private TextArea commentTextArea_; private ThemedButton continueButton_; private ThemedButton updateButton_; private ThemedButton createButton_; private ThemedButton previewButton_; private final String title_; private final String htmlFile_; private final String contextId_; private final RPubsHtmlGenerator htmlGenerator_; private boolean uploadInProgress_ = false; private WindowEx uploadProgressWindow_ = null; private GlobalDisplay globalDisplay_; private EventBus eventBus_; private RPubsServerOperations server_; private HandlerRegistrations eventRegistrations_ = new HandlerRegistrations(); private static final String PROGRESS_MESSAGE = "Uploading document to RPubs..."; }