Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright (C) 2009-12 by RStudio, Inc. * * Unless you have received this program directly from RStudio pursuant * to the terms of a commercial license agreement with RStudio, then * this program is licensed to you under the terms of version 3 of the * GNU Affero General Public License. This program is distributed WITHOUT * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING THOSE OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, * MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Please refer to the * AGPL ( for more details. * */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import org.rstudio.core.client.BrowseCap; import org.rstudio.core.client.command.*; import org.rstudio.core.client.command.impl.WebMenuCallback; import org.rstudio.core.client.theme.res.ThemeResources; import org.rstudio.core.client.theme.res.ThemeStyles; import org.rstudio.core.client.widget.HyperlinkLabel; import org.rstudio.core.client.widget.MessageDialogLabel; import org.rstudio.core.client.widget.ToolbarButton; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class WebApplicationHeader extends Composite implements ApplicationHeader { public WebApplicationHeader() { RStudioGinjector.INSTANCE.injectMembers(this); } @Inject public void initialize(final Commands commands, EventBus eventBus, GlobalDisplay globalDisplay, ThemeResources themeResources, final Session session, Provider<CodeSearch> pCodeSearch) { eventBus_ = eventBus; globalDisplay_ = globalDisplay; // Use the outer panel to just aggregate the menu bar/account area, // with the logo. The logo can't be inside the HorizontalPanel because // it needs to overflow out of the top of the panel, and it was much // easier to do this with absolute positioning. outerPanel_ = new FlowPanel(); outerPanel_.getElement().getStyle().setPosition(Position.RELATIVE); // large logo logoLarge_ = new Image(ThemeResources.INSTANCE.rstudio()); ((ImageElement) logoLarge_.getElement().cast()).setAlt("RStudio"); Style style = logoLarge_.getElement().getStyle(); style.setPosition(Position.ABSOLUTE); style.setTop(5, Unit.PX); style.setLeft(18, Unit.PX); // small logo logoSmall_ = new Image(ThemeResources.INSTANCE.rstudio_small()); ((ImageElement) logoSmall_.getElement().cast()).setAlt("RStudio"); style = logoSmall_.getElement().getStyle(); style.setPosition(Position.ABSOLUTE); style.setTop(5, Unit.PX); style.setLeft(18, Unit.PX); // header container headerBarPanel_ = new HorizontalPanel(); headerBarPanel_.setStylePrimaryName(themeResources.themeStyles().header()); headerBarPanel_.setVerticalAlignment(HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); headerBarPanel_.setWidth("100%"); if (BrowseCap.INSTANCE.suppressBrowserForwardBack()) suppressBrowserForwardBack(); // override Cmd+W keybaord shortcut for Chrome if (BrowseCap.isChrome()) { int modifiers = (BrowseCap.hasMetaKey() ? KeyboardShortcut.META : KeyboardShortcut.CTRL) | KeyboardShortcut.ALT; AppCommand closeSourceDoc = commands.closeSourceDoc(); closeSourceDoc.setShortcut(new KeyboardShortcut(modifiers, 'W')); ShortcutManager.INSTANCE.register(modifiers, 'W', closeSourceDoc, "", "", ""); } // main menu advertiseEditingShortcuts(globalDisplay, commands); WebMenuCallback menuCallback = new WebMenuCallback(); commands.mainMenu(menuCallback); mainMenu_ = menuCallback.getMenu(); mainMenu_.setAutoHideRedundantSeparators(false); fixup(mainMenu_); mainMenu_.addStyleName(themeResources.themeStyles().mainMenu()); AppMenuBar.addSubMenuVisibleChangedHandler(new SubMenuVisibleChangedHandler() { public void onSubMenuVisibleChanged(SubMenuVisibleChangedEvent event) { // When submenus of the main menu appear, glass over any iframes // so that mouse clicks can make the menus disappear if (event.isVisible()) eventBus_.fireEvent(new GlassVisibilityEvent(true)); else eventBus_.fireEvent(new GlassVisibilityEvent(false)); } }); headerBarPanel_.add(mainMenu_); HTML spacer = new HTML(); headerBarPanel_.add(spacer); headerBarPanel_.setCellWidth(spacer, "100%"); // commands panel (no widgets added until after session init) headerBarCommandsPanel_ = new HorizontalPanel(); headerBarPanel_.add(headerBarCommandsPanel_); headerBarPanel_.setCellHorizontalAlignment(headerBarCommandsPanel_, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_RIGHT); eventBus.addHandler(SessionInitEvent.TYPE, new SessionInitHandler() { public void onSessionInit(SessionInitEvent sie) { SessionInfo sessionInfo = session.getSessionInfo(); // only show the user identity if we are in server mode if (sessionInfo.getShowIdentity()) initCommandsPanel(sessionInfo); // complete toolbar initialization toolbar_.completeInitialization(sessionInfo); // add project tools to main menu projectMenuButton_ = new ProjectPopupMenu(sessionInfo, commands).getToolbarButton(); projectMenuButton_.addStyleName(ThemeStyles.INSTANCE.webHeaderBarCommandsProjectMenu()); headerBarPanel_.add(projectMenuButton_); showProjectMenu(!toolbar_.isVisible()); } }); // create toolbar toolbar_ = new GlobalToolbar(commands, eventBus, pCodeSearch); toolbar_.addStyleName(themeResources.themeStyles().webGlobalToolbar()); // initialize widget initWidget(outerPanel_); } public void showToolbar(boolean showToolbar) { outerPanel_.clear(); if (showToolbar) { HeaderPanel headerPanel = new HeaderPanel(headerBarPanel_, toolbar_); outerPanel_.add(headerPanel); outerPanel_.add(logoLarge_); mainMenu_.getElement().getStyle().setMarginLeft(18, Unit.PX); preferredHeight_ = 65; showProjectMenu(false); } else { MenubarPanel menubarPanel = new MenubarPanel(headerBarPanel_); outerPanel_.add(menubarPanel); outerPanel_.add(logoSmall_); mainMenu_.getElement().getStyle().setMarginLeft(0, Unit.PX); preferredHeight_ = 45; showProjectMenu(true); } } public boolean isToolbarVisible() { return !projectMenuButton_.isVisible(); } public void focusGoToFunction() { toolbar_.focusGoToFunction(); } private void showProjectMenu(boolean show) { projectMenuButton_.setVisible(show); } private native final void suppressBrowserForwardBack() /*-{ try { var outerWindow = $wnd.parent; if (outerWindow.addEventListener) { var handler = function(evt) { if ((evt.keyCode == 37 || evt.keyCode == 39) && (evt.metaKey && !evt.ctrlKey && !evt.shiftKey && !evt.altKey)) { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); } }; outerWindow.addEventListener('keydown', handler, false); $wnd.addEventListener('keydown', handler, false); } } catch(err) {} }-*/; private void advertiseEditingShortcuts(final GlobalDisplay display, final Commands commands) { int mod = BrowseCap.hasMetaKey() ? KeyboardShortcut.META : KeyboardShortcut.CTRL; commands.undoDummy().setShortcut(new KeyboardShortcut(mod, 'Z')); commands.redoDummy().setShortcut(new KeyboardShortcut(mod | KeyboardShortcut.SHIFT, 'Z')); commands.cutDummy().setShortcut(new KeyboardShortcut(mod, 'X')); commands.copyDummy().setShortcut(new KeyboardShortcut(mod, 'C')); commands.pasteDummy().setShortcut(new KeyboardShortcut(mod, 'V')); CommandHandler useKeyboardNotification = new CommandHandler() { public void onCommand(AppCommand command) { MessageDialogLabel label = new MessageDialogLabel(); label.setHtml("Your browser does not allow access to your<br/>" + "computer's clipboard. As a result you must<br/>" + "use keyboard shortcuts for:" + "<br/><br/><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>" + makeRow(commands.undoDummy()) + makeRow(commands.redoDummy()) + makeRow(commands.cutDummy()) + makeRow(commands.copyDummy()) + makeRow(commands.pasteDummy()) + "</table>"); new WebDialogBuilderFactory().create(GlobalDisplay.MSG_WARNING, "Use Keyboard Shortcut", label) .showModal(); } private String makeRow(AppCommand cmd) { String textAlign = BrowseCap.hasMetaKey() ? "text-align: right" : ""; return "<tr><td>" + cmd.getMenuLabel(true) + "</td>" + "<td style='padding-left: 12px; " + textAlign + "'>" + cmd.getShortcutPrettyHtml() + "</td></tr>"; } }; commands.undoDummy().addHandler(useKeyboardNotification); commands.redoDummy().addHandler(useKeyboardNotification); commands.cutDummy().addHandler(useKeyboardNotification); commands.copyDummy().addHandler(useKeyboardNotification); commands.pasteDummy().addHandler(useKeyboardNotification); } public int getPreferredHeight() { return preferredHeight_; } /** * Without this fixup, the main menu doesn't properly deselect its items * when the mouse takes focus away. */ private void fixup(final AppMenuBar mainMenu) { mainMenu.addCloseHandler(new CloseHandler<PopupPanel>() { public void onClose(CloseEvent<PopupPanel> popupPanelCloseEvent) { // Only dismiss the selection if the panel that just closed belongs // to the currently selected item. Otherwise, the selected item // has already changed and we don't want to mess with it. (This is // NOT an edge case, it is very common.) MenuItem menuItem = mainMenu.getSelectedItem(); if (menuItem != null) { MenuBar subMenu = menuItem.getSubMenu(); if (subMenu != null && popupPanelCloseEvent.getTarget() != null && subMenu.equals(popupPanelCloseEvent.getTarget().getWidget())) { Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { mainMenu.selectItem(null); } }); } } } }); } private void initCommandsPanel(final SessionInfo sessionInfo) { // add username Label usernameLabel = new Label(); usernameLabel.setText(sessionInfo.getUserIdentity()); headerBarCommandsPanel_.add(usernameLabel); headerBarCommandsPanel_.add(createCommandSeparator()); // signout link Widget signoutLink = createCommandLink("Sign Out", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { eventBus_.fireEvent(new LogoutRequestedEvent()); } }); headerBarCommandsPanel_.add(signoutLink); } private Widget createCommandSeparator() { return new HTML(" | "); } private Widget createCommandLink(String caption, ClickHandler clickHandler) { HyperlinkLabel link = new HyperlinkLabel(caption, clickHandler); return link; } public Widget asWidget() { return this; } private int preferredHeight_; private FlowPanel outerPanel_; private Image logoLarge_; private Image logoSmall_; private HorizontalPanel headerBarPanel_; private HorizontalPanel headerBarCommandsPanel_; private ToolbarButton projectMenuButton_; private AppMenuBar mainMenu_; private GlobalToolbar toolbar_; private EventBus eventBus_; private GlobalDisplay globalDisplay_; }