Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright (C) 2009-12 by RStudio, Inc. * * Unless you have received this program directly from RStudio pursuant * to the terms of a commercial license agreement with RStudio, then * this program is licensed to you under the terms of version 3 of the * GNU Affero General Public License. This program is distributed WITHOUT * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING THOSE OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, * MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Please refer to the * AGPL ( for more details. * */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import org.rstudio.core.client.widget.Operation; import; import; import; import; import; import; @Singleton public class ApplicationWindow extends Composite implements ApplicationView, RequiresResize, ProvidesResize { @Inject public ApplicationWindow(ApplicationHeader applicationHeader, GlobalDisplay globalDisplay, Provider<CodeSearch> pCodeSearch) { globalDisplay_ = globalDisplay; pCodeSearch_ = pCodeSearch; // occupy full client area of the window Window.enableScrolling(false); Window.setMargin("0px"); // app ui contained within a vertical panel applicationPanel_ = new LayoutPanel(); // header bar applicationHeader_ = applicationHeader; Widget applicationHeaderWidget = applicationHeader_.asWidget(); applicationHeaderWidget.setWidth("100%"); applicationPanel_.add(applicationHeader_); updateHeaderTopBottom(); applicationHeaderWidget.setVisible(false); // main view container initWidget(applicationPanel_); } public void showToolbar(boolean showToolbar) { applicationHeader_.showToolbar(showToolbar); updateHeaderTopBottom(); updateWorkbenchTopBottom(); applicationPanel_.forceLayout(); } public void performGoToFunction() { new CodeSearchDialog(pCodeSearch_).showModal(); } public void showApplicationAgreement(String title, String contents, Operation doNotAcceptOperation, Operation acceptOperation) { new ApplicationAgreementDialog(title, contents, doNotAcceptOperation, acceptOperation).showModal(); } public Widget getWidget() { return this; } public void showApplicationQuit() { ApplicationEndedPopupPanel.showQuit(); } public void showApplicationSuicide(String reason) { ApplicationEndedPopupPanel.showSuicide(reason); } public void showApplicationDisconnected() { ApplicationEndedPopupPanel.showDisconnected(); } public void showApplicationOffline() { ApplicationEndedPopupPanel.showOffline(); } public void showApplicationUpdateRequired() { globalDisplay_.showMessage(GlobalDisplay.MSG_INFO, "Application Updated", "An updated version of RStudio is available. Your browser will " + "now be refreshed with the new version. All current work and data " + "will be preserved during the update.", new Operation() { public void execute() { Window.Location.reload(); } }); } public void showWorkbenchView(Widget workbenchScreen) { workbenchScreen_ = workbenchScreen; applicationHeader_.asWidget().setVisible(true); applicationPanel_.add(workbenchScreen_); updateWorkbenchTopBottom(); applicationPanel_.setWidgetLeftRight(workbenchScreen_, COMPONENT_SPACING, Style.Unit.PX, COMPONENT_SPACING, Style.Unit.PX); } public void showWarning(boolean severe, String message) { if (warningBar_ == null) { warningBar_ = new WarningBar(); warningBar_.addCloseHandler(new CloseHandler<WarningBar>() { public void onClose(CloseEvent<WarningBar> warningBarCloseEvent) { hideWarning(); } }); applicationPanel_.add(warningBar_); applicationPanel_.setWidgetBottomHeight(warningBar_, COMPONENT_SPACING, Unit.PX, warningBar_.getHeight(), Unit.PX); applicationPanel_.setWidgetLeftRight(warningBar_, COMPONENT_SPACING, Unit.PX, COMPONENT_SPACING, Unit.PX); workbenchBottom_ = COMPONENT_SPACING * 2 + warningBar_.getHeight(); if (workbenchScreen_ != null) updateWorkbenchTopBottom(); applicationPanel_.animate(250); } warningBar_.setSeverity(severe); warningBar_.setText(message); } private void updateHeaderTopBottom() { int headerHeight = applicationHeader_.getPreferredHeight(); applicationPanel_.setWidgetTopHeight(applicationHeader_, 0, Style.Unit.PX, headerHeight, Style.Unit.PX); applicationPanel_.setWidgetLeftRight(applicationHeader_, 0, Style.Unit.PX, 0, Style.Unit.PX); } private void updateWorkbenchTopBottom() { applicationPanel_.setWidgetTopBottom(workbenchScreen_, applicationHeader_.getPreferredHeight(), Unit.PX, workbenchBottom_, Unit.PX); } public void hideWarning() { if (warningBar_ != null) { applicationPanel_.remove(warningBar_); warningBar_ = null; workbenchBottom_ = COMPONENT_SPACING; if (workbenchScreen_ != null) updateWorkbenchTopBottom(); applicationPanel_.animate(250); } } public void showSessionAbendWarning() { globalDisplay_.showErrorMessage("R Session Error", "The previous R session was abnormally terminated due to " + "an unexpected crash.\n\n" + "You may have lost workspace data as a result of this crash."); } public void showSerializationProgress(String msg, boolean modal, int delayMs, int timeoutMs) { // hide any existing progress hideSerializationProgress(); // create and show progress activeSerializationProgress_ = new ApplicationSerializationProgress(msg, modal, delayMs); // implement timeout for *this* serialization progress instance if // requested (check to ensure the same instance because another // serialization progress could occur in the meantime and we don't // want to hide it) if (timeoutMs > 0) { final ApplicationSerializationProgress timeoutSerializationProgress = activeSerializationProgress_; new Timer() { @Override public void run() { if (timeoutSerializationProgress == activeSerializationProgress_) hideSerializationProgress(); } }.schedule(timeoutMs); } } public void hideSerializationProgress() { if (activeSerializationProgress_ != null) { activeSerializationProgress_.hide(); activeSerializationProgress_ = null; } } public void onResize() { applicationPanel_.onResize(); } // main applilcation UI components private LayoutPanel applicationPanel_; private ApplicationHeader applicationHeader_; // active serialization progress message private ApplicationSerializationProgress activeSerializationProgress_; private static final int COMPONENT_SPACING = 6; private Widget workbenchScreen_; private WarningBar warningBar_; private int workbenchBottom_ = COMPONENT_SPACING; private final GlobalDisplay globalDisplay_; private final Provider<CodeSearch> pCodeSearch_; }