Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright (C) 2009-12 by RStudio, Inc. * * Unless you have received this program directly from RStudio pursuant * to the terms of a commercial license agreement with RStudio, then * this program is licensed to you under the terms of version 3 of the * GNU Affero General Public License. This program is distributed WITHOUT * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING THOSE OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, * MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Please refer to the * AGPL ( for more details. * */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.rstudio.core.client.Barrier; import org.rstudio.core.client.BrowseCap; import org.rstudio.core.client.Debug; import org.rstudio.core.client.Barrier.Token; import org.rstudio.core.client.command.CommandBinder; import org.rstudio.core.client.command.Handler; import org.rstudio.core.client.dom.DomUtils; import; import; import org.rstudio.core.client.widget.Operation; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; @Singleton public class Application implements ApplicationEventHandlers { public interface Binder extends CommandBinder<Commands, Application> { } @Inject public Application(ApplicationView view, GlobalDisplay globalDisplay, EventBus events, Binder binder, Commands commands, Server server, Session session, Projects projects, SatelliteManager satelliteManager, ApplicationUncaughtExceptionHandler uncaughtExHandler, Provider<UIPrefs> uiPrefs, Provider<Workbench> workbench, Provider<EventBus> eventBusProvider, Provider<ClientStateUpdater> clientStateUpdater, Provider<ApplicationClientInit> pClientInit, Provider<ApplicationQuit> pApplicationQuit, Provider<ApplicationInterrupt> pApplicationInterrupt, Provider<AceThemes> pAceThemes) { // save references view_ = view; globalDisplay_ = globalDisplay; events_ = events; session_ = session; commands_ = commands; satelliteManager_ = satelliteManager; clientStateUpdater_ = clientStateUpdater; server_ = server; uiPrefs_ = uiPrefs; workbench_ = workbench; eventBusProvider_ = eventBusProvider; pClientInit_ = pClientInit; pApplicationQuit_ = pApplicationQuit; pApplicationInterrupt_ = pApplicationInterrupt; pAceThemes_ = pAceThemes; // bind to commands binder.bind(commands_, this); // register as main window satelliteManager.initialize(); // subscribe to events events.addHandler(LogoutRequestedEvent.TYPE, this); events.addHandler(UnauthorizedEvent.TYPE, this); events.addHandler(ReloadEvent.TYPE, this); events.addHandler(QuitEvent.TYPE, this); events.addHandler(SuicideEvent.TYPE, this); events.addHandler(SessionAbendWarningEvent.TYPE, this); events.addHandler(SessionSerializationEvent.TYPE, this); events.addHandler(ServerUnavailableEvent.TYPE, this); events.addHandler(InvalidClientVersionEvent.TYPE, this); events.addHandler(ServerOfflineEvent.TYPE, this); // register for uncaught exceptions uncaughtExHandler.register(); } public void go(final RootLayoutPanel rootPanel, final Command dismissLoadingProgress) { Widget w = view_.getWidget(); rootPanel.add(w); rootPanel.setWidgetTopBottom(w, 0, Style.Unit.PX, 0, Style.Unit.PX); rootPanel.setWidgetLeftRight(w, 0, Style.Unit.PX, 0, Style.Unit.PX); // attempt init pClientInit_.get().execute(new ServerRequestCallback<SessionInfo>() { public void onResponseReceived(final SessionInfo sessionInfo) { // initialize workbench after verifying agreement verifyAgreement(sessionInfo, new Operation() { public void execute() { dismissLoadingProgress.execute(); session_.setSessionInfo(sessionInfo); // hide the workbench if we have a project parameter // (since we are going to redirect anyway) if (haveProjectParameter()) hideWorkbench(rootPanel); // initialize workbench initializeWorkbench(); // reload application if we have a project parameter if (haveProjectParameter()) reloadApplication(sessionInfo.getSwitchToProject()); } }); } public void onError(ServerError error) { Debug.logError(error); dismissLoadingProgress.execute(); globalDisplay_.showErrorMessage("RStudio Initialization Error", error.getUserMessage()); } }); } private void reloadApplication(final String switchToProject) { // use a last chance save barrier since we typically call this very // early in the lifetime of the application before client/server // sync has occurred Barrier barrier = new Barrier(); barrier.addBarrierReleasedHandler(new BarrierReleasedHandler() { @Override public void onBarrierReleased(BarrierReleasedEvent event) { if (switchToProject.length() > 0) pApplicationQuit_.get().forceSwitchProject(switchToProject); else reloadWindowWithDelay(true); } }); Token token = barrier.acquire(); try { events_.fireEvent(new LastChanceSaveEvent(barrier)); } finally { token.release(); } } @Handler public void onShowToolbar() { setToolbarPref(true); } @Handler public void onHideToolbar() { setToolbarPref(false); } @Handler void onShowAboutDialog() { server_.getProductInfo(new ServerRequestCallback<ProductInfo>() { @Override public void onResponseReceived(ProductInfo info) { AboutDialog about = new AboutDialog(info); about.showModal(); } @Override public void onError(ServerError error) { } }); } @Handler public void onGoToFileFunction() { view_.performGoToFunction(); } public void onUnauthorized(UnauthorizedEvent event) { navigateToSignIn(); } public void onServerOffline(ServerOfflineEvent event) { cleanupWorkbench(); view_.showApplicationOffline(); } public void onLogoutRequested(LogoutRequestedEvent event) { navigateWindowTo("auth-sign-out"); } @Handler public void onHelpUsingRStudio() { String customDocsURL = session_.getSessionInfo().docsURL(); if (customDocsURL.length() > 0) globalDisplay_.openWindow(customDocsURL); else globalDisplay_.openRStudioLink("docs"); } private void showAgreement() { globalDisplay_.openWindow(server_.getApplicationURL("agreement")); } @Handler public void onRstudioSupport() { globalDisplay_.openRStudioLink("support"); } @Handler public void onRstudioAgreement() { showAgreement(); } @Handler public void onUpdateCredentials() { server_.updateCredentials(); } @Handler public void onRaiseException() { throw new RuntimeException("foo"); } @Handler public final native void onRaiseException2() /*-{ $wnd.welfkjweg(); }-*/; @Handler public void onShowRequestLog() { GWT.runAsync(new RunAsyncCallback() { public void onFailure(Throwable reason) { Window.alert(reason.toString()); } public void onSuccess() { final RequestLogVisualization viz = new RequestLogVisualization(); final RootLayoutPanel root = RootLayoutPanel.get(); root.add(viz); root.setWidgetTopBottom(viz, 10, Unit.PX, 10, Unit.PX); root.setWidgetLeftRight(viz, 10, Unit.PX, 10, Unit.PX); viz.addCloseHandler(new CloseHandler<RequestLogVisualization>() { public void onClose(CloseEvent<RequestLogVisualization> event) { root.remove(viz); } }); } }); } @Handler public void onLogFocusedElement() { Element el = DomUtils.getActiveElement(); DomUtils.dump(el, "Focused Element: "); } @Handler public void onRefreshSuperDevMode() { SuperDevMode.reload(); } @Handler public void onZoomActualSize() { // only supported in cocoa desktop if (BrowseCap.isCocoaDesktop()) Desktop.getFrame().macZoomActualSize(); } @Handler public void onZoomIn() { // pass on to cocoa desktop (qt desktop intercepts) if (BrowseCap.isCocoaDesktop()) Desktop.getFrame().macZoomIn(); } @Handler public void onZoomOut() { // pass on to cocoa desktop (qt desktop intercepts) if (BrowseCap.isCocoaDesktop()) Desktop.getFrame().macZoomOut(); } public void onSessionSerialization(SessionSerializationEvent event) { switch (event.getAction().getType()) { case SessionSerializationAction.LOAD_DEFAULT_WORKSPACE: view_.showSerializationProgress("Loading workspace" + getSuffix(event), false, // non-modal, appears to user as std latency 500, // willing to show progress earlier since // this will always be at workbench startup 0); // no timeout break; case SessionSerializationAction.SAVE_DEFAULT_WORKSPACE: view_.showSerializationProgress("Saving workspace image" + getSuffix(event), true, // modal, inputs will fall dead anyway 0, // show immediately 0); // no timeout break; case SessionSerializationAction.SUSPEND_SESSION: view_.showSerializationProgress("Backing up R session...", true, // modal, inputs will fall dead anyway 0, // show immediately 60000); // timeout after 60 seconds. this is done // in case the user suspends or loses // connectivity during the backup (in which // case the 'completed' event dies with // server and is never received by the client break; case SessionSerializationAction.RESUME_SESSION: view_.showSerializationProgress("Resuming R session...", false, // non-modal, appears to user as std latency 2000, // don't show this for reasonable restore time // (happens inline while using a running // workbench so be more conservative) 0); // no timeout break; case SessionSerializationAction.COMPLETED: view_.hideSerializationProgress(); break; } } private String getSuffix(SessionSerializationEvent event) { SessionSerializationAction action = event.getAction(); String targetPath = action.getTargetPath(); if (targetPath != null) { String verb = " from "; if (action.getType() == SessionSerializationAction.SAVE_DEFAULT_WORKSPACE) verb = " to "; return verb + targetPath + "..."; } else { return "..."; } } public void onServerUnavailable(ServerUnavailableEvent event) { view_.hideSerializationProgress(); } public void onReload(ReloadEvent event) { cleanupWorkbench(); reloadWindowWithDelay(false); } public void onQuit(QuitEvent event) { cleanupWorkbench(); // only show the quit state in server mode (desktop mode has its // own handling triggered to process exit) if (!Desktop.isDesktop()) { // if we are switching projects then reload after a delay (to allow // the R session to fully exit on the server) if (event.getSwitchProjects()) { reloadWindowWithDelay(true); } else { view_.showApplicationQuit(); } } } private void reloadWindowWithDelay(final boolean baseUrlOnly) { new Timer() { @Override public void run() { if (baseUrlOnly) Window.Location.replace(GWT.getHostPageBaseURL()); else Window.Location.reload(); } }.schedule(100); } public void onSuicide(SuicideEvent event) { cleanupWorkbench(); view_.showApplicationSuicide(event.getMessage()); } public void onClientDisconnected(ClientDisconnectedEvent event) { cleanupWorkbench(); view_.showApplicationDisconnected(); } public void onInvalidClientVersion(InvalidClientVersionEvent event) { cleanupWorkbench(); view_.showApplicationUpdateRequired(); } public void onSessionAbendWarning(SessionAbendWarningEvent event) { view_.showSessionAbendWarning(); } private void verifyAgreement(SessionInfo sessionInfo, final Operation verifiedOperation) { // get the agreement (if any) final Agreement agreement = sessionInfo.pendingAgreement(); // if there is an agreement then prompt user for agreement (otherwise just // execute the verifiedOperation immediately) if (agreement != null) { // append updated to the title if necessary String title = agreement.getTitle(); if (agreement.getUpdated()) title += " (Updated)"; view_.showApplicationAgreement( // title and contents title, agreement.getContents(), // bail to sign in page if the user doesn't confirm new Operation() { public void execute() { if (Desktop.isDesktop()) { Desktop.getFrame().setPendingQuit(DesktopFrame.PENDING_QUIT_AND_EXIT); server_.quitSession(false, null, new SimpleRequestCallback<Boolean>()); } else navigateToSignIn(); } }, // user confirmed new Operation() { public void execute() { // call verified operation verifiedOperation.execute(); // record agreement on server server_.acceptAgreement(agreement, new VoidServerRequestCallback()); } } ); } else { // no agreement pending verifiedOperation.execute(); } } private void navigateWindowTo(String relativeUrl) { cleanupWorkbench(); String url = GWT.getHostPageBaseURL() + relativeUrl; Window.Location.replace(url); } private void initializeWorkbench() { pAceThemes_.get(); // subscribe to ClientDisconnected event (wait to do this until here // because there were spurious ClientDisconnected events occuring // after a session interrupt sequence. we couldn't figure out why, // and since this is a temporary hack why not add another temporary // hack to go with it here :-) // TOOD: move this back tot he constructor after we revise the // interrupt hack(s) events_.addHandler(ClientDisconnectedEvent.TYPE, this); // create workbench Workbench wb = workbench_.get(); eventBusProvider_.get().fireEvent(new SessionInitEvent()); // disable commands SessionInfo sessionInfo = session_.getSessionInfo(); if (!sessionInfo.getAllowShell()) { commands_.showShellDialog().remove(); } if (!sessionInfo.getAllowPackageInstallation()) { commands_.installPackage().remove(); commands_.updatePackages().remove(); } if (!sessionInfo.getAllowVcs()) { commands_.versionControlProjectSetup().remove(); } if (!sessionInfo.getAllowFileDownloads()) { commands_.exportFiles().remove(); } // disable external publishing if requested if (!SessionUtils.showExternalPublishUi(session_, uiPrefs_.get())) { commands_.publishHTML().remove(); commands_.publishPlotToRPubs().remove(); commands_.presentationPublishToRpubs().remove(); commands_.viewerPublishToRPubs().remove(); } // hide the agreement menu item if we don't have one if (!session_.getSessionInfo().hasAgreement()) commands_.rstudioAgreement().setVisible(false); // show workbench view_.showWorkbenchView(wb.getMainView().asWidget()); // hide zoom actual size everywhere but cocoa desktop if (!BrowseCap.isCocoaDesktop()) { commands_.zoomActualSize().remove(); } // hide zoom in and zoom out in web mode if (!Desktop.isDesktop()) { commands_.zoomIn().remove(); commands_.zoomOut().remove(); } // toolbar (must be after call to showWorkbenchView because // showing the toolbar repositions the workbench view widget) showToolbar(uiPrefs_.get().toolbarVisible().getValue()); // sync to changes in the toolbar visibility state uiPrefs_.get().toolbarVisible().addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() { @Override public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> event) { showToolbar(event.getValue()); } }); clientStateUpdaterInstance_ = clientStateUpdater_.get(); } private void setToolbarPref(boolean showToolbar) { uiPrefs_.get().toolbarVisible().setGlobalValue(showToolbar); uiPrefs_.get().writeUIPrefs(); } private void showToolbar(boolean showToolbar) { // show or hide the toolbar view_.showToolbar(showToolbar); // manage commands commands_.showToolbar().setVisible(!showToolbar); commands_.hideToolbar().setVisible(showToolbar); } private void hideWorkbench(final RootLayoutPanel rootPanel) { final Label w = new Label(); w.getElement().getStyle().setBackgroundColor("#e1e2e5"); rootPanel.add(w); rootPanel.setWidgetTopBottom(w, 0, Style.Unit.PX, 0, Style.Unit.PX); rootPanel.setWidgetLeftRight(w, 0, Style.Unit.PX, 0, Style.Unit.PX); } private void cleanupWorkbench() { server_.disconnect(); satelliteManager_.closeAllSatellites(); if (clientStateUpdaterInstance_ != null) { clientStateUpdaterInstance_.suspend(); clientStateUpdaterInstance_ = null; } } private void navigateToSignIn() { navigateWindowTo("auth-sign-in"); } private boolean haveProjectParameter() { return Window.Location.getParameter("project") != null; } private final ApplicationView view_; private final GlobalDisplay globalDisplay_; private final EventBus events_; private final Session session_; private final Commands commands_; private final SatelliteManager satelliteManager_; private final Provider<ClientStateUpdater> clientStateUpdater_; private final Server server_; private final Provider<UIPrefs> uiPrefs_; private final Provider<Workbench> workbench_; private final Provider<EventBus> eventBusProvider_; private final Provider<ApplicationClientInit> pClientInit_; private final Provider<ApplicationQuit> pApplicationQuit_; private final Provider<ApplicationInterrupt> pApplicationInterrupt_; private final Provider<AceThemes> pAceThemes_; private ClientStateUpdater clientStateUpdaterInstance_; }