Java tutorial
/* Copyright (c) 2013 J. L. Canales Gasco This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA}] */ package org.rotarysource.core.statements; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import com.espertech.esper.client.EPServiceProvider; import com.espertech.esper.client.EPStatement; import com.espertech.esper.client.EPStatementException; import com.espertech.esper.client.EPStatementSyntaxException; import com.espertech.esperha.client.EPStatementExistsException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation.ManagedAttribute; import org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation.ManagedOperation; import org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation.ManagedResource; /** * Class to create and register a prepare EPL statement. * This kind of staments has not any listener associated. They are used * to prepare CEP windows, valiables, insertions, etc. and its execution * dont trigger any listener. * * @author J.L. Canales */ @ManagedResource(description = "EPL Statement", log = true, logFile = "jmx.log", currencyTimeLimit = 15, persistPolicy = "OnUpdate", persistPeriod = 200, persistLocation = "foo", persistName = "bar") public class StatmntPrepare implements Statement { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StatmntPrepare.class); /** * EPL Statement for this Item */ private String eplStatement; /** * Esper Statement Object to manage statements in Esper core */ protected EPStatement statementObj; /** * Create a new StatmntSingleQuery, for bean-style usage. */ public StatmntPrepare() { eplStatement = ""; } /** * Create a new StatmntSingleQuery, given a EPL statement * * @param aiEplStatement * EPL statement to initialize this Item */ public StatmntPrepare(String aiEplStatement) { setEplStatement(aiEplStatement); } /** * Method to Statement registering in a EventProcessor engine * * @param EPServiceProvider * . Esper Event Processor engine where register the statement. */ @Override public void register(EPServiceProvider cepEngine) {"Registering Statement: {}", eplStatement); if (statementObj != null) { log.debug("Statement registered yet. Destroying"); statementObj.destroy(); statementObj = null; } try { statementObj = cepEngine.getEPAdministrator().createEPL(eplStatement); } catch (EPStatementExistsException exception) { log.warn(exception.getMessage()); // EPL statement can be named using @Name() notation in EPL sentence. // Statement object hasnt any Name reference to recover the EPL so // Its necessary to parse the EPL to recover the EPL Name String eplName = null; String expression = ".*@Name\\('.*'\\).*"; //Make the comparison case-insensitive. Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(expression, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(eplStatement); if (matcher.matches()) { eplName = eplStatement.split("@Name\\('")[1].split("'\\)")[0]; log.debug("Localized EPL Name in EPL Statement: " + eplName); } statementObj = cepEngine.getEPAdministrator().getStatement(eplName); log.warn("Recovered EplName={}", eplName); } catch (EPStatementSyntaxException exception) { log.error("Syntax error exception registering EPL; nested Message {}", exception.getMessage()); throw exception; } catch (EPStatementException exception) { log.error("Error registering EPL; nested Message {}", exception.getMessage()); throw exception; }"Successfull registered Statement: {}", getEplName()); } /** * Method to Statement unregistering in a EventProcessor engine when destoy * is called, Event Processor Engine stops to use this statement * * @param EPServiceProvider * . Esper Event Processor engine where register the statement. */ @Override public void destroy() { if (statementObj != null) {"Unregistering Statement: {}", statementObj.getText()); statementObj.destroy(); statementObj = null; } } /** * Set the EPL Statement for this item. * * @param aiEplStatement EPL Statement */ public void setEplStatement(String aiEplStatement) { this.eplStatement = aiEplStatement; } /** * Returns eplName for this object * @return EPL Statement name */ @ManagedAttribute(description = "EPL Statement Name") public String getEplName() { if (statementObj != null) return statementObj.getName(); else return null; } /** * Returns epl Statement for this object * @return EPL Statement */ @ManagedAttribute(description = "EPL Statement") public String getEplStatement() { return eplStatement; } /** * Returns statement registering status in Cep Engine * @return registering status */ @ManagedAttribute(description = "CEP Engine Registering Status") public boolean isRegistered() { if (statementObj != null) return true; else return false; } @ManagedAttribute(description = "Statement Activation Status") @Override public boolean isStarted() { if (statementObj != null) return statementObj.isStarted(); else return false; } @ManagedOperation(description = "Deactive Statement") @Override public void stop() { if (statementObj != null) { log.warn("Proceding to STOP Statement: {}", getEplName()); statementObj.stop(); } } @ManagedOperation(description = "Active Statement") @Override public void start() { if (statementObj != null) { log.warn("Proceding to START Statement: {}", getEplName()); statementObj.start(); } } }