Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2006 Luca Garulli ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.romaframework.core.schema; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.romaframework.aspect.core.feature.CoreFieldFeatures; import org.romaframework.core.Roma; import org.romaframework.core.binding.BindingException; import org.romaframework.core.domain.entity.ComposedEntity; import org.romaframework.core.exception.FieldErrorUserException; import org.romaframework.core.flow.Controller; import org.romaframework.core.flow.SchemaFieldListener; import org.romaframework.core.schema.config.SchemaConfiguration; import org.romaframework.core.schema.virtual.VirtualObject; import org.romaframework.core.schema.xmlannotations.XmlFieldAnnotation; /** * Generic abstract class that represents a Field. * * @author Luca Garulli ( */ public abstract class SchemaField extends SchemaClassElement { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4789886810661429988L; protected Map<String, SchemaEvent> events; protected SchemaClassDefinition type; protected SchemaClass embeddedType; protected SchemaClass[] embeddedTypeGenerics; private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SchemaField.class); public abstract Object getValue(Object iObject) throws BindingException; public abstract boolean isArray(); public abstract Object getLanguageType(); protected abstract SchemaClass getSchemaClassFromLanguageType(); protected abstract void setValueFinal(Object iObject, Object iValue) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException; public SchemaField(SchemaClassDefinition iEntity, String iName) { super(iEntity, iName, FeatureType.FIELD); events = new HashMap<String, SchemaEvent>(); } public void setValue(Object iObject, Object iFieldValue) { Roma.context().create(); try { Object value = convertValue(iFieldValue); List<SchemaFieldListener> listeners = Controller.getInstance().getListeners(SchemaFieldListener.class); try { // CALL ALL LISTENERS BEFORE FIELD WRITE CALLBACKS synchronized (listeners) { for (SchemaFieldListener listener : listeners) { Object curVal = listener.onBeforeFieldWrite(iObject, this, value); if (curVal != SchemaFieldListener.IGNORED) value = curVal; } } setValueFinal(iObject, value); } finally { // ASSURE TO CALL THE AFTER FIELD WRITE CALLBACKS synchronized (listeners) { for (SchemaFieldListener listener : listeners) { value = listener.onAfterFieldWrite(iObject, this, value); } } } } catch (Exception e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof FieldErrorUserException) { throw (FieldErrorUserException) e.getCause(); } else { log.error("[SchemaHelper.setFieldValue] Error on setting value '" + iFieldValue + "' for field '" + name + "' on object " + iObject, e); throw new BindingException(iObject, name, e); } } finally { Roma.context().destroy(); } } /** * Return field's class information * * @return SchemaClassReflection if found, otherwise null */ public SchemaClass getClassInfo() { SchemaClassDefinition def = getType(); if (def != null) return def.getSchemaClass(); return null; } @Override public String toString() { return super.toString() + name; } public SchemaClassDefinition getType() { if (type == null) type = getSchemaClassFromLanguageType(); if (entity instanceof SchemaObject && !(type instanceof SchemaObject)) { Object value = getValue(((SchemaObject) entity).getInstance()); if (value != null) setType(Roma.session().getSchemaObject(value)); else setType(Roma.session().getSchemaObject(type)); } return type; } public void setType(SchemaClassDefinition iType) { this.type = iType; } public XmlFieldAnnotation getDescriptorInfo() { SchemaConfiguration classDescriptor = entity.getSchemaClass().getDescriptor(); if (classDescriptor == null || classDescriptor.getType() == null) return null; return classDescriptor.getType().getField(name); } public SchemaEvent getEvent(String iEventName) { return events.get(iEventName); } public Iterator<SchemaEvent> getEventIterator() { return events.values().iterator(); } public void setEvent(String iEventName, SchemaEvent iEvent) { events.put(iEventName, iEvent); } public void setEvent(SchemaEvent iEvent) { setEvent(iEvent.getName(), iEvent); } public Type getEmbeddedLanguageType() { SchemaClass cls = getFeature(CoreFieldFeatures.EMBEDDED_TYPE); if (cls != null) return (Type) cls.getLanguageType(); return null; } public void setEmbeddedLanguageType(Type iEmbeddedType) { setEmbeddedType(Roma.schema().getSchemaClassIfExist((Class<?>) iEmbeddedType)); } public SchemaClass getEmbeddedType() { return getFeature(CoreFieldFeatures.EMBEDDED_TYPE); } public void setEmbeddedType(SchemaClass iEmbeddedSchemaClass) { setFeature(CoreFieldFeatures.EMBEDDED_TYPE, iEmbeddedSchemaClass); } public SchemaClass[] getEmbeddedTypeGenerics() { return embeddedTypeGenerics; } @Override public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { SchemaField copy = (SchemaField) super.clone(); = new HashMap<String, SchemaEvent>(); for (Map.Entry<String, SchemaEvent> entry : events.entrySet()) {, (SchemaEvent) entry.getValue().clone()); } return copy; } protected Object convertValue(Object iFieldValue) { if (type == null || isArray()) return iFieldValue; SchemaClass typeClass = getType().getSchemaClass(); if (typeClass.equals(Roma.schema().getSchemaClass(iFieldValue))) return iFieldValue; String textValue = null; if (iFieldValue instanceof String) { textValue = (String) iFieldValue; } else if (iFieldValue != null) { textValue = iFieldValue.toString(); } Object value = null; if (textValue != null) { // TRY A SOFT CONVERSION if (typeClass.isOfType(Integer.class) || typeClass.isOfType(Integer.TYPE)) { try { value = textValue.equals("") ? null : Integer.parseInt(textValue); } catch (Exception e) { value = textValue.equals("") ? null : Double.valueOf(textValue).intValue(); } } else if (typeClass.isOfType(Long.class) || typeClass.isOfType(Long.TYPE)) { value = textValue.equals("") ? null : Long.parseLong(textValue); } else if (typeClass.isOfType(Short.class) || typeClass.isOfType(Short.TYPE)) { value = textValue.equals("") ? null : Short.parseShort(textValue); } else if (typeClass.isOfType(Byte.class) || typeClass.isOfType(Byte.TYPE)) { value = textValue.equals("") ? null : Byte.parseByte(textValue); } else if (typeClass.isOfType(Character.class) || typeClass.isOfType(Character.TYPE)) { if (textValue.length() > 0) { value = new Character(textValue.charAt(0)); } } else if (typeClass.isOfType(Float.class) || typeClass.isOfType(Float.TYPE)) { value = textValue.equals("") ? null : Float.parseFloat(textValue); } else if (typeClass.isOfType(Double.class) || typeClass.isOfType(Double.TYPE)) { value = textValue.equals("") ? null : Double.parseDouble(textValue); } else if (typeClass.isOfType(BigDecimal.class)) { value = textValue.equals("") ? null : new BigDecimal(textValue); } else if (iFieldValue != null && !typeClass.isArray() && iFieldValue.getClass().isArray()) { // DESTINATION VALUE IS NOT AN ARRAY: ASSIGN THE FIRST ONE ELEMENT value = ((Object[]) iFieldValue)[0]; } else { value = iFieldValue; } } if (value != null) { // TODO is this the right place to do this...? Class<?> valueClass = value.getClass(); // SUCH A MONSTER!!! MOVE THIS LOGIC IN SchemaClass.isAssignableFrom... if (value instanceof VirtualObject && !(typeClass.getLanguageType() instanceof Class<?> && ((Class<?>) typeClass.getLanguageType()).isAssignableFrom(VirtualObject.class)) && ((VirtualObject) value).getSuperClassObject() != null) { if (ComposedEntity.class .isAssignableFrom(((VirtualObject) value).getSuperClassObject().getClass())) { value = ((VirtualObject) value).getSuperClassObject(); valueClass = value.getClass(); } } if (value instanceof ComposedEntity<?> && !typeClass.isAssignableFrom(valueClass)) { value = ((ComposedEntity<?>) value).getEntity(); } } if (value == null && typeClass.isPrimitive()) { log.warn("Cannot set the field value to null for primitive types! Field: " + getEntity() + "." + name + " of class " + getType().getName() + ". Setting value to 0."); // SET THE VALUE TO 0 value = SchemaHelper.assignDefaultValueToLiteral(typeClass); } return value; } protected Object invokeCallbackBeforeFieldRead(List<SchemaFieldListener> listeners, Object iObject) { Object value = SchemaFieldListener.IGNORED; synchronized (listeners) { Object callbackReturn; for (SchemaFieldListener listener : listeners) { callbackReturn = listener.onBeforeFieldRead(iObject, this, value); if (callbackReturn != SchemaFieldListener.IGNORED) value = callbackReturn; } } return value; } protected Object invokeCallbackAfterFieldRead(List<SchemaFieldListener> listeners, Object iObject, Object value) { synchronized (listeners) { for (SchemaFieldListener listener : listeners) { value = listener.onAfterFieldRead(iObject, this, value); } } return value; } public void setEmbeddedTypeGenerics(SchemaClass[] embeddedTypeGenerics) { this.embeddedTypeGenerics = embeddedTypeGenerics; } @Override public SchemaField getParent() { return (SchemaField) super.getParent(); } }