Java tutorial
/** * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright * detailed in the LICENSE file at the root of the source * tree and available online at * * */ package org.roda_project.commons_ip.utils; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import; import; import; import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter; import; import org.roda_project.commons_ip.mets_v1_11.beans.FileType; import org.roda_project.commons_ip.mets_v1_11.beans.MdSecType.MdRef; import org.roda_project.commons_ip.mets_v1_11.beans.Mets; import org.roda_project.commons_ip.model.IPConstants; import org.roda_project.commons_ip.model.ParseException; import org.roda_project.commons_ip.model.SIP; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public final class ZIPUtils { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ZIPUtils.class); private ZIPUtils() { // do nothing } /** * @param source * IP * @param destinationDirectory * this path is only used if unzipping the SIP, otherwise source will * be used * @param ipFileExtension * file extension (e.g. .zip) */ public static Path extractIPIfInZipFormat(final Path source, Path destinationDirectory) throws ParseException { Path ipFolderPath = destinationDirectory; if (!Files.isDirectory(source)) { try { ZIPUtils.unzip(source, destinationDirectory); // 20161111 hsilva: see if the IP extracted has a folder which contains // the content of the IP (for being compliant with previous way of // creating SIP in ZIP format, this test/adjustment is needed) if (Files.exists(destinationDirectory) && !Files.exists(destinationDirectory.resolve(IPConstants.METS_FILE))) { try (DirectoryStream<Path> directoryStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(destinationDirectory)) { for (Path path : directoryStream) { if (Files.isDirectory(path) && Files.exists(path.resolve(IPConstants.METS_FILE))) { ipFolderPath = path; break; } } } } } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("Error unzipping file", e); throw new ParseException("Error unzipping file", e); } } return ipFolderPath; } public static Map<String, ZipEntryInfo> addMdRefFileToZip(Map<String, ZipEntryInfo> zipEntries, Path filePath, String zipPath, MdRef mdRef) throws IPException { zipEntries.put(zipPath, new METSMdRefZipEntryInfo(zipPath, filePath, mdRef)); return zipEntries; } public static Map<String, ZipEntryInfo> addFileTypeFileToZip(Map<String, ZipEntryInfo> zipEntries, Path filePath, String zipPath, FileType fileType) throws IPException { zipEntries.put(zipPath, new METSFileTypeZipEntryInfo(zipPath, filePath, fileType)); return zipEntries; } public static Map<String, ZipEntryInfo> addMETSFileToZip(Map<String, ZipEntryInfo> zipEntries, Path filePath, String zipPath, Mets mets, boolean rootMETS) throws IPException { zipEntries.put(zipPath, new METSZipEntryInfo(zipPath, filePath, mets, rootMETS)); return zipEntries; } public static void zip(Map<String, ZipEntryInfo> files, OutputStream out, SIP sip, boolean isCompressed) throws IOException, InterruptedException, IPException { zip(files, out, sip, true, isCompressed); } public static void zip(Map<String, ZipEntryInfo> files, OutputStream out, SIP sip, boolean createSipIdFolder, boolean isCompressed) throws IOException, InterruptedException, IPException { ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(out); if (isCompressed) { zos.setLevel(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); } else { zos.setLevel(Deflater.NO_COMPRESSION); } Set<String> nonMetsChecksumAlgorithms = new TreeSet<>(); nonMetsChecksumAlgorithms.add(IPConstants.CHECKSUM_ALGORITHM); Set<String> metsChecksumAlgorithms = new TreeSet<>(); metsChecksumAlgorithms.addAll(nonMetsChecksumAlgorithms); metsChecksumAlgorithms.addAll(sip.getExtraChecksumAlgorithms()); int i = 0; for (ZipEntryInfo file : files.values()) { if (Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } file.prepareEntryforZipping(); LOGGER.debug("Zipping file {}", file.getFilePath()); ZipEntry entry; if (createSipIdFolder) { entry = new ZipEntry(sip.getId() + "/" + file.getName()); } else { entry = new ZipEntry(file.getName()); } zos.putNextEntry(entry); InputStream inputStream = Files.newInputStream(file.getFilePath()); try { Map<String, String> checksums; if (file instanceof METSZipEntryInfo) { checksums = calculateChecksums(Optional.of(zos), inputStream, metsChecksumAlgorithms); METSZipEntryInfo metsEntry = (METSZipEntryInfo) file; metsEntry.setChecksums(checksums); metsEntry.setSize(metsEntry.getFilePath().toFile().length()); } else { checksums = calculateChecksums(Optional.of(zos), inputStream, nonMetsChecksumAlgorithms); } LOGGER.debug("Done zipping file"); String checksum = checksums.get(IPConstants.CHECKSUM_ALGORITHM); String checksumType = IPConstants.CHECKSUM_ALGORITHM; file.setChecksum(checksum); file.setChecksumAlgorithm(checksumType); if (file instanceof METSFileTypeZipEntryInfo) { METSFileTypeZipEntryInfo f = (METSFileTypeZipEntryInfo) file; f.getMetsFileType().setCHECKSUM(checksum); f.getMetsFileType().setCHECKSUMTYPE(checksumType); } else if (file instanceof METSMdRefZipEntryInfo) { METSMdRefZipEntryInfo f = (METSMdRefZipEntryInfo) file; f.getMetsMdRef().setCHECKSUM(checksum); f.getMetsMdRef().setCHECKSUMTYPE(checksumType); } } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { LOGGER.error("Error while zipping files", e); } zos.closeEntry(); inputStream.close(); i++; sip.notifySipBuildPackagingCurrentStatus(i); } zos.close(); out.close(); } public static Map<String, String> calculateChecksums(Optional<ZipOutputStream> zos, InputStream inputStream, Set<String> checksumAlgorithms) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException { byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<>(); // instantiate different checksum algorithms Map<String, MessageDigest> algorithms = new HashMap<>(); for (String alg : checksumAlgorithms) { algorithms.put(alg, MessageDigest.getInstance(alg)); } // calculate value for each one of the algorithms int numRead; do { numRead =; if (numRead > 0) { for (Entry<String, MessageDigest> alg : algorithms.entrySet()) { alg.getValue().update(buffer, 0, numRead); } if (zos.isPresent()) { zos.get().write(buffer, 0, numRead); } } } while (numRead != -1); // generate hex versions of the digests algorithms.forEach((alg, dig) -> values.put(alg, DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(dig.digest()))); return values; } public static void unzip(Path zip, final Path dest) throws IOException { ZipInputStream zipInputStream = new ZipInputStream(new FileInputStream(zip.toFile())); ZipEntry zipEntry = zipInputStream.getNextEntry(); if (zipEntry == null) { // No entries in ZIP zipInputStream.close(); } else { while (zipEntry != null) { // for each entry to be extracted String entryName = zipEntry.getName(); Path newFile = dest.resolve(entryName); if (zipEntry.isDirectory()) { Files.createDirectories(newFile); } else { if (!Files.exists(newFile.getParent())) { Files.createDirectories(newFile.getParent()); } OutputStream newFileOutputStream = Files.newOutputStream(newFile); IOUtils.copyLarge(zipInputStream, newFileOutputStream); newFileOutputStream.close(); zipInputStream.closeEntry(); } zipEntry = zipInputStream.getNextEntry(); } // end while zipInputStream.close(); } } }