Java tutorial
/** * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright * detailed in the LICENSE file at the root of the source * tree and available online at * * */ package org.roda_project.commons_ip.model.impl.bagit; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.roda_project.commons_ip.model.IPConstants; import org.roda_project.commons_ip.model.IPContentType; import org.roda_project.commons_ip.model.IPFile; import org.roda_project.commons_ip.model.IPRepresentation; import org.roda_project.commons_ip.model.ParseException; import org.roda_project.commons_ip.model.SIP; import org.roda_project.commons_ip.model.impl.ModelUtils; import org.roda_project.commons_ip.utils.IPException; import org.roda_project.commons_ip.utils.Utils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import gov.loc.repository.bagit.Bag; import gov.loc.repository.bagit.BagFactory; import gov.loc.repository.bagit.BagFile; import gov.loc.repository.bagit.PreBag; import gov.loc.repository.bagit.utilities.SimpleResult; import gov.loc.repository.bagit.utilities.namevalue.NameValueReader.NameValue; import gov.loc.repository.bagit.writer.impl.ZipWriter; public class BagitSIP extends SIP { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BagitSIP.class); public BagitSIP() { super(); } /** * @param sipId */ public BagitSIP(String sipId) { super(sipId); } /** * @param sipId */ public BagitSIP(String sipId, IPContentType contentType) { super(sipId, contentType); } /** * * build and all build related methods * _________________________________________________________________________ */ @Override public Path build(Path destinationDirectory) throws IPException, InterruptedException { return build(destinationDirectory, null); } /** * Builds a SIP. * * @param destinationDirectory * the {@link Path} where the SIP should be build. * @param onlyManifest * build only the manifest file? (<strong>this parameter is * ignored</strong>). * @return the {@link Path}. * @throws IPException * if some error occurs. * @throws InterruptedException * if some error occurs. */ @Override public Path build(final Path destinationDirectory, final boolean onlyManifest) throws IPException, InterruptedException { return build(destinationDirectory, null); } @Override public Path build(Path destinationDirectory, String fileNameWithoutExtension) throws IPException, InterruptedException { return build(destinationDirectory, fileNameWithoutExtension, false); } /** * * build and all build related methods * _________________________________________________________________________ */ /** * Builds a SIP. * * @param destinationDirectory * the {@link Path} where the SIP should be build. * @param fileNameWithoutExtension * the name of the output file without extension. * @param onlyManifest * build only the manifest file? (<strong>this parameter is * ignored</strong>). * @return the {@link Path}. * @throws IPException * if some error occurs. * @throws InterruptedException * if some error occurs. */ @Override public Path build(final Path destinationDirectory, final String fileNameWithoutExtension, final boolean onlyManifest) throws IPException, InterruptedException { IPConstants.METS_ENCODE_AND_DECODE_HREF = true; Path namePath; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fileNameWithoutExtension)) { namePath = destinationDirectory.resolve(fileNameWithoutExtension); } else { namePath = destinationDirectory.resolve(getId()); } Path data = namePath.resolve(IPConstants.BAGIT_DATA_FOLDER); int fileCounter = 0; for (IPRepresentation rep : getRepresentations()) { Path representationPath = data.resolve(rep.getRepresentationID()); for (IPFile file : rep.getData()) { createFiles(file, representationPath); fileCounter++; } } BagFactory bf = new BagFactory(); PreBag pb = bf.createPreBag(new File(namePath.toString())); try (Bag b = pb.makeBagInPlace(BagFactory.Version.V0_97, false)) { // additional metadata Path metadataPath = getDescriptiveMetadata().get(0).getMetadata().getPath(); Map<String, String> metadataList = BagitUtils.getBagitInfo(metadataPath); for (Entry<String, String> entry : metadataList.entrySet()) { b.getBagInfoTxt().put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } b.getBagInfoTxt().put(IPConstants.BAGIT_VENDOR, IPConstants.BAGIT_VENDOR_COMMONS_IP); b.makeComplete(); notifySipBuildPackagingStarted(fileCounter); ZipWriter zipWriter = new ZipWriter(bf); zipWriter.write(b, new File(namePath.toString())); zipWriter.endPayload(); notifySipBuildPackagingEnded(); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("Could not make bag in place", e); } return namePath; } private void createFiles(IPFile file, Path representationPath) { String relativeFilePath = ModelUtils.getFoldersFromList(file.getRelativeFolders()) + file.getFileName(); Path destination = representationPath.resolve(relativeFilePath); try { Files.createDirectories(destination.getParent()); try (InputStream input = Files.newInputStream(file.getPath()); OutputStream output = Files.newOutputStream(destination);) { IOUtils.copyLarge(input, output); } } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("Error creating file {} on bagit data folder", file.getFileName(), e); } } /** * * parse and all parse related methods; during parse, validation is also * conducted and stored inside the SIP * _________________________________________________________________________ */ public static SIP parse(Path source, Path destinationDirectory) throws ParseException { return parseBagit(source, destinationDirectory); } public static SIP parse(Path source) throws ParseException { try { return parse(source, Files.createTempDirectory("unzipped")); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ParseException("Error creating temporary directory for bagit SIP parse", e); } } private static SIP parseBagit(final Path source, final Path destinationDirectory) throws ParseException { IPConstants.METS_ENCODE_AND_DECODE_HREF = true; SIP sip = new BagitSIP(); BagFactory bagFactory = new BagFactory(); try (Bag bag = bagFactory.createBag(source.toFile())) { SimpleResult result = bag.verifyPayloadManifests(); if (result.isSuccess()) { Map<String, String> metadataMap = new HashMap<>(); for (NameValue nameValue : bag.getBagInfoTxt().asList()) { String key = nameValue.getKey(); String value = nameValue.getValue(); if (IPConstants.BAGIT_PARENT.equals(key)) { sip.setAncestors(Arrays.asList(value)); } else { if (IPConstants.BAGIT_ID.equals(key)) { sip.setId(value); } metadataMap.put(key, value); } } String vendor = metadataMap.get(IPConstants.BAGIT_VENDOR); Path metadataPath = destinationDirectory.resolve(Utils.generateRandomAndPrefixedUUID()); sip.addDescriptiveMetadata(BagitUtils.createBagitMetadata(metadataMap, metadataPath)); Map<String, IPRepresentation> representations = new HashMap<>(); for (BagFile bagFile : bag.getPayload()) { List<String> split = Arrays.asList(bagFile.getFilepath().split("/")); if (split.size() > 1 && IPConstants.BAGIT_DATA_FOLDER.equals(split.get(0))) { String representationId = "rep1"; int beginIndex = 1; if (IPConstants.BAGIT_VENDOR_COMMONS_IP.equals(vendor)) { representationId = split.get(1); beginIndex = 2; } if (!representations.containsKey(representationId)) { representations.put(representationId, new IPRepresentation(representationId)); } IPRepresentation representation = representations.get(representationId); List<String> directoryPath = split.subList(beginIndex, split.size() - 1); Path destPath = destinationDirectory.resolve(split.get(split.size() - 1)); try (InputStream bagStream = bagFile.newInputStream(); OutputStream destStream = Files.newOutputStream(destPath)) { IOUtils.copyLarge(bagStream, destStream); } IPFile file = new IPFile(destPath, directoryPath); representation.addFile(file); } } for (IPRepresentation rep : representations.values()) { sip.addRepresentation(rep); } } else { throw new ParseException(result.getMessages().toString()); } return sip; } catch (final IPException | IOException e) { throw new ParseException("Error parsing bagit SIP", e); } } @Override public Set<String> getExtraChecksumAlgorithms() { return Collections.emptySet(); } }