Java tutorial
/** * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright * detailed in the LICENSE file at the root of the source * tree and available online at * * */ package org.roda.core.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.jar.JarEntry; import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * @author Rui Castro * @author Vladislav Koreck <> * * @since 20160909 hsilva: RODA is not using any of these methods, but external * plugins are */ public final class ZipUtility { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ZipUtility.class); private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024; private ZipUtility() { // do nothing } /** * Extract files in zipFilename to outputDir. * * @param zipFilename * the zip file to extract files from. * @param outputDir * the output directory to extract files to. * @throws IOException * if a input/output operation fails, like opening a file or * reading/writing from/to a stream. */ public static void extractZIPFiles(File zipFilename, File outputDir) throws IOException { extractFilesFromZIP(zipFilename, outputDir); } /** * Extract files in zipFilename to outputDir. * * @param zipFilename * the zip file to extract files from. * @param outputDir * the output directory to extract files to. * * @return a {@link List} of with all the extracted {@link File}s. * * @throws IOException * if a input/output operation fails, like opening a file or * reading/writing from/to a stream. * * @deprecated Use {@link ZipUtility#extractFilesFromZIP(File, File, boolean)} * instead of this method because in this method is not clear if * you are going to get a list of files with absolute path or not */ @Deprecated public static List<File> extractFilesFromZIP(File zipFilename, File outputDir) throws IOException { return extractFilesFromZIP(zipFilename, outputDir, false); } /** * Extract files in zipFilename to outputDir. * * @param zipFilename * the zip file to extract files from. * @param outputDir * the output directory to extract files to. * @param filesWithAbsolutePath * determines if the output list of files will contain the absolute * or relative path to the files * * @return a {@link List} of with all the extracted {@link File}s. * * @throws IOException * if a input/output operation fails, like opening a file or * reading/writing from/to a stream. */ public static List<File> extractFilesFromZIP(File zipFilename, File outputDir, boolean filesWithAbsolutePath) throws IOException { return extractFilesFromInputStream(new FileInputStream(zipFilename), outputDir, filesWithAbsolutePath); } private static List<File> extractFilesFromInputStream(InputStream inputStream, File outputDir, boolean filesWithAbsolutePath) throws IOException { ZipInputStream zipInputStream = new ZipInputStream(inputStream); ZipEntry zipEntry = zipInputStream.getNextEntry(); if (zipEntry == null) { zipInputStream.close(); throw new IOException("No files inside ZIP"); } else { List<File> extractedFiles = new ArrayList<>(); while (zipEntry != null) { // for each entry to be extracted String entryName = zipEntry.getName(); LOGGER.debug("Extracting {}", entryName); File newFile = new File(outputDir, entryName); if (filesWithAbsolutePath) { extractedFiles.add(newFile); } else { extractedFiles.add(new File(entryName)); } if (zipEntry.isDirectory()) { newFile.mkdirs(); } else { if (newFile.getParentFile() != null && (!newFile.getParentFile().exists())) { newFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } FileOutputStream newFileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(newFile); // copyLarge returns a long instead of int IOUtils.copyLarge(zipInputStream, newFileOutputStream); newFileOutputStream.close(); zipInputStream.closeEntry(); } zipEntry = zipInputStream.getNextEntry(); } zipInputStream.close(); return extractedFiles; } } /** * Creates ZIP file with the files inside directory <code>contentsDir</code> . * * @param newZipFile * the ZIP file to create * @param contentsDir * the directory containing the files to compress. * @return the created ZIP file. * @throws IOException * if something goes wrong with creation of the ZIP file or the * reading of the files to compress. */ public static File createZIPFile(File newZipFile, File contentsDir) throws IOException { List<File> contentAbsoluteFiles = FileUtility.listFilesRecursively(contentsDir); FileOutputStream zipStream = new FileOutputStream(newZipFile); JarOutputStream jarOutputStream = new JarOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(zipStream)); // Create a buffer for reading the files byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; Iterator<File> iterator = contentAbsoluteFiles.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { File absoluteFile =; String relativeFile = getFilePathRelativeTo(absoluteFile, contentsDir); FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(absoluteFile); BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(inputStream); // Add ZIP entry to output stream. jarOutputStream.putNextEntry(new JarEntry(relativeFile)); LOGGER.trace("Adding {}", relativeFile); int length; while ((length = > 0) { jarOutputStream.write(buffer, 0, length); } // Complete the entry jarOutputStream.closeEntry(); in.close(); inputStream.close(); } // Complete the ZIP file jarOutputStream.close(); zipStream.close(); return newZipFile; } /** * @param file * the {@link File} to make relative * @param relativeTo * the {@link File} (or directory) that file should be made relative * to. * @return a {@link String} with the relative file path. */ public static String getFilePathRelativeTo(File file, File relativeTo) { return relativeTo.getAbsoluteFile().toURI().relativize(file.getAbsoluteFile().toURI()).toString(); } /** * Adds file / folder to zip output stream. Method works recursively. * * @param zos * @param srcFile */ public static void addDirToArchive(ZipOutputStream zos, File srcFile) { File[] files = srcFile.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { // if the file is directory, use recursion if (files[i].isDirectory()) { addDirToArchive(zos, files[i]); continue; } try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(files[i])) { // create byte buffer byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(files[i].getName())); int length; while ((length = > 0) { zos.write(buffer, 0, length); } zos.closeEntry(); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("Error adding file/folder to zip", e); } } } public static void zip(File directory, ZipOutputStream zout) throws IOException { URI base = directory.toURI(); Deque<File> queue = new LinkedList<>(); queue.push(directory); try { while (!queue.isEmpty()) { File dir = queue.pop(); for (File kid : dir.listFiles()) { String name = base.relativize(kid.toURI()).getPath(); if (kid.isDirectory()) { queue.push(kid); name = name.endsWith("/") ? name : name + "/"; zout.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(name)); } else { zout.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(name)); copy(kid, zout); zout.closeEntry(); } } } } finally { zout.close(); } } private static void copy(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException { byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; while (true) { int readCount =; if (readCount < 0) { break; } out.write(buffer, 0, readCount); } } private static void copy(File file, OutputStream out) throws IOException { InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file); try { copy(in, out); } finally { in.close(); } } public static List<File> extractFilesFromInputStream(InputStream inputStream, Path outputDir) throws IOException { return extractFilesFromInputStream(inputStream, outputDir.toFile(), false); } }