Source code

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Here is the source code for


 * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright
 * detailed in the LICENSE file at the root of the source
 * tree and available online at
package org.roda.core.common;

import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.roda.core.util.PasswordHandler;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.w3c.util.DateParser;

 * @author Rui Castro
public class LdapUtility {

    /** Class logger. */
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LdapUtility.class);

    /** RODA instance name. */
    private static final String INSTANCE_NAME = "RODA";

    /** Size of random passwords */
    private static final int RANDOM_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 12;

    /** Shadow inactive constant. */
    private static final String SHADOW_INACTIVE = "shadowInactive";

    /** Unique member constant. */
    private static final String UNIQUE_MEMBER = "uniqueMember";

    /** Role occupant constant. */
    private static final String ROLE_OCCUPANT = "roleOccupant";

    /** Object class constant. */
    private static final String OBJECT_CLASS = "objectClass";

    /** Constant: top. */
    private static final String OBJECT_CLASS_TOP = "top";

    /** Constant: groupOfUniqueNames. */
    private static final String GROUP_OF_UNIQUE_NAMES = "groupOfUniqueNames";

    /** Constant: domain. */
    private static final String OBJECT_CLASS_DOMAIN = "domain";

    /** Constant: extensibleObject. */
    private static final String OBJECT_CLASS_EXTENSIBLE_OBJECT = "extensibleObject";

    /** Constant: userPassword. */
    private static final String USER_PASSWORD = "userPassword";

    /** Constant: uid. */
    private static final String UID = "uid";

    /** Constant: cn. */
    private static final String CN = "cn";

    /** Constant: ou. */
    private static final String OU = "ou";

    /** Constant: email. */
    private static final String EMAIL = "email";

    private static final String RODA_DUMMY_USER = "cn=roda,ou=system,dc=roda,dc=org";

    /** Start the LDAP server? */
    private boolean ldapStartServer = false;

    /** The port where LDAP server should bind. */
    private int ldapPort = 10389;

     * LDAP administrator Distinguished Name (DN).
    private String ldapAdminDN = null;

     * LDAP administrator password.
    private String ldapAdminPassword = null;

     * LDAP DN of the root.
    private String ldapRootDN = "";

     * LDAP OU of the people entry (default: null).
    private String ldapPeopleDN = null;

     * LDAP OU of the groups entry (default: null).
    private String ldapGroupsDN = null;

     * LDAP OU of the roles entry (default: null).
    private String ldapRolesDN = null;

     * Password Digest Algorithm.
    private String ldapDigestAlgorithm = "MD5";

     * List of protected users. Users in the protected list cannot be modified.
     * The list of protected users can be set in file.
    private List<String> ldapProtectedUsers = new ArrayList<>();

     * List of protected groups. Groups in the protected list cannot be modified.
     * The list of protected groups can be set in file.
    private List<String> ldapProtectedGroups = new ArrayList<>();

     * RODA guest user Distinguished Name (DN).
    private String rodaGuestDN = null;

     * RODA administrator user Distinguished Name (DN).
    private String rodaAdminDN = null;

     * RODA administrator group Distinguished Name (DN).
    private String rodaAdministratorsDN = null;

     * Directory where ApacheDS data will be stored.
    private Path dataDirectory = null;

    /** The directory service. */
    private DirectoryService service;

    /** The LDAP server. */
    private LdapServer server;

     * Constructs a new LdapUtility class with the given parameters.
     * @param ldapStartServer
     *          start the LDAP server?
     * @param ldapPort
     *          the port where LDAP server should bind.
     * @param ldapRootDN
     *          the root DN.
     * @param ldapPeopleDN
     *          the DN for the people entry. Users should be located under this
     *          entry.
     * @param ldapGroupsDN
     *          the DN for the groups entry. Groups should be located under this
     *          entry.
     * @param ldapRolesDN
     *          the DN for the roles entry. Roles should be located under this
     *          entry.
     * @param ldapAdminDN
     *          the DN (Distinguished Name) of the LDAP administrator.
     * @param ldapAdminPassword
     *          the password of the LDAP administrator.
     * @param ldapPasswordDigestAlgorithm
     *          the algorithm to use for password encryption (crypt, sha, md5).
     *          The default is MD5.
     * @param ldapProtectedUsers
     *          list of protected users. Users in the protected list cannot be
     *          modified.
     * @param ldapProtectedGroups
     *          list of protected groups. Groups in the protected list cannot be
     *          modified.
     * @param rodaGuestDN
     *          the DN (Distinguished Name) of the RODA guest.
     * @param rodaAdminDN
     *          the DN (Distinguished Name) of the RODA administrator.
     * @param dataDirectory
     *          Directory where ApacheDS data will be stored.
    public LdapUtility(final boolean ldapStartServer, final int ldapPort, final String ldapRootDN,
            final String ldapPeopleDN, final String ldapGroupsDN, final String ldapRolesDN,
            final String ldapAdminDN, final String ldapAdminPassword, final String ldapPasswordDigestAlgorithm,
            final List<String> ldapProtectedUsers, final List<String> ldapProtectedGroups, final String rodaGuestDN,
            final String rodaAdminDN, final Path dataDirectory) {
        this.ldapStartServer = ldapStartServer;
        this.ldapPort = ldapPort;
        this.ldapRootDN = ldapRootDN;
        this.ldapPeopleDN = ldapPeopleDN;
        this.ldapGroupsDN = ldapGroupsDN;
        this.ldapRolesDN = ldapRolesDN;
        this.ldapAdminDN = ldapAdminDN;
        this.ldapAdminPassword = ldapAdminPassword;

        if (ldapPasswordDigestAlgorithm != null) {
            this.ldapDigestAlgorithm = ldapPasswordDigestAlgorithm;
        if (ldapProtectedUsers != null) {
            LOGGER.debug("Protected users: {}", this.ldapProtectedUsers);
        if (ldapProtectedGroups != null) {
            LOGGER.debug("Protected groups: {}", this.ldapProtectedGroups);
        this.rodaGuestDN = rodaGuestDN;
        this.rodaAdminDN = rodaAdminDN;
        this.dataDirectory = dataDirectory;

    public void setRODAAdministratorsDN(String rodaAdministratorsDN) {
        this.rodaAdministratorsDN = rodaAdministratorsDN;

     * Stop the directory service and LDAP server if it is running.
     * @throws GenericException
     *           is some error occurred during shutdown.
    public void stopService() throws GenericException {
        if (this.server != null && this.server.isStarted()) {
        try {
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            throw new GenericException(e.getMessage(), e);

     * Initialize the server. It creates the partition and adds the index.
     * @throws Exception
     *           if there were some problems while initializing the system
    public void initDirectoryService() throws Exception {

     * Initialize the server. It creates the partition, adds the index, and
     * injects the context entries for the created partitions.
     * @param ldifs
     *          LDIF files to apply to Directory Service.
     * @throws Exception
     *           if there were some problems while initializing the system
    public void initDirectoryService(final List<String> ldifs) throws Exception {

        // Initialize the LDAP service
        final JdbmPartition rodaPartition = instantiateDirectoryService();
        final CoreSession session = service.getAdminSession();

        // Inject the context entry for dc=roda,dc=org partition
        if (!session.exists(rodaPartition.getSuffixDn())) {
            final Dn dnRoot = new Dn(this.ldapRootDN);
            final Entry entryRoda = service.newEntry(dnRoot);
            entryRoda.add("dc", getFirstNameFromDN(dnRoot));

        if (ldifs != null) {
            for (String ldif : ldifs) {

        if (this.ldapStartServer) {
            this.server = new LdapServer();
            this.server.setTransports(new TcpTransport(this.ldapPort));

     * Return all users
     * @return a list of {@link User}'s.
     * @throws GenericException
     *           if some error occurs.
    public List<User> getUsers() throws GenericException {

        try {

            final CoreSession session = service.getAdminSession();
            final List<Entry> entries = searchEntries(session, ldapPeopleDN, UID);
            final List<User> users = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Entry entry : entries) {

                final User user = getUserFromEntry(entry);

                // Add all roles assigned to this user
                final Set<String> memberRoles = getMemberRoles(session, getUserDN(user.getName()));

                // Add direct roles assigned to this user
                for (String role : getMemberDirectRoles(session, getUserDN(user.getName()))) {

                // Add groups to which this user belongs
                user.setGroups(getUserGroups(session, user.getName()));


            return users;

        } catch (final LdapException e) {
            throw new GenericException("Error getting users", e);

     * Returns the User with name <code>uid</code> or <code>null</code> if it
     * doesn't exist.
     * @param name
     *          the name of the desired User.
     * @return the User with name <code>name</code> or <code>null</code> if it
     *         doesn't exist.
     * @throws GenericException
     *           if the user information could not be retrieved from the LDAP
     *           server.
    public User getUser(final String name) throws GenericException {
        try {
            return getUser(service.getAdminSession(), name);
        } catch (final LdapException e) {
            throw new GenericException("Error getting user " + name, e);

     * Returns the {@link User} with email <code>email</code> or <code>null</code>
     * if it doesn't exist.
     * @param email
     *          the email of the desired {@link User}.
     * @return the {@link User} with email <code>email</code> or <code>null</code>
     *         if it doesn't exist.
     * @throws GenericException
     *           if the user information could not be retrieved from the LDAP
     *           server.
    public User getUserWithEmail(final String email) throws GenericException {
        try {
            return getUserWithEmail(service.getAdminSession(), email);
        } catch (final LdapException e) {
            throw new GenericException("Error getting user with email " + email, e);

     * Adds a new {@link User}.
     * @param user
     *          the {@link User} to add.
     * @return the newly created {@link User}.
     * @throws UserAlreadyExistsException
     *           if a User with the same name already exists.
     * @throws EmailAlreadyExistsException
     *           if the {@link User}'s email is already used.
     * @throws GenericException
     *           if something goes wrong with the creation of the new user.
    public User addUser(final User user)
            throws UserAlreadyExistsException, EmailAlreadyExistsException, GenericException {

        if (!user.isNameValid()) {
            LOGGER.debug("'{}' is not a valid user name.", user.getName());
            throw new GenericException("'" + user.getName() + "' is not a valid user name.");

        if (getUserWithEmail(user.getEmail()) != null) {
            LOGGER.debug("The email address {} is already used.", user.getEmail());
            throw new EmailAlreadyExistsException("The email address " + user.getEmail() + " is already used.");

        try {
            final CoreSession session = service.getAdminSession();
            setMemberDirectRoles(session, getUserDN(user.getName()), user.getDirectRoles());
            setMemberGroups(session, getUserDN(user.getName()), user.getGroups());

            if (!user.isActive()) {
                try {
                } catch (final NotFoundException e) {
                    LOGGER.error("Created user doesn't exist! Notify developers!!!", e);

        } catch (final LdapEntryAlreadyExistsException e) {
            LOGGER.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new UserAlreadyExistsException(userMessage(user.getName(), " already exists."), e);
        } catch (final LdapException e) {
            LOGGER.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new GenericException("Error adding user " + user.getName(), e);

        final User newUser = getUser(user.getName());
        if (newUser == null) {
            throw new GenericException("The user was not created!");
        } else {
            return newUser;

     * Modify the {@link User}'s information.
     * @param modifiedUser
     *          the {@link User} to modify.
     * @return the modified {@link User}.
     * @throws NotFoundException
     *           if the {@link User} being modified doesn't exist.
     * @throws EmailAlreadyExistsException
     *           if the specified email is already used by another user.
     * @throws IllegalOperationException
     *           if the user is one of the protected users.
     * @throws GenericException
     *           if some error occurred.
    public User modifyUser(final User modifiedUser)
            throws NotFoundException, IllegalOperationException, EmailAlreadyExistsException, GenericException {
        modifyUser(service.getAdminSession(), modifiedUser, null, true, false);
        return getUser(modifiedUser.getName());

     * Sets the user's password.
     * @param username
     *          the username.
     * @param password
     *          the password.
     * @throws NotFoundException
     *           if specified {@link User} doesn't exist.
     * @throws IllegalOperationException
     *           if the user is one of the protected users.
     * @throws GenericException
     *           if some error occurs.
    public void setUserPassword(final String username, final String password)
            throws IllegalOperationException, NotFoundException, GenericException {

        final String userDN = getUserDN(username);
        if (this.rodaGuestDN.equals(userDN) || this.ldapProtectedUsers.contains(username)) {
            throw new IllegalOperationException(
                    String.format("User (%s) is protected and cannot be modified.", username));

        setUserPasswordUnchecked(username, password);

     * Modify the {@link User}'s information.
     * @param modifiedUser
     *          the {@link User} to modify.
     * @param newPassword
     *          the new {@link User}'s password. To maintain the current password,
     *          use <code>null</code>.
     * @return the modified {@link User}.
     * @throws NotFoundException
     *           if the Use being modified doesn't exist.
     * @throws EmailAlreadyExistsException
     *           if the specified email is already used by another user.
     * @throws IllegalOperationException
     *           if the user is one of the protected users.
     * @throws GenericException
     *           if some error occurred.
    public User modifySelfUser(final User modifiedUser, final String newPassword)
            throws NotFoundException, EmailAlreadyExistsException, IllegalOperationException, GenericException {
        modifyUser(service.getAdminSession(), modifiedUser, newPassword, false, false);
        return getUser(modifiedUser.getName());

     * Removes a {@link User}.
     * @param username
     *          the name of the user to remove.
     * @throws IllegalOperationException
     *           if the user is one of the protected users.
     * @throws GenericException
     *           if some error occurred.
    public void removeUser(final String username) throws IllegalOperationException, GenericException {
        final String userDN = getUserDN(username);
        if (this.rodaAdminDN.equals(userDN) || this.rodaGuestDN.equals(userDN)
                || this.ldapProtectedUsers.contains(username)) {
            throw new IllegalOperationException(userMessage(username, " is protected and cannot be removed."));
        try {
            removeMember(service.getAdminSession(), getUserDN(username));
        } catch (final LdapException e) {
            throw new GenericException("Error removing user " + username, e);

     * Return all groups
     * @return an array of {@link Group}'s.
     * @throws GenericException
     *           if some error occurred.
    public List<Group> getGroups() throws GenericException {

        try {

            final CoreSession session = service.getAdminSession();
            final List<Entry> entries = searchEntries(session, ldapGroupsDN, CN);
            final List<Group> groups = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Entry entry : entries) {
                final Group group = getGroupFromEntry(entry);

                // Add all roles assigned to this group
                final Set<String> memberRoles = getMemberRoles(session, getGroupDN(group.getName()));

                // Add direct roles assigned to this group
                for (String role : getMemberDirectRoles(session, getGroupDN(group.getName()))) {


            return groups;

        } catch (final LdapException e) {
            throw new GenericException("Error getting groups - " + e.getMessage(), e);

     * Returns the group named <code>grpName</code>.
     * @param name
     *          the name of the group.
     * @return a Group if the group exists, otherwise <code>null</code>.
     * @throws GenericException
     *           if the group information could not be retrieved from the LDAP
     *           server.
     * @throws NotFoundException
     *           if the group doesn't exist.
    public Group getGroup(final String name) throws GenericException, NotFoundException {
        try {
            return getGroup(service.getAdminSession(), name);
        } catch (final LdapNoSuchObjectException e) {
            throw new NotFoundException(name);
        } catch (final LdapException e) {
            throw new GenericException("Error searching for group " + name, e);

     * Add a new {@link Group}.
     * @param group
     *          the {@link Group} to add.
     * @return the newly created {@link Group}.
     * @throws GroupAlreadyExistsException
     *           if a Group with the same name already exists.
     * @throws GenericException
     *           if something goes wrong with the creation of the new group.
    public Group addGroup(final Group group) throws GroupAlreadyExistsException, GenericException {
        if (!group.isNameValid()) {
            throw new GenericException("'" + group.getName() + "' is not a valid group name.");
        try {
            final Dn dn = new Dn(getGroupDN(group.getName()));
            final Entry entry = service.newEntry(dn);
            entry.add(CN, group.getName());
            entry.add(OU, group.getFullName());
            entry.add(SHADOW_INACTIVE, group.isActive() ? "0" : "1");
            // 20160906 hsilva: this is needed because at least one UNIQUE_MEMBER must
            // be added to the entry
            entry.add(UNIQUE_MEMBER, RODA_DUMMY_USER);

            final CoreSession session = service.getAdminSession();

            setMemberDirectRoles(session, getGroupDN(group.getName()), group.getDirectRoles());

        } catch (final LdapEntryAlreadyExistsException e) {
            throw new GroupAlreadyExistsException("Group " + group.getName() + " already exists.", e);
        } catch (final LdapException e) {
            throw new GenericException("Error adding group " + group.getName(), e);

        final Group newGroup;
        try {
            newGroup = getGroup(group.getName());
        } catch (NotFoundException e) {
            throw new GenericException("The group was not created! " + e.getMessage());
        if (newGroup == null) {
            throw new GenericException("The group was not created!");
        } else {
            return newGroup;

     * Modify the {@link Group}'s information.
     * @param modifiedGroup
     *          the {@link Group} to modify.
     * @return the modified {@link Group}.
     * @throws NotFoundException
     *           if the group with being modified doesn't exist.
     * @throws IllegalOperationException
     *           if the user is one of the protected users.
     * @throws GenericException
     *           if some error occurred.
     * @throws GenericException
     *           if some error occurred.
    public Group modifyGroup(final Group modifiedGroup)
            throws NotFoundException, IllegalOperationException, GenericException {
        return modifyGroup(modifiedGroup, false);

     * Removes a group.
     * @param groupname
     *          the name of the group to remove.
     * @throws IllegalOperationException
     *           if the user is one of the protected users.
     * @throws GenericException
     *           if some error occurred.
    public void removeGroup(final String groupname) throws GenericException, IllegalOperationException {
        if (this.rodaAdministratorsDN.equals(getGroupDN(groupname))
                || this.ldapProtectedGroups.contains(groupname)) {
            throw new IllegalOperationException("Group (" + groupname + ") is protected and cannot be removed.");
        try {
            removeMember(service.getAdminSession(), getGroupDN(groupname));
        } catch (final LdapException e) {
            throw new GenericException("Error removing group " + groupname, e);


     * Gets {@link User} with <code>username</code> and <code>password</code> from
     * LDAP server using this username and password as login for LDAP to verify
     * that the parameters are valid.
     * @param username
     *          the user's username.
     * @param password
     *          the user's password.
     * @return the {@link User} registered in LDAP.
     * @throws AuthenticationDeniedException
     *           if the provided credentials are not valid.
     * @throws GenericException
     *           if some error occurred.
    public User getAuthenticatedUser(final String username, final String password)
            throws AuthenticationDeniedException, GenericException {

        if (StringUtils.isBlank(username) || StringUtils.isBlank(password)) {
            throw new AuthenticationDeniedException("Username and password cannot be blank!");

        try {

            // Try to get a session using username and password.
            // Use this session to retrieve user's direct attributes.
            final CoreSession userSession = service.getSession(new Dn(getUserDN(username)), password.getBytes());
            final Entry entry = userSession.lookup(new Dn(getUserDN(username)));
            final User user = getUserFromEntry(entry);
            // Use the admin session to get the user roles and groups
            return setUserRolesAndGroups(service.getAdminSession(), user);

        } catch (final LdapAuthenticationException e) {
            throw new AuthenticationDeniedException(e.getMessage(), e);
        } catch (final LdapException e) {
            throw new GenericException(e.getMessage(), e);

     * Register a new {@link User}. The new {@link User} will be inactive and a
     * email validation token will be generated.
     * @param user
     *          the new {@link User} to create.
     * @param password
     *          the new {@link User} password.
     * @return the newly created {@link User}.
     * @throws UserAlreadyExistsException
     *           if a {@link User} with the same name already exists.
     * @throws EmailAlreadyExistsException
     *           if the {@link User}'s email is already used.
     * @throws GenericException
     *           if something goes wrong with the register process.
    public User registerUser(final User user, final String password)
            throws UserAlreadyExistsException, EmailAlreadyExistsException, GenericException {

        // Generate an email verification token with 1 day expiration date.
        final UUID uuidToken = UUID.randomUUID();
        final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
        calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
        final String isoDateNoMillis = DateParser.getIsoDateNoMillis(calendar.getTime());


        final User newUser = addUser(user);
        try {

            setUserPassword(newUser.getName(), password);

        } catch (final IllegalOperationException | NotFoundException e) {
            throw new GenericException("Error setting user password - " + e.getMessage(), e);

        return newUser;

     * Confirms the {@link User} email using the token supplied at register time
     * and activate the {@link User}.
     * <p>
     * The <code>username</code> and <code>email</code> are used to identify the
     * user. One of them can be <code>null</code>, but not both at the same time.
     * </p>
     * @param username
     *          the name of the {@link User}.
     * @param email
     *          the email address of the {@link User}.
     * @param emailConfirmationToken
     *          the email confirmation token.
     * @return the {@link User} whose email has been confirmed.
     * @throws NotFoundException
     *           if the username and email don't exist.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *           if username and email are <code>null</code>.
     * @throws InvalidTokenException
     *           if the specified token doesn't exist, has already expired or it
     *           doesn't correspond to the stored token.
     * @throws GenericException
     *           if something goes wrong with the operation.
    public User confirmUserEmail(final String username, final String email, final String emailConfirmationToken)
            throws NotFoundException, InvalidTokenException, GenericException {

        final User user = getUserByNameOrEmail(username, email);

        if (user == null) {

            final String message;
            if (username != null) {
                message = userMessage(username, " doesn't exist");
            } else {
                message = "Email " + email + " is not registered by any user";

            throw new NotFoundException(message);

        } else {

            if (user.getEmailConfirmationToken() == null) {

                throw new InvalidTokenException("There's no active email confirmation token.");

            } else if (!user.getEmailConfirmationToken().equals(emailConfirmationToken)
                    || user.getEmailConfirmationTokenExpirationDate() == null) {

                // Token argument is not equal to stored token, or
                // No expiration date
                throw new InvalidTokenException("Email confirmation token is invalid.");

            } else {

                final String currentIsoDate = DateParser.getIsoDateNoMillis(Calendar.getInstance().getTime());

                if (currentIsoDate.compareToIgnoreCase(user.getEmailConfirmationTokenExpirationDate()) > 0) {

                    throw new InvalidTokenException("Email confirmation token expired in "
                            + user.getEmailConfirmationTokenExpirationDate());




            try {

                return modifyUser(user);

            } catch (final IllegalOperationException | EmailAlreadyExistsException e) {
                throw new GenericException("Error confirming user email - " + e.getMessage(), e);

     * Generate a password reset token for the {@link User} with the given
     * username or email.
     * <p>
     * The <code>username</code> and <code>email</code> are used to identify the
     * user. One of them can be <code>null</code>, but not both at the same time.
     * </p>
     * @param username
     *          the username of the {@link User} for whom the password needs to be
     *          reset.
     * @param email
     *          the email of the {@link User} for whom the password needs to be
     *          reset.
     * @return the {@link User} with the password reset token and expiration date.
     * @throws NotFoundException
     *           if username or email doesn't correspond to any registered
     *           {@link User}.
     * @throws IllegalOperationException
     *           if email corresponds to a protected {@link User}.
     * @throws GenericException
     *           if something goes wrong with the operation.
    public User requestPasswordReset(final String username, final String email)
            throws NotFoundException, IllegalOperationException, GenericException {

        final User user = getUserByNameOrEmail(username, email);

        if (user == null) {

            final String message;
            if (username != null) {
                message = userMessage(username, " doesn't exist");
            } else {
                message = "Email " + email + " is not registered by any user";

            throw new NotFoundException(message);

        } else {

            // Generate a password reset token with 1 day expiration date.
            final UUID uuidToken = UUID.randomUUID();
            final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
            calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
            final String isoDateNoMillis = DateParser.getIsoDateNoMillis(calendar.getTime());


            try {

                return modifyUser(user);

            } catch (final EmailAlreadyExistsException e) {
                throw new GenericException("Error setting password reset token - " + e.getMessage(), e);

     * Reset {@link User}'s password given a previously generated token.
     * @param username
     *          the {@link User}'s username.
     * @param password
     *          the {@link User}'s password.
     * @param resetPasswordToken
     *          the token to reset {@link User}'s password.
     * @return the modified {@link User}.
     * @throws NotFoundException
     *           if a {@link User} with the same name already exists.
     * @throws InvalidTokenException
     *           if the specified token doesn't exist, has already expired or it
     *           doesn't correspond to the stored token.
     * @throws IllegalOperationException
     *           if the username corresponds to a protected {@link User}.
     * @throws GenericException
     *           if something goes wrong with the operation.
    public User resetUserPassword(final String username, final String password, final String resetPasswordToken)
            throws NotFoundException, InvalidTokenException, IllegalOperationException, GenericException {

        final User user = getUser(username);

        if (user == null) {

            throw new NotFoundException(userMessage(username, " doesn't exist"));

        } else {

            if (user.getResetPasswordToken() == null) {

                throw new InvalidTokenException("There's no active password reset token.");

            } else if (!user.getResetPasswordToken().equals(resetPasswordToken)
                    || user.getResetPasswordTokenExpirationDate() == null) {

                // Token argument is not equal to stored token, or
                // expiration date is null.
                throw new InvalidTokenException("Password reset token is invalid.");

            } else {
                final String currentIsoDate = DateParser.getIsoDateNoMillis(Calendar.getInstance().getTime());
                if (currentIsoDate.compareToIgnoreCase(user.getResetPasswordTokenExpirationDate()) > 0) {
                    throw new InvalidTokenException(
                            "Password reset token expired in " + user.getResetPasswordTokenExpirationDate());

            try {

                setUserPassword(username, password);


                return modifyUser(user);

            } catch (final IllegalOperationException | EmailAlreadyExistsException e) {
                throw new GenericException("Error reseting user password - " + e.getMessage(), e);

     * Add a new role with the specified name.
     * @param roleName
     *          the role to add.
     * @throws RoleAlreadyExistsException
     *           if a role with the same name already exists.
     * @throws GenericException
     *           if something goes wrong with the creation of the new role.
    public void addRole(final String roleName) throws RoleAlreadyExistsException, GenericException {
        try {
            final CoreSession session = service.getAdminSession();
            final String roleDN = getRoleDN(roleName);
            final Entry entryRole = service.newEntry(new Dn(roleDN));
            entryRole.add(OBJECT_CLASS, "organizationalRole", OBJECT_CLASS_TOP);
            entryRole.add(CN, roleName);
            entryRole.add(ROLE_OCCUPANT, rodaAdministratorsDN);
            try {
            } catch (final LdapEntryAlreadyExistsException e) {
                // Assign role to RODA administrators group
                final Set<String> roles = getMemberDirectRoles(session, this.rodaAdministratorsDN);
                if (!roles.contains(roleName)) {
                    addMemberToRoleOrGroup(service.getAdminSession(), roleDN, this.rodaAdministratorsDN,
                throw new RoleAlreadyExistsException("Role " + roleName + " already exists.", e);
        } catch (final LdapException e) {
            throw new GenericException("Error adding role '" + roleName + "'", e);

     * Instantiate Directory Service.
     * @return RODA {@link JdbmPartition}
     * @throws Exception
     *           if some error occurs.
    private JdbmPartition instantiateDirectoryService() throws Exception {
        this.service = new DefaultDirectoryService();
        this.service.setInstanceLayout(new InstanceLayout(this.dataDirectory.toFile()));

        final CacheService cacheService = new CacheService();


        // first load the schema

        final File systemPartitionPath = new File(this.service.getInstanceLayout().getPartitionsDirectory(),

        // If the system partition directory exists, delete it, to avoid "ou=system
        // already exists!" error at startup.
        // It will be recreated again.
        // TODO: this is a workaround for this issue
        if (systemPartitionPath.exists() && !FileUtils.deleteQuietly(systemPartitionPath)) {
            LOGGER.warn("Could not delete ApacheDS system partition directory: {}", systemPartitionPath);

        // then the system partition
        // this is a MANDATORY partition
        // DO NOT add this via addPartition() method, trunk code complains about
        // duplicate partition while initializing
        final JdbmPartition systemPartition = new JdbmPartition(this.service.getSchemaManager(),
        systemPartition.setSuffixDn(new Dn(ServerDNConstants.SYSTEM_DN));

        // mandatory to call this method to set the system partition
        // Note: this system partition might be removed from trunk

        // Disable the ChangeLog system
        // this.service.getChangeLog().setEnabled(false);
        // this.service.setDenormalizeOpAttrsEnabled(true);

        // Now we can create as many partitions as we need
        final JdbmPartition rodaPartition = addPartition(INSTANCE_NAME, this.ldapRootDN,

        // Index some attributes on the apache partition
        addIndex(rodaPartition, OBJECT_CLASS, OU, UID);

        // And start the service

        final CoreSession session = this.service.getAdminSession();

        // change nis attribute in order to make things like
        // "shadowinactive" work
        ModifyRequestImpl modifyRequestImpl = new ModifyRequestImpl();
        modifyRequestImpl.setName(new Dn("cn=nis,ou=schema"));
        modifyRequestImpl.replace("m-disabled", "FALSE");

        // change admin password
        modifyRequestImpl = new ModifyRequestImpl();
        modifyRequestImpl.setName(new Dn(this.ldapAdminDN));
        modifyRequestImpl.replace(USER_PASSWORD, this.ldapAdminPassword);

        return rodaPartition;

    private User setUserRolesAndGroups(final CoreSession session, final User user) throws LdapException {
        // Add all roles assigned to this user
        final Set<String> memberRoles = getMemberRoles(session, getUserDN(user.getName()));

        // Add direct roles assigned to this user
        for (String role : getMemberDirectRoles(session, getUserDN(user.getName()))) {

        // Add all groups to which this user belongs
        user.setGroups(getUserGroups(session, user.getName()));

        return user;

    private User getUser(final CoreSession session, final String username) throws LdapException {

        final Entry entry = session.lookup(new Dn(getUserDN(username)));
        final User user = getUserFromEntry(entry);

        // Add all roles assigned to this user
        final Set<String> memberRoles = getMemberRoles(session, getUserDN(username));

        // Add direct roles assigned to this user
        for (String role : getMemberDirectRoles(session, getUserDN(username))) {

        // Add all groups to which this user belongs
        user.setGroups(getUserGroups(session, username));

        // Add groups to which this user belongs
        for (String groupDN : getDNsOfGroupsContainingMember(session, getUserDN(username))) {

        return user;

    private User getUserFromEntry(final Entry entry) throws LdapException {

        final User user = new User(getEntryAttributeAsString(entry, UID));
        // id and name set in the constructor
        user.setFullName(getEntryAttributeAsString(entry, CN));

        user.setActive("0".equalsIgnoreCase(getEntryAttributeAsString(entry, SHADOW_INACTIVE)));

        user.setEmail(getEntryAttributeAsString(entry, EMAIL));

        user.setExtra(getEntryAttributeAsString(entry, "description"));

        if (entry.get("info") != null) {
            final String infoStr = entry.get("info").getString();

            // emailValidationToken;emailValidationTokenValidity;resetPasswordToken;resetPasswordTokenValidity

            final String[] parts = infoStr.split(";");

            if (parts.length >= 1 && parts[0].trim().length() > 0) {
            if (parts.length >= 2 && parts[1].trim().length() > 0) {
            if (parts.length >= 3 && parts[2].trim().length() > 0) {
            if (parts.length >= 4 && parts[3].trim().length() > 0) {

        return user;

    private Entry getEntryFromUser(final User user) throws LdapException {
        final String userDN = getUserDN(user.getName());
        final Entry entry = service.newEntry(new Dn(userDN));
        entry.add(OBJECT_CLASS, "inetOrgPerson", "organizationalPerson", "person", OBJECT_CLASS_TOP,
        entry.add(UID, user.getName());
        entry.add(CN, user.getFullName());
        if (this.rodaAdminDN.equals(userDN) || this.rodaGuestDN.equals(userDN)) {
            entry.add(SHADOW_INACTIVE, "0");
        } else {
            entry.add(SHADOW_INACTIVE, user.isActive() ? "0" : "1");
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(user.getFullName())) {
            final String[] names = user.getFullName().split(" ");
            if (names.length > 0) {
                entry.add("givenName", names[0]);
                entry.add("sn", names[names.length - 1]);
            } else {
                entry.add("sn", user.getName());
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(user.getEmail())) {
            entry.add(EMAIL, user.getEmail());
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(user.getExtra())) {
            entry.add("description", user.getExtra());

        final String[] infoParts = new String[] { user.getEmailConfirmationToken(),
                user.getEmailConfirmationTokenExpirationDate(), user.getResetPasswordToken(),
                user.getResetPasswordTokenExpirationDate() };
        for (int i = 0; i < infoParts.length; i++) {
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(infoParts[i])) {
                infoParts[i] = "";
        entry.add("info", String.join(";", infoParts));

        return entry;

    private Group getGroup(final CoreSession session, final String name) throws LdapException {

        final Entry entry = session.lookup(new Dn(getGroupDN(name)));

        final Group group = getGroupFromEntry(entry);

        // Add all roles assigned to this group
        final Set<String> memberRoles = getMemberRoles(session, getGroupDN(name));

        // Add direct roles assigned to this group
        for (String role : getMemberDirectRoles(session, getGroupDN(name))) {

        return group;

    private Group getGroupFromEntry(final Entry entry) throws LdapException {

        final Group group = new Group(getEntryAttributeAsString(entry, CN));

        group.setActive("0".equalsIgnoreCase(getEntryAttributeAsString(entry, SHADOW_INACTIVE)));
        group.setFullName(getEntryAttributeAsString(entry, OU));

        final Attribute attributeUniqueMember = entry.get(UNIQUE_MEMBER);

        if (attributeUniqueMember != null) {

            for (Value<?> value : attributeUniqueMember) {
                final String memberDN = value.toString();

                if (memberDN.endsWith(getPeopleDN())) {
                } else if (memberDN.endsWith(getGroupsDN())) {
                    // 20160907 lfaria: ignoring sub-groups
                    // group.addMemberGroup(getFirstNameFromDN(memberDN));
                    LOGGER.warn("Ignoring sub-group {} connection with group {}", memberDN, group.getId());
                } else if (!memberDN.equals(RODA_DUMMY_USER)) {
                    LOGGER.warn("Member {} outside users and groups", memberDN);

        } else {
            LOGGER.debug("Group {} is empty", group.getName());

        return group;

     * Modify the {@link Group}'s information.
     * @param modifiedGroup
     *          the {@link Group} to modify.
     * @param force
     *          ignore protected groups configuration.
     * @return the modified {@link Group}.
     * @throws NotFoundException
     *           if the group with being modified doesn't exist.
     * @throws IllegalOperationException
     *           if the user is one of the protected users.
     * @throws GenericException
     *           if some error occurred.
     * @throws GenericException
     *           if some error occurred.
    private Group modifyGroup(final Group modifiedGroup, final boolean force)
            throws NotFoundException, IllegalOperationException, GenericException {

        if (!force && this.ldapProtectedGroups.contains(modifiedGroup.getName())) {
            throw new IllegalOperationException(
                    String.format("Group (%s) is protected and cannot be modified.", modifiedGroup.getName()));

        try {
            final CoreSession session = service.getAdminSession();
            final String groupDN = getGroupDN(modifiedGroup.getName());
            final Entry entry = session.lookup(new Dn(groupDN));
            // 20160906 hsilva: cannot change CN as it is used as id (as well as the
            // name)
            entry.add(OU, modifiedGroup.getFullName());
            entry.add(SHADOW_INACTIVE, modifiedGroup.isActive() ? "0" : "1");
            // Remove all members
            // 20160906 hsilva: this is needed because at least one UNIQUE_MEMBER must
            // be added to the entry
            entry.add(UNIQUE_MEMBER, RODA_DUMMY_USER);
            // Add user members
            for (String memberName : modifiedGroup.getUsers()) {
                entry.add(UNIQUE_MEMBER, getUserDN(memberName));

            setMemberDirectRoles(session, groupDN, modifiedGroup.getDirectRoles());

        } catch (final LdapNoSuchObjectException e) {
            throw new NotFoundException("Group " + modifiedGroup.getName() + " doesn't exist.", e);
        } catch (final LdapException e) {
            throw new GenericException("Error modifying group " + modifiedGroup.getName(), e);

        return getGroup(modifiedGroup.getName());

    private List<Entry> searchEntries(final CoreSession session, final String ctxDN, final String keyAttribute)
            throws LdapException {
        final Cursor<Entry> cursor = search(session, ctxDN, String.format("(%s=*)", keyAttribute));
        final List<Entry> entries = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Entry entry : cursor) {
        return entries;

     * Returns the LDAP DN of the people entry.
     * @return the LDAP DN of the people entry.
    private String getPeopleDN() {
        return ldapPeopleDN;

     * Returns the LDAP DN of the groups entry.
     * @return the LDAP DN of the groups entry.
    private String getGroupsDN() {
        return ldapGroupsDN;

     * Returns the LDAP DN of the roles entry.
     * @return the LDAP DN of the roles entry.
    private String getRolesDN() {
        return ldapRolesDN;

     * Returns the DN of a user given is username.
     * @param username
     *          the username of the user.
     * @return the DN of a user given is username.
    private String getUserDN(final String username) {
        return String.format("uid=%s,%s", username, getPeopleDN());

     * Returns the DN of a group given is groupName.
     * @param groupName
     *          the name of the group.
     * @return the DN of a group given is groupName.
    private String getGroupDN(final String groupName) {
        return String.format("cn=%s,%s", groupName, getGroupsDN());

     * Returns the DN of a role given is roleName.
     * @param roleName
     *          the name of the role.
     * @return the DN of a role given is roleName.
    private String getRoleDN(final String roleName) {
        return String.format("cn=%s,%s", roleName, getRolesDN());

     * Modify the {@link User}'s information.
     * @param session
     *          the session.
     * @param modifiedUser
     *          the {@link User} to modify.
     * @param newPassword
     *          the new {@link User}'s password. To maintain the current password,
     *          use <code>null</code>.
     * @param modifyRolesAndGroups
     *          <code>true</code> if User's groups and roles should be updated
     *          also.
     * @param force
     *          ignore protected users configuration.
     * @throws NotFoundException
     *           if the {@link User} being modified doesn't exist.
     * @throws EmailAlreadyExistsException
     *           if the specified email is already used by another user.
     * @throws IllegalOperationException
     *           if the user is one of the protected users.
     * @throws GenericException
     *           if some error occurred.
    private void modifyUser(final CoreSession session, final User modifiedUser, final String newPassword,
            final boolean modifyRolesAndGroups, final boolean force)
            throws NotFoundException, IllegalOperationException, EmailAlreadyExistsException, GenericException {

        if (!force && this.ldapProtectedUsers.contains(modifiedUser.getName())) {
            throw new IllegalOperationException(
                    "User (" + modifiedUser.getName() + ") is protected and cannot be modified.");

        try {

            final User currentEmailOwner = getUserWithEmail(session, modifiedUser.getEmail());
            if (currentEmailOwner != null && !modifiedUser.getName().equals(currentEmailOwner.getName())) {
                throw new EmailAlreadyExistsException(
                        "The email address " + modifiedUser.getEmail() + " is already used by another user.");

            final Entry modifiedUserEntry = getEntryFromUser(modifiedUser);
            final String userDN = getUserDN(modifiedUser.getName());
            if (newPassword == null) {
                // Copy password from old entry
                final Entry oldEntry = session.lookup(new Dn(userDN));
                final Object oldPassword = oldEntry.get(USER_PASSWORD);
                if (oldPassword != null) {

            if (newPassword != null) {
                modifyUserPassword(session, modifiedUser.getName(), newPassword);

            if (modifyRolesAndGroups) {
                setMemberGroups(session, userDN, modifiedUser.getGroups());
                setMemberDirectRoles(session, userDN, modifiedUser.getDirectRoles());

        } catch (final LdapException e) {
            throw new GenericException("Error modifying user " + modifiedUser.getName() + " - " + e.getMessage(),
        } catch (final NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
            throw new GenericException("Error encoding password for user " + modifiedUser.getName(), e);


     * Modifies user password.
     * @param session
     *          the session.
     * @param username
     *          the username.
     * @param password
     *          the password.
     * @throws LdapException
     *           if some error occurs.
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
     *           the the algorithm doesn't exist.
    private void modifyUserPassword(final CoreSession session, final String username, final String password)
            throws LdapException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
        final PasswordHandler passwordHandler = PasswordHandler.getInstance();
        final String passwordDigest = passwordHandler.generateDigest(password, null, ldapDigestAlgorithm);
        session.modify(new Dn(getUserDN(username)),
                new DefaultModification(ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, USER_PASSWORD, passwordDigest));

    private void addMemberToRoleOrGroup(final CoreSession session, final String dn, final String memberDN,
            final String attributeName) throws LdapException {
        final Entry entry = session.lookup(new Dn(dn), attributeName);
        Attribute attribute = entry.get(attributeName);
        if (attribute == null) {
            entry.add(attributeName, memberDN);
            attribute = entry.get(attributeName);
        } else {
        final ModifyRequestImpl modifyRequestImpl = new ModifyRequestImpl();

    private void removeMemberFromRoleOrGroup(final CoreSession session, final String dn, final String memberDN,
            final String attributeName) throws LdapException {
        final Entry entry = session.lookup(new Dn(dn), attributeName);
        final Attribute attribute = entry.get(attributeName);
        if (attribute != null) {
            final ModifyRequestImpl modifyRequestImpl = new ModifyRequestImpl();

    private void removeMember(final CoreSession session, final String memberDN) throws LdapException {
        // For each group the member is in, remove that member from the group
        final Set<String> directMemberGroupsDN = getDNsOfGroupsContainingMember(session, memberDN);
        for (String groupDN : directMemberGroupsDN) {
            removeMemberFromRoleOrGroup(session, groupDN, memberDN, UNIQUE_MEMBER);
        // For each role the member owns, remove that member from the
        // roleOccupant
        final Set<String> directMemberRolesDN = getDNsOfDirectRolesForMember(session, memberDN);
        for (String roleDN : directMemberRolesDN) {
            removeMemberFromRoleOrGroup(session, roleDN, memberDN, ROLE_OCCUPANT);
        session.delete(new Dn(memberDN));

     * Returns the DN of groups that contain the given member.
     * @param session
     *          the session.
     * @param memberDN
     *          the DN of the member.
     * @return the DNs of the groups that has memberDN as member.
     * @throws LdapException
     *           if some error occurs.
    private Set<String> getDNsOfGroupsContainingMember(final CoreSession session, final String memberDN)
            throws LdapException {
        final Cursor<Entry> cursor = search(session, getGroupsDN(),
                String.format("(&(%s=*)(%s=%s))", CN, UNIQUE_MEMBER, memberDN));
        final Set<String> groupsDN = new HashSet<>();
        for (Entry entry : cursor) {
        return groupsDN;

     * Returns the DN of active groups that contain the given member.
     * @param session
     *          the session.
     * @param memberDN
     *          the DN of the member.
     * @return the DNs of the groups that has memberDN as member.
     * @throws LdapException
     *           if some error occurs.
    private Set<String> getDNsOfActiveGroupsContainingMember(final CoreSession session, final String memberDN)
            throws LdapException {
        final Cursor<Entry> cursor = search(session, getGroupsDN(),
                String.format("(&(%s=%s)(%s=%s))", UNIQUE_MEMBER, memberDN, SHADOW_INACTIVE, 0));
        final Set<String> groupsDN = new HashSet<>();
        for (Entry entry : cursor) {
        return groupsDN;

    private Set<String> getDNsOfDirectRolesForMember(final CoreSession session, final String memberDN)
            throws LdapException {
        final Set<String> rolesDN = new HashSet<>();
        final Cursor<Entry> cursor = search(session, getRolesDN(),
                String.format("(&(cn=*)(%s=%s))", ROLE_OCCUPANT, memberDN));
        for (Entry entry : cursor) {
        return rolesDN;

     * Get all roles.
     * @param session
     *          the session.
     * @return a {@link Set} with all role names.
     * @throws LdapException
     *           if some error occurs.
    private Set<String> getRoles(final CoreSession session) throws LdapException {
        final Set<String> roles = new HashSet<>();
        for (Entry entry : searchEntries(session, getRolesDN(), CN)) {
        return roles;

    private Set<String> getDNsOfAllRolesForMember(final CoreSession session, final String memberDN)
            throws LdapException {
        final Set<String> directMemberRolesDN = getDNsOfDirectRolesForMember(session, memberDN);
        final Set<String> allMemberRolesDN = new HashSet<>();
        // add the roles that the member directly owns
        // for each group that the member belongs to, get it's roles
        // too..
        final Set<String> directMemberGroupsDN = getDNsOfActiveGroupsContainingMember(session, memberDN);
        for (String memberGroupDN : directMemberGroupsDN) {
            allMemberRolesDN.addAll(getDNsOfAllRolesForMember(session, memberGroupDN));
        return allMemberRolesDN;

    private Set<String> getMemberRoles(final CoreSession session, final String memberDN) throws LdapException {
        final Set<String> allMemberRolesDN = getDNsOfAllRolesForMember(session, memberDN);
        final Set<String> roles = new HashSet<>();
        for (String roleDN : allMemberRolesDN) {
        return roles;

    private Set<String> getMemberDirectRoles(final CoreSession session, final String memberDN)
            throws LdapException {
        final Set<String> memberDirectRolesDN = getDNsOfDirectRolesForMember(session, memberDN);
        final Set<String> directRoles = new HashSet<>();
        for (String roleDN : memberDirectRolesDN) {
        return directRoles;

    private Set<String> getUserGroups(final CoreSession session, final String username) throws LdapException {
        Set<String> groups = new HashSet<>();
        for (String groupDN : getDNsOfGroupsContainingMember(session, getUserDN(username))) {
        return groups;

    private User getUserWithEmail(final CoreSession session, final String email) throws LdapException {
        final Cursor<Entry> cursor = search(session, getPeopleDN(), String.format("(email=%s)", email));
        final Iterator<Entry> it = cursor.iterator();
        User user = null;
        while (it.hasNext() && user == null) {
            user = getUserFromEntry(;
        return user;

     * Sets the roles that a member owns.
     * @param session
     *          the session
     * @param memberDN
     *          the DN of the member to change the roles for.
     * @param roles
     *          a list of roles that this member should own.
     * @throws LdapException
     *           if some error occurs.
    private void setMemberDirectRoles(final CoreSession session, final String memberDN, final Set<String> roles)
            throws LdapException {

        final Set<String> oldRoles = getMemberDirectRoles(session, memberDN);
        final Set<String> newRoles;
        if (this.rodaAdministratorsDN.equals(memberDN)) {
            newRoles = getRoles(session);
        } else {
            newRoles = (roles == null) ? new HashSet<>() : new HashSet<>(roles);

        // removing from oldRoles all the roles in newRoles, oldRoles
        // becomes the Set of roles that the user doesn't want to own
        // anymore.
        final Set<String> tempOldRoles = new HashSet<>(oldRoles);

        // remove user from the roles in oldRoles
        for (String role : tempOldRoles) {
            removeMemberFromRoleOrGroup(session, getRoleDN(role), memberDN, ROLE_OCCUPANT);

        // removing from newRoles all the roles in oldRoles, newRoles
        // becomes the Set of the new roles that the user wants to own.

        // add member to the roles in newRoles
        for (String role : newRoles) {
            addMemberToRoleOrGroup(session, getRoleDN(role), memberDN, ROLE_OCCUPANT);

     * Sets the groups to which a member belongs to.
     * @param session
     *          the session.
     * @param memberDN
     *          the DN of the member to change the groups for.
     * @param groups
     *          a list of groups that this member should belong to.
     * @throws LdapException
     *           if some error occurs.
    private void setMemberGroups(final CoreSession session, final String memberDN, final Set<String> groups)
            throws LdapException {

        final Set<String> newGroups = (groups == null) ? new HashSet<>() : new HashSet<>(groups);
        final Set<String> oldgroupDNs = getDNsOfGroupsContainingMember(session, memberDN);
        final Set<String> newgroupDNs = new HashSet<>();
        for (String groupName : newGroups) {

        // removing all the groups in newgroups, oldgroups becomes the Set
        // of groups that the user doesn't want to belong to anymore.
        final Set<String> tempOldgroupDNs = new HashSet<>(oldgroupDNs);

        // remove user from the groups in oldgroups
        for (String groupDN : tempOldgroupDNs) {
            removeMemberFromRoleOrGroup(session, groupDN, memberDN, UNIQUE_MEMBER);

        // removing all the groups in oldgroups, newgroups becomes the Set
        // of the new groups that the user wants to bellong to.

        // RODA admin MUST belong to administrators group.
        if (this.rodaAdminDN.equals(memberDN)) {

        // add user to the groups in newgroups
        for (String groupDN : newgroupDNs) {
            try {
                addMemberToRoleOrGroup(session, groupDN, memberDN, UNIQUE_MEMBER);
            } catch (final LdapNoSuchObjectException e) {
                LOGGER.debug("Group {} doesn't exist", groupDN);


     * Sets the user's password without checking admin and guest users.
     * @param username
     *          the username.
     * @param password
     *          the password.
     * @throws NotFoundException
     *           if specified {@link User} doesn't exist.
     * @throws GenericException
     *           if some error occurs.
    private void setUserPasswordUnchecked(final String username, final String password)
            throws NotFoundException, GenericException {
        try {
            modifyUserPassword(service.getAdminSession(), username, password);
        } catch (final LdapException e) {
            throw new GenericException("Error setting password for user " + username, e);
        } catch (final NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
            throw new GenericException("Error encoding password for user " + username, e);

     * Returns the first name from a DN (Distinguished Name). Ex: for
     * <i>DN=cn=administrators,ou=groups,dc=roda,dc=org</i> returns
     * <i>administrators</i>.
     * @param dn
     *          the Distinguished Name.
     * @return a {@link String} with the first name.
     * @throws LdapInvalidDnException
     *           if the DN is not valid.
    private String getFirstNameFromDN(final String dn) throws LdapInvalidDnException {
        return getFirstNameFromDN(new Dn(dn));

     * Returns the first name from a DN (Distinguished Name). Ex: for
     * <i>DN=cn=administrators,ou=groups,dc=roda,dc=org</i> returns
     * <i>administrators</i>.
     * @param dn
     *          the Distinguished Name.
     * @return a {@link String} with the first name.
    private String getFirstNameFromDN(final Dn dn) {
        return dn.getRdn().getValue();

    private String userMessage(final String user, final String message) {
        return "User " + user + message;

     * Initialize the schema manager and add the schema partition to directory
     * service.
     * @throws Exception
     *           if the schema LDIF files are not found on the classpath
    private void initSchemaPartition() throws Exception {
        final InstanceLayout instanceLayout = this.service.getInstanceLayout();

        final File schemaPartitionDirectory = new File(instanceLayout.getPartitionsDirectory(), "schema");

        // Extract the schema on disk (a brand new one) and load the registries
        if (!schemaPartitionDirectory.exists()) {
            final SchemaLdifExtractor extractor = new DefaultSchemaLdifExtractor(

        final SchemaLoader loader = new LdifSchemaLoader(schemaPartitionDirectory);
        final SchemaManager schemaManager = new DefaultSchemaManager(loader);

        // We have to load the schema now, otherwise we won't be able
        // to initialize the Partitions, as we won't be able to parse
        // and normalize their suffix Dn

        final List<Throwable> errors = schemaManager.getErrors();

        if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
            throw new GenericException("Error while loading ApacheDS schemas");


        // Init the LdifPartition with schema
        final LdifPartition schemaLdifPartition = new LdifPartition(schemaManager, this.service.getDnFactory());

        // The schema partition
        final SchemaPartition schemaPartition = new SchemaPartition(schemaManager);

     * Add a new partition to the server.
     * @param partitionId
     *          The partition Id
     * @param partitionDn
     *          The partition DN
     * @param dnFactory
     *          the DN factory
     * @return The newly added partition
     * @throws Exception
     *           If the partition can't be added
    private JdbmPartition addPartition(final String partitionId, final String partitionDn,
            final DnFactory dnFactory) throws Exception {
        // Create a new partition with the given partition id
        final JdbmPartition partition = new JdbmPartition(service.getSchemaManager(), dnFactory);
                new File(service.getInstanceLayout().getPartitionsDirectory(), partitionId).toURI());
        partition.setSuffixDn(new Dn(partitionDn));
        return partition;

     * Apply LDIF text.
     * @param ldif
     *          LDIF text.
     * @throws LdapException
     *           if some LDAP related error occurs.
     * @throws IOException
     *           if stream could not be closed.
    private void applyLdif(final String ldif) throws LdapException, IOException {
        try (LdifReader entries = new LdifReader(new StringReader(ldif))) {
            for (LdifEntry ldifEntry : entries) {
                final DefaultEntry newEntry = new DefaultEntry(this.service.getSchemaManager(),
                LOGGER.debug("LDIF entry: {}", newEntry);

     * Add a new set of index on the given attributes.
     * @param partition
     *          The partition on which we want to add index
     * @param attrs
     *          The list of attributes to index
    private void addIndex(final JdbmPartition partition, final String... attrs) {
        // Index some attributes on the apache partition
        final Set<Index<?, String>> indexedAttributes = new HashSet<>();

        for (String attribute : attrs) {
            indexedAttributes.add(new JdbmIndex<String>(attribute, false));


    private User getUserByNameOrEmail(final String username, final String email) throws GenericException {
        final User user;
        if (username != null) {
            user = getUser(username);
        } else if (email != null) {
            user = getUserWithEmail(email);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("username and email can not both be null");
        return user;

    private Cursor<Entry> search(final CoreSession session, final String dn, final String filter)
            throws LdapException {
        try {
            return Dn(dn), SearchScope.SUBTREE,
                    FilterParser.parse(service.getSchemaManager(), filter), AliasDerefMode.NEVER_DEREF_ALIASES);
        } catch (final ParseException e) {
            throw new LdapInvalidSearchFilterException(e.getMessage());

    private String getEntryAttributeAsString(final Entry entry, final String attributeName)
            throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException {
        final Attribute attribute = entry.get(attributeName);
        String value = null;
        if (attribute != null) {
            value = attribute.getString();
        return value;

    public void resetAdminAccess(final String password) throws GenericException {
        try {

            final CoreSession session = this.service.getAdminSession();

            final String adminName = getFirstNameFromDN(this.rodaAdminDN);
            final String administratorsName = getFirstNameFromDN(this.rodaAdministratorsDN);

            User admin;
            try {
                admin = getUser(session, adminName);
            } catch (final LdapNoSuchObjectException e) {
                admin = new User(adminName);
                admin = addUser(admin);
            modifyUser(session, admin, password, false, true);

            Group administrators;
            try {
                administrators = getGroup(session, administratorsName);
            } catch (final LdapNoSuchObjectException e) {
                administrators = addGroup(new Group(administratorsName));
            modifyGroup(administrators, true);

        } catch (final UserAlreadyExistsException | EmailAlreadyExistsException | NotFoundException
                | IllegalOperationException | GroupAlreadyExistsException | LdapException e) {
            throw new GenericException(e.getMessage(), e);
