Java tutorial
/** * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright * detailed in the LICENSE file at the root of the source * tree and available online at * * */ package org.roda.core.common; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.roda.core.util.PasswordHandler; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.w3c.util.DateParser; /** * @author Rui Castro * */ public class LdapUtility { /** Class logger. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LdapUtility.class); /** RODA instance name. */ private static final String INSTANCE_NAME = "RODA"; /** Size of random passwords */ private static final int RANDOM_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 12; /** Shadow inactive constant. */ private static final String SHADOW_INACTIVE = "shadowInactive"; /** Unique member constant. */ private static final String UNIQUE_MEMBER = "uniqueMember"; /** Role occupant constant. */ private static final String ROLE_OCCUPANT = "roleOccupant"; /** Object class constant. */ private static final String OBJECT_CLASS = "objectClass"; /** Constant: top. */ private static final String OBJECT_CLASS_TOP = "top"; /** Constant: groupOfUniqueNames. */ private static final String GROUP_OF_UNIQUE_NAMES = "groupOfUniqueNames"; /** Constant: domain. */ private static final String OBJECT_CLASS_DOMAIN = "domain"; /** Constant: extensibleObject. */ private static final String OBJECT_CLASS_EXTENSIBLE_OBJECT = "extensibleObject"; /** Constant: userPassword. */ private static final String USER_PASSWORD = "userPassword"; /** Constant: uid. */ private static final String UID = "uid"; /** Constant: cn. */ private static final String CN = "cn"; /** Constant: ou. */ private static final String OU = "ou"; /** Constant: email. */ private static final String EMAIL = "email"; private static final String RODA_DUMMY_USER = "cn=roda,ou=system,dc=roda,dc=org"; /** Start the LDAP server? */ private boolean ldapStartServer = false; /** The port where LDAP server should bind. */ private int ldapPort = 10389; /** * LDAP administrator Distinguished Name (DN). */ private String ldapAdminDN = null; /** * LDAP administrator password. */ private String ldapAdminPassword = null; /** * LDAP DN of the root. */ private String ldapRootDN = ""; /** * LDAP OU of the people entry (default: null). */ private String ldapPeopleDN = null; /** * LDAP OU of the groups entry (default: null). */ private String ldapGroupsDN = null; /** * LDAP OU of the roles entry (default: null). */ private String ldapRolesDN = null; /** * Password Digest Algorithm. */ private String ldapDigestAlgorithm = "MD5"; /** * List of protected users. Users in the protected list cannot be modified. * * The list of protected users can be set in file. */ private List<String> ldapProtectedUsers = new ArrayList<>(); /** * List of protected groups. Groups in the protected list cannot be modified. * * The list of protected groups can be set in file. */ private List<String> ldapProtectedGroups = new ArrayList<>(); /** * RODA guest user Distinguished Name (DN). */ private String rodaGuestDN = null; /** * RODA administrator user Distinguished Name (DN). */ private String rodaAdminDN = null; /** * RODA administrator group Distinguished Name (DN). */ private String rodaAdministratorsDN = null; /** * Directory where ApacheDS data will be stored. */ private Path dataDirectory = null; /** The directory service. */ private DirectoryService service; /** The LDAP server. */ private LdapServer server; /** * Constructs a new LdapUtility class with the given parameters. * * @param ldapStartServer * start the LDAP server? * @param ldapPort * the port where LDAP server should bind. * @param ldapRootDN * the root DN. * @param ldapPeopleDN * the DN for the people entry. Users should be located under this * entry. * @param ldapGroupsDN * the DN for the groups entry. Groups should be located under this * entry. * @param ldapRolesDN * the DN for the roles entry. Roles should be located under this * entry. * @param ldapAdminDN * the DN (Distinguished Name) of the LDAP administrator. * @param ldapAdminPassword * the password of the LDAP administrator. * @param ldapPasswordDigestAlgorithm * the algorithm to use for password encryption (crypt, sha, md5). * The default is MD5. * @param ldapProtectedUsers * list of protected users. Users in the protected list cannot be * modified. * @param ldapProtectedGroups * list of protected groups. Groups in the protected list cannot be * modified. * @param rodaGuestDN * the DN (Distinguished Name) of the RODA guest. * @param rodaAdminDN * the DN (Distinguished Name) of the RODA administrator. * @param dataDirectory * Directory where ApacheDS data will be stored. */ public LdapUtility(final boolean ldapStartServer, final int ldapPort, final String ldapRootDN, final String ldapPeopleDN, final String ldapGroupsDN, final String ldapRolesDN, final String ldapAdminDN, final String ldapAdminPassword, final String ldapPasswordDigestAlgorithm, final List<String> ldapProtectedUsers, final List<String> ldapProtectedGroups, final String rodaGuestDN, final String rodaAdminDN, final Path dataDirectory) { this.ldapStartServer = ldapStartServer; this.ldapPort = ldapPort; this.ldapRootDN = ldapRootDN; this.ldapPeopleDN = ldapPeopleDN; this.ldapGroupsDN = ldapGroupsDN; this.ldapRolesDN = ldapRolesDN; this.ldapAdminDN = ldapAdminDN; this.ldapAdminPassword = ldapAdminPassword; if (ldapPasswordDigestAlgorithm != null) { this.ldapDigestAlgorithm = ldapPasswordDigestAlgorithm; } this.ldapProtectedUsers.clear(); if (ldapProtectedUsers != null) { this.ldapProtectedUsers.addAll(ldapProtectedUsers); LOGGER.debug("Protected users: {}", this.ldapProtectedUsers); } this.ldapProtectedGroups.clear(); if (ldapProtectedGroups != null) { this.ldapProtectedGroups.addAll(ldapProtectedGroups); LOGGER.debug("Protected groups: {}", this.ldapProtectedGroups); } this.rodaGuestDN = rodaGuestDN; this.rodaAdminDN = rodaAdminDN; this.dataDirectory = dataDirectory; } public void setRODAAdministratorsDN(String rodaAdministratorsDN) { this.rodaAdministratorsDN = rodaAdministratorsDN; } /** * Stop the directory service and LDAP server if it is running. * * @throws GenericException * is some error occurred during shutdown. */ public void stopService() throws GenericException { if (this.server != null && this.server.isStarted()) { this.server.stop(); } try { this.service.shutdown(); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new GenericException(e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Initialize the server. It creates the partition and adds the index. * * @throws Exception * if there were some problems while initializing the system */ public void initDirectoryService() throws Exception { initDirectoryService(null); } /** * Initialize the server. It creates the partition, adds the index, and * injects the context entries for the created partitions. * * @param ldifs * LDIF files to apply to Directory Service. * @throws Exception * if there were some problems while initializing the system */ public void initDirectoryService(final List<String> ldifs) throws Exception { // Initialize the LDAP service final JdbmPartition rodaPartition = instantiateDirectoryService(); final CoreSession session = service.getAdminSession(); // Inject the context entry for dc=roda,dc=org partition if (!session.exists(rodaPartition.getSuffixDn())) { final Dn dnRoot = new Dn(this.ldapRootDN); final Entry entryRoda = service.newEntry(dnRoot); entryRoda.add(OBJECT_CLASS, OBJECT_CLASS_TOP, OBJECT_CLASS_DOMAIN, OBJECT_CLASS_EXTENSIBLE_OBJECT); entryRoda.add("dc", getFirstNameFromDN(dnRoot)); session.add(entryRoda); } if (ldifs != null) { for (String ldif : ldifs) { applyLdif(ldif); } } if (this.ldapStartServer) { this.server = new LdapServer(); this.server.setTransports(new TcpTransport(this.ldapPort)); this.server.setDirectoryService(this.service); this.server.start(); } } /** * Return all users * * @return a list of {@link User}'s. * * @throws GenericException * if some error occurs. */ public List<User> getUsers() throws GenericException { try { final CoreSession session = service.getAdminSession(); final List<Entry> entries = searchEntries(session, ldapPeopleDN, UID); final List<User> users = new ArrayList<>(); for (Entry entry : entries) { final User user = getUserFromEntry(entry); // Add all roles assigned to this user final Set<String> memberRoles = getMemberRoles(session, getUserDN(user.getName())); user.setAllRoles(memberRoles); // Add direct roles assigned to this user for (String role : getMemberDirectRoles(session, getUserDN(user.getName()))) { user.addDirectRole(role); } // Add groups to which this user belongs user.setGroups(getUserGroups(session, user.getName())); users.add(user); } return users; } catch (final LdapException e) { throw new GenericException("Error getting users", e); } } /** * Returns the User with name <code>uid</code> or <code>null</code> if it * doesn't exist. * * @param name * the name of the desired User. * * @return the User with name <code>name</code> or <code>null</code> if it * doesn't exist. * * @throws GenericException * if the user information could not be retrieved from the LDAP * server. */ public User getUser(final String name) throws GenericException { try { return getUser(service.getAdminSession(), name); } catch (final LdapException e) { throw new GenericException("Error getting user " + name, e); } } /** * Returns the {@link User} with email <code>email</code> or <code>null</code> * if it doesn't exist. * * @param email * the email of the desired {@link User}. * * @return the {@link User} with email <code>email</code> or <code>null</code> * if it doesn't exist. * * @throws GenericException * if the user information could not be retrieved from the LDAP * server. */ public User getUserWithEmail(final String email) throws GenericException { try { return getUserWithEmail(service.getAdminSession(), email); } catch (final LdapException e) { throw new GenericException("Error getting user with email " + email, e); } } /** * Adds a new {@link User}. * * @param user * the {@link User} to add. * * @return the newly created {@link User}. * * @throws UserAlreadyExistsException * if a User with the same name already exists. * @throws EmailAlreadyExistsException * if the {@link User}'s email is already used. * @throws GenericException * if something goes wrong with the creation of the new user. */ public User addUser(final User user) throws UserAlreadyExistsException, EmailAlreadyExistsException, GenericException { if (!user.isNameValid()) { LOGGER.debug("'{}' is not a valid user name.", user.getName()); throw new GenericException("'" + user.getName() + "' is not a valid user name."); } if (getUserWithEmail(user.getEmail()) != null) { LOGGER.debug("The email address {} is already used.", user.getEmail()); throw new EmailAlreadyExistsException("The email address " + user.getEmail() + " is already used."); } try { final CoreSession session = service.getAdminSession(); session.add(getEntryFromUser(user)); setMemberDirectRoles(session, getUserDN(user.getName()), user.getDirectRoles()); setMemberGroups(session, getUserDN(user.getName()), user.getGroups()); if (!user.isActive()) { try { setUserPasswordUnchecked(user.getName(), PasswordHandler.generateRandomPassword(RANDOM_PASSWORD_LENGTH)); } catch (final NotFoundException e) { LOGGER.error("Created user doesn't exist! Notify developers!!!", e); } } } catch (final LdapEntryAlreadyExistsException e) { LOGGER.debug(e.getMessage(), e); throw new UserAlreadyExistsException(userMessage(user.getName(), " already exists."), e); } catch (final LdapException e) { LOGGER.debug(e.getMessage(), e); throw new GenericException("Error adding user " + user.getName(), e); } final User newUser = getUser(user.getName()); if (newUser == null) { throw new GenericException("The user was not created!"); } else { return newUser; } } /** * Modify the {@link User}'s information. * * @param modifiedUser * the {@link User} to modify. * * @return the modified {@link User}. * * @throws NotFoundException * if the {@link User} being modified doesn't exist. * @throws EmailAlreadyExistsException * if the specified email is already used by another user. * @throws IllegalOperationException * if the user is one of the protected users. * @throws GenericException * if some error occurred. */ public User modifyUser(final User modifiedUser) throws NotFoundException, IllegalOperationException, EmailAlreadyExistsException, GenericException { modifyUser(service.getAdminSession(), modifiedUser, null, true, false); return getUser(modifiedUser.getName()); } /** * Sets the user's password. * * @param username * the username. * @param password * the password. * * @throws NotFoundException * if specified {@link User} doesn't exist. * @throws IllegalOperationException * if the user is one of the protected users. * @throws GenericException * if some error occurs. */ public void setUserPassword(final String username, final String password) throws IllegalOperationException, NotFoundException, GenericException { final String userDN = getUserDN(username); if (this.rodaGuestDN.equals(userDN) || this.ldapProtectedUsers.contains(username)) { throw new IllegalOperationException( String.format("User (%s) is protected and cannot be modified.", username)); } setUserPasswordUnchecked(username, password); } /** * Modify the {@link User}'s information. * * @param modifiedUser * the {@link User} to modify. * * @param newPassword * the new {@link User}'s password. To maintain the current password, * use <code>null</code>. * * @return the modified {@link User}. * * @throws NotFoundException * if the Use being modified doesn't exist. * @throws EmailAlreadyExistsException * if the specified email is already used by another user. * @throws IllegalOperationException * if the user is one of the protected users. * @throws GenericException * if some error occurred. */ public User modifySelfUser(final User modifiedUser, final String newPassword) throws NotFoundException, EmailAlreadyExistsException, IllegalOperationException, GenericException { modifyUser(service.getAdminSession(), modifiedUser, newPassword, false, false); return getUser(modifiedUser.getName()); } /** * Removes a {@link User}. * * @param username * the name of the user to remove. * * @throws IllegalOperationException * if the user is one of the protected users. * @throws GenericException * if some error occurred. */ public void removeUser(final String username) throws IllegalOperationException, GenericException { final String userDN = getUserDN(username); if (this.rodaAdminDN.equals(userDN) || this.rodaGuestDN.equals(userDN) || this.ldapProtectedUsers.contains(username)) { throw new IllegalOperationException(userMessage(username, " is protected and cannot be removed.")); } try { removeMember(service.getAdminSession(), getUserDN(username)); } catch (final LdapException e) { throw new GenericException("Error removing user " + username, e); } } /** * Return all groups * * @return an array of {@link Group}'s. * * @throws GenericException * if some error occurred. */ public List<Group> getGroups() throws GenericException { try { final CoreSession session = service.getAdminSession(); final List<Entry> entries = searchEntries(session, ldapGroupsDN, CN); final List<Group> groups = new ArrayList<>(); for (Entry entry : entries) { final Group group = getGroupFromEntry(entry); // Add all roles assigned to this group final Set<String> memberRoles = getMemberRoles(session, getGroupDN(group.getName())); group.setAllRoles(memberRoles); // Add direct roles assigned to this group for (String role : getMemberDirectRoles(session, getGroupDN(group.getName()))) { group.addDirectRole(role); } groups.add(group); } return groups; } catch (final LdapException e) { throw new GenericException("Error getting groups - " + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Returns the group named <code>grpName</code>. * * @param name * the name of the group. * * @return a Group if the group exists, otherwise <code>null</code>. * * @throws GenericException * if the group information could not be retrieved from the LDAP * server. * @throws NotFoundException * if the group doesn't exist. */ public Group getGroup(final String name) throws GenericException, NotFoundException { try { return getGroup(service.getAdminSession(), name); } catch (final LdapNoSuchObjectException e) { throw new NotFoundException(name); } catch (final LdapException e) { throw new GenericException("Error searching for group " + name, e); } } /** * Add a new {@link Group}. * * @param group * the {@link Group} to add. * @return the newly created {@link Group}. * @throws GroupAlreadyExistsException * if a Group with the same name already exists. * @throws GenericException * if something goes wrong with the creation of the new group. */ public Group addGroup(final Group group) throws GroupAlreadyExistsException, GenericException { if (!group.isNameValid()) { throw new GenericException("'" + group.getName() + "' is not a valid group name."); } try { final Dn dn = new Dn(getGroupDN(group.getName())); final Entry entry = service.newEntry(dn); entry.add(OBJECT_CLASS, GROUP_OF_UNIQUE_NAMES, OBJECT_CLASS_TOP, OBJECT_CLASS_EXTENSIBLE_OBJECT); entry.add(CN, group.getName()); entry.add(OU, group.getFullName()); entry.add(SHADOW_INACTIVE, group.isActive() ? "0" : "1"); // 20160906 hsilva: this is needed because at least one UNIQUE_MEMBER must // be added to the entry entry.add(UNIQUE_MEMBER, RODA_DUMMY_USER); final CoreSession session = service.getAdminSession(); session.add(entry); setMemberDirectRoles(session, getGroupDN(group.getName()), group.getDirectRoles()); } catch (final LdapEntryAlreadyExistsException e) { throw new GroupAlreadyExistsException("Group " + group.getName() + " already exists.", e); } catch (final LdapException e) { throw new GenericException("Error adding group " + group.getName(), e); } final Group newGroup; try { newGroup = getGroup(group.getName()); } catch (NotFoundException e) { throw new GenericException("The group was not created! " + e.getMessage()); } if (newGroup == null) { throw new GenericException("The group was not created!"); } else { return newGroup; } } /** * Modify the {@link Group}'s information. * * @param modifiedGroup * the {@link Group} to modify. * * @return the modified {@link Group}. * * @throws NotFoundException * if the group with being modified doesn't exist. * @throws IllegalOperationException * if the user is one of the protected users. * @throws GenericException * if some error occurred. * @throws GenericException * if some error occurred. */ public Group modifyGroup(final Group modifiedGroup) throws NotFoundException, IllegalOperationException, GenericException { return modifyGroup(modifiedGroup, false); } /** * Removes a group. * * @param groupname * the name of the group to remove. * @throws IllegalOperationException * if the user is one of the protected users. * @throws GenericException * if some error occurred. */ public void removeGroup(final String groupname) throws GenericException, IllegalOperationException { if (this.rodaAdministratorsDN.equals(getGroupDN(groupname)) || this.ldapProtectedGroups.contains(groupname)) { throw new IllegalOperationException("Group (" + groupname + ") is protected and cannot be removed."); } try { removeMember(service.getAdminSession(), getGroupDN(groupname)); } catch (final LdapException e) { throw new GenericException("Error removing group " + groupname, e); } } /** * Gets {@link User} with <code>username</code> and <code>password</code> from * LDAP server using this username and password as login for LDAP to verify * that the parameters are valid. * * @param username * the user's username. * @param password * the user's password. * * @return the {@link User} registered in LDAP. * * @throws AuthenticationDeniedException * if the provided credentials are not valid. * @throws GenericException * if some error occurred. */ public User getAuthenticatedUser(final String username, final String password) throws AuthenticationDeniedException, GenericException { if (StringUtils.isBlank(username) || StringUtils.isBlank(password)) { throw new AuthenticationDeniedException("Username and password cannot be blank!"); } try { // Try to get a session using username and password. // Use this session to retrieve user's direct attributes. final CoreSession userSession = service.getSession(new Dn(getUserDN(username)), password.getBytes()); final Entry entry = userSession.lookup(new Dn(getUserDN(username))); final User user = getUserFromEntry(entry); // Use the admin session to get the user roles and groups return setUserRolesAndGroups(service.getAdminSession(), user); } catch (final LdapAuthenticationException e) { throw new AuthenticationDeniedException(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (final LdapException e) { throw new GenericException(e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Register a new {@link User}. The new {@link User} will be inactive and a * email validation token will be generated. * * @param user * the new {@link User} to create. * @param password * the new {@link User} password. * * @return the newly created {@link User}. * * @throws UserAlreadyExistsException * if a {@link User} with the same name already exists. * @throws EmailAlreadyExistsException * if the {@link User}'s email is already used. * @throws GenericException * if something goes wrong with the register process. */ public User registerUser(final User user, final String password) throws UserAlreadyExistsException, EmailAlreadyExistsException, GenericException { // Generate an email verification token with 1 day expiration date. final UUID uuidToken = UUID.randomUUID(); final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); final String isoDateNoMillis = DateParser.getIsoDateNoMillis(calendar.getTime()); user.setEmailConfirmationToken(uuidToken.toString()); user.setEmailConfirmationTokenExpirationDate(isoDateNoMillis); final User newUser = addUser(user); try { setUserPassword(newUser.getName(), password); } catch (final IllegalOperationException | NotFoundException e) { throw new GenericException("Error setting user password - " + e.getMessage(), e); } return newUser; } /** * Confirms the {@link User} email using the token supplied at register time * and activate the {@link User}. * <p> * The <code>username</code> and <code>email</code> are used to identify the * user. One of them can be <code>null</code>, but not both at the same time. * </p> * * @param username * the name of the {@link User}. * @param email * the email address of the {@link User}. * @param emailConfirmationToken * the email confirmation token. * * @return the {@link User} whose email has been confirmed. * * @throws NotFoundException * if the username and email don't exist. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if username and email are <code>null</code>. * @throws InvalidTokenException * if the specified token doesn't exist, has already expired or it * doesn't correspond to the stored token. * @throws GenericException * if something goes wrong with the operation. */ public User confirmUserEmail(final String username, final String email, final String emailConfirmationToken) throws NotFoundException, InvalidTokenException, GenericException { final User user = getUserByNameOrEmail(username, email); if (user == null) { final String message; if (username != null) { message = userMessage(username, " doesn't exist"); } else { message = "Email " + email + " is not registered by any user"; } throw new NotFoundException(message); } else { if (user.getEmailConfirmationToken() == null) { throw new InvalidTokenException("There's no active email confirmation token."); } else if (!user.getEmailConfirmationToken().equals(emailConfirmationToken) || user.getEmailConfirmationTokenExpirationDate() == null) { // Token argument is not equal to stored token, or // No expiration date throw new InvalidTokenException("Email confirmation token is invalid."); } else { final String currentIsoDate = DateParser.getIsoDateNoMillis(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); if (currentIsoDate.compareToIgnoreCase(user.getEmailConfirmationTokenExpirationDate()) > 0) { throw new InvalidTokenException("Email confirmation token expired in " + user.getEmailConfirmationTokenExpirationDate()); } } user.setActive(true); user.setEmailConfirmationToken(null); user.setEmailConfirmationTokenExpirationDate(null); try { return modifyUser(user); } catch (final IllegalOperationException | EmailAlreadyExistsException e) { throw new GenericException("Error confirming user email - " + e.getMessage(), e); } } } /** * Generate a password reset token for the {@link User} with the given * username or email. * <p> * The <code>username</code> and <code>email</code> are used to identify the * user. One of them can be <code>null</code>, but not both at the same time. * </p> * * @param username * the username of the {@link User} for whom the password needs to be * reset. * * @param email * the email of the {@link User} for whom the password needs to be * reset. * * @return the {@link User} with the password reset token and expiration date. * * @throws NotFoundException * if username or email doesn't correspond to any registered * {@link User}. * @throws IllegalOperationException * if email corresponds to a protected {@link User}. * @throws GenericException * if something goes wrong with the operation. */ public User requestPasswordReset(final String username, final String email) throws NotFoundException, IllegalOperationException, GenericException { final User user = getUserByNameOrEmail(username, email); if (user == null) { final String message; if (username != null) { message = userMessage(username, " doesn't exist"); } else { message = "Email " + email + " is not registered by any user"; } throw new NotFoundException(message); } else { // Generate a password reset token with 1 day expiration date. final UUID uuidToken = UUID.randomUUID(); final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); final String isoDateNoMillis = DateParser.getIsoDateNoMillis(calendar.getTime()); user.setResetPasswordToken(uuidToken.toString()); user.setResetPasswordTokenExpirationDate(isoDateNoMillis); try { return modifyUser(user); } catch (final EmailAlreadyExistsException e) { throw new GenericException("Error setting password reset token - " + e.getMessage(), e); } } } /** * Reset {@link User}'s password given a previously generated token. * * @param username * the {@link User}'s username. * @param password * the {@link User}'s password. * @param resetPasswordToken * the token to reset {@link User}'s password. * * @return the modified {@link User}. * * @throws NotFoundException * if a {@link User} with the same name already exists. * @throws InvalidTokenException * if the specified token doesn't exist, has already expired or it * doesn't correspond to the stored token. * @throws IllegalOperationException * if the username corresponds to a protected {@link User}. * @throws GenericException * if something goes wrong with the operation. */ public User resetUserPassword(final String username, final String password, final String resetPasswordToken) throws NotFoundException, InvalidTokenException, IllegalOperationException, GenericException { final User user = getUser(username); if (user == null) { throw new NotFoundException(userMessage(username, " doesn't exist")); } else { if (user.getResetPasswordToken() == null) { throw new InvalidTokenException("There's no active password reset token."); } else if (!user.getResetPasswordToken().equals(resetPasswordToken) || user.getResetPasswordTokenExpirationDate() == null) { // Token argument is not equal to stored token, or // expiration date is null. throw new InvalidTokenException("Password reset token is invalid."); } else { final String currentIsoDate = DateParser.getIsoDateNoMillis(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); if (currentIsoDate.compareToIgnoreCase(user.getResetPasswordTokenExpirationDate()) > 0) { throw new InvalidTokenException( "Password reset token expired in " + user.getResetPasswordTokenExpirationDate()); } } try { setUserPassword(username, password); user.setResetPasswordToken(null); user.setResetPasswordTokenExpirationDate(null); return modifyUser(user); } catch (final IllegalOperationException | EmailAlreadyExistsException e) { throw new GenericException("Error reseting user password - " + e.getMessage(), e); } } } /** * Add a new role with the specified name. * * @param roleName * the role to add. * @throws RoleAlreadyExistsException * if a role with the same name already exists. * @throws GenericException * if something goes wrong with the creation of the new role. */ public void addRole(final String roleName) throws RoleAlreadyExistsException, GenericException { try { final CoreSession session = service.getAdminSession(); final String roleDN = getRoleDN(roleName); final Entry entryRole = service.newEntry(new Dn(roleDN)); entryRole.add(OBJECT_CLASS, "organizationalRole", OBJECT_CLASS_TOP); entryRole.add(CN, roleName); entryRole.add(ROLE_OCCUPANT, rodaAdministratorsDN); try { session.add(entryRole); } catch (final LdapEntryAlreadyExistsException e) { // Assign role to RODA administrators group final Set<String> roles = getMemberDirectRoles(session, this.rodaAdministratorsDN); if (!roles.contains(roleName)) { addMemberToRoleOrGroup(service.getAdminSession(), roleDN, this.rodaAdministratorsDN, ROLE_OCCUPANT); } throw new RoleAlreadyExistsException("Role " + roleName + " already exists.", e); } } catch (final LdapException e) { throw new GenericException("Error adding role '" + roleName + "'", e); } } /** * Instantiate Directory Service. * * @return RODA {@link JdbmPartition} * @throws Exception * if some error occurs. */ private JdbmPartition instantiateDirectoryService() throws Exception { this.service = new DefaultDirectoryService(); this.service.setInstanceId(INSTANCE_NAME); this.service.setInstanceLayout(new InstanceLayout(this.dataDirectory.toFile())); final CacheService cacheService = new CacheService(); cacheService.initialize(this.service.getInstanceLayout()); this.service.setCacheService(cacheService); // first load the schema initSchemaPartition(); final File systemPartitionPath = new File(this.service.getInstanceLayout().getPartitionsDirectory(), "system"); // If the system partition directory exists, delete it, to avoid "ou=system // already exists!" error at startup. // It will be recreated again. // TODO: this is a workaround for this issue // if (systemPartitionPath.exists() && !FileUtils.deleteQuietly(systemPartitionPath)) { LOGGER.warn("Could not delete ApacheDS system partition directory: {}", systemPartitionPath); } // then the system partition // this is a MANDATORY partition // DO NOT add this via addPartition() method, trunk code complains about // duplicate partition while initializing final JdbmPartition systemPartition = new JdbmPartition(this.service.getSchemaManager(), this.service.getDnFactory()); systemPartition.setId("system"); systemPartition.setPartitionPath(systemPartitionPath.toURI()); systemPartition.setSuffixDn(new Dn(ServerDNConstants.SYSTEM_DN)); systemPartition.setSchemaManager(service.getSchemaManager()); // mandatory to call this method to set the system partition // Note: this system partition might be removed from trunk this.service.setSystemPartition(systemPartition); // Disable the ChangeLog system // this.service.getChangeLog().setEnabled(false); // this.service.setDenormalizeOpAttrsEnabled(true); // Now we can create as many partitions as we need final JdbmPartition rodaPartition = addPartition(INSTANCE_NAME, this.ldapRootDN, this.service.getDnFactory()); // Index some attributes on the apache partition addIndex(rodaPartition, OBJECT_CLASS, OU, UID); // And start the service this.service.startup(); final CoreSession session = this.service.getAdminSession(); // change nis attribute in order to make things like // "shadowinactive" work ModifyRequestImpl modifyRequestImpl = new ModifyRequestImpl(); modifyRequestImpl.setName(new Dn("cn=nis,ou=schema")); modifyRequestImpl.replace("m-disabled", "FALSE"); session.modify(modifyRequestImpl); // change admin password modifyRequestImpl = new ModifyRequestImpl(); modifyRequestImpl.setName(new Dn(this.ldapAdminDN)); modifyRequestImpl.replace(USER_PASSWORD, this.ldapAdminPassword); session.modify(modifyRequestImpl); return rodaPartition; } private User setUserRolesAndGroups(final CoreSession session, final User user) throws LdapException { // Add all roles assigned to this user final Set<String> memberRoles = getMemberRoles(session, getUserDN(user.getName())); user.setAllRoles(memberRoles); // Add direct roles assigned to this user for (String role : getMemberDirectRoles(session, getUserDN(user.getName()))) { user.addDirectRole(role); } // Add all groups to which this user belongs user.setGroups(getUserGroups(session, user.getName())); return user; } private User getUser(final CoreSession session, final String username) throws LdapException { final Entry entry = session.lookup(new Dn(getUserDN(username))); final User user = getUserFromEntry(entry); // Add all roles assigned to this user final Set<String> memberRoles = getMemberRoles(session, getUserDN(username)); user.setAllRoles(memberRoles); // Add direct roles assigned to this user for (String role : getMemberDirectRoles(session, getUserDN(username))) { user.addDirectRole(role); } // Add all groups to which this user belongs user.setGroups(getUserGroups(session, username)); // Add groups to which this user belongs for (String groupDN : getDNsOfGroupsContainingMember(session, getUserDN(username))) { user.addGroup(getFirstNameFromDN(groupDN)); } return user; } private User getUserFromEntry(final Entry entry) throws LdapException { final User user = new User(getEntryAttributeAsString(entry, UID)); // id and name set in the constructor user.setFullName(getEntryAttributeAsString(entry, CN)); user.setActive("0".equalsIgnoreCase(getEntryAttributeAsString(entry, SHADOW_INACTIVE))); user.setEmail(getEntryAttributeAsString(entry, EMAIL)); user.setGuest(false); user.setExtra(getEntryAttributeAsString(entry, "description")); if (entry.get("info") != null) { final String infoStr = entry.get("info").getString(); // emailValidationToken;emailValidationTokenValidity;resetPasswordToken;resetPasswordTokenValidity final String[] parts = infoStr.split(";"); if (parts.length >= 1 && parts[0].trim().length() > 0) { user.setEmailConfirmationToken(parts[0].trim()); } if (parts.length >= 2 && parts[1].trim().length() > 0) { user.setEmailConfirmationTokenExpirationDate(parts[1].trim()); } if (parts.length >= 3 && parts[2].trim().length() > 0) { user.setResetPasswordToken(parts[2].trim()); } if (parts.length >= 4 && parts[3].trim().length() > 0) { user.setResetPasswordTokenExpirationDate(parts[3].trim()); } } return user; } private Entry getEntryFromUser(final User user) throws LdapException { final String userDN = getUserDN(user.getName()); final Entry entry = service.newEntry(new Dn(userDN)); entry.add(OBJECT_CLASS, "inetOrgPerson", "organizationalPerson", "person", OBJECT_CLASS_TOP, OBJECT_CLASS_EXTENSIBLE_OBJECT); entry.add(UID, user.getName()); entry.add(CN, user.getFullName()); if (this.rodaAdminDN.equals(userDN) || this.rodaGuestDN.equals(userDN)) { entry.add(SHADOW_INACTIVE, "0"); } else { entry.add(SHADOW_INACTIVE, user.isActive() ? "0" : "1"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(user.getFullName())) { final String[] names = user.getFullName().split(" "); if (names.length > 0) { entry.add("givenName", names[0]); entry.add("sn", names[names.length - 1]); } else { entry.add("sn", user.getName()); } } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(user.getEmail())) { entry.add(EMAIL, user.getEmail()); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(user.getExtra())) { entry.add("description", user.getExtra()); } final String[] infoParts = new String[] { user.getEmailConfirmationToken(), user.getEmailConfirmationTokenExpirationDate(), user.getResetPasswordToken(), user.getResetPasswordTokenExpirationDate() }; for (int i = 0; i < infoParts.length; i++) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(infoParts[i])) { infoParts[i] = ""; } } entry.add("info", String.join(";", infoParts)); return entry; } private Group getGroup(final CoreSession session, final String name) throws LdapException { final Entry entry = session.lookup(new Dn(getGroupDN(name))); final Group group = getGroupFromEntry(entry); // Add all roles assigned to this group final Set<String> memberRoles = getMemberRoles(session, getGroupDN(name)); group.setAllRoles(memberRoles); // Add direct roles assigned to this group for (String role : getMemberDirectRoles(session, getGroupDN(name))) { group.addDirectRole(role); } return group; } private Group getGroupFromEntry(final Entry entry) throws LdapException { final Group group = new Group(getEntryAttributeAsString(entry, CN)); group.setActive("0".equalsIgnoreCase(getEntryAttributeAsString(entry, SHADOW_INACTIVE))); group.setFullName(getEntryAttributeAsString(entry, OU)); final Attribute attributeUniqueMember = entry.get(UNIQUE_MEMBER); if (attributeUniqueMember != null) { for (Value<?> value : attributeUniqueMember) { final String memberDN = value.toString(); if (memberDN.endsWith(getPeopleDN())) { group.addMemberUser(getFirstNameFromDN(memberDN)); } else if (memberDN.endsWith(getGroupsDN())) { // 20160907 lfaria: ignoring sub-groups // group.addMemberGroup(getFirstNameFromDN(memberDN)); LOGGER.warn("Ignoring sub-group {} connection with group {}", memberDN, group.getId()); } else if (!memberDN.equals(RODA_DUMMY_USER)) { LOGGER.warn("Member {} outside users and groups", memberDN); } } } else { LOGGER.debug("Group {} is empty", group.getName()); } return group; } /** * Modify the {@link Group}'s information. * * @param modifiedGroup * the {@link Group} to modify. * @param force * ignore protected groups configuration. * * @return the modified {@link Group}. * * @throws NotFoundException * if the group with being modified doesn't exist. * @throws IllegalOperationException * if the user is one of the protected users. * @throws GenericException * if some error occurred. * @throws GenericException * if some error occurred. */ private Group modifyGroup(final Group modifiedGroup, final boolean force) throws NotFoundException, IllegalOperationException, GenericException { if (!force && this.ldapProtectedGroups.contains(modifiedGroup.getName())) { throw new IllegalOperationException( String.format("Group (%s) is protected and cannot be modified.", modifiedGroup.getName())); } try { final CoreSession session = service.getAdminSession(); final String groupDN = getGroupDN(modifiedGroup.getName()); final Entry entry = session.lookup(new Dn(groupDN)); // 20160906 hsilva: cannot change CN as it is used as id (as well as the // name) entry.removeAttributes(OU); entry.add(OU, modifiedGroup.getFullName()); entry.removeAttributes(SHADOW_INACTIVE); entry.add(SHADOW_INACTIVE, modifiedGroup.isActive() ? "0" : "1"); // Remove all members entry.removeAttributes(UNIQUE_MEMBER); // 20160906 hsilva: this is needed because at least one UNIQUE_MEMBER must // be added to the entry entry.add(UNIQUE_MEMBER, RODA_DUMMY_USER); // Add user members for (String memberName : modifiedGroup.getUsers()) { entry.add(UNIQUE_MEMBER, getUserDN(memberName)); } session.delete(entry.getDn()); session.add(entry); setMemberDirectRoles(session, groupDN, modifiedGroup.getDirectRoles()); } catch (final LdapNoSuchObjectException e) { throw new NotFoundException("Group " + modifiedGroup.getName() + " doesn't exist.", e); } catch (final LdapException e) { throw new GenericException("Error modifying group " + modifiedGroup.getName(), e); } return getGroup(modifiedGroup.getName()); } private List<Entry> searchEntries(final CoreSession session, final String ctxDN, final String keyAttribute) throws LdapException { final Cursor<Entry> cursor = search(session, ctxDN, String.format("(%s=*)", keyAttribute)); final List<Entry> entries = new ArrayList<>(); for (Entry entry : cursor) { entries.add(entry); } return entries; } /** * Returns the LDAP DN of the people entry. * * @return the LDAP DN of the people entry. */ private String getPeopleDN() { return ldapPeopleDN; } /** * Returns the LDAP DN of the groups entry. * * @return the LDAP DN of the groups entry. */ private String getGroupsDN() { return ldapGroupsDN; } /** * Returns the LDAP DN of the roles entry. * * @return the LDAP DN of the roles entry. */ private String getRolesDN() { return ldapRolesDN; } /** * Returns the DN of a user given is username. * * @param username * the username of the user. * @return the DN of a user given is username. */ private String getUserDN(final String username) { return String.format("uid=%s,%s", username, getPeopleDN()); } /** * Returns the DN of a group given is groupName. * * @param groupName * the name of the group. * @return the DN of a group given is groupName. */ private String getGroupDN(final String groupName) { return String.format("cn=%s,%s", groupName, getGroupsDN()); } /** * Returns the DN of a role given is roleName. * * @param roleName * the name of the role. * @return the DN of a role given is roleName. */ private String getRoleDN(final String roleName) { return String.format("cn=%s,%s", roleName, getRolesDN()); } /** * Modify the {@link User}'s information. * * @param session * the session. * @param modifiedUser * the {@link User} to modify. * @param newPassword * the new {@link User}'s password. To maintain the current password, * use <code>null</code>. * @param modifyRolesAndGroups * <code>true</code> if User's groups and roles should be updated * also. * @param force * ignore protected users configuration. * * @throws NotFoundException * if the {@link User} being modified doesn't exist. * @throws EmailAlreadyExistsException * if the specified email is already used by another user. * @throws IllegalOperationException * if the user is one of the protected users. * @throws GenericException * if some error occurred. */ private void modifyUser(final CoreSession session, final User modifiedUser, final String newPassword, final boolean modifyRolesAndGroups, final boolean force) throws NotFoundException, IllegalOperationException, EmailAlreadyExistsException, GenericException { if (!force && this.ldapProtectedUsers.contains(modifiedUser.getName())) { throw new IllegalOperationException( "User (" + modifiedUser.getName() + ") is protected and cannot be modified."); } try { final User currentEmailOwner = getUserWithEmail(session, modifiedUser.getEmail()); if (currentEmailOwner != null && !modifiedUser.getName().equals(currentEmailOwner.getName())) { throw new EmailAlreadyExistsException( "The email address " + modifiedUser.getEmail() + " is already used by another user."); } final Entry modifiedUserEntry = getEntryFromUser(modifiedUser); final String userDN = getUserDN(modifiedUser.getName()); if (newPassword == null) { // Copy password from old entry final Entry oldEntry = session.lookup(new Dn(userDN)); final Object oldPassword = oldEntry.get(USER_PASSWORD); if (oldPassword != null) { modifiedUserEntry.add(oldEntry.get(USER_PASSWORD)); } } session.delete(modifiedUserEntry.getDn()); session.add(modifiedUserEntry); if (newPassword != null) { modifyUserPassword(session, modifiedUser.getName(), newPassword); } if (modifyRolesAndGroups) { setMemberGroups(session, userDN, modifiedUser.getGroups()); setMemberDirectRoles(session, userDN, modifiedUser.getDirectRoles()); } } catch (final LdapException e) { throw new GenericException("Error modifying user " + modifiedUser.getName() + " - " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (final NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new GenericException("Error encoding password for user " + modifiedUser.getName(), e); } } /** * Modifies user password. * * @param session * the session. * @param username * the username. * @param password * the password. * @throws LdapException * if some error occurs. * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException * the the algorithm doesn't exist. */ private void modifyUserPassword(final CoreSession session, final String username, final String password) throws LdapException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { final PasswordHandler passwordHandler = PasswordHandler.getInstance(); final String passwordDigest = passwordHandler.generateDigest(password, null, ldapDigestAlgorithm); session.modify(new Dn(getUserDN(username)), new DefaultModification(ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, USER_PASSWORD, passwordDigest)); } private void addMemberToRoleOrGroup(final CoreSession session, final String dn, final String memberDN, final String attributeName) throws LdapException { final Entry entry = session.lookup(new Dn(dn), attributeName); Attribute attribute = entry.get(attributeName); if (attribute == null) { entry.add(attributeName, memberDN); attribute = entry.get(attributeName); } else { attribute.add(memberDN); } final ModifyRequestImpl modifyRequestImpl = new ModifyRequestImpl(); modifyRequestImpl.setName(entry.getDn()); modifyRequestImpl.replace(attribute); session.modify(modifyRequestImpl); } private void removeMemberFromRoleOrGroup(final CoreSession session, final String dn, final String memberDN, final String attributeName) throws LdapException { final Entry entry = session.lookup(new Dn(dn), attributeName); final Attribute attribute = entry.get(attributeName); if (attribute != null) { attribute.remove(memberDN); final ModifyRequestImpl modifyRequestImpl = new ModifyRequestImpl(); modifyRequestImpl.setName(entry.getDn()); modifyRequestImpl.replace(attribute); session.modify(modifyRequestImpl); } } private void removeMember(final CoreSession session, final String memberDN) throws LdapException { // For each group the member is in, remove that member from the group final Set<String> directMemberGroupsDN = getDNsOfGroupsContainingMember(session, memberDN); for (String groupDN : directMemberGroupsDN) { removeMemberFromRoleOrGroup(session, groupDN, memberDN, UNIQUE_MEMBER); } // For each role the member owns, remove that member from the // roleOccupant final Set<String> directMemberRolesDN = getDNsOfDirectRolesForMember(session, memberDN); for (String roleDN : directMemberRolesDN) { removeMemberFromRoleOrGroup(session, roleDN, memberDN, ROLE_OCCUPANT); } session.delete(new Dn(memberDN)); } /** * Returns the DN of groups that contain the given member. * * @param session * the session. * @param memberDN * the DN of the member. * @return the DNs of the groups that has memberDN as member. * @throws LdapException * if some error occurs. */ private Set<String> getDNsOfGroupsContainingMember(final CoreSession session, final String memberDN) throws LdapException { final Cursor<Entry> cursor = search(session, getGroupsDN(), String.format("(&(%s=*)(%s=%s))", CN, UNIQUE_MEMBER, memberDN)); final Set<String> groupsDN = new HashSet<>(); for (Entry entry : cursor) { groupsDN.add(entry.getDn().getName()); } return groupsDN; } /** * Returns the DN of active groups that contain the given member. * * @param session * the session. * @param memberDN * the DN of the member. * @return the DNs of the groups that has memberDN as member. * @throws LdapException * if some error occurs. */ private Set<String> getDNsOfActiveGroupsContainingMember(final CoreSession session, final String memberDN) throws LdapException { final Cursor<Entry> cursor = search(session, getGroupsDN(), String.format("(&(%s=%s)(%s=%s))", UNIQUE_MEMBER, memberDN, SHADOW_INACTIVE, 0)); final Set<String> groupsDN = new HashSet<>(); for (Entry entry : cursor) { groupsDN.add(entry.getDn().getName()); } return groupsDN; } private Set<String> getDNsOfDirectRolesForMember(final CoreSession session, final String memberDN) throws LdapException { final Set<String> rolesDN = new HashSet<>(); final Cursor<Entry> cursor = search(session, getRolesDN(), String.format("(&(cn=*)(%s=%s))", ROLE_OCCUPANT, memberDN)); for (Entry entry : cursor) { rolesDN.add(entry.getDn().getName()); } return rolesDN; } /** * Get all roles. * * @param session * the session. * @return a {@link Set} with all role names. * @throws LdapException * if some error occurs. */ private Set<String> getRoles(final CoreSession session) throws LdapException { final Set<String> roles = new HashSet<>(); for (Entry entry : searchEntries(session, getRolesDN(), CN)) { roles.add(getFirstNameFromDN(entry.getDn())); } return roles; } private Set<String> getDNsOfAllRolesForMember(final CoreSession session, final String memberDN) throws LdapException { final Set<String> directMemberRolesDN = getDNsOfDirectRolesForMember(session, memberDN); final Set<String> allMemberRolesDN = new HashSet<>(); // add the roles that the member directly owns allMemberRolesDN.addAll(directMemberRolesDN); // for each group that the member belongs to, get it's roles // too.. final Set<String> directMemberGroupsDN = getDNsOfActiveGroupsContainingMember(session, memberDN); for (String memberGroupDN : directMemberGroupsDN) { allMemberRolesDN.addAll(getDNsOfAllRolesForMember(session, memberGroupDN)); } return allMemberRolesDN; } private Set<String> getMemberRoles(final CoreSession session, final String memberDN) throws LdapException { final Set<String> allMemberRolesDN = getDNsOfAllRolesForMember(session, memberDN); final Set<String> roles = new HashSet<>(); for (String roleDN : allMemberRolesDN) { roles.add(getFirstNameFromDN(roleDN)); } return roles; } private Set<String> getMemberDirectRoles(final CoreSession session, final String memberDN) throws LdapException { final Set<String> memberDirectRolesDN = getDNsOfDirectRolesForMember(session, memberDN); final Set<String> directRoles = new HashSet<>(); for (String roleDN : memberDirectRolesDN) { directRoles.add(getFirstNameFromDN(roleDN)); } return directRoles; } private Set<String> getUserGroups(final CoreSession session, final String username) throws LdapException { Set<String> groups = new HashSet<>(); for (String groupDN : getDNsOfGroupsContainingMember(session, getUserDN(username))) { groups.add(getFirstNameFromDN(groupDN)); } return groups; } private User getUserWithEmail(final CoreSession session, final String email) throws LdapException { final Cursor<Entry> cursor = search(session, getPeopleDN(), String.format("(email=%s)", email)); final Iterator<Entry> it = cursor.iterator(); User user = null; while (it.hasNext() && user == null) { user = getUserFromEntry(; } return user; } /** * Sets the roles that a member owns. * * @param session * the session * @param memberDN * the DN of the member to change the roles for. * @param roles * a list of roles that this member should own. * @throws LdapException * if some error occurs. */ private void setMemberDirectRoles(final CoreSession session, final String memberDN, final Set<String> roles) throws LdapException { final Set<String> oldRoles = getMemberDirectRoles(session, memberDN); final Set<String> newRoles; if (this.rodaAdministratorsDN.equals(memberDN)) { newRoles = getRoles(session); } else { newRoles = (roles == null) ? new HashSet<>() : new HashSet<>(roles); } // removing from oldRoles all the roles in newRoles, oldRoles // becomes the Set of roles that the user doesn't want to own // anymore. final Set<String> tempOldRoles = new HashSet<>(oldRoles); tempOldRoles.removeAll(newRoles); // remove user from the roles in oldRoles for (String role : tempOldRoles) { removeMemberFromRoleOrGroup(session, getRoleDN(role), memberDN, ROLE_OCCUPANT); } // removing from newRoles all the roles in oldRoles, newRoles // becomes the Set of the new roles that the user wants to own. newRoles.removeAll(oldRoles); // add member to the roles in newRoles for (String role : newRoles) { addMemberToRoleOrGroup(session, getRoleDN(role), memberDN, ROLE_OCCUPANT); } } /** * Sets the groups to which a member belongs to. * * @param session * the session. * @param memberDN * the DN of the member to change the groups for. * @param groups * a list of groups that this member should belong to. * @throws LdapException * if some error occurs. */ private void setMemberGroups(final CoreSession session, final String memberDN, final Set<String> groups) throws LdapException { final Set<String> newGroups = (groups == null) ? new HashSet<>() : new HashSet<>(groups); final Set<String> oldgroupDNs = getDNsOfGroupsContainingMember(session, memberDN); final Set<String> newgroupDNs = new HashSet<>(); for (String groupName : newGroups) { newgroupDNs.add(getGroupDN(groupName)); } // removing all the groups in newgroups, oldgroups becomes the Set // of groups that the user doesn't want to belong to anymore. final Set<String> tempOldgroupDNs = new HashSet<>(oldgroupDNs); tempOldgroupDNs.removeAll(newgroupDNs); // remove user from the groups in oldgroups for (String groupDN : tempOldgroupDNs) { removeMemberFromRoleOrGroup(session, groupDN, memberDN, UNIQUE_MEMBER); } // removing all the groups in oldgroups, newgroups becomes the Set // of the new groups that the user wants to bellong to. newgroupDNs.removeAll(oldgroupDNs); // RODA admin MUST belong to administrators group. if (this.rodaAdminDN.equals(memberDN)) { newgroupDNs.add(this.rodaAdministratorsDN); } // add user to the groups in newgroups for (String groupDN : newgroupDNs) { try { addMemberToRoleOrGroup(session, groupDN, memberDN, UNIQUE_MEMBER); } catch (final LdapNoSuchObjectException e) { LOGGER.debug("Group {} doesn't exist", groupDN); } } } /** * Sets the user's password without checking admin and guest users. * * @param username * the username. * @param password * the password. * * @throws NotFoundException * if specified {@link User} doesn't exist. * @throws GenericException * if some error occurs. */ private void setUserPasswordUnchecked(final String username, final String password) throws NotFoundException, GenericException { try { modifyUserPassword(service.getAdminSession(), username, password); } catch (final LdapException e) { throw new GenericException("Error setting password for user " + username, e); } catch (final NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new GenericException("Error encoding password for user " + username, e); } } /** * Returns the first name from a DN (Distinguished Name). Ex: for * <i>DN=cn=administrators,ou=groups,dc=roda,dc=org</i> returns * <i>administrators</i>. * * @param dn * the Distinguished Name. * @return a {@link String} with the first name. * @throws LdapInvalidDnException * if the DN is not valid. */ private String getFirstNameFromDN(final String dn) throws LdapInvalidDnException { return getFirstNameFromDN(new Dn(dn)); } /** * Returns the first name from a DN (Distinguished Name). Ex: for * <i>DN=cn=administrators,ou=groups,dc=roda,dc=org</i> returns * <i>administrators</i>. * * @param dn * the Distinguished Name. * @return a {@link String} with the first name. */ private String getFirstNameFromDN(final Dn dn) { return dn.getRdn().getValue(); } private String userMessage(final String user, final String message) { return "User " + user + message; } /** * Initialize the schema manager and add the schema partition to directory * service. * * @throws Exception * if the schema LDIF files are not found on the classpath */ private void initSchemaPartition() throws Exception { final InstanceLayout instanceLayout = this.service.getInstanceLayout(); final File schemaPartitionDirectory = new File(instanceLayout.getPartitionsDirectory(), "schema"); // Extract the schema on disk (a brand new one) and load the registries if (!schemaPartitionDirectory.exists()) { final SchemaLdifExtractor extractor = new DefaultSchemaLdifExtractor( instanceLayout.getPartitionsDirectory()); extractor.extractOrCopy(); } final SchemaLoader loader = new LdifSchemaLoader(schemaPartitionDirectory); final SchemaManager schemaManager = new DefaultSchemaManager(loader); // We have to load the schema now, otherwise we won't be able // to initialize the Partitions, as we won't be able to parse // and normalize their suffix Dn schemaManager.loadAllEnabled(); final List<Throwable> errors = schemaManager.getErrors(); if (!errors.isEmpty()) { throw new GenericException("Error while loading ApacheDS schemas"); } this.service.setSchemaManager(schemaManager); // Init the LdifPartition with schema final LdifPartition schemaLdifPartition = new LdifPartition(schemaManager, this.service.getDnFactory()); schemaLdifPartition.setPartitionPath(schemaPartitionDirectory.toURI()); // The schema partition final SchemaPartition schemaPartition = new SchemaPartition(schemaManager); schemaPartition.setWrappedPartition(schemaLdifPartition); this.service.setSchemaPartition(schemaPartition); } /** * Add a new partition to the server. * * @param partitionId * The partition Id * @param partitionDn * The partition DN * @param dnFactory * the DN factory * @return The newly added partition * @throws Exception * If the partition can't be added */ private JdbmPartition addPartition(final String partitionId, final String partitionDn, final DnFactory dnFactory) throws Exception { // Create a new partition with the given partition id final JdbmPartition partition = new JdbmPartition(service.getSchemaManager(), dnFactory); partition.setId(partitionId); partition.setPartitionPath( new File(service.getInstanceLayout().getPartitionsDirectory(), partitionId).toURI()); partition.setSuffixDn(new Dn(partitionDn)); service.addPartition(partition); return partition; } /** * Apply LDIF text. * * @param ldif * LDIF text. * @throws LdapException * if some LDAP related error occurs. * @throws IOException * if stream could not be closed. */ private void applyLdif(final String ldif) throws LdapException, IOException { try (LdifReader entries = new LdifReader(new StringReader(ldif))) { for (LdifEntry ldifEntry : entries) { final DefaultEntry newEntry = new DefaultEntry(this.service.getSchemaManager(), ldifEntry.getEntry()); LOGGER.debug("LDIF entry: {}", newEntry); this.service.getAdminSession().add(newEntry); } } } /** * Add a new set of index on the given attributes. * * @param partition * The partition on which we want to add index * @param attrs * The list of attributes to index */ private void addIndex(final JdbmPartition partition, final String... attrs) { // Index some attributes on the apache partition final Set<Index<?, String>> indexedAttributes = new HashSet<>(); for (String attribute : attrs) { indexedAttributes.add(new JdbmIndex<String>(attribute, false)); } partition.setIndexedAttributes(indexedAttributes); } private User getUserByNameOrEmail(final String username, final String email) throws GenericException { final User user; if (username != null) { user = getUser(username); } else if (email != null) { user = getUserWithEmail(email); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("username and email can not both be null"); } return user; } private Cursor<Entry> search(final CoreSession session, final String dn, final String filter) throws LdapException { try { return Dn(dn), SearchScope.SUBTREE, FilterParser.parse(service.getSchemaManager(), filter), AliasDerefMode.NEVER_DEREF_ALIASES); } catch (final ParseException e) { throw new LdapInvalidSearchFilterException(e.getMessage()); } } private String getEntryAttributeAsString(final Entry entry, final String attributeName) throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException { final Attribute attribute = entry.get(attributeName); String value = null; if (attribute != null) { value = attribute.getString(); } return value; } public void resetAdminAccess(final String password) throws GenericException { try { final CoreSession session = this.service.getAdminSession(); final String adminName = getFirstNameFromDN(this.rodaAdminDN); final String administratorsName = getFirstNameFromDN(this.rodaAdministratorsDN); User admin; try { admin = getUser(session, adminName); } catch (final LdapNoSuchObjectException e) { admin = new User(adminName); admin = addUser(admin); } admin.setActive(true); modifyUser(session, admin, password, false, true); Group administrators; try { administrators = getGroup(session, administratorsName); } catch (final LdapNoSuchObjectException e) { administrators = addGroup(new Group(administratorsName)); administrators.setActive(true); } administrators.setDirectRoles(getRoles(session)); administrators.addMemberUser(adminName); modifyGroup(administrators, true); } catch (final UserAlreadyExistsException | EmailAlreadyExistsException | NotFoundException | IllegalOperationException | GroupAlreadyExistsException | LdapException e) { throw new GenericException(e.getMessage(), e); } } }