Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package org.rhwlab.dispim.nucleus; import java.awt.Shape; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.json.JsonObject; import javax.json.JsonObjectBuilder; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealVector; import org.jdom2.Element; /** * * @author gevirl */ public class Nucleus implements Comparable { public Nucleus(NucleusData data) { this.child1 = null; this.child2 = null; this.parent = null; this.nucData = data; this.cellName = data.getName(); } public Nucleus clone() { Nucleus clone = new Nucleus(this.nucData); clone.child1 = this.child1; clone.child2 = this.child2; clone.cellName = this.cellName; clone.userNamed = this.userNamed; clone.parent = this.parent; return clone; } static public String randomName() { return NucleusData.randomName(); } static public void saveHeadings(PrintStream stream) { stream.println("Time,Name,X,Y,Z,Radius,Child1,Child2"); } public void saveNucleus(PrintStream stream) { // stream.printf("%d,%s,%d,%d,%d,%f,%s,%s\n",time,getName(),x,y,z,radius,getChild1(),getChild2()); } public int getTime() { return nucData.getTime(); } public double[] getCenter() { return nucData.getCenter(); } public void setCenter(long[] c) { nucData.setCenter(c); ; } public void setCenter(double[] c) { nucData.setCenter(c); } // returns the nucleus unique identfier public String getName() { return nucData.getName(); } public String getFullName() { return String.format("%s|%s", getName(), getCellName()); } public void setMarked(boolean s) { nucData.setMarked(s); } public boolean getMarked() { return nucData.getMarked(); } public double distanceSqaured(long[] p) { double d = 0.0; double[] c = this.getCenter(); for (int i = 0; i < p.length; ++i) { double delta = p[i] - c[i]; d = d + delta * delta; } return d; } public Element asXML() { Element ret = nucData.asXML(); ret.setAttribute("cell", cellName); ret.setAttribute("usernamed", Boolean.toString(userNamed)); if (this.parent != null) { ret.setAttribute("parent", this.parent.getName()); } if (this.child1 != null) { ret.setAttribute("child1", this.child1.getName()); } if (this.child2 != null) { ret.setAttribute("child2", this.child2.getName()); } return ret; } public JsonObjectBuilder asJson() { JsonObjectBuilder builder = nucData.asJson(); builder.add("cell", cellName); builder.add("usernamed", this.userNamed); if (this.parent != null) { builder.add("parent", this.parent.getName()); } if (child1 != null) { builder.add("child1", this.child1.asJson()); } if (child2 != null) { builder.add("child2", this.child2.asJson()); } return builder; } // names all the nuclei in the cell that contains this nucleus public void nameAllNucleiInCell(String cellname, boolean user) { Nucleus first = this.firstNucleusInCell(); nameCellRecursive(first, cellname, user); } // name all the descendent nuclei in the cell static public void nameCellRecursive(Nucleus nuc, String cellname, boolean user) { if (cellname == null) { cellname = nuc.getName(); } nuc.setCellName(cellname, user); if (nuc.isDividing() || nuc.isLeaf()) { return; } nameCellRecursive(nuc.getChild1(), cellname, user); } // assign the cell name to this nucleus public void setCellName(String name, boolean user) { this.cellName = name; this.userNamed = user; } public String getCellName() { if (cellName == null) { return this.getName(); // return the nuc name if nuc not given a cell name yet } return this.cellName; } public boolean isUsernamed() { return this.userNamed; } @Override public int compareTo(Object o) { return nucData.compareTo(((Nucleus) o).getNucleusData()); } public boolean getLabeled() { return nucData.getLabeled(); } public void setLabeled(boolean lab) { nucData.setLabeled(lab); } public double getExpression() { return nucData.getExpression(); } public void setExpression(double e) { nucData.setExpression(e); } public boolean isVisible(long slice, int dim) { return nucData.isVisible(slice, dim); } public Shape getShape(long slice, int dim, int bufW, int bufH) { return nucData.getShape(slice, dim, bufW, bufH); } public int imageXDirection(int dim) { if (dim == 0) { return 1; } return 0; } public int imageYDirection(int dim) { if (dim == 2) { return 1; } return 2; } public Object getAdjustment() { return nucData.getAdjustment(); } public void setAdjustment(Object o) { nucData.setAdjustment(o); } public RealMatrix adjustPrecision() { return nucData.adjustPrecision(); } public String getRadiusLabel(int i) { return ((BHCNucleusData) nucData).getRadiusLabel(i); } public static RealMatrix precisionFromString(String s) { double[][] ret = new double[3][3]; String[] tokens = s.split(" "); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { for (int j = i; j < 3; ++j) { ret[i][j] = Double.valueOf(tokens[3 * i + j]); ret[j][i] = ret[i][j]; } } return new Array2DRowRealMatrix(ret); } // probability the given position (relative to the center) belongs to this nucleus public double prob(double[] p) { return nucData.prob(p); } public double getRadius(int d) { return nucData.getRadius(d); } public long[] getRadii() { long[] radii = new long[3]; radii[0] = (long) getRadius(0); radii[1] = (long) getRadius(1); radii[2] = (long) getRadius(2); return radii; } // return the direction vectors of the ellipsoid axes sorted by length of radii public RealVector[] getAxes() { return nucData.getAxes(); } public String getFrobenius() { return nucData.getFrobenius(); } public double[][] getEigenVectors() { return nucData.getEigenVectors(); } public double[][] getEigenVectorsT() { return nucData.getEigenVectorsT(); } // determine if this nucleus is dividing public boolean isDividing() { return child1 != null && child2 != null; } // return the next nuclei this nucleus is linked to // return Nucleus[0] if not linked // return Nulcues[1] if linked in time // return Nucleus[2] if dividing public Nucleus[] nextNuclei() { if (isDividing()) { Nucleus[] ret = new Nucleus[2]; ret[0] = child1; ret[1] = child2; return ret; // dividing } else if (child1 == null && child2 == null) { Nucleus[] ret = new Nucleus[0]; return ret; // leaf nucleus } else { Nucleus[] ret = new Nucleus[1]; ret[0] = child1; return ret; // linked in time } } // measure the distance to another nucleus public double distance(Nucleus other) { return nucData.distance(other.nucData); } public double shapeDistance(Nucleus other) { return nucData.shapeDistance(other.nucData); } private void reportMatrix(PrintStream stream, String label, RealMatrix m) { stream.printf("%s: ", label); for (int r = 0; r < m.getRowDimension(); ++r) { for (int c = 0; c < m.getColumnDimension(); ++c) { stream.printf("%f ", m.getEntry(r, c)); } stream.print(" : "); } stream.println(); } private RealMatrix reverseHandedness(RealMatrix m) { RealMatrix ret = m.copy(); for (int c = 0; c < m.getColumnDimension(); ++c) { ret.setEntry(0, c, -m.getEntry(0, c)); } return ret; } public void report(PrintStream stream) { if (cellName != null) { stream.printf("Nucleus:%s time=%d cell=%s\n", nucData.getName(), nucData.getTime(), cellName); } else { stream.printf("Nucleus:%s time=%d no cell\n", nucData.getName(), nucData.getTime()); } } // return the root cell leading to this nucleus public String getRoot() { if (this.parent == null) { return this.cellName; } return parent.getRoot(); } // return the sister nucleus if parent just divided public Nucleus getSisterNucleus() { return this.getSister(); } public double[] eccentricity() { double[] r = new double[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { r[i] = this.getRadius(i); } Arrays.sort(r); double[] e = new double[3]; e[0] = ecc(r[0], r[1]); e[1] = ecc(r[0], r[2]); e[2] = ecc(r[1], r[2]); return e; } private double ecc(double axis1, double axis2) { double f = axis1 / axis2; return Math.sqrt((1.0 - f * f)); } // the time since this nucleus last divided public int timeSinceDivsion() { if (this.parent == null) { return -1; } if (this.parent.child2 != null) { return 1; } int t = this.parent.timeSinceDivsion(); if (t != -1) { ++t; } return t; } public NucleusData getNucleusData() { return nucData; } public Nucleus getSister() { if (parent == null) { return null; // must have a parent to have a sister } if (parent.child2 == null) { return null; // must have a dividing parent } if (parent.child1.equals(this)) { return parent.child2; } return parent.child1; } public Nucleus getParent() { return this.parent; } // link this nucleus to a daughter // if this nucleus is dividing, then this cannot be done and false is returned // if this nucleus is already linked in time then it will result in a division public boolean linkTo(Nucleus daughter) { daughter.unlink(); if (child2 != null) { return false; // can't link } if (child1 != null) { // now a division child2 = daughter; // String newName = child1.getName(); // child1.renameContainingCell(newName); } else { this.child1 = daughter; // linking in time daughter.renameContainingCell(this.getCellName()); // daughter and parent are in the same cell now } daughter.parent = this; NamedNucleusFile.nameChildren(this); return true; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("%s|%s", this.getName(), this.getCellName()); } public void setDaughters(Nucleus c1, Nucleus c2) { this.child1 = c1; if (this.child1 != null) { this.child1.parent = this; } this.child2 = c2; if (c2 != null) { this.child2.parent = this; } } public void setParent(Nucleus p) { this.parent = p; } public Nucleus getChild1() { return this.child1; } public Nucleus getChild2() { return this.child2; } public Nucleus firstNucleusInCell() { if (this.parent == null) { return this; } if (this.parent.isDividing()) { return this; } return parent.firstNucleusInCell(); } // rename this nucleus and all its time descendents public void renameContainingCell(String name) { this.cellName = name; if (child1 == null) { return; } if (this.isDividing()) { return; // do not go past division } child1.renameContainingCell(name); } // find the terminal nuclei under this nucleus public void findLeaves(Set<Nucleus> leaves) { if (this.isLeaf()) { leaves.add(this); return; } if (child1 != null) { child1.findLeaves(leaves); } if (child2 != null) { child2.findLeaves(leaves); } } public boolean isLeaf() { return this.child1 == null && this.child2 == null; } public Nucleus lastNucleusOfCell() { if (this.isDividing()) { return this; } if (child1 == null) { return this; } return child1.lastNucleusOfCell(); } public void descedentsInCell(TreeMap<Integer, Nucleus> ret) { ret.put(this.getTime(), this); if (this.isDividing() || this.isLeaf()) { return; } this.child1.descedentsInCell(ret); } // unkin this nucleus from its parent public void unlink() { Nucleus parent = this.getParent(); if (parent == null) { return; } // the nucleus being unlinked must get a new cellname this.renameContainingCell(this.getName()); if (parent.getChild1() == this) { // move parents child2 into child1 parent.setDaughters(parent.getChild2(), null); } else { // unlinking parents child2 parent.setDaughters(parent.getChild1(), null); } if (parent.getChild1() != null) { // child1 now part of parents cell parent.getChild1().renameContainingCell(parent.getCellName()); } this.setParent(null); } public void setTime(int time) { nucData.setTime(time); } public double getVolume() { return ((BHCNucleusData) nucData).getVolume(); } public double getAvgIntensity() { return ((BHCNucleusData) nucData).getAverageIntensity(); } static public boolean intersect(Nucleus nuc1, Nucleus nuc2) { return NucleusData.intersect(nuc1.nucData, nuc2.nucData); } static public double similarityScore(Nucleus nuc1, Nucleus nuc2) { return BHCNucleusData.similarityScore((BHCNucleusData) nuc1.nucData, (BHCNucleusData) nuc2.nucData); } static public boolean matchForExpansion(Nucleus nuc1, Nucleus nuc2) { double d = nuc1.distance(nuc2); if (d > expansionDistanceThresh) { return false; } double[] ecc1 = nuc1.eccentricity(); double[] ecc2 = nuc2.eccentricity(); if (ecc2[2] > .95 && ecc2[1] > .95) { return false; } double volRatio = nuc1.getVolume() / nuc2.getVolume(); if (volRatio < 1.0) volRatio = 1.0 / volRatio; if (volRatio > 1.5) { return false; } double intRatio = nuc1.getAvgIntensity() / nuc2.getAvgIntensity(); if (intRatio < 1.0) intRatio = 1.0 / intRatio; return intRatio <= 2.0; } // do two nuclei match up well enough static public boolean match(Nucleus nuc1, Nucleus nuc2) { double d = nuc1.distance(nuc2); if (d > distThreshold) { return false; } double[] ecc1 = nuc1.eccentricity(); double[] ecc2 = nuc2.eccentricity(); if (ecc2[2] > .95 && ecc2[1] > .95) { return false; } double volRatio = nuc1.getVolume() / nuc2.getVolume(); if (volRatio < 1.0) volRatio = 1.0 / volRatio; if (volRatio > 2.0) { return false; } double intRatio = nuc1.getAvgIntensity() / nuc2.getAvgIntensity(); if (intRatio < 1.0) intRatio = 1.0 / intRatio; return intRatio <= 2.0; } private Nucleus child1; private Nucleus child2; private Nucleus parent; private String cellName; // the cell to which this nucleus belongs boolean userNamed = false; // indicates if the user has named the cell to which this nucleus belongs final private NucleusData nucData; static double distThreshold = 50; static double expansionDistanceThresh = 25; }