Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package org.rhwlab.dispim.nucleus; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.json.JsonObject; import javax.json.JsonObjectBuilder; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.EigenDecomposition; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealVector; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.rhwlab.BHC.NodeBase; import org.rhwlab.BHC.NucleusLogNode; /** * * @author gevirl */ public class BHCNucleusData extends NucleusData { public BHCNucleusData(NodeBase base, int time) { this(time, base.formElementXML()); this.nodeBase = base; } // construct from Nucleus xml element saved in a file public BHCNucleusData(Element nucleusEle) { super(nucleusEle); // = super.getName().substring(super.getName().indexOf('_')+1); count = Integer.valueOf(nucleusEle.getAttributeValue("count")); sourceNode = nucleusEle.getAttributeValue("sourceNode"); totalIntensity = Long.valueOf(nucleusEle.getAttributeValue("intensity")); intensityRSD = Double.valueOf(nucleusEle.getAttributeValue("intensityRSD")); voxels = Integer.valueOf(nucleusEle.getAttributeValue("voxels")); try { posteriorProb = Double.valueOf(nucleusEle.getAttributeValue("posterior")); } catch (Exception exc) { posteriorProb = 0.; } init(); } // contruct from a BHC nodebase element public BHCNucleusData(int time, Element gmm) { super(time, name(time, gmm.getAttributeValue("sourceNode")), center(gmm)); //id = gmm.getAttributeValue("id"); count = Integer.valueOf(gmm.getAttributeValue("count")); sourceNode = gmm.getAttributeValue("sourceNode"); totalIntensity = Long.valueOf(gmm.getAttributeValue("intensity")); intensityRSD = Double.valueOf(gmm.getAttributeValue("intensityRSD")); voxels = Integer.valueOf(gmm.getAttributeValue("voxels")); try { posteriorProb = Double.valueOf(gmm.getAttributeValue("posterior")); } catch (Exception exc) { posteriorProb = 0.; } A = precisionFromString(gmm.getAttributeValue("precision")); eigenA = new EigenDecomposition(A); adjustedA = A.copy(); adjustedEigenA = new EigenDecomposition(adjustedA); R = new double[3]; R[0] = R[1] = R[2] = 2.5; this.setAdjustment(R); init(); } static public Set<BHCNucleusData> factory(TreeSet<NucleusLogNode> cut, double minVolume, int time) { TreeSet<BHCNucleusData> ret = new TreeSet<>(); int i = 1; for (NucleusLogNode logNode : cut) { BHCNucleusData nucData = BHCNucleusData.factory(logNode, time); if (nucData != null && nucData.getVolume() >= minVolume) { ret.add(nucData); ++i; } } return ret; } static public BHCNucleusData factory(NodeBase node, int time) { Element ele = node.formElementXML(); if (ele != null) { return new BHCNucleusData(time, ele); } return null; } private void init() { volume = vf; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { volume = volume * this.getRadius(i); } voxelDensity = voxels / volume; intensityDensity = totalIntensity / volume; } public Element asXML() { Element ret = super.asXML(); ret.setAttribute("sourceNode", this.sourceNode); ret.setAttribute("count", Integer.toString(this.count)); ret.setAttribute("voxels", Integer.toString(this.voxels)); ret.setAttribute("intensity", Long.toString(totalIntensity)); ret.setAttribute("intensityRSD", Double.toString(intensityRSD)); return ret; } public JsonObjectBuilder asJson() { JsonObjectBuilder ret = super.asJson(); ret.add("SourceNode", this.sourceNode); ret.add("Count", this.count); ret.add("Voxels", this.voxels); ret.add("Intensity", this.totalIntensity); return ret; } public void printMat(String label, RealMatrix m) { System.out.println(label); for (int r = 0; r < m.getRowDimension(); ++r) { for (int c = 0; c < m.getColumnDimension(); ++c) { System.out.printf("%f\t", m.getEntry(r, c)); } System.out.println(); } } static double[] center(Element ele) { double[] ret = new double[3]; ret[0] = Double.valueOf(ele.getAttributeValue("x")); ret[1] = Double.valueOf(ele.getAttributeValue("y")); ret[2] = Double.valueOf(ele.getAttributeValue("z")); return ret; } static String name(int time, String id) { int n = Integer.valueOf(id); return String.format("%03d_%03d", time, n); } /* static String name(Element gmm){ return gmm.getAttributeValue("name"); } */ public String getID() { // return id; return this.sourceNode; } @Override public String toString() { return name(this.getTime(), this.getID()); } public String getRadiusLabel(int i) { // find the adjusted eigenvector closest to the original unadjusted eigenvector for dimension i // this keeps the order of the adjusted eigenvectors the same as the original unadjusted eigenvectors // the eigendecomposition returns the eigenvectors sorted by eigenvalue // this procedure puts them back in their original order int adjustedI = 0; double maxD = 0.0; RealVector aV = eigenA.getEigenvector(i); for (int j = 0; j < A.getColumnDimension(); ++j) { RealVector v = adjustedEigenA.getEigenvector(j); double d = Math.abs(v.dotProduct(aV)); if (d > maxD) { maxD = d; adjustedI = j; } } RealVector v = adjustedEigenA.getEigenvector(adjustedI); // double eigenVal = adjustedEigenA.getRealEigenvalue(adjustedI); // double r = 1.0/Math.sqrt(Ace3D_Frame.R*eigenVal); double r = this.getRadius(adjustedI); return String.format("%4.1f(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f)", r, v.getEntry(0), v.getEntry(1), v.getEntry(2)); } public String getSourceNode() { return this.sourceNode; } public double getVolume() { return volume; } public double getVoxelDensity() { return voxelDensity; } public double getAverageIntensity() { return ((double) totalIntensity) / voxels; } public double getIntensityRSD() { return this.intensityRSD; } public double getIntensityDensity() { return this.intensityDensity; } public double getPosteriorProb() { return this.posteriorProb; } // distance weighted by intensity and volume public double weightedDistance(BHCNucleusData other) { double v = this.volume / other.volume; if (v < 1.0) { v = 1.0 / v; } double ir = this.getAverageIntensity() / other.getAverageIntensity(); if (ir < 1.0) { ir = 1.0 / ir; } double d = super.distance(other); double ret = 4.0 * v + ir + d; /* System.out.printf("Volumes: %f,%f\n", this.volume,other.volume); System.out.printf("AvgInt: %f,%f\n",this.getAverageIntensity(),other.getAverageIntensity()); System.out.printf("distance: %f\n", d); System.out.printf("score: %f\n\n",ret); */ return ret; } public NodeBase getNodeBase() { return this.nodeBase; } static public double similarityScore(BHCNucleusData nuc0, BHCNucleusData nuc1) { return nuc0.weightedDistance(nuc1); } static double vf = 4.0 * Math.PI / 3.0; // String id; int count; // number of micro clusters in the nucleus String sourceNode; // the BHC tree node from which this nucleus is built NodeBase nodeBase; // the BHC Tree node that this nucleus was constructed from double volume; // volume of nucleus double voxelDensity; // voxels per unit volume long totalIntensity; // sum of all voxel intensities double intensityDensity; // intensity per unit volume double intensityRSD; // intensity stadard deviation / mean // double segmentedProb; // average segmented probability of all the microclusters double posteriorProb; int voxels; // number of voxels in the nucleus }