Source code

Java tutorial


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package org.rhwlab.dispim.datasource;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.MatrixUtils;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealVector;
import org.jdom2.Document;
import org.jdom2.Element;
import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder;
import org.jdom2.output.Format;
import org.jdom2.output.XMLOutputter;
import org.rhwlab.variationalbayesian.GaussianMixture;

 * @author gevirl
public class ClusteredDataSource extends DataSourceBase implements VoxelDataSource {
    public ClusteredDataSource(String file) throws Exception {

    public ClusteredDataSource(VoxelClusterer[] clusterers, double thresh, int D) {
        this.D = D;
        this.segThresh = thresh;

        // how many total clusters and total points?
        int K = 0;
        int N = 0;
        for (VoxelClusterer clusterer : clusterers) {
            List<CentroidCluster<Voxel>> clusterList = clusterer.getResult();
            K = K + clusterList.size();
            for (CentroidCluster cluster : clusterList) {
                N = N + cluster.getPoints().size();

        clusterMinIntensity = new int[K];
        clusterMaxIntensity = new int[K];
        this.clusterSegmentedProb = new double[K];
        centers = new RealVector[K];
        X = new Voxel[N];
        z = new GaussianComponent[N];
        int n = 0;
        int k = 0;
        minIntensity = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        maxIntensity = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        for (VoxelClusterer clusterer : clusterers) {
            List<CentroidCluster<Voxel>> clusterList = clusterer.getResult();
            for (CentroidCluster<Voxel> cluster : clusterList) {
                GaussianComponent comp = new GaussianComponent(this, k);
                centers[k] = new ArrayRealVector(cluster.getCenter().getPoint());
                this.clusterMinIntensity[k] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                this.clusterMaxIntensity[k] = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                this.clusterSegmentedProb[k] = 0.0;
                for (Voxel vox : cluster.getPoints()) {
                    X[n] = vox;
                    if (vox.intensity < minIntensity) {
                        minIntensity = vox.intensity;
                    if (vox.intensity > maxIntensity) {
                        maxIntensity = vox.intensity;
                    if (vox.intensity < clusterMinIntensity[k]) {
                        clusterMinIntensity[k] = vox.intensity;
                    if (vox.intensity > clusterMaxIntensity[k]) {
                        clusterMaxIntensity[k] = vox.intensity;
                    this.clusterSegmentedProb[k] = this.clusterSegmentedProb[k] + vox.getAdjusted();
                    comp.addPoint(n, false);
                    z[n] = comp;
                this.clusterSegmentedProb[k] = this.clusterSegmentedProb[k] / comp.indexes.size();

    final public void openFromClusters(String xml) throws Exception {
        SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder();
        Document doc = File(xml));
        Element root = doc.getRootElement();
        int K = Integer.valueOf(root.getAttributeValue("NumberOfClusters"));
        D = Integer.valueOf(root.getAttributeValue("Dimensions"));
        clusterMinIntensity = new int[K];
        clusterMaxIntensity = new int[K];
        this.clusterSegmentedProb = new double[K];
        centers = new RealVector[K];
        int N = Integer.valueOf(root.getAttributeValue("NumberOfPoints"));
        minIntensity = Integer.valueOf(root.getAttributeValue("MinimumIntensity"));
        maxIntensity = Integer.valueOf(root.getAttributeValue("MaximumIntensity"));
        segThresh = Double.valueOf(root.getAttributeValue("SegmentationThreshold"));
        List<Element> clusterElements = root.getChildren("Cluster");
        X = new Voxel[N];
        z = new GaussianComponent[N];
        int n = 0;
        int k = 0;
        for (Element clusterElement : clusterElements) {

            String[] tokens = clusterElement.getAttributeValue("Center").split(" ");
            double[] v = new double[tokens.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < v.length; ++i) {
                v[i] = Double.valueOf(tokens[i]);
            centers[k] = new ArrayRealVector(v);

            GaussianComponent comp = new GaussianComponent(this, k);
            this.clusterMinIntensity[k] = Integer.valueOf(clusterElement.getAttributeValue("MinimumIntensity"));
            this.clusterMaxIntensity[k] = Integer.valueOf(clusterElement.getAttributeValue("MaximumIntensity"));
            this.clusterSegmentedProb[k] = Double.valueOf(clusterElement.getAttributeValue("AvgAdjusted"));
            List<Element> pointElements = clusterElement.getChildren("Point");
            for (Element pointElement : pointElements) {
                tokens = pointElement.getTextNormalize().split(" ");
                v = new double[tokens.length];
                for (int i = 0; i < v.length; ++i) {
                    v[i] = Double.valueOf(tokens[i]);
                int in = Integer.valueOf(pointElement.getAttributeValue("Intensity"));
                double adj = Double.valueOf(pointElement.getAttributeValue("Adjusted"));
                X[n] = new Voxel(new ArrayRealVector(v), in, adj);
                comp.addPoint(n, false);
                z[n] = comp;



        public void saveAsGMMFormatXML(String file)throws Exception {
    OutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(file);
    Element root = new Element("ClusteredVoxels");      
    for (int c=0 ; c<gaussians.size() ; ++c){
        GaussianComponent comp = gaussians.get(c);
        Element ele = new Element("GaussianMixtureModel");
        RealVector mu = comp.mean();
        double[] center = mu.toArray();
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i=0 ; i<center.length ; ++i){
            if (i >0 ){
                builder.append(" ");
        ele.setAttribute("id ",Integer.toString(c));
        ele.setAttribute("count", Integer.toString(comp.getN()));
        ele.setAttribute("m", builder.toString());
        RealMatrix W  = comp.precision(mu);
        builder = new StringBuilder();
        for (int row=0 ; row<W.getRowDimension() ; ++row){
            for (int col=0 ; col<W.getColumnDimension() ; ++col){
                if (row>0 || col>0){
                    builder.append(" ");
                builder.append(W.getEntry(row, col));
        ele.setAttribute("W", builder.toString());            
    XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat());
    out.output(root, stream);
    public void saveAsXML(String file) throws Exception {
        OutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(file);
        Element root = new Element("KMeansClustering");
        root.setAttribute("NumberOfClusters", Integer.toString(centers.length));
        root.setAttribute("Partitions", Integer.toString(partitions));
        root.setAttribute("Dimensions", Integer.toString(D));
        root.setAttribute("NumberOfPoints", Long.toString(this.getN()));
        root.setAttribute("SegmentationThreshold", Double.toString(segThresh));
        root.setAttribute("MinimumIntensity", Integer.toString(minIntensity));
        root.setAttribute("MaximumIntensity", Integer.toString(maxIntensity));
        for (int c = 0; c < gaussians.size(); ++c) {
            GaussianComponent comp = gaussians.get(c);
            Element ele = new Element("Cluster");

            double[] center = comp.getMean().toArray();
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 0; i < center.length; ++i) {
                if (i > 0) {
                    builder.append(" ");
            ele.setAttribute("Center", builder.toString());

            ele.setAttribute("PointCount", Integer.toString(comp.getN()));
            ele.setAttribute("MinimumIntensity", Integer.toString(this.clusterMinIntensity[c]));
            ele.setAttribute("MaximumIntensity", Integer.toString(this.clusterMaxIntensity[c]));
            double avgAdjusted = 0.0;
            for (int n : comp.getIndexes()) {
                Element pointEle = new Element("Point");
                double[] point = this.X[n].coords.toArray();
                int intensity = this.X[n].intensity;
                pointEle.setAttribute("Intensity", Integer.toString(intensity));
                double adj = this.X[n].getAdjusted();
                avgAdjusted = avgAdjusted + adj;
                pointEle.setAttribute("Adjusted", Double.toString(adj));
                builder = new StringBuilder();
                for (int d = 0; d < point.length; ++d) {
                    if (d > 0) {
                        builder.append(" ");
            ele.setAttribute("AvgAdjusted", Double.toString(avgAdjusted / comp.indexes.size()));
        XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat());
        out.output(root, stream);

    // return the cluster of the ith data point
    public int getCluster(int i) {
        return z[i].id;

    public GaussianComponent getGaussian(int i) {
        return z[i];

    public int getN() {
        return X.length;

    public int getD() {
        return D;

    public Voxel get(long i) {
        return X[(int) i];

    public RealVector getAsVector(int i) {
        return X[i].getAsVector();

    // returns the number of clusters
    public int getClusterCount() {
        return gaussians.size();

    public RealVector getDataMean() {
        ArrayRealVector ret = new ArrayRealVector(getD());
        for (int k = 0; k < centers.length; ++k) {
            ret = ret.add(centers[k].mapMultiply(gaussians.get(k).getN()));
        return ret.mapDivide(X.length);

    // normalize all the cluster intensities to the same range
    public void normalizeIntensity(double minI, double maxI) {
        for (int c = 0; c < gaussians.size(); ++c) {
            GaussianComponent comp = gaussians.get(c);
            double f = (maxI - minI) / (clusterMaxIntensity[c] - clusterMinIntensity[c]);
            for (int i : comp.getIndexes()) {
                X[i].intensity = (int) (minI + (int) (f * (X[i].intensity - clusterMinIntensity[c])));

    public List<GaussianComponent> getAllGaussians() {
        return this.gaussians;

    public RealVector getCenter(int cl) {
        return centers[cl];

    public double getSegmentedProb(int cl) {
        return this.clusterSegmentedProb[cl];

    // return all the vectors (voxel coordinates)  in this cluster
    public RealVector[] getClusterVectors(int cl) {
        GaussianComponent comp = gaussians.get(cl);
        Set<Integer> indexes = comp.getIndexes();
        RealVector[] ret = new RealVector[indexes.size()];
        int j = 0;
        for (int i : indexes) {
            ret[j] = this.getAsVector(i);
        return ret;

    public void setPartition(int part) {
        this.partitions = part;

    int partitions;
    int D;
    Voxel[] X;
    GaussianComponent[] z; // the Gaussian component that each voxel is currently assigned
    List<GaussianComponent> gaussians = new ArrayList<>();
    int[] clusterMinIntensity;
    int[] clusterMaxIntensity;
    double[] clusterSegmentedProb;
    RealVector[] centers;
    int minIntensity;
    int maxIntensity;
    double segThresh; // the threshold used in the segmentation
    //   int background;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        ClusteredDataSource source = new ClusteredDataSource(

        GaussianMixture gm = new GaussianMixture();
        RealMatrix W0 = MatrixUtils.createRealIdentityMatrix(source.getD());
        W0 = W0.scalarMultiply(0.00001);