Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package org.rhwlab.BHC; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.LUDecomposition; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealVector; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.StatUtils; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.output.Format; import org.jdom2.output.XMLOutputter; import org.rhwlab.dispim.datasource.MicroCluster; import org.rhwlab.dispim.nucleus.BHCNucleusData; /** * * @author gevirl */ abstract public class NodeBase implements Node { public NodeBase() { } public NodeBase(MicroCluster micro) { this.micro = micro; this.left = null; this.right = null; this.parent = null; /* d = alpha; pi = 1.0; onePi = 0.0; posterior(); */ } public NodeBase(NodeBase l, NodeBase r) throws ArithmeticException { this.micro = null; this.left = l; this.right = r; ((NodeBase) this.left).parent = this; ((NodeBase) this.right).parent = this; // posterior(); } @Override public void getDataAsRealVector(List<RealVector> list) { if (micro != null) { list.add(micro.asRealVector()); return; } left.getDataAsRealVector(list); right.getDataAsRealVector(list); } @Override public void getDataAsMicroCluster(List<MicroCluster> list) { if (micro != null) { list.add(micro); return; } left.getDataAsMicroCluster(list); right.getDataAsMicroCluster(list); } // save a list of root nodes into an xml file static public void saveAsTreeListXML(int time, String file, List<Node> nodes) throws Exception { OutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(file); Element root = new Element("BHCTrees"); for (Node node : nodes) { ((NodeBase) node).saveAsTreeXML(time, root); } XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); out.output(root, stream); stream.close(); } // save this node and all its children into an xml element public int saveAsTreeXML(int time, Element root) { int nodeCount = 1; Element nodeEle = new Element("Node"); nodeEle.setAttribute("label", Integer.toString(label)); nodeEle.setAttribute("posterior", Double.toString(lnR)); Element nucEle = this.formElementXML(); if (nucEle != null) { BHCNucleusData bhcNuc = new BHCNucleusData(time, nucEle); nodeEle.setAttribute("volume", Double.toString(bhcNuc.getVolume())); double[] ecc = bhcNuc.eccentricity(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (double e : ecc) { builder.append(e); builder.append(" "); } nodeEle.setAttribute("eccentricity", builder.toString()); nodeEle.setAttribute("avgIntensity", Double.toString(bhcNuc.getAverageIntensity())); nodeEle.setAttribute("intensityRSD", Double.toString(bhcNuc.getIntensityRSD())); } if (left != null) { nodeCount = ((NodeBase) left).saveAsTreeXML(time, nodeEle); nodeCount = nodeCount + ((NodeBase) right).saveAsTreeXML(time, nodeEle); nodeEle.setAttribute("count", Integer.toString(nodeCount)); } else { int count = addContent(nodeEle); nodeEle.setAttribute("points", Integer.toString(count)); } root.addContent(nodeEle); return nodeCount; } public int addContent(Element ele) { return micro.addContent(ele); } /* // saves the node as GMM and returns the last used id // cuts the tree at the given threshold // saves all nodes below this node as GMM based on given threshold public int saveAsXMLByThreshold(Element root,double threshold,int id){ if (this.getLogPosterior()>=threshold){ int used = saveAsXML(root,id); return used; } int idUsed = left.saveAsXMLByThreshold(root, threshold,id); if (idUsed == -1){ idUsed = right.saveAsXMLByThreshold(root, threshold,id); }else { idUsed = right.saveAsXMLByThreshold(root, threshold,idUsed+1); } if (idUsed == -1){ return id; } return idUsed; } // add as a child, just this node as a GaussinaMixtureModel xml element into a root Element // return -1 if not saved public int saveAsXML(Element root,int id) { Element clusterEle = formElementXML(id); if (clusterEle != null){ root.addContent(clusterEle); return id; }else { return -1; } } */ // calculate the relative standard deviation of the intensities public double getIntensityRSD() { List<MicroCluster> micros = new ArrayList<>(); this.getDataAsMicroCluster(micros); List<Double> intensities = new ArrayList<>(); for (MicroCluster micro : micros) { int[] rawIs = micro.getIntensities(); for (int inten : rawIs) { intensities.add((double) inten); } } double[] intensityValues = new double[intensities.size()]; int i = 0; for (Double v : intensities) { intensityValues[i] = v; ++i; } double iMean = StatUtils.mean(intensityValues); return Math.sqrt(StatUtils.variance(intensityValues, iMean)) / iMean; } // form an XML Element from this node public Element formElementXML() { List<MicroCluster> micros = new ArrayList<>(); this.getDataAsMicroCluster(micros); int voxels = 0; long intensity = 0; for (MicroCluster micro : micros) { voxels = voxels + micro.getPointCount(); intensity = intensity + micro.getTotalIntensity(); } RealVector mu = MicroCluster.mean(micros); RealMatrix W = MicroCluster.precision(micros, mu); if (W != null) { Element clusterEle = new Element("GaussianMixtureModel"); //clusterEle.setAttribute("id", String.format("%d", id)); // clusterEle.setAttribute("parent", "-1"); clusterEle.setAttribute("count", String.format("%d", micros.size())); clusterEle.setAttribute("voxels", String.format("%d", voxels)); clusterEle.setAttribute("intensity", String.format("%d", intensity)); clusterEle.setAttribute("intensityRSD", Double.toString(getIntensityRSD())); clusterEle.setAttribute("sourceNode", String.format("%d", label)); clusterEle.setAttribute("posterior", Double.toString(lnR)); clusterEle.setAttribute("x", Double.toString(mu.getEntry(0))); clusterEle.setAttribute("y", Double.toString(mu.getEntry(1))); clusterEle.setAttribute("z", Double.toString(mu.getEntry(2))); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int row = 0; row < W.getRowDimension(); ++row) { for (int col = 0; col < W.getColumnDimension(); ++col) { if (row > 0 || col > 0) { builder.append(" "); } builder.append(W.getEntry(row, col)); } } clusterEle.setAttribute("precision", builder.toString()); return clusterEle; } else { return null; } } @Override public Node getLeft() { return this.left; } @Override public Node getRight() { return this.right; } /* static public void setDfpField(DfpField fld){ field = fld; } */ public int getN() { if (N == null) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>(); this.getDataAsMicroCluster(list); this.N = list.size(); } return N; } @Override public int compareTo(Object o) { NodeBase other = (NodeBase) o; int ret =, other.lnR); // int ret =,other.lnLike); if (ret == 0) { ret =, other.hashCode()); } return ret; } public void allPosteriors(TreeSet<Double> posts) { posts.add(lnR); if (left != null) { ((NodeBase) left).allPosteriors(posts); } if (right != null) { ((NodeBase) right).allPosteriors(posts); } } // label this node and all its children, given a starting label // return the highest label used // this results in the labels as keys in a binary tree so a given node can be found quickly by its label public int labelNode(int startingWith) { if (left == null && right == null) { label = startingWith; return startingWith; } int used = ((NodeBase) left).labelNode(startingWith); this.label = used + 1; int ret = ((NodeBase) right).labelNode(this.label + 1); return ret; } // find a node with a given label in the subtree of this node public Node findNodeWithlabel(int labelToFind) { if (this.label == labelToFind) { return this; } if (this.left == null) { return null; } if (this.label < labelToFind) { return ((NodeBase) right).findNodeWithlabel(labelToFind); } else { return ((NodeBase) left).findNodeWithlabel(labelToFind); } } public Node getParent() { return this.parent; } public Node getSister() { if (this.parent != null) { if (this.parent.getRight().equals(this)) { return this.parent.getLeft(); } else { return this.parent.getRight(); } } return null; } public int getLabel() { return label; } public boolean isLeaf() { return left == null && right == null; } static public void setAlpha(double a) { alpha = a; lnAlpha = Utils.eln(alpha); } static void setParameters(int n, double b, double[] mu, double[] s) { nu = n; S = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(s.length, s.length); for (int i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) { S.setEntry(i, i, s[i]); } LUDecomposition ed = new LUDecomposition(S); detS = Math.pow(ed.getDeterminant(), nu / 2.0); logdetSnu = Utils.eln(detS); beta = b; lnBeta = Utils.eln(beta); m = new ArrayRealVector(mu); rmm = m.outerProduct(m).scalarMultiply(beta); ratio = new GammaRatio(mu.length, n); } // determine if a given node is a descendent public boolean isDescendent(Node other) { if (this.isLeaf()) { return false; // a leaf has no descentdents } if (left.equals(other)) { return true; } if (right.equals(other)) { return true; } return left.isDescendent(other) || right.isDescendent(other); } // find a parent of this node who is also parent of the given node // find the common ancestory public Node commonAncestor(Node other) { if (isDescendent(other)) { return this; // the other is a descendent of this node, so this is the common ancestor } if (this.parent == null) { return null; // there can be no common ancestor if this is a root and other is not a descendent } return this.parent.commonAncestor(other); // the common ancestor will be this parents common ancestor } private void setUsed(boolean u) { NodeBase desc = findAncestor(7036); if (u && desc != null) { int iousadfuihs = 0; } this.used = u; } private NodeBase findDescendent(int lab) { if (this.label == lab) { return this; } if (this.isLeaf()) return null; NodeBase desc = ((NodeBase) this.getLeft()).findDescendent(lab); if (desc != null) { return desc; } desc = ((NodeBase) this.getRight()).findDescendent(lab); if (desc != null) { return desc; } return null; } private NodeBase findAncestor(int label) { if (this.getParent() == null) { return null; } NodeBase par = (NodeBase) this.getParent(); if (par.label == label) { return par; } return par.findAncestor(label); } // mark this node as used, this will propagate up if sister is also been marked used public void markedAsUsed() { this.setUsed(true); Node sister = this.getSister(); if (sister == null) { return; } if (sister.isUsed()) { NodeBase parent = (NodeBase) this.getParent(); parent.markedAsUsed(); } } // clear the subtree rooted at this node of marked status public void clearUsedMarks() { this.setUsed(false); if (!this.isLeaf()) { NodeBase leftBase = (NodeBase) this.getLeft(); leftBase.clearUsedMarks(); NodeBase rightBase = (NodeBase) this.getRight(); rightBase.clearUsedMarks(); } } // is this node only marked as used public boolean isUsed() { return used; } // is any node in the subtree of this node marked as used public boolean isUsedRecursive() { if (this.isUsed()) { return true; } if (left != null && ((NodeBase) left).isUsedRecursive()) { return true; } if (right != null && ((NodeBase) right).isUsedRecursive()) { return true; } return false; } Integer N; // number of microclusters assigned to this node MicroCluster micro; // micro cluster if this is a terminal node Node left; Node right; int label; Node parent; double lnR; // log of the posterior Double lnLike; boolean used = false; // Dfp r; // posterior of the merged hypothesis // double realR; // static DfpField field = new DfpField(20); // 20 decimal digits public static int maxN; static double nu; static RealVector m; static RealMatrix S; static double beta; static double lnBeta; static RealMatrix rmm; static Double logdetSnu; static Double lnAlpha; static Double logPi = Utils.eln(Math.PI); static double alpha; static double detS; static GammaRatio ratio; }