Java tutorial
/* * RHQ Management Platform * Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ package org.rhq.modules.plugins.wildfly10.helper; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import; import javax.xml.xpath.XPath; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpression; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Comment; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.rhq.core.util.file.FileUtil; /** * A JBoss CLI configuration - loaded from jboss-cli.xml * * @author Libor Zoubek */ public class JBossCliConfiguration { private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(JBossCliConfiguration.class); private Document document; private XPathFactory xpathFactory; private final File jbossCliXml; private final ServerPluginConfiguration serverConfig; /** * * @param jbossCliXml absolute path to jboss-cli.xml file */ public JBossCliConfiguration(File jbossCliXml, ServerPluginConfiguration serverConfig) throws Exception { this.jbossCliXml = jbossCliXml; this.serverConfig = serverConfig; DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); InputStream is = new FileInputStream(jbossCliXml); try { this.document = builder.parse(is); } finally { is.close(); } this.xpathFactory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); } private Comment createComment() { return this.document.createComment(" added by RHQ plugin "); } /** * Setup SSL configuration properties by reading it from HostConfiguration (XML File) and expecting VAULT * to be present. * @param hostConfig * @return */ public String configureSecurityUsingVault(HostConfiguration hostConfig) { Map<String, String> vaultOptions = hostConfig.getVault(); if (vaultOptions == null) { return "Vault definition was not found in server configuration file"; } TruststoreConfig serverIdentity = hostConfig.getServerIdentityKeystore(); if (serverIdentity == null) { return "Could not find ssl configuration for management interface"; } JBossCliConstants constants = getCliConstants(); if (constants.version().compareTo("1.3") < 0) { return "Cannot store truststore passwords using vault, because it is not supported by this version of EAP"; } Node sslNode = (Node) xpathExpression("/jboss-cli/ssl", XPathConstants.NODE); // clean-up existing ssl node if (sslNode != null) { this.document.getDocumentElement().removeChild(sslNode); } sslNode = addChildElement(document.getDocumentElement(), "ssl"); sslNode.appendChild(createComment()); Node vaultNode = this.document.createElement("vault"); sslNode.appendChild(vaultNode); for (Entry<String, String> vaultOpt : vaultOptions.entrySet()) { Element opt = addChildElement(vaultNode, "vault-option"); opt.setAttribute("name", vaultOpt.getKey()); opt.setAttribute("value", vaultOpt.getValue()); } addChildElement(sslNode, constants.alias(), serverIdentity.getAlias()); addChildElement(sslNode, constants.truststore(), serverIdentity.getPath()); // in standalone.xml vault value is referred as ${VAULT:...} we need to strip it for jboss-cli.xml addChildElement(sslNode, constants.truststorePassword(), stripBrackets(serverIdentity.getKeystorePassword())); TruststoreConfig clientKeystore = hostConfig.getClientAuthenticationTruststore(); if (clientKeystore != null) { // 2-way authentication properties addChildElement(sslNode, constants.keystore(), clientKeystore.getPath()); addChildElement(sslNode, constants.keystorePassword(), stripBrackets(clientKeystore.getKeystorePassword())); addChildElement(sslNode, constants.keyPassword(), stripBrackets(clientKeystore.getKeyPassword())); } return null; } /** * Setup SSL configuration properties by reading it from ServerPluginConfiguration and writing it as plain text * @return null if any configuration change has been made, otherwise message indicating reason why it was not changed */ public String configureSecurity() { if (serverConfig.isSecure()) { if (serverConfig.getTruststore() != null) { Node sslNode = (Node) xpathExpression("/jboss-cli/ssl", XPathConstants.NODE); // clean-up existing ssl node if (sslNode != null) { this.document.getDocumentElement().removeChild(sslNode); } sslNode = addChildElement(document.getDocumentElement(), "ssl"); sslNode.appendChild(createComment()); JBossCliConstants constants = getCliConstants(); addChildElement(sslNode, constants.truststore(), serverConfig.getTruststore()); addChildElement(sslNode, constants.truststorePassword(), serverConfig.getTruststorePassword()); if (serverConfig.isClientcertAuthentication()) { addChildElement(sslNode, constants.keystore(), serverConfig.getKeystore()); addChildElement(sslNode, constants.keystorePassword(), serverConfig.getKeystorePassword()); addChildElement(sslNode, constants.keyPassword(), serverConfig.getKeyPassword()); } return null; } return "Truststore path is not set"; } return "Secure connection is not enabled"; } /** * * @return corresponding constants based on xml namespace version */ JBossCliConstants getCliConstants() { String ns = this.document.getDocumentElement().getAttribute("xmlns"); String[] split = ns.split(":"); // urn:jboss:cli:1.3 if (split.length != 4) { // unable to parse return new JBossCliConstants10(); } String versionStr = split[3]; // 1.3 and all future versions if (versionStr.compareTo("1.3") >= 0) { return new JBossCliConstants13(); } if (versionStr.compareTo("1.2") == 0) { return new JBossCliConstants12(); } if (versionStr.compareTo("1.1") == 0) { return new JBossCliConstants11(); } return new JBossCliConstants10(); } /** * strips ${} expression from given string * @param value * @return */ private String stripBrackets(String value) { if (value != null && value.length() > 3 && value.startsWith("${")) { return value.substring(2, value.length() - 1); } return value; } /** * Setup controller host and port defaults * @return null if any configuration change has been made, otherwise message indicating reason why it was not changed */ public String configureDefaultController() { Node ctrlNode = this.document.createElement("default-controller"); ctrlNode.appendChild(createComment()); addChildElement(ctrlNode, "host", serverConfig.getHostname()); addChildElement(ctrlNode, "port", String.valueOf(serverConfig.getPort())); Node existing = (Node) xpathExpression("/jboss-cli/default-controller", XPathConstants.NODE); if (existing != null) { this.document.getDocumentElement().replaceChild(ctrlNode, existing); } return null; } /** * Write changes to file - flushes changes made by i.e. {@link #configureSecurity()}. This also creates backup of the * file (appends ".original" suffix) * @throws Exception */ public void writeToFile() throws Exception { if (!jbossCliXml.canWrite()) { throw new IOException(jbossCliXml + " is not writable"); } File backup = new File(jbossCliXml.getParentFile(), jbossCliXml.getName() + ".original"); try { log.debug("Backup " + jbossCliXml + " to " + backup); FileUtil.copyFile(jbossCliXml, backup); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new IOException("Could not create backup file " + backup, ex); } Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); transformer.setOutputProperty("{}indent-amount", "4"); //initialize StreamResult with File object to save to file StreamResult result = new StreamResult(this.jbossCliXml); DOMSource source = new DOMSource(this.document); transformer.transform(source, result); } private void addChildElement(Node parent, String tagName, String textContent) { if (tagName != null && textContent != null && !textContent.isEmpty()) { Node element = this.document.createElement(tagName); element.setTextContent(textContent); parent.appendChild(element); } } private Element addChildElement(Node parent, String tagName) { Element element = this.document.createElement(tagName); parent.appendChild(element); return element; } public String obtainXmlPropertyViaXPath(String xpathExpression) { return (String) xpathExpression(xpathExpression, XPathConstants.STRING); } private Object xpathExpression(String xpathExpression, QName returnType) { XPath xpath = this.xpathFactory.newXPath(); try { XPathExpression expr = xpath.compile(xpathExpression); return expr.evaluate(this.document, returnType); } catch (XPathExpressionException e) { log.error("Evaluation of XPath expression failed: " + e.getMessage()); return null; } } /** * tagNames in jboss-cli.xml were changing overtime. We need to provide the right set of tagNames for * each known version of jboss-cli.xml schema * @author lzoubek * */ static interface JBossCliConstants { String version(); String truststore(); String truststorePassword(); String keystore(); String keystorePassword(); String alias(); String keyPassword(); } private static class JBossCliConstants10 implements JBossCliConstants { @Override public String version() { return "1.0"; } @Override public String truststore() { return "trustStore"; } @Override public String truststorePassword() { return "trustStorePassword"; } @Override public String keystore() { return "keyStore"; } @Override public String keystorePassword() { return "keyStorePassword"; } @Override public String alias() { return null; } @Override public String keyPassword() { return null; } } private static class JBossCliConstants11 extends JBossCliConstants10 { @Override public String version() { return "1.1"; } @Override public String truststore() { return "trust-store"; } @Override public String truststorePassword() { return "trust-store-password"; } @Override public String keystore() { return "key-store"; } @Override public String keystorePassword() { return "key-store-password"; } @Override public String alias() { return "alias"; } @Override public String keyPassword() { return "key-password"; } } static class JBossCliConstants12 extends JBossCliConstants11 { @Override public String version() { return "1.2"; } } static class JBossCliConstants13 extends JBossCliConstants12 { @Override public String version() { return "1.3"; } } }