Java tutorial
/* * RHQ Management Platform * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ package org.rhq.enterprise.server.measurement; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.ejb.EJB; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.ejb.TransactionAttribute; import javax.ejb.TransactionAttributeType; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import javax.persistence.Query; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseType; import org.rhq.core.db.DatabaseTypeFactory; import org.rhq.core.db.H2DatabaseType; import org.rhq.core.db.OracleDatabaseType; import org.rhq.core.db.PostgresqlDatabaseType; import org.rhq.core.db.SQLServerDatabaseType; import org.rhq.core.domain.auth.Subject; import org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.MeasurementDataNumeric1H; import org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.MeasurementDataPK; import org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.MeasurementOOB; import org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.MeasurementSchedule; import org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.composite.MeasurementOOBComposite; import org.rhq.core.domain.util.PageControl; import org.rhq.core.domain.util.PageList; import org.rhq.core.domain.util.PageOrdering; import org.rhq.core.server.PersistenceUtility; import org.rhq.core.util.jdbc.JDBCUtil; import org.rhq.enterprise.server.RHQConstants; import org.rhq.enterprise.server.authz.AuthorizationManagerLocal; import org.rhq.enterprise.server.util.QueryUtility; /** * Manager bean for Out-of-Bound measurements. * * @author Heiko W. Rupp */ @Stateless @javax.annotation.Resource(name = "RHQ_DS", mappedName = RHQConstants.DATASOURCE_JNDI_NAME) public class MeasurementOOBManagerBean implements MeasurementOOBManagerLocal { private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MeasurementOOBManagerBean.class); @PersistenceContext(unitName = RHQConstants.PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME) private EntityManager entityManager; @javax.annotation.Resource(name = "RHQ_DS") private DataSource rhqDs; @EJB AuthorizationManagerLocal authMangager; /** * Compute oobs from the values in the 1h measurement table that just got added. * For the total result, this is an incremental computation. The idea is that * it gets run *directly* after the 1h compression (and the baseline recalculation too). * * Algorithm is as follows: * <ul> * <li> insert new values in tmp table * <li> update real table with max (tmp table, real table) * <li> insert items from tmp table that were not in real table * <li> tuncate tmp table * </ul> * * @param subject Subject of the caller * @param begin Start time of the 1h entries to look at */ public void computeOOBsFromHourBeginingAt(Subject subject, long begin) { Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; List<Long> timings = new ArrayList<Long>(); try {"Calculating OOBs for hour starting at " + new Date(begin)); conn = rhqDs.getConnection(); DatabaseType dbType = DatabaseTypeFactory.getDatabaseType(conn); long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); long tstart = t0; // first truncate tmp table log.debug("Truncating tmp table"); // stmt = conn.prepareStatement(MeasurementOOB.TRUNCATE_TMP_TABLE); stmt = conn.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM RHQ_MEASUREMENT_OOB_TMP"); stmt.executeUpdate(); long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); timings.add((t1 - t0)); log.debug("Truncating the tmp table done"); String theQuery; // Compute the OOBs and put them in the tmp table if (dbType instanceof PostgresqlDatabaseType || dbType instanceof H2DatabaseType) theQuery = MeasurementOOB.INSERT_QUERY.replace("%TRUE%", "true"); else if (dbType instanceof OracleDatabaseType || dbType instanceof SQLServerDatabaseType) theQuery = MeasurementOOB.INSERT_QUERY.replace("%TRUE%", "1"); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown database type, can't continue: " + dbType); stmt = conn.prepareStatement(theQuery); stmt.setLong(1, begin); stmt.setLong(2, begin); stmt.setLong(3, begin); int count = stmt.executeUpdate(); t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); log.debug("Calculation of OOBs done"); timings.add((t1 - t0)); t0 = t1; // Update the real table from the tmp table if (dbType instanceof PostgresqlDatabaseType) { stmt = conn.prepareStatement(MeasurementOOB.UPDATE_MASTER_POSTGRES); stmt.executeUpdate(); t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); timings.add((t1 - t0)); log.debug("Update of master table done"); t0 = t1; // Insert missing ones stmt = conn.prepareStatement(MeasurementOOB.INSERT_NEW_ONES); stmt.executeUpdate(); t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); timings.add((t1 - t0)); log.debug("Insert of new oobs done"); } else if (dbType instanceof OracleDatabaseType) { stmt = conn.prepareStatement(MeasurementOOB.MERGE_TABLES_ORACLE); stmt.executeUpdate(); t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); timings.add((t1 - t0)); log.debug("Merge of master table done"); } else if (dbType instanceof H2DatabaseType || dbType instanceof SQLServerDatabaseType) { stmt = conn.prepareStatement(MeasurementOOB.UPDATE_MASTER_GENERIC); stmt.executeUpdate(); t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); timings.add((t1 - t0)); log.debug("Update of master table done"); t0 = t1; // Insert missing ones stmt = conn.prepareStatement(MeasurementOOB.INSERT_NEW_ONES); stmt.executeUpdate(); t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); timings.add((t1 - t0)); log.debug("Insert of new oobs done"); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown database type, can't continue: " + dbType);"Done calculating OOBs. [" + count + "] entries in [" + (t1 - tstart) + "] ms (" + timings + ")"); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); } finally { JDBCUtil.safeClose(conn, stmt, null); } } /** * Computes the OOBs for the last hour. * This is done by getting the latest timestamp of the 1h table and invoking * #computeOOBsFromHourBeginingAt * @param subject Caller */ @TransactionAttribute(value = TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) public void computeOOBsFromLastHour(Subject subject) { Query q = entityManager.createNamedQuery(MeasurementDataNumeric1H.GET_MAX_TIMESTAMP); Object res = q.getSingleResult(); if (res == null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("No data yet in 1h table, nothing to do"); return; // no data in that table yet - nothing to do. } long timeStamp = (Long) res; // check if we did this already (because the server did not get data for > 1h q = entityManager.createNamedQuery(MeasurementOOB.COUNT_FOR_DATE); q.setParameter("timestamp", timeStamp); Long count = (Long) q.getSingleResult(); if (count == 0) computeOOBsFromHourBeginingAt(subject, timeStamp); else"Calculation of OOBs already done for hour " + new Date(timeStamp)); } /** * Remove OOBs for schedules that had their baselines calculated after * a certain cutoff point. This is used to get rid of outdated OOB data for * baselines that got recalculated, as the new baselines will be 'big' enough for * what have been OOBs before and we don't have any baseline history. * @param subject The caller * @param cutoffTime The reference time to determine new baselines */ @TransactionAttribute(value = TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) public void removeOutdatedOOBs(Subject subject, long cutoffTime) { Query q = entityManager.createNamedQuery(MeasurementOOB.DELETE_OUTDATED); q.setParameter("cutOff", cutoffTime); int count = q.executeUpdate();"Removed [" + count + "] outdated OOBs"); } /** * Resets the OOB data for the passed schedule * @param subject Caller * @param sched the schedule for which we want to clean out the data */ public void removeOOBsForSchedule(Subject subject, MeasurementSchedule sched) { Query q = entityManager.createNamedQuery(MeasurementOOB.DELETE_FOR_SCHEDULE); q.setParameter("id", sched.getId()); q.executeUpdate(); } public void removeOOBsForGroupAndDefinition(Subject subject, int resourceGroupId, int measurementDefinitionId) { Query query = entityManager.createNamedQuery(MeasurementOOB.DELETE_FOR_GROUP_AND_DEFINITION); query.setParameter("groupId", resourceGroupId); query.setParameter("definitionId", measurementDefinitionId); query.executeUpdate(); } /** * Return OOB Composites that contain all information about the OOBs in a given time as aggregates. * @param subject The caller * @param metricNameFilter a schedule name to filter for * @param resourceNameFilter a resource name to filter for * @param parentNameFilter a parent resource name to filter for @return List of schedules with the corresponing oob aggregates * @param pc PageControl to do pagination */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public PageList<MeasurementOOBComposite> getSchedulesWithOOBs(Subject subject, String metricNameFilter, String resourceNameFilter, String parentNameFilter, PageControl pc) { pc.initDefaultOrderingField("o.oobFactor", PageOrdering.DESC); boolean isAdmin = authMangager.isOverlord(subject) || authMangager.isSystemSuperuser(subject); String queryName = isAdmin ? MeasurementOOB.GET_SCHEDULES_WITH_OOB_AGGREGATE_ADMIN : MeasurementOOB.GET_SCHEDULES_WITH_OOB_AGGREGATE; Query queryCount = PersistenceUtility.createCountQuery(entityManager, queryName, ""); Query query = PersistenceUtility.createQueryWithOrderBy(entityManager, queryName, pc); metricNameFilter = QueryUtility.formatSearchParameter(metricNameFilter); resourceNameFilter = QueryUtility.formatSearchParameter(resourceNameFilter); parentNameFilter = QueryUtility.formatSearchParameter(parentNameFilter); query.setParameter("metricName", metricNameFilter); queryCount.setParameter("metricName", metricNameFilter); query.setParameter("resourceName", resourceNameFilter); queryCount.setParameter("resourceName", resourceNameFilter); query.setParameter("parentName", parentNameFilter); queryCount.setParameter("parentName", parentNameFilter); query.setParameter("escapeChar", QueryUtility.getEscapeCharacter()); queryCount.setParameter("escapeChar", QueryUtility.getEscapeCharacter()); if (!isAdmin) { query.setParameter("subjectId", subject.getId()); queryCount.setParameter("subjectId", subject.getId()); } List<MeasurementOOBComposite> results = query.getResultList(); long totalCount = (Long) queryCount.getSingleResult(); if (!results.isEmpty()) { List<MeasurementDataPK> pks = new ArrayList<MeasurementDataPK>(results.size()); Map<MeasurementDataPK, MeasurementOOBComposite> map = new HashMap<MeasurementDataPK, MeasurementOOBComposite>(); for (MeasurementOOBComposite comp : results) { MeasurementDataPK key = new MeasurementDataPK(comp.getTimestamp(), comp.getScheduleId()); map.put(key, comp); pks.add(key); } // add outlier data List<MeasurementDataNumeric1H> datas = getOneHourDataForPKs(pks); for (MeasurementDataNumeric1H data : datas) { MeasurementDataPK pk = new MeasurementDataPK(data.getTimestamp(), data.getScheduleId()); MeasurementOOBComposite comp = map.get(pk); comp.setData(data); comp.calculateOutlier(); } } return new PageList<MeasurementOOBComposite>(results, (int) totalCount, pc); } /** * Returns the highest n OOBs for the passed resource id * @param subject caller * @param resourceId the resource we are interested in * @param n max number of entries wanted * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public PageList<MeasurementOOBComposite> getHighestNOOBsForResource(Subject subject, int resourceId, int n) { if (!authMangager.canViewResource(subject, resourceId)) { return new PageList<MeasurementOOBComposite>(); } PageControl pc = new PageControl(0, n); pc.addDefaultOrderingField(""); pc.addDefaultOrderingField("o.oobFactor", PageOrdering.DESC); String queryName = MeasurementOOB.GET_HIGHEST_FACTORS_FOR_RESOURCE; Query query = PersistenceUtility.createQueryWithOrderBy(entityManager, queryName, pc); Query countQuery = PersistenceUtility.createCountQuery(entityManager, queryName); query.setParameter("resourceId", resourceId); countQuery.setParameter("resourceId", resourceId); List<MeasurementOOBComposite> results = query.getResultList(); if (!results.isEmpty()) { // we have the n OOBs, so lets fetch the MeasurementData for those List<MeasurementDataPK> pks = new ArrayList<MeasurementDataPK>(results.size()); Map<MeasurementDataPK, MeasurementOOBComposite> map = new HashMap<MeasurementDataPK, MeasurementOOBComposite>(); for (MeasurementOOBComposite comp : results) { int schedule = comp.getScheduleId(); MeasurementDataPK key = new MeasurementDataPK(comp.getTimestamp(), schedule); pks.add(key); map.put(key, comp); } // compute and add the outlier data List<MeasurementDataNumeric1H> datas = getOneHourDataForPKs(pks); for (MeasurementDataNumeric1H data : datas) { MeasurementDataPK pk = new MeasurementDataPK(data.getTimestamp(), data.getScheduleId()); MeasurementOOBComposite comp = map.get(pk); comp.setData(data); comp.calculateOutlier(); } } // return the result long totalCount = (Long) countQuery.getSingleResult(); PageList<MeasurementOOBComposite> result = new PageList<MeasurementOOBComposite>(results, (int) totalCount, pc); return result; } /** * Returns the highest n OOBs for the passed group id * @param subject caller * @param groupId the group we are interested in * @param n max number of entries wanted * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public PageList<MeasurementOOBComposite> getHighestNOOBsForGroup(Subject subject, int groupId, int n) { if (!authMangager.canViewResource(subject, groupId)) { return new PageList<MeasurementOOBComposite>(); } PageControl pc = new PageControl(0, n); pc.addDefaultOrderingField(""); pc.addDefaultOrderingField("o.oobFactor", PageOrdering.DESC); String queryName = MeasurementOOB.GET_HIGHEST_FACTORS_FOR_GROUP; Query query = PersistenceUtility.createQueryWithOrderBy(entityManager, queryName, pc); Query countQuery = PersistenceUtility.createCountQuery(entityManager, queryName); query.setParameter("groupId", groupId); countQuery.setParameter("groupId", groupId); List<MeasurementOOBComposite> results = query.getResultList(); if (!results.isEmpty()) { // we have the n OOBs, so lets fetch the MeasurementData for those List<MeasurementDataPK> pks = new ArrayList<MeasurementDataPK>(results.size()); Map<MeasurementDataPK, MeasurementOOBComposite> map = new HashMap<MeasurementDataPK, MeasurementOOBComposite>(); for (MeasurementOOBComposite comp : results) { int schedule = comp.getScheduleId(); MeasurementDataPK key = new MeasurementDataPK(comp.getTimestamp(), schedule); pks.add(key); map.put(key, comp); } // compute and add the outlier data List<MeasurementDataNumeric1H> datas = getOneHourDataForPKs(pks); for (MeasurementDataNumeric1H data : datas) { MeasurementDataPK pk = new MeasurementDataPK(data.getTimestamp(), data.getScheduleId()); MeasurementOOBComposite comp = map.get(pk); comp.setData(data); comp.calculateOutlier(); } } // return the result long totalCount = (Long) countQuery.getSingleResult(); PageList<MeasurementOOBComposite> result = new PageList<MeasurementOOBComposite>(results, (int) totalCount, pc); return result; } /** * Return the 1h numeric data for the passed primary keys (schedule, timestamp) * @param pks Primary keys to look up * @return List of 1h data */ private List<MeasurementDataNumeric1H> getOneHourDataForPKs(List<MeasurementDataPK> pks) { Query q = entityManager .createQuery("SELECT data FROM MeasurementDataNumeric1H data WHERE IN (:pks)"); q.setParameter("pks", pks); List<MeasurementDataNumeric1H> res = q.getResultList(); return res; } }