Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * RESTHeart - the Web API for MongoDB
 * Copyright (C) SoftInstigate Srl
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
package org.restheart;

import ch.qos.logback.classic.Level;
import com.mongodb.MongoClientURI;
import org.restheart.utils.URLUtils;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.restheart.handlers.RequestContext;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml;
import org.restheart.handlers.RequestContext.ETAG_CHECK_POLICY;
import org.restheart.handlers.RequestContext.REPRESENTATION_FORMAT;

 * Utility class to help dealing with the restheart configuration file.
 * @author Andrea Di Cesare {@literal <>}
public class Configuration {

     * the RESTHEart version It is read from the JAR's MANIFEST.MF file, which
     * is automatically generated by the Maven build process
    public static final String RESTHEART_VERSION = Configuration.class.getPackage()
            .getImplementationVersion() == null ? "unknown, not packaged"
                    : Configuration.class.getPackage().getImplementationVersion();

     * URL pointing to the online documentation specific for this version.
    public static final String RESTHEART_ONLINE_DOC_URL = "";

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Configuration.class);

    private boolean silent = false;

    private final boolean httpsListener;
    private final int httpsPort;
    private final String httpsHost;

    private final boolean httpListener;
    private final int httpPort;
    private final String httpHost;

    private final boolean ajpListener;
    private final int ajpPort;
    private final String ajpHost;

    private final String instanceName;

    private final RequestContext.REPRESENTATION_FORMAT defaultRepresentationFromat;

    private final boolean useEmbeddedKeystore;
    private final String keystoreFile;
    private final String keystorePassword;
    private final String certPassword;

    private final MongoClientURI mongoUri;

    private final List<Map<String, Object>> mongoMounts;

    private final List<Map<String, Object>> staticResourcesMounts;

    private final List<Map<String, Object>> applicationLogicMounts;

    private final List<Map<String, Object>> metadataNamedSingletons;

    private final String idmImpl;
    private final Map<String, Object> idmArgs;
    private final String amImpl;
    private final Map<String, Object> amArgs;

    private final String logFilePath;
    private final Level logLevel;
    private final boolean logToConsole;
    private final boolean logToFile;

    private final boolean localCacheEnabled;
    private final long localCacheTtl;

    private final boolean schemaCacheEnabled;
    private final long schemaCacheTtl;

    private final int requestsLimit;

    private final int ioThreads;
    private final int workerThreads;
    private final int bufferSize;
    private final int buffersPerRegion;
    private final boolean directBuffers;

    private final boolean forceGzipEncoding;

    private final int eagerPoolSize;
    private final int eagerLinearSliceWidht;
    private final int eagerLinearSliceDelta;
    private final int[] eagerLinearSliceHeights;
    private final int eagerRndSliceMinWidht;
    private final int eagerRndMaxCursors;

    private final boolean authTokenEnabled;
    private final int authTokenTtl;

    private final ETAG_CHECK_POLICY dbEtagCheckPolicy;
    private final ETAG_CHECK_POLICY collEtagCheckPolicy;
    private final ETAG_CHECK_POLICY docEtagCheckPolicy;

    private final Map<String, Object> connectionOptions;

    private final Integer logExchangeDump;

     * default mongo uri mongodb://
    public static final String DEFAULT_MONGO_URI = "mongodb://";

     * default ajp host
    public static final String DEFAULT_AJP_HOST = "";

     * default ajp port 8009.
    public static final int DEFAULT_AJP_PORT = 8009;

     * default http host
    public static final String DEFAULT_HTTP_HOST = "";

     * default http port 8080.
    public static final int DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT = 8080;

     * default https host
    public static final String DEFAULT_HTTPS_HOST = "";

     * default https port 4443.
    public static final int DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT = 4443;

     * default restheart instance name default
    public static final String DEFAULT_INSTANCE_NAME = "default";

     * default represetation format

     * default am implementation class.
    public static final String DEFAULT_AM_IMPLEMENTATION_CLASS = null;

     * default idm implementation class.
    public static final String DEFAULT_IDM_IMPLEMENTATION_CLASS = null;

     * default db etag check policy

     * default coll etag check policy

     * default doc etag check policy

     * the key for the local-cache-enabled property.
    public static final String LOCAL_CACHE_ENABLED_KEY = "local-cache-enabled";

     * the key for the local-cache-ttl property.
    public static final String LOCAL_CACHE_TTL_KEY = "local-cache-ttl";

     * the key for the schema-cache-enabled property.
    public static final String SCHEMA_CACHE_ENABLED_KEY = "schema-cache-enabled";

     * the key for the schema-cache-ttl property.
    public static final String SCHEMA_CACHE_TTL_KEY = "schema-cache-ttl";

     * the key for the force-gzip-encoding property.
    public static final String FORCE_GZIP_ENCODING_KEY = "force-gzip-encoding";

     * the key for the direct-buffers property.
    public static final String DIRECT_BUFFERS_KEY = "direct-buffers";

     * the key for the buffers-per-region property.
    public static final String BUFFERS_PER_REGION_KEY = "buffers-per-region";

     * the key for the buffer-size property.
    public static final String BUFFER_SIZE_KEY = "buffer-size";

     * the key for the worker-threads property.
    public static final String WORKER_THREADS_KEY = "worker-threads";

     * the key for the io-threads property.
    public static final String IO_THREADS_KEY = "io-threads";

     * the key for the requests-limit property.
    public static final String REQUESTS_LIMIT_KEY = "requests-limit";

     * the key for the enable-log-file property.
    public static final String ENABLE_LOG_FILE_KEY = "enable-log-file";

     * the key for the enable-log-console property.
    public static final String ENABLE_LOG_CONSOLE_KEY = "enable-log-console";

     * the key for the log-level property.
    public static final String LOG_LEVEL_KEY = "log-level";

     * the key for the log-file-path property.
    public static final String LOG_FILE_PATH_KEY = "log-file-path";

     * the key for the implementation-class property.
    public static final String IMPLEMENTATION_CLASS_KEY = "implementation-class";

     * the key for the access-manager property.
    public static final String ACCESS_MANAGER_KEY = "access-manager";

     * the key for the idm property.
    public static final String IDM_KEY = "idm";

     * the key for the mongo-uri property.
    public static final String MONGO_URI_KEY = "mongo-uri";

     * the key for the mongo-mounts property.
    public static final String MONGO_MOUNTS_KEY = "mongo-mounts";

     * the key for the what property.
    public static final String MONGO_MOUNT_WHAT_KEY = "what";

     * the key for the where property.
    public static final String MONGO_MOUNT_WHERE_KEY = "where";

     * the key for the auth-db property.
    public static final String MONGO_AUTH_DB_KEY = "auth-db";

     * the key for the password property.
    public static final String MONGO_PASSWORD_KEY = "password";

     * the key for the user property.
    public static final String MONGO_USER_KEY = "user";

     * the key for the application-logic-mounts property.
    public static final String APPLICATION_LOGIC_MOUNTS_KEY = "application-logic-mounts";

     * the key for the application-logic-mounts property.
    public static final String METADATA_NAMED_SINGLETONS_KEY = "metadata-named-singletons";

     * the key for the args property.
    public static final String APPLICATION_LOGIC_MOUNT_ARGS_KEY = "args";

     * the key for the what property.
    public static final String APPLICATION_LOGIC_MOUNT_WHAT_KEY = "what";

     * the key for the where property.
    public static final String APPLICATION_LOGIC_MOUNT_WHERE_KEY = "where";

     * the key for the secured property.
    public static final String APPLICATION_LOGIC_MOUNT_SECURED_KEY = "secured";

     * the key for the static-resources-mounts property.
    public static final String STATIC_RESOURCES_MOUNTS_KEY = "static-resources-mounts";

     * the key for the what property.
    public static final String STATIC_RESOURCES_MOUNT_WHAT_KEY = "what";

     * the key for the where property.
    public static final String STATIC_RESOURCES_MOUNT_WHERE_KEY = "where";

     * the key for the welcome-file property.
    public static final String STATIC_RESOURCES_MOUNT_WELCOME_FILE_KEY = "welcome-file";

     * the key for the embedded property.
    public static final String STATIC_RESOURCES_MOUNT_EMBEDDED_KEY = "embedded";

     * the key for the secured property.
    public static final String STATIC_RESOURCES_MOUNT_SECURED_KEY = "secured";

     * the key for the certpassword property.
    public static final String CERT_PASSWORD_KEY = "certpassword";

     * the key for the keystore-password property.
    public static final String KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_KEY = "keystore-password";

     * the key for the keystore-file property.
    public static final String KEYSTORE_FILE_KEY = "keystore-file";

     * the key for the use-embedded-keystore property.
    public static final String USE_EMBEDDED_KEYSTORE_KEY = "use-embedded-keystore";

     * the key for the ajp-host property.
    public static final String AJP_HOST_KEY = "ajp-host";

     * the key for the ajp-port property.
    public static final String AJP_PORT_KEY = "ajp-port";

     * the key for the ajp-listener property.
    public static final String AJP_LISTENER_KEY = "ajp-listener";

     * the key for the http-host property.
    public static final String HTTP_HOST_KEY = "http-host";

     * the key for the http-port property.
    public static final String HTTP_PORT_KEY = "http-port";

     * the key for http-listener the property.
    public static final String HTTP_LISTENER_KEY = "http-listener";

     * the key for the https-host property.
    private static final String HTTPS_HOST_KEY = "https-host";

     * the key for the https-port property.
    private static final String HTTPS_PORT_KEY = "https-port";

     * the key for the https-listener property.
    public static final String HTTPS_LISTENER = "https-listener";

     * the key for the instance-name property.
    public static final String INSTANCE_NAME_KEY = "instance-name";

     * the key for the instance-name property.
    public static final String REPRESENTATION_FORMAT_KEY = "default-representation-format";

     * the key for the eager-cursor-allocation-pool-size property.
    public static final String EAGER_POOL_SIZE = "eager-cursor-allocation-pool-size";

     * the key for the eager-cursor-allocation-linear-slice-width property.
    public static final String EAGER_LINEAR_SLICE_WIDHT = "eager-cursor-allocation-linear-slice-width";

     * the key for the eager-cursor-allocation-linear-slice-delta property.
    public static final String EAGER_LINEAR_SLICE_DELTA = "eager-cursor-allocation-linear-slice-delta";

     * the key for the eager-cursor-allocation-linear-slice-heights property.
    public static final String EAGER_LINEAR_HEIGHTS = "eager-cursor-allocation-linear-slice-heights";

     * the key for the eager-cursor-allocation-random-slice-min-width property.
    public static final String EAGER_RND_SLICE_MIN_WIDHT = "eager-cursor-allocation-random-slice-min-width";

     * the key for the eager-cursor-allocation-random-slice-max-cursors
     * property.
    public static final String EAGER_RND_MAX_CURSORS = "eager-cursor-allocation-random-max-cursors";

     * the key for the auth-token-enabled property.
    public static final String AUTH_TOKEN_ENABLED = "auth-token-enabled";

     * the key for the auth-token-ttl property.
    public static final String AUTH_TOKEN_TTL = "auth-token-ttl";

     * the key for the etag-check-policy property.
    public static final String ETAG_CHECK_POLICY_KEY = "etag-check-policy";

     * the key for the etag-check-policy.db property.
    public static final String ETAG_CHECK_POLICY_DB_KEY = "db";

     * the key for the etag-check-policy.coll property.
    public static final String ETAG_CHECK_POLICY_COLL_KEY = "coll";

     * the key for the etag-check-policy.doc property.
    public static final String ETAG_CHECK_POLICY_DOC_KEY = "doc";

     * Force http requests logging even if DEBUG is not set
    public static final String LOG_REQUESTS_LEVEL_KEY = "requests-log-level";

     * undertow connetction options
     * @see
    public static final String CONNECTION_OPTIONS_KEY = "connection-options";

     * Creates a new instance of Configuration with defaults values.
    public Configuration() {
        httpsListener = true;
        httpsPort = DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT;
        httpsHost = DEFAULT_HTTPS_HOST;

        httpListener = true;
        httpPort = DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT;
        httpHost = DEFAULT_HTTP_HOST;

        ajpListener = false;
        ajpPort = DEFAULT_AJP_PORT;
        ajpHost = DEFAULT_AJP_HOST;

        instanceName = DEFAULT_INSTANCE_NAME;

        defaultRepresentationFromat = DEFAULT_REPRESENTATION_FORMAT;

        useEmbeddedKeystore = true;
        keystoreFile = null;
        keystorePassword = null;
        certPassword = null;

        mongoUri = new MongoClientURI(DEFAULT_MONGO_URI);

        mongoMounts = new ArrayList<>();
        Map<String, Object> defaultMongoMounts = new HashMap<>();
        defaultMongoMounts.put(MONGO_MOUNT_WHAT_KEY, "*");
        defaultMongoMounts.put(MONGO_MOUNT_WHERE_KEY, "/");

        applicationLogicMounts = new ArrayList<>();

        staticResourcesMounts = new ArrayList<>();

        metadataNamedSingletons = new ArrayList<>();

        HashMap<String, Object> browserStaticResourcesMountArgs = new HashMap<>();

        browserStaticResourcesMountArgs.put(STATIC_RESOURCES_MOUNT_WHAT_KEY, "browser");
        browserStaticResourcesMountArgs.put(STATIC_RESOURCES_MOUNT_WHERE_KEY, "/browser");
        browserStaticResourcesMountArgs.put(STATIC_RESOURCES_MOUNT_WELCOME_FILE_KEY, "browser.html");
        browserStaticResourcesMountArgs.put(STATIC_RESOURCES_MOUNT_SECURED_KEY, false);
        browserStaticResourcesMountArgs.put(STATIC_RESOURCES_MOUNT_EMBEDDED_KEY, true);


        idmImpl = null;
        idmArgs = null;

        amImpl = null;
        amArgs = null;

        logFilePath = URLUtils.removeTrailingSlashes(System.getProperty(""))
                .concat(File.separator + "restheart.log");
        logToConsole = true;
        logToFile = true;
        logLevel = Level.INFO;

        localCacheEnabled = true;
        localCacheTtl = 1000;

        schemaCacheEnabled = false;
        schemaCacheTtl = 1000;

        requestsLimit = 100;
        ioThreads = 2;
        workerThreads = 32;
        bufferSize = 16384;
        buffersPerRegion = 20;
        directBuffers = true;

        forceGzipEncoding = false;

        eagerPoolSize = 100;
        eagerLinearSliceWidht = 1000;
        eagerLinearSliceDelta = 100;
        eagerLinearSliceHeights = new int[] { 4, 2, 1 };
        eagerRndSliceMinWidht = 1000;
        eagerRndMaxCursors = 50;

        authTokenEnabled = true;
        authTokenTtl = 15; // minutes

        dbEtagCheckPolicy = DEFAULT_DB_ETAG_CHECK_POLICY;
        collEtagCheckPolicy = DEFAULT_COLL_ETAG_CHECK_POLICY;
        docEtagCheckPolicy = DEFAULT_DOC_ETAG_CHECK_POLICY;

        logExchangeDump = 0;

        connectionOptions = Maps.newHashMap();

     * Creates a new instance of Configuration from the configuration file For
     * any missing property the default value is used.
     * @param confFilePath the path of the configuration file
     * @throws org.restheart.ConfigurationException
    public Configuration(final Path confFilePath) throws ConfigurationException {
        this(confFilePath, false);

     * Creates a new instance of Configuration from the configuration file For
     * any missing property the default value is used.
     * @param confFilePath the path of the configuration file
     * @param silent
     * @throws org.restheart.ConfigurationException
    public Configuration(final Path confFilePath, boolean silent) throws ConfigurationException {
        this(getConfigurationFromFile(confFilePath), silent);

    private static Map<String, Object> getConfigurationFromFile(final Path confFilePath)
            throws ConfigurationException {
        Yaml yaml = new Yaml();

        Map<String, Object> conf = null;

        FileInputStream fis = null;

        try {
            fis = new FileInputStream(confFilePath.toFile());
            conf = (Map<String, Object>) yaml.load(fis);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException fne) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("configuration file not found", fne);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("error parsing the configuration file", t);
        } finally {
            if (fis != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    LOGGER.warn("Can't close the FileInputStream", ioe);

        return conf;

     * Creates a new instance of Configuration from the configuration file For
     * any missing property the default value is used.
     * @param conf the key-value configuration map
     * @param silent
     * @throws org.restheart.ConfigurationException
    public Configuration(Map<String, Object> conf, boolean silent) throws ConfigurationException {
        this.silent = silent;

        httpsListener = getAsBooleanOrDefault(conf, HTTPS_LISTENER, true);
        httpsPort = getAsIntegerOrDefault(conf, HTTPS_PORT_KEY, DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT);
        httpsHost = getAsStringOrDefault(conf, HTTPS_HOST_KEY, DEFAULT_HTTPS_HOST);

        httpListener = getAsBooleanOrDefault(conf, HTTP_LISTENER_KEY, false);
        httpPort = getAsIntegerOrDefault(conf, HTTP_PORT_KEY, DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT);
        httpHost = getAsStringOrDefault(conf, HTTP_HOST_KEY, DEFAULT_HTTP_HOST);

        ajpListener = getAsBooleanOrDefault(conf, AJP_LISTENER_KEY, false);
        ajpPort = getAsIntegerOrDefault(conf, AJP_PORT_KEY, DEFAULT_AJP_PORT);
        ajpHost = getAsStringOrDefault(conf, AJP_HOST_KEY, DEFAULT_AJP_HOST);

        instanceName = getAsStringOrDefault(conf, INSTANCE_NAME_KEY, DEFAULT_INSTANCE_NAME);

        String _defaultRepresentationFromat = getAsStringOrDefault(conf, REPRESENTATION_FORMAT_KEY,


        try {
            rf = REPRESENTATION_FORMAT.valueOf(_defaultRepresentationFromat);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iar) {
            LOGGER.warn("wrong value for {}. allowed values are {}; " + "setting it to {}",
        } finally {
            defaultRepresentationFromat = rf;

        useEmbeddedKeystore = getAsBooleanOrDefault(conf, USE_EMBEDDED_KEYSTORE_KEY, true);
        keystoreFile = getAsStringOrDefault(conf, KEYSTORE_FILE_KEY, null);
        keystorePassword = getAsStringOrDefault(conf, KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_KEY, null);
        certPassword = getAsStringOrDefault(conf, CERT_PASSWORD_KEY, null);

        try {
            mongoUri = new MongoClientURI(getAsStringOrDefault(conf, MONGO_URI_KEY, DEFAULT_MONGO_URI));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("wrong parameter " + MONGO_URI_KEY, iae);

        List<Map<String, Object>> mongoMountsDefault = new ArrayList<>();
        Map<String, Object> defaultMongoMounts = new HashMap<>();
        defaultMongoMounts.put(MONGO_MOUNT_WHAT_KEY, "*");
        defaultMongoMounts.put(MONGO_MOUNT_WHERE_KEY, "/");

        mongoMounts = getAsListOfMaps(conf, MONGO_MOUNTS_KEY, mongoMountsDefault);

        applicationLogicMounts = getAsListOfMaps(conf, APPLICATION_LOGIC_MOUNTS_KEY, new ArrayList<>());

        staticResourcesMounts = getAsListOfMaps(conf, STATIC_RESOURCES_MOUNTS_KEY, new ArrayList<>());

        metadataNamedSingletons = getAsListOfMaps(conf, METADATA_NAMED_SINGLETONS_KEY, new ArrayList<>());

        Map<String, Object> idm = getAsMap(conf, IDM_KEY);
        Map<String, Object> am = getAsMap(conf, ACCESS_MANAGER_KEY);

        idmArgs = idm;

        amArgs = am;

        logFilePath = getAsStringOrDefault(conf, LOG_FILE_PATH_KEY,
                        .concat(File.separator + "restheart.log"));
        String _logLevel = getAsStringOrDefault(conf, LOG_LEVEL_KEY, "INFO");
        logToConsole = getAsBooleanOrDefault(conf, ENABLE_LOG_CONSOLE_KEY, true);
        logToFile = getAsBooleanOrDefault(conf, ENABLE_LOG_FILE_KEY, true);

        Level level;

        try {
            level = Level.valueOf(_logLevel);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (!silent) {
      "wrong value for parameter {}: {}. using its default value {}", "log-level", _logLevel,
            level = Level.INFO;

        logLevel = level;

        requestsLimit = getAsIntegerOrDefault(conf, REQUESTS_LIMIT_KEY, 100);

        localCacheEnabled = getAsBooleanOrDefault(conf, LOCAL_CACHE_ENABLED_KEY, true);
        localCacheTtl = getAsLongOrDefault(conf, LOCAL_CACHE_TTL_KEY, (long) 1000);

        schemaCacheEnabled = getAsBooleanOrDefault(conf, SCHEMA_CACHE_ENABLED_KEY, true);
        schemaCacheTtl = getAsLongOrDefault(conf, SCHEMA_CACHE_TTL_KEY, (long) 1000);

        ioThreads = getAsIntegerOrDefault(conf, IO_THREADS_KEY, 2);
        workerThreads = getAsIntegerOrDefault(conf, WORKER_THREADS_KEY, 32);
        bufferSize = getAsIntegerOrDefault(conf, BUFFER_SIZE_KEY, 16384);
        buffersPerRegion = getAsIntegerOrDefault(conf, BUFFERS_PER_REGION_KEY, 20);
        directBuffers = getAsBooleanOrDefault(conf, DIRECT_BUFFERS_KEY, true);

        forceGzipEncoding = getAsBooleanOrDefault(conf, FORCE_GZIP_ENCODING_KEY, false);

        eagerPoolSize = getAsIntegerOrDefault(conf, EAGER_POOL_SIZE, 100);
        eagerLinearSliceWidht = getAsIntegerOrDefault(conf, EAGER_LINEAR_SLICE_WIDHT, 1000);
        eagerLinearSliceDelta = getAsIntegerOrDefault(conf, EAGER_LINEAR_SLICE_DELTA, 100);
        eagerLinearSliceHeights = getAsArrayOfInts(conf, EAGER_LINEAR_HEIGHTS, new int[] { 4, 2, 1 });
        eagerRndSliceMinWidht = getAsIntegerOrDefault(conf, EAGER_RND_SLICE_MIN_WIDHT, 1000);
        eagerRndMaxCursors = getAsIntegerOrDefault(conf, EAGER_RND_MAX_CURSORS, 50);

        authTokenEnabled = getAsBooleanOrDefault(conf, AUTH_TOKEN_ENABLED, true);
        authTokenTtl = getAsIntegerOrDefault(conf, AUTH_TOKEN_TTL, 15);

        Map<String, Object> etagCheckPolicies = getAsMap(conf, ETAG_CHECK_POLICY_KEY);

        if (etagCheckPolicies != null) {
            String _dbEtagCheckPolicy = getAsStringOrDefault(etagCheckPolicies, ETAG_CHECK_POLICY_DB_KEY,

            String _collEtagCheckPolicy = getAsStringOrDefault(etagCheckPolicies, ETAG_CHECK_POLICY_COLL_KEY,

            String _docEtagCheckPolicy = getAsStringOrDefault(etagCheckPolicies, ETAG_CHECK_POLICY_DOC_KEY,

            ETAG_CHECK_POLICY validDbValue;
            ETAG_CHECK_POLICY validCollValue;
            ETAG_CHECK_POLICY validDocValue;

            try {
                validDbValue = ETAG_CHECK_POLICY.valueOf(_dbEtagCheckPolicy);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
                LOGGER.warn("wrong value for parameter {} setting it to default value {}", ETAG_CHECK_POLICY_DB_KEY,
                validDbValue = DEFAULT_DB_ETAG_CHECK_POLICY;

            dbEtagCheckPolicy = validDbValue;

            try {

                validCollValue = ETAG_CHECK_POLICY.valueOf(_collEtagCheckPolicy);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
                LOGGER.warn("wrong value for parameter {} setting it to default value {}",
                validCollValue = DEFAULT_COLL_ETAG_CHECK_POLICY;

            collEtagCheckPolicy = validCollValue;

            try {
                validDocValue = ETAG_CHECK_POLICY.valueOf(_docEtagCheckPolicy);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
                LOGGER.warn("wrong value for parameter {} setting it to default value {}",
                validDocValue = DEFAULT_DOC_ETAG_CHECK_POLICY;

            docEtagCheckPolicy = validDocValue;
        } else {
            dbEtagCheckPolicy = DEFAULT_DB_ETAG_CHECK_POLICY;
            collEtagCheckPolicy = DEFAULT_COLL_ETAG_CHECK_POLICY;
            docEtagCheckPolicy = DEFAULT_DOC_ETAG_CHECK_POLICY;

        logExchangeDump = getAsIntegerOrDefault(conf, LOG_REQUESTS_LEVEL_KEY, 0);

        connectionOptions = getAsMap(conf, CONNECTION_OPTIONS_KEY);

     * @param conf
     * @param key
     * @param defaultValue
     * @return
    private List<Map<String, Object>> getAsListOfMaps(final Map<String, Object> conf, final String key,
            final List<Map<String, Object>> defaultValue) {
        if (conf == null) {
            if (!silent) {
                        "parameters group {} not specified in the configuration file. using its default value {}",
                        key, defaultValue);

            return defaultValue;

        Object o = conf.get(key);

        if (o instanceof List) {
            return (List<Map<String, Object>>) o;
        } else {
            if (!silent) {
                        "parameters group {} not specified in the configuration file, using its default value {}",
                        key, defaultValue);
            return defaultValue;

     * @param conf
     * @param key
     * @return
    private Map<String, Object> getAsMap(final Map<String, Object> conf, final String key) {
        if (conf == null) {
            if (!silent) {
                LOGGER.debug("parameters group {} not specified in the configuration file.", key);
            return null;

        Object o = conf.get(key);

        if (o instanceof Map) {
            return (Map<String, Object>) o;
        } else {
            if (!silent) {
                LOGGER.debug("parameters group {} not specified in the configuration file.", key);
            return null;

     * @param conf
     * @param key
     * @param defaultValue
     * @return
    private Boolean getAsBooleanOrDefault(final Map<String, Object> conf, final String key,
            final Boolean defaultValue) {
        if (conf == null) {
            if (!silent) {
                LOGGER.debug("tried to get paramenter {} from a null configuration map. using its default value {}",
                        key, defaultValue);
            return defaultValue;

        Object o = conf.get(key);

        if (o == null) {
            // if default value is null there is no default value actually
            if (defaultValue && !silent) {
                LOGGER.debug("parameter {} not specified in the configuration file. using its default value {}",
                        key, defaultValue);
            return defaultValue;
        } else if (o instanceof Boolean) {
            if (!silent) {
                LOGGER.debug("paramenter {} set to {}", key, o);
            return (Boolean) o;
        } else {
            if (!silent) {
                LOGGER.warn("wrong value for parameter {}: {}. using its default value {}", key, o, defaultValue);
            return defaultValue;

     * @param conf
     * @param key
     * @param defaultValue
     * @return
    private String getAsStringOrDefault(final Map<String, Object> conf, final String key,
            final String defaultValue) {

        if (conf == null || conf.get(key) == null) {
            // if default value is null there is no default value actually
            if (defaultValue != null && !silent) {
                LOGGER.debug("parameter {} not specified in the configuration file. using its default value {}",
                        key, defaultValue);
            return defaultValue;
        } else if (conf.get(key) instanceof String) {
            if (!silent) {
                LOGGER.debug("paramenter {} set to {}", key, conf.get(key));
            return (String) conf.get(key);
        } else {
            if (!silent) {
                LOGGER.warn("wrong value for parameter {}: {}. using its default value {}", key, conf.get(key),
            return defaultValue;

     * @param conf
     * @param key
     * @param defaultValue
     * @return
    private Integer getAsIntegerOrDefault(final Map<String, Object> conf, final String key,
            final Integer defaultValue) {
        if (conf == null || conf.get(key) == null) {
            // if default value is null there is no default value actually
            if (defaultValue != null && !silent) {
                LOGGER.debug("parameter {} not specified in the configuration file. using its default value {}",
                        key, defaultValue);
            return defaultValue;
        } else if (conf.get(key) instanceof Integer) {
            if (!silent) {
                LOGGER.debug("paramenter {} set to {}", key, conf.get(key));
            return (Integer) conf.get(key);
        } else {
            if (!silent) {
                LOGGER.warn("wrong value for parameter {}: {}. using its default value {}", key, conf.get(key),
            return defaultValue;

     * @param conf
     * @param key
     * @param defaultValue
     * @return
    private Long getAsLongOrDefault(final Map<String, Object> conf, final String key, final Long defaultValue) {
        if (conf == null || conf.get(key) == null) {
            // if default value is null there is no default value actually
            if (defaultValue != null && !silent) {
                LOGGER.debug("parameter {} not specified in the configuration file. using its default value {}",
                        key, defaultValue);
            return defaultValue;
        } else if (conf.get(key) instanceof Number) {
            if (!silent) {
                LOGGER.debug("paramenter {} set to {}", key, conf.get(key));
            try {
                return Long.parseLong(conf.get(key).toString());
            } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                if (!silent) {
                    LOGGER.warn("wrong value for parameter {}: {}. using its default value {}", key, conf.get(key),
                return defaultValue;
        } else {
            if (!silent) {
                LOGGER.warn("wrong value for parameter {}: {}. using its default value {}", key, conf.get(key),
            return defaultValue;

     * @param conf
     * @param key
     * @param defaultValue
     * @return
    private int[] getAsArrayOfInts(final Map<String, Object> conf, final String key, final int[] defaultValue) {
        if (conf == null || conf.get(key) == null) {
            // if default value is null there is no default value actually
            if (defaultValue != null && !silent) {
                LOGGER.debug("parameter {} not specified in the configuration file. using its default value {}",
                        key, defaultValue);
            return defaultValue;
        } else if (conf.get(key) instanceof List) {
            if (!silent) {
                LOGGER.debug("paramenter {} set to {}", key, conf.get(key));

            int ret[] = convertListToIntArray((List) conf.get(key));

            if (ret.length == 0) {
                if (!silent) {
                    LOGGER.warn("wrong value for parameter {}: {}. using its default value {}", key, conf.get(key),
                return defaultValue;
            } else {
                return ret;
        } else {
            if (!silent) {
                LOGGER.warn("wrong value for parameter {}: {}. using its default value {}", key, conf.get(key),
            return defaultValue;

     * @param integers
     * @return
    public static int[] convertListToIntArray(List integers) {
        int[] ret = new int[integers.size()];
        Iterator iterator = integers.iterator();
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) {
            Object o =;

            if (o instanceof Integer) {
                ret[i] = (Integer) o;
            } else {
                return new int[0];

        return ret;

     * @return the httpsListener
    public final boolean isHttpsListener() {
        return httpsListener;

     * @return the httpsPort
    public final int getHttpsPort() {
        return httpsPort;

     * @return the httpsHost
    public final String getHttpsHost() {
        return httpsHost;

     * @return the httpListener
    public final boolean isHttpListener() {
        return httpListener;

     * @return the httpPort
    public final int getHttpPort() {
        return httpPort;

     * @return the httpHost
    public final String getHttpHost() {
        return httpHost;

     * @return the ajpListener
    public final boolean isAjpListener() {
        return ajpListener;

     * @return the ajpPort
    public final int getAjpPort() {
        return ajpPort;

     * @return the ajpHost
    public final String getAjpHost() {
        return ajpHost;

     * @return the useEmbeddedKeystore
    public final boolean isUseEmbeddedKeystore() {
        return useEmbeddedKeystore;

     * @return the keystoreFile
    public final String getKeystoreFile() {
        return keystoreFile;

     * @return the keystorePassword
    public final String getKeystorePassword() {
        return keystorePassword;

     * @return the certPassword
    public final String getCertPassword() {
        return certPassword;

     * @return the logFilePath
    public final String getLogFilePath() {
        return logFilePath;

     * @return the logLevel
    public final Level getLogLevel() {
        return logLevel;

     * @return the logToConsole
    public final boolean isLogToConsole() {
        return logToConsole;

     * @return the logToFile
    public final boolean isLogToFile() {
        return logToFile;

     * @return the ioThreads
    public final int getIoThreads() {
        return ioThreads;

     * @return the workerThreads
    public final int getWorkerThreads() {
        return workerThreads;

     * @return the bufferSize
    public final int getBufferSize() {
        return bufferSize;

     * @return the buffersPerRegion
    public final int getBuffersPerRegion() {
        return buffersPerRegion;

     * @return the directBuffers
    public final boolean isDirectBuffers() {
        return directBuffers;

     * @return the forceGzipEncoding
    public final boolean isForceGzipEncoding() {
        return forceGzipEncoding;

     * @return the idmImpl
    public final String getIdmImpl() {
        return idmImpl;

     * @return the idmArgs
    public final Map<String, Object> getIdmArgs() {
        return idmArgs;

     * @return the amImpl
    public final String getAmImpl() {
        return amImpl;

     * @return the amArgs
    public final Map<String, Object> getAmArgs() {
        return amArgs;

     * @return the requestsLimit
    public final int getRequestLimit() {
        return getRequestsLimit();

     * @return the mongoMountsDefault
    public final List<Map<String, Object>> getMongoMounts() {
        return mongoMounts;

     * @return the localCacheEnabled
    public final boolean isLocalCacheEnabled() {
        return localCacheEnabled;

     * @return the localCacheTtl
    public final long getLocalCacheTtl() {
        return localCacheTtl;

     * @return the requestsLimit
    public final int getRequestsLimit() {
        return requestsLimit;

     * @return the applicationLogicMounts
    public final List<Map<String, Object>> getApplicationLogicMounts() {
        return applicationLogicMounts;

     * @return the staticResourcesMounts
    public final List<Map<String, Object>> getStaticResourcesMounts() {
        return staticResourcesMounts;

     * @return the metadataNamedSingletons
    public final List<Map<String, Object>> getMetadaNamedSingletons() {
        return metadataNamedSingletons;

     * @return the eagerLinearSliceWidht
    public int getEagerLinearSliceWidht() {
        return eagerLinearSliceWidht;

     * @return the eagerLinearSliceDelta
    public int getEagerLinearSliceDelta() {
        return eagerLinearSliceDelta;

     * @return the eagerLinearSliceHeights
    public int[] getEagerLinearSliceHeights() {
        return eagerLinearSliceHeights;

     * @return the eagerRndSliceMinWidht
    public int getEagerRndSliceMinWidht() {
        return eagerRndSliceMinWidht;

     * @return the eagerRndMaxCursors
    public int getEagerRndMaxCursors() {
        return eagerRndMaxCursors;

     * @return the eagerPoolSize
    public int getEagerPoolSize() {
        return eagerPoolSize;

     * @return the authTokenEnabled
    public boolean isAuthTokenEnabled() {
        return authTokenEnabled;

     * @return the authTokenTtl
    public int getAuthTokenTtl() {
        return authTokenTtl;

     * @return the mongoUri
    public MongoClientURI getMongoUri() {
        return mongoUri;

     * @return the schemaCacheEnabled
    public boolean isSchemaCacheEnabled() {
        return schemaCacheEnabled;

     * @return the schemaCacheTtl
    public long getSchemaCacheTtl() {
        return schemaCacheTtl;

     * @return the dbEtagCheckPolicy
    public ETAG_CHECK_POLICY getDbEtagCheckPolicy() {
        return dbEtagCheckPolicy;

     * @return the collEtagCheckPolicy
    public ETAG_CHECK_POLICY getCollEtagCheckPolicy() {
        return collEtagCheckPolicy;

     * @return the docEtagCheckPolicy
    public ETAG_CHECK_POLICY getDocEtagCheckPolicy() {
        return docEtagCheckPolicy;

     * @return the logExchangeDump Boolean
    public Integer logExchangeDump() {
        return logExchangeDump;

     * @return the connectionOptions
    public Map<String, Object> getConnectionOptions() {
        return connectionOptions;

     * @return the instanceName
    public String getInstanceName() {
        return instanceName;

     * @return the defaultRepresentationFromat
    public REPRESENTATION_FORMAT getDefaultRepresentationFormat() {
        return defaultRepresentationFromat;