Java tutorial
/* * TeleStax, Open Source Cloud Communications * Copyright 2011-2014, Telestax Inc and individual contributors * by the @authors tag. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <> * */ package org.restcomm.connect.interpreter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import akka.event.Logging; import akka.event.LoggingAdapter; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.restcomm.connect.commons.dao.Sid; import org.restcomm.connect.commons.fsm.Action; import org.restcomm.connect.commons.fsm.FiniteStateMachine; import org.restcomm.connect.commons.fsm.State; import org.restcomm.connect.commons.fsm.Transition; import org.restcomm.connect.commons.patterns.Observe; import org.restcomm.connect.dao.DaoManager; import org.restcomm.connect.dao.NotificationsDao; import org.restcomm.connect.dao.SmsMessagesDao; import org.restcomm.connect.dao.entities.Notification; import org.restcomm.connect.dao.entities.SmsMessage; import org.restcomm.connect.dao.entities.SmsMessage.Direction; import org.restcomm.connect.dao.entities.SmsMessage.Status; import; import; import; import; import org.restcomm.connect.http.client.Downloader; import org.restcomm.connect.http.client.DownloaderResponse; import org.restcomm.connect.http.client.HttpRequestDescriptor; import org.restcomm.connect.http.client.HttpResponseDescriptor; import org.restcomm.connect.interpreter.rcml.Attribute; import org.restcomm.connect.interpreter.rcml.GetNextVerb; import org.restcomm.connect.interpreter.rcml.Parser; import org.restcomm.connect.interpreter.rcml.ParserFailed; import org.restcomm.connect.interpreter.rcml.Tag; import org.restcomm.connect.interpreter.rcml.Verbs; import org.restcomm.connect.sms.api.CreateSmsSession; import org.restcomm.connect.sms.api.DestroySmsSession; import org.restcomm.connect.sms.api.GetLastSmsRequest; import org.restcomm.connect.sms.api.SmsServiceResponse; import org.restcomm.connect.sms.api.SmsSessionAttribute; import org.restcomm.connect.sms.api.SmsSessionInfo; import org.restcomm.connect.sms.api.SmsSessionRequest; import org.restcomm.connect.sms.api.SmsSessionResponse; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Currency; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; /** * @author (Thomas Quintana) */ public final class SmsInterpreter extends UntypedActor { private static final int ERROR_NOTIFICATION = 0; private static final int WARNING_NOTIFICATION = 1; static String EMAIL_SENDER; // Logger private final LoggingAdapter logger = Logging.getLogger(getContext().system(), this); private final ActorSystem system; // States for the FSM. private final State uninitialized; private final State acquiringLastSmsRequest; private final State downloadingRcml; private final State downloadingFallbackRcml; private final State ready; private final State redirecting; private final State creatingSmsSession; private final State sendingEmail; private final State sendingSms; private final State waitingForSmsResponses; private final State finished; // FSM. private final FiniteStateMachine fsm; // SMS Stuff. private final ActorRef service; private final Map<Sid, ActorRef> sessions; private Sid initialSessionSid; private ActorRef initialSession; private ActorRef mailerService; private SmsSessionRequest initialSessionRequest; // HTTP Stuff. private final ActorRef downloader; // The storage engine. private final DaoManager storage; //Email configuration private final Configuration emailconfiguration; //Runtime configuration private final Configuration runtime; // User specific configuration. private final Configuration configuration; // Information to reach the application that will be executed // by this interpreter. private final Sid accountId; private final String version; private final URI url; private final String method; private final URI fallbackUrl; private final String fallbackMethod; // application data. private HttpRequestDescriptor request; private HttpResponseDescriptor response; // The RCML parser. private ActorRef parser; private Tag verb; private boolean normalizeNumber; private ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> customHttpHeaderMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); private ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> customRequestHeaderMap; public SmsInterpreter(final ActorRef service, final Configuration configuration, final DaoManager storage, final Sid accountId, final String version, final URI url, final String method, final URI fallbackUrl, final String fallbackMethod) { super(); final ActorRef source = self(); this.system = context().system(); uninitialized = new State("uninitialized", null, null); acquiringLastSmsRequest = new State("acquiring last sms event", new AcquiringLastSmsEvent(source), null); downloadingRcml = new State("downloading rcml", new DownloadingRcml(source), null); downloadingFallbackRcml = new State("downloading fallback rcml", new DownloadingFallbackRcml(source), null); ready = new State("ready", new Ready(source), null); redirecting = new State("redirecting", new Redirecting(source), null); creatingSmsSession = new State("creating sms session", new CreatingSmsSession(source), null); sendingSms = new State("sending sms", new SendingSms(source), null); waitingForSmsResponses = new State("waiting for sms responses", new WaitingForSmsResponses(source), null); sendingEmail = new State("sending Email", new SendingEmail(source), null); finished = new State("finished", new Finished(source), null); // Initialize the transitions for the FSM. final Set<Transition> transitions = new HashSet<Transition>(); transitions.add(new Transition(uninitialized, acquiringLastSmsRequest)); transitions.add(new Transition(acquiringLastSmsRequest, downloadingRcml)); transitions.add(new Transition(acquiringLastSmsRequest, finished)); transitions.add(new Transition(acquiringLastSmsRequest, sendingEmail)); transitions.add(new Transition(downloadingRcml, ready)); transitions.add(new Transition(downloadingRcml, downloadingFallbackRcml)); transitions.add(new Transition(downloadingRcml, finished)); transitions.add(new Transition(downloadingRcml, sendingEmail)); transitions.add(new Transition(downloadingFallbackRcml, ready)); transitions.add(new Transition(downloadingFallbackRcml, finished)); transitions.add(new Transition(downloadingFallbackRcml, sendingEmail)); transitions.add(new Transition(ready, redirecting)); transitions.add(new Transition(ready, creatingSmsSession)); transitions.add(new Transition(ready, waitingForSmsResponses)); transitions.add(new Transition(ready, sendingEmail)); transitions.add(new Transition(ready, finished)); transitions.add(new Transition(redirecting, ready)); transitions.add(new Transition(redirecting, creatingSmsSession)); transitions.add(new Transition(redirecting, finished)); transitions.add(new Transition(redirecting, sendingEmail)); transitions.add(new Transition(redirecting, waitingForSmsResponses)); transitions.add(new Transition(creatingSmsSession, sendingSms)); transitions.add(new Transition(creatingSmsSession, waitingForSmsResponses)); transitions.add(new Transition(creatingSmsSession, sendingEmail)); transitions.add(new Transition(creatingSmsSession, finished)); transitions.add(new Transition(sendingSms, ready)); transitions.add(new Transition(sendingSms, redirecting)); transitions.add(new Transition(sendingSms, creatingSmsSession)); transitions.add(new Transition(sendingSms, waitingForSmsResponses)); transitions.add(new Transition(sendingSms, sendingEmail)); transitions.add(new Transition(sendingSms, finished)); transitions.add(new Transition(waitingForSmsResponses, waitingForSmsResponses)); transitions.add(new Transition(waitingForSmsResponses, sendingEmail)); transitions.add(new Transition(waitingForSmsResponses, finished)); transitions.add(new Transition(sendingEmail, ready)); transitions.add(new Transition(sendingEmail, redirecting)); transitions.add(new Transition(sendingEmail, creatingSmsSession)); transitions.add(new Transition(sendingEmail, waitingForSmsResponses)); transitions.add(new Transition(sendingEmail, finished)); // Initialize the FSM. this.fsm = new FiniteStateMachine(uninitialized, transitions); // Initialize the runtime stuff. this.service = service; this.downloader = downloader(); = storage; this.emailconfiguration = configuration.subset("smtp-service"); this.runtime = configuration.subset("runtime-settings"); this.configuration = configuration.subset("sms-aggregator"); this.accountId = accountId; this.version = version; this.url = url; this.method = method; this.fallbackUrl = fallbackUrl; this.fallbackMethod = fallbackMethod; this.sessions = new HashMap<Sid, ActorRef>(); this.normalizeNumber = runtime.getBoolean("normalize-numbers-for-outbound-calls"); } private ActorRef downloader() { final Props props = new Props(new UntypedActorFactory() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public UntypedActor create() throws Exception { return new Downloader(); } }); return system.actorOf(props); } ActorRef mailer(final Configuration configuration) { final Props props = new Props(new UntypedActorFactory() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public Actor create() throws Exception { return new EmailService(configuration); } }); return system.actorOf(props); } protected String format(final String number) { if (normalizeNumber) { final PhoneNumberUtil numbersUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance(); try { final PhoneNumber result = numbersUtil.parse(number, "US"); return numbersUtil.format(result, PhoneNumberFormat.E164); } catch (final NumberParseException ignored) { return null; } } else { return number; } } protected void invalidVerb(final Tag verb) { final ActorRef self = self(); final Notification notification = notification(WARNING_NOTIFICATION, 14110, "Invalid Verb for SMS Reply"); final NotificationsDao notifications = storage.getNotificationsDao(); notifications.addNotification(notification); // Get the next verb. final GetNextVerb next = new GetNextVerb(); parser.tell(next, self); } protected Notification notification(final int log, final int error, final String message) { final Notification.Builder builder = Notification.builder(); final Sid sid = Sid.generate(Sid.Type.NOTIFICATION); builder.setSid(sid); builder.setAccountSid(accountId); builder.setApiVersion(version); builder.setLog(log); builder.setErrorCode(error); final String base = runtime.getString("error-dictionary-uri"); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append(base); if (!base.endsWith("/")) { buffer.append("/"); } buffer.append(error).append(".html"); final URI info = URI.create(buffer.toString()); builder.setMoreInfo(info); builder.setMessageText(message); final DateTime now =; builder.setMessageDate(now); if (request != null) { builder.setRequestUrl(request.getUri()); builder.setRequestMethod(request.getMethod()); builder.setRequestVariables(request.getParametersAsString()); } if (response != null) { builder.setResponseHeaders(response.getHeadersAsString()); final String type = response.getContentType(); if (type != null && (type.contains("text/xml") || type.contains("application/xml") || type.contains("text/html"))) { try { builder.setResponseBody(response.getContentAsString()); } catch (final IOException exception) { logger.error("There was an error while reading the contents of the resource " + "located @ " + url.toString(), exception); } } } buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append("/").append(version).append("/Accounts/"); buffer.append(accountId.toString()).append("/Notifications/"); buffer.append(sid.toString()); final URI uri = URI.create(buffer.toString()); builder.setUri(uri); return; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void onReceive(final Object message) throws Exception { final Class<?> klass = message.getClass(); final State state = fsm.state(); if (StartInterpreter.class.equals(klass)) { fsm.transition(message, acquiringLastSmsRequest); } else if (SmsSessionRequest.class.equals(klass)) { customRequestHeaderMap = ((SmsSessionRequest) message).headers(); fsm.transition(message, downloadingRcml); } else if (DownloaderResponse.class.equals(klass)) { final DownloaderResponse response = (DownloaderResponse) message; if (response.succeeded()) { final HttpResponseDescriptor descriptor = response.get(); if (HttpStatus.SC_OK == descriptor.getStatusCode()) { fsm.transition(message, ready); } else { if (downloadingRcml.equals(state)) { if (fallbackUrl != null) { fsm.transition(message, downloadingFallbackRcml); } } else { if (sessions.size() > 0) { fsm.transition(message, waitingForSmsResponses); } else { fsm.transition(message, finished); } } } } else { if (downloadingRcml.equals(state)) { if (fallbackUrl != null) { fsm.transition(message, downloadingFallbackRcml); } } else { if (sessions.size() > 0) { fsm.transition(message, waitingForSmsResponses); } else { fsm.transition(message, finished); } } } } else if (ParserFailed.class.equals(klass)) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"ParserFailed received. Will stop the call"); } fsm.transition(message, finished); } else if (Tag.class.equals(klass)) { final Tag verb = (Tag) message; if (Verbs.redirect.equals( { fsm.transition(message, redirecting); } else if (Verbs.sms.equals( { fsm.transition(message, creatingSmsSession); } else if ( { fsm.transition(message, sendingEmail); } else { invalidVerb(verb); } } else if (SmsServiceResponse.class.equals(klass)) { final SmsServiceResponse<ActorRef> response = (SmsServiceResponse<ActorRef>) message; if (response.succeeded()) { if (creatingSmsSession.equals(state)) { fsm.transition(message, sendingSms); } } else { if (sessions.size() > 0) { fsm.transition(message, waitingForSmsResponses); } else { fsm.transition(message, finished); } } } else if (SmsSessionResponse.class.equals(klass)) { response(message); } else if (StopInterpreter.class.equals(klass)) { if (sessions.size() > 0) { fsm.transition(message, waitingForSmsResponses); } else { fsm.transition(message, finished); } } else if (EmailResponse.class.equals(klass)) { final EmailResponse response = (EmailResponse) message; if (!response.succeeded()) { logger.error("There was an error while sending an email :" + response.error(), response.cause()); } fsm.transition(message, ready); } } protected List<NameValuePair> parameters() { final List<NameValuePair> parameters = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); final String smsSessionSid = initialSessionSid.toString(); parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("SmsSid", smsSessionSid)); final String accountSid = accountId.toString(); parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("AccountSid", accountSid)); final String from = format(initialSessionRequest.from()); parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("From", from)); final String to = format(; parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("To", to)); final String body = initialSessionRequest.body(); parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("Body", body)); //Issue If Request contains custom headers pass them to the HTTP server. if (customRequestHeaderMap != null && !customRequestHeaderMap.isEmpty()) { Iterator<String> iter = customRequestHeaderMap.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String headerName =; parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("SipHeader_" + headerName, customRequestHeaderMap.remove(headerName))); } } return parameters; } private ActorRef parser(final String xml) { final Props props = new Props(new UntypedActorFactory() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public UntypedActor create() throws Exception { return new Parser(xml, self()); } }); return system.actorOf(props); } private void response(final Object message) { final Class<?> klass = message.getClass(); final ActorRef self = self(); if (SmsSessionResponse.class.equals(klass)) { final SmsSessionResponse response = (SmsSessionResponse) message; final SmsSessionInfo info =; SmsMessage record = (SmsMessage) info.attributes().get("record"); if (response.succeeded()) { final DateTime now =; record = record.setDateSent(now); record = record.setStatus(Status.SENT); } else { record = record.setStatus(Status.FAILED); } final SmsMessagesDao messages = storage.getSmsMessagesDao(); messages.updateSmsMessage(record); // Notify the callback listener. final Object attribute = info.attributes().get("callback"); if (attribute != null) { final URI callback = (URI) attribute; final List<NameValuePair> parameters = parameters(); request = new HttpRequestDescriptor(callback, "POST", parameters); downloader.tell(request, null); } // Destroy the sms session. final ActorRef session = sessions.remove(record.getSid()); final DestroySmsSession destroy = new DestroySmsSession(session); service.tell(destroy, self); // Try to stop the interpreter. final State state = fsm.state(); if (waitingForSmsResponses.equals(state)) { final StopInterpreter stop = new StopInterpreter(); self.tell(stop, self); } } } protected URI resolve(final URI base, final URI uri) { if (base.equals(uri)) { return uri; } else { if (!uri.isAbsolute()) { return base.resolve(uri); } else { return uri; } } } private abstract class AbstractAction implements Action { protected final ActorRef source; public AbstractAction(final ActorRef source) { super(); this.source = source; } } private final class AcquiringLastSmsEvent extends AbstractAction { public AcquiringLastSmsEvent(final ActorRef source) { super(source); } @Override public void execute(final Object message) throws Exception { final StartInterpreter request = (StartInterpreter) message; initialSession = request.resource(); initialSession.tell(new Observe(source), source); initialSession.tell(new GetLastSmsRequest(), source); } } private final class DownloadingRcml extends AbstractAction { public DownloadingRcml(final ActorRef source) { super(source); } @Override public void execute(final Object message) throws Exception { initialSessionRequest = (SmsSessionRequest) message; initialSessionSid = Sid.generate(Sid.Type.SMS_MESSAGE); final SmsMessage.Builder builder = SmsMessage.builder(); builder.setSid(initialSessionSid); builder.setAccountSid(accountId); builder.setApiVersion(version); builder.setRecipient(; builder.setSender(initialSessionRequest.from()); builder.setBody(initialSessionRequest.body()); builder.setDirection(Direction.INBOUND); builder.setStatus(Status.RECEIVED); builder.setPrice(new BigDecimal("0.00")); // TODO implement currency property to be read from Configuration builder.setPriceUnit(Currency.getInstance("USD")); final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append("/").append(version).append("/Accounts/"); buffer.append(accountId.toString()).append("/SMS/Messages/"); buffer.append(initialSessionSid.toString()); final URI uri = URI.create(buffer.toString()); builder.setUri(uri); final SmsMessage record =; final SmsMessagesDao messages = storage.getSmsMessagesDao(); messages.addSmsMessage(record); // Destroy the initial session. service.tell(new DestroySmsSession(initialSession), source); initialSession = null; // Ask the downloader to get us the application that will be executed. final List<NameValuePair> parameters = parameters(); request = new HttpRequestDescriptor(url, method, parameters); downloader.tell(request, source); } } private final class DownloadingFallbackRcml extends AbstractAction { public DownloadingFallbackRcml(final ActorRef source) { super(source); } @Override public void execute(final Object message) throws Exception { final Class<?> klass = message.getClass(); // Notify the account of the issue. if (DownloaderResponse.class.equals(klass)) { final DownloaderResponse result = (DownloaderResponse) message; final Throwable cause = result.cause(); Notification notification = null; if (cause instanceof ClientProtocolException) { notification = notification(ERROR_NOTIFICATION, 11206, cause.getMessage()); } else if (cause instanceof IOException) { notification = notification(ERROR_NOTIFICATION, 11205, cause.getMessage()); } else if (cause instanceof URISyntaxException) { notification = notification(ERROR_NOTIFICATION, 11100, cause.getMessage()); } if (notification != null) { final NotificationsDao notifications = storage.getNotificationsDao(); notifications.addNotification(notification); } } // Try to use the fall back url and method. final List<NameValuePair> parameters = parameters(); request = new HttpRequestDescriptor(fallbackUrl, fallbackMethod, parameters); downloader.tell(request, source); } } private final class Ready extends AbstractAction { public Ready(final ActorRef source) { super(source); } @Override public void execute(final Object message) throws Exception { final UntypedActorContext context = getContext(); final State state = fsm.state(); // Make sure we create a new parser if necessary. if (downloadingRcml.equals(state) || downloadingFallbackRcml.equals(state) || redirecting.equals(state) || sendingSms.equals(state)) { response = ((DownloaderResponse) message).get(); if (parser != null) { context.stop(parser); parser = null; } try { final String type = response.getContentType(); final String content = response.getContentAsString(); if ((type != null && content != null) && (type.contains("text/xml") || type.contains("application/xml") || type.contains("text/html"))) { parser = parser(content); } else { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"DownloaderResponse getContentType is null: " + response); } final NotificationsDao notifications = storage.getNotificationsDao(); final Notification notification = notification(WARNING_NOTIFICATION, 12300, "Invalide content-type."); notifications.addNotification(notification); final StopInterpreter stop = new StopInterpreter(); source.tell(stop, source); return; } } catch (Exception e) { final NotificationsDao notifications = storage.getNotificationsDao(); final Notification notification = notification(WARNING_NOTIFICATION, 12300, "Invalide content-type."); notifications.addNotification(notification); final StopInterpreter stop = new StopInterpreter(); source.tell(stop, source); return; } } // Ask the parser for the next action to take. Header[] headers = response.getHeaders(); for (Header header : headers) { if (header.getName().startsWith("X-")) { customHttpHeaderMap.put(header.getName(), header.getValue()); } } final GetNextVerb next = new GetNextVerb(); parser.tell(next, source); } } private final class Redirecting extends AbstractAction { public Redirecting(final ActorRef source) { super(source); } @Override public void execute(final Object message) throws Exception { verb = (Tag) message; final NotificationsDao notifications = storage.getNotificationsDao(); String method = "POST"; Attribute attribute = verb.attribute("method"); if (attribute != null) { method = attribute.value(); if (method != null && !method.isEmpty()) { if (!"GET".equalsIgnoreCase(method) && !"POST".equalsIgnoreCase(method)) { final Notification notification = notification(WARNING_NOTIFICATION, 13710, method + " is not a valid HTTP method for <Redirect>"); notifications.addNotification(notification); method = "POST"; } } else { method = "POST"; } } final String text = verb.text(); if (text != null && !text.isEmpty()) { // Try to redirect. URI target = null; try { target = URI.create(text); } catch (final Exception exception) { final Notification notification = notification(ERROR_NOTIFICATION, 11100, text + " is an invalid URI."); notifications.addNotification(notification); final StopInterpreter stop = new StopInterpreter(); source.tell(stop, source); return; } final URI base = request.getUri(); final URI uri = resolve(base, target); final List<NameValuePair> parameters = parameters(); request = new HttpRequestDescriptor(uri, method, parameters); downloader.tell(request, source); } else { // Ask the parser for the next action to take. final GetNextVerb next = new GetNextVerb(); parser.tell(next, source); } } } private final class CreatingSmsSession extends AbstractAction { public CreatingSmsSession(final ActorRef source) { super(source); } @Override public void execute(Object message) throws Exception { // Save <Sms> verb. verb = (Tag) message; // Create a new sms session to handle the <Sms> verb. service.tell(new CreateSmsSession(initialSessionRequest.from(),, accountId.toString(), false), source); } } private final class SendingSms extends AbstractAction { public SendingSms(final ActorRef source) { super(source); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void execute(final Object message) throws Exception { final SmsServiceResponse<ActorRef> response = (SmsServiceResponse<ActorRef>) message; final ActorRef session = response.get(); final NotificationsDao notifications = storage.getNotificationsDao(); // Parse "from". String from =; Attribute attribute = verb.attribute("from"); if (attribute != null) { from = attribute.value(); if (from != null && !from.isEmpty()) { from = format(from); if (from == null) { from = verb.attribute("from").value(); final Notification notification = notification(ERROR_NOTIFICATION, 14102, from + " is an invalid 'from' phone number."); notifications.addNotification(notification); service.tell(new DestroySmsSession(session), source); final StopInterpreter stop = new StopInterpreter(); source.tell(stop, source); return; } } else { from =; } } // Parse "to". String to = initialSessionRequest.from(); attribute = verb.attribute("to"); if (attribute != null) { to = attribute.value(); if (to == null) { to = initialSessionRequest.from(); } // if (to != null && !to.isEmpty()) { // to = format(to); // if (to == null) { // to = verb.attribute("to").value(); // final Notification notification = notification(ERROR_NOTIFICATION, 14101, to // + " is an invalid 'to' phone number."); // notifications.addNotification(notification); // service.tell(new DestroySmsSession(session), source); // final StopInterpreter stop = StopInterpreter.instance(); // source.tell(stop, source); // return; // } // } else { // to = initialSessionRequest.from(); // } } // Parse <Sms> text. String body = verb.text(); if (body == null || body.isEmpty()) { final Notification notification = notification(ERROR_NOTIFICATION, 14103, body + " is an invalid SMS body."); notifications.addNotification(notification); service.tell(new DestroySmsSession(session), source); final StopInterpreter stop = new StopInterpreter(); source.tell(stop, source); return; } else { // Start observing events from the sms session. session.tell(new Observe(source), source); // Store the status callback in the sms session. attribute = verb.attribute("viStatusCallback"); if (attribute != null) { String callback = attribute.value(); if (callback != null && !callback.isEmpty()) { URI target = null; try { target = URI.create(callback); } catch (final Exception exception) { final Notification notification = notification(ERROR_NOTIFICATION, 14105, callback + " is an invalid URI."); notifications.addNotification(notification); service.tell(new DestroySmsSession(session), source); final StopInterpreter stop = new StopInterpreter(); source.tell(stop, source); return; } final URI base = request.getUri(); final URI uri = resolve(base, target); session.tell(new SmsSessionAttribute("callback", uri), source); } } // Create an SMS detail record. final Sid sid = Sid.generate(Sid.Type.SMS_MESSAGE); final SmsMessage.Builder builder = SmsMessage.builder(); builder.setSid(sid); builder.setAccountSid(accountId); builder.setApiVersion(version); builder.setRecipient(to); builder.setSender(from); builder.setBody(body); builder.setDirection(Direction.OUTBOUND_REPLY); builder.setStatus(Status.RECEIVED); builder.setPrice(new BigDecimal("0.00")); // TODO implement currency property to be read from Configuration builder.setPriceUnit(Currency.getInstance("USD")); final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append("/").append(version).append("/Accounts/"); buffer.append(accountId.toString()).append("/SMS/Messages/"); buffer.append(sid.toString()); final URI uri = URI.create(buffer.toString()); builder.setUri(uri); final SmsMessage record =; final SmsMessagesDao messages = storage.getSmsMessagesDao(); messages.addSmsMessage(record); // Store the sms record in the sms session. session.tell(new SmsSessionAttribute("record", record), source); // Send the SMS. final SmsSessionRequest sms = new SmsSessionRequest(from, to, body, customHttpHeaderMap); session.tell(sms, source); sessions.put(sid, session); } // Parses "action". attribute = verb.attribute("action"); if (attribute != null) { String action = attribute.value(); if (action != null && !action.isEmpty()) { URI target = null; try { target = URI.create(action); } catch (final Exception exception) { final Notification notification = notification(ERROR_NOTIFICATION, 11100, action + " is an invalid URI."); notifications.addNotification(notification); final StopInterpreter stop = new StopInterpreter(); source.tell(stop, source); return; } final URI base = request.getUri(); final URI uri = resolve(base, target); // Parse "method". String method = "POST"; attribute = verb.attribute("method"); if (attribute != null) { method = attribute.value(); if (method != null && !method.isEmpty()) { if (!"GET".equalsIgnoreCase(method) && !"POST".equalsIgnoreCase(method)) { final Notification notification = notification(WARNING_NOTIFICATION, 14104, method + " is not a valid HTTP method for <Sms>"); notifications.addNotification(notification); method = "POST"; } } else { method = "POST"; } } // Redirect to the action url. final List<NameValuePair> parameters = parameters(); final String status = Status.SENDING.toString(); parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("SmsStatus", status)); request = new HttpRequestDescriptor(uri, method, parameters); downloader.tell(request, source); return; } } // Ask the parser for the next action to take. final GetNextVerb next = new GetNextVerb(); parser.tell(next, source); } } private final class WaitingForSmsResponses extends AbstractAction { public WaitingForSmsResponses(final ActorRef source) { super(source); } @Override public void execute(final Object message) throws Exception { response(message); } } private final class Finished extends AbstractAction { public Finished(final ActorRef source) { super(source); } @Override public void execute(final Object message) throws Exception { final UntypedActorContext context = getContext(); context.stop(source); } } private final class SendingEmail extends AbstractAction { public SendingEmail(final ActorRef source) { super(source); } @Override public void execute(final Object message) throws Exception { final Tag verb = (Tag) message; // Parse "from". String from; Attribute attribute = verb.attribute("from"); if (attribute != null) { from = attribute.value(); } else { Exception error = new Exception("From attribute was not defined"); source.tell(new EmailResponse(error, error.getMessage()), source); return; } // Parse "to". String to; attribute = verb.attribute("to"); if (attribute != null) { to = attribute.value(); } else { Exception error = new Exception("To attribute was not defined"); source.tell(new EmailResponse(error, error.getMessage()), source); return; } // Parse "cc". String cc = ""; attribute = verb.attribute("cc"); if (attribute != null) { cc = attribute.value(); } // Parse "bcc". String bcc = ""; attribute = verb.attribute("bcc"); if (attribute != null) { bcc = attribute.value(); } // Parse "subject" String subject; attribute = verb.attribute("subject"); if (attribute != null) { subject = attribute.value(); } else { subject = "Restcomm Email Service"; } // Send the email. final Mail emailMsg = new Mail(from, to, subject, verb.text(), cc, bcc); if (mailerService == null) { mailerService = mailer(emailconfiguration); } mailerService.tell(new EmailRequest(emailMsg), self()); } } }