Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * R : A Computer Language for Statistical Data Analysis
 * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996  Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka
 * Copyright (C) 1997--2008  The R Development Core Team
 * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004  The R Foundation
 * Copyright (C) 2010 bedatadriven
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package org.renjin.primitives.files;


import org.apache.commons.vfs2.*;
import org.renjin.eval.Context;
import org.renjin.eval.EvalException;
import org.renjin.invoke.annotations.*;
import org.renjin.primitives.Warning;
import org.renjin.primitives.text.regex.ExtendedRE;
import org.renjin.primitives.text.regex.RE;
import org.renjin.sexp.*;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;

 * Function for manipulating files and paths.
public class Files {

    public static final int CHECK_ACCESS_EXISTENCE = 0;
    public static final int CHECK_ACCESS_EXECUTE = 1;
    public static final int CHECK_ACCESS_WRITE = 2;
    public static final int CHECK_ACCESS_READ = 3;

    private Files() {

     * Expand a path name, for example by replacing a leading tilde
     *  by the user's home directory (if defined on that platform).
     * @param path
     * @return the expanded path
    public static String pathExpand(String path) {
        if (path.startsWith("~/")) {
            return java.lang.System.getProperty("user.home") + path.substring(2);
        } else {
            return path;

    public static IntVector fileAccess(@Current Context context, StringVector names, int mode)
            throws FileSystemException {
        IntArrayVector.Builder result = new IntArrayVector.Builder();
        for (String name : names) {
            FileObject file = context.resolveFile(pathExpand(name));
            result.add(checkAccess(file, mode));
        result.setAttribute(Symbols.NAMES, new StringArrayVector(names.toArray()));

    private static int checkAccess(FileObject file, int mode) throws FileSystemException {

        boolean ok = true;
        if ((mode & CHECK_ACCESS_EXISTENCE) != 0 && !file.exists()) {
            ok = false;

        if ((mode & CHECK_ACCESS_READ) != 0 && !file.isReadable()) {
            ok = false;

        if ((mode & CHECK_ACCESS_WRITE) != 0 & !file.isWriteable()) {
            ok = false;

        //case CHECK_ACCESS_EXECUTE:
        //      return -1; // don't know if this is possible to check with VFS
        //  }
        return ok ? 0 : -1;

     * Utility function to extract information about files on the user's file systems.
     * @param context  current call Context
     * @param paths the list of files for which to return information
     * @return list column-oriented table of file information
     * @throws FileSystemException
    public static ListVector fileInfo(@Current Context context, StringVector paths) throws FileSystemException {

        DoubleArrayVector.Builder size = new DoubleArrayVector.Builder();
        LogicalArrayVector.Builder isdir = new LogicalArrayVector.Builder();
        IntArrayVector.Builder mode = (IntArrayVector.Builder) new IntArrayVector.Builder()
                .setAttribute(Symbols.CLASS, StringVector.valueOf("octmode"));
        DoubleArrayVector.Builder mtime = new DoubleArrayVector.Builder();
        StringVector.Builder exe = new StringVector.Builder();

        for (String path : paths) {
            if (StringVector.isNA(path)) {
                throw new EvalException("invalid filename argument");
            FileObject file = context.resolveFile(path);
            if (file.exists()) {
                if (file.getType() == FileType.FILE) {
                    size.add((int) file.getContent().getSize());
                } else {
                isdir.add(file.getType() == FileType.FOLDER);
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                exe.add(file.getName().getBaseName().endsWith(".exe") ? "yes" : "no");
            } else {

        return ListVector.newNamedBuilder().add("size", size).add("isdir", isdir).add("mode", mode)
                .add("mtime", mtime).add("ctime", mtime).add("atime", mtime).add("exe", exe).build();

     * Convert file paths to canonical form for the platform, to display
     * them in a user-understandable form.
     * <p>If a path is not a real path the result is undefined.  This
     * implementation will return the input.
    public static String normalizePath(@Current Context context, @Recycle String path, String winSlash,
            SEXP mustWork) {
        try {
            return context.resolveFile(path).getName().getURI();
        } catch (FileSystemException e) {
            return path;

      * Gets the type or storage mode of an object.
      * @return  unix-style file mode integer
    private static int mode(FileObject file) throws FileSystemException {
        int access = 0;
        if (file.isReadable()) {
            access += 4;

        if (file.isWriteable()) {
            access += 2;
        if (file.getType() == FileType.FOLDER) {
            access += 1;
        // i know this is braindead but i can't be bothered
        // to do octal math at the moment
        String digit = Integer.toString(access);
        String octalString = digit + digit + digit;

        return Integer.parseInt(octalString, 8);

     * Returns true if the file exists.
     * @param context the current call Context
     * @param path the path
     * @return true if the file exists
     * @throws FileSystemException
    public static boolean fileExists(@Current Context context, String path) throws FileSystemException {
        return context.resolveFile(path).exists();

     * basename removes all of the path up to and including the last path separator (if any).
     * Trailing path separators are removed before dissecting the path.
     * On Windows this will accept either \ or / as the path separator.
     * Only expect these to be able to handle complete paths, and not for example just a share or a drive.
     * @param path the file path
     * @return  removes all of the path up to and including the last path separator (if any).
    public static String basename(String path) {
        for (int i = path.length() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
            if (path.charAt(i) == '\\' || path.charAt(i) == '/') {
                return path.substring(i + 1);
        return path;

     * Function to do wildcard expansion (also known as globbing) on file paths.
     * Globbing is implemented by {@link FileScanner}
     * @param paths character vector of patterns for relative or absolute filepaths.
     *  Missing values will be ignored.
     * @param markDirectories  should matches to directories from patterns that do not
     * already end in / or \ have a slash appended?
     * May not be supported on all platforms.
     * @return
    public static StringVector glob(@Current Context context, StringVector paths, boolean markDirectories) {

        List<String> matching = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (String path : paths) {
            if (path != null) {
                if (path.indexOf('*') == -1) {
                } else {
                    matching.addAll(FileScanner.scan(context, path, markDirectories));
        return new StringArrayVector(matching);

     * Returns the part of the path up to but excluding the last path separator,
     * or "." if there is no path separator.
     * @param path the path
     * @return  the part of the path up to but excluding the last path separator, or "."
     * if there is no path separator.
    public static String dirname(String path) {
        for (int i = path.length() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
            if (path.charAt(i) == '\\' || path.charAt(i) == '/') {
                return path.substring(0, i);
        return ".";

     * Creates the last element of the path, unless recursive = TRUE. Trailing path separators are
     * removed.
     * @param context the current call Context
     * @param path the path
     * @param showWarnings should the warnings on failure be shown?
     * @param recursive Should elements of the path other than the last be created? If true, like Unix's mkdir -p
     * @param mode the file mode to be used on Unix-alikes: it will be coerced by as.octmode.
     * (currently ignored by renjin)
     * @return true if the operation succeeded for each of the files attempted.
     *  Using a missing value for a path name will always be regarded as a failure.
     *  returns false if the directory already exists
     * @throws FileSystemException
    public static SEXP dirCreate(@Current Context context, String path, boolean showWarnings, boolean recursive,
            int mode) throws FileSystemException {
        FileObject dir = context.resolveFile(path);

        // TODO: return correct value and implement warnings documented above

        return new LogicalArrayVector(true);

     * {@code list.files} produce a character vector of the names of files in the named directory.
     * @param paths  a character vector of full path names; the default corresponds to the working
     *  directory getwd(). Missing values will be ignored.
     * @param pattern an optional regular expression. Only file names which match the regular
     * expression will be returned.
     * @param allFiles  If FALSE, only the names of visible files are returned. If TRUE, all
     * file names will be returned.
     * @param fullNames If TRUE, the directory path is prepended to the file names. If FALSE,
     * only the file names are returned.
     * @param recursive Should the listing recurse into directories?
     * @param ignoreCase Should pattern-matching be case-insensitive?
     * If a path does not exist or is not a directory or is unreadable it is skipped, with a warning.
     * The files are sorted in alphabetical order, on the full path if full.names = TRUE. Directories are included only if recursive = FALSE.
     * @return
    public static StringVector listFiles(@Current final Context context, final StringVector paths,
            final String pattern, final boolean allFiles, final boolean fullNames, final boolean recursive,
            final boolean ignoreCase, final boolean includeDirs) throws IOException {

        return new Object() {

            private final StringVector.Builder result = new StringVector.Builder();
            private final RE filter = pattern == null ? null : new ExtendedRE(pattern).ignoreCase(ignoreCase);

            public StringVector list() throws IOException {
                for (String path : paths) {
                    FileObject folder = context.resolveFile(path);
                    if (folder.getType() == FileType.FOLDER) {
                        if (allFiles & !recursive) {
                            add(path, ".");
                            add(path, "..");
                        for (FileObject child : folder.getChildren()) {
                            if (filter(child)) {
                                add(path, child);

            void add(String path, FileObject file) {
                if (fullNames) {
                    result.add(path + "/" + file.getName().getBaseName());
                } else {

            void add(String path, String name) throws FileSystemException {
                if (fullNames) {
                    result.add(path + "/" + name);
                } else {

            boolean filter(FileObject child) throws FileSystemException {
                if (!allFiles && isHidden(child)) {
                    return false;
                if (recursive && !includeDirs && child.getType() == FileType.FOLDER) {
                    return false;
                if (filter != null && !filter.match(child.getName().getBaseName())) {
                    return false;
                return true;

            private boolean isHidden(FileObject file) throws FileSystemException {
                return file.isHidden() || file.getName().getBaseName().startsWith(".");

     * <strong>According to the R docs:</strong>
     * a subdirectory of the temporary directory found by the following rule.
     * The environment variables TMPDIR, TMP and TEMP are checked in turn and the first
     * found which points to a writable directory is used: if none succeeds the value of
     * R_USER (see Rconsole) is used. If the path to the directory contains a space
     * in any of the components, the path returned will use the shortnames version of the path.
     * <p>This implementation also returns the value of {@code System.getProperty( }
     * @return temporary sub directory
    public static String tempdir() {
        return java.lang.System.getProperty("");

     * Returns a path that can be used as names for temporary files
     * <strong>According to the R docs:</strong>
     * The names are very likely to be unique among calls to 'tempfile'
     * in an R session and across simultaneous R sessions (unless
     * 'tmpdir' is specified).  The filenames are guaranteed not to be
     * currently in use. 
     * First sentence: yes, second sentence: not really. 
     * @param pattern a non-empty character vector giving the initial part of the name
     * @param tempdir a non-empty character vector giving the directory name
     * @return path that can be used as names for temporary files
    public static String tempfile(String pattern, String tempdir, String fileExt) {
        return tempdir + "/" + pattern + createRandomHexString(10) + fileExt;

    /* used to make hopefully-random file names in tempfile() */
    private static String createRandomHexString(int length) {
        Random randomService = new Random();
        String sb = "";
        while (sb.length() < length) {
            sb += Integer.toHexString(randomService.nextInt());
        return sb;

     * Returns an absolute filename representing the current working directory of the R process;
     * setwd(dir) is used to set the working directory to dir.
     * <p>
     * Renjin maintains its own internal pointer to the working directory which lives in
     * {@link org.renjin.eval.Session}
     * @param context the current call Context
     * @return an absolute filename representing the current working directory
    public static String getwd(@Current Context context) {
        return context.getSession().getWorkingDirectory().getName().getURI();

    public static String setwd(@Current Context context, String workingDirectoryName) throws FileSystemException {
        FileObject newWorkingDirectory = context.resolveFile(workingDirectoryName);
        if (!newWorkingDirectory.exists() || newWorkingDirectory.getType() != FileType.FOLDER) {
            throw new EvalException("cannot change working directory");

        String previous = context.getSession().getWorkingDirectory().getName().getURI();

        return previous;

     * Unlink deletes the file(s) or directories specified by {@code paths}.
     * @param context the current call Context
     * @param paths list of paths to delete
     * @param recursive  Should directories be deleted recursively?
     * @return  0 for success, 1 for failure. Not deleting a non-existent file is not a failure,
     * nor is being unable to delete a directory if recursive = FALSE. However, missing values in x are
     * regarded as failures.
     * @throws FileSystemException
    public static IntVector unlink(@Current Context context, StringVector paths, boolean recursive, boolean force)
            throws FileSystemException {
        IntArrayVector.Builder result = new IntArrayVector.Builder();
        for (String path : paths) {
            if (StringVector.isNA(path)) {
            } else {
                FileObject file = context.resolveFile(path);
                delete(file, recursive);

    private static void delete(FileObject file, boolean recursive) throws FileSystemException {
        if (file.exists()) {
            if (file.getType() == FileType.FILE) {
            } else if (file.getType() == FileType.FOLDER) {
                if (file.getChildren().length == 0) {
                } else if (recursive) {

    public static LogicalVector fileCopy(@Current Context context, StringVector fromFiles, String to,
            boolean overwrite, final boolean recursive) throws FileSystemException {
        LogicalArrayVector.Builder result = new LogicalArrayVector.Builder();
        FileObject toFile = context.resolveFile(to);
        for (String from : fromFiles) {
            try {
                toFile.copyFrom(context.resolveFile(from), new FileSelector() {

                    public boolean traverseDescendents(FileSelectInfo fileInfo) throws Exception {
                        return true;

                    public boolean includeFile(FileSelectInfo fileInfo) throws Exception {
                        return recursive;
            } catch (FileSystemException e) {

     * Extract files from or list a zip archive.
     * @param context the current call Context
     * @param zipFile  The pathname of the zip file: tilde expansion (see path.expand) will be performed.
     * @param files A character vector of recorded filepaths to be extracted: the default is to extract all files.
     * @param exdirUri  The directory to extract files to (the equivalent of unzip -d). It will be created if necessary.
     * @param list If TRUE, list the files and extract none. The equivalent of unzip -l.
     * @param overwrite If TRUE, overwrite existing files, otherwise ignore such files. The equivalent of unzip -o.
     * @param junkpaths If TRUE, use only the basename of the stored filepath when extracting. The equivalent of unzip -j.
     * @return  If list = TRUE, a data frame with columns Name, Length (the size of the uncompressed file) and Date (of class "POSIXct").
        Otherwise, a character vector of the filepaths extracted to, invisibly.
     * @throws IOException
    public static SEXP unzip(@Current Context context, String zipFile, Vector files, String exdirUri, boolean list,
            boolean overwrite, boolean junkpaths) throws IOException {

        ZipInputStream zin = new ZipInputStream(
        try {
            FileObject exdir = context.resolveFile(exdirUri);

            if (list) {
                throw new EvalException("unzip(list=true) not yet implemented");

            ZipEntry entry;
            while ((entry = zin.getNextEntry()) != null) {
                if (unzipMatches(entry, files)) {
                    unzipExtract(zin, entry, exdir, junkpaths, overwrite);

            return new IntArrayVector(0);
        } finally {

     * Helper function to extract a zip entry to the given folder.
    private static void unzipExtract(ZipInputStream zin, ZipEntry entry, FileObject exdir, boolean junkpaths,
            boolean overwrite) throws IOException {
        if (junkpaths) {
            throw new EvalException("unzip(junpaths=false) not yet implemented");

        FileObject exfile = exdir.resolveFile(entry.getName());
        if (exfile.exists() && !overwrite) {
            throw new EvalException("file to be extracted '%s' already exists", exfile.getName().getURI());
        OutputStream out = exfile.getContent().getOutputStream();
        try {

            byte buffer[] = new byte[64 * 1024];
            int bytesRead;
            while ((bytesRead = != -1) {
                out.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
        } finally {

    private static boolean unzipMatches(ZipEntry entry, Vector files) {
        if (files == Null.INSTANCE) {
            return true;
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i != files.length(); ++i) {
                if (entry.getName().equals(files.getElementAsString(i))) {
                    return true;
            return false;

    public static boolean fileCreate(@Current Context context, @Recycle String fileName,
            @Recycle(false) boolean showWarnings) throws IOException {
        try {
            FileObject file = context.resolveFile(fileName);
            // VFS will create the parent folder if it doesn't exist, 
            // which the R method is not supposed to do
            if (!file.getParent().exists()) {
                throw new IOException("No such file or directory");
            return true;

        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (showWarnings) {
                Warning.invokeWarning(context, "cannot create file '%s', reason '%s'", fileName, e.getMessage());
            return false;

     *  file.append attempts to append the files named by its second
     * argument to those named by its first.  The R subscript recycling
     * rule is used to align names given in vectors of different lengths.
    public static boolean fileAppend(@Current Context context, String destFileName, String sourceFileName) {
        try {
            FileObject sourceFile = context.resolveFile(sourceFileName);
            if (!sourceFile.exists()) {
                return false;
            FileObject destFile = context.resolveFile(destFileName);
            OutputStream out = destFile.getContent().getOutputStream(true);
            try {
                InputStream in = sourceFile.getContent().getInputStream();
                try {
                    ByteStreams.copy(in, out);
                } finally {
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception ignored) {
            } finally {
                try {
                } catch (Exception ignored) {
            return true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return false;