Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2008 University of California at Berkeley * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.rebioma.client; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.activation.URLDataSource; import org.rebioma.client.DataPager.PageListener; import org.rebioma.client.DetailView.FieldConstants; import org.rebioma.client.MarkerList.CheckedSelectionListener; import org.rebioma.client.MarkerList.ItemSelectionListener; import org.rebioma.client.MarkerList.OccurrenceItem; import org.rebioma.client.OccurrenceQuery.DataRequestListener; import org.rebioma.client.PagerWidget.PageClickListener; import org.rebioma.client.bean.AscModel; import org.rebioma.client.bean.Occurrence; import org.rebioma.client.bean.OccurrenceSummary; import org.rebioma.client.bean.ShapeFileInfo; import org.rebioma.client.maps.AscTileLayer.LayerInfo; import org.rebioma.client.maps.ClearMapDrawingControl; import org.rebioma.client.maps.CoordinatesControl; import org.rebioma.client.maps.GeocoderControl; import org.rebioma.client.maps.HideControl; import org.rebioma.client.maps.KmlGenerator; import org.rebioma.client.maps.MapControlsGroup; import org.rebioma.client.maps.MapDrawingControl; import org.rebioma.client.maps.MapDrawingControlListener; import org.rebioma.client.maps.ModelEnvLayer; import org.rebioma.client.maps.ModelingControl; import org.rebioma.client.maps.OccurrenceMarkerManager; import org.rebioma.client.maps.TileLayerLegend; import org.rebioma.client.maps.TileLayerLegend.LegendCallback; import org.rebioma.client.maps.TileLayerSelector; import org.rebioma.client.maps.TileLayerSelector.TileLayerCallback; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.dom.Mask; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.dom.XElement; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.util.Margins; import com.sencha.gxt.theme.gray.client.tabs.GrayTabPanelBottomAppearance; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.ContentPanel; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.TabItemConfig; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.TabPanel; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.TabPanel.TabPanelAppearance; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.container.BorderLayoutContainer; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.container.BorderLayoutContainer.BorderLayoutData; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.container.MarginData; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.container.VerticalLayoutContainer; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.container.VerticalLayoutContainer.VerticalLayoutData; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.toolbar.FillToolItem; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.toolbar.ToolBar; /** * A type of view that shows a Google map displaying pageable occurrence data * represented as markers. */ public class MapView extends ComponentView implements CheckedSelectionListener, DataRequestListener, PageClickListener, PageListener<Occurrence>, TileLayerCallback, ItemSelectionListener, SelectionHandler<Widget>, OccurrencePageSizeChangeHandler, GeocoderRequestHandler, MapDrawingControlListener { /** * Manage history states of map View. */ public class MapState extends HistoryState { public Object getHistoryParameters(UrlParam param) { switch (param) { case LAYER: case LEFT_TAB: case ZOOM: case M_PAGE: return integerValue(param); case LOOKUP_POINT: case CENTER: return latLngValue(param); case LOOKUP_VALUE: case ADDRESS: case VIEW: if (isDefaultView && historyToken.trim().equals("")) { return MAP; } case M_SEARCH: case MAP_TYPE: return stringValue(param); } return ""; } } private class DownloadAllClimatesCommand implements Command { private final AscModel ascModel; public DownloadAllClimatesCommand(AscModel ascModel) { this.ascModel = ascModel; } @Override public void execute() { + "ModelOutput/" + ascModel.getModelLocation() + ".zip", "_blank", ""); } @Override public String toString() { return ascModel.getModelLocation() + ".zip"; } } private class DownloadClimateCommand implements Command { private final String climateName; private final AscModel ascModel; public DownloadClimateCommand(String climateName, AscModel ascModel) { this.climateName = climateName; this.ascModel = ascModel; } public void execute() { + "ModelOutput/" + ascModel.getModelLocation() + "/" + climateName + ".zip", "_blank", ""); } @Override public String toString() { return ascModel.getModelLocation() + "/" + climateName + ".zip"; } } private static class MapGeocoderResult extends Composite { private final VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel(); public MapGeocoderResult(LatLng point, String address) { vp.add(new Label(address)); vp.setStyleName("address"); vp.add(new Label(point.getToUrlValue(7))); vp.setStyleName("latlong"); initWidget(vp); } } private final MapGisServiceAsync mapGisService = GWT.create(MapGisService.class); private CsvDownloadWidget modelDownloadWidget = new CsvDownloadWidget("modelDownload"); private class ModelItem extends TreeItem implements ClickHandler, AsyncCallback<List<String>>, Command, ValueChangeHandler<Boolean> { private Command clickCommand; private Command downloadCommand; private Label itemLabel; private Label downloadLink; private CheckBox checkbox;; private final AscModel ascModel; private ModelEnvLayer envLayer; ModelItem(String text, AscModel ascModel, boolean addedCheckBox, Command downloadCommand) { super(); this.ascModel = ascModel; if (downloadCommand == null) { // itemLabel = new Label(text); setHTML(text); } else { HorizontalPanel panel = new HorizontalPanel(); this.downloadCommand = downloadCommand; itemLabel = new Label(text); downloadLink = new Label(constants.Download()); if (addedCheckBox) { checkbox = new CheckBox(); panel.add(checkbox); checkbox.addValueChangeHandler(this); checkbox.addStyleName("modeling_check_box"); envLayer = ModelEnvLayer.newInstance("ModelOutput/" + ascModel.getModelLocation() + "/" + itemLabel.getText() + "/" + ascModel.getModelLocation() + ".asc"); } Label modelDate = new Label(""/*DateTimeFormat.getFormat("d/M/yyyy").format(new Date())*/); modelDate.setStyleName("flou"); panel.add(itemLabel); panel.add(modelDate); panel.add(downloadLink); panel.setSpacing(0); setWidget(panel); downloadLink.addStyleName("link"); downloadLink.addStyleName("download_link"); downloadLink.addClickHandler(this); itemLabel.addClickHandler(this); // itemLabel.addStyleName("link"); } } public void clearOverLay() { for (int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) { TreeItem treeItem = getChild(i); if (treeItem instanceof ModelItem) { ((ModelItem) treeItem).clearThisOverlay(); } } } public void execute() { + "ModelOutput/" + ascModel.getModelLocation() + "/" + itemLabel.getText() + "/" + ascModel.getIndexFile(), "_blank", null); } /** * @return the clickCommand */ public Command getClickCommand() { return clickCommand; } public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Object source = event.getSource(); if (source == itemLabel) { if (clickCommand != null) { clickCommand.execute(); } } else if (source == downloadLink) {; // downloadCommand.execute(); } } public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert(caught.getMessage()); GWT.log(caught.getMessage(), caught); } public void onSuccess(List<String> result) { removeItems(); for (String climate : result) { ModelItem item = new ModelItem(climate, ascModel, true, new DownloadClimateCommand(climate, ascModel)); item.setClickCommand(item); addItem(item); } } public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> event) { Object source = event.getSource(); if (source == checkbox) { if (event.getValue()) { map.getOverlayMapTypes().push(envLayer.asOverlay()); envLayer.setMapIndex(map.getOverlayMapTypes().getLength() - 1); } else { map.getOverlayMapTypes().removeAt(envLayer.getMapIndex()); } } } public void open() { TreeItem child = getChild(0); if (itemLabel == null || child.getText().equals(constants.Loading())) { DataSwitch.get().getModelClimateEras(ascModel.getModelLocation(), this); } } /** * @param clickCommand the clickCommand to set */ public void setClickCommand(Command clickCommand) { this.clickCommand = clickCommand; if (clickCommand == null) { itemLabel.removeStyleName("link"); } else { itemLabel.addStyleName("link"); } } private void clearThisOverlay() { if (envLayer != null) { map.getOverlayMapTypes().removeAt(envLayer.getMapIndex()); } } } private class ModelSearch extends Composite implements KeyUpHandler, OpenHandler<TreeItem>, AsyncCallback<AscModelResult>, ClickHandler { private final TextBox searchBox; private final Tree resultTree; private final HTML next; private final Label resultInfo; private final HTML previous; private int start = 0; private int limit = 10; private String currentSearchTerm; private AscModelResult currentResult; public ModelSearch() { Label searchLabel = new Label(constants.ModelSearch()); VerticalPanel mainPanel = new VerticalPanel(); HorizontalPanel searchPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); HorizontalPanel pagePanel = new HorizontalPanel(); searchBox = new TextBox(); resultTree = new Tree(); next = new HTML(" ›"); previous = new HTML("‹ "); resultInfo = new Label(); next.setVisible(false); previous.setVisible(false); pagePanel.setSpacing(5); pagePanel.add(previous); pagePanel.add(resultInfo); pagePanel.add(next); searchPanel.add(searchLabel); searchPanel.add(searchBox); mainPanel.add(searchPanel); mainPanel.add(pagePanel); mainPanel.add(resultTree); searchPanel.setSpacing(5); initWidget(mainPanel); setStyleName("model_search"); searchLabel.addStyleName("label"); searchBox.addStyleName("search"); next.addStyleName("link"); previous.addStyleName("link"); searchBox.addKeyUpHandler(this); resultTree.addOpenHandler(this); next.addClickHandler(this); previous.addClickHandler(this); } public void clearOverLay() { for (int i = 0; i < resultTree.getItemCount(); i++) { ModelItem modelItem = (ModelItem) resultTree.getItem(i); modelItem.clearOverLay(); } } public int getPage() { int page = (start / limit) + 1; return page; } public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Object source = event.getSource(); if (source == next) { start += 10; search(currentSearchTerm); } else if (source == previous) { start -= 10; search(currentSearchTerm); } } public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert(caught.getMessage()); GWT.log(caught.getMessage(), caught); } public void onKeyUp(KeyUpEvent event) { Object source = event.getSource(); if (source == searchBox) { if (event.getNativeKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER) { addHistoryItem(false); String searchText = searchBox.getText().trim(); start = 0; limit = 10; search(searchText); } } } public void onOpen(OpenEvent<TreeItem> event) { TreeItem item = event.getTarget(); String firstItem = item.getChild(0).getText(); GWT.log("firstItem: " + firstItem); if (firstItem.equalsIgnoreCase(constants.Loading())) { ModelItem modelItem = (ModelItem) item;; } } public void onSuccess(AscModelResult result) { currentResult = result; if (currentResult != null) { int count = result.getCount(); if (count > 0) { int end = start + limit; if (end > count) { end = count; } resultInfo.setText((start + 1) + " - " + end + " " + constants.Of() + " " + count); resultTree.clear(); for (AscModel ascModel : result.getResults()) { ModelItem item = new ModelItem(ascModel.getAcceptedSpecies(), ascModel, false, new DownloadAllClimatesCommand(ascModel)); item.addItem(constants.Loading()); resultTree.addItem(item); } } else { resultInfo.setText(constants.NoSearchResults()); } next.setVisible((start + count) >= (start + limit)); previous.setVisible(start >= 10); next.setVisible(start + 10 <= count); } else { } } public void setPage(int page) { if (page < 0) { start = 0; } else { start = (page - 1) * limit; } } protected void search(String searchTerm) { if (currentSearchTerm == null || !searchTerm.equals(currentSearchTerm)) { currentSearchTerm = searchTerm; searchBox.setText(searchTerm); } DataSwitch.get().findModelLocation(searchTerm, start, limit, this); } } /** * The widget displayed in a marker info window. */ private class OccurrenceSummaryContent extends Composite implements ClickHandler { private final HTML occurrenceInfo = new HTML(); private Occurrence occurrence = null; private final HTML detailLink = new HTML(constants.Detail() + " »"); private final HTML showLayersLink = new HTML(constants.ShowLayers()); public OccurrenceSummaryContent() { detailLink.setStyleName("detaillink"); showLayersLink.setStyleName("showlayerslink"); VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel(); vp.add(occurrenceInfo); vp.add(showLayersLink); vp.add(detailLink); initWidget(vp); detailLink.addClickHandler(this); showLayersLink.addClickHandler(this); } /** * Builds the info window display for an occurrence. * * @param occurrence the occurrence to display in the info window */ public void loadOccurrenceInfo(Occurrence occurrence) { boolean isSignedIn = ApplicationView.getAuthenticatedUser() != null; this.occurrence = occurrence; OccurrenceSummary occSumm = new OccurrenceSummary(occurrence); String infoContent[] = isSignedIn ? occSumm.getMapUserSummary() : occSumm.getMapUnauthenticatedSummary(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<div id=\"content\">"); String headers[] = isSignedIn ? USER_MAP_FIELDS : GUEST_MAP_FIELDS; for (int i = 1; i < headers.length; i++) { String header = headers[i]; String fieldData; if (header.equals(constants.Owner()) && !OccurrenceSummary.isEmailVisisble(occurrence)) { fieldData = constants.EmailNotShow(); } else { fieldData = infoContent[i - 1]; } if (fieldData == null) { fieldData = ""; } if (fieldData.contains(",")) { fieldData = "<br>" + fieldData.replace(",", "<br>"); } sb.append("<b>" + header + "</b>: " + fieldData + "<br>"); } sb.delete(sb.length() - 4, sb.length()); sb.append("</div>"); occurrenceInfo.setHTML(sb.toString()); } public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Object source = event.getSource(); if (source == detailLink) { if (occurrence != null) { parent.switchView(DETAIL, false); closeInfoWindows(); occurrenceListener.onOccurrenceSelected(occurrence); } } else if (source == showLayersLink) { if (occurrence != null) { LayerInfoPopup layerInfoPopup = LayerInfoPopup.getInstance(); layerInfoPopup.loadLayersInfo(occurrence); } } } } /** * The widget that supports paging through occurrence search results. */ private final OccurrencePagerWidget pager; private final MarkerList markerList = new MarkerList(); private String lookupValue; private LatLng lookupPoint; private final Set<InfoWindow> infoWindows = new HashSet<InfoWindow>(); /** * Far enough out to show the entire country of Madagascar on a 800x600 Google * map. */ private static final int DEFAULT_ZOOM = 5; private Set<KmlLayer> kmlLayers = new HashSet<KmlLayer>(); /** * Display field for map info window. */ public static final String USER_MAP_FIELDS[] = { " ", "ReBioMa Id", constants.Taxonomy(), constants.Public(), constants.Validated(), constants.Certified(), constants.Owner(), FieldConstants.DECIMAL_LATITUDE, FieldConstants.DECIMAL_LONGITUDE, FieldConstants.LOCALITY, FieldConstants.COUNTRY, FieldConstants.STATE_PROVINCE, FieldConstants.COUNTY, constants.ValidationError() }; /** * Display field for map info window. */ public static final String GUEST_MAP_FIELDS[] = { " ", "ReBioMa Id", constants.Taxonomy(), constants.Validated(), constants.Certified(), constants.Owner(), FieldConstants.DECIMAL_LATITUDE, FieldConstants.DECIMAL_LONGITUDE, FieldConstants.LOCALITY, FieldConstants.COUNTRY, FieldConstants.STATE_PROVINCE, FieldConstants.COUNTY, constants.ValidationError() }; /** * Initializes the map view and returns it's view info so that it can be lazy * loaded. * * @param composite the parent view * @param query {@link OccurrenceQuery} using for this view * @param pageListener {@link PageListener} to listener for page changing * @param isDefaultView true if this constructed view is default view. * @param occurrenceListener {@link OccurrenceListener} to notify * {@link Occurrence} selection. */ public static ViewInfo init(final View composite, final OccurrenceQuery query, final PageListener<Occurrence> pageListener, final boolean isDefaultView, final OccurrenceListener occurrenceListener) { return new ViewInfo() { protected View constructView() { return new MapView(composite, query, pageListener, isDefaultView, occurrenceListener); } protected String getHisTokenName() { return MAP; } protected String getName() { return MAP; } }; } /** * The Google map widget that initially displays the center of Madagascar. */ private MapWidget map; /** * The text box on the map that allows users to search for addresses in * Madagascar. If a match is found, the map is re-centered on the address * point. Otherwise an alert window is displayed. * * Note that this control has an asynchronous callback that issues a history * event. */ private final GeocoderControl geocoder; /** * The list box on the map that allows users to overlay environmental layers * on the Google map. */ private final TileLayerSelector envLayerSelector; private final MapControlsGroup controlsGroup; /** * The environmental layer on the Google map that is currently visible. */ private LayerInfo envLayerInfo; /** * This is the asynchronous callback for the environmental layer on the Google * map. It notifies the map view when a map click returns a layer value at the * point clicked. * * Note that this callback issues a history event. */ private final LegendCallback envLegendCallback = new LegendCallback() { public void onLookup(LatLng point, String value) { lookupPoint = point; lookupValue = value; handleHistoryEvent(); } }; /** * This is the handler for map clicks. If a user clicks the map when a layer * is visible, the point is used to asynchronously lookup the layer value at * the clicked point via the layer legend. */ private final ClickMapHandler mapClickHandler = new ClickMapHandler() { @Override public void onEvent(ClickMapEvent event) { if (envLayerInfo != null) { LatLng point = event.getMouseEvent().getLatLng(); TileLayerLegend legend = envLayerInfo.getInstance().getLegend(); legend.lookupValue(point, envLegendCallback); } } }; /** * This is the handler for map zoom events. After a zoom, it issues a history * event. */ private final ZoomChangeMapHandler mapZoomHandler = new ZoomChangeMapHandler() { @Override public void onEvent(ZoomChangeMapEvent event) { handleHistoryEvent(); } }; /** * This is the handler for map type changes. After a change, it issues a * history event. */ private final MapTypeIdChangeMapHandler mapTypeHandler = new MapTypeIdChangeMapHandler() { @Override public void onEvent(MapTypeIdChangeMapEvent event) { handleHistoryEvent(); } }; /** * True if the map view is reconstructing it's view from parameters in a * history token. This is needed so that we can disable new history events * while reconstructing the view when a history event is fired. */ private boolean isHistoryChanging = false; private final List<OccurrenceMarkerManager> occurrenceMarkers = new ArrayList<OccurrenceMarkerManager>(); private final List<Marker> geocoderMarkers = new ArrayList<Marker>(); private final ActionTool actionTool; // private final HorizontalPanel idPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); private OccurrenceListener occurrenceListener; private final HistoryState historyState = new MapState(); private final Map<String, MapTypeId> mapTypesMap = new HashMap<String, MapTypeId>(); // private final VerticalPanel mainVp = new VerticalPanel(); private final VerticalLayoutContainer mainVp = new VerticalLayoutContainer(); /** * For some reason when make this static it cause a weird infinite * initializing, so make it non-static to solve this problem. */ private final MapTypeId DEFAULT_MAP_TYPE = MapTypeId.TERRAIN; private static final String DEFAULT_STYLE = "OccurrenceMapView"; private boolean isInitializing = true; private OccurrenceSummaryContent summaryContent = null; // private final HorizontalSplitPanel hsp; private final BorderLayoutContainer con; private final ModelSearch modelSearch; private final TabPanel leftTab; private final ContentPanel leftTabPanel; private final ContentPanel mapPanel; private boolean switched = false; private int currentSelectedTab = 0; private Widget currentTab = null; private ToolBar toolHp; /** * Creates a new map view. The map view is intended to be part of a composite * view which displays a page of occurrences on a map or in a list. * * @param parent the parent composite view * @param pageListener {@link PageListener} to listener for page changing * @param isDefaultView true if this view is default view. * @param occurrenceListener {@link OccurrenceListener} to notify * {@link Occurrence} selection. */ private MapView(View parent, OccurrenceQuery query, PageListener<Occurrence> pageListener, boolean isDefaultView, OccurrenceListener oListener) { super(parent, isDefaultView); setOccurrenceListener(oListener); int pageSize = query.getLimit(); if (pageSize < 0) { pageSize = OccurrencePagerWidget.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE; } pager = new OccurrencePagerWidget(pageSize, query, true); // Set up number of records per page markerList.addCheckedSelectionLsitener(this); query.addDataRequestListener(this); if (pageListener != null) { pager.addPageListener(pageListener); } pager.addPageSizeChangeListener(this); pager.addPageClickListener(this); pager.addPageListener(this); actionTool = new ActionTool(false) { protected void setCheckedAll(boolean checked) { markerList.setCheckedAll(checked); } }; this.controlsGroup = new MapControlsGroup(this, this); envLayerSelector = controlsGroup.getLayerSelector(); geocoder = controlsGroup.getGeocoder(); initMap(); modelSearch = new ModelSearch(); leftTab = new TabPanel(); leftTab.addStyleName("text"); TabItemConfig markerTb = new TabItemConfig(constants.MarkerResult()); TabItemConfig modelTb = new TabItemConfig(constants.ModelSearch()); ScrollPanel mrspanel = new ScrollPanel(markerList); ScrollPanel mdspanel = new ScrollPanel(modelSearch); TabPanel modelTab = new TabPanel(GWT.<TabPanelAppearance>create(GrayTabPanelBottomAppearance.class)); modelTab.addStyleName("d-text"); modelTab.setBodyBorder(false); modelTab.setBorders(false); modelTab.getElement().getStyle().setBackgroundColor("white"); TabItemConfig dateModel = new TabItemConfig("Last update : " + getUpdateDate()); modelTab.add(mdspanel, dateModel); modelTab.setHeight(modelTab.getOffsetHeight() - 10); // mrspanel.add(markerList); // mdspanel.add(modelSearch); currentTab = mrspanel; leftTab.add(mrspanel, markerTb); leftTab.add(modelTab, modelTb); // Add Model Tab //init model affichage String modelSearchTerm = historyState.getHistoryParameters(UrlParam.M_SEARCH).toString();; //leftTab.addSelectionHandler(this); leftTab.addSelectionHandler(this); // hsp = new HorizontalSplitPanel(); con = new BorderLayoutContainer(); BorderLayoutData westData = new BorderLayoutData(360); westData.setMinSize(200); westData.setCollapsible(false); westData.setSplit(false); westData.setCollapseMini(false); westData.setMargins(new Margins(5, 5, 5, 0)); MarginData centerData = new MarginData(); centerData.setMargins(new Margins(5, 0, 5, 0)); // hsp.setLeftWidget(leftTab); // hsp.setRightWidget(map); leftTab.setHeight(Window.getClientHeight() - 183); leftTabPanel = new ContentPanel(); leftTabPanel.setHeaderVisible(false); // leftTabPanel.setHeadingHtml(); leftTabPanel.setBorders(false); leftTabPanel.setBodyBorder(false); leftTabPanel.add(leftTab); mapPanel = new ContentPanel(); mapPanel.setHeaderVisible(false); mapPanel.setHeight(Window.getClientHeight() - 183); mapPanel.add(map); con.setWestWidget(leftTabPanel, westData); con.setCenterWidget(mapPanel, centerData); // HorizontalPanel toolHp = new HorizontalPanel(); toolHp = new ToolBar(); //{WD force toolbar layout view pager.setToolBar(toolHp); //} // actionTool.setWidth("200px"); toolHp.add(actionTool); toolHp.add(new FillToolItem()); // pager.setWidth("300px"); HorizontalPanel pWHp = new HorizontalPanel(); pWHp.add(pager); pWHp.setCellHorizontalAlignment(pager, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); // pWHp.setWidth("470px"); toolHp.add(pWHp); // toolHp.setVerticalAlignment(HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); // toolHp.setCellHorizontalAlignment(actionTool, // HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT); // toolHp // .setCellHorizontalAlignment(pager, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); // toolHp.setWidth("100%"); // toolHp.setStyleName(DEFAULT_STYLE + "-ToolBar"); // mainVp.add(toolHp); // vp.setCellHorizontalAlignment(pager, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); // mainVp.setCellHeight(toolHp, "20px"); // idPanel.setHeight("20px"); // vp.add(idPanel); // vp.setCellHeight(idPanel, "20px"); // mainVp.add(hsp); // mainVp.add(con); // mainVp.setCellVerticalAlignment(hsp, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP); // mainVp.setCellVerticalAlignment(con, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP); // mainVp.setStyleName(DEFAULT_STYLE); mainVp.setBorders(false); mainVp.add(toolHp); mainVp.add(con, new VerticalLayoutData(1, 1)); initWidget(mainVp); // mainVp.setPixelSize(Window.getClientWidth(), Window.getClientHeight()); // mainVp.setSize("100%", "100%"); // hsp.setSplitPosition("30%"); markerList.addItemSelectionListener(this); markerList.setCheckedAll(true); String historyToken = History.getToken(); // leftTab.setTabIndex(1); // leftTab.setActiveWidget(modelSearch); // leftTab.setTabScroll(true); // leftTab.setResizeTabs(true); if (!historyToken.equals("")) { handleOnValueChange(historyToken); } // History.fireCurrentHistoryState(); Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { resize(Window.getClientWidth(), Window.getClientHeight()); isInitializing = false; forceLayout(); } }); } private String getUpdateDate() { String line = ""; try { URLDataSource source = new URLDataSource(new URL(GWT.getHostPageBaseURL() + "ModelOutput/update.txt")); BufferedReader stream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(source.getInputStream())); line = stream.readLine(); Date date = DateTimeFormat.getFormat("d/M/yyyy").parse(line); line = DateTimeFormat.getFormat("d MMM. yyyy").format(date); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return line; } public MapWidget getMapWidget() { return map; } public OccurrenceListener getOccurrenceListener() { return occurrenceListener; } public PagerWidget<Occurrence> getPagerWidget() { return pager; } public HistoryState getState(String historyToken) { historyState.setHistoryToken(historyToken); return historyState; } /** * The composite parent view calls this method when a new history item is * added to the history stack. Basically it encodes the map view state into a * history token. */ public String historyToken() { StringBuilder tokens = new StringBuilder(); // tokens.append(getUrlToken(UrlParam.ZOOM)); // tokens.append(getUrlToken(UrlParam.CENTER)); // tokens.append(getUrlToken(UrlParam.ADDRESS)); // tokens.append(getUrlToken(UrlParam.LOOKUP_POINT)); // tokens.append(getUrlToken(UrlParam.LAYER)); for (UrlParam param : UrlParam.values()) { tokens.append(getUrlToken(param)); } tokens.deleteCharAt(tokens.length() - 1); return tokens.toString(); } /** * Gets Called when a check box(es) is clicked. */ public void onCheckedSelect(Map<Integer, Boolean> checksMap) { historyState.setChecksMap(checksMap); if (!checksMap.isEmpty()) { handleHistoryEvent(); } } /** * Gets called when an detail link on a {@link MarkerItem} is clicked. */ public void onDetailSelect(OccurrenceItem item) { parent.switchView(DETAIL, true); item.showDetail(); } /** * Gets called when the environmental overlay is cleared. */ public void onLayerCleared(LayerInfo layerInfo) { envLayerInfo = null; } /** * Gets called when the environmental overlay is selected. */ public void onLayerSelected(LayerInfo layerInfo) { envLayerInfo = layerInfo; handleHistoryEvent(); } /** * Gets called when an marker image on a {@link MarkerItem} is clicked. */ public void onMarkerSelect(OccurrenceItem item) { showWindowInfo(item.getOccurrenceMarker()); } /** * Gets called when a paging button is clicked. */ public void onPageClicked() { parent.resetToDefaultState(); } /** * Get called when data from pager is come backed from {@link DataSwitch}. */ public void onPageLoaded(List<Occurrence> data, int pageNumber) { if (isMyView(History.getToken())) { clearOccurrenceMarkers(); mapOccurrenceMarkers(data); handleHistoryEvent(); markerList.setCheckedFromMap(historyState.getChecksMap()); } forceLayout(); } public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<Widget> event) { Object source = event.getSource(); if (source == leftTab) { if (!event.getSelectedItem().equals(currentTab)) { currentTab = (Widget) event.getSelectedItem(); addHistoryItem(false); if (currentTab.equals(modelSearch.getParent())) { modelSearch.setPage(1); String modelSearchTerm = historyState.getHistoryParameters(UrlParam.M_SEARCH).toString();; } else if (currentTab.equals(markerList.getParent())) { //Exception ? try { modelSearch.clearOverLay(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } ; } } } } /** * Gets called when an species id link on a {@link MarkerItem} is clicked. */ public void onSpeciesSelect(OccurrenceItem item) { showWindowInfo(item.getOccurrenceMarker()); } /** * Get called when a {@link ViewState}, which control by root parent is * changed. * * @see org.rebioma.client.ComponentView#onStateChanged(org.rebioma.client.View.ViewState) */ public void onStateChanged(ViewState state) { if (!isMyView(parent.historyToken())) { return; } // pager.goToPage(pager.getCurrentPageNumber()); } /** * Gets called when a query request data from this MapView. */ public void requestData(int pageNum) { if (isMyView(History.getToken())) { pager.init(pageNum); } } public void setVisible(boolean visible) { if (map.getMapTypeId() == MapTypeId.SATELLITE) { map.setVisible(visible); } else { map.setVisible(true); } } public void switchBack() { if (switched) { map.setMapTypeId(MapTypeId.SATELLITE); } switched = false; } public boolean temperalySwitchMapType() { switched = true; // boolean swit = map.getCurrentMapType() == MapType.getEarthMap(); boolean swit = map.getMapTypeId() == MapTypeId.SATELLITE; if (swit) { map.setMapTypeId(DEFAULT_MAP_TYPE); } return switched = swit; } /** * This method is called when history changes and it's responsible for * reconstructing the map view from parameters encoded in the history token * via <code>historyToken()</code>. * * To avoid new history events during the reconstruction process, it sets the * <code>isHistoryChanging</code> property to true and restores it to false. */ protected void handleOnValueChange(String historyToken) { GWT.log(this.getClass() + " -- onHistoryChanged(): " + historyToken, null); if (historyToken.length() > 0) { isHistoryChanging = true; historyState.setHistoryToken(historyToken); // MapTypeId mapType = getMapType(historyState // .getHistoryParameters(UrlParam.MAP_TYPE) // + ""); // map.setMapTypeId(DEFAULT_MAP_TYPE); int zoomLv = (Integer) historyState.getHistoryParameters(UrlParam.ZOOM); map.setZoom(zoomLv == HistoryState.UNDEFINED ? DEFAULT_ZOOM : zoomLv); map.setCenter((LatLng) historyState.getHistoryParameters(UrlParam.CENTER)); // geocoder.setAddress(); // geocoder.lookupAddress(historyState // .getHistoryParameters(UrlParam.ADDRESS) // + ""); // int layerIndex = (Integer) historyState // .getHistoryParameters(UrlParam.LAYER); // if (layerIndex == HistoryState.UNDEFINED) { // envLayerSelector.clearSelection(); // envLayerInfo = null; // } else { // envLayerInfo = envLayerSelector.selectLayer(layerIndex); // if (envLayerInfo != null) { // LatLng point = (LatLng) historyState // .getHistoryParameters(UrlParam.LOOKUP_POINT); // String value = historyState // .getHistoryParameters(UrlParam.LOOKUP_VALUE) // + ""; // TileLayerLegend legend = envLayerInfo.getInstance().getLegend(); // legend.setDisplay(point, value); // } // } Integer leftTabIndex = (Integer) historyState.getHistoryParameters(UrlParam.LEFT_TAB); if (leftTabIndex == null || leftTabIndex < 0) { leftTabIndex = 0; } String modelSearchTerm = historyState.getHistoryParameters(UrlParam.M_SEARCH).toString(); // Integer modelSearchPage = (Integer) historyState // .getHistoryParameters(UrlParam.M_PAGE); // modelSearch.setPage(modelSearchPage); historyState.parseCheckedUrl(); if (leftTabIndex != 0) { currentTab = leftTab.getWidget((int) leftTabIndex); leftTab.setActiveWidget(currentTab);//selectTab(leftTabIndex); modelSearch.setPage(1); != null ? modelSearchTerm : ""); } isHistoryChanging = false; } // parent.switchView(MAP, true); } protected boolean isMyView(String value) { historyState.setHistoryToken(value); return historyState.getHistoryParameters(UrlParam.VIEW).toString().equalsIgnoreCase(MAP); } protected void mapGeocoderResult(JsArray<> results) { String address = geocoder.getAddress(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); LatLng point = null; for (int i = 0; i < results.length(); i++) { geoResult = results.get(i); point = geoResult.getGeometry().getLocation(); MapGeocoderResult result = new MapGeocoderResult(point, address); sb.append(result); InfoWindowOptions contentOptions = InfoWindowOptions.newInstance(); contentOptions.setContent(result); contentOptions.setPosition(point); final InfoWindow content = InfoWindow.newInstance(contentOptions); if (geocoderMarkers != null) { for (Marker marker : geocoderMarkers) { marker.setMap((MapWidget) null); } } Marker geocoderMarker = GeocoderControl.createMarker(point, address); geocoderMarker.setMap(map); geocoderMarker.addClickHandler(new ClickMapHandler() { @Override public void onEvent(ClickMapEvent event) { closeInfoWindows();; infoWindows.add(content); } }); geocoderMarkers.add(geocoderMarker); } if (results.length() == 1 && point != null) { map.setCenter(point); } } protected void resetToDefaultState() { historyState.clearChecksState(); } protected void resize(int width, int height) { int h = height; height = height - mainVp.getAbsoluteTop(); if (height <= 0) { height = 1; } int w = width - 20; mapPanel.setHeight(h - 183); leftTab.setHeight(h - 183); // hsp.setSplitPosition("30%"); mainVp.setPixelSize(w, height - 10); Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { forceLayout(); map.triggerResize(); // map.setCenter(map.getCenter()); } }); // initMap(); // map.checkResizeAndCenter(); } private void clearOccurrenceMarkers() { for (OccurrenceMarkerManager markerManager : occurrenceMarkers) { markerManager.getMarker().setMap((MapWidget) null); } occurrenceMarkers.clear(); markerList.clear(); } private MapTypeId getMapType(String type) { MapTypeId mapType = MapTypeId.fromValue(type); if (mapType == null || !mapTypesMap.containsValue(mapType)) { mapType = DEFAULT_MAP_TYPE; } return mapType; } private ModelingControl getModelControl() { final ModelingControl modelControl = new ModelingControl(); Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { // Widget modelControlWidget = modelControl.getControlWidget(); // ControlPosition hideControlPosition = new ControlPosition( // ControlAnchor.TOP_RIGHT, modelControl.getXOffset() // + modelControlWidget.getOffsetWidth() + 10, modelControl // .getYOffset()); HideControl hideControl = new HideControl(); map.setControls(ControlPosition.TOP_RIGHT, hideControl); hideControl.addControlWidgetToHide(modelControl); hideControl.addControlWidgetToHide(geocoder); hideControl.addControlWidgetToHide(envLayerSelector); } }); return modelControl; } /** * A helper method used for encoding map view parameters into a history token. * * @param urlParam the URL parameter to encode */ private String getUrlToken(UrlParam urlParam) { String query = urlParam.lower() + "="; switch (urlParam) { case ZOOM: query += map.getZoom(); break; case CENTER: query += map.getCenter().getToUrlValue(7); break; case ADDRESS: String address = geocoder.getAddress(); if ((address != null) && (address.length() > 0)) { query += geocoder.getAddress(); } else { query = ""; } break; case LEFT_TAB: int index = leftTab.getWidgetIndex(leftTab.getActiveWidget());//leftTab.getTabBar().getSelectedTab(); if (index < 0) { index = 0; } query += index; break; case M_SEARCH: query += modelSearch.searchBox.getText().trim(); break; case M_PAGE: query += modelSearch.getPage(); break; case MAP_TYPE: query += map.getMapTypeId().toString(); break; case LOOKUP_POINT: if (lookupPoint != null) { query += lookupPoint.getToUrlValue(7) + "&" + UrlParam.LOOKUP_VALUE.lower() + "=" + lookupValue; } else { query = ""; } break; case LAYER: if (envLayerInfo != null) { query += envLayerSelector.getSelectionIndex(envLayerInfo.getName()); } else { query = ""; } break; case CHECKED: String checkedValues = historyState.getCheckedValues(true); if (checkedValues.equals("")) { query = ""; } else { query += checkedValues; } break; case UNCHECKED: String uncheckedValues = historyState.getCheckedValues(false); if (uncheckedValues.equals("")) { query = ""; } else { query += uncheckedValues; } break; default: query = ""; } return query.length() == 0 ? query : query + "&"; } /** * A simple helper method that only adds history events to the composite view * parent if the map view isn't currently restoring the map view from a * history token. */ private void handleHistoryEvent() { if (!isHistoryChanging && !isInitializing && !switched) { addHistoryItem(false); } } private void initMap() { MapOptions mapOptions = MapOptions.newInstance(); mapOptions.setCenter(HistoryState.DEFAULT_CENTER); mapOptions.setZoom(DEFAULT_ZOOM); mapOptions.setDraggableCursor("crosshair"); mapOptions.setDraggingCursor("move"); mapOptions.setMapTypeId(DEFAULT_MAP_TYPE); mapOptions.setScaleControl(true); MapTypeControlOptions mapTypeControlOptions = MapTypeControlOptions.newInstance(); mapTypeControlOptions.setMapTypeIds(MapTypeId.values()); mapTypesMap.put(MapTypeId.TERRAIN.toString(), MapTypeId.TERRAIN); mapTypesMap.put(MapTypeId.ROADMAP.toString(), MapTypeId.ROADMAP); mapTypesMap.put(MapTypeId.SATELLITE.toString(), MapTypeId.SATELLITE); mapOptions.setMapTypeControlOptions(mapTypeControlOptions); mapOptions.setMapTypeControl(true); map = new MapWidget(mapOptions); map.setWidth("100%"); map.setHeight("100%"); final MapView mapView = this; // map.addControl(getModelControl()); Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { HideControl hideControl = new HideControl(); map.setControls(ControlPosition.TOP_RIGHT, hideControl); controlsGroup.setMap(map, ControlPosition.RIGHT_TOP); // map.setControls(ControlPosition.TOP_RIGHT, geocoder); /*ScaleControl scaleControl = new ScaleControl(); LargeMapControl largeMapControl = new LargeMapControl(); MenuMapTypeControl mapTypeControl = new MenuMapTypeControl(); map.addControl(scaleControl); map.addControl(largeMapControl); map.addControl(mapTypeControl); ControlPosition hideControlPosition = new ControlPosition( ControlAnchor.TOP_RIGHT, 100, 10);*/ // envLayerSelector.setMap(map, ControlPosition.TOP_RIGHT); hideControl.addControlWidgetToHide(geocoder); hideControl.addControlWidgetToHide(envLayerSelector); CoordinatesControl coordinatesControl = new CoordinatesControl(map); MapDrawingControl mapDrawingControl = new MapDrawingControl(map, ControlPosition.TOP_CENTER); mapDrawingControl.addListener(mapView); ClearMapDrawingControl clearMapDrawingControl = new ClearMapDrawingControl(mapDrawingControl); map.setControls(ControlPosition.TOP_LEFT, clearMapDrawingControl); } }); map.addClickHandler(mapClickHandler); map.addZoomChangeHandler(mapZoomHandler); map.addMapTypeIdChangeHandler(mapTypeHandler); // map.checkResizeAndCenter(); } private void closeInfoWindows() { for (InfoWindow w : infoWindows) { if (w != null) { w.close(); } } infoWindows.clear(); } private void mapOccurrenceMarkers(List<Occurrence> occurrences) { OccurrenceMarkerManager.resetIcons(); List<Occurrence> unmappableOccs = new ArrayList<Occurrence>(); for (Occurrence occurrence : occurrences) { if (!OccurrenceMarkerManager.isMappable(occurrence)) { unmappableOccs.add(occurrence); continue; } final OccurrenceMarkerManager markerManager = OccurrenceMarkerManager.newInstance(occurrence); occurrenceMarkers.add(markerManager); markerList.addItem(markerManager); Marker marker = markerManager.getMarker(); marker.setMap(map); marker.addClickHandler(new ClickMapHandler() { @Override public void onEvent(ClickMapEvent event) { showWindowInfo(markerManager); } }); } markerList.addUnmappableItems(unmappableOccs); } private void setOccurrenceListener(OccurrenceListener occurrenceListener) { this.occurrenceListener = occurrenceListener; markerList.setOccurrenceListener(occurrenceListener); } private void showWindowInfo(OccurrenceMarkerManager occurrenceMarkerManager) { if (summaryContent == null) { summaryContent = new OccurrenceSummaryContent(); } closeInfoWindows(); summaryContent.loadOccurrenceInfo(occurrenceMarkerManager.getOccurrence()); //parent.getAbsoluteLeft(); InfoWindowOptions infoWindowOptions = InfoWindowOptions.newInstance(); infoWindowOptions.setPosition(occurrenceMarkerManager.getMarker().getPosition()); try { infoWindowOptions.setContent(summaryContent); } catch (JavaScriptException e) { //on reessaie //TODO determiner pourquoi pour un nombre paire(2ime, 4ime, ...) d'execution, il y a une JavaScriptException infoWindowOptions.setContent(summaryContent); } InfoWindow infoWindow = InfoWindow.newInstance(infoWindowOptions);; infoWindows.add(infoWindow); } @Override public void onPageSizeChange(int newPageSize) { OccurrenceView occView = ApplicationView.getApplication().getOccurrenceView(); occView.setPageSize(newPageSize); //on recharge les donnes requestData(1); } @Override public DataPager<Occurrence> getDataPagerWidget() { return pager.pager; } @Override public OccurrencePagerWidget getOccurrencePagerWidget() { return pager; } @Override public void onCallback(JsArray<> results, GeocoderStatus status) { if (GeocoderStatus.OK.equals(status)) { mapGeocoderResult(results); handleHistoryEvent(); } else if (GeocoderStatus.ZERO_RESULTS.equals(status)) { Window.confirm("Address not found. Add to the Madagascar Gazeteer?"); } else { //failure for (Marker marker : geocoderMarkers) { marker.setMap((MapWidget) null); } } } public void forceLayout() { toolHp.forceLayout(); } private void reloadPageWithOccurrenceIds(List<Integer> occurrenceIds) { // on prepare le query pager.getQuery().setOccurrenceIdsFilter(new HashSet<Integer>()); pager.getQuery().getOccurrenceIdsFilter().addAll(occurrenceIds); // on recharge les vue DetailView et ListView //requestData(1); //prendre en compte les eventuelle changement de critre dans les comboboxes de la barre horizontal en haut OccurrenceView occView = ApplicationView.getApplication().getOccurrenceView(); occView.getSearchForm().search(); } /** * appeler quand l'user a fini de dessiner un polygone sur le map ( l'aide * du control MapDrawingControl) */ @Override public void polygonDrawingCompleteHandler(Polygon polygon) { // final List<LatLng> coords = new ArrayList<LatLng>(); if (polygon != null) { /*polygon.getPath().forEach(new MVCArrayCallback<LatLng>() { @Override public void forEach(LatLng arg0, int arg1) { coords.add(arg0); } });*/ String kml = KmlGenerator.polygon2Kml(polygon); GWT.log("Polygon completed paths=" + kml); /* * Window.alert(" Representation en kml du polygon\n" + kml); * pager.getQuery().setOccurrenceIdsFilter(new HashSet<Integer>()); * pager.getQuery().getOccurrenceIdsFilter().add(115408);//teste * requestData(1); */ Mask.mask((XElement) map.getElement(), "Loading"); mapGisService.findOccurrenceIdByGeom(kml, new AsyncCallback<List<Integer>>() { @Override public void onSuccess(List<Integer> result) { reloadPageWithOccurrenceIds(result); Mask.unmask((XElement) map.getElement()); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Mask.unmask((XElement) map.getElement()); Window.alert("Failure =>" + caught.getMessage()); } }); } } @Override public void polygonDeletedHandler() { pager.getQuery().setOccurrenceIdsFilter(new HashSet<Integer>()); OccurrenceView occView = ApplicationView.getApplication().getOccurrenceView(); occView.getSearchForm().search(); } private Map<String, List<Integer>> getTableGidsMap(List<ShapeFileInfo> shapeFileInfos) { Map<String, List<Integer>> tableGidsMap = new HashMap<String, List<Integer>>(); for (ShapeFileInfo info : shapeFileInfos) { if (!tableGidsMap.containsKey(info.getTableName())) { tableGidsMap.put(info.getTableName(), new ArrayList<Integer>()); } if (info.getGid() > 0) { tableGidsMap.get(info.getTableName()).add(info.getGid()); } } return tableGidsMap; } public void loadKmlLayer(List<ShapeFileInfo> shapeFileInfos, boolean search) { //chargement des occurrences /* ------------------------ chargement des layers ------------------------------- */ //en mode local on doit copier le fichier kml gnr par notre servlet dans pour voir le layer sur le map // Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { // @Override // public void execute() { // KmlLayer layer = KmlLayer.newInstance(""); // layer.setMap(map); // } // }); Map<String, List<Integer>> tableGidsMap = this.getTableGidsMap(shapeFileInfos); //en mode production on peut utiliser directement le servlet puisque l'url est public final Set<String> urls = KmlUtil.getKmlFileUrl(tableGidsMap); //suppression des layers existants for (KmlLayer layer : kmlLayers) { if (layer != null) { layer.setMap(null); } } //Chargement des layers kml Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { for (String url : urls) { KmlLayer layer = KmlLayer.newInstance(url // "" ); layer.setMap(map); kmlLayers.add(layer); } } }); if (!search) return; Mask.mask((XElement) map.getElement(), "Loading"); mapGisService.findOccurrenceIdsByShapeFiles(tableGidsMap, new AsyncCallback<List<Integer>>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Mask.unmask((XElement) map.getElement()); Window.alert("Failure =>" + caught.getMessage()); } @Override public void onSuccess(List<Integer> result) { reloadPageWithOccurrenceIds(result); Mask.unmask((XElement) map.getElement()); } }); } }