Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2008 University of California at Berkeley * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.rebioma.client; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.rebioma.client.bean.AscData; import org.rebioma.client.bean.Occurrence; import org.rebioma.client.bean.OccurrenceComments; import org.rebioma.client.bean.OccurrenceReview; import org.rebioma.client.bean.Role; import org.rebioma.client.bean.User; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This class is used as a data switch between server, cache, and possibly * gears. Generally it provides the application with a level of data * indirection, which might be useful when re-factoring for Chrome. * */ public class DataSwitch implements UserServiceAsync, OccurrenceServiceAsync, AscDataServiceAsync, RebiomaModelServiceAsync { public static final String COMMENT_KEY = "comment"; public static final String OCCURRENCE_KEY = "occurrences"; public static final String USER_KEY = "users"; private static final String OCCURRENCE_REVIEWS_KEY = "getReviewOf_"; private static DataSwitch dataSwitch = null; public static DataSwitch get() { if (dataSwitch == null) { dataSwitch = new DataSwitch(); } return dataSwitch; } /** * Creates a cache key from an OccurrenceQuery. */ private static String getOccurrenceQueryKey(OccurrenceQuery query) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String SEPARATOR = ";"; sb.append("start_" + query.getStart()); sb.append(SEPARATOR); sb.append("limit_" + query.getLimit()); sb.append(SEPARATOR); // sb.append("countTheResults_" + query.isCountTotalResults()); // sb.append(SEPARATOR); // sb.append("count_" + query.getCount()); // sb.append(SEPARATOR); if (query.getBaseFilters() != null) { for (String filter : query.getBaseFilters()) { sb.append("f_" + filter); sb.append(SEPARATOR); } } for (String filter : query.getSearchFilters()) { sb.append("f_" + filter); sb.append(SEPARATOR); } for (String filter : query.getDisjunctionSearchFilters()) { sb.append("f_or" + filter); sb.append(SEPARATOR); } sb.append("rf_" + query.getResultFilter()); sb.append(SEPARATOR); sb.append("pagesize_" + query.getLimit()); if (query.getOccurrenceIdsFilter() != null && !query.getOccurrenceIdsFilter().isEmpty()) { sb.append(SEPARATOR).append("withdrawingfilters"); } System.out.println(sb.toString()); return sb.toString(); } private static boolean sessionExpired() { String sessionId = Cookies.getCookie(ApplicationView.SESSION_ID_NAME); return sessionId == null || sessionId.equals(""); } private List<AscData> ascDataList; private final Map<String, Object> cache = new HashMap<String, Object>(); private final Map<String, Set<String>> cacheKeysMap = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); private final OccurrenceServiceAsync occurrenceService = OccurrenceService.Proxy.get(); private final UserServiceAsync userService = UserService.Proxy.get(); private final RebiomaModelServiceAsync modelService = GWT.create(RebiomaModelService.class); private Long lastUpdateTime = null; private final List<ActivitiesListener> activitiesListeners = new ArrayList<ActivitiesListener>(); private DataSwitch() { // Pings the server every 5 seconds and clears the cache if an update // occurred: } public void addActiviesListener(ActivitiesListener listener) { activitiesListeners.add(listener); } public void addRoles(String sessionId, User user, List<Role> role, AsyncCallback<User> callback) { userService.addRoles(sessionId, user, role, callback); } public Request changeUserPassword(String oldPass, String newPass, String sessionId, Email passChangeNotificationEmail, AsyncCallback<Integer> cb) { fireActivities(); if (sessionExpired()) { cb.onFailure(new Exception("Session expired")); return null; } else { return userService.changeUserPassword(oldPass, newPass, sessionId, passChangeNotificationEmail, cb); } } /** * Clears the data cache. */ public void clearCache() { GWT.log("Cache cleared", null); cache.clear(); cacheKeysMap.clear(); } /** * Clears all cache in an object key set. * * @param objectKey */ public void clearCache(String objectKey) { Set<String> cacheKeys = cacheKeysMap.get(objectKey); if (cacheKeys == null) { return; } for (String key : cacheKeysMap.get(objectKey)) { cache.remove(key); } } /** * Deletes all {@link Occurrence} found by the given query and belong to given * user, found by given session id. * * @see, * org.rebioma.client.OccurrenceQuery, * */ public Request delete(String sessionId, OccurrenceQuery query, final AsyncCallback<Integer> cb) { fireActivities(); return occurrenceService.delete(sessionId, query, new AsyncCallback<Integer>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { cb.onFailure(caught); } public void onSuccess(Integer result) { if (result != null && result.intValue() != 0) { clearCache(OCCURRENCE_KEY); } cb.onSuccess(result); } }); } /** * Dispatched to {@link OccurrenceServiceAsync} and clears the cache on * success. * * @see, * java.util.Set, */ public Request delete(String sessionId, Set<Occurrence> occurrences, final AsyncCallback<String> cb) { fireActivities(); return occurrenceService.delete(sessionId, occurrences, new AsyncCallback<String>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { cb.onFailure(caught); } public void onSuccess(String result) { clearCache(OCCURRENCE_KEY); cb.onSuccess(result); } }); } public Request deleteComments(String sessionId, Set<OccurrenceComments> comments, final AsyncCallback<Integer> cb) { fireActivities(); return occurrenceService.deleteComments(sessionId, comments, new AsyncCallback<Integer>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { cb.onFailure(caught); } public void onSuccess(Integer result) { if (result != null && result > 0) { clearCache(COMMENT_KEY); } cb.onSuccess(result); } }); } public Request fetch(final OccurrenceCommentQuery query, final AsyncCallback<OccurrenceCommentQuery> cb) { fireActivities(); return lastUpdateInMilliseconds(new AsyncCallback<Long>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { GWT.log("Update timer error", caught); } public void onSuccess(Long result) { if ((lastUpdateTime != null) && (lastUpdateTime < result)) { clearCache(OCCURRENCE_KEY); clearCache(COMMENT_KEY); clearCache(OCCURRENCE_REVIEWS_KEY); } final String commentQueryKey = addKey(COMMENT_KEY, query.toString()); OccurrenceCommentQuery cachResult = (OccurrenceCommentQuery) cache.get(commentQueryKey); if (cachResult != null) { cb.onSuccess(cachResult); return; } occurrenceService.fetch(query, new AsyncCallback<OccurrenceCommentQuery>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { cb.onFailure(caught); } public void onSuccess(OccurrenceCommentQuery result) { cache.put(commentQueryKey, result); cb.onSuccess(result); } }); lastUpdateTime = result; } }); } /** * Fetches {@link Occurrence} objects from the server that are specified by * the {@link OccurrenceQuery}. Before requesting from the server, checks the * cache first. If the cache misses, it is updated on a successful call to the * server. * * @see, * org.rebioma.client.OccurrenceQuery) */ public Request fetch(final String sessionId, final OccurrenceQuery query, final AsyncCallback<OccurrenceQuery> cb) { fireActivities(); return lastUpdateInMilliseconds(new AsyncCallback<Long>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { GWT.log("Update timer error", caught); } public void onSuccess(Long result) { if ((lastUpdateTime != null) && (lastUpdateTime < result)) { clearCache(OCCURRENCE_KEY); clearCache(COMMENT_KEY); clearCache(OCCURRENCE_REVIEWS_KEY); } lastUpdateTime = result; final String cacheKey = addKey(OCCURRENCE_KEY, getOccurrenceQueryKey(query)); GWT.log(cacheKey, null); //on ne charge pas la cache quand on a des filtres sur les id des occurrences(depuis le mapDrawingControl) if (query.getOccurrenceIdsFilter() == null || query.getOccurrenceIdsFilter().isEmpty()) { if (cache.containsKey(cacheKey)) { OccurrenceQuery cachedQuery = (OccurrenceQuery) cache.get(cacheKey); if (cachedQuery.getCount() != -1) { cb.onSuccess(cachedQuery); return; } } } query.setCountTotalResults(true); Request request = OccurrenceService.Proxy.get().fetch(sessionId, query, new AsyncCallback<OccurrenceQuery>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { try { throw caught; } catch (OccurrenceServiceException e) { cb.onFailure(e); } catch (Throwable t) { cb.onFailure(t); } } public void onSuccess(OccurrenceQuery result) { cache.put(cacheKey, result); cb.onSuccess(result); } }); } }); } public Request fetchUser(String sessionId, UserQuery query, final AsyncCallback<UserQuery> cb) { fireActivities(); final String cacheKey = addKey(USER_KEY, query.toString()); UserQuery userQuery = (UserQuery) cache.get(cacheKey); if (userQuery != null) { cb.onSuccess(userQuery); return null; } return UserService.Proxy.get().fetchUser(sessionId, query, new AsyncCallback<UserQuery>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { cb.onFailure(caught); } public void onSuccess(UserQuery result) { if (result == null) { onFailure(new Exception("result is null")); } else { cache.put(cacheKey, result); cb.onSuccess(result); } } }); } public void findModelLocation(String acceptedSpecies, int start, int limit, AsyncCallback<AscModelResult> callback) { modelService.findModelLocation(acceptedSpecies, start, limit, callback); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * * .user.client.rpc.AsyncCallback) */ public Request getAscData(final AsyncCallback<List<AscData>> asyncCallback) { fireActivities(); if (ascDataList != null) { asyncCallback.onSuccess(ascDataList); return null; } return AscDataService.Proxy.get().getAscData(new AsyncCallback<List<AscData>>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { asyncCallback.onFailure(caught); } public void onSuccess(List<AscData> result) { ascDataList = result; asyncCallback.onSuccess(result); } }); } public Request getAscDataMap(AsyncCallback<Map<String, AscData>> cb) { fireActivities(); return AscDataService.Proxy.get().getAscDataMap(cb); } public void getAvailableRoles(final AsyncCallback<List<Role>> callback) { fireActivities(); final String cacheCkey = "getRoles"; if (cache.containsKey(cacheCkey)) { callback.onSuccess((List<Role>) cache.get(cacheCkey)); } else { UserService.Proxy.get().getAvailableRoles(new AsyncCallback<List<Role>>() { public void onFailure(Throwable t) { callback.onFailure(t); } public void onSuccess(List<Role> result) { cache.put(cacheCkey, result); callback.onSuccess(result); } }); } } public void getModelClimateEras(String modelLocation, AsyncCallback<List<String>> callback) { modelService.getModelClimateEras(modelLocation, callback); } public void getMyReviewedOnRecords(String sid, Map<Integer, Integer> rowOccIdsMap, AsyncCallback<Map<Integer, Boolean>> callback) { fireActivities(); occurrenceService.getMyReviewedOnRecords(sid, rowOccIdsMap, callback); } public void getOccurrenceReviewsOf(Integer occId, final AsyncCallback<List<OccurrenceReview>> callback) { fireActivities(); final String cacheKey = addKey(OCCURRENCE_REVIEWS_KEY, occId.toString()); if (cache.containsKey(cacheKey)) { callback.onSuccess((List<OccurrenceReview>) cache.get(cacheKey)); } else { occurrenceService.getOccurrenceReviewsOf(occId, new AsyncCallback<List<OccurrenceReview>>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { callback.onFailure(caught); } public void onSuccess(List<OccurrenceReview> result) { cache.put(cacheKey, result); callback.onSuccess(result); } }); } } public Request getValue(int ascDataId, double lat, double lng, final AsyncCallback<Double> cb) { fireActivities(); final String cacheKey = "getValue_" + ascDataId + "_" + lat + "_" + lng; if (cache.containsKey(cacheKey)) { cb.onSuccess((Double) cache.get(cacheKey)); return null; } return AscDataService.Proxy.get().getValue(ascDataId, lat, lng, new AsyncCallback<Double>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { cb.onFailure(caught); } public void onSuccess(Double result) { cache.put(cacheKey, result); cb.onSuccess(result); } }); } /** * Dispatches to {@link UserServiceAsync}. */ public Request isSessionIdValid(String sessionId, AsyncCallback<User> cb) { return userService.isSessionIdValid(sessionId, cb); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * * ( */ public Request lastUpdateInMilliseconds(AsyncCallback<Long> cb) { return occurrenceService.lastUpdateInMilliseconds(cb); } public Request loadAscData(final Occurrence occurrence, final AsyncCallback<Occurrence> cb) { return AscDataService.Proxy.get().loadAscData(occurrence, new AsyncCallback<Occurrence>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { cb.onFailure(caught); } public void onSuccess(Occurrence result) { occurrence.setEtpTotal1950(result.getEtpTotal1950()); occurrence.setEtpTotal2000(result.getEtpTotal2000()); occurrence.setEtpTotalfuture(result.getEtpTotalfuture()); occurrence.setMaxPerc1950(result.getMaxPerc1950()); occurrence.setMaxPerc2000(result.getMaxPerc2000()); occurrence.setMaxPercfuture(result.getMaxPercfuture()); occurrence.setMaxtemp1950(result.getMaxtemp1950()); occurrence.setMaxTemp2000(result.getMaxTemp2000()); occurrence.setMaxTempfuture(result.getMaxTempfuture()); occurrence.setMinPerc1950(result.getMinPerc1950()); occurrence.setMinPerc2000(result.getMinPerc2000()); occurrence.setMinPercfuture(result.getMinPercfuture()); occurrence.setMinTemp1950(result.getMinTemp1950()); occurrence.setMinTemp2000(result.getMinTemp2000()); occurrence.setMinTemp2000(result.getMinTempfuture()); occurrence.setPfc1950(result.getPfc1950()); occurrence.setPfc1970(result.getPfc1970()); occurrence.setPfc1990(result.getPfc1990()); occurrence.setPfc2000(result.getPfc2000()); occurrence.setRealMar1950(result.getRealMar1950()); occurrence.setRealMar2000(result.getRealMar2000()); occurrence.setRealMarfuture(result.getRealMarfuture()); occurrence.setRealMat1950(result.getRealMat1950()); occurrence.setRealMat2000(result.getRealMat2000()); occurrence.setRealMatfuture(result.getRealMatfuture()); occurrence.setWbpos1950(result.getWbpos1950()); occurrence.setWbpos2000(result.getWbpos2000()); occurrence.setWbposfuture(result.getWbposfuture()); occurrence.setWbyear1950(result.getWbyear1950()); occurrence.setWbyear2000(result.getWbyear2000()); occurrence.setWbyearfuture(result.getWbyearfuture()); occurrence.setGeolStrech(result.getGeolStrech()); occurrence.setDemelevation(result.getDemelevation()); cb.onSuccess(result); } }); } public Request register(User user, Email welcomeEmail, AsyncCallback cb) { return userService.register(user, welcomeEmail, cb); } public void removeActiviesListener(ActivitiesListener listener) { activitiesListeners.remove(listener); } public void removeRoles(String sessionId, User user, List<Role> role, AsyncCallback<User> callback) { userService.removeRoles(sessionId, user, role, callback); } /** * * @see * , org.rebioma.client.Email, * */ public Request resetUserPassword(String emailAddr, Email email, AsyncCallback cb) { return userService.resetUserPassword(emailAddr, email, cb); } public void reviewRecords(String sid, Boolean reviewed, OccurrenceQuery query, String comment, boolean notified, AsyncCallback<Integer> callback) { fireActivities(); occurrenceService.reviewRecords(sid, reviewed, query, comment, notified, callback); } public void commentRecords(String sid, Set<Integer> occurrenceIds, String comment, boolean notified, AsyncCallback<Integer> callback) { fireActivities(); occurrenceService.commentRecords(sid, occurrenceIds, comment, notified, callback); } public void reviewRecords(String sid, Boolean reviewed, Set<Integer> occurrenceIds, String comment, boolean notified, final AsyncCallback<Integer> callback) { fireActivities(); occurrenceService.reviewRecords(sid, reviewed, occurrenceIds, comment, notified, callback); } /** * Dispatches to {@link UserServiceAsync} * * @see, * java.lang.String, */ public Request signIn(String email, String password, final AsyncCallback<User> cb) { fireActivities(); return userService.signIn(email, password, cb); } /** * */ public Request signInC(String email, String password, final AsyncCallback<User> cb) { fireActivities(); return userService.signInC(email, password, cb); } /** * Dispatches to {@link UserServiceAsync}. * * @see * .client.rpc.AsyncCallback) */ public Request signOut(String sessionId, AsyncCallback cb) { return userService.signOut(sessionId, cb); } /** * Updates occurrences by given query and session id. * * @see, * org.rebioma.client.OccurrenceQuery, * */ public Request update(String sessionId, OccurrenceQuery query, final AsyncCallback<Integer> cb) { fireActivities(); return occurrenceService.update(sessionId, query, new AsyncCallback<Integer>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { cb.onFailure(caught); } public void onSuccess(Integer result) { if (result != null && result.intValue() != 0) { clearCache(OCCURRENCE_KEY); } cb.onSuccess(result); } }); } /** * Dispatches to {@link OccurrenceServiceAsync}. If successful, clears the * data cache. * * @see, * java.util.Set, */ public Request update(String sessionId, Set<Occurrence> occurrences, final AsyncCallback<String> cb) { fireActivities(); return occurrenceService.update(sessionId, occurrences, new AsyncCallback<String>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { cb.onFailure(caught); } public void onSuccess(String result) { clearCache(OCCURRENCE_KEY); cb.onSuccess(result); } }); } /** * * @param sessionId * @param occurrences * @param resetReview * @param cb * @return */ public Request update(String sessionId, Set<Occurrence> occurrences, boolean resetReview, final AsyncCallback<String> cb) { fireActivities(); return occurrenceService.update(sessionId, occurrences, resetReview, new AsyncCallback<String>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { cb.onFailure(caught); } public void onSuccess(String result) { clearCache(OCCURRENCE_KEY); cb.onSuccess(result); } }); } public Request update(String userSessionId, User user, String newPass, AsyncCallback<Boolean> cb) { return userService.update(userSessionId, user, newPass, cb); } public Request update(String sessionId, UserQuery query, final AsyncCallback<Integer> cb) { fireActivities(); return UserService.Proxy.get().update(sessionId, query, new AsyncCallback<Integer>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { cb.onFailure(caught); } public void onSuccess(Integer result) { if (result != null && result > 0) { clearCache(USER_KEY); } cb.onSuccess(result); } }); } public Request updateComments(String sessionId, Integer owner, Set<OccurrenceComments> comments, boolean emailing, final AsyncCallback<Integer> cb) { fireActivities(); return occurrenceService.updateComments(sessionId, owner, comments, emailing, new AsyncCallback<Integer>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { cb.onFailure(caught); } public void onSuccess(Integer result) { if (result != null && result > 0) { clearCache(COMMENT_KEY); } cb.onSuccess(result); } }); } /** * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * String, */ public Request userEmailExists(String email, AsyncCallback<Boolean> cb) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return userService.userEmailExists(email, cb); } private String addKey(String keyCache, String keyCacheValue) { if (!cacheKeysMap.containsKey(keyCache)) { cacheKeysMap.put(keyCache, new HashSet<String>()); } String cacheKey = keyCache + "_" + keyCacheValue; cacheKeysMap.get(keyCache).add(cacheKey); return cacheKey; } private void fireActivities() { for (ActivitiesListener listener : activitiesListeners) { listener.onDoSomething(); } } private void updateCache(Long result) { if (lastUpdateTime == null) { lastUpdateTime = result; } } public void editUpdate(List<Occurrence> occurrences, String sessionId, AsyncCallback<Boolean> callback) { occurrenceService.editUpdate(occurrences, sessionId, callback); } }