Java tutorial
/* * RapidContext <> * Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Per Cederberg. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the BSD license. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * See the RapidContext LICENSE for more details. */ package; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Logger; import com.eaio.uuid.UUID; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.rapidcontext.core.js.JsCompileInterceptor; import org.rapidcontext.core.js.JsProcedure; import org.rapidcontext.core.proc.CallContext; import org.rapidcontext.core.proc.Interceptor; import org.rapidcontext.core.proc.Library; import org.rapidcontext.core.proc.ProcedureException; import; import; import; import; import; import org.rapidcontext.core.task.Scheduler; import org.rapidcontext.core.task.Task; import org.rapidcontext.core.type.Environment; import org.rapidcontext.core.type.Session; import org.rapidcontext.core.type.WebMatcher; import org.rapidcontext.core.type.WebService; import org.rapidcontext.util.FileUtil; /** * The application context. This is a singleton object that contains * references to global application settings and objects. It also * provides simple procedure execution and resource and plug-in * initialization and deinitialization. * * @author Per Cederberg * @version 1.0 */ public class ApplicationContext { /** * The class logger. */ private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ApplicationContext.class.getName()); /** * The path to the global configuration. */ public static final Path PATH_CONFIG = new Path("/config"); /** * The class load time (system initialization time). */ public static final Date INIT_TIME = new Date(); /** * The context start (or reset) time. */ public static Date START_TIME = new Date(); /** * The number of milliseconds between each run of the expired * session cleaner job. */ private static final long EXPIRED_INTERVAL_MILLIS = DateUtils.MILLIS_PER_HOUR; /** * The singleton application context instance. */ private static ApplicationContext instance = null; /** * The application root storage. */ private RootStorage storage; /** * The plug-in manager. */ private PluginManager pluginManager; /** * The application configuration. */ private Dict config; /** * The active environment. */ private Environment env = null; /** * The cached list of web matchers (from the web services). */ private WebMatcher[] matchers = null; /** * The procedure library. */ private Library library = null; /** * The thread call context map. */ private Map threadContext = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()); /** * Creates and initializes the application context. If the start * flag is set, all plug-ins will be loaded along with procedures * and the environment configuration. Otherwise only the storages * will be initialized. Note that if the context has already been * created, it will not be recreated. * * @param baseDir the base application directory * @param localDir the local add-on directory * @param start the initialize plug-ins flag * * @return the application context created or found */ protected static synchronized ApplicationContext init(File baseDir, File localDir, boolean start) { if (instance == null) { instance = new ApplicationContext(baseDir, localDir); } if (start) { instance.initAll(); Task sessionCleaner = new Task("storage session cleaner") { public void execute() { Session.removeExpired(getInstance().getStorage()); } }; long delay = EXPIRED_INTERVAL_MILLIS; Scheduler.schedule(sessionCleaner, 1000, delay); } return instance; } /** * Destroys the application context and frees all resources used. */ protected static synchronized void destroy() { if (instance != null) { Scheduler.unscheduleAll(); instance.destroyAll();; instance = null; } } /** * Returns the singleton application context instance. * * @return the singleton application context instance */ public static ApplicationContext getInstance() { return instance; } /** * Creates a new application context. This constructor should * only be called once in the application and it will store away * the instance created. * * @param baseDir the base application directory * @param localDir the local add-on directory */ private ApplicationContext(File baseDir, File localDir) { File builtinDir = FileUtil.canonical(new File(baseDir, "plugin")); File pluginDir = FileUtil.canonical(new File(localDir, "plugin")); = new RootStorage(true); this.pluginManager = new PluginManager(builtinDir, pluginDir, storage); this.library = new Library(; this.config = (Dict) storage.load(PATH_CONFIG); if (this.config == null) { LOG.severe("failed to load application config"); } else if (!this.config.containsKey("guid")) { this.config.set("guid", new UUID().toString()); try {, this.config); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.severe("failed to update application config with GUID"); } } } /** * Initializes this context by loading the plug-ins, procedures * and the environment configuration. */ private void initAll() { Library.builtInPlugin = PluginManager.SYSTEM_PLUGIN; initLibrary(); initPlugins(); // TODO: Remove singleton environment reference Environment[] envs = Environment.findAll(storage); env = (envs.length > 0) ? envs[0] : null; try { SecurityContext.init(storage); } catch (StorageException e) { LOG.severe("Failed to load security config: " + e.getMessage()); } START_TIME = new Date(); } /** * Initializes the library in this context. */ private void initLibrary() { // Register default procedure types try { Library.registerType("javascript", JsProcedure.class); } catch (ProcedureException e) { LOG.severe("failed to register javascript procedure type: " + e.getMessage()); } // Add default interceptors Interceptor i = library.getInterceptor(); library.setInterceptor(new JsCompileInterceptor(i)); // Add default built-in procedures try { library.addBuiltIn(new AppListProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new ConnectionListProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new ConnectionValidateProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new PluginInstallProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new PluginListProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new PluginLoadProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new PluginUnloadProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new ProcedureListProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new ProcedureReadProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new ProcedureTypesProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new ProcedureWriteProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new ProcedureDeleteProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new ResetProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new SessionAuthenticateProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new SessionAuthenticateTokenProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new SessionCurrentProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new SessionTerminateProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new StatusProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new StorageCopyProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new StorageDeleteProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new StorageListProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new StorageReadProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new StorageWriteProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new ThreadContextProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new ThreadCreateProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new ThreadInterruptProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new ThreadListProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new TypeListProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new UserAccessProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new UserAuthenticationTokenProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new UserChangeProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new UserListProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new UserPasswordChangeProcedure()); library.addBuiltIn(new UserSearchProcedure()); } catch (ProcedureException e) { LOG.severe("failed to create built-in procedures: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Loads all plug-ins listed in an application specific plug-in * configuration file. Also loads any jar libraries found in the * plug-in "lib" directories. */ private void initPlugins() { Array list; String pluginId; list = config.getArray("plugins"); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { try { pluginId = list.getString(i, null); loadPlugin(pluginId); } catch (PluginException e) { LOG.warning("failed to load plugin " + list.getString(i, null) + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } } /** * Destroys this context and frees all resources. */ private void destroyAll() { pluginManager.unloadAll(); Library.unregisterType("javascript"); library = new Library(; matchers = null; } /** * Resets this context and reloads all resources. */ public void reset() { destroyAll(); initAll(); } /** * Returns the application configuration. * * @return the application configuration */ public Dict getConfig() { return this.config; } /** * Returns the application data storage. This is the global data * storage that contains all loaded plug-ins and maps requests to * them in order. * * @return the application data store */ public Storage getStorage() { return; } /** * Returns the environment used. * * @return the environment used */ public Environment getEnvironment() { return this.env; } /** * Returns the array of cached web matchers (from the web services). * This list is only re-read when the context is reset. * * @return the array of cached web matchers * * @see #reset() */ public WebMatcher[] getWebMatchers() { if (matchers == null) { matchers = WebService.findAllMatchers(storage); } return matchers; } /** * Returns the procedure library used. * * @return the procedure library used */ public Library getLibrary() { return library; } /** * Returns the application base directory. * * @return the application base directory */ public File getBaseDir() { return pluginManager.pluginDir; } /** * Returns the plug-in class loader. * * @return the plug-in class loader */ public ClassLoader getClassLoader() { return pluginManager.classLoader; } /** * Checks if the specified plug-in is currently loaded. * * @param pluginId the unique plug-in id * * @return true if the plug-in was loaded, or * false otherwise */ public boolean isPluginLoaded(String pluginId) { return pluginManager.isLoaded(pluginId); } /** * Returns the specified plug-in configuration dictionary. * * @param pluginId the unique plug-in id * * @return the plug-in configuration dictionary, or * null if not found */ public Dict pluginConfig(String pluginId) { return pluginManager.config(pluginId); } /** * Installs a plug-in from the specified file. If an existing * plug-in with the same id already exists, it will be * replaced without warning. After installation, the new plug-in * will also be loaded and added to the default configuration * for automatic launch on the next restart. * * @param file the plug-in ZIP file * * @return the unique plug-in id * * @throws PluginException if the plug-in couldn't be installed * correctly */ public String installPlugin(File file) throws PluginException { String pluginId = pluginManager.install(file); loadPlugin(pluginId); return pluginId; } /** * Loads a plug-in. If the plug-in was loaded successfully, it will * also be added to the default configuration for automatic * launch on the next restart. * * @param pluginId the unique plug-in id * * @throws PluginException if no plug-in instance could be created * or if the plug-in initialization failed */ public void loadPlugin(String pluginId) throws PluginException { Array pluginList; String msg; pluginManager.load(pluginId); pluginList = config.getArray("plugins"); if (!pluginList.containsValue(pluginId)) { pluginList.add(pluginId); try {, config); } catch (StorageException e) { msg = "failed to update application config: " + e.getMessage(); throw new PluginException(msg); } } } /** * Unloads a plug-in. The plug-in will also be removed from the * default configuration for automatic launches. * * @param pluginId the unique plug-in id * * @throws PluginException if the plug-in deinitialization failed */ public void unloadPlugin(String pluginId) throws PluginException { Array pluginList; String msg; pluginManager.unload(pluginId); library.clearCache(); pluginList = config.getArray("plugins"); pluginList.remove(pluginList.indexOf(pluginId)); try {, config); } catch (StorageException e) { msg = "failed to update application config: " + e.getMessage(); throw new PluginException(msg); } } /** * Executes a procedure within this context. * * @param name the procedure name * @param args the procedure arguments * @param source the call source information * @param trace the trace buffer or null for none * * @return the result of the call, or * null if the call produced no result * * @throws ProcedureException if the procedure execution failed */ public Object execute(String name, Object[] args, String source, StringBuffer trace) throws ProcedureException { CallContext cx = new CallContext(storage, env, library); threadContext.put(Thread.currentThread(), cx); cx.setAttribute(CallContext.ATTRIBUTE_USER, SecurityContext.currentUser()); cx.setAttribute(CallContext.ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE, source); if (trace != null) { cx.setAttribute(CallContext.ATTRIBUTE_TRACE, Boolean.TRUE); cx.setAttribute(CallContext.ATTRIBUTE_LOG_BUFFER, trace); } try { return cx.execute(name, args); } finally { threadContext.remove(Thread.currentThread()); } } /** * Executes a procedure asynchronously within this context. This * method will sleep for 10 minutes after terminating the * procedure execution, allowing the results to be fetched from * the context by another thread. * * @param name the procedure name * @param args the procedure arguments * @param source the call source information */ public void executeAsync(String name, Object[] args, String source) { CallContext cx = new CallContext(storage, env, library); Object res; threadContext.put(Thread.currentThread(), cx); cx.setAttribute(CallContext.ATTRIBUTE_USER, SecurityContext.currentUser()); cx.setAttribute(CallContext.ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE, source); try { res = cx.execute(name, args); cx.setAttribute(CallContext.ATTRIBUTE_RESULT, res); } catch (Exception e) { cx.setAttribute(CallContext.ATTRIBUTE_ERROR, e.getMessage()); } finally { // Delay thread context removal for 10 minutes try { Thread.sleep(600000); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { // Allow thread interrupt to remove context } threadContext.remove(Thread.currentThread()); } } /** * Finds the currently active call context for a thread. * * @param thread the thread to search for * * @return the call context found, or * null if no context was active */ public CallContext findContext(Thread thread) { return (CallContext) threadContext.get(thread); } /** * Finds the currently active call context for a thread id. The * thread id is identical to the hash code for the thread. * * @param threadId the thread id to search for * * @return the call context found, or * null if no context was active */ public CallContext findContext(int threadId) { Iterator iter; Object obj; synchronized (threadContext) { iter = threadContext.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { obj =; if (obj.hashCode() == threadId) { return (CallContext) threadContext.get(obj); } } } return null; } }