Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2018 Geode Systems LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.ramadda.geodata.cdmdata; import org.jfree.chart.*; import org.jfree.chart.axis.*; import org.jfree.chart.plot.*; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.*; import*; import*; import org.jfree.ui.*; import; import org.ramadda.repository.Entry; import org.ramadda.repository.Link; import org.ramadda.repository.PageHandler; import org.ramadda.repository.Repository; import org.ramadda.repository.Request; import org.ramadda.repository.Result; import org.ramadda.repository.auth.AccessException; import org.ramadda.repository.auth.Permission; import; import; import org.ramadda.repository.output.OutputHandler; import org.ramadda.repository.output.OutputType; import org.ramadda.repository.type.TypeHandler; import org.ramadda.util.HtmlUtils; import org.ramadda.util.Json; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import thredds.server.ncss.format.SupportedFormat; //import thredds.server.ncss.params.PointDataRequestParamsBean; import thredds.server.ncss.params.NcssParamsBean; import thredds.server.ncss.util.NcssRequestUtils; import thredds.server.ncss.view.gridaspoint.PointDataStream; import ucar.ma2.Array; import ucar.ma2.DataType; import ucar.ma2.Range; import ucar.ma2.StructureData; import ucar.ma2.StructureMembers; import ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile; import ucar.nc2.NetcdfFileWriter; import ucar.nc2.VariableSimpleIF; import ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1D; import ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1DTime; import ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset; import ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableEnhanced; import ucar.nc2.dt.GridCoordSystem; import ucar.nc2.dt.GridDatatype; import ucar.nc2.dt.TrajectoryObsDataset; import ucar.nc2.dt.TrajectoryObsDatatype; import ucar.nc2.dt.grid.GridAsPointDataset; import ucar.nc2.dt.grid.GridDataset; import ucar.nc2.ft.FeatureCollection; import ucar.nc2.ft.FeatureDatasetPoint; import ucar.nc2.ft.NestedPointFeatureCollection; import ucar.nc2.ft.PointFeature; import ucar.nc2.ft.PointFeatureCollection; import ucar.nc2.ft.PointFeatureIterator; import ucar.nc2.jni.netcdf.Nc4Iosp; import ucar.nc2.ncml.NcMLWriter; import ucar.nc2.time.Calendar; import ucar.nc2.time.CalendarDate; import ucar.nc2.time.CalendarDateFormatter; import ucar.nc2.time.CalendarDateRange; import ucar.nc2.util.DiskCache2; import ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonPointImpl; import ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect; import ucar.unidata.ui.ImageUtils; import ucar.unidata.util.Counter; import ucar.unidata.util.DateUtil; import ucar.unidata.util.IOUtil; import ucar.unidata.util.Misc; import ucar.unidata.util.StringUtil; import ucar.unidata.util.TwoFacedObject; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.servlet.ServletConfig; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; /** * A class for handling CDM data output */ public class GridPointOutputHandler extends OutputHandler implements CdmConstants { /** Grid as point form Output Type */ public static final OutputType OUTPUT_GRIDASPOINT_FORM = new OutputType("Extract Time Series", "data.gridaspoint.form", OutputType.TYPE_OTHER | OutputType.TYPE_IMPORTANT, OutputType.SUFFIX_NONE, "/cdmdata/chart_line.png", GROUP_DATA); /** Grid as point Output Type */ public static final OutputType OUTPUT_GRIDASPOINT = new OutputType("data.gridaspoint", OutputType.TYPE_FEEDS); /** * _more_ * * @return _more_ */ public CdmDataOutputHandler getCdmDataOutputHandler() { return (CdmDataOutputHandler) getRepository().getOutputHandler(CdmDataOutputHandler.class); } /** * Get the CdmManager * * @return the CDM data manager */ public CdmManager getCdmManager() { return getCdmDataOutputHandler().getCdmManager(); } /** * Get the path for the Entry * * * @param request the Request * @param entry the Entry * * @return the path * * @throws Exception problem getting the path */ public String getPath(Request request, Entry entry) throws Exception { return getCdmManager().getPath(request, entry); } /** * Create a new GridPointOutputHandler * * @param repository the repository * @param name the name of this handler * * @throws Exception problem creating class */ public GridPointOutputHandler(Repository repository, String name) throws Exception { super(repository, name); } /** * Create a GridPointOutputHandler * * @param repository the repository * @param element the element * @throws Exception On badness */ public GridPointOutputHandler(Repository repository, Element element) throws Exception { super(repository, element); addType(OUTPUT_GRIDASPOINT); addType(OUTPUT_GRIDASPOINT_FORM); } /** * Output a group of entries * * @param request the Request * @param outputType the output type * @param group the group * @param subGroups the subgroups * @param entries the List of Entrys * * @return the Result * * @throws Exception problem outputting group */ public Result outputGroup(Request request, OutputType outputType, Entry group, List<Entry> subGroups, List<Entry> entries) throws Exception { if (getCdmManager().isAggregation(group)) { return outputEntry(request, outputType, group); } // System.err.println("group:" + group + " " + group.getType()); return super.outputGroup(request, outputType, group, subGroups, entries); } /** * Serve up the entry * * @param request the Request * @param outputType the output type * @param entry the Entry * * @return the Result * * @throws Exception On badness */ public Result outputEntry(Request request, OutputType outputType, Entry entry) throws Exception { if (!getRepository().getAccessManager().canDoAction(request, entry, Permission.ACTION_FILE)) { throw new AccessException("Cannot access data", request); } if (!getRepository().getAccessManager().canAccessFile(request, entry)) { throw new AccessException("Cannot access data", request); } if (outputType.equals(OUTPUT_GRIDASPOINT) || outputType.equals(OUTPUT_GRIDASPOINT_FORM)) { return outputGridAsPoint(request, entry); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown output type:" + outputType); } /** * Process a grid as point request * * @param request the request * @param entry the entry * @param gds the corresponding grid dataset * @param sb the StringBuffer * * @return a Result * * @throws Exception problem doing what was asked */ public Result outputGridAsPointProcess(Request request, Entry entry, GridDataset gds, StringBuffer sb) throws Exception { List<String> varNames = new ArrayList<String>(); Hashtable args = request.getArgs(); //Look for both variable.<varname>=true and variable=<varname> url arguments for (Enumeration keys = args.keys(); keys.hasMoreElements();) { String arg = (String) keys.nextElement(); if (arg.startsWith(VAR_PREFIX) && request.get(arg, false)) { varNames.add(arg.substring(VAR_PREFIX.length())); } } List<String> selectedVars = request.get(ARG_VARIABLE, new ArrayList<String>()); //Support a comma separated list for (String var : selectedVars) { varNames.addAll(StringUtil.split(var, ",", true, true)); } //For now add either the 2d or the 3d vars if (varNames.size() == 0) { List<GridDatatype> grids = sortGrids(gds); for (GridDatatype grid : grids) { VariableEnhanced var = grid.getVariable(); if (grid.getZDimension() == null) { varNames.add(var.getShortName()); } } if (varNames.size() == 0) { for (GridDatatype grid : grids) { VariableEnhanced var = grid.getVariable(); if (grid.getZDimension() != null) { varNames.add(var.getShortName()); } } } } // System.err.println(varNames); LatLonRect llr = gds.getBoundingBox(); double deflat = 0; double deflon = 0; if (llr != null) { deflat = llr.getLatMin() + llr.getHeight() / 2; deflon = llr.getCenterLon(); } LatLonPointImpl llp = null; if (request.defined(TypeHandler.REQUESTARG_LATITUDE)) { llp = new LatLonPointImpl(request.getLatOrLonValue(TypeHandler.REQUESTARG_LATITUDE, deflat), request.getLatOrLonValue(TypeHandler.REQUESTARG_LONGITUDE, deflon)); // System.err.println("latlon point:" + llp); } if (llp == null) { llp = new LatLonPointImpl(deflat, deflon); // System.err.println("using default values:" + llp); } int timeStride = 1; List<CalendarDate> allDates = CdmDataOutputHandler.getGridDates(gds); CalendarDate[] dates = new CalendarDate[2]; Calendar cal = null; String calString = request.getString(ARG_CALENDAR, null); if (!allDates.isEmpty()) { // have to have some dates if (calString == null) { calString = allDates.get(0).getCalendar().toString(); } if (request.defined(ARG_FROMDATE)) { String fromDateString = request.getString(ARG_FROMDATE, formatDate(request, allDates.get(0))); dates[0] = CalendarDate.parseISOformat(calString, fromDateString); } if (request.defined(ARG_TODATE)) { String toDateString = request.getString(ARG_TODATE, formatDate(request, allDates.get(allDates.size() - 1))); dates[1] = CalendarDate.parseISOformat(calString, toDateString); } } //have to have both dates if ((dates[0] != null) && (dates[1] == null)) { dates[0] = null; } if ((dates[1] != null) && (dates[0] == null)) { dates[1] = null; } if ((dates[0] != null) && (dates[1] != null) && (dates[0].isAfter(dates[1]))) { sb.append(getPageHandler().showDialogWarning("From date is after to date")); } else if (varNames.size() == 0) { sb.append(getPageHandler().showDialogWarning("No variables selected")); } else { // modelled after thredds.server.ncSubset.controller.PointDataController try { return processPointRequest(request, entry, gds, varNames, llp, dates, allDates); } catch (Exception exc) { if (request.getString(CdmConstants.ARG_FORMAT, SupportedFormat.NETCDF3.toString()) .equals(FORMAT_JSON)) { String message = "Error extracting data:" + exc; String code = "error"; if ((exc instanceof java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException) && (Misc.getStackTrace(exc) .indexOf("ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1D.getCoordValue") >= 0)) { message = "Spatial coordinates are outside the domain of the data"; code = "spatial"; } // exc.printStackTrace(); StringBuffer json = new StringBuffer(); json.append("error", Json.quote(message), "errorcode", Json.quote(code))); Result result = new Result("", json, Json.MIMETYPE); // result.setResponseCode(Result.RESPONSE_INTERNALERROR); return result; } throw exc; } } return new Result("", sb); } /** * _more_ * * @param request _more_ * @param entry _more_ * @param gds _more_ * @param varNames _more_ * @param llp _more_ * @param dates _more_ * @param allDates _more_ * * @return _more_ * * @throws Exception _more_ */ private Result processPointRequest(Request request, Entry entry, GridDataset gds, List<String> varNames, LatLonPointImpl llp, CalendarDate[] dates, List<CalendarDate> allDates) throws Exception { double levelVal = request.get(ARG_LEVEL, Double.NaN); String format = request.getString(CdmConstants.ARG_FORMAT, SupportedFormat.NETCDF3.toString()); boolean doingJson = format.equals(FORMAT_JSON); if (doingJson) { format = FORMAT_CSV; request.setCORSHeaderOnResponse(); } SupportedFormat sf = getSupportedFormat(format); NcssParamsBean pdrb = new NcssParamsBean(); GridAsPointDataset gapds = NcssRequestUtils.buildGridAsPointDataset(gds, varNames); pdrb.setVar(varNames); // accept uses the response type pdrb.setAccept((format.equalsIgnoreCase(FORMAT_TIMESERIES_CHART) || format.equalsIgnoreCase(FORMAT_TIMESERIES_IMAGE)) ? SupportedFormat.CSV_STREAM.getResponseContentType() : sf.getResponseContentType()); //pdrb.setPoint(true); pdrb.setLatitude(llp.getLatitude()); pdrb.setLongitude(llp.getLongitude()); if (dates[0] != null) { pdrb.setTime_start(dates[0].toString()); if (dates[1] != null) { pdrb.setTime_end(dates[1].toString()); } else { pdrb.setTime(pdrb.getTime_start()); } } else { // dates weren't specified dates[0] = allDates.get(0); dates[1] = allDates.get(allDates.size() - 1); pdrb.setTemporal("all"); } if (levelVal == levelVal) { pdrb.setVertCoord(levelVal); } Map<String, List<String>> groupVars = groupVarsByVertLevels(gds, pdrb); String suffix = SUFFIX_NC; if (sf.equals(SupportedFormat.NETCDF4)) { suffix = SUFFIX_NC4; } else if (pdrb.getAccept().equals(SupportedFormat.CSV_STREAM.getResponseContentType()) || format.equals(FORMAT_TIMESERIES_CHART_DATA) || format.equals(FORMAT_TIMESERIES_IMAGE)) { suffix = SUFFIX_CSV; } else if (pdrb.getAccept().equals(SupportedFormat.XML_STREAM.getResponseContentType())) { suffix = SUFFIX_XML; } String baseName = IOUtil.stripExtension(entry.getName()); if (format.equalsIgnoreCase(FORMAT_TIMESERIES_CHART)) { request.put(CdmConstants.ARG_FORMAT, FORMAT_JSON); request.put(ARG_LATITUDE, "_LATITUDEMACRO_"); request.put(ARG_LONGITUDE, "_LONGITUDEMACRO_"); StringBuffer html = new StringBuffer(); getPageHandler().entrySectionOpen(request, entry, html, "Time Series", true); html.append(getWikiManager().getStandardChartDisplay(request, entry)); getPageHandler().entrySectionClose(request, entry, html); return new Result("Point as Grid Time Series", html); } File tmpFile = getStorageManager().getTmpFile(request, "pointsubset" + suffix); OutputStream outStream = getStorageManager().getUncheckedFileOutputStream(tmpFile); DiskCache2 dc = getCdmManager().getDiskCache2(); PointDataStream pds = PointDataStream.factory(sf, outStream, dc); List<CalendarDate> wantedDates = NcssRequestUtils.wantedDates(gapds, CalendarDateRange.of(dates[0], dates[1]), 0); boolean allWritten = false; allWritten =, llp, wantedDates, groupVars, pdrb.getVertCoord()); File f = null; if (allWritten) { outStream.close(); f = tmpFile; if (doingJson) { File jsonFile = getRepository().getStorageManager().getTmpFile(request, "subset.json"); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(f))); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(jsonFile))); List<RecordField> fields = new ArrayList<RecordField>(); for (int i = 0; i < varNames.size(); i++) { String var = (String) varNames.get(i); RecordField recordField = new RecordField(var, var, var, i, ""); recordField.setChartable(true); fields.add(recordField); } RecordField.addJsonHeader(bw, entry.getName(), fields, false, false, false); String line = null; int cnt = 0; boolean hasVertical = (pdrb.getVertCoord() != null); // System.err.println ("has vert:" + hasVertical); // System.err.println ("vars:" + varNames.size() +" " + varNames); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { cnt++; List<String> toks = StringUtil.split(line, ",", true, true); if (cnt == 1) { // System.err.println ("line:" + line); //time/lat/lon maybeZ vars if (toks.size() == 3 + 1 + varNames.size()) { hasVertical = true; } continue; } if (cnt > 2) { bw.append(","); } bw.append("\n"); bw.append(Json.mapOpen()); // date lat lon alt value(s) // 2009-11-10T00:00:00Z,34.6,-101.1,100.0,207.89999389648438 CalendarDate date = CalendarDate.parseISOformat(toks.get(0), toks.get(0)); double lat = Double.parseDouble(toks.get(1)); double lon = Double.parseDouble(toks.get(2)); double alt = (hasVertical ? Double.parseDouble(toks.get(3)) : Double.NaN); Json.addGeolocation(bw, lat, lon, alt); bw.append(","); bw.append(Json.attr(Json.FIELD_DATE, date.getMillis())); bw.append(","); bw.append(Json.mapKey(Json.FIELD_VALUES)); int startIdx = (hasVertical ? 4 : 3); List<String> values = new ArrayList(); for (int i = startIdx; i < toks.size(); i++) { double v = Double.parseDouble(toks.get(i)); values.add(Json.formatNumber(v)); } bw.append(Json.list(values)); bw.append(Json.mapClose()); } RecordField.addJsonFooter(bw); bw.close(); f = jsonFile; } } else { //Something went wrong... System.err.println("something went wrong"); } if (doingPublish(request)) { return getEntryManager().processEntryPublish(request, f, (Entry) entry.clone(), entry, "point series of"); } Result result = null; if (format.equalsIgnoreCase(FORMAT_TIMESERIES_IMAGE)) { result = outputTimeSeriesImage(request, entry, f); } else { result = new Result(getStorageManager().getFileInputStream(f), pdrb.getAccept()); //Set return filename sets the Content-Disposition http header so the browser saves the file //with the correct name and suffix result.setReturnFilename(baseName + "_pointsubset" + suffix); } return result; } /** * Get the SupportedFormat from the name * @param name * @return the corresponding format */ private SupportedFormat getSupportedFormat(String name) { if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(FORMAT_TIMESERIES_CHART) || name.equalsIgnoreCase(FORMAT_TIMESERIES_IMAGE)) { return SupportedFormat.CSV_STREAM; } for (SupportedFormat sf : SupportedFormat.values()) { // check for the name if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(sf.getFormatName())) { return sf; } // check for aliases List<String> aliases = sf.getAliases(); if (aliases.contains(name)) { return sf; } } // default to netCDF 3 return SupportedFormat.NETCDF3; } /** * Group the variables by level. Copied from thredds.server.ncSubset.controller.PointDataController * @param gds GridDataSet * @param params list of parameter names * @return map by levels * * @throws Exception _more_ */ private Map<String, List<String>> groupVarsByVertLevels(GridDataset gds, NcssParamsBean params) throws Exception { String no_vert_levels = "no_vert_level"; List<String> vars = params.getVar(); Map<String, List<String>> varsGroupsByLevels = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); for (String var : vars) { GridDatatype grid = gds.findGridDatatype(var); //Variables should have been checked before... if (grid == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Variable: " + var + " is not contained in the requested dataset"); } CoordinateAxis1D axis = grid.getCoordinateSystem().getVerticalAxis(); String axisKey = null; if (axis == null) { axisKey = no_vert_levels; } else { axisKey = axis.getShortName(); } if (varsGroupsByLevels.containsKey(axisKey)) { varsGroupsByLevels.get(axisKey).add(var); } else { List<String> varListForVerlLevel = new ArrayList<String>(); varListForVerlLevel.add(var); varsGroupsByLevels.put(axisKey, varListForVerlLevel); } } return varsGroupsByLevels; } /** * Output the grid as a point form * * @param request the request * @param entry the entry * @param dataset the corresponding dataset * @param sb the string buffer * * @return the result * * @throws Exception problem creating form */ public Result outputGridAsPointForm(Request request, Entry entry, GridDataset dataset, StringBuffer sb) throws Exception { boolean canAdd = getRepository().getAccessManager().canDoAction(request, entry.getParentEntry(), Permission.ACTION_NEW); String formUrl = request.makeUrl(getRepository().URL_ENTRY_SHOW); String fileName = IOUtil.stripExtension(entry.getName()) + "_point"; String formId = HtmlUtils.getUniqueId("form_"); getPageHandler().entrySectionOpen(request, entry, sb, "Time Series", true); sb.append(HtmlUtils.form(formUrl + "/" + fileName,; sb.append(; sb.append(HtmlUtils.submit("Get Point", ARG_SUBMIT)); sb.append(; sb.append(HtmlUtils.hidden(ARG_OUTPUT, OUTPUT_GRIDASPOINT)); sb.append(HtmlUtils.hidden(ARG_ENTRYID, entry.getId())); sb.append(HtmlUtils.formTable()); List<CalendarDate> dates = getGridDates(dataset); StringBuffer varSB = getVariableForm(dataset, true, false, true); LatLonRect llr = dataset.getBoundingBox(); String lat = ""; String lon = ""; if (llr != null) { lat = Misc.format(llr.getLatMin() + llr.getHeight() / 2); lon = Misc.format(llr.getCenterLon()); } MapInfo map = getRepository().getMapManager().createMap(request, true, null); map.addBox("", "", "", llr, new MapBoxProperties("blue", false, true)); String llb = map.makeSelector(ARG_LOCATION, true, new String[] { lat, lon }); sb.append(HtmlUtils.formEntryTop(msgLabel("Location"), llb)); addTimeWidget(request, dates, sb); List<TwoFacedObject> formats = new ArrayList<TwoFacedObject>(); formats.add(new TwoFacedObject("Interactive Time Series", FORMAT_TIMESERIES_CHART)); formats.add(new TwoFacedObject("JSON", FORMAT_JSON)); formats.add(new TwoFacedObject("NetCDF", SupportedFormat.NETCDF3.getFormatName())); /* comment out until file sizes are smaller //Check if netcdf4 is available try { if (Nc4Iosp.isClibraryPresent()) { formats.add(new TwoFacedObject("NetCDF4", SupportedFormat.NETCDF4.getFormatName())); } } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {} */ formats.add(new TwoFacedObject("Comma Separated Values (CSV)", SupportedFormat.CSV_STREAM.getFormatName())); formats.add(new TwoFacedObject("Time Series Image", FORMAT_TIMESERIES)); formats.add(new TwoFacedObject("XML", SupportedFormat.XML_STREAM.getFormatName())); String format = request.getString(CdmConstants.ARG_FORMAT, FORMAT_TIMESERIES_CHART); sb.append(HtmlUtils.formEntry(msgLabel("Format"),, formats, format))); addPublishWidget(request, entry, sb, msg("Select a folder to publish the results to")); sb.append(HtmlUtils.formTableClose()); sb.append("<hr>"); sb.append(msgLabel("Select Variables")); sb.append(HtmlUtils.insetDiv( HtmlUtils.table(varSB.toString(), HtmlUtils.attrs(HtmlUtils.ATTR_CELLPADDING, "5", HtmlUtils.ATTR_CELLSPACING, "0")), 0, 30, 0, 0)); sb.append(HtmlUtils.submit("Get Point")); //sb.append(submitExtra); addUrlShowingForm(sb, formId, "[\".*OpenLayers_Control.*\"]"); sb.append(HtmlUtils.formClose()); getPageHandler().entrySectionClose(request, entry, sb); return makeLinksResult(request, msg("Grid At Point"), sb, new State(entry)); } /** * Get the grid dates * * @param dataset the dataset * * @return the dates or null */ public static List<CalendarDate> getGridDates(GridDataset dataset) { List<CalendarDate> gridDates = new ArrayList<CalendarDate>(); if (dataset == null) { return gridDates; } List<GridDatatype> grids = dataset.getGrids(); HashSet<CalendarDate> dateHash = new HashSet<CalendarDate>(); List<CoordinateAxis1DTime> timeAxes = new ArrayList<CoordinateAxis1DTime>(); for (GridDatatype grid : grids) { GridCoordSystem gcs = grid.getCoordinateSystem(); CoordinateAxis1DTime timeAxis = gcs.getTimeAxis1D(); if ((timeAxis != null) && !timeAxes.contains(timeAxis)) { timeAxes.add(timeAxis); List<CalendarDate> timeDates = timeAxis.getCalendarDates(); for (CalendarDate timeDate : timeDates) { dateHash.add(timeDate); } } } if (!dateHash.isEmpty()) { gridDates = Arrays.asList(dateHash.toArray(new CalendarDate[dateHash.size()])); Collections.sort(gridDates); } return gridDates; } /** * Get the variable selector form * * @param dataset the dataset * @param withLevelSelector if true, include a level selector widget * * @return the form */ protected StringBuffer getVariableForm(GridDataset dataset, boolean withLevelSelector) { return getVariableForm(dataset, withLevelSelector, false, true); } /** * Get the variable selector form * * @param dataset the dataset * @param withLevelSelector if true, include a level selector widget * @param onlyIfAllLevelsEqual only display the level selector * there is only one type of level * @param useLevelValue true to use the level value, otherwise the index * * @return the form */ protected StringBuffer getVariableForm(GridDataset dataset, boolean withLevelSelector, boolean onlyIfAllLevelsEqual, boolean useLevelValue) { int varCnt = 0; StringBuffer varSB = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer varSB2D = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer varSB3D = new StringBuffer(); List<GridDatatype> grids = sortGrids(dataset); boolean haveOneVerticalCS = true; CoordinateAxis1D compAxis = null; for (GridDatatype grid : grids) { String cbxId = "varcbx_" + (varCnt++); String call = HtmlUtils.attr(HtmlUtils.ATTR_ONCLICK,"checkboxClicked", HtmlUtils.comma("event", HtmlUtils.squote(ARG_VARIABLE), HtmlUtils.squote(cbxId)))); VariableEnhanced var = grid.getVariable(); StringBuffer sbToUse = null; if (grid.getZDimension() == null) { sbToUse = varSB2D; } else { sbToUse = varSB3D; CoordinateAxis1D myZAxis = grid.getCoordinateSystem().getVerticalAxis(); if (myZAxis != null) { if (compAxis == null) { compAxis = myZAxis; } else if (haveOneVerticalCS) { haveOneVerticalCS = compAxis.equals(myZAxis); } } } sbToUse.append(HtmlUtils.row(HtmlUtils.cols(HtmlUtils.checkbox( // ARG_VARIABLE + "." + var.getShortName(), ARG_VARIABLE, /*HtmlUtils.VALUE_TRUE,*/ var.getShortName(), (grids.size() == 1), + call) + + var.getShortName() + + ((var.getUnitsString() != null) ? "(" + var.getUnitsString() + ")" : ""), "<i>" + var.getDescription() + "</i>"))); } if (varSB2D.length() > 0) { if (varSB3D.length() > 0) { varSB.append(HtmlUtils.row(HtmlUtils.headerCols(new Object[] { "2D Grids" }))); } varSB.append(varSB2D); } if (varSB3D.length() > 0) { if ((varSB2D.length() > 0) || withLevelSelector) { String header = " 3D Grids"; if (withLevelSelector) { if (!haveOneVerticalCS && !onlyIfAllLevelsEqual) { header += + "Level:" + + HtmlUtils.input(ARG_LEVEL, ""); } else if (haveOneVerticalCS) { header += + "Level:" +; double[] zVals = compAxis.getCoordValues(); List<TwoFacedObject> selObjs = new ArrayList<TwoFacedObject>(zVals.length); selObjs.add(new TwoFacedObject("All", -1)); for (int i = 0; i < zVals.length; i++) { if (useLevelValue) { selObjs.add(new TwoFacedObject(String.valueOf(zVals[i]), zVals[i])); } else { selObjs.add(new TwoFacedObject(String.valueOf(zVals[i]), i)); } } header +=, selObjs) + + "(" + compAxis.getUnitsString() + ")"; } } varSB.append(HtmlUtils.row(HtmlUtils.headerCols(new Object[] { header }))); } varSB.append(varSB3D); } return varSB; } /** * Handle a grid as point request * * @param request the request * @param entry the entry * * @return the result * * @throws Exception problems */ public Result outputGridAsPoint(Request request, Entry entry) throws Exception { String format = request.getString(CdmConstants.ARG_FORMAT, SupportedFormat.NETCDF3.getFormatName()); String baseName = IOUtil.stripExtension(entry.getName()); if (format.equalsIgnoreCase(FORMAT_TIMESERIES)) { request.put(CdmConstants.ARG_FORMAT, FORMAT_TIMESERIES_IMAGE); String redirectUrl = request.getRequestPath() + "/" + baseName + ".png" + "?" + request.getUrlArgs(); return new Result("Point As Grid Time Series Image", new StringBuffer(HtmlUtils.img(redirectUrl, "Image is being processed..."))); } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String path = getPath(request, entry); GridDataset gds = getCdmManager().getGridDataset(entry, path); OutputType output = request.getOutput(); try { if (output.equals(OUTPUT_GRIDASPOINT)) { Result result = outputGridAsPointProcess(request, entry, gds, sb); if (result != null) { return result; } } return outputGridAsPointForm(request, entry, gds, sb); } finally { getCdmManager().returnGridDataset(path, gds); } } /** * Make a time widget for grid subsetting * * @param request the Request * @param dates the list of dates * @param sb the HTML to add to */ private void addTimeWidget(Request request, List<CalendarDate> dates, StringBuffer sb) { long millis = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ((dates != null) && (dates.size() > 0)) { CalendarDate cd = dates.get(0); Calendar cal = cd.getCalendar(); if (cal != null) { sb.append(HtmlUtils.hidden(ARG_CALENDAR, cal.toString())); } List formattedDates = new ArrayList(); formattedDates.add(new TwoFacedObject("---", "")); for (CalendarDate date : dates) { //formattedDates.add(getPageHandler().formatDate(request, date.toDate())); formattedDates.add(formatDate(request, date)); } String fromDate = request.getUnsafeString(ARG_FROMDATE, ""); String toDate = request.getUnsafeString(ARG_TODATE, ""); sb.append(HtmlUtils.formEntry(msgLabel("Time Range"),, formattedDates, fromDate) + HtmlUtils.img(iconUrl(ICON_ARROW)) +, formattedDates, toDate))); } //System.err.println("Times took " // + (System.currentTimeMillis() - millis) + " ms"); } /** * Format a date * * @param request the request * @param date the date object (CalendarDate or Date) * * @return the formatted date */ public String formatDate(Request request, Object date) { if (date == null) { return BLANK; } if (date instanceof CalendarDate) { String dateFormat = getRepository().getProperty(PROP_DATE_FORMAT, PageHandler.DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT); return new CalendarDateFormatter(dateFormat).toString((CalendarDate) date); } else if (date instanceof Date) { return getPageHandler().formatDate(request, (Date) date); } else { return date.toString(); } } /** * Sort the grids * * @param dataset the grid dataset * * @return the grids */ public List<GridDatatype> sortGrids(GridDataset dataset) { List tuples = new ArrayList(); for (GridDatatype grid : dataset.getGrids()) { VariableEnhanced var = grid.getVariable(); tuples.add(new Object[] { var.getShortName().toLowerCase(), grid }); } tuples = Misc.sortTuples(tuples, true); List<GridDatatype> result = new ArrayList<GridDatatype>(); for (Object[] tuple : (List<Object[]>) tuples) { result.add((GridDatatype) tuple[1]); } return result; } /** * Get the PointFeatureIterator * * @param input the dataset * * @return the iterator * * @throws Exception problem getting the iterator */ public static PointFeatureIterator getPointIterator(FeatureDatasetPoint input) throws Exception { List<FeatureCollection> collectionList = input.getPointFeatureCollectionList(); if (collectionList.size() > 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't handle point data with multiple collections"); } FeatureCollection fc = collectionList.get(0); PointFeatureCollection collection = null; if (fc instanceof PointFeatureCollection) { collection = (PointFeatureCollection) fc; } else if (fc instanceof NestedPointFeatureCollection) { NestedPointFeatureCollection npfc = (NestedPointFeatureCollection) fc; collection = npfc.flatten(null, (CalendarDateRange) null); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't handle collection of type " + fc.getClass().getName()); } return collection.getPointFeatureIterator(16384); } /** * Output the timeseries image * * @param request the request * @param entry the entry * @param f the file * * @return the image * * @throws Exception problem creating image */ private Result outputTimeSeriesImage(Request request, Entry entry, File f) throws Exception { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); //sb.append(getHeader(request, entry)); sb.append(header(msg("Chart"))); TimeSeriesCollection dummy = new TimeSeriesCollection(); JFreeChart chart = createChart(request, entry, dummy); XYPlot xyPlot = (XYPlot) chart.getPlot(); Hashtable<String, MyTimeSeries> seriesMap = new Hashtable<String, MyTimeSeries>(); List<MyTimeSeries> allSeries = new ArrayList<MyTimeSeries>(); int paramCount = 0; int colorCount = 0; boolean axisLeft = true; Hashtable<String, List<ValueAxis>> axisMap = new Hashtable<String, List<ValueAxis>>(); Hashtable<String, double[]> rangeMap = new Hashtable<String, double[]>(); List<String> units = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> paramUnits = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> paramNames = new ArrayList<String>(); long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); String contents = IOUtil.readContents(getStorageManager().getFileInputStream(f)); List<String> lines = StringUtil.split(contents, "\n", true, true); String header = lines.get(0); String[] headerToks = header.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < headerToks.length; i++) { paramNames.add(getParamName(headerToks[i])); paramUnits.add(getUnitFromName(headerToks[i])); } boolean hasLevel = paramNames.get(3).equals("vertCoord"); boolean readHeader = false; for (String line : lines) { if (!readHeader) { readHeader = true; continue; } String[] lineTokes = line.split(","); Date date = DateUtil.parse(lineTokes[0]); int startIdx = hasLevel ? 4 : 3; for (int i = startIdx; i < lineTokes.length; i++) { double value = Double.parseDouble(lineTokes[i]); if (value != value) { continue; } List<ValueAxis> axises = null; double[] range = null; String u = paramUnits.get(i); String paramName = paramNames.get(i); String formatName = paramName.replaceAll("_", " "); String formatUnit = ((u == null) || (u.length() == 0)) ? "" : "[" + u + "]"; if (u != null) { axises = axisMap.get(u); range = rangeMap.get(u); if (axises == null) { axises = new ArrayList<ValueAxis>(); range = new double[] { value, value }; rangeMap.put(u, range); axisMap.put(u, axises); units.add(u); } range[0] = Math.min(range[0], value); range[1] = Math.max(range[1], value); } MyTimeSeries series = seriesMap.get(paramName); if (series == null) { paramCount++; TimeSeriesCollection dataset = new TimeSeriesCollection(); series = new MyTimeSeries(formatName, FixedMillisecond.class); allSeries.add(series); ValueAxis rangeAxis = new NumberAxis(formatName + " " + formatUnit); if (axises != null) { axises.add(rangeAxis); } XYItemRenderer renderer = new XYAreaRenderer(XYAreaRenderer.LINES); if (colorCount >= HtmlUtils.COLORS.length) { colorCount = 0; } renderer.setSeriesPaint(0, HtmlUtils.COLORS[colorCount]); colorCount++; xyPlot.setRenderer(paramCount, renderer); xyPlot.setRangeAxis(paramCount, rangeAxis, false); AxisLocation side = (axisLeft ? AxisLocation.TOP_OR_LEFT : AxisLocation.BOTTOM_OR_RIGHT); axisLeft = !axisLeft; xyPlot.setRangeAxisLocation(paramCount, side); dataset.setDomainIsPointsInTime(true); dataset.addSeries(series); seriesMap.put(paramNames.get(i), series); xyPlot.setDataset(paramCount, dataset); xyPlot.mapDatasetToRangeAxis(paramCount, paramCount); } //series.addOrUpdate(new FixedMillisecond(,value); TimeSeriesDataItem item = new TimeSeriesDataItem(new FixedMillisecond(date), value); series.addItem(item); } } for (MyTimeSeries timeSeries : allSeries) { timeSeries.finish(); } for (String unit : units) { List<ValueAxis> axises = axisMap.get(unit); double[] range = rangeMap.get(unit); for (ValueAxis rangeAxis : axises) { rangeAxis.setRange(new[0], range[1])); } } long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); BufferedImage newImage = chart.createBufferedImage(request.get(ARG_IMAGE_WIDTH, 1000), request.get(ARG_IMAGE_HEIGHT, 400)); long t3 = System.currentTimeMillis(); //System.err.println("timeseries image time:" + (t2 - t1) + " " // + (t3 - t2)); File file = getStorageManager().getTmpFile(request, "point.png"); ImageUtils.writeImageToFile(newImage, file); InputStream is = getStorageManager().getFileInputStream(file); Result result = new Result("", is, "image/png"); return result; } /** * get the parameter name from the raw name * * @param rawname the raw name * * @return the parameter name */ public String getParamName(String rawname) { String name = rawname; int index = rawname.indexOf("[unit="); if (index >= 0) { name = rawname.substring(0, index); } return name; } /** * Get the parameter unit from the raw name * * @param rawname the raw name * * @return the unit or null */ private String getUnitFromName(String rawname) { String unit = null; int index = rawname.indexOf("[unit="); if (index >= 0) { unit = rawname.substring(index + 6, rawname.indexOf("]")); unit = unit.replaceAll("\"", ""); } return unit; } /** * A wrapper for TimeSeries * * @author RAMADDA Development Team */ private static class MyTimeSeries extends TimeSeries { /** the items */ List<TimeSeriesDataItem> items = new ArrayList<TimeSeriesDataItem>(); /** seen items */ HashSet<TimeSeriesDataItem> seen = new HashSet<TimeSeriesDataItem>(); /** * Construct the time series * * @param name the name * @param c the class */ public MyTimeSeries(String name, Class c) { super(name, c); } /** * Add an item to the timeseries * * @param item the item to add */ public void addItem(TimeSeriesDataItem item) { if (seen.contains(item)) { return; } seen.add(item); items.add(item); } /** * finish this */ public void finish() { items = new ArrayList<TimeSeriesDataItem>(Misc.sort(items)); for (TimeSeriesDataItem item : items) {; } fireSeriesChanged(); } } /** * Create the chart * * * @param request the request * @param entry the entry * @param dataset the dataset * * @return the chart */ private static JFreeChart createChart(Request request, Entry entry, XYDataset dataset) { LatLonPointImpl llp = new LatLonPointImpl(request.getLatOrLonValue(ARG_LOCATION + ".latitude", 0), request.getLatOrLonValue(ARG_LOCATION + ".longitude", 0)); String title = entry.getName() + " at " + llp.toString(); JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart( //entry.getName(), // title title, // title "Date", // x-axis label "", // y-axis label dataset, // data true, // create legend? true, // generate tooltips? false // generate URLs? ); chart.setBackgroundPaint(Color.white); ValueAxis rangeAxis = new NumberAxis(""); rangeAxis.setVisible(false); XYPlot plot = (XYPlot) chart.getPlot(); if (request.get("gray", false)) { plot.setBackgroundPaint(Color.lightGray); plot.setDomainGridlinePaint(Color.white); plot.setRangeGridlinePaint(Color.white); } else { plot.setBackgroundPaint(Color.white); plot.setDomainGridlinePaint(Color.lightGray); plot.setRangeGridlinePaint(Color.lightGray); } plot.setAxisOffset(new RectangleInsets(5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0)); plot.setDomainCrosshairVisible(true); plot.setRangeCrosshairVisible(true); plot.setRangeAxis(0, rangeAxis, false); XYItemRenderer r = plot.getRenderer(); DateAxis axis = (DateAxis) plot.getDomainAxis(); //axis.setDateFormatOverride(new SimpleDateFormat("MMM-yyyy")); return chart; } /** * _more_ * * @param request _more_ * * @return _more_ * * @throws Exception _more_ */ public Result processJsonRequest(Request request) throws Exception { String prefix = getRepository().getUrlBase() + "/grid/json"; Entry entry = getCdmManager().findEntryFromPath(request, prefix); request.setCORSHeaderOnResponse(); request.put(CdmConstants.ARG_FORMAT, FORMAT_JSON); request.put(ARG_OUTPUT, OUTPUT_GRIDASPOINT.getId()); return outputGridAsPoint(request, entry); } }