Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of "SnipSnap Radeox Rendering Engine". * * Copyright (c) 2002 Stephan J. Schmidt, Matthias L. Jugel * All Rights Reserved. * * Please visit for updates and contact. * * --LICENSE NOTICE-- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * --LICENSE NOTICE-- */ package org.radeox.filter; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.radeox.api.engine.context.InitialRenderContext; import org.radeox.api.engine.context.RenderContext; import org.radeox.filter.context.FilterContext; /* * The paragraph filter finds any text between two empty lines and inserts a * <p/> @author stephan @team sonicteam * * @version $Id: 4158 2005-11-25 23:25:19Z * $ */ public class ParagraphFilter implements Filter, CacheFilter { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ParagraphFilter.class); private InitialRenderContext initialContext; private String breaksRE; private String replaceFirst; private String replaceLast; private String patternFristRE; private String patternLastRE; private String replaceAll; public String filter(String input, FilterContext context) { return simpleFilter(input, context); } public String simpleFilter(String input, FilterContext context) { log.debug("Paragraph Filter Input " + input); Pattern patternBreaks = Pattern.compile(breaksRE); // attempts to locate lin breaks in the content with ([ \t\r]*[\n]){2} String[] p = patternBreaks.split(input); if (p.length == 1) { // only 1, therefor no embeded paragraphs return input; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); int nsplits = 0; for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { if (nsplits == 0) { sb.append(replaceFirst); nsplits++; } else { sb.append(replaceAll); nsplits++; } sb.append(p[i]); } if (nsplits > 0) { sb.append(replaceLast); nsplits++; } String output = sb.toString(); log.debug("Paragraph Filter Input " + output); return output; } public String complexFilter(String input, FilterContext context) { log.debug("Paragraph Filter Input " + input); Pattern patternBreaks = Pattern.compile(breaksRE); // attempts to locate lin breaks in the content with ([ \t\r]*[\n]){2} String[] p = patternBreaks.split(input); if (p.length == 1) { // only 1, therefor no embeded paragraphs return input; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); int nsplits = 0; // find the last > in the first paragraph int ins = p[0].lastIndexOf(">"); if (ins > 0 && ins + 1 < p[0].length()) { // add all upto the last > into the buffer sb.append(p[0].substring(0, ins + 1)); // then put <p class=\"paragraph\"> sb.append(replaceFirst); nsplits++; // then append the remainder sb.append(p[0].substring(ins + 1)); } else { sb.append(p[0]); } for (int i = 1; i < p.length - 1; i++) { // for all the following, add in </p><p class=\"paragraph\"> if (nsplits == 0) { sb.append(replaceFirst); nsplits++; } else { sb.append(replaceAll); nsplits++; } sb.append(p[i]); } // in the last block find fidn the first < ins = p[p.length - 1].indexOf("<"); if (ins > 0) { // put the standard line para blreak block in </p><p // class=\"paragraph\"> if (nsplits == 0) { sb.append(replaceFirst); nsplits++; } else { sb.append(replaceAll); nsplits++; } // append the first part of the last block sb.append(p[p.length - 1].substring(0, ins - 1)); // append the last seperator </p> if (nsplits > 0) { sb.append(replaceLast); nsplits++; } // append the remainder block sb.append(p[p.length - 1].substring(ins - 1)); } else if (ins == 0) { // found "<" inposition found in last block so do </p> if (nsplits > 0) { sb.append(replaceLast); nsplits++; } sb.append(p[p.length - 1]); } else { // append the last </p> if (nsplits > 0) { sb.append(replaceLast); nsplits++; } sb.append(p[p.length - 1]); } String output = sb.toString(); log.debug("Paragraph Filter Input " + output); return output; } public String[] replaces() { return FilterPipe.NO_REPLACES; } public String[] before() { return FilterPipe.EMPTY_BEFORE; } public void setInitialContext(InitialRenderContext context) { initialContext = context; ResourceBundle outputMessages = getOutputBundle(); ResourceBundle inputMessages = getInputBundle(); breaksRE = inputMessages.getString("filter.paragraph.breaks.match"); replaceAll = outputMessages.getString("filter.paragraph.breaks.print"); replaceFirst = outputMessages.getString("filter.paragraph.first.print"); replaceLast = outputMessages.getString("filter.paragraph.last.print"); patternFristRE = inputMessages.getString("filter.paragraph.first.match"); patternLastRE = inputMessages.getString("filter.paragraph.last.match"); } public String getDescription() { return "Hand Coded paragraph filter"; } protected ResourceBundle getInputBundle() { Locale inputLocale = (Locale) initialContext.get(RenderContext.INPUT_LOCALE); String inputName = (String) initialContext.get(RenderContext.INPUT_BUNDLE_NAME); return ResourceBundle.getBundle(inputName, inputLocale); } protected ResourceBundle getOutputBundle() { String outputName = (String) initialContext.get(RenderContext.OUTPUT_BUNDLE_NAME); Locale outputLocale = (Locale) initialContext.get(RenderContext.OUTPUT_LOCALE); return ResourceBundle.getBundle(outputName, outputLocale); } } /* * private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ParagraphFilter.class); private * String printFirst; private String printNext; private Pattern matchPattern; * protected String getLocaleKey() { return "filter.paragraph"; } protected * boolean isSingleLine() { return false; } public String filter(String input, * FilterContext context) { String result = input; System.err.println("Using * "+matchPattern.getRegex()+" replacing with "+printFirst+" then "+printNext); * try { Matcher matcher = Matcher.create(result, matchPattern); Substitution s = * new Substitution() { boolean firstMatch = true; public void * handleMatch(StringBuffer buffer, MatchResult result) { if ( firstMatch ) { * buffer.append(printFirst); firstMatch = false; } else { * buffer.append(printNext); } } }; result = matcher.substitute(s); // * Util.substitute(matcher, p, new Perl5Substitution(s, interps), result, * limit); } catch (Exception e) { //log.warn("<span class=\"error\">Exception</span>: " + * this + ": " + e); log.warn("Exception for: " + this+" "+e); } catch (Error * err) { //log.warn("<span class=\"error\">Error</span>: " + this + ": " + * err); log.warn("Error for: " + this); err.printStackTrace(); } return result; } * public void setInitialContext(InitialRenderContext context) { * super.setInitialContext(context); clearRegex(); ResourceBundle outputMessages = * getOutputBundle(); ResourceBundle inputMessages = getInputBundle(); String * match = inputMessages.getString(getLocaleKey()+".match"); printFirst = * outputMessages.getString(getLocaleKey()+".print.1"); printNext = * outputMessages.getString(getLocaleKey()+".print.2"); try { * org.radeox.regex.Compiler compiler = org.radeox.regex.Compiler.create(); * compiler.setMultiline(isSingleLine() ? RegexReplaceFilter.SINGLELINE : * RegexReplaceFilter.MULTILINE); matchPattern = compiler.compile(match); } * catch (Exception e) { log.warn("bad pattern: " + match + " -> " + * printFirst+" "+e); } } } */