Java tutorial
package org.qxsched.doc.afp.util; import jargs.gnu.CmdLineParser; import jargs.gnu.CmdLineParser.IllegalOptionValueException; import jargs.gnu.CmdLineParser.UnknownOptionException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.qxsched.doc.afp.AfpException; import org.qxsched.doc.afp.AfpFactory; import org.qxsched.doc.afp.AfpReadWriteProperties; import org.qxsched.doc.afp.AfpRecord; import org.qxsched.doc.afp.AfpRecordGrouper; import org.qxsched.doc.afp.AfpStructuredFieldDefinitions; import org.qxsched.doc.afp.util.AfpDump.Options.OptionsException; /* * * Copyright 2009, 2010, 2011 Vincenzo Zocca * * This file is part of Java library org.qxsched.doc.afp. * * Java library org.qxsched.doc.afp is free software: you can redistribute * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Java library org.qxsched.doc.afp is distributed in the hope that it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Java library org.qxsched.doc.afp. * If not, see <>. * */ /** * Class {@link AfpDump} is a simple utility that prints the contents of an AFP * file in human readable format. It is implemented using classes in package * {@link org.qxsched.doc.afp}. * * @author Vincenzo Zocca * */ public class AfpDump { // Private class to parse arguments protected class Options { // Private class for illegal options. protected class OptionsException extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5011257380515029864L; public OptionsException() { super(); } public OptionsException(String message) { super(message); } public OptionsException(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } public OptionsException(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } } // The command line parser private CmdLineParser cmdLineParser = null; // Option -c private Map<Integer, Object> convert_specific; private CmdLineParser.Option convert_specific_opt; // Option --group-records private boolean group_records = false; private CmdLineParser.Option group_records_opt; // Option -h private boolean help = false; private CmdLineParser.Option help_opt; // Option --md-thold private Integer md_thold; private CmdLineParser.Option md_thold_opt; // Option -o private String out_file; private CmdLineParser.Option out_file_opt; // Option --out-cs private String out_file_cs; private CmdLineParser.Option out_file_cs_opt; // Value remaining argument private String remainingArg; protected Options(String[] args) throws IllegalOptionValueException, UnknownOptionException, OptionsException, AfpException { // Initialize initOptions(); // Parse the options parseOptions(args); } /** * Returns a map of records that must be converted to specific * implementations. Keys are record codes . * * @return a map of records that must be converted to specific * implementations. */ public Map<Integer, Object> getConvert_specific() { return convert_specific; } /** * Returns the message digest threshold. * * @return the message digest threshold. */ protected Integer getMd_thold() { return md_thold; } /** * Returns the output file. * * @return the output file. */ protected String getOutFile() { return out_file; } /** * Returns the character set for the output file. * * @return the character set for the output file. */ protected String getOutFileCs() { return out_file_cs; } /** * Returns the remaining argument. * * @return the remaining argument. */ protected String getRemainingArg() { return remainingArg; } private void initOptions() { // Return if cmdLineParser is defined if (cmdLineParser != null) return; // Create the command line parser cmdLineParser = new CmdLineParser(); // Convert specific if (OPT_CONVERT_SPECIFIC_CHR == null) { convert_specific_opt = new CmdLineParser.Option.StringOption(OPT_CONVERT_SPECIFIC_STR); } else { convert_specific_opt = new CmdLineParser.Option.StringOption(OPT_CONVERT_SPECIFIC_CHR.charValue(), OPT_CONVERT_SPECIFIC_STR); } cmdLineParser.addOption(convert_specific_opt); // Group records if (OPT_GROUP_RECORDS_CHR == null) { group_records_opt = new CmdLineParser.Option.BooleanOption(OPT_GROUP_RECORDS_STR); } else { group_records_opt = new CmdLineParser.Option.BooleanOption(OPT_GROUP_RECORDS_CHR.charValue(), OPT_GROUP_RECORDS_STR); } cmdLineParser.addOption(group_records_opt); // Help if (OPT_HELP_CHR == null) { help_opt = new CmdLineParser.Option.BooleanOption(OPT_HELP_STR); } else { help_opt = new CmdLineParser.Option.BooleanOption(OPT_HELP_CHR.charValue(), OPT_HELP_STR); } cmdLineParser.addOption(help_opt); // Message digest threshold if (OPT_MD_THOLD_CHR == null) { md_thold_opt = new CmdLineParser.Option.IntegerOption(OPT_MD_THOLD_STR); } else { md_thold_opt = new CmdLineParser.Option.IntegerOption(OPT_MD_THOLD_CHR.charValue(), OPT_MD_THOLD_STR); } cmdLineParser.addOption(md_thold_opt); // Out file if (OPT_OUT_FILE_CHR == null) { out_file_opt = new CmdLineParser.Option.StringOption(OPT_OUT_FILE_STR); } else { out_file_opt = new CmdLineParser.Option.StringOption(OPT_OUT_FILE_CHR.charValue(), OPT_OUT_FILE_STR); } cmdLineParser.addOption(out_file_opt); // Out file charset if (OPT_OUT_FILE_CS_CHR == null) { out_file_cs_opt = new CmdLineParser.Option.StringOption(OPT_OUT_FILE_CS_STR); } else { out_file_cs_opt = new CmdLineParser.Option.StringOption(OPT_OUT_FILE_CS_CHR.charValue(), OPT_OUT_FILE_CS_STR); } cmdLineParser.addOption(out_file_cs_opt); } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the group records option was supplied. * * @return <code>true</code> if the group records option was supplied. */ public boolean isGroup_records() { return group_records; } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the help option was supplied. * * @return <code>true</code> if the help record options was supplied. */ public boolean isHelp() { return help; } // Parse options private void parseOptions(String args[]) throws IllegalOptionValueException, UnknownOptionException, OptionsException, AfpException { // Parse the command line cmdLineParser.parse(args); // Option -c String valS = (String) cmdLineParser.getOptionValue(convert_specific_opt); if (valS != null) { // Instantiate convert specific convert_specific = new HashMap<Integer, Object>(); // Split value String[] valArr = valS.split("\\W+"); // Get AFP structured field definitions AfpStructuredFieldDefinitions defs = AfpStructuredFieldDefinitions.instance(); // Loop through elements StringBuffer error = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < valArr.length; i++) { // Ignore empty if (valArr[i].equals("")) { continue; } // Get code for abbreviated type Integer code = defs.getCode(valArr[i]); if (code == null) { error.append("Cannot obtain record code for '"); error.append(valArr[i]); error.append("'. "); } // Set convert specific convert_specific.put(code, valArr[i]); } if (error.length() > 0) { throw new OptionsException(error.toString()); } } // Option --group-records Boolean boolVal = (Boolean) cmdLineParser.getOptionValue(group_records_opt); if (boolVal != null) { group_records = boolVal.booleanValue(); } // Option -h boolVal = (Boolean) cmdLineParser.getOptionValue(help_opt); if (boolVal != null) { help = boolVal.booleanValue(); } // Option --md-thold md_thold = (Integer) cmdLineParser.getOptionValue(md_thold_opt); // Option -o out_file = (String) cmdLineParser.getOptionValue(out_file_opt); // Option --out-cs out_file_cs = (String) cmdLineParser.getOptionValue(out_file_cs_opt); // Remaining arguments String[] remainingArgs = cmdLineParser.getRemainingArgs(); switch (remainingArgs.length) { case 0: break; case 1: remainingArg = remainingArgs[0]; break; default: throw new OptionsException("Zero or one file name can be specified after the options."); } } } // Logger private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(AfpDump.class); private static final Character OPT_CONVERT_SPECIFIC_CHR = new Character('c'); private static final String OPT_CONVERT_SPECIFIC_STR = "convert-specific"; private static final Character OPT_GROUP_RECORDS_CHR = new Character('g'); private static final String OPT_GROUP_RECORDS_STR = "group-records"; private static final Character OPT_HELP_CHR = new Character('h'); private static final String OPT_HELP_STR = "help"; private static final Character OPT_MD_THOLD_CHR = null; private static final String OPT_MD_THOLD_STR = "md-thold"; private static final Character OPT_OUT_FILE_CHR = new Character('o'); private static final String OPT_OUT_FILE_STR = "out"; private static final Character OPT_OUT_FILE_CS_CHR = null; private static final String OPT_OUT_FILE_CS_STR = "out-cs"; public static void main(String[] arg) { try { // Instantiate AfpDump afpDump = new AfpDump(arg); // Run; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } // Exit OK System.exit(0); } protected static String usage() { // String buffer StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); // Class sb.append(AfpDump.class.getName()); sb.append(" \\"); sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); // OPT_CONVERT_SPECIFIC sb.append("\t"); sb.append("["); if (OPT_CONVERT_SPECIFIC_CHR != null) { sb.append("-"); sb.append(OPT_CONVERT_SPECIFIC_CHR); sb.append("|"); } sb.append("--"); sb.append(OPT_CONVERT_SPECIFIC_STR); sb.append(" [tle...]]"); sb.append(" \\"); sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); // OPT_GROUP_RECORDS sb.append("\t"); sb.append("["); if (OPT_GROUP_RECORDS_CHR != null) { sb.append("-"); sb.append(OPT_GROUP_RECORDS_CHR); sb.append("|"); } sb.append("--"); sb.append(OPT_GROUP_RECORDS_STR); sb.append("]"); sb.append(" \\"); sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); // OPT_HELP sb.append("\t"); sb.append("["); if (OPT_HELP_CHR != null) { sb.append("-"); sb.append(OPT_HELP_CHR); sb.append("|"); } sb.append("--"); sb.append(OPT_HELP_STR); sb.append("]"); sb.append(" \\"); sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); // OPT_MD_THOLD sb.append("\t"); sb.append("["); if (OPT_MD_THOLD_CHR != null) { sb.append("-"); sb.append(OPT_MD_THOLD_CHR); sb.append("|"); } sb.append("--"); sb.append(OPT_MD_THOLD_STR); sb.append("]"); sb.append(" \\"); sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); // OPT_OUT_FILE sb.append("\t"); sb.append("["); if (OPT_OUT_FILE_CHR != null) { sb.append("-"); sb.append(OPT_OUT_FILE_CHR); sb.append("|"); } sb.append("--"); sb.append(OPT_OUT_FILE_STR); sb.append(" <out-file>]"); sb.append(" \\"); sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); // OPT_OUT_FILE_CS sb.append("\t"); sb.append("["); if (OPT_OUT_FILE_CS_CHR != null) { sb.append("-"); sb.append(OPT_OUT_FILE_CS_CHR); sb.append("|"); } sb.append("--"); sb.append(OPT_OUT_FILE_CS_STR); sb.append(" <out-file-charset>]"); sb.append(" \\"); sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); // In-File sb.append("\t[in-file]"); sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); // Return return sb.toString(); } // AFP read/write properties private AfpReadWriteProperties arwProps; // Input file private InputStream in; // Options private Options opts; // Output file private BufferedWriter out; public AfpDump(String[] args) throws IllegalOptionValueException, UnknownOptionException, OptionsException, AfpException { // Make options opts = Options(args); // Make AFP read/write props makeAfpReadWriteProperties(); } private void filesClose() throws IOException { in.close(); out.close(); } private void filesOpen() throws IOException { // Open input file for reading if (opts.getRemainingArg() == null) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Using STDIN as input"); } in = new BufferedInputStream(; } else { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Using " + opts.getRemainingArg() + " as input"); } in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(opts.getRemainingArg())); } // Open output file for writing OutputStream os = null; try { if (opts.getOutFile() == null) { os = new BufferedOutputStream(System.out); } else { os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(opts.getOutFile())); } } catch (IOException e) { in.close(); throw e; } String cs = opts.getOutFileCs(); if (cs == null) { out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(os))); } else { out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(os), cs)); } } private void makeAfpReadWriteProperties() { // Get default AFP read/write properties arwProps = new AfpReadWriteProperties(); // Convert specific if (opts.getConvert_specific() != null) { // Clear current settings arwProps.setConvertSpecificNone(); // Add codes Map<Integer, Object> convert_specific = opts.getConvert_specific(); for (Integer code : convert_specific.keySet()) { arwProps.setConvertSpecific(code); } } // Message digest threshold if (opts.getMd_thold() != null) { arwProps.setMessageDigestThreshold(opts.getMd_thold().intValue()); } } public void run() throws AfpException, IOException { // Usage if (opts.isHelp()) { System.err.print(usage()); return; } // Open files filesOpen(); try { // Create AfpFactory AfpFactory fact = AfpFactory.createAfpFactory(); fact.setAfpReadWriteProperties(arwProps); // Set input stream fact.setInputStream(in); if (opts.isGroup_records()) { AfpRecordGrouper grouper = new AfpRecordGrouper(fact); // Read input until finished for (AfpRecord afpRecord = grouper.getAfpRecord(); afpRecord != null; afpRecord = grouper .getAfpRecord()) { // Write record LOG.debug("afpRecord: " + afpRecord); afpRecord.write(out, arwProps, 0); } } else { // Read input until finished while (in.available() > 0) { // Read record AfpRecord rec = fact.createAfpRecord(); // Write record rec.write(out, arwProps, 0); } } } finally { // Close files filesClose(); } } public static void dumpData(BufferedWriter out, AfpReadWriteProperties props, String label, String prefix, byte[] data) throws IOException { // Loop for (int i = 0; i < data.length;) { int iStart = i; out.write(prefix); out.write(" "); out.write(label); for (int j = i; j < data.length && j < iStart + 16; j++) { i++; int val = data[j] & 0xff; out.write(StringUtils.leftPad(Integer.toString(val, 16).toLowerCase(), 2, '0')); out.write(" "); } out.newLine(); } } public static void dumpData(StringBuffer sb, AfpReadWriteProperties props, String label, String prefix, byte[] data, boolean doLastNl) { // Loop for (int i = 0; i < data.length;) { int iStart = i; sb.append(prefix); sb.append(" "); sb.append(label); for (int j = i; j < data.length && j < iStart + 16; j++) { i++; int val = data[j] & 0xff; sb.append(StringUtils.leftPad(Integer.toString(val, 16).toLowerCase(), 2, '0')); sb.append(" "); } if (doLastNl) { sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); } } } public static String dumpData(AfpReadWriteProperties props, String label, String prefix, byte[] data, boolean doLastNl) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); dumpData(sb, props, label, prefix, data, doLastNl); return sb.toString(); } }