Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License'); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.widget.Toast; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest; import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.quizpoll.ui.GoogleAuthActivity; import org.quizpoll.R; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Creating and parsing of requests for the AppEngine backend. */ public class AppEngineHelper extends HttpHelper { // URL to broker JSON API public static final String BROKER_URL = ""; // Message types public static final int LOGIN = -1; public static final int COLLECTION_DOCUMENTS = 0; public static final int QUIZ = 1; public static final int QUIZ_LEADERBOARD = 2; public static final int QUIZ_SUBMIT = 3; public static final int POLL = 4; public static final int POLL_STATUS = 5; public static final int POLL_SUBMIT = 6; protected GoogleAuthActivity authActivity; public AppEngineHelper(int messageType, Object data, boolean showDialog, GoogleAuthActivity authActivity, HttpListener listener) { super(messageType, data, showDialog, authActivity, listener); this.authActivity = authActivity; if (messageType == LOGIN) { start(); } else { authActivity.authenticatedRequest(GoogleAuthActivity.AUTHSERVER_APPENGINE, this); } } @Override public int getDialogMessage() { switch (messageType) { case LOGIN: return R.string.verifying_google_account; case COLLECTION_DOCUMENTS: return R.string.fetching_quiz_games; case QUIZ: return R.string.loading_quiz; case QUIZ_LEADERBOARD: return R.string.fetching_leaderboard; case QUIZ_SUBMIT: return R.string.submitting_score; case POLL: return R.string.loading_polling; case POLL_SUBMIT: return R.string.submitting_answer; } return UNKNOWN_DIALOG_MESSAGE; } @Override public HttpUriRequest createRequest() { Builder url = Uri.parse(BROKER_URL).buildUpon().appendPath("qp_api"); String postData = null; switch (messageType) { case LOGIN: return createLoginRequest(BROKER_URL); case COLLECTION_DOCUMENTS: url.appendPath("documents").appendPath((String) requestData); break; case QUIZ: url.appendPath("quiz").appendPath((String) requestData); break; case QUIZ_LEADERBOARD: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> args = (List<String>) requestData; url.appendPath("quiz").appendPath("leaderboard").appendPath(args.get(0)).appendPath(args.get(1)); break; case QUIZ_SUBMIT: url.appendPath("quiz").appendPath("submit"); postData = getGson().toJson(requestData); break; case POLL: url.appendPath("poll").appendPath((String) requestData); break; case POLL_STATUS: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> pargs = (List<String>) requestData; url.appendPath("poll").appendPath("status").appendPath(pargs.get(0)).appendPath(pargs.get(1)); break; case POLL_SUBMIT: Poll poll = (Poll) requestData; url.appendPath("poll").appendPath("submit"); postData = createPollSubmitRequest(poll); break; } if (postData == null) { return addCookie(new HttpGet(; } else { HttpPost post = new HttpPost(; try { post.setEntity(new StringEntity(postData, "utf8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return null; } return addCookie(post); } } @Override public void parseResponse(HttpResponse response) { if (messageType == LOGIN) { parseLoginResponse(response); } else { if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY) { // Cookie expired error(HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED); authActivity.authenticatedRequest(GoogleAuthActivity.AUTHSERVER_APPENGINE, this, true); } else { switch (messageType) { case COLLECTION_DOCUMENTS: handleDocuments(response); break; case QUIZ: handleQuiz(response); break; case QUIZ_LEADERBOARD: handleLeaderboard(response); break; case QUIZ_SUBMIT: success(null); // Ignore response break; case POLL: handlePoll(response); break; case POLL_STATUS: handlePollStatus(response); break; case POLL_SUBMIT: success(null); // Ignore response break; } } } } @Override protected void error(int statusCode) { if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN) { Toast.makeText(activity, R.string.wrong_permissions_error, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } else if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE) { Toast.makeText(activity, R.string.format_error, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } super.error(statusCode); } /** * Makes login request to AppEngine server */ protected HttpUriRequest createLoginRequest(String baseUrl) { Uri url = Uri.parse(baseUrl).buildUpon().appendEncodedPath("_ah/login") .appendQueryParameter("auth", (String) requestData).build(); return new HttpGet(url.toString()); } /** * Saves cookies from AppEngine login */ protected void parseLoginResponse(HttpResponse response) { Header[] cookies = response.getHeaders("Set-Cookie"); String acsid = null; if (cookies.length > 0) { acsid = cookies[0].getValue().split("; ")[0]; success(acsid); } else { error(HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED); } } /** * Adds AppEngine cookies to the request */ private HttpUriRequest addCookie(HttpUriRequest request) { String cookie = Preferences.getString(PrefType.COOKIE_APPENGINE, activity); if (cookie != null) { request.setHeader("Cookie", cookie); } return request; } /** * Create polling submit request */ private String createPollSubmitRequest(Poll poll) { Question question = poll.getQuestions().get(poll.getCurrentQuestion()); List<String> answeredAnswers = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Answer answer : question.getAnswers()) { if (answer.isAnswered()) { answeredAnswers.add(String.valueOf(answer.getNumber() + 1)); } } String answers = TextUtils.join(",", answeredAnswers); PollResponse response = new PollResponse(poll.getDocumentId(), poll.getResponsesSheet(), question.isAnonymous(), poll.getCurrentQuestion() + 1, answers, question.isSuccess()); return getGson().toJson(response); } /** * Parses document list inside collection from broker */ private void handleDocuments(HttpResponse response) { String content = readContent(response); Type collectionType = new TypeToken<List<DocsEntry>>() { }.getType(); List<DocsEntry> entries = getGson().fromJson(content, collectionType); success(entries); } /** * Parses the quiz from broker */ private void handleQuiz(HttpResponse response) { String content = readContent(response); Quiz quiz = getGson().fromJson(content, Quiz.class); success(quiz); } /** * Parses statistics from broker */ private void handleLeaderboard(HttpResponse response) { String content = readContent(response); Type collectionType = new TypeToken<List<LeaderboardEntry>>() { }.getType(); List<LeaderboardEntry> entries = getGson().fromJson(content, collectionType); success(entries); } /** * Parses the polling from broker */ private void handlePoll(HttpResponse response) { String content = readContent(response); Poll polling = getGson().fromJson(content, Poll.class); success(polling); } /** * Parses the polling status from broker */ private void handlePollStatus(HttpResponse response) { String content = readContent(response); Integer questionNumber = getGson().fromJson(content, Integer.class); if (questionNumber != Poll.CLOSED && questionNumber != Poll.WAITING_FOR_INSTRUCTOR) { questionNumber--; } success(questionNumber); } }