Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *  Platypus: Page Layout and Typesetting Software (free at
 *  Platypus is (c) Copyright 2006-10 Pacific Data Works LLC. All Rights Reserved.
 *  Licensed under Apache License 2.0 (

package org.pz.platypus.plugin.pdf;

import com.lowagie.text.*;
import com.lowagie.text.pdf.*;

import org.pz.platypus.GDD;
import org.pz.platypus.Source;
import org.pz.platypus.DefaultValues;
import org.pz.platypus.BulletLists;
import org.pz.platypus.commands.Alignment;
import org.pz.platypus.plugin.common.Underline;
import org.pz.platypus.exceptions.FileCloseException;

import java.util.EmptyStackException;

 * Manage output to the PDF file
public class PdfOutfile {
    private boolean openStatus = false;

    /** fields with the iT prefix are from iText. This is the iText document -- the PDF file */
    Document iTDocument;

    /** the writer that writes to the iTDocument. Needed by iText */
    PdfWriter iTWriter;

    /** the column that the text is written to in iText. */
    ColumnText iTColumn;

    /** the largest entity written to an iTDocument is a paragraph */
    Paragraph iTPara = null;

    /** the collection of active bullet lists */
    BulletLists bulletLists = null;

    /** iText variable that ColumnText uses to see if there's more to write out */
    int iTStatus;

    /** the name of the output file */
    String pdfFilename;

    /** the PDF data structure */
    PdfData pdfData;

    public PdfOutfile() {
        openStatus = false;
        iTPara = null;
        iTWriter = null;
        iTDocument = null;
        bulletLists = new BulletLists();

     * Open the output file. Does basic checks, calls openPdfFile(), and handles any exceptions
     * @param filename name of file to open
     * @param pdd the PDF data class
     * @throws IOException in event of a problem opening the file
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if pdd is null
    public void open(final String filename, final PdfData pdd) throws IOException {
        if (pdd == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("null PdfData passed to ");

        GDD gdd = pdd.getGdd();

        if (filename == null || filename.isEmpty()) {
            gdd.logSevere(gdd.getLit("ERROR.MISSING_INPUT_FILE") + " " + gdd.getLit("EXITING"));
            throw new IOException();
        } else {
            pdfFilename = filename;

        try {
            openPdfFile(gdd, pdd, filename);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            gdd.logSevere(gdd.getLit("ERROR.OPENING_OUTPUT_FILE") + ": " + filename + " " + gdd.getLit("EXITING"));
            throw new IOException();

        gdd.log("Opened PDF output file:" + " " + filename);

     * Low level function for opening an iText file (that is, an iText Document)
     * @param gdd the GDD
     * @param pdf the PDF data
     * @param filename name of file to be opened
     * @throws IOException in the event opening the file runs into an error
    void openPdfFile(final GDD gdd, final PdfData pdf, final String filename) throws IOException {
        /** for writing to columns */
        PdfContentByte iTContentByte;

        final Rectangle pageSize = new Rectangle(pdf.getPageWidth(), pdf.getPageHeight());

        iTDocument = new Document(pageSize, pdf.getMarginLeft(), pdf.getMarginRight(), pdf.getMarginTop(),

        FileOutputStream fos;
        try {
            fos = new FileOutputStream(filename);
            iTWriter = PdfWriter.getInstance(iTDocument, fos);
            gdd.log("Opened PDF output stream: " + filename);
        } catch (DocumentException e) {
            throw new IOException("Document Exception");
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            throw new IOException("Document Not Found");

        // add the routines for iText to call automatically
        //        iTWriter.setPageEvent( new OnPageStart() );
        iTWriter.setPageEvent(new OnPageEnd());
        //        // set up the needed iText fields in the footer
        //        PageFooterPdf pfpdf = (PageFooterPdf) gdd.getFooter();
        //        pfpdf.setDocument( iTDocument );
        //        pfpdf.setWriter( iTWriter );

        // add metadata referring to Platypus
        iTDocument.addCreator(gdd.getLit("CREATED_BY_PLATYPUS") + " " + gdd.getLit("VERSION") + "  "
                + gdd.getLit("AVAILABLE_AT_PZ_ORG"));

        // open the document;

        // are the margins mirrored?
        if (pdf.getMarginsMirrored()) {

        // get the ContentByte for writing to the columns
        iTContentByte = iTWriter.getDirectContent();

        iTColumn = new ColumnText(iTContentByte);

        // determine the size of columns based on page size at open
        pdf.setColumns(new Columns(pdf.getColumnCount(), 0f, pdf));

        openStatus = true;

     * Outputs any material that has not yet been output. Then closes the iText Document.
     * Note that the first text item to be output forces an open of the document. Consult
     * Start.processText(). So, if the file is closed, no text was output.
     * @throws FileCloseException if an error occurs closing the file
    public void close() throws FileCloseException {
        if (!openStatus) {
            GDD gdd = pdfData.getGdd();

        // First output any unwritten paragraph text to the column(s)
        if (iTPara != null) {
            addParagraph(iTPara, iTColumn);
            iTPara = null;

        // if in a bullet list, close the list up
        if (inABulletList()) {

        // then output the column content

        // now, we can close (note: following steps must occur in this order)
        openStatus = false;
        try {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // throwing
            // com.lowagie.text.exceptions.IllegalPdfSyntaxException: Unbalanced save/restore state operators.
            throw new FileCloseException(pdfFilename);

     * If paragraph has content, add it to the content of the current column
     * @param para the iText paragraph to add
     * @param column the iText column to add the paragraph to
    public void addParagraph(Paragraph para, final ColumnText column) {
        if (para == null) { // there's no paragraph to add

        assert (column != null);
        assert (pdfData != null);

        ColumnText outputColumn = column;

        try {
            if (!isOpen()) {
                outputColumn = iTColumn;
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            return; //TODO: Should emit error message    

        if (inABulletList()) {
        } else {
            doParagraphAlignment(para, pdfData);
            doParagraphIndent(para, pdfData);
            doParagraphIndentRight(para, pdfData);
            doFirstLineIndent(para, pdfData);
            doParagraphSpaceBefore(para, pdfData);

     * Converts bullet string into an iText Chunk and calls the method that
     * adds a list using the Chunk to define the bullet symbol.
     * @param bulletSymbol string to use as a bullet symbol (most often, a single character)
    public void startPlainBulletList(final String bulletSymbol) {
        String bullet = bulletSymbol;
        if (bullet == null || bullet.isEmpty()) {
            bullet = DefaultValues.BULLET;

        startPlainBulletList(new Chunk(bullet));

     * Adds a new bullet list to the stack of bulleted lists. (These are saved in a stack because
     * lists can nest).
     * @param bulletSymbol symbol to be used as the bullet marker (an iText Chunk)
    public void startPlainBulletList(final Chunk bulletSymbol) {
        // set the skip to 0 lines, output old text, start a new paragraph.
        float initialParaSkip = pdfData.getParagraphSkip();
        int initialParaSkipSource = pdfData.getParagraphSkipLine();
        pdfData.setParagraphSkip(0f, new Source(0, initialParaSkipSource));

        // then reset the paragraph skip to the previous value.
        pdfData.setParagraphSkip(initialParaSkip, new Source(0, initialParaSkipSource));

        // create the bullet list
        Chunk bulletMarker = bulletSymbol;
        float indentMargin = 18f; // for the nonce, all indents are 1/4"

        List bulletList = new List(List.UNORDERED, indentMargin);
        if (bulletMarker == null || bulletMarker.isEmpty()) {
            bulletMarker = new Chunk(DefaultValues.BULLET);

     * Adds a paragraph to the currently active bullet list.
     * @param para the paragraph to add
    public void addParagraphToList(Paragraph para) {
        if (para == null) {
            return; // TODO: should add an error message

        List currList;
        try {
            currList = (List) bulletLists.peek();
        } catch (EmptyStackException ese) {
            return; // TODO: should add an errro message

        ListItem li = new ListItem(para);
        if (currList != null) {

        iTPara = null;


     * End the currently active bullet list. This removes it from the stack of active
     * bullet lists and adds it to the current column.
    public void endPlainBulletList() {
        List currList;
        try {
            currList = (List) bulletLists.pop();
        } catch (EmptyStackException ese) {
            return; // TODO: should add an error message

        // if in a paragraph, add the paragraph to the list before closing the list.
        if (iTPara != null) {

        // if this list is part of another list (here called the outer list) add it to that list.
        if (!bulletLists.empty()) {
            List outerList = (List) bulletLists.peek();
        // if not, add it to the column of text.
        else {

     * Are we in a bullet list?
     * @return true if in a bullet list, false otherwise.
    public boolean inABulletList() {
        return (bulletLists.size() > 0);

     * Handles indenting the first line of a paragraph. Note: also handles
     * the [noindent] command, which is a one-time command to not indent the
     * present paragraph.
     * @param para the paragraph with the indented first line
     * @param pData the PDF data class containing the indent amount (in points)
     * @return the amount indented
    float doFirstLineIndent(final Paragraph para, final PdfData pData) {
        assert (para != null);
        assert (pData != null);

        // if noindent = true, skip the indent but reset noident to false, as it is
        // applicable for only one paragraph before being reset.
        if (pdfData.getNoIndent()) {
            pdfData.setNoIndent(false, new Source()); //TODO: get right source? Does it matter?
            return (0f);
        } else {
            float indent = pData.getFirstLineIndent();
            return (indent);

     * Handles indenting the entire paragraph. Indent occurs from the left margin.
     * @param para paragraph
     * @param pData PDF data containing the amount of indent (in points)
     * @return the amount of indent in points.
    float doParagraphIndent(final Paragraph para, final PdfData pData) {
        assert (para != null);
        assert (pData != null);

        float indent = pData.getParagraphIndent();
        return (indent);

     * Handles indenting the entire paragraph. Indent occurs from the right margin.
     * @param para paragraph
     * @param pData PDF data containing the amount of indent (in points)
     * @return the amount of indent in points.
    float doParagraphIndentRight(final Paragraph para, final PdfData pData) {
        assert (para != null);
        assert (pData != null);

        float indent = pData.getParagraphIndentRight();
        return (indent);

     * Implement the line spacing before the paragraph, if any.
     * Note: We do this manually rather than call Paragraph.setSpacingBefore() in iText
     * because setSpacingBefore() in iText affects the current paragraph. So is [paraskip=0]
     * occurs midway in a paragraph, that pargraph will have 0 spacing before it, rather than
     * the previous paraskip value, which was in effect when the paragraph was started. 2009-01-31
     * @param para the paragraph to align
     * @param pData the PdfData container holding the current settings of the PDF output
    void doParagraphSpaceBefore(final Paragraph para, final PdfData pData) {
        float skipLines = pData.getParagraphSkip();

        // add 1, as you need 2 NEWLINES for the first line's skip.
        while (skipLines-- > 0) {
            para.add(new Chunk(Chunk.NEWLINE));

     * Implement the paragraph alignment
     * @param para the paragraph to align
     * @param pData the PdfData container holding the current settings of the PDF output
    void doParagraphAlignment(final Paragraph para, final PdfData pData) {
        switch (pData.getAlignment()) {
        case Alignment.CENTER:
        case Alignment.JUST:
        case Alignment.LEFT:
        case Alignment.RIGHT:
        default: // ignore in case of other possibility

     * The method that renders the PDF file
    public void addColumnsContentToDocument() {
        // following test required if the [columns: command appears before any text
        if (iTDocument == null || iTColumn == null) {

        iTStatus = ColumnText.NO_MORE_COLUMN;

        try {
            while (ColumnText.hasMoreText(iTStatus)) {

                if (pdfData.getCurrColumn() >= pdfData.getColumnCount()) {


                iTStatus = iTColumn.go();

                if (ColumnText.hasMoreText(iTStatus)) {
                    int currCol = pdfData.getCurrColumn();
                    pdfData.setCurrColumn(currCol + 1);
        } catch (DocumentException de) { //TODO: Replace with true exception handling
            System.out.println("Exception adding text to iTColumn (ColumnText) in OutfilePdf");

     * Set the size of the columns based on their number, page size, and gutter size.
    void setColumnSize() {
        // the locations of the edges of the current column
        float leftColEdge, rightColEdge, topColEdge, bottomColEdge;

        leftColEdge = computeLeftColEdge();
        rightColEdge = computeRightColEdge(leftColEdge);
        topColEdge = computeTopColEdge();
        bottomColEdge = computeBottomColEdge(topColEdge);

        iTColumn.setSimpleColumn(leftColEdge, bottomColEdge, rightColEdge, topColEdge);

     * Compute the bottom edge, which is the lesser of the topEdge - columnHeight or
     * top edge - bottom margin.
     * //TODO: find out why this second element is important. (Converted from Platypus v. 0.1.16)
     * @param topEdge top edge of this column
     * @return bottom edge of the column
    float computeBottomColEdge(final float topEdge) {
        Column currCol = pdfData.getColumns().getColumn(pdfData.getCurrColumn());
        return (Math.min(topEdge - currCol.getHeight(), topEdge - pdfData.getMarginBottom()));

     * Computes the left edge of the current column
     * It starts with the left margin and adds the width and gutters of any columns between it
     * and the left margin.
     * @return the left margin of the current column
    float computeLeftColEdge() {
        float leftEdge = pdfData.getMarginLeft();
        for (int i = 0; i < pdfData.getCurrColumn(); i++) {
            leftEdge += pdfData.getColumns().getColumn(i).getWidth()
                    + pdfData.getColumns().getColumn(i).getGutter();
        return (leftEdge);

     * Compute the right edge of the current column. It's the left edge + column width
     * @param leftEdge location of left edge
     * @return right edge
    float computeRightColEdge(final float leftEdge) {
        Column currCol = pdfData.getColumns().getColumn(pdfData.getCurrColumn());
        return (leftEdge + currCol.getWidth());

     * Compute the top edge of the curren column, which is the page height (PDF coordinates
     * start at lower left corner) - top margin - vertical skip.
     * @return  top edge
    float computeTopColEdge() {
        Column currCol = pdfData.getColumns().getColumn(pdfData.getCurrColumn());
        return (pdfData.getPageHeight() - pdfData.getMarginTop() - currCol.getVertSkip());

     * High level skip to the top of the next page. Writes out all pending text before skipping.
    public void newPage() {
        if (iTPara != null && iTPara.size() > 0) {
            addParagraph(iTPara, iTColumn);


     * Forces a new page without any of the accompanying processing (although pageEnd() and
     * newPage() events in iText are still performed). For example, if we are in mid-paragraph,
     * the paragraph is not added to the current page; etc.
     * @return wasPageAdded true if it was, false if an error occurred
    public boolean newPageLowLevel() {
        boolean wasPageAdded;

        try {
            iTWriter.setPageEmpty(false); // forces the page to be emitted.
            wasPageAdded = iTDocument.newPage();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            wasPageAdded = false;
        return (wasPageAdded);

     * Starts a new iText Paragraph. First writes out any content from the previous
     * paragraph if there remains anything unwritten to the output file.
    public void startNewParagraph() {
        if (iTPara != null) {
            addParagraph(iTPara, iTColumn);

        iTPara = new Paragraph(pdfData.getLeading());
        pdfData.setEolPending(false); //TODO: Is this still needed?

     * Make sure file is open in the event that the first item is not text, such
     * as if it is a URL.
     * @throws IOException in the event that the call to open() throws this exception
    void makeSureOutfileIsOpen() throws IOException {
        GDD gdd = pdfData.getGdd();
        String outputFilename = gdd.getSysStrings().getString("_outputFile");

        if (!isOpen()) {
            try {
                open(outputFilename, pdfData);
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                // Just rethrow. The error message for the exception was already shown in the open() method.
                throw new IOException();

     * Writes text to the PDF file. Because text can be written either as a Chunk or a Phrase
     * in iText, this method has to manage both entities within the larger context of a Paragraph.
     * @param s the text to be written
    public void emitText(String s) {
        assert (s != null) : "s parameter null in PdfOutfile.emitText()";

        // check if we are in an existing paragraph. If not, create a new one.
        if (iTPara == null) {

        // now create a Chunk containing the text in String s using the font in pdfData
        final Chunk chunk = new Chunk(s, pdfData.getFont().getItextFont());

        // if strikethrough is on, then set it here for this chunk
        if (pdfData.getStrikethru()) {
            float lineLocation = pdfData.getFontSize() / DefaultValues.FONT_SIZE_TO_STRIKETHRU_RATIO;
            chunk.setUnderline(DefaultValues.UNDERLINE_THICKNESS, lineLocation);

        if (pdfData.getUnderline().isInEffect()) {
            Underline ul = pdfData.getUnderline();
            chunk.setUnderline(ul.geTthickness(), ul.getPosition());


     * Emit a single character in the current font, size, etc. This is used to output
     * a character by its Unicode value and is called by PdfSymbol, which handles the
     * processing of symbols and special characters.
     * @param ch char to be emitted
     * @param fontName fontName to use. If null, use current font.
    public void emitChar(final String ch, final String fontName) {
        assert (ch != null) : "ch parameter null in PdfOutfile.emitChar()";

        if (iTPara == null) {

        FontSelector fs = new FontSelector();
        if (fontName == null || fontName.isEmpty()) {
        } else {
            PdfFont newFont = new PdfFont(pdfData, fontName, pdfData.getFont());

        Phrase phr = fs.process(ch);

     * Emits a URL with the specified cover text. Creates a clickable link in the PDF doc.
     * If no cover text is null (so, not specified), then the text defaults to the URL itself.
     * (In other words, would print as is.)
     * @param url the URL of the link
     * @param text words to be printed and made linkable (in lieu of printing the URL)
    public void addUrl(final String url, final String text) {
        if (url == null) {

        String coverText = text;
        if (coverText == null) {
            coverText = url;

        Anchor anchor = new Anchor(coverText, pdfData.getFont().getItextFont());

        try {
        } catch (IOException ioe) {

        if (iTPara == null) {


     * Turn on margin mirroring.
    public void setMarginsMirrored() {

    // ===== endPage events =======

    // inner class to handle the end of page events
    class OnPageEnd extends PdfPageEventHelper {

        public OnPageEnd() {

         * Lists the sequence of actions to perform
         * .
         * @param writer  used for writing the footer
         * @param document the document in which the footer will be written
        public void onEndPage(final PdfWriter writer, final Document document) {
            pdfData.setPageNumber(pdfData.getPageNumber() + 1);

        public void updateAllMargins() {
            GDD gdd = pdfData.getGdd();

            /** the document's current bottom margin */
            float docBM = iTDocument.bottomMargin();
            float docLM = iTDocument.leftMargin();
            float docRM = iTDocument.rightMargin();
            float docTM = iTDocument.topMargin();

            /** the current values as specified in  PDF data, (the new value, if any) */
            float newBM = pdfData.getMarginBottom();
            float newLM = pdfData.getMarginLeft();
            float newRM = pdfData.getMarginRight();
            float newTM = pdfData.getMarginTop();

            // validate that the margins are not excessively sized.
            // They were previously checked for not being too small or individually too big.
            if (newLM + newRM >= iTDocument.getPageSize().getWidth()) {
                gdd.logWarning(gdd.getLit("ERROR.LEFT_RIGHT_MARGINS_TOO_BIG") + ":\n"
                        + gdd.getLit("\t" + "LEFT_MARGIN" + ":  " + newLM + "\n")
                        + gdd.getLit("\t" + "RIGHT_MARGIN" + ":  " + newRM + "\n")
                        + gdd.getLit("RESET_TO_CURRENT_SIZE"));

                // reset the margins to the current settings, so we don't go through this
                // logging step at every new page.
                pdfData.setMarginRight(docRM, pdfData.getMarginRightLine());
                pdfData.setMarginLeft(docLM, pdfData.getMarginLeftLine());


            if (newTM + newBM >= iTDocument.getPageSize().getHeight()) {
                gdd.logWarning(gdd.getLit("ERROR.TOP_BOTTOM_MARGINS_TOO_BIG") + ":\n"
                        + gdd.getLit("\t" + "TOP_MARGIN" + ":  " + newTM + "\n")
                        + gdd.getLit("\t" + "BOTTOM_MARGIN" + ":  " + newBM + "\n")
                        + gdd.getLit("RESET_TO_CURRENT_SIZE"));

                // reset the margins to the current settings, so we don't go through this
                // logging step at every new page.
                pdfData.setMarginTop(docTM, pdfData.getMarginTopLine());
                pdfData.setMarginBottom(docBM, pdfData.getMarginBottomLine());

            // set the margins if any of them has changed.
            if (docBM != newBM || docLM != newLM || docRM != newRM || docTM != newTM) {
                iTDocument.setMargins(newLM, newRM, newTM, newBM);

         * Checks to see whether the page size has changed from the current page size.
         * If so, the next page is set to the new page size.
        public void updatePageSize() {
            // the page size as currently specified in the present document
            float docH = iTDocument.getPageSize().getHeight();
            float docW = iTDocument.getPageSize().getWidth();

            // the page size as kept in pdfData, which will reflect any recent changes
            float currH = pdfData.getPageHeight();
            float currW = pdfData.getPageWidth();

            if (docH != currH || docW != currW) {
                Rectangle newPage = new Rectangle(currW, currH);

         * Print a footer if the number of pages to skip before a footer has been exceeded.
        public void footerProcessing() {
            Footer f = pdfData.getFooter();

            if (f.shouldWrite() && pdfData.getPageNumber() > f.getPagesToSkip()) {

                PdfContentByte cb = iTWriter.getDirectContent();
                final String footerText = getFooterText();
                final BaseFont footerBaseFont = f.getFont().getItextFont().getBaseFont();
                final float footerFontSize = f.getFont().getItextFont().getCalculatedSize();
                final float footerTextLength = footerBaseFont.getWidthPoint(footerText, 10);
                final float footerBaseline = iTDocument.bottom() - f.getBaseline();

                // the actual process of writing to the footer's absolute location
                cb.setFontAndSize(footerBaseFont, footerFontSize);
                cb.setTextMatrix(iTDocument.right() - footerTextLength, footerBaseline);

         * Create the text string we'll use. Currently em-dash page# em-dash
         * @return the footer string
        private String getFooterText() {
            final String footerText = "\u2014 " + pdfData.getPageNumber() + " \u2014";
            return (footerText);

         * Processing to do after the footer is printed out
        public void postFooterProcessing() {

    // ==== getters and setters ====//

     * Gets the Y-position from iTColumn
     * @return the vertical position of the current writing position

    public float getYposition() {
        return (iTColumn.getYLine());

    public int getAddStatus() {
        return (iTStatus);

    public boolean isOpen() {
        return (openStatus);

    public void setPdfData(final PdfData newPdfData) {
        pdfData = newPdfData;

    public float getColumnWidth() {
        return (iTColumn.getFilledWidth());

    public Paragraph getItPara() {
        return (iTPara);

    // this method is used for testing

    public void setBulletLists(BulletLists newBulletLists) {
        bulletLists = newBulletLists;

    // this method is only ever used for testing.
    public void setItPara(Paragraph newPara) {
        iTPara = newPara;

    // this method is only ever used for testing.
    public void setItColumn(ColumnText ct) {
        iTColumn = ct;

    // this method is only ever used for testing.
    public ColumnText getItColumn() {
        return (iTColumn);