Java tutorial
/*** * Platypus: Page Layout and Typesetting Software (free at * * Platypus is (c) Copyright 2006-09 Pacific Data Works LLC. All Rights Reserved. * Licensed under Apache License 2.0 ( */ package org.pz.platypus; import org.pz.platypus.exceptions.HelpMessagePrinted; import org.pz.platypus.exceptions.StopExecutionException; import org.apache.commons.cli.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Uses apache commons CLI to parse the command line. * * @author alb * @author atul - moved the command line parsing to apache commons CLI */ public class CommandLineArgs { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Options options = new Options(); private CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); private CommandLine line; /** * Configures the CLI parser with a list of valid Options. * And parses the command line args. * * @param args command-line args passed to main() */ public CommandLineArgs(final String[] args) { initOptions(); if (args == null || args.length == 0) { parseArguments(new String[] { "-help" }); } else { parseArguments(args); } } private void parseArguments(String[] args) { try { String[] preprocessedArgs = CommandLineArgs.preProcessCommandLine(args); line = parser.parse(options, preprocessedArgs); } catch (ParseException e) { System.err.println(e.getLocalizedMessage()); throw new StopExecutionException(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } private void initOptions() { Option[] optsArr = getSupportedOptions(); for (Option opt : optsArr) { options.addOption(opt); } } /** * All valid supported options are here. * @return a list of such options. */ private Option[] getSupportedOptions() { Option inputFile = OptionBuilder.withArgName("file").hasArg().withDescription("input file") .create("inputFile"); Option outputFile = OptionBuilder.withArgName("file").hasArg().withDescription("output file") .create("outputFile"); Option configFile = OptionBuilder.withArgName("configfile").hasArg().withDescription("config file") .create("config"); Option format = OptionBuilder.withArgName("formatname").hasArg().withDescription("output format") .create("format"); Option verbose = new Option("verbose", "verbose help"); Option vverbose = new Option("vverbose", "very verbose help"); Option fontlist = new Option("fontlist", "list of fonts"); Option help = new Option("help", "print this message"); return new Option[] { inputFile, outputFile, configFile, format, verbose, vverbose, fontlist, help }; } /** * Creates a single string from all the args specified by the user on the command line * * @param args the user-specified args * @return the command line as one string. If there were no args, a single space is returned. */ public String createCommandLine(final String[] args) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(args.length * 15); if (args.length == 0) { return (" "); } for (String arg : args) { sb.append(arg); sb.append(' '); } return (sb.toString().trim()); } /** * Determines whether an item was specified on the command-line. And if so, * what any argument for it is. * * @param argToFind argument to lookup * @return null if the item was not specified; "" if the item was specified but had no argument, * and the argument if item was specified and has an argument. */ public String lookup(final String argToFind) { if (argToFind == null) { return (null); } if (shouldGenerateOutputOption(argToFind)) { return generateOutputFile(); } if (!line.hasOption(argToFind)) return null; String opt = line.getOptionValue(argToFind); if (opt == null) return "true"; return opt; } private String generateOutputFile() { String inputFile = line.getOptionValue("inputFile"); String ret = getNameMinusExtension(inputFile); return appendFormatExtension(ret); } private String appendFormatExtension(String ret) { final String formatExt = getFormatExtension(); return ret + "." + formatExt; } private String getFormatExtension() { String formatExtension = "pdf"; if (line.hasOption("format")) { formatExtension = line.getOptionValue("format"); } return formatExtension; } private String getNameMinusExtension(String str) { String ret = str; StringBuilder fileBuilder = new StringBuilder(str); int lastDotAt = fileBuilder.lastIndexOf("."); if (lastDotAt != -1) { ret = ret.substring(0, lastDotAt); } return ret; } private boolean shouldGenerateOutputOption(final String argStr) { if (argStr.equals("outputFile")) { if (!line.hasOption("outputFile")) { if (line.hasOption("inputFile")) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Processes some command-line options * * @param gdd GDD that will hold the state of some switches (such as verbosity) * @throws HelpMessagePrinted if no command-line args specified */ //curr: improve method name public void process(GDD gdd) throws HelpMessagePrinted { showUsageIfZeroArgs(gdd); // Note: the -config option is entirely handled in Platypus.processConfigFile(), not here. processHelpOption(gdd); processVerboseOption(gdd); processVeryVerboseOption(gdd); processFontListOption(gdd); } private void processFontListOption(GDD gdd) throws HelpMessagePrinted { if (line.hasOption("fontlist")) { TypefaceMap tfm = new TypefaceMap(gdd); tfm.loadFamilies(); tfm.writeMapToFile(gdd.getHomeDirectory() + "config/fontlist.txt"); throw new HelpMessagePrinted("OK"); //todo: fix this way of escaping processing. } } private void processVeryVerboseOption(GDD gdd) { if (line.hasOption("vverbose")) { gdd.setClVVerbose(true); } } private void processVerboseOption(GDD gdd) { if (line.hasOption("verbose")) { gdd.setClVerbose(true); } } private void processHelpOption(GDD gdd) throws HelpMessagePrinted { if (line.hasOption("help")) { Platypus.showUsage(gdd); // this exception exits Platypus without further processing and w/out // an error message. Technically, this is not an exception, but it's // the cleanest way of closing down from here. throw new HelpMessagePrinted("OK"); } } private void showUsageIfZeroArgs(GDD gdd) { if (line.getOptions().length == 0) { Platypus.showUsage(gdd); System.err.println(gdd.getLit("PLEASE_RERUN_WITH_FILENAMES")); throw new UnsupportedOperationException("ERR"); //curr: delete ERR } //curr: combine with graf below, using same exit exception. } /** * Injects the -inputFile and -outputFile options before correct barewords * The algorithm first checks if we have encountered an option with zero or one argument. * If so, it copies the elements to the result array. * Else, it injects -inputFile before the first bareword * and -outputFile after the second bareword. * * @param args * @return correctly injects -inputFile and -outputFile before the barewords... */ public static String[] preProcessCommandLine(final String[] args) { final List<String> newArgs = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean inOption = false; boolean inputSeen = false; for (String arg : args) { if (inOption == false) { if (isArgAnOption(arg)) { if (doesOptionHaveArg(arg)) { inOption = true; } } else if (inputSeen == false) { // we have encountered a bareword newArgs.add("-inputFile"); // first bareword is taken as input file inputSeen = true; } else if (inputSeen == true) { newArgs.add("-outputFile"); // next bareword is output file inputSeen = false; } } else if (inOption == true) { inOption = false; // this bareword is an option argument } newArgs.add(arg); } return newArgs.toArray(new String[0]); // java collections idiom for converting to an array :-) } private static boolean doesOptionHaveArg(String arg) { return arg.equals("-config") || arg.equals("-format"); } private static boolean isArgAnOption(String arg) { if (!arg.isEmpty()) { if (arg.charAt(0) == '-') { return true; } } return false; } }