Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright
 * detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source
 * tree and available online at
package org.purl.sword.client;


import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.Header;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpStatus;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.UsernamePasswordCredentials;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth.AuthScope;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.FileRequestEntity;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.purl.sword.base.ChecksumUtils;
import org.purl.sword.base.DepositResponse;
import org.purl.sword.base.HttpHeaders;
import org.purl.sword.base.ServiceDocument;
import org.purl.sword.base.SwordValidationInfo;
import org.purl.sword.base.UnmarshallException;

 * This is an example Client implementation to demonstrate how to connect to a
 * SWORD server. The client supports BASIC HTTP Authentication. This can be
 * initialised by setting a username and password.
 * @author Neil Taylor
public class Client implements SWORDClient {
     * The status field for the response code from the recent network access.
    private Status status;

     * The name of the server to contact.
    private String server;

     * The port number for the server.
    private int port;

     * Specifies if the network access should use HTTP authentication.
    private boolean doAuthentication;

     * The username to use for Basic Authentication.
    private String username;

     * User password that is to be used.
    private String password;

     * The userAgent to identify this application.
    private String userAgent;

     * The client that is used to send data to the specified server.
    private HttpClient client;

     * The default connection timeout. This can be modified by using the
     * setSocketTimeout method.
    public static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 20000;

     * Logger.
    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Client.class);

     * Create a new Client. The client will not use authentication by default.
    public Client() {
        client = new HttpClient();
        client.getParams().setParameter("http.socket.timeout", Integer.valueOf(DEFAULT_TIMEOUT));
        log.debug("proxy host: " + client.getHostConfiguration().getProxyHost());
        log.debug("proxy port: " + client.getHostConfiguration().getProxyPort());
        doAuthentication = false;

     * Initialise the server that will be used to send the network access.
     * @param server
     * @param port
    public void setServer(String server, int port) {
        this.server = server;
        this.port = port;

     * Set the user credentials that will be used when making the access to the
     * server.
     * @param username
     *            The username.
     * @param password
     *            The password.
    public void setCredentials(String username, String password) {
        this.username = username;
        this.password = password;
        doAuthentication = true;

     * Set the basic credentials. You must have previously set the server and
     * port using setServer.
     * @param username
     * @param password
    private void setBasicCredentials(String username, String password) {
        log.debug("server: " + server + " port: " + port + " u: '" + username + "' p '" + password + "'");
        client.getState().setCredentials(new AuthScope(server, port),
                new UsernamePasswordCredentials(username, password));

     * Set a proxy that should be used by the client when trying to access the
     * server. If this is not set, the client will attempt to make a direct
     * direct connection to the server. The port is set to 80.
     * @param host
     *            The hostname.
    public void setProxy(String host) {
        setProxy(host, 80);

     * Set a proxy that should be used by the client when trying to access the
     * server. If this is not set, the client will attempt to make a direct
     * direct connection to the server.
     * @param host
     *            The name of the host.
     * @param port
     *            The port.
    public void setProxy(String host, int port) {
        client.getHostConfiguration().setProxy(host, port);

     * Clear the proxy setting.
    public void clearProxy() {

     * Clear any user credentials that have been set for this client.
    public void clearCredentials() {
        doAuthentication = false;

    public void setUserAgent(String userAgent) {
        this.userAgent = userAgent;

     * Set the connection timeout for the socket.
     * @param milliseconds
     *            The time, expressed as a number of milliseconds.
    public void setSocketTimeout(int milliseconds) {
        client.getParams().setParameter("http.socket.timeout", Integer.valueOf(milliseconds));

     * Retrieve the service document. The service document is located at the
     * specified URL. This calls getServiceDocument(url,onBehalfOf).
     * @param url
     *            The location of the service document.
     * @return The ServiceDocument, or <code>null</code> if there was a
     *         problem accessing the document. e.g. invalid access.
     * @throws SWORDClientException
     *             If there is an error accessing the resource.
    public ServiceDocument getServiceDocument(String url) throws SWORDClientException {
        return getServiceDocument(url, null);

     * Retrieve the service document. The service document is located at the
     * specified URL. This calls getServiceDocument(url,onBehalfOf).
     * @param url
     *            The location of the service document.
     * @return The ServiceDocument, or <code>null</code> if there was a
     *         problem accessing the document. e.g. invalid access.
     * @throws SWORDClientException
     *             If there is an error accessing the resource.
    public ServiceDocument getServiceDocument(String url, String onBehalfOf) throws SWORDClientException {
        URL serviceDocURL = null;
        try {
            serviceDocURL = new URL(url);
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            // Try relative URL
            URL baseURL = null;
            try {
                baseURL = new URL("http", server, Integer.valueOf(port), "/");
                serviceDocURL = new URL(baseURL, (url == null) ? "" : url);
            } catch (MalformedURLException e1) {
                // No dice, can't even form base URL...
                throw new SWORDClientException(url + " is not a valid URL (" + e1.getMessage()
                        + "), and could not form a relative one from: " + baseURL + " / " + url, e1);

        GetMethod httpget = new GetMethod(serviceDocURL.toExternalForm());
        if (doAuthentication) {
            // this does not perform any check on the username password. It
            // relies on the server to determine if the values are correct.
            setBasicCredentials(username, password);

        Properties properties = new Properties();

        if (containsValue(onBehalfOf)) {
            log.debug("Setting on-behalf-of: " + onBehalfOf);
            httpget.addRequestHeader(new Header(HttpHeaders.X_ON_BEHALF_OF, onBehalfOf));
            properties.put(HttpHeaders.X_ON_BEHALF_OF, onBehalfOf);

        if (containsValue(userAgent)) {
            log.debug("Setting userAgent: " + userAgent);
            httpget.addRequestHeader(new Header(HttpHeaders.USER_AGENT, userAgent));
            properties.put(HttpHeaders.USER_AGENT, userAgent);

        ServiceDocument doc = null;

        try {
            // store the status code
            status = new Status(httpget.getStatusCode(), httpget.getStatusText());

            if (status.getCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
                String message = readResponse(httpget.getResponseBodyAsStream());
                log.debug("returned message is: " + message);
                doc = new ServiceDocument();
                lastUnmarshallInfo = doc.unmarshall(message, properties);
            } else {
                throw new SWORDClientException("Received error from service document request: " + status);
        } catch (HttpException ex) {
            throw new SWORDClientException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
        } catch (IOException ioex) {
            throw new SWORDClientException(ioex.getMessage(), ioex);
        } catch (UnmarshallException uex) {
            throw new SWORDClientException(uex.getMessage(), uex);
        } finally {

        return doc;

    private SwordValidationInfo lastUnmarshallInfo;

    public SwordValidationInfo getLastUnmarshallInfo() {
        return lastUnmarshallInfo;

     * Post a file to the server. The different elements of the post are encoded
     * in the specified message.
     * @param message
     *            The message that contains the post information.
     * @throws SWORDClientException
     *             if there is an error during the post operation.
    public DepositResponse postFile(PostMessage message) throws SWORDClientException {
        if (message == null) {
            throw new SWORDClientException("Message cannot be null.");

        PostMethod httppost = new PostMethod(message.getDestination());

        if (doAuthentication) {
            setBasicCredentials(username, password);

        DepositResponse response = null;

        String messageBody = "";

        try {
            if (message.isUseMD5()) {
                String md5 = ChecksumUtils.generateMD5(message.getFilepath());
                if (message.getChecksumError()) {
                    md5 = "1234567890";
                log.debug("checksum error is: " + md5);
                if (md5 != null) {
                    httppost.addRequestHeader(new Header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_MD5, md5));

            String filename = message.getFilename();
            if (!"".equals(filename)) {
                httppost.addRequestHeader(new Header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, " filename=" + filename));

            if (containsValue(message.getSlug())) {
                httppost.addRequestHeader(new Header(HttpHeaders.SLUG, message.getSlug()));

            if (message.getCorruptRequest()) {
                // insert a header with an invalid boolean value
                httppost.addRequestHeader(new Header(HttpHeaders.X_NO_OP, "Wibble"));
            } else {
                httppost.addRequestHeader(new Header(HttpHeaders.X_NO_OP, Boolean.toString(message.isNoOp())));
            httppost.addRequestHeader(new Header(HttpHeaders.X_VERBOSE, Boolean.toString(message.isVerbose())));

            String packaging = message.getPackaging();
            if (packaging != null && packaging.length() > 0) {
                httppost.addRequestHeader(new Header(HttpHeaders.X_PACKAGING, packaging));

            String onBehalfOf = message.getOnBehalfOf();
            if (containsValue(onBehalfOf)) {
                httppost.addRequestHeader(new Header(HttpHeaders.X_ON_BEHALF_OF, onBehalfOf));

            String userAgent = message.getUserAgent();
            if (containsValue(userAgent)) {
                httppost.addRequestHeader(new Header(HttpHeaders.USER_AGENT, userAgent));

            FileRequestEntity requestEntity = new FileRequestEntity(new File(message.getFilepath()),

            status = new Status(httppost.getStatusCode(), httppost.getStatusText());

  "Checking the status code: " + status.getCode());

            if (status.getCode() == HttpStatus.SC_ACCEPTED || status.getCode() == HttpStatus.SC_CREATED) {
                messageBody = readResponse(httppost.getResponseBodyAsStream());
                response = new DepositResponse(status.getCode());
                // added call for the status code.
                lastUnmarshallInfo = response.unmarshall(messageBody, new Properties());
            } else {
                messageBody = readResponse(httppost.getResponseBodyAsStream());
                response = new DepositResponse(status.getCode());
            return response;

        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nex) {
            throw new SWORDClientException("Unable to use MD5. " + nex.getMessage(), nex);
        } catch (HttpException ex) {
            throw new SWORDClientException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
        } catch (IOException ioex) {
            throw new SWORDClientException(ioex.getMessage(), ioex);
        } catch (UnmarshallException uex) {
            throw new SWORDClientException(uex.getMessage() + "(<pre>" + messageBody + "</pre>)", uex);
        } finally {

     * Read a response from the stream and return it as a string.
     * @param stream
     *            The stream that contains the response.
     * @return The string extracted from the screen.
     * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
     * @throws IOException
    private String readResponse(InputStream stream) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream, "UTF-8"));
        String line = null;
        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
        while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
        return buffer.toString();

     * Return the status information that was returned from the most recent
     * request sent to the server.
     * @return The status code returned from the most recent access.
    public Status getStatus() {
        return status;

     * Check to see if the specified item contains a non-empty string.
     * @param item
     *            The string to check.
     * @return True if the string is not null and has a length greater than 0
     *         after any whitespace is trimmed from the start and end.
     *         Otherwise, false.
    private boolean containsValue(String item) {
        return ((item != null) && (item.trim().length() > 0));
