Source code

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 * psiKeds :- ps induced knowledge entity delivery system
 * Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 Karsten Reincke, Marco Juliano, Deutsche Telekom AG
 * This file is free software: you can redistribute
 * it and/or modify it under the terms of the
 * [x] GNU Affero General Public License
 * [ ] GNU General Public License
 * [ ] GNU Lesser General Public License
 * [ ] Creatice Commons ShareAlike License
 * For details see file LICENSING in the top project directory
package org.psikeds.resolutionengine.datalayer.knowledgebase.util;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

import org.psikeds.resolutionengine.datalayer.vo.Feature;
import org.psikeds.resolutionengine.datalayer.vo.FeatureValue;
import org.psikeds.resolutionengine.datalayer.vo.FloatFeatureValue;
import org.psikeds.resolutionengine.datalayer.vo.IntegerFeatureValue;

 * Helper for handling Features, Values and Ranges.
 * @author
public abstract class FeatureValueHelper {

    public static final int DEFAULT_RANGE_STEP = 1;
    public static final int DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_SIZE = 500;

    public static final FeatureValueComparator COMPARATOR = new FeatureValueComparator();

    private FeatureValueHelper() {
        // prevent instantiation

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------

    public static boolean isValid(final FeatureValue fv) {
        if ((fv == null) || StringUtils.isEmpty(fv.getFeatureID()) || StringUtils.isEmpty(fv.getFeatureValueID())
                || StringUtils.isEmpty(fv.getType()) || StringUtils.isEmpty(fv.getValue())) {
            return false;
        if (fv.isFloatValue()) {
            try {
                return true;
            } catch (final Exception ex) {
                return false;
        } else if (fv.isIntegerValue()) {
            try {
                return true;
            } catch (final Exception ex) {
                return false;
        return true;

    public static boolean isValid(final Feature f) {
        if ((f == null) || StringUtils.isEmpty(f.getFeatureID()) || StringUtils.isEmpty(f.getType())) {
            return false;
        final List<FeatureValue> values = f.getValues();
        if ((values == null) || values.isEmpty()) {
            return false;
        for (final FeatureValue fv : values) {
            if (!isValid(fv) || !fv.getType().equals(f.getType()) || !fv.getFeatureID().equals(f.getFeatureID())) {
                return false;
        return true;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------

    public static boolean isCompatible(final Feature f1, final Feature f2) {
        return ((f1 != null) && (f2 != null) && isCompatible(f1.getType(), f2.getType()));

    public static boolean isCompatible(final FeatureValue fv1, final FeatureValue fv2) {
        return ((fv1 != null) && (fv2 != null) && isCompatible(fv1.getType(), fv2.getType()));

    public static boolean isCompatible(final Feature f1, final FeatureValue fv2) {
        return ((f1 != null) && (fv2 != null) && isCompatible(f1.getType(), fv2.getType()));

    public static boolean isCompatible(final FeatureValue fv1, final Feature f2) {
        return isCompatible(f2, fv1);

    public static boolean isCompatible(final String type1, final String type2) {
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(type1) || StringUtils.isEmpty(type2)) {
            // empty types are never compatible
            return false;
        if (type1.equals(type2)) {
            // equal types are always compatible
            return true;
        if (Feature.VALUE_TYPE_STRING.equals(type1) || Feature.VALUE_TYPE_STRING.equals(type2)) {
            // a string and a number are not compatible
            return false;
        // two numbers (either float or int) are compatible
        return true;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------

    public static List<IntegerFeatureValue> calculateIntegerRange(final String featureID, final String rangeID,
            final long min, final long max, final long inc) {
        return calculateIntegerRange(featureID, rangeID, min, max, inc, DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_SIZE);

    public static List<IntegerFeatureValue> calculateIntegerRange(final String featureID, final String rangeID,
            final long min, final long max, long inc, final long maxSize) {
        if (inc == 0) {
            inc = DEFAULT_RANGE_STEP;
        if ((inc > 0) && (max < min)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Maximum of Range " + rangeID + " must not be smaller than Minimum!");
        if ((inc < 0) && (max > min)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Minimum of Range " + rangeID + " must not be smaller than Maximum!");
        final List<IntegerFeatureValue> lst = new ArrayList<IntegerFeatureValue>();
        long count = 1;
        for (long l = min; (l <= max) && (count <= maxSize); l = l + inc) {
            final String featureValueID = rangeID + "_I" + String.valueOf(count);
            final IntegerFeatureValue ifv = new IntegerFeatureValue(featureID, featureValueID, l);
        return lst;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------

    public static List<FloatFeatureValue> calculateFloatRange(final String featureID, final String rangeID,
            final BigDecimal min, final BigDecimal max, final BigDecimal inc) {
        return calculateFloatRange(featureID, rangeID, min, max, inc, FloatFeatureValue.MIN_FLOAT_SCALE,

    public static List<FloatFeatureValue> calculateFloatRange(final String featureID, final String rangeID,
            final BigDecimal min, final BigDecimal max, final BigDecimal inc, final int scale,
            final int roundingMode) {
        return calculateFloatRange(featureID, rangeID, min, max, inc, scale, roundingMode, DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_SIZE);

    public static List<FloatFeatureValue> calculateFloatRange(final String featureID, final String rangeID,
            final BigDecimal min, final BigDecimal max, final BigDecimal inc, int scale, final int roundingMode,
            final int maxSize) {
        float finc = (inc == null ? 0.0f : inc.floatValue());
        if (finc == 0.0f) {
            finc = DEFAULT_RANGE_STEP;
        } else if (scale == FloatFeatureValue.MIN_FLOAT_SCALE) {
            // scale is based on the increment, if not explicitly specified otherwise
            scale = inc.scale();
        final float fmin = (min == null ? 0.0f : min.floatValue());
        final float fmax = (max == null ? 0.0f : max.floatValue());
        if ((finc > 0.0f) && (fmax < fmin)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Maximum of Range " + rangeID + " must not be smaller than Minimum!");
        if ((finc < 0.0f) && (fmax > fmin)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Minimum of Range " + rangeID + " must not be smaller than Maximum!");
        final List<FloatFeatureValue> lst = new ArrayList<FloatFeatureValue>();
        int count = 1;
        for (float f = fmin; (f <= fmax) && (count <= maxSize); f = f + finc) {
            final String featureValueID = rangeID + "_F" + String.valueOf(count);
            final FloatFeatureValue ffv = new FloatFeatureValue(featureID, featureValueID, f, scale, roundingMode);
        return lst;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------

    public static boolean isWithinRange(final String featureId, final String rangeID, final FeatureValue val) {
        if ((val == null) || StringUtils.isEmpty(featureId) || StringUtils.isEmpty(rangeID)
                || StringUtils.isEmpty(val.getFeatureValueID())) {
            return false;
        // when we generate values for ranges the feature-value-id will always start with the correpsonding range-id!
        return (featureId.equals(val.getFeatureID()) && val.getFeatureValueID().startsWith(rangeID));

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------

    public static boolean isEqual(final FeatureValue fv1, final FeatureValue fv2) {
        return (, fv2) == 0);

    public static boolean notEqual(final FeatureValue fv1, final FeatureValue fv2) {
        return !isEqual(fv1, fv2);

    public static boolean greaterThan(final FeatureValue fv1, final FeatureValue fv2) {
        return (, fv2) > 0);

    public static boolean lessThan(final FeatureValue fv1, final FeatureValue fv2) {
        return (, fv2) < 0);

    public static boolean lessOrEqual(final FeatureValue fv1, final FeatureValue fv2) {
        return !greaterThan(fv1, fv2);

    public static boolean greaterOrEqual(final FeatureValue fv1, final FeatureValue fv2) {
        return !lessThan(fv1, fv2);

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------

    public static List<FeatureValue> isEqual(final List<FeatureValue> lst, final FeatureValue ref) {
        List<FeatureValue> result = null;
        if ((ref != null) && (lst != null) && !lst.isEmpty()) {
            result = new ArrayList<FeatureValue>();
            for (final FeatureValue fv : lst) {
                if (isEqual(fv, ref)) {
        return result;

    public static List<FeatureValue> notEqual(final List<FeatureValue> lst, final FeatureValue ref) {
        List<FeatureValue> result = null;
        if (ref == null) {
            // everything is not equal to null
            result = lst;
        } else if ((lst != null) && !lst.isEmpty()) {
            result = new ArrayList<FeatureValue>();
            for (final FeatureValue fv : lst) {
                if (notEqual(fv, ref)) {
        return result;

    public static List<FeatureValue> lessThan(final List<FeatureValue> lst, final FeatureValue ref) {
        List<FeatureValue> result = null;
        final int len = (lst == null ? 0 : lst.size());
        if ((ref != null) && (len > 0)) {
            sort(lst); // find requires sorted list
            final int idx = find(lst, ref);
            if (idx > 0) {
                // ref is between min and max of list
                result = new ArrayList<FeatureValue>(lst.subList(0, idx));
            } else {
                // ref is not contained in list
                final FeatureValue min = min(lst);
                result = (lessThan(ref, min) ? null : lst);
        return result;

    public static List<FeatureValue> lessOrEqual(final List<FeatureValue> lst, final FeatureValue ref) {
        List<FeatureValue> result = null;
        final int len = (lst == null ? 0 : lst.size());
        if ((ref != null) && (len > 0)) {
            sort(lst); // find requires sorted list
            final int idx = find(lst, ref);
            if (idx >= 0) {
                // ref is between min and max of list
                result = new ArrayList<FeatureValue>(lst.subList(0, idx + 1));
            } else {
                // ref is not contained in list
                final FeatureValue min = min(lst);
                result = (lessThan(ref, min) ? null : lst);
        return result;

    public static List<FeatureValue> greaterThan(final List<FeatureValue> lst, final FeatureValue ref) {
        List<FeatureValue> result = null;
        if (ref == null) {
            // everything is greater than null
            result = lst;
        } else {
            final int len = (lst == null ? 0 : lst.size());
            if (len > 0) {
                sort(lst); // find requires sorted list
                final int idx = find(lst, ref);
                if ((idx >= 0) && (idx < (len - 2))) {
                    // ref is between min and max of list
                    result = new ArrayList<FeatureValue>(lst.subList(idx + 1, len));
                } else {
                    // ref is not contained in list
                    final FeatureValue max = max(lst);
                    result = (greaterThan(ref, max) ? null : lst);
        return result;

    public static List<FeatureValue> greaterOrEqual(final List<FeatureValue> lst, final FeatureValue ref) {
        List<FeatureValue> result = null;
        if (ref == null) {
            // everything is greater or equal null
            result = lst;
        } else {
            final int len = (lst == null ? 0 : lst.size());
            if (len > 0) {
                sort(lst); // find requires sorted list
                final int idx = find(lst, ref);
                if ((idx >= 0) && (idx < (len - 1))) {
                    // ref is between min and max of list
                    result = new ArrayList<FeatureValue>(lst.subList(idx, len));
                } else {
                    // ref is not contained in list
                    final FeatureValue max = max(lst);
                    result = (greaterThan(ref, max) ? null : lst);
        return result;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------

    public static List<FeatureValue> isEqual(final List<FeatureValue> lst, final List<FeatureValue> ref) {
        List<FeatureValue> result = null;
        if (lst != null) {
            result = new ArrayList<FeatureValue>();
            if ((ref != null) && !ref.isEmpty() && !lst.isEmpty()) {
                for (final FeatureValue fv : ref) {
                    final List<FeatureValue> found = isEqual(lst, fv);
                    if ((found != null) && !found.isEmpty()) {
                        addAllDistinct(result, found);
        return result;

    public static List<FeatureValue> notEqual(final List<FeatureValue> lst, final List<FeatureValue> ref) {
        List<FeatureValue> result = null;
        if (lst != null) {
            result = new ArrayList<FeatureValue>();
            if (!lst.isEmpty()) {
                if ((ref == null) || ref.isEmpty()) {
                    // everything is not equal to nothing
                } else {
                    final List<FeatureValue> found = isEqual(lst, ref);
                    if ((found == null) || found.isEmpty()) {
                        // nothing equal, all distinct
                    } else {
                        for (final FeatureValue fv : lst) {
                            if (!found.contains(fv)) {
        return result;

    public static List<FeatureValue> lessThan(final List<FeatureValue> lst, final List<FeatureValue> ref) {
        return lessThan(lst, max(ref));

    public static List<FeatureValue> lessOrEqual(final List<FeatureValue> lst, final List<FeatureValue> ref) {
        return lessOrEqual(lst, max(ref));

    public static List<FeatureValue> greaterThan(final List<FeatureValue> lst, final List<FeatureValue> ref) {
        return greaterThan(lst, min(ref));

    public static List<FeatureValue> greaterOrEqual(final List<FeatureValue> lst, final List<FeatureValue> ref) {
        return greaterOrEqual(lst, min(ref));

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------

    public static boolean addAllDistinct(final List<FeatureValue> targetList,
            final Collection<? extends FeatureValue> additionalElements) {
        boolean changed = false;
        if ((targetList != null) && (additionalElements != null)) {
            for (final FeatureValue elem : additionalElements) {
                if (!targetList.contains(elem)) {
                    changed = true;
        return changed;

    public static void sort(final List<FeatureValue> lst) {
        if ((lst != null) && !lst.isEmpty()) {
            Collections.sort(lst, COMPARATOR);

    public static void reverse(final List<FeatureValue> lst) {
        if ((lst != null) && !lst.isEmpty()) {

    public static void shuffle(final List<FeatureValue> lst) {
        if ((lst != null) && !lst.isEmpty()) {

    public static FeatureValue min(final Collection<? extends FeatureValue> randomList) {
        return ((randomList == null) || randomList.isEmpty() ? null : Collections.min(randomList, COMPARATOR));

    public static FeatureValue max(final Collection<? extends FeatureValue> randomList) {
        return ((randomList == null) || randomList.isEmpty() ? null : Collections.max(randomList, COMPARATOR));

    public static int find(final List<FeatureValue> sortedList, final FeatureValue fv) {
        if ((fv == null) || (sortedList == null) || sortedList.isEmpty()) {
            return -1;
        // note: binary search requires sorted list. otherwise
        // method will not fail, however result is undefined!
        return Collections.binarySearch(sortedList, fv, COMPARATOR);