Java tutorial
/* * #%L * Protempa Commons Backend Provider * %% * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2013 Emory University * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ package org.protempa.backend.dsb.relationaldb; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.arp.javautil.arrays.Arrays; import org.arp.javautil.collections.Collections; import org.arp.javautil.sql.ConnectionSpec; import org.protempa.DataSourceReadException; import org.protempa.DataStreamingEventIterator; import org.protempa.UniqueIdPair; import org.protempa.backend.dsb.filter.Filter; import org.protempa.backend.dsb.filter.PositionFilter; import org.protempa.proposition.Proposition; import org.protempa.proposition.value.Granularity; import org.protempa.proposition.value.GranularityFactory; import org.protempa.proposition.value.Unit; import org.protempa.proposition.value.UnitFactory; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Abstract class for implement database and driver-specific SQL generators. * * @author Andrew Post */ public abstract class AbstractSQLGenerator implements SQLGenerator { static final int FETCH_SIZE = 10000; private static final int DEFAULT_QUERY_THREAD_COUNT = 4; private static final String readPropositionsSQL = "select {0} from {1} {2}"; private ConnectionSpec connectionSpec; private final Map<String, List<EntitySpec>> primitiveParameterSpecs; private EntitySpec[] primitiveParameterEntitySpecs; private final Map<String, List<EntitySpec>> eventSpecs; private EntitySpec[] eventEntitySpecs; private final Map<String, List<EntitySpec>> constantSpecs; private EntitySpec[] constantEntitySpecs; private StagingSpec[] stagedTableSpecs; private GranularityFactory granularities; private UnitFactory units; private RelationalDbDataSourceBackend backend; private int queryThreadCount; protected AbstractSQLGenerator() { this.primitiveParameterSpecs = new HashMap<>(); this.eventSpecs = new HashMap<>(); this.constantSpecs = new HashMap<>(); this.queryThreadCount = DEFAULT_QUERY_THREAD_COUNT; } @Override public void initialize(ConnectionSpec connectionSpec, RelationalDatabaseSpec relationalDatabaseSpec, RelationalDbDataSourceBackend backend) { if (relationalDatabaseSpec != null) { this.primitiveParameterEntitySpecs = relationalDatabaseSpec.getPrimitiveParameterSpecs(); populatePropositionMap(this.primitiveParameterSpecs, this.primitiveParameterEntitySpecs); this.eventEntitySpecs = relationalDatabaseSpec.getEventSpecs(); populatePropositionMap(this.eventSpecs, this.eventEntitySpecs); this.constantEntitySpecs = relationalDatabaseSpec.getConstantSpecs(); populatePropositionMap(this.constantSpecs, this.constantEntitySpecs); this.stagedTableSpecs = relationalDatabaseSpec.getStagedSpecs(); this.granularities = relationalDatabaseSpec.getGranularities(); this.units = relationalDatabaseSpec.getUnits(); this.connectionSpec = connectionSpec; Integer queryThreadCountSetting = backend.getQueryThreadCount(); if (queryThreadCountSetting != null) { this.queryThreadCount = queryThreadCountSetting; } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("relationalDatabaseSpec cannot be null"); } this.backend = backend; } public boolean getStreamingMode() { return true; } @Override public GranularityFactory getGranularities() { return this.granularities; } @Override public UnitFactory getUnits() { return this.units; } @Override public final boolean loadDriverIfNeeded() { String className = getDriverClassNameToLoad(); if (className == null) { return true; } try { Class.forName(className); return true; } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { Logger logger = SQLGenUtil.logger(); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "{0} when trying to load {1}.", new Object[] { ex.getClass().getName(), className }); } return false; } } private class SQLExecutorCallable implements Callable<List<StreamingIteratorPair>> { private final Map<EntitySpec, SQLGenResultProcessorFactory> allEntitySpecToResultProcessor; private final Collection<EntitySpec> allEntitySpecs; private final Filter filters; private final Set<String> propIds; private final Set<String> keyIds; private final EntitySpec entitySpec; public SQLExecutorCallable(EntitySpec entitySpec, Map<EntitySpec, SQLGenResultProcessorFactory> allEntitySpecToResultProcessor, Collection<EntitySpec> allEntitySpecs, Filter filters, Set<String> propIds, Set<String> keyIds) { this.entitySpec = entitySpec; this.allEntitySpecToResultProcessor = allEntitySpecToResultProcessor; this.allEntitySpecs = allEntitySpecs; this.filters = filters; this.propIds = propIds; this.keyIds = keyIds; } @Override public List<StreamingIteratorPair> call() throws Exception { Connection conn; try { conn = connectionSpec.getOrCreate(); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new DataSourceReadException(ex); } return processEntitySpecStreaming(this.entitySpec, allEntitySpecToResultProcessor, allEntitySpecs, filters, propIds, keyIds, new StreamingSQLExecutor(conn, backendNameForMessages(), backend.getQueryTimeout())); } } @Override public DataStreamingEventIterator<Proposition> readPropositionsStreaming(final Set<String> keyIds, final Set<String> propIds, final Filter filters) throws DataSourceReadException { final Map<EntitySpec, List<String>> entitySpecToPropIds = entitySpecToPropIds(propIds); final Map<EntitySpec, SQLGenResultProcessorFactory> allEntitySpecToResultProcessor = allEntitySpecToResultProcessor(); final Collection<EntitySpec> allEntitySpecs = allEntitySpecToResultProcessor.keySet(); DataStager stager = null; if (stagingApplies()) { stager = doStage(allEntitySpecs, filters, propIds, keyIds, null); } final List<StreamingIteratorPair> itrs = new ArrayList<>(); ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(this.queryThreadCount); List<Future<List<StreamingIteratorPair>>> list = new ArrayList<>(); List<Connection> connections = new ArrayList<>(); for (EntitySpec entitySpec : entitySpecToPropIds.keySet()) { list.add(executor.submit(new SQLExecutorCallable(entitySpec, allEntitySpecToResultProcessor, allEntitySpecs, filters, propIds, keyIds))); } for (Future<List<StreamingIteratorPair>> future : list) { try { itrs.addAll(future.get()); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { SQLGenUtil.logger().log(Level.FINER, "SQL generation thread interrupted", ex); } catch (ExecutionException ex) { throw new DataSourceReadException(ex); } } executor.shutdown(); List<DataStreamingEventIterator<Proposition>> events = new ArrayList<>(itrs.size()); List<DataStreamingEventIterator<UniqueIdPair>> refs = new ArrayList<>(); for (StreamingIteratorPair pair : itrs) { events.add(pair.getProps()); refs.addAll(pair.getRefs()); } RelationalDbDataReadIterator streamingResults = new RelationalDbDataReadIterator(refs, events, connections, stagingApplies() ? stager : null); return streamingResults; } private class StreamingIteratorPair { private final DataStreamingEventIterator<Proposition> props; private final List<? extends DataStreamingEventIterator<UniqueIdPair>> refs; private final Connection connection; StreamingIteratorPair(DataStreamingEventIterator<Proposition> props, List<? extends DataStreamingEventIterator<UniqueIdPair>> refs, Connection connection) { this.props = props; this.refs = refs; this.connection = connection; } public DataStreamingEventIterator<Proposition> getProps() { return props; } public List<? extends DataStreamingEventIterator<UniqueIdPair>> getRefs() { return refs; } public Connection getConnection() { return connection; } } private List<StreamingIteratorPair> processEntitySpecStreaming(EntitySpec entitySpec, Map<EntitySpec, SQLGenResultProcessorFactory> allEntitySpecToResultProcessor, Collection<EntitySpec> allEntitySpecs, Filter filters, Set<String> propIds, Set<String> keyIds, StreamingSQLExecutor executor) throws DataSourceReadException { List<StreamingIteratorPair> result = new ArrayList<>(); Logger logger = SQLGenUtil.logger(); logProcessingEntitySpec(logger, entitySpec); SQLGenResultProcessorFactory<Proposition> factory = getResultProcessorFactory( allEntitySpecToResultProcessor, entitySpec); List<EntitySpec> applicableEntitySpecs = computeApplicableEntitySpecs(allEntitySpecs, entitySpec); Set<Filter> applicableFilters = computeApplicableFilters(filters, allEntitySpecs, entitySpec); List<Set<Filter>> partitions = constructPartitions(entitySpec, applicableFilters); LinkedHashMap<String, ReferenceSpec> inboundRefSpecs = collectInboundRefSpecs(applicableEntitySpecs, entitySpec, propIds); Map<String, ReferenceSpec> bidirRefSpecs = collectBidirectionalReferences(applicableEntitySpecs, entitySpec, propIds); String dataSourceBackendId = this.backend.getDataSourceBackendId(); StreamingMainResultProcessor<Proposition> resultProcessor = factory .getStreamingInstance(dataSourceBackendId, entitySpec, inboundRefSpecs, bidirRefSpecs, propIds); for (Set<Filter> filterSet : partitions) { generateAndExecuteSelectStreaming(entitySpec, null, propIds, filterSet, applicableEntitySpecs, inboundRefSpecs, keyIds, SQLOrderBy.ASCENDING, resultProcessor, executor, true); DataStreamingEventIterator<Proposition> results = resultProcessor.getResults(); List<DataStreamingEventIterator<UniqueIdPair>> refResults = java.util.Collections .singletonList(resultProcessor.getInboundReferenceResults()); result.add(new StreamingIteratorPair(results, refResults, executor.getConnection())); } logDoneProcessing(logger, entitySpec); return result; } private static List<EntitySpec> computeApplicableEntitySpecs(Collection<EntitySpec> allEntitySpecs, EntitySpec entitySpec) { List<EntitySpec> result = new LinkedList<>(allEntitySpecs); removeNonApplicableEntitySpecs(entitySpec, result); logApplicableEntitySpecs(result); assert !result.isEmpty() : "allEntitySpecsCopy should have at least one element"; return result; } private Set<Filter> computeApplicableFilters(Filter filters, Collection<EntitySpec> allEntitySpecs, EntitySpec entitySpec) { Set<Filter> filtersCopy = copyFilters(filters); removeNonApplicableFilters(allEntitySpecs, filtersCopy, entitySpec); removeStagedFilters(entitySpec, filtersCopy); return filtersCopy; } /* * Partitions position filters according to the data source backend's * configuration. This has the effect of splitting up one query into * multiple queries to improve performance. Currently this only works when * upper and lower bounds are provided on the same side of the specified * proposition's intervals. If there are multiple position filters * specified, which one gets chosen to partition is non-deterministic. */ private List<Set<Filter>> constructPartitions(EntitySpec entitySpec, Set<Filter> filtersCopy) { PositionFilter positionFilter = null; for (Filter filter : filtersCopy) { if (filter instanceof PositionFilter) { positionFilter = (PositionFilter) filter; break; } } Unit partitionBy = entitySpec.getPartitionBy(); List<Set<Filter>> filterList = new ArrayList<>(); if (partitionBy == null || positionFilter == null || positionFilter.getStart() == null || positionFilter.getFinish() == null || !positionFilter.getStartSide().equals(positionFilter.getFinishSide())) { filterList.add(filtersCopy); } else { Long start = positionFilter.getStart(); Long actualFinish = positionFilter.getFinish(); Granularity startGran = positionFilter.getStartGranularity(); Granularity finishGran = positionFilter.getFinishGranularity(); Unit finishUnit = finishGran != null ? finishGran.getCorrespondingUnit() : null; boolean doLoop = true; while (doLoop) { Set<Filter> newFiltersCopy = new HashSet<>(filtersCopy); newFiltersCopy.remove(positionFilter); Long nextStart = partitionBy.addToPosition(start, 1); Long finish = finishUnit != null ? finishUnit.addToPosition(nextStart, -1) : -1; if (finish.compareTo(actualFinish) >= 0) { finish = actualFinish; doLoop = false; } PositionFilter newPositionFilter = new PositionFilter(positionFilter.getPropositionIds(), start, startGran, finish, finishGran, positionFilter.getStartSide(), positionFilter.getFinishSide()); newFiltersCopy.add(newPositionFilter); filterList.add(newFiltersCopy); start = nextStart; } } return filterList; } private DataStager doStage(Collection<EntitySpec> allEntitySpecs, Filter filters, Set<String> propIds, Set<String> keyIds, SQLOrderBy order) throws DataSourceReadException { DataStager stager = null; try { stager = getDataStager(this.stagedTableSpecs, null, new LinkedList<>(allEntitySpecs), copyFilters(filters), propIds, keyIds, order, this.connectionSpec); stager.stageTables(); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger logger = SQLGenUtil.logger(); logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to create staging area", ex); throw new DataSourceReadException(ex); } return stager; } private static SQLGenResultProcessorFactory<Proposition> getResultProcessorFactory( Map<EntitySpec, SQLGenResultProcessorFactory> allEntitySpecToResultProcessor, EntitySpec entitySpec) { // we know that the map contains only factory instances that are // parameterized by implementations of Proposition @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") SQLGenResultProcessorFactory<Proposition> factory = allEntitySpecToResultProcessor.get(entitySpec); assert factory != null : "factory should never be null"; return factory; } /** * Leave behind a position filter, if one exists and the entity spec has * partition by set and the duration of the partition is less than the * duration of the filter's time range. * * @param filtersCopy */ private void removeStagedFilters(EntitySpec entitySpec, Set<Filter> filtersCopy) { boolean first = true; boolean isPositionFilter; Unit partitionBy = entitySpec.getPartitionBy(); for (Iterator<Filter> itr = filtersCopy.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { isPositionFilter = false; Filter f =; if (f instanceof PositionFilter) { isPositionFilter = true; } String[] propIds = f.getPropositionIds(); FILTER_LOOP: for (String propId : propIds) { List<EntitySpec> entitySpecs = new ArrayList<>(); if (this.constantSpecs.containsKey(propId)) { entitySpecs.addAll(this.constantSpecs.get(propId)); } if (this.eventSpecs.containsKey(propId)) { entitySpecs.addAll(this.eventSpecs.get(propId)); } if (this.primitiveParameterSpecs.containsKey(propId)) { entitySpecs.addAll(this.primitiveParameterSpecs.get(propId)); } for (StagingSpec staged : this.stagedTableSpecs) { for (EntitySpec es : entitySpecs) { for (EntitySpec ses : staged.getEntitySpecs()) { if (SQLGenUtil.somePropIdsMatch(es, ses)) { if (first && isPositionFilter && partitionBy != null) { PositionFilter pf = (PositionFilter) f; Long start = pf.getStart(); if (start != null) { long addToPosition = partitionBy.addToPosition(start, 1); Long finish = pf.getFinish(); if (finish != null) { if (addToPosition < finish) { break FILTER_LOOP; } } } } itr.remove(); break FILTER_LOOP; } } } } } } } private boolean stagingApplies() { return this.stagedTableSpecs != null && this.stagedTableSpecs.length > 0; } private void logDoneProcessing(Logger logger, EntitySpec entitySpec) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "Results of query for {0} in data source backend {1} " + "have been processed", new Object[] { entitySpec.getName(), backendNameForMessages() }); } } private void logProcessingEntitySpec(Logger logger, EntitySpec entitySpec) { if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "Data source backend {0} is processing entity spec {1}", new Object[] { backendNameForMessages(), entitySpec.getName() }); } } private static void logApplicableEntitySpecs(List<EntitySpec> allEntitySpecsCopy) { Logger logger = SQLGenUtil.logger(); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { String[] allEntitySpecsCopyNames = new String[allEntitySpecsCopy.size()]; int i = 0; for (EntitySpec aesc : allEntitySpecsCopy) { allEntitySpecsCopyNames[i++] = aesc.getName(); } logger.log(Level.FINER, "Applicable entity specs are {0}", StringUtils.join(allEntitySpecsCopyNames, ", ")); } } private static LinkedHashMap<String, ReferenceSpec> collectInboundRefSpecs(Collection<EntitySpec> entitySpecs, EntitySpec rhsEntitySpec, Set<String> propIds) { LinkedHashMap<String, ReferenceSpec> result = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (EntitySpec lhsReferenceSpec : entitySpecs) { if (lhsReferenceSpec.hasReferenceTo(rhsEntitySpec) && Collections.containsAny(propIds, lhsReferenceSpec.getPropositionIds())) { boolean isMany = false; if (rhsEntitySpec.hasReferenceTo(lhsReferenceSpec)) { for (ReferenceSpec rhsToLhsReferenceSpec : rhsEntitySpec.getReferenceSpecs()) { if (rhsToLhsReferenceSpec.getEntityName().equals(lhsReferenceSpec.getName()) && rhsToLhsReferenceSpec.getType() == ReferenceSpec.Type.MANY) { isMany = true; break; } } } if (!isMany) { for (ReferenceSpec lhsToRhsReferenceSpec : lhsReferenceSpec.getReferenceSpecs()) { if (lhsToRhsReferenceSpec.getEntityName().equals(rhsEntitySpec.getName())) { result.put(lhsReferenceSpec.getName(), lhsToRhsReferenceSpec); } } } } } return result; } private static Map<String, ReferenceSpec> collectBidirectionalReferences(Collection<EntitySpec> entitySpecs, EntitySpec lhsEntitySpec, Set<String> propIds) { Map<String, ReferenceSpec> result = new HashMap<>(); for (ReferenceSpec lhsToRhsReferenceSpec : lhsEntitySpec.getReferenceSpecs()) { for (EntitySpec rhsEntitySpec : entitySpecs) { if (rhsEntitySpec.getName().equals(lhsToRhsReferenceSpec.getEntityName()) && Collections.containsAny(propIds, rhsEntitySpec.getPropositionIds())) { if (rhsEntitySpec.hasReferenceTo(lhsEntitySpec)) { for (ReferenceSpec rhsToLhsReferenceSpec : rhsEntitySpec.getReferenceSpecs()) { if (rhsToLhsReferenceSpec.getEntityName().equals(lhsEntitySpec.getName()) && rhsToLhsReferenceSpec.getType() == ReferenceSpec.Type.MANY) { result.put(rhsEntitySpec.getName(), lhsToRhsReferenceSpec); } } } } } } return result; } /* * We need to store multiple types of result processor factories in the same * map */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private Map<EntitySpec, SQLGenResultProcessorFactory> allEntitySpecToResultProcessor() { /* * The order of the entity specs matters for multiple with the same * name. Thus, we use a LinkedHashMap. */ Map<EntitySpec, SQLGenResultProcessorFactory> result = new LinkedHashMap<>(); PrimitiveParameterResultProcessorFactory ppFactory = new PrimitiveParameterResultProcessorFactory(); for (EntitySpec es : this.primitiveParameterEntitySpecs) { result.put(es, ppFactory); } EventResultProcessorFactory eFactory = new EventResultProcessorFactory(); for (EntitySpec es : this.eventEntitySpecs) { result.put(es, eFactory); } ConstantResultProcessorFactory cFactory = new ConstantResultProcessorFactory(); for (EntitySpec es : this.constantEntitySpecs) { result.put(es, cFactory); } // staging queries generate no results for (StagingSpec ss : this.stagedTableSpecs) { for (EntitySpec es : ss.getEntitySpecs()) { result.put(es, null); } } return result; } private static Set<Filter> copyFilters(Filter filters) { Set<Filter> filtersCopy = new HashSet<>(); if (filters != null) { for (Iterator<Filter> itr = filters.andIterator(); itr.hasNext();) { filtersCopy.add(; } } return filtersCopy; } private <P extends Proposition> void generateAndExecuteSelectStreaming(EntitySpec entitySpec, ReferenceSpec referenceSpec, Set<String> propIds, Set<Filter> filtersCopy, List<EntitySpec> entitySpecsCopy, LinkedHashMap<String, ReferenceSpec> inboundRefSpecs, Set<String> keyIds, SQLOrderBy order, StreamingResultProcessor<P> resultProcessor, StreamingSQLExecutor executor, boolean wrapKeyId) throws DataSourceReadException { Logger logger = SQLGenUtil.logger(); String backendNameForMessages = backendNameForMessages(); String entitySpecName = entitySpec.getName(); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "Data source backend {0} is generating query for {1}", new Object[] { backendNameForMessages, entitySpecName }); } String query = getSelectStatement(entitySpec, referenceSpec, entitySpecsCopy, inboundRefSpecs, filtersCopy, propIds, keyIds, order, resultProcessor, this.stagedTableSpecs, wrapKeyId).generateStatement(); if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "Data source backend {0} generated the following query for {1}: {2}", new Object[] { backendNameForMessages, entitySpecName, query }); } executor.executeSelect(entitySpecName, query, resultProcessor); } private static void removeNonApplicableEntitySpecs(EntitySpec entitySpec, Collection<EntitySpec> entitySpecs) { for (Iterator<EntitySpec> itr = entitySpecs.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { EntitySpec es =; if (es != entitySpec && !es.hasReferenceTo(entitySpec)) { itr.remove(); } } } /** * Remove filters that are not directly applicable to the given entity spec * and are not applicable to other entity specs that refer to it. * * @param entitySpecs * @param filtersCopy * @param entitySpec */ private static void removeNonApplicableFilters(Collection<EntitySpec> entitySpecs, Set<Filter> filtersCopy, EntitySpec entitySpec) { Set<EntitySpec> entitySpecsSet = new HashSet<>(); Set<String> filterPropIds = new HashSet<>(); String[] entitySpecPropIds = entitySpec.getPropositionIds(); for (Iterator<Filter> itr = filtersCopy.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { Filter f =; Arrays.addAll(filterPropIds, f.getPropositionIds()); for (EntitySpec es : entitySpecs) { if (Collections.containsAny(filterPropIds, es.getPropositionIds())) { entitySpecsSet.add(es); } } if (Collections.containsAny(filterPropIds, entitySpecPropIds)) { return; } if (!atLeastOneInInboundReferences(entitySpecsSet, entitySpec)) { itr.remove(); } entitySpecsSet.clear(); filterPropIds.clear(); } } private static boolean atLeastOneInInboundReferences(Set<EntitySpec> entitySpecsSet, EntitySpec entitySpec) { for (EntitySpec es : entitySpecsSet) { if (es.hasReferenceTo(entitySpec)) { return true; } } return false; } protected abstract SelectStatement getSelectStatement(EntitySpec entitySpec, ReferenceSpec referenceSpec, List<EntitySpec> entitySpecs, Map<String, ReferenceSpec> inboundRefSpecs, Set<Filter> filters, Set<String> propIds, Set<String> keyIds, SQLOrderBy order, SQLGenResultProcessor resultProcessor, StagingSpec[] stagedTables, boolean wrapKeyId); protected DataStager getDataStager(StagingSpec[] stagingSpecs, ReferenceSpec referenceSpec, List<EntitySpec> entitySpecs, Set<Filter> filters, Set<String> propIds, Set<String> keyIds, SQLOrderBy order, ConnectionSpec connectionSpec) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "SQL generator " + getClass().getName() + " does not support data staging"); } protected String assembleReadPropositionsQuery(StringBuilder selectClause, StringBuilder fromClause, StringBuilder whereClause) { return MessageFormat.format(readPropositionsSQL, selectClause, fromClause, whereClause); } /** * Returns whether an IN clause containing the proposition ids of interest * should be added to the WHERE clause. * * @param queryPropIds the proposition ids to query. * @param entitySpecPropIds the proposition ids corresponding to the current * entity spec. * @return <code>true</code> if the query contains < 85% of the proposition * ids that are known to the data source and if the where clause would * contain less than or equal to 2000 codes. */ static boolean needsPropIdInClause(Set<String> queryPropIds, String[] entitySpecPropIds) { Set<String> entitySpecPropIdsSet = Arrays.asSet(entitySpecPropIds); // Filter propIds that are not in the entitySpecPropIds array. List<String> filteredPropIds = new ArrayList<>(entitySpecPropIds.length); for (String propId : queryPropIds) { if (entitySpecPropIdsSet.contains(propId)) { filteredPropIds.add(propId); } } return (filteredPropIds.size() < entitySpecPropIds.length * 0.85f) && (filteredPropIds.size() <= 2000); } /** * Gets a the class name of the driver to load for this SQL generator, or * <code>null</code> if the driver is a JDBC 4 driver and does not need to * be loaded explicitly. Returning not- <code>null</code> will do no harm if * a JDBC 4 driver. * * This implementation returns <code>null</code>. Override it to return a * driver's class name. * * @return a class name {@link String}. */ protected String getDriverClassNameToLoad() { return null; } private String backendNameForMessages() { String backendDisplayName = this.backend.getDisplayName(); if (backendDisplayName != null) { return backendDisplayName + "(" + this.backend.getClass().getName() + ")"; } else { return this.backend.getClass().getName(); } } private Map<EntitySpec, List<String>> entitySpecToPropIds(Set<String> propIds) throws AssertionError { Map<EntitySpec, List<String>> result = new HashMap<>(); for (String propId : propIds) { boolean inDataSource = populateEntitySpecToPropIdMap(new String[] { propId }, result); Logger logger = SQLGenUtil.logger(); if (!inDataSource && logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { logger.log(Level.FINER, "Data source backend {0} does not know about proposition {1}", new Object[] { backendNameForMessages(), propId }); } } return result; } private List<EntitySpec> entitySpecs(String propId) { if (this.primitiveParameterSpecs.containsKey(propId)) { return this.primitiveParameterSpecs.get(propId); } else if (this.eventSpecs.containsKey(propId)) { return this.eventSpecs.get(propId); } else if (this.constantSpecs.containsKey(propId)) { return this.constantSpecs.get(propId); } else { return null; } } private boolean populateEntitySpecToPropIdMap(String[] propIds, Map<EntitySpec, List<String>> entitySpecToPropIdMap) throws AssertionError { boolean result = false; for (String propId : propIds) { List<EntitySpec> entitySpecs = entitySpecs(propId); if (entitySpecs != null) { for (EntitySpec entitySpec : entitySpecs) { Collections.putList(entitySpecToPropIdMap, entitySpec, propId); result = true; } } } return result; } private static void populatePropositionMap(Map<String, List<EntitySpec>> map, EntitySpec[] entitySpecs) { if (entitySpecs != null) { for (EntitySpec entitySpec : entitySpecs) { for (String code : entitySpec.getPropositionIds()) { Collections.putList(map, code, entitySpec); } } } } }