Java tutorial
/** * * @author John Green * Sep 1, 2004 * * * Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Joanju Software. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * */ package org.prorefactor.refactor; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.commons.collections.bidimap.DualHashBidiMap; import org.prorefactor.core.IConstants; import org.prorefactor.core.JPNode; import org.prorefactor.core.TokenTypes; import org.prorefactor.core.schema.Field; import org.prorefactor.core.schema.Table; import org.prorefactor.nodetypes.ProgramRootNode; import org.prorefactor.nodetypes.ProparseDirectiveNode; import org.prorefactor.treeparser.FieldBuffer; import org.prorefactor.treeparser.ParseUnit; import org.prorefactor.treeparser.Primative; import org.prorefactor.treeparser.Symbol; import org.prorefactor.treeparser.SymbolI; import org.prorefactor.treeparser.SymbolScopeRoot; import org.prorefactor.treeparser.SymbolScopeSuper; import org.prorefactor.treeparser.TableBuffer; import org.prorefactor.treeparser01.TP01Support; import com.joanju.proparse.IntegerIndex; /** The API for "Parse Unit Binary" files, which are a persistent store for syntax trees. */ public class PUB { /** Create a PUB for a compile unit fully qualified path/name. * RefactorSession must be configured for the project (schema loaded, project name set, etc) * before working with PUB files. * @param fullPath The full path to the compile unit's source file. */ public PUB(String fullPath) { cuFile = new File(fullPath); pubFile = new File(pubDirFileName(fullPath) + ".pub"); } /** This is like a "schema version" for .pub files. */ public static final int LAYOUT_VERSION = 11; /** loadTo(PUBFILE_TIMESTAMP) - just check if the binary exists and * check that it is newer than the compile unit file. Does not read anything * from the binary. */ public static final int PUBFILE_TIMESTAMP = 5; /** loadTo(FILES) - the index of include files referenced by this parse unit. */ public static final int FILES = 10; /** loadTo(HEADER) * Gets all the segments necessary for checking if the binary is up to date or not. * Also for classes, gets class name and the name of the inherited class if any. */ public static final int HEADER = 15; /** loadTo(SCHEMA) - the schema tables and fields referenced by this parse unit. */ public static final int SCHEMA = 20; /** loadTo(IMPORTS) * @see SymbolI#isImported() */ public static final int IMPORTS = 30; /** loadTo(EXPORTS) * @see SymbolI#isExported() */ public static final int EXPORTS = 40; /** loadTo(AST) - just loads the node types - you almost certainly need STRINGS as well. */ public static final int AST = 50; /** loadTo(STRINGS) - load the strings into the syntax tree. */ public static final int STRINGS = 60; /** loadTo(END) - all binary file segments will be loaded. */ public static final int END = 100; /** Scratch JPNode attributes for storing string index. */ private static final int NODETEXT = 49001; /** Scratch JPNode attributes for storing string index. */ private static final int NODECOMMENTS = 49002; private boolean checked = false; private boolean current = false; private boolean usingNonlocalInputBlob = false; private int nodeCount; private ArrayList<SymbolRef> exportList; private ArrayList<String> fileList; private ArrayList<SymbolRef> importList; private DualHashBidiMap stringTable; private File cuFile; private File pubFile; private DataInputStream inStream; private IntegerIndex<String> fileIndexes; private ProgramRootNode tree; private ParseUnit parseUnit; private String unitClassName; private String superClassName; private String[] stringArray; private TreeMap<String, TableRef> tableMap; /** A record of symbol type and name, for import/export tables. */ public class SymbolRef { SymbolRef(int progressType, String symbolName) { this.progressType = progressType; this.symbolName = symbolName; } /** The TokenType, ex: TokenTypes.VARIABLE */ public int progressType; /** For Primitive symbols (fields and variables) the data type, like CHARACTER or CLASS. * Zero if this is not a primitive. */ public int dataType = 0; /** The symbol name (Symbol.fullName), with caseAsDefined. */ public String symbolName; /** If is a CLASS object ref, then the class name, null otherwise. */ public String classSymbolRefName = null; } private class TableRef { TableRef(String name) { = name; } String name; TreeMap<String, String> fieldMap = new TreeMap<String, String>(); } /** It's possible, maybe even sensible, to reuse a PUB object. * This method clears out old lists in preparation for reloading or rebuilding. */ private void _refresh() { exportList = new ArrayList<SymbolRef>(); fileList = new ArrayList<String>(); fileIndexes = new IntegerIndex<String>(); importList = new ArrayList<SymbolRef>(); tableMap = new TreeMap<String, TableRef>(); stringTable = new DualHashBidiMap(); /* String index zero is not used. * This allows us to use 0 from JPNode.attrGet() to indicate "no string value present". */ stringIndex(""); } /** Update the PUB. * You would normally call load() first, to check whether * a fresh build is really necessary. Once a build() has been done, * then all of the values for the PUB are available - it is not necessary * for you to call load() or loadTo(). * This takes care of creating the ParseUnit (if not already set) and running treeParser01. * @throws RefactorException */ public ParseUnit build() throws IOException, RefactorException { if (parseUnit == null) { parseUnit = new ParseUnit(cuFile); parseUnit.setPUB(this); } pubFile.delete(); parseUnit.treeParser01(); // This calls build(TP01Support) return parseUnit; } /** This is called by TreeParser01, and should not be called directly. */ public void build(TP01Support support) throws IOException, RefactorException { ParseUnit pu = support.getParseUnit(); // treeParser01 needs to have been run already. assert pu.getRootScope() != null; tree = pu.getTopNode(); _refresh(); pubFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); OutputStream fileOut = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(pubFile)); DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(fileOut); writeVersion(out); writeFileIndex(out); writeHeader(out, pu.getRootScope()); ArrayList rootSymbols = pu.getRootScope().getAllSymbols(); writeSchemaSegment(out, rootSymbols); writeImportSegment(out, rootSymbols); writeExportSegment(out, rootSymbols); writeTree(out, tree); writeStrings(out); out.close(); } /** Copies the lower case names of all schema tables into your collection. * The names are of the format "database.table". * You might use a sorted set or a hash set, depending on what you need it for. * To get the mixed-case names, use the "org.prorefactor.core.schema" package * to look up the table objects. * @param c */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void copySchemaTableLowercaseNamesInto(Collection c) { c.addAll(tableMap.keySet()); } /** Copies the lower case names of all schema fields for one table into your collection. * The names are of the format "field" - i.e. no db or table name prefix. * You might use a sorted set or a hash set, depending on what you need it for. * To get the mixed-case names, use the "org.prorefactor.core.schema" package * to look up the field objects. * @param fromTableName Your table name. Case insenstitive. Must be of the format * "database.table". */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void copySchemaFieldLowercaseNamesInto(Collection c, String fromTableName) { TableRef tableRef = tableMap.get(fromTableName.toLowerCase()); if (tableRef == null) return; for (String fieldName : tableRef.fieldMap.keySet()) { c.add(fieldName); } } public String getClassName() { return unitClassName; } /** Get the array of exported symbols, in no particular order. * Currently just for DEF NEW [GLOBAL] SHARED symbols. */ public SymbolRef[] getExportTable() { SymbolRef[] ret = new SymbolRef[exportList.size()]; exportList.toArray(ret); return ret; } /** Get the array of imported symbols, in no particular order. * Currently just for DEF SHARED symbols. */ public SymbolRef[] getImportTable() { SymbolRef[] ret = new SymbolRef[importList.size()]; importList.toArray(ret); return ret; } private DataInputStream getDataInputStream() { try { InputStream fileIn = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(pubFile)); DataInputStream inStream = new DataInputStream(fileIn); return inStream; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { return null; } } public ParseUnit getParseUnit() { return parseUnit; } public String getSuperClassName() { return superClassName; } /** Get the time stamp (File.lastModified()) of the PUB file. * Returns zero if the PUB file does not exist. */ public long getTimestamp() { if (pubFile == null) return 0; return pubFile.lastModified(); } /** Return the JPNode syntax tree that was loaded with load() */ public ProgramRootNode getTree() { return tree; } /** Has the PUB been checked to see if it's current? * i.e. Has it been loaded at least to HEADER? */ public boolean isChecked() { return checked; } /** Is the PUB current? * You should have used isChecked() or loaded the PUB to HEADER before checking isCurrent(). * @see PUB#isChecked() */ public boolean isCurrent() { return current; } /** Same as loadTo(PUB.END) */ public boolean load() { return loadTo(END); } /** Load the PUB file to the end of the specified segment. * For example, if you only need to read as far as the "imports" segment, * then use loadTo(PUB.IMPORTS). * @return false if the file is out of date and you need to call build() instead. */ public boolean loadTo(int lastSegmentToLoad) { _refresh(); if (lastSegmentToLoad >= HEADER) checked = true; if (!usingNonlocalInputBlob) { if (!pubFile.exists()) return false; if (cuFile.lastModified() > pubFile.lastModified()) return false; if (lastSegmentToLoad == PUBFILE_TIMESTAMP) return true; inStream = getDataInputStream(); if (inStream == null) return false; } try { if (!readVersion(inStream)) return false; readFileIndex(inStream); if ((!usingNonlocalInputBlob) && (!testTimeStamps())) return false; current = true; if (lastSegmentToLoad == PUB.FILES) return true; readHeader(inStream); if (lastSegmentToLoad == PUB.HEADER) return true; readSchema(inStream); if (lastSegmentToLoad == PUB.SCHEMA) return true; readImportSegment(inStream); if (lastSegmentToLoad == PUB.IMPORTS) return true; readExportSegment(inStream); if (lastSegmentToLoad == PUB.EXPORTS) return true; nodeCount = -1; tree = (ProgramRootNode) readTree(inStream); if (lastSegmentToLoad == PUB.AST) return true; readStrings(inStream); setStrings(tree); } catch (IOException e1) { return false; } finally { try { inStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } return true; } /** Returns the path to the .pub file but without the .pub extension. * Useful for adding additional files like listing files into the pubs directory tree. * The project for the RefactorSession must already be assigned. */ public static String pubDirFileName(String fullPath) { // For "C:" in the path, replace the ':' with '_'. String path2; if (fullPath.charAt(1) == ':') { path2 = fullPath.substring(0, 1) + "_" + fullPath.substring(2); } else { path2 = fullPath; } return RefactorSession.getInstance().getProRefactorProjectDir() + "/pubs/" + path2; } private void readExportSegment(DataInputStream in) throws IOException { for (;;) { SymbolRef symbolRef = readSymbol(in); if (symbolRef == null) break; exportList.add(symbolRef); } } private void readFileIndex(DataInputStream in) throws IOException { int index; String filename; for (;;) { index = in.readInt(); filename = in.readUTF(); if (index == -1) break; fileList.add(filename); fileIndexes.add(filename); } } private void readHeader(DataInputStream in) throws IOException { unitClassName = in.readUTF(); if (unitClassName.length() == 0) unitClassName = null; superClassName = in.readUTF(); if (superClassName.length() == 0) superClassName = null; } private void readImportSegment(DataInputStream in) throws IOException { for (;;) { SymbolRef symbolRef = readSymbol(in); if (symbolRef == null) break; importList.add(symbolRef); } } private void readSchema(DataInputStream in) throws IOException { for (;;) { String tableName = in.readUTF(); if (tableName.length() == 0) break; TableRef tableRef = new TableRef(tableName); tableMap.put(tableName.toLowerCase(), tableRef); for (;;) { String fieldName = in.readUTF(); if (fieldName.length() == 0) break; tableRef.fieldMap.put(fieldName.toLowerCase(), fieldName); } } } private void readStrings(DataInputStream in) throws IOException { int size = in.readInt(); stringArray = new String[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { stringArray[i] = in.readUTF(); } } private SymbolRef readSymbol(DataInputStream in) throws IOException { SymbolRef symbolRef = new SymbolRef(in.readInt(), in.readUTF()); if (symbolRef.progressType == -1) return null; symbolRef.dataType = in.readInt(); if (symbolRef.dataType == TokenTypes.CLASS) symbolRef.classSymbolRefName = in.readUTF(); return symbolRef; } private JPNode readTree(DataInputStream in) throws IOException { int nodeClass = in.readInt(); if (nodeClass == -1) return null; JPNode node = com.joanju.proparse.NodeFactory.createByIndex(nodeClass); node.setFilenameList(fileIndexes); node.setNodeNum(++nodeCount); node.setType(in.readInt()); node.setFileIndex(in.readShort()); node.setLine(in.readInt()); node.setColumn(in.readShort()); node.setSourceNum(in.readInt()); int key; int value; for (key = in.readInt(), value = in.readInt(); key != -1; key = in.readInt(), value = in.readInt()) { node.attrSet(key, value); } node.setFirstChild(readTree(in)); node.setParentInChildren(); node.setNextSiblingWithLinks(readTree(in)); return node; } /** Read the version, return false if the PUB file is out of date, true otherwise. */ private boolean readVersion(DataInputStream in) throws IOException { if (in.readInt() != LAYOUT_VERSION) return false; return true; } /** Use a binary input stream rather than a local './prorefactor/projects/...' .pub file. */ public void setDataInputStream(DataInputStream inStream) { this.inStream = inStream; usingNonlocalInputBlob = true; } public void setParseUnit(ParseUnit pu) { this.parseUnit = pu; if (pu.getPUB() != this) pu.setPUB(this); } private void setStrings(JPNode node) { if (node == null) return; int index; if ((index = node.attrGet(NODETEXT)) > 0) node.setText(stringArray[index]); if ((index = node.attrGet(NODECOMMENTS)) > 0) node.setComments(stringArray[index]); if ((index = node.attrGet(IConstants.PROPARSEDIRECTIVE)) > 0) ((ProparseDirectiveNode) node).setDirectiveText(stringArray[index]); if ((index = node.attrGet(IConstants.QUALIFIED_CLASS_INT)) > 0) node.attrSetS(IConstants.QUALIFIED_CLASS_STRING, stringArray[index]); setStrings(node.firstChild()); setStrings(node.nextSibling()); } private int stringIndex(String s) { Integer index = (Integer) stringTable.getKey(s); if (index == null) { index = new Integer(stringTable.size()); // index is 0 if this is the first entry... stringTable.put(index, s); } return index.intValue(); } private boolean testTimeStamps() { long pubTime = pubFile.lastModified(); for (String filename : fileList) { if (filename == null || filename.length() == 0) continue; File file = FileStuff.findFile(filename); if (file == null) return false; if (file.lastModified() > pubTime) return false; } return true; } private void writeExportSegment(DataOutputStream out, List rootSymbols) throws IOException { for (Iterator it = rootSymbols.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Symbol symbol = (Symbol); if (symbol.isExported()) writeSymbol(out, symbol); } out.writeInt(-1); out.writeUTF(""); } private void writeFileIndex(DataOutputStream out) throws IOException { String[] files = tree.getFilenames(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { out.writeInt(i); out.writeUTF(files[i]); } out.writeInt(-1); out.writeUTF(""); } private void writeHeader(DataOutputStream out, SymbolScopeRoot unitScope) throws IOException { String s = unitScope.getClassName(); if (s != null) out.writeUTF(s); else out.writeUTF(""); SymbolScopeSuper superScope = (SymbolScopeSuper) unitScope.getParentScope(); if (superScope != null) out.writeUTF(superScope.getClassName()); else out.writeUTF(""); } private void writeImportSegment(DataOutputStream out, List rootSymbols) throws IOException { for (Iterator it = rootSymbols.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Symbol symbol = (Symbol); if (symbol.isImported()) writeSymbol(out, symbol); } out.writeInt(-1); out.writeUTF(""); } private void writeSymbol(DataOutputStream out, Symbol symbol) throws IOException { out.writeInt(symbol.getProgressType()); out.writeUTF(symbol.fullName()); // We write caseAsDefined if (symbol instanceof Primative) { Primative primative = (Primative) symbol; int dataType = primative.getDataType().getTokenType(); out.writeInt(dataType); if (dataType == TokenTypes.CLASS) out.writeUTF(primative.getClassName()); } else out.writeInt(0); } private void writeTree(DataOutputStream out, JPNode node) throws IOException { int nodeType = node.getType(); out.writeInt(node.getSubtypeIndex()); out.writeInt(nodeType); out.writeShort(node.getFileIndex()); out.writeInt(node.getLine()); out.writeShort(node.getColumn()); out.writeInt(node.getSourceNum()); if (!TokenTypes.hasDefaultText(nodeType)) { out.writeInt(NODETEXT); out.writeInt(stringIndex(node.getText())); } String comments = node.getComments(); if (comments != null) { out.writeInt(NODECOMMENTS); out.writeInt(stringIndex(comments)); } if (node.attrGet(IConstants.STATEHEAD) == IConstants.TRUE) { out.writeInt(IConstants.STATEHEAD); out.writeInt(IConstants.TRUE); out.writeInt(IConstants.STATE2); out.writeInt(node.getState2()); } int attrVal; if ((attrVal = node.attrGet(IConstants.STORETYPE)) > 0) { out.writeInt(IConstants.STORETYPE); out.writeInt(attrVal); } if (node instanceof ProparseDirectiveNode) { out.writeInt(IConstants.PROPARSEDIRECTIVE); out.writeInt(stringIndex(((ProparseDirectiveNode) node).getDirectiveText())); } if ((attrVal = node.attrGet(IConstants.OPERATOR)) > 0) { out.writeInt(IConstants.OPERATOR); out.writeInt(attrVal); } if ((attrVal = node.attrGet(IConstants.INLINE_VAR_DEF)) > 0) { out.writeInt(IConstants.INLINE_VAR_DEF); out.writeInt(attrVal); } if (nodeType == TokenTypes.TYPE_NAME) { out.writeInt(IConstants.QUALIFIED_CLASS_INT); out.writeInt(stringIndex(node.attrGetS(IConstants.QUALIFIED_CLASS_STRING))); } out.writeInt(-1); out.writeInt(-1); // Terminate the attribute key/value pairs. JPNode next; if ((next = node.firstChild()) != null) writeTree(out, next); else out.writeInt(-1); if ((next = node.nextSibling()) != null) writeTree(out, next); else out.writeInt(-1); } private void writeSchemaSegment(DataOutputStream out, List rootSymbols) throws IOException { for (Iterator it = rootSymbols.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Object obj =; if (obj instanceof TableBuffer) { Table table = ((TableBuffer) obj).getTable(); if (table.getStoretype() != IConstants.ST_DBTABLE) continue; writeSchema_addTable(table); continue; } if (obj instanceof FieldBuffer) { Field field = ((FieldBuffer) obj).getField(); Table table = field.getTable(); if (table.getStoretype() != IConstants.ST_DBTABLE) continue; TableRef tableRef = writeSchema_addTable(table); tableRef.fieldMap.put(field.getName().toLowerCase(), field.getName()); } } for (TableRef tableRef : tableMap.values()) { out.writeUTF(; for (String fieldName : tableRef.fieldMap.values()) { out.writeUTF(fieldName); } out.writeUTF(""); // terminate the list of fields in the table } out.writeUTF(""); // terminate the schema segment } private TableRef writeSchema_addTable(Table table) { String name = table.getDatabase().getName() + "." + table.getName(); String lowerName = name.toLowerCase(); TableRef tableRef = tableMap.get(lowerName); if (tableRef != null) return tableRef; tableRef = new TableRef(name); tableMap.put(lowerName, tableRef); return tableRef; } private void writeStrings(DataOutputStream out) throws IOException { int size = stringTable.size(); out.writeInt(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { out.writeUTF((String) stringTable.get(new Integer(i))); } } private void writeVersion(DataOutputStream out) throws IOException { out.writeInt(LAYOUT_VERSION); } }