Java tutorial
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Project ProjectForge Community Edition // // // Copyright (C) 2001-2014 Kai Reinhard ( // // ProjectForge is dual-licensed. // // This community edition is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published // by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 of the License. // // This community edition is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General // Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, see // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package org.projectforge.framework.persistence.attr.entities; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import; import javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass; import javax.persistence.Transient; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.projectforge.framework.persistence.api.BaseDO; import org.projectforge.framework.persistence.api.ModificationStatus; import org.projectforge.framework.persistence.entities.DefaultBaseDO; import de.micromata.genome.db.jpa.tabattr.api.EntityWithAttributes; import de.micromata.genome.db.jpa.tabattr.entities.JpaTabAttrBaseDO; import de.micromata.genome.db.jpa.tabattr.entities.JpaTabAttrDataBaseDO; import de.micromata.genome.jpa.ComplexEntity; import de.micromata.genome.jpa.ComplexEntityVisitor; import de.micromata.genome.util.strings.converter.StandardStringConverter; import de.micromata.genome.util.strings.converter.StringConverter; import de.micromata.genome.util.types.Pair; /** * @author Florian Blumenstein ( * @param <M> */ @MappedSuperclass public abstract class DefaultBaseWithAttrDO<M extends DefaultBaseWithAttrDO<?>> extends DefaultBaseDO implements EntityWithAttributes, ComplexEntity { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private StringConverter stringConverter = StandardStringConverter.get(); /** * holds the attributes */ private Map<String, JpaTabAttrBaseDO<M, Integer>> attributes = new TreeMap<String, JpaTabAttrBaseDO<M, Integer>>(); public DefaultBaseWithAttrDO() { } public DefaultBaseWithAttrDO(final StringConverter stringConverter) { this.stringConverter = stringConverter; } /** * Entity for the an attribute, where the value fits into the AttrBaseDO.value field. * * @return */ @Transient public abstract Class<? extends JpaTabAttrBaseDO<M, Integer>> getAttrEntityClass(); /** * Entity for the an attribute, where the value does NOT fit into the AttrBaseDO.value field, but need nested * AttrDataBaseDO * * @return */ @Transient public abstract Class<? extends JpaTabAttrBaseDO<M, Integer>> getAttrEntityWithDataClass(); /** * Entity class for the AttrData table. * * @return */ @Transient public abstract Class<? extends JpaTabAttrDataBaseDO<? extends JpaTabAttrBaseDO<M, Integer>, Integer>> getAttrDataEntityClass(); /** * Create a new attribute entity where the value fits into the AttrBaseDO.value field. * * The constructor of the entity has to pass it to the constructor AttrBaseDO(M parent, String propertyName, String * value) * * @param key AttrBaseDO.propertyName * @param value AttrBaseDO.value * @return new entity */ public abstract JpaTabAttrBaseDO<M, Integer> createAttrEntity(String key, char type, String value); /** * Create a new attribute entity where the value does NOT fit into the AttrBaseDO.value field. * * The constructor of the entity has to pass it to the constructor AttrBaseDO(M parent, String propertyName, String * value) * * @param key AttrBaseDO.propertyName * @param value AttrBaseDO.value * @return new entity */ public abstract JpaTabAttrBaseDO<M, Integer> createAttrEntityWithData(String key, char type, String value); @Override public void visit(ComplexEntityVisitor visitor) { visitor.visit(this); for (JpaTabAttrBaseDO<M, Integer> attr : attributes.values()) { attr.visit(visitor); } } /** * Get a attribute from entity * * @param key must not be null * @return null, if attribute is not defined. Otherwise value stored */ @Override @Transient public String getStringAttribute(final String key) { final JpaTabAttrBaseDO<M, Integer> tabr = getAttributeRow(key); if (tabr == null) { return null; } return tabr.getValue(); } /** * Put an attribute identified by key into the attribute map. * * @param key must not be null * @param value must not be null */ @Override public void putStringAttribute(final String key, final String value) { putAttrInternal(key, stringConverter.getTypeChar(value), value); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see de.micromata.genome.jpa.EntityWithAttributes#getAttribute(java.lang.String) */ @Override public Object getAttribute(final String key) { final JpaTabAttrBaseDO<M, Integer> tabr = getAttributeRow(key); if (tabr == null) { return null; } final String data = tabr.getStringData(); return stringConverter.stringToObject(tabr.getType(), data); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T> T getAttribute(final String key, final Class<T> expectedClass) { final Object val = getAttribute(key); if (val == null) { return null; } if (expectedClass.isAssignableFrom(val.getClass()) == false) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attribute does not match type. key: " + key + "; expected: " + expectedClass.getName() + "; retreived: " + val.getClass().getName()); } return (T) val; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see de.micromata.genome.jpa.EntityWithAttributes#putAttribute(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) */ @Override public void putAttribute(final String key, final Object value) { final Pair<Character, String> p = stringConverter.objectToString(value); putAttrInternal(key, p.getFirst(), p.getSecond()); } public void putAttrInternal(final String key, final Character type, final String encodedString) { final JpaTabAttrBaseDO<M, Integer> tabr = getAttributeRow(key); final Class<?> required = StringUtils.length(encodedString) > JpaTabAttrDataBaseDO.DATA_MAXLENGTH ? getAttrEntityWithDataClass() : getAttrEntityClass(); if (tabr != null && required == tabr.getClass()) { tabr.setStringData(encodedString); tabr.setType(type); return; } if (StringUtils.length(encodedString) > JpaTabAttrDataBaseDO.DATA_MAXLENGTH) { putAttributeRow(key, createAttrEntityWithData(key, type, encodedString)); } else { putAttributeRow(key, createAttrEntity(key, type, encodedString)); } } /** * removes the attribute. * * @param key aka propertyName */ @Override public void removeAttribute(final String key) { attributes.remove(key); } /** * The keys of the attributes. * * @return never null */ @Override @Transient public Set<String> getAttributeKeys() { return attributes.keySet(); } // @Override // public void visit(final ComplexEntityVisitor visitor) // { // visitor.visit(this); // for (final AttrBaseDO<M> d : getAttributes().values()) { // d.visit(visitor); // } // } @Override public ModificationStatus copyValuesFrom(final BaseDO<? extends Serializable> source, final String... ignoreFields) { String[] combinedIgnoreFields = Stream.concat(Stream.of(ignoreFields), Stream.of("attributes")) .toArray(String[]::new); ModificationStatus modificationStatus = super.copyValuesFrom(source, combinedIgnoreFields); final DefaultBaseWithAttrDO<M> src = (DefaultBaseWithAttrDO) source; for (final Map.Entry<String, JpaTabAttrBaseDO<M, Integer>> srcEntry : src.getAttrs().entrySet()) { final JpaTabAttrBaseDO<M, Integer> destEntry = getAttributeRow(srcEntry.getKey()); if (destEntry == null || destEntry.getClass() != srcEntry.getValue().getClass()) { removeAttribute(srcEntry.getKey()); // create new entry if either none exists, or with/out data is different. putAttrInternal(srcEntry.getKey(), srcEntry.getValue().getType(), srcEntry.getValue().getStringData()); modificationStatus = getModificationStatus(modificationStatus, ModificationStatus.MAJOR); } else { if (StringUtils.equals(destEntry.getStringData(), srcEntry.getValue().getStringData()) == false) { removeAttribute(srcEntry.getKey()); modificationStatus = modificationStatus.combine(ModificationStatus.MAJOR); putAttrInternal(srcEntry.getKey(), srcEntry.getValue().getType(), srcEntry.getValue().getStringData()); } } } final ArrayList<String> keys = new ArrayList<>(); keys.addAll(attributes.keySet()); for (final String key : keys) { if (src.getAttrs().containsKey(key) == false) { removeAttribute(key); modificationStatus = getModificationStatus(modificationStatus, ModificationStatus.MAJOR); } } return modificationStatus; } public JpaTabAttrBaseDO<M, Integer> getAttributeRow(final String key) { return attributes.get(key); } public void putAttributeRow(final String key, final JpaTabAttrBaseDO<M, Integer> attr) { attributes.put(key, attr); } @Transient public Map<String, JpaTabAttrBaseDO<M, Integer>> getAttrs() { return attributes; } public void setAttrs(final Map<String, JpaTabAttrBaseDO<M, Integer>> attributes) { this.attributes = attributes; } @Transient public StringConverter getStringConverter() { return stringConverter; } public void setStringConverter(final StringConverter stringConverter) { this.stringConverter = stringConverter; } @Transient private M getThis() { return (M) this; } }