Java tutorial
/* * Created on July. 02, 2007 * * Author: Minseok Song * (c) 2006 Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Minseok Song * all rights reserved * * LICENSE WARNING: * This code has been created within the realm of an STW project. * The question of under which license to publish this code, or whether * to have it published openly at all, is still unclear. * Before this code can be released in any form, be it binary or source * code, this issue has to be clarified with the STW. * Please do not add this file to any build or source export transferred * to anybody outside the TM.IS group. */ package org.processmining.analysis.performance.fsmanalysis; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JSplitPane; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics; import org.deckfour.slickerbox.components.AutoFocusButton; import org.processmining.framework.models.ModelGraphVertex; import org.processmining.framework.models.ModelGraphEdge; import org.processmining.framework.models.fsm.AcceptFSM; import org.processmining.framework.models.fsm.FSMState; import org.processmining.framework.plugin.ProvidedObject; import org.processmining.framework.ui.slicker.ProgressPanel; import org.processmining.framework.util.GUIPropertyInteger; import org.processmining.framework.util.GUIPropertyListEnumeration; import org.processmining.framework.util.GuiNotificationTarget; public class FSMPerformanceAnalysisUI extends JPanel implements GuiNotificationTarget { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3036511492888928964L; public static Color colorBg = new Color(120, 120, 120); public static Color colorInnerBg = new Color(140, 140, 140); public static Color colorFg = new Color(30, 30, 30); public static Color colorTextAreaBg = new Color(160, 160, 160); public static String INTER = "inter"; public static String OVER = "overall"; // Performance objects protected AcceptFSM acceptFSM; private JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel(); private JSplitPane splitPane = new JSplitPane(); private JPanel menuPanel = new JPanel(); private JPanel chartPanel = new JPanel(); protected JPanel configurationPanel; protected ProgressPanel progressPanel; protected GUIPropertyInteger min = new GUIPropertyInteger("min", 60, 0, 100); protected GUIPropertyInteger max = new GUIPropertyInteger("max", 80, 0, 100); protected double overallMax = 0.0; protected double overallEdgeMax = 0.0; protected double pathMax = 0.0; protected FSMStatistics fsmStatistics; protected HashMap<String, DescriptiveStatistics> suSojournMap; protected HashMap<String, DescriptiveStatistics> suRemainingMap; protected HashMap<String, DescriptiveStatistics> edgeInterMap; protected HashMap<String, DescriptiveStatistics> suElapsedMap; protected HashSet<FSMState> criticalState; protected HashSet<ModelGraphEdge> criticalEdge; protected HashSet<FSMState> inbtwnState; protected HashSet<ModelGraphEdge> inbtwnEdge; protected GUIPropertyListEnumeration timeUnitSort; protected GUIPropertyListEnumeration measureSort; protected GUIPropertyListEnumeration colorBySort; public FSMPerformanceAnalysisUI(AcceptFSM fsm, FSMStatistics fsmStat) { acceptFSM = fsm; fsmStatistics = fsmStat; suSojournMap = fsmStatistics.getSojournMap(); suRemainingMap = fsmStatistics.getRemainingMap(); suElapsedMap = fsmStatistics.getElapsedMap(); edgeInterMap = fsmStatistics.getEdgeMap(); this.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); this.setBackground(colorBg); this.removeAll(); initGraphMenu(); buildMainMenuGui(); } public void initGraphMenu() { splitPane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT); splitPane.setDividerSize(0); initTimeSort(); menuPanel.add(timeUnitSort.getPropertyPanel()); initMeasureSort(); menuPanel.add(measureSort.getPropertyPanel()); initColorBySort(); menuPanel.add(colorBySort.getPropertyPanel()); menuPanel.add(min.getPropertyPanel()); menuPanel.add(max.getPropertyPanel()); JButton updateButton = new AutoFocusButton("Update"); updateButton.setOpaque(false); updateButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { updateGUI(); restoreAcceptFSM(); } }); menuPanel.add(updateButton); mainPanel.setBackground(colorBg); menuPanel.setBackground(colorBg); chartPanel.setBackground(colorBg); splitPane.setBackground(colorBg); chartPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); overallMax = 0.0; for (DescriptiveStatistics ds : getTimeMap().values()) { if (overallMax < getData(ds)) overallMax = getData(ds); } overallEdgeMax = 0.0; for (DescriptiveStatistics ds : edgeInterMap.values()) { if (overallEdgeMax < getData(ds)) overallEdgeMax = getData(ds); } findCriticalPath(); adjustTimeScale(); chartPanel.add(acceptFSM.getGrappaVisualization(), BorderLayout.CENTER); restoreAcceptFSM(); splitPane.setLeftComponent(menuPanel); splitPane.setRightComponent(chartPanel); } public void buildMainMenuGui() { this.removeAll(); this.add(splitPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); this.revalidate(); this.repaint(); } public void updateGUI() { overallMax = 0.0; for (DescriptiveStatistics ds : getTimeMap().values()) { if (overallMax < getData(ds)) overallMax = getData(ds); } overallEdgeMax = 0.0; for (DescriptiveStatistics ds : edgeInterMap.values()) { if (overallEdgeMax < getData(ds)) overallEdgeMax = getData(ds); } findCriticalPath(); adjustTimeScale(); splitPane.remove(chartPanel); chartPanel = null; chartPanel = new JPanel(); chartPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); chartPanel.add(acceptFSM.getGrappaVisualization(), BorderLayout.CENTER); chartPanel.setBackground(colorBg); splitPane.setRightComponent(chartPanel); } protected void initMeasureSort() { ArrayList<String> measureList = new ArrayList<String>(); measureList.add("Average"); measureList.add("Sum"); measureList.add("Minimum"); measureList.add("Median"); measureList.add("Maximum"); measureList.add("StandDev"); measureList.add("Variance"); measureList.add("Frequency"); measureSort = new GUIPropertyListEnumeration("Measure:", "", measureList, this, 150); } protected void initColorBySort() { ArrayList<String> colorByList = new ArrayList<String>(); colorByList.add("Sojourn"); colorByList.add("Remaining"); colorByList.add("Elapsed"); colorBySort = new GUIPropertyListEnumeration("Color By:", "", colorByList, this, 150); } protected void initTimeSort() { ArrayList<String> timeList = new ArrayList<String>(); timeList.add("seconds"); timeList.add("minutes"); timeList.add("hours"); timeList.add("days"); timeList.add("weeks"); timeList.add("months"); timeList.add("years"); timeUnitSort = new GUIPropertyListEnumeration("Time Unit:", "", timeList, this, 150); timeUnitSort.setValue("hours"); } protected long getTimeUnit() { if (((String) measureSort.getValue()).equals("Frequency")) { return 1; } if (timeUnitSort.getValue().equals("seconds")) { return 1000; } else if (timeUnitSort.getValue().equals("minutes")) { return 60000; } else if (timeUnitSort.getValue().equals("hours")) { return 3600000L; } else if (timeUnitSort.getValue().equals("days")) { return 86400000L; } else if (timeUnitSort.getValue().equals("weeks")) { return 604800000L; } else if (timeUnitSort.getValue().equals("months")) { return 2592000000L; } else { return 31536000000L; } } protected double getData(DescriptiveStatistics ds) { String sort = (String) measureSort.getValue(); if (sort.equals("Minimum")) { return ds.getMin(); } else if (sort.equals("Average")) { return (ds.getMean()); } else if (sort.equals("Median")) { return (ds.getPercentile(50)); } else if (sort.equals("Maximum")) { return (ds.getMax()); } else if (sort.equals("Sum")) { return (ds.getSum()); } else if (sort.equals("StandDev")) { return (ds.getStandardDeviation()); } else if (sort.equals("Variance")) { return (ds.getStandardDeviation() * ds.getStandardDeviation()); } else if (sort.equals("Frequency")) { return (ds.getN()); } return 0.0; } private HashMap<String, DescriptiveStatistics> getTimeMap() { if (colorBySort.getValue().equals("Sojourn")) { return suSojournMap; } else if (colorBySort.getValue().equals("Elapsed")) { return suElapsedMap; } else if (colorBySort.getValue().equals("Remaining")) { return suRemainingMap; } return null; } private void restoreAcceptFSM() { for (ModelGraphVertex as : acceptFSM.getVerticeList()) { ((FSMState) as).setLabel(getActualLabel(((FSMState) as).getLabel())); as.setDotAttribute("color", "black"); } for (Object obj : acceptFSM.getEdges()) { ModelGraphEdge edg = (ModelGraphEdge) obj; edg.setDotAttribute("color", "black"); } } private void adjustTimeScale() { for (ModelGraphVertex as : acceptFSM.getVerticeList()) { String key = getActualLabel(((FSMState) as).getLabel()); if (getTimeMap().get(key) != null) { String value = String.valueOf("sojourn = " + getSubString(String .valueOf(getData((DescriptiveStatistics) suSojournMap.get(key)) / (double) getTimeUnit()))); value += String.valueOf("\\n elapsed = " + getSubString(String.valueOf(getData(suElapsedMap.get(key)) / (double) getTimeUnit()))); value += String.valueOf("\\n remaining = " + getSubString(String.valueOf(getData(suRemainingMap.get(key)) / (double) getTimeUnit()))); as.setDotAttribute("URL", value); as.setDotAttribute("tooltip", value); ((FSMState) as).setLabel(key + "\\n " + value); if (getData(getTimeMap().get(key)) >= 0.0) { double tempValue = getData(getTimeMap().get(key)); if (tempValue < overallMax * (((double) min.getValue()) / 100.0)) { as.setDotAttribute("color", "blue"); } else if (tempValue < overallMax * (((double) max.getValue()) / 100.0)) { as.setDotAttribute("color", "yellow"); } else { as.setDotAttribute("color", "red"); } } } } for (Object obj : acceptFSM.getEdges()) { ModelGraphEdge edg = (ModelGraphEdge) obj; String start, end; start = getActualLabel(((FSMState) edg.getSource()).getLabel()); end = getActualLabel(((FSMState) edg.getDest()).getLabel()); String key = start + ":" + end; if (true) { if (criticalEdge.contains(edg)) { edg.setDotAttribute("color", "red"); } else if (inbtwnEdge.contains(edg)) { edg.setDotAttribute("color", "yellow"); } else { edg.setDotAttribute("color", "blue"); } } else { if (edgeInterMap.get(key) != null) { double tempValue = getData(edgeInterMap.get(key)); edg.setDotAttribute("tooltip", "interval = " + tempValue); if (tempValue < overallEdgeMax * (((double) min.getValue()) / 100.0)) { edg.setDotAttribute("color", "blue"); } else if (tempValue < overallEdgeMax * (((double) max.getValue()) / 100.0)) { edg.setDotAttribute("color", "yellow"); } else { edg.setDotAttribute("color", "red"); } } } } } private String getActualLabel(String str) { return str.substring(0, str.lastIndexOf("]") + 1); } // private String getSubString(String str) // { // if(str.contains("E")); // return str; // // return str.substring(0, Math.min(str.length(), 10)); // } private String getSubString(String str) { double d = Double.valueOf(str); if (d >= 0.000001 && d <= 100000 || d == 0) return str.substring(0, Math.min(str.length(), 7)); ; NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("0.#####E0"); String s = formatter.format(d); return s; } private void findCriticalPath() { HashSet<FSMState> fsms = acceptFSM.getAcceptStates(); pathMax = 0.0; for (FSMState st : fsms) { String key = getActualLabel((st).getLabel()); if (suElapsedMap.get(key) != null) { pathMax = Math.max(pathMax, getData(suElapsedMap.get(key))); } } criticalState = new HashSet(); criticalEdge = new HashSet<ModelGraphEdge>(); inbtwnState = new HashSet(); inbtwnEdge = new HashSet<ModelGraphEdge>(); // for critical states for (FSMState st : fsms) { String key = getActualLabel((st).getLabel()); if (suElapsedMap.get(key) != null) { if (getData(suElapsedMap.get(key)) >= pathMax * (((double) max.getValue()) / 100.0)) { criticalState.add(st); criticalEdge.addAll(getAllEdgesTo(st)); } } } // for in-between states for (FSMState st : fsms) { String key = getActualLabel((st).getLabel()); if (suElapsedMap.get(key) != null) { if (getData(suElapsedMap.get(key)) >= pathMax * (((double) min.getValue()) / 100.0) && getData(suElapsedMap.get(key)) < pathMax * (((double) max.getValue()) / 100.0)) { inbtwnState.add(st); for (ModelGraphEdge edge : getAllEdgesTo(st)) { if (!criticalEdge.contains(edge)) inbtwnEdge.add(edge); } } } } } public HashSet<ModelGraphEdge> getAllEdgesTo(ModelGraphVertex v2) { HashSet<ModelGraphEdge> s = new HashSet<ModelGraphEdge>(); for (Object obj : acceptFSM.getEdges()) { ModelGraphEdge edge = (ModelGraphEdge) obj; if (isInPath(edge, v2)) s.add(edge); } return s; } public boolean isInPath(ModelGraphVertex v1, ModelGraphVertex v2, HashSet<ModelGraphVertex> vs) { Iterator<ModelGraphEdge> it = v1.getOutEdgesIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ModelGraphEdge e =; if (e.getDest() == v1) continue; if (vs.contains(e.getDest())) return false; if (e.getDest() == v2) { return true; } else { vs.add(v1); if (e.getDest().getOutEdges() != null && e.getDest().getOutEdges().size() > 0) if (isInPath(e.getDest(), v2, vs)) return true; } } return false; } public boolean isInPath(ModelGraphEdge e1, ModelGraphVertex v2) { if (e1.getDest() == v2) { return true; } else { if (e1.getSource() != e1.getDest() && e1.getDest().getOutEdges() != null && e1.getDest().getOutEdges().size() > 0) { HashSet<ModelGraphVertex> vs = new HashSet<ModelGraphVertex>(); return isInPath(e1.getDest(), v2, vs); } } return false; } public ProvidedObject[] getProvidedObjects() { return new ProvidedObject[] { new ProvidedObject("FSM Statistics", fsmStatistics), new ProvidedObject("Sojourn Statistics", suSojournMap), new ProvidedObject("Remaining Statistics", suRemainingMap), new ProvidedObject("Elapsed Statistics", suElapsedMap), new ProvidedObject("Edge Statistics", edgeInterMap) }; } }