Java tutorial
/* * Created on Nov. 20, 2006 * * Author: Minseok Song * (c) 2006 Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Minseok Song * all rights reserved * * LICENSE WARNING: * This code has been created within the realm of an STW project. * The question of under which license to publish this code, or whether * to have it published openly at all, is still unclear. * Before this code can be released in any form, be it binary or source * code, this issue has to be clarified with the STW. * Please do not add this file to any build or source export transferred * to anybody outside the TM.IS group. */ package org.processmining.analysis.performance.dottedchart.ui; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import javax.swing.JPanel; import org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics; import org.processmining.analysis.performance.dottedchart.DottedChartAnalysis; import org.processmining.analysis.performance.dottedchart.logutil.AbstractLogUnit; import org.processmining.analysis.performance.dottedchart.logutil.LogUnitList; import org.processmining.analysis.performance.dottedchart.model.DottedChartModel; import org.processmining.framework.ui.Message; import java.util.HashSet; /** * DottedChartPanel. * * The purpose of this class is to provide a view of dotted chart * * @author Minseok Song */ public class DottedChartPanel extends JPanel implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener { /* static member encoding for item handle icons */ public static String STR_NONE = "None"; public static String ITEM_HANDLE_DOT = "Dot"; public static String ITEM_HANDLE_CIRCLE = "Circle"; public static String ITEM_HANDLE_TRIANGLE = "Triangle"; public static String ITEM_HANDLE_BOX = "Box"; public static String ITEM_HANDLE_RHOMBUS = "Rhombus"; public static String ITEM_HANDLE_ROUND_BOX = "RoundBox"; public static String ITEM_HANDLE_DRAW_BOX = "DrawBox"; public static String ITEM_HANDLE_DRAW_CIRCLE = "Circle"; public static String ITEM_HANDLE_DRAW_TRIANGLE = "Triangle"; public static String ITEM_HANDLE_DRAW_RHOMBUS = "DrawRhombusBox"; public static String ITEM_HANDLE_DRAW_ROUND_BOX = "DrawRoundBox"; public static final String TIME_ACTUAL = "Actual"; public static final String TIME_RELATIVE_TIME = "Relative(Time)"; public static final String TIME_RELATIVE_RATIO = "Relative(Ratio)"; public static final String TIME_LOGICAL = "Logical"; public static final String TIME_LOGICAL_RELATIVE = "Logical(Relative)"; public static final String ST_ORIG = "Originator"; public static final String ST_TASK = "Task ID"; public static final String ST_INST = "Instance ID"; public static final String ST_EVEN = "Event"; public static final String ST_DATA = "Data"; public static final String ST_NAME = "Component Name"; public static final String ST_SIZE = "Number of Events"; public static final String ST_DURATION = "Duration"; public static final String ST_START_TIME = "Start Time"; public static final String ST_END_TIME = "End Time"; public static final String ST_ZOOMIN = "Zoom in"; public static final String ST_DRAG = "Drag"; private BufferedImage matrixBuffer; public static String HANDLE_ICONS[] = { STR_NONE, ITEM_HANDLE_CIRCLE, ITEM_HANDLE_TRIANGLE, ITEM_HANDLE_BOX, ITEM_HANDLE_RHOMBUS }; DottedChartAnalysis dca = null; // parents DottedChartOptionPanel dcOptionPanel = null; // option panel /* instance attributes */ protected DottedChartModel dcModel = null; protected double milli2pixels = 1.0; // the ratio between milliseconds and // displayed pixels protected double height2pixels = 1.0; // the ratio between heights and // displayed pixels protected long logLaneStep = 0; protected int logLanePixStep = 0; protected double viewportZoomX = 1.0; protected double viewportZoomY = 1.0; protected int updWidth = 0; protected int updHight = 0; protected String itemHandle = null; protected Color colorBg = null; protected Color colorFg = null; protected Color colorLogDark = null; protected Color colorLogBright = null; protected Color colorTimeLine = null; protected Color colorBaseGreen = null; protected ShapeReference itemShapes = null; protected String timeOption = TIME_ACTUAL; protected String relativeTimeBase = ST_INST; protected HashMap timeBaseHashMap = null; protected HashMap endTimeBaseHashMap = null; protected ColorReference itemColors = null; // to improve the performance private String stRalativeTimeOptions = null; private String stRalativeTime = null; private boolean bChangeOption = false; private boolean bLogical = false; private boolean bAdjust = true; private boolean bTooltip = false; // options private long[] widthDividers = { 1, 10, 100, 500, 1000, 60000, 3600000L, 86400000L, 604800000L, 2592000000L, 31536000000L }; private long timeSort = 1000; long clipLeftTs; long clipRightTs; int clipL = 0; int clipR = 0; /* size attributes */ protected int border = 5; protected double handleRatio = 0.5; /* helpers */ protected Calendar cal = null; // variables for Item Line protected boolean bDrawLine = false; // variables for finding bottleneck protected boolean bBottleneck = false; protected boolean bBottleneckforInstances = false; // for exporting protected ArrayList selectedIDs = new ArrayList(); protected HashSet selectedIDIndices = new HashSet(); // variables for zoom private Point p1; private Point p2; private boolean clicked = false; // variables for drag private Point p3; private Point p4; /** * constructor * * @param aDCA * DottedChartAnalysis the Dotted Chart Analysis to be displayed * @param aDcModel * DottedChartModel the dottedchartmodel that includes data * structure for dotted chart */ public DottedChartPanel(DottedChartAnalysis aDCA) { dca = aDCA; dcModel = aDCA.getDottedChartModel(); dcOptionPanel = new DottedChartOptionPanel(this, aDCA); dcModel.initTimeStatistics(); calculateCurrentTime(); dcModel.adjustLogBoundaries(timeOption); viewportZoomX = 1.0; viewportZoomY = 1.0; border = 10; handleRatio = 0.5; updWidth = this.getWidth(); updHight = this.getHeight(); itemHandle = DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_CIRCLE; colorBg = new Color(240, 240, 220); colorFg = new Color(10, 10, 10); colorLogDark = new Color(170, 170, 160); colorLogBright = new Color(210, 210, 200); colorTimeLine = new Color(225, 225, 225); colorBaseGreen = new Color(50, 100, 100); itemColors = new ColorReference(); cal = new GregorianCalendar(); logLaneStep = 1000; logLanePixStep = 200; itemShapes = new ShapeReference(); updateMilli2pixelsRatio(); this.setAutoscrolls(true); // enable synthetic drag events this.setOpaque(true); this.addMouseMotionListener(this); this.addMouseListener(this); } public DottedChartModel getDottedChartModel() { return dcModel; } public DottedChartOptionPanel getDottedChartOptionPanel() { return dcOptionPanel; } public void changeLogical(boolean b) { bLogical = b; } public void changeOptions(boolean b) { bChangeOption = b; } public void changeComponentType() { // time statistics dcModel.setTypeHashMap(dcOptionPanel.getComponentType()); dcModel.initTimeStatistics(); if (timeOption.equals(TIME_ACTUAL) || timeOption.equals(TIME_RELATIVE_TIME) || timeOption.equals(TIME_RELATIVE_RATIO)) dcModel.calculateStatistics(); else if (timeOption.equals(TIME_LOGICAL)) dcModel.calculateStatisticsLogical(); else { dcModel.calculateCurrentTimeLogical_Relative(); dcModel.calculateStatisticsLogical(); } dcModel.adjustLogBoundaries(timeOption); updateMilli2pixelsRatio(); } // for exporting public void setSelectedIDs(ArrayList tempSelectedIDs) { selectedIDs = tempSelectedIDs; } public void setTimeOption(String str) { timeOption = str; } public String getTimeOption() { return timeOption; } public void setTimeBaseHaspMap(HashMap aHashMap) { timeBaseHashMap = null; timeBaseHashMap = aHashMap; } public HashMap getTimeBaseHaspMap() { return timeBaseHashMap; } public void setEndTimeBaseHaspMap(HashMap aHashMap) { endTimeBaseHashMap = null; endTimeBaseHashMap = aHashMap; } public HashMap getEndTimeBaseHaspMap() { return endTimeBaseHashMap; } public void setRelativeTimeBase(String str) { relativeTimeBase = str; } public String getRelativeTimeBase() { return relativeTimeBase; } public ArrayList<DescriptiveStatistics> getDescriptiveStatistics() { return dcModel.getTimeStatistics(); } public void changeEventTypeToKeep(ArrayList<String> aEventTypeToKeep) { dcModel.setEventTypeToKeep(aEventTypeToKeep); this.changeOptions(true); this.calculateCurrentTime(); dcModel.adjustLogBoundaries(timeOption); this.updateMilli2pixelsRatio(); } public void changeInstanceTypeToKeep(ArrayList anInstanceIDs) { dcModel.setInstanceTypeToKeep(anInstanceIDs); this.calculateCurrentTime(); dcModel.adjustLogBoundaries(timeOption); this.updateMilli2pixelsRatio(); } public int getHashMapSize() { if (!dcModel.getTypeHashMap().equals(ST_INST)) return dcModel.getItemMap().size(); else return dcModel.getInstanceTypeToKeep().size(); } public ColorReference getColorReference() { return itemColors; } protected String assignShapeByItem(AbstractLogUnit logUnit) { String shapeStandard = dcOptionPanel.getShapeStandard(); String str = ITEM_HANDLE_CIRCLE; if (shapeStandard.equals(DottedChartAnalysis.ST_ORIG)) str = itemShapes.getShape(logUnit.getOriginator()); else if (shapeStandard.equals(DottedChartAnalysis.ST_TASK)) str = itemShapes.getShape(logUnit.getElement()); else if (shapeStandard.equals(DottedChartAnalysis.ST_EVEN)) str = itemShapes.getShape(logUnit.getType()); else if (shapeStandard.equals(DottedChartAnalysis.ST_INST)) str = itemShapes.getShape(logUnit.getProcessInstance().getName()); return str; } protected void assignColorByItem(AbstractLogUnit logUnit, Graphics g) { String colorStandard = dcOptionPanel.getColorStandard(); if (colorStandard.equals(DottedChartAnalysis.STR_NONE)) g.setColor(colorBaseGreen); else if (colorStandard.equals(DottedChartAnalysis.ST_ORIG)) g.setColor(itemColors.getColor(logUnit.getOriginator())); else if (colorStandard.equals(DottedChartAnalysis.ST_TASK)) g.setColor(itemColors.getColor(logUnit.getElement())); else if (colorStandard.equals(DottedChartAnalysis.ST_EVEN)) g.setColor(itemColors.getColor(logUnit.getType())); else if (colorStandard.equals(DottedChartAnalysis.ST_INST)) g.setColor(itemColors.getColor(logUnit.getProcessInstance().getName())); } public void changeTimeOption() { String base = dcOptionPanel.getRelativeTimeOption(); timeOption = dcOptionPanel.getTimeOption(); if (timeOption.equals(TIME_RELATIVE_TIME) || timeOption.equals(TIME_RELATIVE_RATIO)) { setTimeBaseHaspMap(dcModel.getStartDateMap(base)); setEndTimeBaseHaspMap(dcModel.getEndDateMap(base)); } calculateCurrentTime(); dcModel.adjustLogBoundaries(timeOption); updateMilli2pixelsRatio(); clipLeftTs = coord2timeMillis(clipL); clipRightTs = coord2timeMillis(clipR); bAdjust = true; } public void changeWidthSort() { bAdjust = true; } public long adjustWidthSort(long sort) { return (clipRightTs - clipLeftTs) / sort; } public void setTimeSort(long sort) { timeSort = sort; } protected void updateMilli2pixelsRatio() { milli2pixels = (double) (this.getWidth() - border * 2) / (double) (dcModel.getLogBoundaryRight().getTime() - dcModel.getLogBoundaryLeft().getTime()); // + 2 is added to // extend bound if ((milli2pixels == 1) || (milli2pixels == 0)) { return; } logLaneStep = 1000; while ((logLaneStep * milli2pixels) < 150) { logLaneStep *= 2; } logLanePixStep = (int) (logLaneStep * milli2pixels) + 1; } /** * overwritten as proxy, to update mill2pixels ratio */ public void setSize(int width, int height) { super.setSize(width, height); updateMilli2pixelsRatio(); revalidate(); } /** * overwritten as proxy, to update mill2pixels ratio */ public void setSize(Dimension d) { super.setSize(d); updateMilli2pixelsRatio(); revalidate(); } /** * adjusts the viewable are of the log (zoom) * * @param aZoom * fraction of the log to be viewable (within (0,1] !) */ public void setViewportZoomX(double aZoom) { if (aZoom > 1.0) { // ensure sane values viewportZoomX = 1.0; } else if (aZoom <= 0.0) { viewportZoomX = 0.00000000001; } else { viewportZoomX = aZoom; } double ratio = updWidth; updWidth = (int) ((double) getParent().getWidth() * (1.0 / aZoom)); ratio = updWidth / ratio; Dimension dim = new Dimension(updWidth, updHight); Point d = dca.getScrollPane().getViewport().getViewPosition(); Point p = new Point((int) ((double) d.getX() * ratio), (int) ((double) d.getY())); this.setPreferredSize(dim); updateMilli2pixelsRatio(); this.revalidate(); dca.setScrollBarPosition(p); } /** * adjusts the viewable are of the log (zoom) * * @param aZoom * fraction of the log to be viewable (within (0,1] !) */ public void setViewportZoomY(double aZoom) { if (aZoom > 1.0) { // ensure sane values viewportZoomY = 1.0; } else if (aZoom <= 0.0) { viewportZoomY = 0.00000000001; } else { viewportZoomY = aZoom; } double ratio = updHight; updHight = (int) ((double) getParent().getHeight() * (1.0 / aZoom)); ratio = updHight / ratio; Dimension dim = new Dimension(updWidth, updHight); Point d = dca.getScrollPane().getViewport().getViewPosition(); Point p = new Point((int) d.getX(), (int) ((double) d.getY() * (ratio))); this.setPreferredSize(dim); updateMilli2pixelsRatio(); this.revalidate(); dca.setScrollBarPosition(p); } /** * adjusts the viewable are of the log (zoom) */ public void setViewportZoomIn() { Dimension d = dca.getViewportSize(); int width = Math.abs(p1.x - p2.x); int height = Math.abs(p1.y - p2.y); int value = (int) (Math.log10( (double) this.getWidth() * (d.getWidth() / width) / (double) dca.getViewportSize().getWidth()) * 1000.0); if (value > 3000) return; value = (int) (Math.log10( (double) this.getHeight() * (d.getHeight() / height) / (double) dca.getViewportSize().getHeight()) * 1000.0); if (value > 3000) return; updWidth = (int) ((double) this.getWidth() * (d.getWidth() / width)); updHight = (int) ((double) this.getHeight() * (d.getHeight() / height)); Dimension dim = new Dimension(updWidth, updHight); int pos_x = Math.min(p1.x, p2.x); int pos_y = Math.min(p1.y, p2.y); Point p = new Point((int) (pos_x * d.getWidth() / width), (int) (pos_y * d.getHeight() / height)); this.setPreferredSize(dim); updateMilli2pixelsRatio(); this.revalidate(); dca.setScrollBarPosition(p); p1 = null; p2 = null; adjustSlideBar(); } /** * adjusts the viewable are of the log (zoom) */ public Point zoomInViewPort() { if (p1 == null || p2 == null) return null; Dimension d = dca.getViewportSize(); int width = Math.abs(p1.x - p2.x); int height = Math.abs(p1.y - p2.y); int value = (int) (Math.log10( (double) this.getWidth() * (d.getWidth() / width) / (double) dca.getViewportSize().getWidth()) * 1000.0); if (value > 3000) return null; value = (int) (Math.log10( (double) this.getHeight() * (d.getHeight() / height) / (double) dca.getViewportSize().getHeight()) * 1000.0); if (value > 3000) return null; updWidth = (int) ((double) this.getWidth() * (d.getWidth() / width)); updHight = (int) ((double) this.getHeight() * (d.getHeight() / height)); Dimension dim = new Dimension(updWidth, updHight); int pos_x = Math.min(p1.x, p2.x); int pos_y = Math.min(p1.y, p2.y); this.setPreferredSize(dim); updateMilli2pixelsRatio(); this.revalidate(); p1 = null; p2 = null; adjustSlideBar(); return new Point((int) (pos_x * d.getWidth() / width), (int) (pos_y * d.getHeight() / height)); } public void adjustSlideBar() { int value = (int) (Math.log10((double) updWidth / (double) dca.getViewportSize().getWidth()) * 1000.0); if (value > 3000) value = 3000; dcOptionPanel.getZoomSliderX().setValue(value); dcOptionPanel.getZoomSliderX().repaint(); value = (int) (Math.log10((double) updHight / (double) dca.getViewportSize().getHeight()) * 1000.0); if (value > 3000) value = 3000; dcOptionPanel.getZoomSliderY().setValue(value); dcOptionPanel.getZoomSliderY().repaint(); } /** * Convenience method. Transforms a timestamp (Date) into the corresponding * horizontal position within the viewport. * * @param aTimestamp * @return */ protected int time2coord(Date aTimestamp) { return (int) ((aTimestamp.getTime() - dcModel.getLogBoundaryLeft().getTime()) * milli2pixels); } /** * Convenience method. Transforms a timestamp (Date) into the corresponding * horizontal position within the viewport. * * @param aTimestamp * @return */ protected int time2coord_buffer(Date aTimestamp, double milli2pixels) { return (int) ((aTimestamp.getTime() - dcModel.getLogBoundaryLeft().getTime()) * milli2pixels); } /** * Convenience method. Transforms a timestamp (Date) into the corresponding * horizontal position within the viewport. * * @param aTimestamp * @return */ protected int unit2Cord(int unit_number) { return (int) (border + ((double) (this.getHeight() - 2 * border) / getHashMapSize() * unit_number)); } /** * Convenience method. Transforms a timestamp (Date) into the corresponding * horizontal position within the viewport. * * @param aTimestamp * @return */ protected int unit2Cord_buffer(int unit_number, int height) { return (int) (((double) (height) / getHashMapSize() * unit_number)); } /** * Convenience method. Transforms a timestamp (milliseconds) into the * corresponding horizontal position within the viewport. * * @param aTimeMillis * @return */ protected int time2coord(long aTimeMillis) { return (int) ((aTimeMillis - dcModel.getLogBoundaryLeft().getTime()) * milli2pixels); } /** * convenience method. transforms a given horizontal coordinate within the * viewport into the correspondig timestamp (Date) in the log space. * * @param anX * @return */ protected Date coord2time(double anX) { return new Date(coord2timeMillis(anX)); } /** * convenience method. transforms a given horizontal coordinate within the * viewport into the correspondig timestamp (milliseconds) in the log space. * * @param anX * @return */ protected long coord2timeMillis(double anX) { return (long) ((double) anX / milli2pixels) + dcModel.getLogBoundaryLeft().getTime(); } /** * convenience method. transforms a given horizontal coordinate within the * viewport into the correspondig timestamp (milliseconds) in the log space. * * @param anX * @return */ protected long coord2timeMillis_buffer(double anX, double milli2pixels) { return (long) ((double) anX / milli2pixels) + dcModel.getLogBoundaryLeft().getTime(); } /** * convenience method. adjust width on the screen * * @param void * @return */ public void adjustWidth() { long widthSort = dcOptionPanel.getWidthDivider(); long number = (clipRightTs - clipLeftTs) / widthSort; int idx = 0; if (number == 0) { for (idx = 0; idx < widthDividers.length; idx++) if (widthDividers[idx] == widthSort) break; if (idx == 0) return; idx--; while (idx >= 0) { widthSort = widthDividers[idx]; number = (clipRightTs - clipLeftTs) / widthSort; if (number > 0) { break; } idx--; } if (idx < 0) dcOptionPanel.changeWidthSort(0); else dcOptionPanel.changeWidthSort(idx); } else if (number > 100) { for (idx = 0; idx < widthDividers.length; idx++) if (widthDividers[idx] == widthSort) break; idx++; while (idx < widthDividers.length) { widthSort = widthDividers[idx]; number = (clipRightTs - clipLeftTs) / widthSort; if (number <= 100) { break; } idx++; } if (idx >= widthDividers.length) dcOptionPanel.changeWidthSort(widthDividers.length - 1); else dcOptionPanel.changeWidthSort(idx); } } /** * Checks two time frames for intersection. Interpret as follows: one * timeframe is delimited by d1Left on the right and d1Right on the right, * this is the reference frame. the second timeframe is delimited by * d2Left/Right. This method checks, if any part of the second timeframe is * contained within the first timeframe. * * @param d1Left * @param d1Right * @param d2Left * @param d2Right * @return */ protected static boolean intersects(Date d1Left, Date d1Right, Date d2Left, Date d2Right) { if (d2Left.after(d1Left)) { if (d2Left.before(d1Right)) { return true; } else { return false; } } else if (d2Right.after(d1Left)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * calcuate current time */ protected void calculateCurrentTime() { if (timeOption.equals(TIME_LOGICAL)) { if (!bLogical) { dcModel.calculateCurrentTimeLogical(); dcModel.calculateStatisticsLogical(); bLogical = true; } else { dcModel.setLogicalTime(); dcModel.calculateStatisticsLogical(); } return; } else if (timeOption.equals(TIME_LOGICAL_RELATIVE)) { dcModel.calculateCurrentTimeLogical_Relative(); dcModel.calculateStatisticsLogical(); return; } else if (timeOption.equals(TIME_RELATIVE_TIME) || timeOption.equals(TIME_RELATIVE_RATIO)) { if ((!bChangeOption) && stRalativeTime != null && stRalativeTime.equals(timeOption)) { if (stRalativeTimeOptions != null && stRalativeTimeOptions.equals(relativeTimeBase)) { dcModel.setRelativeTime(); dcModel.calculateStatistics(); return; } } bChangeOption = false; stRalativeTime = timeOption; stRalativeTimeOptions = relativeTimeBase; } // paint items if (dcModel.getItemMap().size() <= 0) return; String key = null; AbstractLogUnit item = null; // iterate through sets int index = -1; for (Iterator itSets = dcModel.getSortedKeySetList().iterator(); itSets.hasNext();) { index++; key = (String); DescriptiveStatistics tempDS = dcModel.getTimeStatistics().get(index + 1); tempDS.clear(); if (dcModel.getTypeHashMap().equals(ST_INST) && !dcModel.getInstanceTypeToKeep().contains(key)) continue; LogUnitList tempLogUnit = (LogUnitList) dcModel.getItemMap().get(key); for (Iterator itItm = tempLogUnit.iterator(); itItm.hasNext();) { item = (AbstractLogUnit); if (dcModel.getEventTypeToKeep() != null && (!dcModel.getEventTypeToKeep().contains(item.getType()) || !dcModel.getInstanceTypeToKeep().contains(item.getProcessInstance().getName()))) continue; if (timeOption.equals(TIME_ACTUAL)) { item.setCurrentTimeStamp(); } else if (timeOption.equals(TIME_RELATIVE_TIME)) { if (relativeTimeBase.equals(ST_INST)) item.setCurrentTimeStampRelative_Instance(); else if (relativeTimeBase.equals(ST_TASK)) item.setCurrentTimeStampRelative_Others((Date) timeBaseHashMap.get(item.getElement())); else if (relativeTimeBase.equals(ST_ORIG)) { if (timeBaseHashMap.containsKey(item.getOriginator())) item.setCurrentTimeStampRelative_Others( (Date) timeBaseHashMap.get(item.getOriginator())); } else if (relativeTimeBase.equals(ST_EVEN)) item.setCurrentTimeStampRelative_Others((Date) timeBaseHashMap.get(item.getType())); } else if (timeOption.equals(TIME_RELATIVE_RATIO)) { if (relativeTimeBase.equals(ST_INST)) item.setCurrentTimeStampRelativeRatio_Instance(); else if (relativeTimeBase.equals(ST_TASK)) item.setCurrentTimeStampRelativeRatio_Others((Date) timeBaseHashMap.get(item.getElement()), (Date) endTimeBaseHashMap.get(item.getElement())); else if (relativeTimeBase.equals(ST_ORIG)) { if (timeBaseHashMap.containsKey(item.getOriginator())) item.setCurrentTimeStampRelativeRatio_Others( (Date) timeBaseHashMap.get(item.getOriginator()), (Date) endTimeBaseHashMap.get(item.getOriginator())); } else if (relativeTimeBase.equals(ST_EVEN)) item.setCurrentTimeStampRelativeRatio_Others((Date) timeBaseHashMap.get(item.getType()), (Date) endTimeBaseHashMap.get(item.getType())); } } } dcModel.calculateStatistics(); } /** * convenience method for internal use. paints a log item handle * visualization. * * @param x * horizontal anchor coordinate of the handle * @param y * vertical anchor coordinate of the handle * @param g * the Graphics object used for painting */ protected void paintItem(int x, int y, Graphics g, String shape) { if (shape.equals(STR_NONE)) { return; } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_DOT)) { g.fillOval(x - 2, y - 2, 4, 4); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_BOX)) { g.fill3DRect(x - 5, y - 5, 10, 10, false); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_CIRCLE)) { g.fillOval(x - 5, y - 5, 11, 11); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_RHOMBUS)) { int rhombX[] = { x, x - 5, x, x + 5 }; int rhombY[] = { y - 5, y, y + 5, y }; g.fillPolygon(rhombX, rhombY, 4); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_TRIANGLE)) { int triX[] = { x, x - 5, x + 5 }; int triY[] = { y + 5, y - 5, y - 5 }; g.fillPolygon(triX, triY, 3); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_ROUND_BOX)) { g.fillRoundRect(x - 5, y - 5, 10, 10, 2, 2); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_DRAW_BOX)) { g.drawRect(x - 5, y - 5, 10, 10); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_DRAW_CIRCLE)) { g.drawOval(x - 5, y - 5, 11, 11); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_DRAW_RHOMBUS)) { int rhombX[] = { x, x - 5, x, x + 5 }; int rhombY[] = { y - 5, y, y + 5, y }; g.drawPolygon(rhombX, rhombY, 4); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_DRAW_TRIANGLE)) { int triX[] = { x, x - 5, x + 5 }; int triY[] = { y + 5, y - 5, y - 5 }; g.drawPolygon(triX, triY, 3); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_DRAW_ROUND_BOX)) { g.drawRoundRect(x - 5, y - 5, 10, 10, 2, 2); } } protected void addExportingList(AbstractLogUnit item) { for (int i = 0; i < selectedIDs.size(); i++) { if (selectedIDs.get(i).equals(item.getProcessInstance().getName())) { selectedIDIndices.add(i); return; } } } /** * convenience method for internal use. paints a log item handle * visualization. * * @param x * horizontal anchor coordinate of the handle * @param y * vertical anchor coordinate of the handle * @param g * the Graphics object used for painting */ protected void paintHighligtedItem(int x, int y, Graphics g, String shape) { Color color = g.getColor(); if (shape.equals(STR_NONE)) { return; } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_DOT)) { if (!color.equals( g.setColor(; else g.setColor(; g.fillOval(x - 3, y - 3, 6, 6); g.setColor(color); g.fillOval(x - 2, y - 2, 4, 4); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_BOX)) { if (!color.equals( g.setColor(; else g.setColor(; g.fillRect(x - 6, y - 6, 12, 12); g.setColor(color); g.fill3DRect(x - 5, y - 5, 10, 10, false); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_CIRCLE)) { if (!color.equals( g.setColor(; else g.setColor(; g.fillOval(x - 6, y - 6, 13, 13); g.setColor(color); g.fillOval(x - 5, y - 5, 11, 11); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_RHOMBUS)) { int rhombX[] = { x, x - 5, x, x + 5 }; int rhombY[] = { y - 5, y, y + 5, y }; g.fillPolygon(rhombX, rhombY, 4); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_TRIANGLE)) { int triX[] = { x, x - 5, x + 5 }; int triY[] = { y + 5, y - 5, y - 5 }; g.fillPolygon(triX, triY, 3); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_ROUND_BOX)) { if (!color.equals( g.setColor(; else g.setColor(; g.fillRoundRect(x - 6, y - 6, 13, 13, 2, 2); g.setColor(color); g.fillRoundRect(x - 5, y - 5, 10, 10, 2, 2); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_DRAW_BOX)) { g.drawRect(x - 5, y - 5, 10, 10); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_DRAW_CIRCLE)) { if (!color.equals( g.setColor(; else g.setColor(; g.fillOval(x - 6, y - 6, 13, 13); g.setColor(color); g.drawOval(x - 5, y - 5, 11, 11); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_DRAW_RHOMBUS)) { int rhombX[] = { x, x - 5, x, x + 5 }; int rhombY[] = { y - 5, y, y + 5, y }; g.drawPolygon(rhombX, rhombY, 4); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_DRAW_TRIANGLE)) { int triX[] = { x, x - 5, x + 5 }; int triY[] = { y + 5, y - 5, y - 5 }; g.drawPolygon(triX, triY, 3); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_DRAW_ROUND_BOX)) { g.drawRoundRect(x - 5, y - 5, 10, 10, 2, 2); } } /** * convenience method for internal use. paints a log item handle * visualization. * * @param x * horizontal anchor coordinate of the handle * @param y * vertical anchor coordinate of the handle * @param g * the Graphics object used for painting */ protected void paintItem_buffer(int x, int y, Graphics g, String shape) { if (shape.equals(STR_NONE)) { return; } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_DOT)) { g.fillOval(x - 2, y - 2, 7, 7); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_BOX)) { g.fill3DRect(x - 3, y - 3, 6, 6, false); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_CIRCLE)) { g.fillOval(x - 2, y - 2, 7, 7); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_RHOMBUS)) { int rhombX[] = { x, x - 3, x, x + 3 }; int rhombY[] = { y - 3, y, y + 3, y }; g.fillPolygon(rhombX, rhombY, 4); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_TRIANGLE)) { int triX[] = { x, x - 3, x + 3 }; int triY[] = { y + 3, y - 3, y - 3 }; g.fillPolygon(triX, triY, 3); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_ROUND_BOX)) { g.fillRoundRect(x - 3, y - 3, 6, 6, 2, 2); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_DRAW_BOX)) { g.drawRect(x - 3, y - 3, 6, 6); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_DRAW_CIRCLE)) { g.drawOval(x - 2, y - 2, 7, 7); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_DRAW_RHOMBUS)) { int rhombX[] = { x, x - 3, x, x + 3 }; int rhombY[] = { y - 3, y, y + 3, y }; g.drawPolygon(rhombX, rhombY, 4); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_DRAW_TRIANGLE)) { int triX[] = { x, x - 3, x + 3 }; int triY[] = { y + 3, y - 3, y - 3 }; g.drawPolygon(triX, triY, 3); } else if (shape.equals(DottedChartPanel.ITEM_HANDLE_DRAW_ROUND_BOX)) { g.drawRoundRect(x - 3, y - 3, 6, 6, 2, 2); } } protected void paintItemLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, Graphics g) { g.fillRoundRect(x1, y1 - 2, x2 - x1, 4, 2, 2); } protected void paintItemLineBottleneck(int x1, int y1, int x2, Graphics g) { Color tempColor = g.getColor(); g.setColor(; g.fillRoundRect(x1, y1 - 1, x2 - x1, 2, 1, 1); g.setColor(tempColor); } protected void paintItemLine_buffer(int x1, int y1, int x2, Graphics g) { g.fillRoundRect(x1, y1 - 1, x2 - x1, 2, 1, 1); } protected void paintComponentLane(Graphics g) { double percentileL = dcModel.getTimeStatistics().get(0) .getPercentile(dca.getSettingPanel().getPercentileforInstanceL()); double percentileU = dcModel.getTimeStatistics().get(0) .getPercentile(dca.getSettingPanel().getPercentileforInstanceU()); g.setFont(g.getFont().deriveFont((float) 10.0)); // set initial colors Color fgColor = null; Color bgColor = null; Color tmpColor = null; fgColor = null; bgColor = null; // calculate common coordinates int unitHeight = (this.getHeight() - 2 * border) / getHashMapSize(); int yTop = border; int yBottom = this.getHeight() - border; int pixStart = 0; String dateStr, timeStr, millisStr = null; // calculate area to be painted clipL = (int) g.getClipBounds().getMinX() - 1; clipR = (int) g.getClipBounds().getMaxX() + 1; // initialze start color fgColor = colorLogDark; bgColor = colorLogBright; // calculate current top int currentTop = yTop; // paint actual log lane (only the part in the clipping range // determined) Iterator itr = dcModel.getSortedKeySetList().iterator(); g.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 13)); int index = 0; currentTop = yTop; while (itr.hasNext()) { String dimName = (String); LogUnitList tempList = ((LogUnitList) dcModel.getItemMap().get(dimName)); long tempDuration; try { tempDuration = (tempList .getRightBoundaryTimestamp(dcModel.getEventTypeToKeep(), dcModel.getInstanceTypeToKeep()) .getTime() - tempList.getLeftBoundaryTimestamp(dcModel.getEventTypeToKeep(), dcModel.getInstanceTypeToKeep()).getTime()); } catch (Exception ce) { tempDuration = 0; } if (dcModel.getTypeHashMap().equals(ST_INST) && !dcModel.getInstanceTypeToKeep().contains(dimName)) continue; g.setColor(bgColor); g.fillRect(pixStart, currentTop, clipR, currentTop + unitHeight); g.setColor(fgColor); // for bottleneck if (dcOptionPanel.getComponentType().equals(DottedChartPanel.ST_INST) && bBottleneckforInstances && tempDuration >= percentileL && tempDuration <= percentileU) g.setColor(; else g.setColor(; g.drawString(dimName, pixStart + 5, currentTop + 20); index++; currentTop = unit2Cord(index); // swap colors tmpColor = fgColor; fgColor = bgColor; bgColor = tmpColor; } g.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); // draw horizontal delimiters g.setColor(colorTimeLine); g.drawLine(clipL, yTop, clipR, yTop); g.drawLine(clipL, yBottom, clipR, yBottom); clipLeftTs = coord2timeMillis(clipL); clipRightTs = coord2timeMillis(clipR); // draw vertical lines // adjust width if (bAdjust) { adjustWidth(); bAdjust = false; } for (long timeStart = dcModel.getLogBoundaryLeft() .getTime(); timeStart < clipRightTs; timeStart += dcOptionPanel.getWidthDivider()) { pixStart = time2coord(timeStart) + border; cal.setTimeInMillis(timeStart); g.setColor(colorTimeLine); g.drawLine(pixStart, yTop, pixStart, yBottom); g.setColor(colorLogDark); g.setColor(; // to be deleted if (timeOption.equals(TIME_ACTUAL)) { dateStr = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) + "." + (cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1) + "." + cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); g.drawString(dateStr, pixStart + 2, yTop); timeStr = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + ":" + cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE) + ":" + cal.get(Calendar.SECOND); g.drawString(timeStr, pixStart + 2, yTop + 10); } else if (timeOption.equals(TIME_RELATIVE_TIME)) { long days = timeStart / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24; long hours = (timeStart - days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) / 1000 / 60 / 60; long minutes = (timeStart - days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 - hours * 60 * 60 * 1000) / 1000 / 60; long seconds = (timeStart - days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 - hours * 60 * 60 * 1000 - minutes * 60 * 1000) / 1000; timeStr = days + "days:" + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds; g.drawString(timeStr, pixStart + 2, yTop); } else if (timeOption.equals(TIME_RELATIVE_RATIO)) { timeStr = timeStart / 100 + "." + (timeStart - timeStart / 100 * 100) + "%"; g.drawString(timeStr, pixStart + 2, yTop); } else if (timeOption.equals(TIME_LOGICAL) || timeOption.equals(TIME_LOGICAL_RELATIVE)) { timeStr = String.valueOf(timeStart); g.drawString(timeStr, pixStart + 2, yTop); } } } /** * convenience method for internal use. paints the log lane, with time * indicators. * * @param gOrig * @param dMin * date on the left boundary * @param dMax * date on the right boundary */ protected void paintComponentLane(Graphics2D g, int width, int hight) { g.setFont(g.getFont().deriveFont((float) 10.0)); // set initial colors Color fgColor = null; Color bgColor = null; Color tmpColor = null; fgColor = null; bgColor = null; // calculate common coordinates int unitHeight = hight / getHashMapSize(); int yTop = 0; int yBottom = hight; int pixStart = 0; String dateStr, timeStr, millisStr = null; // calculate area to be painted clipL = 0; clipR = width; // initialze start color fgColor = colorLogDark; bgColor = colorLogBright; // calculate current top int currentTop = yTop; // paint actual log lane (only the part in the clipping range // determined) Iterator itr = dcModel.getSortedKeySetList().iterator(); // dcModel.getItemMap().keySet().iterator(); g.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 13)); int index = 0; currentTop = yTop; while (itr.hasNext()) { String dimName = (String); if (dcModel.getTypeHashMap().equals(ST_INST) && !dcModel.getInstanceTypeToKeep().contains(dimName)) continue; g.setColor(bgColor); g.fillRect(pixStart, currentTop, clipR, currentTop + unitHeight); g.setColor(fgColor); index++; currentTop = unit2Cord_buffer(index, hight); // swap colors tmpColor = fgColor; fgColor = bgColor; bgColor = tmpColor; } g.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 12)); // draw horizontal delimiters g.setColor(colorTimeLine); g.drawLine(clipL, yTop, clipR, yTop); g.drawLine(clipL, yBottom, clipR, yBottom); clipLeftTs = coord2timeMillis(clipL); clipRightTs = coord2timeMillis(clipR); } /** * paints this log item panel and all contained log items as specified. * * @param g * the graphics object used for painting */ public void paintComponent(Graphics grx) { selectedIDIndices.clear(); // for exporting bDrawLine = dca.getSettingPanel().isDrawLine(); // todo bBottleneck = dca.getSettingPanel().isBottleneck(); bBottleneckforInstances = dca.getSettingPanel().isBottleneckforInstance(); double percentileL = dcModel.getOverallStatistics().getPercentile(dca.getSettingPanel().getPercentileL()); double percentileU = dcModel.getOverallStatistics().getPercentile(dca.getSettingPanel().getPercentileU()); Graphics gr = grx.create(); if (this.isOpaque()) { gr.setColor(colorBg); gr.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); } // paint the time indicator equipped component lane paintComponentLane(gr); // calculate are to be painted int height = (int) ((double) (getHeight() - (2 * border))); int unitHeight = height / getHashMapSize(); int currentTop = 0; // paint items if (dcModel.getItemMap().size() > 0) { String key = null; AbstractLogUnit item = null; // iterate through sets int index = 0; for (Iterator itSets = dcModel.getSortedKeySetList().iterator(); itSets.hasNext();) { key = (String); // if key is not in instanceIDs, skip.. if (dcModel.getTypeHashMap().equals(ST_INST) && !dcModel.getInstanceTypeToKeep().contains(key)) continue; currentTop = unit2Cord(index) + unitHeight / 2; LogUnitList tempUnitList = new LogUnitList(); AbstractLogUnit olditem = null; // for bottleneck boolean bInstances = false; boolean flag = true; if (dcOptionPanel.getComponentType().equals(DottedChartPanel.ST_INST) && bBottleneckforInstances) { LogUnitList tempUnitList2; tempUnitList2 = ((LogUnitList) dcModel.getItemMap().get(key)); double percentile2L = dcModel.getTimeStatistics().get(0) .getPercentile(dca.getSettingPanel().getPercentileforInstanceL()); double percentile2U = dcModel.getTimeStatistics().get(0) .getPercentile(dca.getSettingPanel().getPercentileforInstanceU()); long tempDuration = (tempUnitList2 .getRightBoundaryTimestamp(dcModel.getEventTypeToKeep(), dcModel.getInstanceTypeToKeep()) .getTime() - tempUnitList2.getLeftBoundaryTimestamp(dcModel.getEventTypeToKeep(), dcModel.getInstanceTypeToKeep()).getTime()); if (dcOptionPanel.getComponentType().equals(DottedChartPanel.ST_INST) && bBottleneckforInstances && tempDuration >= percentile2L && tempDuration <= percentile2U) bInstances = true; } // end for bottleneck //////// // iterate through items for (Iterator itItm = ((LogUnitList) dcModel.getItemMap().get(key)).iterator(); itItm.hasNext();) { item = (AbstractLogUnit); if (dcModel.getEventTypeToKeep() != null && (!dcModel.getEventTypeToKeep().contains(item.getType()) || !dcModel .getInstanceTypeToKeep().contains(item.getProcessInstance().getName()))) continue; if (bDrawLine && item.getType().equals(dca.getSettingPanel().getStartEvent())) tempUnitList.addEvent(item); assignColorByItem(item, gr); clipL = (int) gr.getClipBounds().getMinX() - 1; clipR = (int) gr.getClipBounds().getMaxX() + 1; long clipLeftTs2 = coord2timeMillis(clipL); long clipRightTs2 = coord2timeMillis(clipR); // if line is added if (bDrawLine && item.getType().equals(dca.getSettingPanel().getEndEvent())) { for (Iterator itr = tempUnitList.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { AbstractLogUnit item2 = (AbstractLogUnit); if (item2.getElement().equals(item.getElement()) && item2.getProcessInstance().equals(item.getProcessInstance())) { paintItemLine(time2coord(item2.getCurrentTimeStamp()) + border, currentTop, time2coord(item.getCurrentTimeStamp()) + border, gr); tempUnitList.removeEvent(item2); break; } } } // if item is not shown on the screen, ship drawing if (item.getCurrentTimeStamp() == null || item.getCurrentTimeStamp().getTime() < clipLeftTs2 || item.getCurrentTimeStamp().getTime() > clipRightTs2) continue; // for botteleneck if (dcOptionPanel.getComponentType().equals(DottedChartPanel.ST_INST) && bBottleneck && olditem != null && (item.getCurrentTimeStamp().getTime() - olditem.getCurrentTimeStamp().getTime()) >= percentileL && (item.getCurrentTimeStamp().getTime() - olditem.getCurrentTimeStamp().getTime()) <= percentileU) { paintItemLineBottleneck(time2coord(olditem.getCurrentTimeStamp()) + border, currentTop, time2coord(item.getCurrentTimeStamp()) + border, gr); this.paintHighligtedItem(time2coord(olditem.getCurrentTimeStamp()) + border, currentTop, gr, assignShapeByItem(olditem)); this.paintHighligtedItem(time2coord(item.getCurrentTimeStamp()) + border, currentTop, gr, assignShapeByItem(item)); this.addExportingList(item); olditem = item; continue; } // paint an item if (bInstances) { this.paintHighligtedItem(time2coord(item.getCurrentTimeStamp()) + border, currentTop, gr, assignShapeByItem(item)); if (flag) { this.addExportingList(item); flag = false; } } else { this.paintItem(time2coord(item.getCurrentTimeStamp()) + border, currentTop, gr, assignShapeByItem(item)); } olditem = item; } // move y point index++; } } // to do box for zoom if (p1 != null && p2 != null) { int x1 = Math.min(p1.x, p2.x); int y1 = Math.min(p1.y, p2.y); int width = Math.abs(p1.x - p2.x); height = Math.abs(p1.y - p2.y); grx.drawRect(x1, y1, width, height); } // for exporting if (selectedIDIndices.size() > 0) { int tempArray[] = new int[selectedIDIndices.size()]; int i = 0; for (Iterator itr = selectedIDIndices.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { tempArray[i++] = (int) ((Integer); } dca.setSelectedInstanceIndicesfromScreen(tempArray); } } public BufferedImage getBufferedImage() { return matrixBuffer; } public void generateBufferedImage(int width, int height) { bDrawLine = dca.getSettingPanel().isDrawLine(); matrixBuffer = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics2D gr = matrixBuffer.createGraphics(); gr.setColor(colorBg); gr.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); paintComponentLane(gr, width, height); // calculate are to be painted int unitHeight = height / getHashMapSize(); int currentTop = 0; // paint items if (dcModel.getItemMap().size() > 0) { String key = null; AbstractLogUnit item = null; // iterate through sets int index = 0; for (Iterator itSets = dcModel.getSortedKeySetList().iterator(); itSets.hasNext();) { key = (String); // if key is not in instanceIDs, skip.. if (dcModel.getTypeHashMap().equals(ST_INST) && !dcModel.getInstanceTypeToKeep().contains(key)) continue; currentTop = unit2Cord_buffer(index, height) + unitHeight / 2; LogUnitList tempUnitList = new LogUnitList(); // iterate through items for (Iterator itItm = ((LogUnitList) dcModel.getItemMap().get(key)).iterator(); itItm.hasNext();) { item = (AbstractLogUnit); if (dcModel.getEventTypeToKeep() != null && (!dcModel.getEventTypeToKeep().contains(item.getType()) || !dcModel .getInstanceTypeToKeep().contains(item.getProcessInstance().getName()))) continue; // to do if (bDrawLine && item.getType().equals(dca.getSettingPanel().getStartEvent())) tempUnitList.addEvent(item); assignColorByItem(item, gr); clipL = 0; clipR = width; double milli2pixels = (double) ((width) - 10) / (double) (dcModel.getLogBoundaryRight().getTime() - dcModel.getLogBoundaryLeft().getTime()); // + 2 is // added // to // extend // bound long clipLeftTs2 = coord2timeMillis_buffer(clipL, milli2pixels); long clipRightTs2 = coord2timeMillis_buffer(clipR, milli2pixels); // to do : if line is added if (bDrawLine && item.getType().equals(dca.getSettingPanel().getEndEvent())) { for (Iterator itr = tempUnitList.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { AbstractLogUnit item2 = (AbstractLogUnit); if (item2.getElement().equals(item.getElement()) && item2.getProcessInstance().equals(item.getProcessInstance())) { paintItemLine_buffer( time2coord_buffer(item2.getCurrentTimeStamp(), milli2pixels) + 3, currentTop, time2coord_buffer(item.getCurrentTimeStamp(), milli2pixels) + 3, gr); tempUnitList.removeEvent(item2); break; } } } // if item is not shown on the screen, skip drawing if (item.getCurrentTimeStamp().getTime() < clipLeftTs2 || item.getCurrentTimeStamp().getTime() > clipRightTs2) continue; // paint an item this.paintItem_buffer(time2coord_buffer(item.getCurrentTimeStamp(), milli2pixels) + 3, currentTop, gr, assignShapeByItem(item)); } // move y point index++; } } } public String timeFormat(Date aDate) { String str = null; if (timeOption.equals(TIME_ACTUAL)) str = String.valueOf(aDate); else if (timeOption.equals(TIME_RELATIVE_TIME)) str = String.valueOf((float) aDate.getTime() / (float) timeSort); else if (timeOption.equals(TIME_RELATIVE_RATIO)) str = String.valueOf((float) aDate.getTime() / 100) + "%"; else if (timeOption.equals(TIME_LOGICAL) || timeOption.equals(TIME_LOGICAL_RELATIVE)) str = String.valueOf(aDate.getTime()); return str; } public void redrawTitle(int xPos) { Graphics g = this.getGraphics(); Color fgColor = null; Color bgColor = null; Color tmpColor = null; fgColor = null; bgColor = null; // calculate common coordinates int yTop = border; // initialze start color fgColor = colorLogDark; bgColor = colorLogBright; // calculate current top int currentTop = yTop; // paint actual log lane (only the part in the clipping range // determined) Iterator itr = dcModel.getSortedKeySetList().iterator(); g.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 13)); int index = 0; currentTop = yTop; while (itr.hasNext()) { String dimName = (String); if (dcModel.getTypeHashMap().equals(ST_INST) && !dcModel.getInstanceTypeToKeep().contains(dimName)) continue; // g.setColor(fgColor); g.setColor(; g.drawString(dimName, xPos + 5, currentTop + 20); index++; currentTop = unit2Cord(index); // swap colors tmpColor = fgColor; fgColor = bgColor; bgColor = tmpColor; } } // ////////////////////MOUSE LISTENER AND TOOLTIP METHODS///////////////// /** * Shows information in a tooltip about the sequence over which the mouse * moved. * * @param e * MouseEvent */ public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { Point p = e.getPoint(); String str = "<html>"; int height = (int) ((double) (getHeight() - (2 * border))); int unitHeight = height / getHashMapSize(); int currentTop = 0; String key = null; AbstractLogUnit item = null; boolean flag = false; // for dot int index = -1; for (Iterator itSets = dcModel.getSortedKeySetList().iterator(); itSets.hasNext();) { key = (String); if (dcModel.getTypeHashMap().equals(ST_INST) && !dcModel.getInstanceTypeToKeep().contains(key)) continue; index++; LogUnitList tempLogUnit = (LogUnitList) dcModel.getItemMap().get(key); currentTop = unit2Cord(index) + unitHeight / 2; if (currentTop - 5 >= p.getY() || p.getY() >= currentTop + 5) continue; // get the descriptiveStatistics object for (Iterator itItm = tempLogUnit.iterator(); itItm.hasNext();) { item = (AbstractLogUnit); if (dcModel.getEventTypeToKeep() != null && (!dcModel.getEventTypeToKeep().contains(item.getType()) || !dcModel.getInstanceTypeToKeep().contains(item.getProcessInstance().getName()))) continue; int x = 0; x = time2coord(item.getCurrentTimeStamp()) + border; if (x - 5 <= p.getX() && p.getX() <= x + 5) { flag = true; str += item.getProcessInstance().getName() + " | " + item.getElement() + " | " + item.getOriginator() + " | " + item.getTimestamp() + " | " + item.getType(); if (!timeOption.equals(TIME_ACTUAL)) str += " | Position:" + timeFormat(item.getCurrentTimeStamp()); str += "<br>"; } } } // for item line index = -1; for (Iterator itSets = dcModel.getSortedKeySetList().iterator(); itSets.hasNext();) { key = (String); if (dcModel.getTypeHashMap().equals(ST_INST) && !dcModel.getInstanceTypeToKeep().contains(key)) continue; index++; LogUnitList tempLogUnit = (LogUnitList) dcModel.getItemMap().get(key); currentTop = unit2Cord(index) + unitHeight / 2; if (currentTop - 5 >= p.getY() || p.getY() >= currentTop + 5) continue; LogUnitList tempUnitList = new LogUnitList(); // get the descriptiveStatistics object for (Iterator itItm = tempLogUnit.iterator(); itItm.hasNext();) { item = (AbstractLogUnit); if (dcModel.getEventTypeToKeep() != null && (!dcModel.getEventTypeToKeep().contains(item.getType()) || !dcModel.getInstanceTypeToKeep().contains(item.getProcessInstance().getName()))) continue; if (bDrawLine && item.getType().equals(dca.getSettingPanel().getStartEvent())) { tempUnitList.addEvent(item); continue; } if (bDrawLine && item.getType().equals(dca.getSettingPanel().getEndEvent())) { for (Iterator itr = tempUnitList.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { AbstractLogUnit item2 = (AbstractLogUnit); if (item2.getElement().equals(item.getElement()) && item2.getProcessInstance().equals(item.getProcessInstance())) { int x1 = time2coord(item2.getCurrentTimeStamp()) + border; int x2 = time2coord(item.getCurrentTimeStamp()) + border; if (x1 + 5 <= p.getX() && p.getX() <= x2 - 5) { flag = true; str += item.getProcessInstance().getName() + " | " + item.getElement() + " | " + item.getOriginator() + " |(start)" + item.getTimestamp() + "-(complete)" + item2.getTimestamp() + "<br>"; tempUnitList.removeEvent(item2); } break; } } } } } str += "</html>"; if (flag) { this.setToolTipText(str); repaint(); bTooltip = true; } else { this.setToolTipText(null); if (bTooltip) { repaint(); bTooltip = false; } } } /** * Required for mouselistener * * @param e * MouseEvent */ public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { Point p = e.getPoint(); if (dcOptionPanel.getMouseMode().equals(ST_DRAG)) { int x2 = p4.x - (p.x - p3.x); int y2 = p4.y - (p.y - p3.y); if (x2 < 0) x2 = 0; if (y2 < 0) y2 = 0; dca.setScrollBarPosition(new Point(x2, y2)); } else { p2 = e.getPoint(); repaint(); } } // /MOUSE Listener /////////////////////////////////////////// public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { if (!clicked && dcOptionPanel.getMouseMode().equals(ST_ZOOMIN)) { clicked = true; p1 = e.getPoint(); p2 = e.getPoint(); repaint(); } else { p3 = e.getPoint(); p4 = dca.getScrollPane().getViewport().getViewPosition(); } } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { if (dcOptionPanel.getMouseMode().equals(ST_ZOOMIN)) { clicked = false; p2 = e.getPoint(); setViewportZoomIn(); dca.getOverviewPanel().setDrawBox(true); dca.getOverviewPanel().repaint(); } } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { } public void drawSelectionBox(Point p2) { Graphics g = this.getGraphics(); int x1 = Math.min(p1.x, p2.x); int y1 = Math.min(p1.y, p2.y); int width = Math.abs(p1.x - p2.x); int height = Math.abs(p1.y - p2.y); g.drawRect(x1, y1, width, height); repaint(); } }