Java tutorial
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Multipurpose Integrated Modeling System // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Copyright (c) 2014 All rights reserved. // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Licensed ( ) // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Author: XieFan <> // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- package org.prettyx.DistributeServer.Network; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.java_websocket.WebSocket; import org.java_websocket.client.WebSocketClient; import org.java_websocket.handshake.ServerHandshake; import org.prettyx.Common.*; import org.prettyx.DistributeServer.DistributeServer; import org.prettyx.DistributeServer.Modeling.Model; import org.prettyx.DistributeServer.Modeling.Sim; import org.prettyx.DistributeServer.Modeling.SimFile; import*; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import; /** * Action Handler * handle the message having different action * action is dived into login, logout, sign up, get model, run model * */ public class ActionHandler { /** * Action when user using userName or email to login * * @param connection, data * */ public static void userNameOrEmailToLogin(WebSocket connection, String data) throws Exception { String sid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); Map userInfo = XMLParser.parserXmlFromString(data); String userNameOrEmail = (String) userInfo.get("/message/username_email"); String password = (String) userInfo.get("/message/password"); String remember = (String) userInfo.get("/message/remember"); DBOP dbop = new DBOP(); Connection connectionToSql = dbop.getConnection(); PreparedStatement prep = connectionToSql.prepareStatement( "select count(*) as rowCount from Users where( username = ? or nickname = ?) and password = ?;"); prep.setString(1, userNameOrEmail); prep.setString(2, userNameOrEmail); prep.setString(3, password); ResultSet resultSet = prep.executeQuery(); if (resultSet.getInt("rowCount") == 0) { //? prep = connectionToSql .prepareStatement("select count(*) as rowCount from Users where username = ? or nickname = ?;"); prep.setString(1, userNameOrEmail); prep.setString(2, userNameOrEmail); resultSet = prep.executeQuery(); if (resultSet.getInt("rowCount") == 0) { LogUtility.logUtility().log2out("fail1, user is not exist"); JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject("{action:'login',StatusCode:0,message:''}"); connection.send(jsonObject.toString()); } else { LogUtility.logUtility().log2out("fail1, password is not right"); JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject("{action:'login',StatusCode:1,message:''}"); connection.send(jsonObject.toString()); } } else { LogUtility.logUtility().log2out("log in is ok"); JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject("{action:'login',StatusCode:2,message:'" + sid + "'}"); connection.send(jsonObject.toString()); String token = null; if (remember.equals("true")) { token = sid; } else { token = null; } prep = connectionToSql.prepareStatement( "UPDATE Users SET token=? where ( username = ? or nickname = ?) and password = ?;"); prep.setString(1, token); prep.setString(2, userNameOrEmail); prep.setString(3, userNameOrEmail); prep.setString(4, password); prep.executeUpdate(); prep = connectionToSql.prepareStatement("select sid from Users where username = ? or nickname = ?;"); prep.setString(1, userNameOrEmail); prep.setString(2, userNameOrEmail); resultSet = prep.executeQuery(); String user = resultSet.getString("sid"); DistributeServerHearken.currentUsers.put(connection, user); } prep.close(); connectionToSql.close(); resultSet.close(); } /** * Action when user using sid to login * * @param connection, sid * */ public static void userSidTologin(WebSocket connection, String sid) { DBOP dbop = new DBOP(); Connection connectionToSql = dbop.getConnection(); try { PreparedStatement prep = connectionToSql .prepareStatement("select count(*) as rowCount from Users where token ='" + sid + "';"); ResultSet resultSet = prep.executeQuery(); if (resultSet.getInt("rowCount") == 0) { //? LogUtility.logUtility().log2out("fail, user is not exist"); JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject("{action:'login',StatusCode:3,message:'fail'}"); connection.send(jsonObject.toString()); } else { LogUtility.logUtility().log2out("log in is ok"); JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject("{action:'login',StatusCode:4,message:'ok'}"); connection.send(jsonObject.toString()); prep = connectionToSql.prepareStatement("select sid from Users where token = ?;"); prep.setString(1, sid); resultSet = prep.executeQuery(); String user = resultSet.getString("sid"); DistributeServerHearken.currentUsers.put(connection, user); } prep.close(); connectionToSql.close(); resultSet.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Action when user to log out * * @param connection, sid * */ public static void logOut(WebSocket connection) throws SQLException { String userID = (String) DistributeServerHearken.currentUsers.get(connection); DBOP dbop = new DBOP(); Connection connectionToSql = dbop.getConnection(); PreparedStatement prep = connectionToSql .prepareStatement("select count(*) as rowCount from Users where sid ='" + userID + "';"); ResultSet resultSet = prep.executeQuery(); if (resultSet.getInt("rowCount") != 0) { LogUtility.logUtility().log2out("log out is ok"); JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject("{action:'logOut',StatusCode:1,message:'ok'}"); connection.send(jsonObject.toString()); DistributeServerHearken.currentUsers.remove(connection, userID); } else { LogUtility.logUtility().log2out("log out failed"); JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject("{action:'logOut',StatusCode:0,message:'failed'}"); connection.send(jsonObject.toString()); } resultSet.close(); prep.close(); connectionToSql.close(); } /** * Action when user sign up * * @param connection, data * */ public static void signUp(WebSocket connection, String data) throws Exception { String sid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); Map userInfo = XMLParser.parserXmlFromString(data); String userName = (String) userInfo.get("/message/userName"); String email = (String) userInfo.get("/message/userEmail"); String password = (String) userInfo.get("/message/password"); LogUtility.logUtility().log2out("username: " + userName + " email: " + email + " password: " + password); DBOP dbop = new DBOP(); Connection connectionToSql = dbop.getConnection(); PreparedStatement prep = connectionToSql.prepareStatement( //email has been sign up "select count(*) as rowCount from Users where username = ?;"); prep.setString(1, email); ResultSet resultSet = prep.executeQuery(); if (resultSet.getInt("rowCount") != 0) { LogUtility.logUtility().log2out("fail, Email has been sign up "); JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject .fromObject("{action:'sign_up',StatusCode:5,message:'This Email has been sign up'}"); connection.send(jsonObject.toString()); } else { prep = connectionToSql.prepareStatement("select count(*) as rowCount from Users where nickname = ?;"); prep.setString(1, userName); resultSet = prep.executeQuery(); if (resultSet.getInt("rowCount") != 0) { //username has been sign up LogUtility.logUtility().log2out("fail, user name has been sign up"); JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject .fromObject("{action:'sign_up',StatusCode:6,message:'This UserName has been sign up'}"); connection.send(jsonObject.toString()); } else { LogUtility.logUtility().log2out("sign up is ok"); DEPFS.createDirectory(DistributeServer.absolutePathOfRuntimeUsers + "/" + userName); prep = connectionToSql.prepareStatement("insert into Users values(?,?,?,null,?) ;"); prep.setString(1, email); prep.setString(2, userName); prep.setString(3, password); String user = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); prep.setString(4, user); prep.executeUpdate(); JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject("{action:'sign_up',StatusCode:7,message:'success'}"); connection.send(jsonObject.toString()); } } prep.close(); connectionToSql.close(); resultSet.close(); } /** * Action when user send message to get model description * * @param connection * */ public static void getModel(WebSocket connection) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException { String userID = (String) DistributeServerHearken.currentUsers.get(connection); String modelDescription = XMLGenerator.ComponentsXML(userID); JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject .fromObject("{action:'get model',StatusCode:0,message:\"" + modelDescription + "\"}"); connection.send(jsonObject.toString()); LogUtility.logUtility().log2out(jsonObject.toString()); } /** * Action when user send message to generate the sim file * * @param connection, data * data is composed of model description xml * */ public static void compileModel(WebSocket connection, String data) throws DocumentException, SQLException, IOException { SimFile simFile = new SimFile(); Sim sim = new Sim(); Model model = new Model(); Map newComponentName = new HashMap<String, String>(); // package.class -> new name Set components = new HashSet<String>(); Map parameter = new HashMap<String, String>(); //class.var -> value Map idToOwnerName = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); //model id -> owner name Map idToModelName = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); //model id -> model name Map partIdToModelId = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); // part id -> model id List<String> sourceToTarget = new ArrayList<String>(); //source port name + target port name List<SimFile> simFiles = new ArrayList<SimFile>(); //collect all the sim files which the new component use Document document = DocumentHelper.parseText(data); Element root = document.getRootElement(); String componentName = root.element("name").getText(); String currentUserName = ""; LogUtility.logUtility().log2out("component name = " + componentName); List parts = root.element("parts").elements("part"); DBOP dbop = new DBOP(); Connection connectionToSql = dbop.getConnection(); PreparedStatement prep = connectionToSql.prepareStatement("select nickname from Users where sid= ?;"); prep.setString(1, (String) DistributeServerHearken.currentUsers.get(connection)); ResultSet resultSet = prep.executeQuery(); if ( { currentUserName = resultSet.getString("nickname"); LogUtility.logUtility().log2out("current user name:" + currentUserName); } resultSet.close(); prep.close(); prep = connectionToSql.prepareStatement("select owner,modelname from Models where id= ?;"); for (Iterator it = parts.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element component = (Element); String modeId = component.attributeValue("componentId"); String partId = component.attributeValue("id"); partIdToModelId.put(partId, modeId); prep.setString(1, modeId); resultSet = prep.executeQuery(); if ( { String owner = resultSet.getString("owner"); String modelName = resultSet.getString("modelname"); idToModelName.put(modeId, modelName); PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connectionToSql .prepareStatement("select nickname from Users where sid= ?;"); preparedStatement.setString(1, owner); ResultSet resultSet1 = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); if ( { String userName = resultSet1.getString("nickname"); idToOwnerName.put(modeId, userName); LogUtility.logUtility().log2out("partId : userName = " + modeId + ":" + userName); } resultSet1.close(); preparedStatement.close(); } } prep.close(); connectionToSql.close(); if (!idToOwnerName.isEmpty()) { //copy files String newModelPath = DistributeServer.absolutePathOfRuntimeUsers + "/" + currentUserName + "/" + componentName; DEPFS.createDirectory(newModelPath); DEPFS.createDirectory(newModelPath + "/" + "dist"); DEPFS.createDirectory(newModelPath + "/" + "input"); DEPFS.createDirectory(newModelPath + "/" + "output"); Iterator ita = null; ita = idToOwnerName.entrySet().iterator(); while (ita.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); String modelname = (String) idToModelName.get((String) entry.getKey()); String owername = (String) entry.getValue(); String sourcePath = DistributeServer.absolutePathOfRuntimeUsers + "/" + owername + "/" + modelname + "/" + "dist/"; String targetPath = newModelPath + "/" + "dist/"; DEPFS.copyDirectory(sourcePath, targetPath); File oldSimFile = new File(DistributeServer.absolutePathOfRuntimeUsers + "/" + owername + "/" + modelname + "/" + "simulation.sim"); if (oldSimFile.exists()) { simFiles.add(new SimFile(DEPFS.readFile(oldSimFile))); } } //create sim file //only single model to run if (parts.size() == 1 && simFiles.size() == 1) { simFile = simFiles.get(0); for (Iterator it = parts.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element component = (Element); String partName = (String) idToModelName .get(partIdToModelId.get(component.attributeValue("id"))); //get parameter values List inPorts = component.elements("input"); for (Iterator ot = inPorts.iterator(); ot.hasNext();) { Element inPort = (Element); String portName = inPort.attributeValue("portName"); String portValue = inPort.attributeValue("value"); String inputFileName = inPort.attributeValue("fileName"); // components.add(partName + "." + portName.split("\\.")[0]); if (portValue != "") { if (inputFileName != "") { File inputFile = new File(newModelPath + "/" + "input" + "/" + inputFileName); DEPFS.writeFile(inputFile, portValue.replace("<br>", "\n")); String source = partName + "." + portName; parameter.put(source, "\"$oms_prj/input/" + inputFileName + "\""); } else { String source = partName + "." + portName; parameter.put(source, portValue); } String originalComponentName = portName.substring(0, portName.lastIndexOf(".")); String originalComponentKey = simFile.getSim().getModel() .getComponentKey(originalComponentName); if (originalComponentKey != null) { String originalComponentName1 = originalComponentKey + "." + portName.substring(portName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1, portName.length()); simFile.getSim().getModel().setParameter(originalComponentName1, (String) parameter.get(partName + "." + portName)); System.out.println(originalComponentName1); } } } } //using simFile to generate sim file File simulation = new File(DistributeServer.absolutePathOfRuntimeUsers + "/" + currentUserName + "/" + componentName + "/simulation.sim"); DEPFS.writeFile(simulation, simFile.toString()); runModel(connection, data); } else { // get connected port for (Iterator it = parts.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element component = (Element); String partName = (String) idToModelName .get(partIdToModelId.get(component.attributeValue("id"))); List outPorts = component.elements("output"); for (Iterator ot = outPorts.iterator(); ot.hasNext();) { Element outPort = (Element); String portName = outPort.attributeValue("portName"); String targetPortName = outPort.attributeValue("targetPortName"); String targetModelId = outPort.attributeValue("targetPortId"); String targetModelName = (String) idToModelName.get(partIdToModelId.get(targetModelId)); String source = portName; String target = targetPortName; components.add(portName.split("\\.")[0] + "." + portName.split("\\.")[1]); components.add(targetPortName.split("\\.")[0] + "." + targetPortName.split("\\.")[1]); sourceToTarget.add(source + "+" + target); // System.out.println("partName + \".\" + portName.split(\"\\\\.\")[0]"+portName.split("\\.")[0] + "." + portName.split("\\.")[1]); // System.out.println("targetModelName + \".\" + targetPortName.split(\"\\\\.\")[0]" + targetPortName.split("\\.")[0] + "." + targetPortName.split("\\.")[1]); // System.out.println("source + \"+\" + target"+source + "+" + target); } //get parameter values List inPorts = component.elements("input"); for (Iterator ot = inPorts.iterator(); ot.hasNext();) { Element inPort = (Element); String portName = inPort.attributeValue("portName"); String portValue = inPort.attributeValue("value"); String inputFileName = inPort.attributeValue("fileName"); components.add(portName.split("\\.")[0] + "." + portName.split("\\.")[1]); if (inputFileName != "") { File inputFile = new File(newModelPath + "/" + "input" + "/" + inputFileName); DEPFS.writeFile(inputFile, portValue); String source = portName; parameter.put(source, "$oms_prj/input/" + portValue); } else if (portValue != "") { String source = portName; parameter.put(source, portValue); } } } //use components to component element ita = components.iterator(); for (int i = 1; ita.hasNext(); i++) { String value = (String); String newName = "c" + i; newComponentName.put(value, newName); model.setComponent(newName, value); // System.out.println("newName, value" + newName + value); } //use sourceToTarget to connect component for (int i = 0; i < sourceToTarget.size(); i++) { String[] componentInfo = sourceToTarget.get(i).split("\\+"); String preSourceName = componentInfo[0].split("\\.")[0] + "." + componentInfo[0].split("\\.")[1]; String laterTargetName = componentInfo[1].split("\\.")[0] + "." + componentInfo[1].split("\\.")[1]; model.setConnect( componentInfo[0].replace(preSourceName, (String) newComponentName.get(preSourceName)), componentInfo[1].replace(laterTargetName, (String) newComponentName.get(laterTargetName))); // System.out.println("componentInfo[0].replace(preSourceName, (String) newComponentName.get(preSourceName)),\n" + // " componentInfo[1].replace(laterTargetName, (String) newComponentName.get(laterTargetName))" // +componentInfo[0].replace(preSourceName ,(String) newComponentName.get(preSourceName))+ // componentInfo[1].replace(laterTargetName, (String) newComponentName.get(laterTargetName))); } //user parameter to set parameter value if (!parameter.isEmpty()) { ita = parameter.entrySet().iterator(); while (ita.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); String key = (String) entry.getKey(); String[] pots = key.split("\\."); String preName = key.replace(pots[0] + "." + pots[1], (String) newComponentName.get(pots[0] + "." + pots[1])); String value = "\"" + (String) entry.getValue() + "\""; model.setParameter(preName, value); } } sim.setModel(model); simFile.setSim(sim); simFile.setImport("import static oms3.SimBuilder.instance as OMS3"); //using simFile to generate sim file File simulation = new File(DistributeServer.absolutePathOfRuntimeUsers + "/" + currentUserName + "/" + componentName + "/simulation.sim"); DEPFS.writeFile(simulation, simFile.toString()); System.out.println(simFile.toString()); runModel(connection, data); // JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject("{action:'compile',StatusCode:1,message:'success'}"); // connection.send(jsonObject.toString()); } } } /** * @TODO */ public static void runModel(final WebSocket connection, String data) throws SQLException, DocumentException { Document document = DocumentHelper.parseText(data); Element root = document.getRootElement(); String componentName = root.element("name").getText(); DBOP dbop = new DBOP(); String currentUserName = ""; Connection connectionToSql = dbop.getConnection(); PreparedStatement prep = connectionToSql.prepareStatement("select nickname from Users where sid= ?;"); prep.setString(1, (String) DistributeServerHearken.currentUsers.get(connection)); ResultSet resultSet = prep.executeQuery(); if ( { currentUserName = resultSet.getString("nickname"); LogUtility.logUtility().log2out("current user name:" + currentUserName); } resultSet.close(); prep.close(); String path = DistributeServer.absolutePathOfRuntimeUsers + "/" + currentUserName + "/" + componentName; final String zipFileName = "/tmp/" + UUID.randomUUID() + ".zip"; try { File file = new File(path); ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(zipFileName));, file.getPath().length(), out); out.closeEntry(); out.close(); try { WebSocketClient webSocketClient = new WebSocketClient(new URI( "ws://" + DistributeServer.settingsCenter.getSetting("Network", "ComputeServerAddress"))) { @Override public void onOpen(ServerHandshake serverHandshake) { try { send(JSONObject .fromObject("{action:" + Message.D_C_RUN + ", sid:'', data:\"" + DEPFS.encodeBase64File(zipFileName).replace("\n", "") + "\"}") .toString()); DEPFS.removeFile(zipFileName); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtility.logUtility().log2err(e.getMessage()); } } @Override public void onMessage(String s) { // TODO Process Returned Data JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject(s); if (jsonObject.size() == 2) { LogUtility.logUtility().log2out(jsonObject.toString()); int action = (Integer) jsonObject.get("action"); String data = (String) jsonObject.get("data"); try { switch (action) { case Message.D_C_RESULT: { jsonObject = JSONObject .fromObject("{action:'run',StatusCode:1,message:'" + data + "'}"); System.out.println(jsonObject.toString()); connection.send(jsonObject.toString()); } case Message.D_C_ANALYSIS: { jsonObject = JSONObject .fromObject("{action:'analysis',StatusCode:1,message:'" + data + "'}"); System.out.println(jsonObject.toString()); connection.send(jsonObject.toString()); } default: LogUtility.logUtility().log2err("action type error:" + s); } } catch (Exception e) { LogUtility.logUtility().log2err(e.getMessage()); } } } @Override public void onClose(int i, String s, boolean b) { } @Override public void onError(Exception e) { } }; webSocketClient.connect(); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtility.logUtility().log2err(e.getMessage()); } } catch (Exception e) { LogUtility.logUtility().log2err(e.getMessage()); } } public static void exportModel(WebSocket connection, String data) throws Exception { String userID = (String) DistributeServerHearken.currentUsers.get(connection); String sid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); Map userInfo = XMLParser.parserXmlFromString(data); String newModelName = (String) userInfo.get("/message/modelName"); String newModelDescription = (String) userInfo.get("/message/description"); LogUtility.logUtility() .log2out("newModelName: " + newModelName + " newModelDescription: " + newModelDescription); DBOP dbop = new DBOP(); Connection connectionToSql = dbop.getConnection(); LogUtility.logUtility().log2out("model export is ok"); PreparedStatement prep = connectionToSql.prepareStatement("insert into Models values(?,?,null,?,?) ;"); prep.setString(1, sid); prep.setString(2, newModelName); prep.setString(3, newModelDescription); prep.setString(4, userID); prep.executeUpdate(); JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject("{action:'export',StatusCode:1,message:'success'}"); connection.send(jsonObject.toString()); prep.close(); connectionToSql.close(); } public static void runModelTest() { String path = "/Users/XieFan/Documents/ModelHub/Runtime/Users/PengJingwen/Test"; final String zipFileName = "/tmp/" + UUID.randomUUID() + ".zip"; try { File file = new File(path); ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(zipFileName));, file.getPath().length(), out); out.closeEntry(); out.close(); try { WebSocketClient webSocketClient = new WebSocketClient(new URI( "ws://" + DistributeServer.settingsCenter.getSetting("Network", "ComputeServerAddress"))) { @Override public void onOpen(ServerHandshake serverHandshake) { try { send(JSONObject .fromObject("{action:" + Message.D_C_RUN + ", sid:'', data:\"" + DEPFS.encodeBase64File(zipFileName).replace("\n", "") + "\"}") .toString()); DEPFS.removeFile(zipFileName); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtility.logUtility().log2err(e.getMessage()); } } @Override public void onMessage(String s) { String[] str = s.split("\\n"); for (int i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject( "{action:'run',StatusCode:1,message:'" + str[i].replace("'", "\"") + "'}"); System.out.println(jsonObject.toString()); } } @Override public void onClose(int i, String s, boolean b) { } @Override public void onError(Exception e) { } }; webSocketClient.connect(); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtility.logUtility().log2err(e.getMessage()); } } catch (Exception e) { LogUtility.logUtility().log2err(e.getMessage()); } } }