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 * Copyright 2011 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an
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 * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package org.powertac.genco;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyObject;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.isA;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.MapConfiguration;
import org.joda.time.Instant;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.mockito.invocation.InvocationOnMock;
import org.mockito.stubbing.Answer;
import org.powertac.common.Competition;
import org.powertac.common.MarketPosition;
import org.powertac.common.RandomSeed;
import org.powertac.common.Order;
import org.powertac.common.TimeService;
import org.powertac.common.Timeslot;
import org.powertac.common.config.Configurator;
import org.powertac.common.interfaces.BrokerProxy;
import org.powertac.common.interfaces.ServerConfiguration;
import org.powertac.common.repo.RandomSeedRepo;
import org.powertac.common.repo.TimeslotRepo;
import org.springframework.test.util.ReflectionTestUtils;

 * Tests for the Genco broker type
 * @author John Collins
public class GencoTests {
    private BrokerProxy mockProxy;

    private TimeslotRepo timeslotRepo;

    private Genco genco;
    private Instant start;
    private RandomSeedRepo mockSeedRepo;
    private RandomSeed seed;
    private ServerConfiguration serverConfig;
    private Configurator config;
    private TimeService timeService;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        Competition comp = Competition.newInstance("Genco test").withTimeslotsOpen(4);
        mockProxy = mock(BrokerProxy.class);
        mockSeedRepo = mock(RandomSeedRepo.class);
        seed = mock(RandomSeed.class);
        when(mockSeedRepo.getRandomSeed(eq(Genco.class.getName()), anyInt(), anyString())).thenReturn(seed);
        timeslotRepo = new TimeslotRepo();
        genco = new Genco("Test");
        genco.init(mockProxy, 0, mockSeedRepo);
        start = comp.getSimulationBaseTime().plus(TimeService.DAY);
        timeService = new TimeService();
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(timeslotRepo, "timeService", timeService);

        // Set up serverProperties mock
        serverConfig = mock(ServerConfiguration.class);
        config = new Configurator();
        doAnswer(new Answer() {
            public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) {
                Object[] args = invocation.getArguments();
                return null;

    public void testGenco() {
        assertNotNull("created something", genco);
        assertEquals("correct name", "Test", genco.getUsername());

    public void testInit() {
        // it has already had init() called, should have requested a seed
        verify(mockSeedRepo).getRandomSeed(eq(Genco.class.getName()), anyInt(), eq("update"));

    public void testUpdateModel() {
        assertEquals("correct initial capacity", 100.0, genco.getCurrentCapacity(), 1e-6);
        assertTrue("initially in operation", genco.isInOperation());
        assertEquals("correct updated capacity", 100.0, genco.getCurrentCapacity(), 1e-6);
        assertTrue("still in operation", genco.isInOperation());

    public void testGenerateOrders() {
        // set up the genco
        // capture orders
        final ArrayList<Order> orderList = new ArrayList<Order>();
        doAnswer(new Answer() {
            public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) {
                Object[] args = invocation.getArguments();
                orderList.add((Order) args[0]);
                return null;
        // set up some timeslots
        Timeslot ts1 = timeslotRepo.makeTimeslot(start);
        Timeslot ts2 = timeslotRepo.makeTimeslot(;
        Timeslot ts3 = timeslotRepo.makeTimeslot( * 2));
        assertEquals("4 enabled timeslots", 4, timeslotRepo.enabledTimeslots().size());
        // 50 mwh already sold in ts2
        MarketPosition posn2 = new MarketPosition(genco, ts2, -50.0);
        genco.addMarketPosition(posn2, ts2.getSerialNumber());
        // generate orders and check
        genco.generateOrders(start, timeslotRepo.enabledTimeslots());
        assertEquals("four orders", 4, orderList.size());
        Order first = orderList.get(0);
        assertEquals("first order for ts2", ts2.getSerialNumber(), first.getTimeslotIndex());
        assertEquals("first order price", 1.0, first.getLimitPrice(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("first order for 50 mwh", -50.0, first.getMWh(), 1e-6);
        Order second = orderList.get(1);
        assertEquals("second order for ts3", ts3.getSerialNumber(), second.getTimeslotIndex());
        assertEquals("second order price", 1.0, second.getLimitPrice(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("second order for 100 mwh", -100.0, second.getMWh(), 1e-6);

    // set commitment leadtime to a larger number and make sure ordering
    // behavior is correct
    public void testGenerateOrders2() {
        // set up the genco with commitment leadtime=3
        TreeMap<String, String> map = new TreeMap<String, String>();
        map.put("genco.genco.commitmentLeadtime", "3");
        Configuration mapConfig = new MapConfiguration(map);
        // capture orders
        final ArrayList<Order> orderList = new ArrayList<Order>();
        doAnswer(new Answer() {
            public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) {
                Object[] args = invocation.getArguments();
                orderList.add((Order) args[0]);
                return null;
        // set up some timeslots
        Timeslot ts0 = timeslotRepo.makeTimeslot(start);
        assertEquals("first ts has sn=24", 24, ts0.getSerialNumber());
        timeslotRepo.makeTimeslot( * 2));
        timeslotRepo.makeTimeslot( * 3));
        timeslotRepo.makeTimeslot( * 4));
        assertEquals("4 enabled timeslots", 4, timeslotRepo.enabledTimeslots().size());

        // generate orders and check
        genco.generateOrders(start, timeslotRepo.enabledTimeslots());
        assertEquals("two orders", 2, orderList.size());
        Order first = orderList.get(0);
        assertEquals("first order for ts3", 27, first.getTimeslotIndex());
        assertEquals("first order price", 1.0, first.getLimitPrice(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("first order for 100 mwh", -100.0, first.getMWh(), 1e-6);
        Order second = orderList.get(1);
        assertEquals("second order for ts4", 28, second.getTimeslotIndex());
        assertEquals("second order price", 1.0, second.getLimitPrice(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("second order for 100 mwh", -100.0, second.getMWh(), 1e-6);

    // set commitment leadtime & market position and make sure ordering
    // behavior is correct
    public void testGenerateOrders3() {
        // set up the genco with commitment leadtime=3
        TreeMap<String, String> map = new TreeMap<String, String>();
        map.put("genco.genco.commitmentLeadtime", "3");
        Configuration mapConfig = new MapConfiguration(map);
        // capture orders
        final ArrayList<Order> orderList = new ArrayList<Order>();
        doAnswer(new Answer() {
            public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) {
                Object[] args = invocation.getArguments();
                orderList.add((Order) args[0]);
                return null;
        // set up some timeslots
        Timeslot ts0 = timeslotRepo.makeTimeslot(start);
        assertEquals("first ts has sn=24", 24, ts0.getSerialNumber());
        //timeslotRepo.makeTimeslot( * 2));
        //timeslotRepo.makeTimeslot( * 3));
        //timeslotRepo.makeTimeslot( * 4));
        assertEquals("4 enabled timeslots", 4, timeslotRepo.enabledTimeslots().size());

        // 50 mwh already sold in ts2
        Timeslot ts2 = timeslotRepo.findBySerialNumber(26);
        MarketPosition posn2 = new MarketPosition(genco, ts2, -50.0);
        genco.addMarketPosition(posn2, ts2.getSerialNumber());

        // generate orders and check
        genco.generateOrders(start, timeslotRepo.enabledTimeslots());
        assertEquals("three orders", 3, orderList.size());
        Order order = orderList.get(0);
        assertEquals("first order for ts2", 26, order.getTimeslotIndex());
        assertEquals("first order price", 1.0, order.getLimitPrice(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("first order for 50 mwh", -50.0, order.getMWh(), 1e-6);
        order = orderList.get(1);
        assertEquals("second order for ts3", 27, order.getTimeslotIndex());
        assertEquals("second order price", 1.0, order.getLimitPrice(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("second order for 100 mwh", -100.0, order.getMWh(), 1e-6);
        order = orderList.get(2);
        assertEquals("third order for ts4", 28, order.getTimeslotIndex());
        assertEquals("third order price", 1.0, order.getLimitPrice(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("third order for 100 mwh", -100.0, order.getMWh(), 1e-6);