Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (c) 2014 by the original author
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.powertac.customer.model;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyLong;
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any;
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyString;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.apache.commons.configuration2.MapConfiguration;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
import org.joda.time.Instant;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.mockito.invocation.InvocationOnMock;
import org.mockito.stubbing.Answer;
import org.powertac.common.Broker;
import org.powertac.common.Competition;
import org.powertac.common.RandomSeed;
import org.powertac.common.Rate;
import org.powertac.common.Tariff;
import org.powertac.common.TariffSpecification;
import org.powertac.common.TimeService;
import org.powertac.common.Timeslot;
import org.powertac.common.config.Configurator;
import org.powertac.common.enumerations.PowerType;
import org.powertac.common.interfaces.CustomerServiceAccessor;
import org.powertac.common.interfaces.ServerConfiguration;
import org.powertac.common.repo.CustomerRepo;
import org.powertac.common.repo.RandomSeedRepo;
import org.powertac.common.repo.TariffRepo;
import org.powertac.common.repo.TariffSubscriptionRepo;
import org.powertac.common.repo.TimeslotRepo;
import org.powertac.common.repo.WeatherReportRepo;
import org.powertac.customer.model.LiftTruck.Shift;
import org.powertac.customer.model.LiftTruck.ShiftEnergy;
import org.springframework.test.util.ReflectionTestUtils;

 * @author John Collins
public class LiftTruckTest {
    private Competition competition;
    private TimeService timeService;
    private TariffRepo tariffRepo;
    private TariffSubscriptionRepo mockSubscriptionRepo;
    private Broker broker;
    private TariffSpecification spec;
    private Tariff tariff;
    private RandomSeedRepo mockSeedRepo;
    private RandomSeed seed;
    private ServerConfiguration serverConfig;
    private Configurator configurator;
    private MapConfiguration config;
    private TimeslotRepo tsRepo;
    private ServiceAccessor serviceAccessor;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        tsRepo = mock(TimeslotRepo.class);
        competition = Competition.newInstance("ColdStorage test").withTimeslotsOpen(4);
        timeService = new TimeService();
        Instant now = new DateTime(2011, 1, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeZone.UTC).toInstant();

        // tariff setup
        tariffRepo = new TariffRepo();
        mockSubscriptionRepo = mock(TariffSubscriptionRepo.class);
        broker = new Broker("Sam");
        spec = new TariffSpecification(broker, PowerType.THERMAL_STORAGE_CONSUMPTION)
                .addRate(new Rate().withValue(-0.11));
        tariff = new Tariff(spec);
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(tariff, "timeService", timeService);
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(tariff, "tariffRepo", tariffRepo);

        // set up randomSeed mock
        mockSeedRepo = mock(RandomSeedRepo.class);
        seed = mock(RandomSeed.class);
        when(mockSeedRepo.getRandomSeed(anyString(), anyLong(), anyString())).thenReturn(seed);

        // Set up serverProperties mock
        serverConfig = mock(ServerConfiguration.class);
        configurator = new Configurator();
        doAnswer(new Answer<Object>() {
            public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) {
                Object[] args = invocation.getArguments();
                return null;

        serviceAccessor = new ServiceAccessor();

    // map names to instances
    private Map<String, LiftTruck> mapNames(Collection<?> objects) {
        Map<String, LiftTruck> result = new HashMap<String, LiftTruck>();
        for (Object thing : objects) {
            LiftTruck truck = (LiftTruck) thing;
            result.put(truck.getName(), truck);
        return result;

     * Test method for {@link org.powertac.customer.model.LiftTruck#LiftTruck(java.lang.String)}.
    public void testLiftTruck() {
        LiftTruck truck = new LiftTruck("Test");
        assertNotNull("constructed", truck);
        assertEquals("1 trucks 2nd shift", 8, truck.getNChargers());

    public void basicConfig() {
        TreeMap<String, String> map = new TreeMap<String, String>();
        map.put("customer.model.liftTruck.instances", "twoShift,threeShift");
                "block,1,2,3,4,5, shift,8,10,8, shift,18,10,6," + "block,6, shift,8,10,3");
                "block,1,2,3,4,5, shift,6,8,8, shift,14,8,6, shift,22,8,4,"
                        + "block,6,7, shift,6,8,3, shift,14,8,2");
        config = new MapConfiguration(map);
        Configurator configurator = new Configurator();
        Collection<?> instances = configurator.configureInstances(LiftTruck.class);
        assertEquals("two instances", 2, instances.size());
        Map<String, LiftTruck> trucks = mapNames(instances);

        LiftTruck twoshift = trucks.get("twoShift");
        assertNotNull("found twoShift", twoshift);
        Shift[] schedule = twoshift.getShiftSchedule();
        assertNotNull("schedule exists", schedule);
        assertEquals("correct size", 168, schedule.length);
        assertNull("idle Mon 0:00", schedule[0]);
        Shift s1 = schedule[8];
        assertNotNull("entry for 8:00 Monday", s1);
        assertEquals("8:00 Monday start", 8, s1.getStart());
        assertEquals("8:00 trucks", 8, s1.getTrucks());
        assertEquals("s1 runs to 17:00", s1, schedule[17]);
        Shift s2 = schedule[18];
        assertNotNull("second shift exists", s2);
        assertEquals("18:00 start", 18, s2.getStart());
        assertEquals("Tue 3:00", s2, schedule[27]);
        assertEquals("Tue 3:00 trucks", 6, s2.getTrucks());
        assertNull("Idle Tue 4:00", schedule[28]);
        assertEquals("Tue 8:00 is s1", s1, schedule[32]);
        assertEquals("Tue 18:00 is s2", s2, schedule[42]);
        assertEquals("Fri 18:00 is s2", s2, schedule[18 + LiftTruck.HOURS_DAY * 4]);
        assertEquals("Sat 3:00 is s2", s2, schedule[3 + LiftTruck.HOURS_DAY * 5]);
        assertNull("Sat 4:00 is null", schedule[4 + LiftTruck.HOURS_DAY * 5]);
        Shift s3 = schedule[8 + LiftTruck.HOURS_DAY * 5];
        assertNotNull("Sat day shift", s3);
        assertEquals("Sat trucks", 3, s3.getTrucks());
        assertNull("idle Sun", schedule[8 + LiftTruck.HOURS_DAY * 6]);

        LiftTruck threeshift = trucks.get("threeShift");
        assertNotNull("found threeshift", threeshift);
        schedule = threeshift.getShiftSchedule();
        assertNotNull("exists", schedule);
        assertEquals("size", 168, schedule.length);
        assertNull("idle Mon midnight", schedule[0]);
        assertNull("idle 5:00 Mon", schedule[5]);
        s1 = schedule[6];
        assertNotNull("not idle 6:00 Mon", s1);
        assertEquals("s1 start", 6, s1.getStart());
        assertEquals("s1 dur", 8, s1.getDuration());
        assertEquals("s1 trucks", 8, s1.getTrucks());
        assertEquals("s1 Mon 13:00", s1, schedule[13]);
        s2 = schedule[14];
        assertNotNull("not idle Mon 14:00", s2);
        assertNotSame("different from s1", s1, s2);
        assertEquals("s2 start", 14, s2.getStart());
        assertEquals("s2 dur", 8, s2.getDuration());
        assertEquals("s2 trucks", 6, s2.getTrucks());
        assertEquals("s2 Mon 21:00", s2, schedule[21]);
        s3 = schedule[22];
        assertNotNull("not idle Mon 22:00", s3);
        assertNotSame("different from s1", s1, s3);
        assertNotSame("different from s2", s2, s3);
        assertEquals("s3 start", 22, s3.getStart());
        assertEquals("s3 dur", 8, s3.getDuration());
        assertEquals("s3 trucks", 4, s3.getTrucks());
        assertEquals("s3 Tue 5:00", s3, schedule[29]);
        // check Friday - Sat AM
        assertEquals("Fri 0:00", s3, schedule[LiftTruck.HOURS_DAY * 4]);
        assertEquals("Fri 5:00", s3, schedule[5 + LiftTruck.HOURS_DAY * 4]);
        assertEquals("Fri 6:00", s1, schedule[6 + LiftTruck.HOURS_DAY * 4]);
        assertEquals("Fri 13:00", s1, schedule[13 + LiftTruck.HOURS_DAY * 4]);
        assertEquals("Fri 14:00", s2, schedule[14 + LiftTruck.HOURS_DAY * 4]);
        assertEquals("Fri 21:00", s2, schedule[21 + LiftTruck.HOURS_DAY * 4]);
        assertEquals("Fri 22:00", s3, schedule[22 + LiftTruck.HOURS_DAY * 4]);
        assertEquals("Sat 5:00", s3, schedule[5 + LiftTruck.HOURS_DAY * 5]);
        Shift s4 = schedule[6 + LiftTruck.HOURS_DAY * 5];
        assertNotNull("not idle Sat 6:00", s4);
        assertNotSame("different from s1", s1, s4);
        assertNotSame("different from s2", s2, s4);
        assertNotSame("different from s3", s3, s4);
        assertEquals("s4 start", 6, s4.getStart());
        assertEquals("s4 dur", 8, s4.getDuration());
        assertEquals("s4 trucks", 3, s4.getTrucks());
        assertEquals("Sat 6:00", s4, schedule[6 + LiftTruck.HOURS_DAY * 5]);
        assertEquals("Sat 13:00", s4, schedule[13 + LiftTruck.HOURS_DAY * 5]);
        Shift s5 = schedule[14 + LiftTruck.HOURS_DAY * 5];
        assertNotNull("not idle Sat 14:00", s5);
        assertNotSame("different from s1", s1, s5);
        assertNotSame("different from s2", s2, s5);
        assertNotSame("different from s3", s3, s5);
        assertNotSame("different from s4", s4, s5);
        assertEquals("s5 start", 14, s5.getStart());
        assertEquals("s5 dur", 8, s5.getDuration());
        assertEquals("s5 trucks", 2, s5.getTrucks());
        assertEquals("Sat 14:00", s5, schedule[14 + LiftTruck.HOURS_DAY * 5]);
        assertEquals("Sat 21:00", s5, schedule[21 + LiftTruck.HOURS_DAY * 5]);
        assertNull("idle Sat 22:00", schedule[22 + LiftTruck.HOURS_DAY * 5]);
        assertNull("idle Sun 0:00", schedule[LiftTruck.HOURS_DAY * 6]);
        assertNull("idle Sun 5:00", schedule[5 + LiftTruck.HOURS_DAY * 6]);
        assertEquals("Sun 6:00", s4, schedule[6 + LiftTruck.HOURS_DAY * 6]);
        assertEquals("Sun 13:00", s4, schedule[13 + LiftTruck.HOURS_DAY * 6]);
        assertEquals("Sun 14:00", s5, schedule[14 + LiftTruck.HOURS_DAY * 6]);
        assertEquals("Sun 21:00", s5, schedule[21 + LiftTruck.HOURS_DAY * 6]);
        assertNull("idle Sun 22:00", schedule[22 + LiftTruck.HOURS_DAY * 6]);


    public void BogusShiftConfig() {
        TreeMap<String, String> map = new TreeMap<String, String>();
        map.put("customer.model.liftTruck.instances", "test1, test2, test3");
        // no block
        map.put("customer.model.liftTruck.test1.shiftData", "shift,8,10,8");
        // no shift
        map.put("customer.model.liftTruck.test3.shiftData", "block,1,2,3,4,5");
        // missing shift info
        map.put("customer.model.liftTruck.test3.shiftData", "block,1,2,3,4,5, shift,6,8");
        config = new MapConfiguration(map);
        Configurator configurator = new Configurator();
        Collection<?> instances = configurator.configureInstances(LiftTruck.class);
        assertEquals("three instances", 3, instances.size());
        Map<String, LiftTruck> trucks = mapNames(instances);

        LiftTruck test1 = trucks.get("test1");
        assertNotNull("found test1", test1);
        Shift[] schedule = test1.getShiftSchedule();
        for (Shift shift : schedule) {
            if (null != shift)
                fail("test1 non-null entry");

        LiftTruck test2 = trucks.get("test2");
        assertNotNull("found test2", test2);
        schedule = test2.getShiftSchedule();
        for (Shift shift : schedule) {
            if (null != shift)
                fail("test1 non-null entry");

        LiftTruck test3 = trucks.get("test3");
        assertNotNull("found test3", test3);
        schedule = test3.getShiftSchedule();
        for (Shift shift : schedule) {
            if (null != shift)
                fail("test1 non-null entry");

    public void rolloverShiftConfig() {
        TreeMap<String, String> map = new TreeMap<String, String>();
        map.put("customer.model.liftTruck.instances", "test");
                "block,1,2,3,4,5, shift,8,10,8, shift,18,10,6," + "block,6, shift,8,10,3, block,7, shift,18,10,2");
        config = new MapConfiguration(map);
        Configurator configurator = new Configurator();
        Collection<?> instances = configurator.configureInstances(LiftTruck.class);
        assertEquals("one instance", 1, instances.size());
        Map<String, LiftTruck> trucks = mapNames(instances);

        LiftTruck test = trucks.get("test");
        assertNotNull("found uut", test);
        Shift[] schedule = test.getShiftSchedule();
        assertNotNull("schedule exists", schedule);
        assertEquals("correct size", 168, schedule.length);
        Shift s4 = schedule[0];
        assertEquals("Mon 0:00 start", 18, s4.getStart());
        assertEquals("Mon 0:00 dur", 10, s4.getDuration());
        assertEquals("Mon 0:00 trucks", 2, s4.getTrucks());
        assertEquals("Mon 3:00", s4, schedule[3]);
        assertNull("idle Mon 4:00", schedule[4]);

    // battery validation
    public void testValidateBatteries() {
        TreeMap<String, String> map = new TreeMap<String, String>();
        map.put("customer.model.liftTruck.instances", "short,long");
                "block,1,2,3,4,5, shift,6,8,8, shift,14,8,6, shift,22,8,4,"
                        + "block,6,7, shift,6,8,3, shift,14,8,2");
        map.put("customer.model.liftTruck.short.nBatteries", "6");
        map.put("customer.model.liftTruck.long.batteryCapacity", "24.0");
                "block,1,2,3,4,5, shift,6,8,5, shift,14,8,3, shift,22,8,7,"
                        + "block,6,7, shift,6,8,3, shift,14,8,2");
        map.put("customer.model.liftTruck.long.nBatteries", "10");
        config = new MapConfiguration(map);
        Configurator configurator = new Configurator();
        Collection<?> instances = configurator.configureInstances(LiftTruck.class);
        assertEquals("two instances", 2, instances.size());
        Map<String, LiftTruck> trucks = mapNames(instances);

        LiftTruck shortTruck = trucks.get("short");
        assertEquals("short before validation", 6, shortTruck.getNBatteries());
        assertEquals("short after validation", 14, shortTruck.getNBatteries());

        LiftTruck longTruck = trucks.get("long");
        assertEquals("long before validation", 10, longTruck.getNBatteries());
        assertEquals("long after validation", 16, longTruck.getNBatteries());

    // charger validation - check limits
    public void testValidateChargers1() {
        TreeMap<String, String> map = new TreeMap<String, String>();
        map.put("customer.model.liftTruck.instances", "truck_kw, charge_kw, ncharge");
        map.put("customer.model.liftTruck.truck_kw.truckKW", "10.0");
        map.put("customer.model.liftTruck.charge_kw.maxChargeKW", "2.0");
        map.put("customer.model.liftTruck.ncharge.nChargers", "3");
        config = new MapConfiguration(map);
        Configurator configurator = new Configurator();
        Collection<?> instances = configurator.configureInstances(LiftTruck.class);
        assertEquals("three instances", 3, instances.size());
        Map<String, LiftTruck> trucks = mapNames(instances);
        LiftTruck tkw = trucks.get("truck_kw");
        assertEquals("8 chargers tkw", 8, tkw.getNChargers());
        assertEquals("10 after tkw validation", 10, tkw.getNChargers());

        LiftTruck ckw = trucks.get("charge_kw");
        assertEquals("8 chargers", 8, ckw.getNChargers());
        assertEquals("12 after validation", 12, ckw.getNChargers());

        LiftTruck nc = trucks.get("ncharge");
        assertEquals("3 chargers", 3, nc.getNChargers());
        assertEquals("4 after validation", 4, nc.getNChargers());

    // charger validation
    public void testValidateChargers2() {
        TreeMap<String, String> map = new TreeMap<String, String>();
        map.put("customer.model.liftTruck.instances", "c5");
        map.put("customer.model.liftTruck.c5.nChargers", "5");
        config = new MapConfiguration(map);
        Configurator configurator = new Configurator();
        Collection<?> instances = configurator.configureInstances(LiftTruck.class);
        Map<String, LiftTruck> trucks = mapNames(instances);
        LiftTruck c5 = trucks.get("c5");
        assertEquals("5 chargers c5", 5, c5.getNChargers());
        assertEquals("5 after c5 validation", 5, c5.getNChargers());

    // charger validation with null shift at midnight
    public void testValidateChargers3() {
        TreeMap<String, String> map = new TreeMap<String, String>();
        map.put("customer.model.liftTruck.instances", "c5");
        map.put("customer.model.liftTruck.c5.nChargers", "5");
        map.put("customer.model.liftTruck.c5.shiftData", "block,1,2,3,4,5, shift,6,8,8, shift,14,8,6");
        config = new MapConfiguration(map);
        Configurator configurator = new Configurator();
        Collection<?> instances = configurator.configureInstances(LiftTruck.class);
        Map<String, LiftTruck> trucks = mapNames(instances);
        LiftTruck c5 = trucks.get("c5");
        assertEquals("5 chargers c5", 5, c5.getNChargers());
        assertEquals("5 after c5 validation", 5, c5.getNChargers());

    // initialize fills in unconfigured fields
    public void testInitialize() {
        LiftTruck truck = new LiftTruck("Test");
        // initially, shift schedule is empty
        for (Shift s : truck.getShiftSchedule()) {
            if (null != s)
                fail("shift schedule should be empty");
        // now we should see default data
        Shift[] shifts = truck.getShiftSchedule();
        for (Shift s : shifts) {
            if (null != s)
        fail("shift schedule should be non-empty");

    public void testFutureEnergyNeedsDefault() {
        LiftTruck truck = new LiftTruck("Test");
        DateTime now = new DateTime(2014, 12, 1, 10, 0, 0, DateTimeZone.UTC);
        new Timeslot(2, now.toInstant());
        ShiftEnergy[] needs = truck.getFutureEnergyNeeds(now.toInstant(), 60, 0.0);
        // ix  dur  end  req  chg  max  sur
        //  0    6   16  192    7  252   60
        //  1    8    0   96    8  384  288
        //  2    8    8  256    8  384  128
        //  3    8   16  192    7  336  144
        //  4    8    0   96    8  384  288
        //  5    8    8  256    8  384  128
        //  6    8   16  192    7  336  144
        //  7    0    0   96    8  384  288
        assertNotNull("needs not null", needs);
        assertEquals("8 items", 8, needs.length);
        assertEquals("duration[0] is 6", 6, needs[0].getDuration());
        assertEquals("[0] ends at 16", 16, needs[0].getNextShift().getStart());
        assertEquals("[0] requires", 192.0 / truck.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[0].getEnergyNeeded(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[0] max surplus", 60.0 / truck.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[0].getMaxSurplus(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[1] ends at 0", 0, needs[1].getNextShift().getStart());
        assertEquals("[1] requires", 96.0 / truck.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[1].getEnergyNeeded(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[1] surplus", 288.0 / truck.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[1].getMaxSurplus(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[1] dur", 8, needs[1].getDuration());
        assertEquals("[2] ends at 8", 8, needs[2].getNextShift().getStart());
        assertEquals("[2] requires", 256.0 / truck.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[2].getEnergyNeeded(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[2] surplus", 128.0 / truck.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[2].getMaxSurplus(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[7] ends at 0", 0, needs[7].getNextShift().getStart());
        assertEquals("[7] requires", 96.0 / truck.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[7].getEnergyNeeded(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[7] surplus", 288.0 / truck.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[7].getMaxSurplus(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[7] dur", 8, needs[7].getDuration());

    public void testFutureEnergyNeedsShort() {
        TreeMap<String, String> map = new TreeMap<String, String>();
        map.put("customer.model.liftTruck.instances", "short");
        map.put("customer.model.liftTruck.short.nChargers", "5");
        map.put("customer.model.liftTruck.short.energyCharging", "14.0");
        config = new MapConfiguration(map);
        Configurator configurator = new Configurator();
        Collection<?> instances = configurator.configureInstances(LiftTruck.class);
        assertEquals("one instance", 1, instances.size());
        Map<String, LiftTruck> trucks = mapNames(instances);
        LiftTruck truck = trucks.get("short");
        assertNotNull("found short", truck);

        DateTime now = new DateTime(2014, 12, 1, 10, 0, 0, DateTimeZone.UTC);
        new Timeslot(2, now.toInstant());
        ShiftEnergy[] needs = truck.getFutureEnergyNeeds(now.toInstant(), 60, 14.0);
        // ix  dur  end  req  chg  max  sur
        //  0    6   16  192    5  180  -12+14
        //  1    8    0   96    5  240  128
        //  2    8    8  256    5  240  -16
        //  3    8   16  192    5  240   48
        //  4    8    0   96    5  240  128
        //  5    8    8  256    5  240  -16
        //  6    8   16  192    5  240   48
        //  7    0    0   96    5  240  144
        assertNotNull("needs not null", needs);
        assertEquals("8 items", 8, needs.length);
        assertEquals("duration[0] is 6", 6, needs[0].getDuration());
        assertEquals("[0] requires", 192.0 / truck.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[0].getEnergyNeeded(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[0] max surplus", -12.0 / truck.getChargeEfficiency() + 14, needs[0].getMaxSurplus(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[1] requires", 96.0 / truck.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[1].getEnergyNeeded(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[1] surplus", 128.0 / truck.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[1].getMaxSurplus(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[2] requires", 256.0 / truck.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[2].getEnergyNeeded(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[2] surplus", -16.0 / truck.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[2].getMaxSurplus(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[7] requires", 96.0 / truck.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[7].getEnergyNeeded(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[7] surplus", 144.0 / truck.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[7].getMaxSurplus(), 1e-6);

    public void testFutureEnergyNeedsIdle() {
        TreeMap<String, String> map = new TreeMap<String, String>();
        map.put("customer.model.liftTruck.instances", "idle");
                "block,1,2,3,4,5, shift,8,8,8, shift,0,8,6," + "block,6,7, shift,8,8,4");
        map.put("customer.model.liftTruck.idle.nChargers", "5");
        map.put("customer.model.liftTruck.idle.energyCharging", "4.0");
        config = new MapConfiguration(map);
        Configurator configurator = new Configurator();
        Collection<?> instances = configurator.configureInstances(LiftTruck.class);
        assertEquals("one instance", 1, instances.size());
        Map<String, LiftTruck> trucks = mapNames(instances);
        LiftTruck tk = trucks.get("idle");
        assertNotNull("got configured", tk);
        DateTime now = new DateTime(2014, 12, 1, 10, 0, 0, DateTimeZone.UTC);
        new Timeslot(2, now.toInstant());
        ShiftEnergy[] needs = tk.getFutureEnergyNeeds(now.toInstant(), 60, 4.0);
        // ix  dur  end  req  chg  max  sur
        //  0    6   16    0    5  180  180+4
        //  1    8    0  192    5  240   32
        //  2    8    8  256    5  240  -16
        //  3    8   16    0    5  240  240
        //  4    8    0  192    5  240   32
        //  5    8    8  256    5  240  -16
        //  6    8   16    0    5  240  240
        //  7    0    0  192    5  240   48
        assertNotNull("needs not null", needs);
        assertEquals("8 items", 8, needs.length);
        assertEquals("duration[0] is 6", 6, needs[0].getDuration());
        assertNull("[0] ends at idle", needs[0].getNextShift());
        assertEquals("[0] req", 0.0, needs[0].getEnergyNeeded(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[0] sur", 180.0 / tk.getChargeEfficiency() + 4.0, needs[0].getMaxSurplus(), 1e-6);
        assertNotNull("[1] not null", needs[1].getNextShift());
        assertEquals("[1] ends 00:00", 0, needs[1].getNextShift().getStart());
        assertEquals("[1] req", 192.0 / tk.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[1].getEnergyNeeded(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[1] sur", 32.0 / tk.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[1].getMaxSurplus(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[2] req", 256.0 / tk.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[2].getEnergyNeeded(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[2] sur", -16.0 / tk.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[2].getMaxSurplus(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[7] req", 192.0 / tk.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[7].getEnergyNeeded(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[7] sur", 48.0 / tk.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[7].getMaxSurplus(), 1e-6);

    public void testFutureEnergyNeedsWeekend() {
        TreeMap<String, String> map = new TreeMap<String, String>();
        map.put("customer.model.liftTruck.instances", "idle");
                "block,1,2,3,4,5, shift,8,8,8, shift,0,8,6," + "block,6,7, shift,8,8,4");
        map.put("customer.model.liftTruck.idle.nChargers", "5");
        map.put("customer.model.liftTruck.idle.energyCharging", "75.0");
        config = new MapConfiguration(map);
        Configurator configurator = new Configurator();
        Collection<?> instances = configurator.configureInstances(LiftTruck.class);
        assertEquals("one instance", 1, instances.size());
        Map<String, LiftTruck> trucks = mapNames(instances);
        LiftTruck tk = trucks.get("idle");
        assertNotNull("got configured", tk);
        // start on Sunday
        DateTime now = new DateTime(2014, 12, 7, 6, 0, 0, DateTimeZone.UTC);
        new Timeslot(2, now.toInstant());
        ShiftEnergy[] needs = tk.getFutureEnergyNeeds(now.toInstant(), 60, 75.0);
        // ix  dur  end  req  chg  max  sur
        //  0    2    8  128    5   60  -68+75 - Sun 06:00-08:00
        //  1    8   16    0    5  240  240   -- Sun 08:00-16:00
        //  2    8    0  192    5  240   32   -- Sun 16:00-00:00
        //  3    8    8  256    5  240  -16   -- Mon 00:00-08:00
        //  4    8   16    0    5  240  240
        //  5    8    0  192    5  240   32
        //  6    8    8  256    5  240  -16
        //  7    8   16    0    5  240  240
        //  8    8    0  192    5  240   48
        assertNotNull("needs not null", needs);
        assertEquals("9 items", 9, needs.length);
        assertEquals("duration[0] is 2", 2, needs[0].getDuration());
        assertEquals("[0] req", 128.0 / tk.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[0].getEnergyNeeded(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[0] sur", -68.0 / tk.getChargeEfficiency() + 75.0, needs[0].getMaxSurplus(), 1e-6);
        assertNull("[1] ends at idle", needs[1].getNextShift());
        assertEquals("[1] req", 0.0, needs[1].getEnergyNeeded(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[1] sur", 240.0 / tk.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[1].getMaxSurplus(), 1e-6);
        assertNotNull("[2] not null", needs[2].getNextShift());
        assertEquals("[2] ends 00:00", 0, needs[2].getNextShift().getStart());
        assertEquals("[2] req", 192.0 / tk.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[2].getEnergyNeeded(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[2] sur", 32.0 / tk.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[2].getMaxSurplus(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[3] req", 256.0 / tk.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[3].getEnergyNeeded(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[3] sur", -16.0 / tk.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[3].getMaxSurplus(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[7] req", 0.0, needs[7].getEnergyNeeded(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[7] sur", 240.0 / tk.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[7].getMaxSurplus(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[8] req", 192.0 / tk.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[8].getEnergyNeeded(), 1e-6);
        assertEquals("[8] sur", 48.0 / tk.getChargeEfficiency(), needs[8].getMaxSurplus(), 1e-6);

    public void testPlanFlatDefault() {
        LiftTruck truck = new LiftTruck("Test");
        DateTime now = new DateTime(2014, 12, 1, 10, 0, 0, DateTimeZone.UTC);
        Timeslot ts = new Timeslot(2, now.toInstant());
        Broker broker = new Broker("bob");
        TariffSpecification spec = new TariffSpecification(broker, PowerType.CONSUMPTION);
        Rate rate = new Rate().withValue(0.15);
        Tariff tariff = new Tariff(spec);
        TimeService tsvc = mock(TimeService.class);
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(tariff, "timeService", tsvc);
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(tariff, "tariffRepo", mock(TariffRepo.class));

        LiftTruck.CapacityPlan plan = truck.getCapacityPlan(tariff, now.toInstant(), 95);
        assertNotNull("Created a plan", plan);
        assertNull("No solution yet", plan.getCapacityProfile().getProfile());

        double[] usage = plan.getCapacityProfile().getProfile();
        assertEquals("correct length", 102, usage.length);

        ShiftEnergy[] needs = plan.updateNeeds();
        assertEquals("correct length", 13, needs.length);


     * Test method for {@link org.powertac.customer.model.LiftTruck#step(org.powertac.common.Timeslot)}.
    public void testStep() {
        //    Instant now = new Instant();
        //    System.out.println("hour: " + now.get(DateTimeFieldType.hourOfDay()));
        //    System.out.println("day: " + now.get(DateTimeFieldType.dayOfWeek()));

    class ServiceAccessor implements CustomerServiceAccessor {

        public CustomerRepo getCustomerRepo() {
            return null;

        public RandomSeedRepo getRandomSeedRepo() {
            return mockSeedRepo;

        public TariffRepo getTariffRepo() {
            return tariffRepo;

        public TariffSubscriptionRepo getTariffSubscriptionRepo() {
            return mockSubscriptionRepo;

        public TimeslotRepo getTimeslotRepo() {
            return tsRepo;

        public TimeService getTimeService() {
            return timeService;

        public WeatherReportRepo getWeatherReportRepo() {
            return null;

        public ServerConfiguration getServerConfiguration() {
            // Auto-generated method stub
            return null;