Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2014 by John Collins * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.powertac.customer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ServiceLoader; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.joda.time.Instant; import org.powertac.common.Competition; import org.powertac.common.CustomerInfo; import org.powertac.common.Tariff; import org.powertac.common.TimeService; import org.powertac.common.interfaces.BootstrapState; import org.powertac.common.interfaces.CustomerServiceAccessor; import org.powertac.common.interfaces.InitializationService; import org.powertac.common.interfaces.NewTariffListener; import org.powertac.common.interfaces.ServerConfiguration; import org.powertac.common.interfaces.TariffMarket; import org.powertac.common.interfaces.TimeslotPhaseProcessor; import org.powertac.common.repo.CustomerRepo; import org.powertac.common.repo.RandomSeedRepo; import org.powertac.common.repo.TariffRepo; import org.powertac.common.repo.TariffSubscriptionRepo; import org.powertac.common.repo.TimeslotRepo; import org.powertac.common.repo.WeatherReportRepo; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; /** * Manages a set of customer models. Each must be configurable as * ConfigurableInstances. Each gets supplied a set of service interfaces. * In each timeslot, each model has its step() method called. When tariffs * are published, each has its evaluateTariffs() method called. At the end * of a boot session, each has its bootstrap state saved to the boot record. * * @author John Collins */ @Service public class CustomerModelService extends TimeslotPhaseProcessor implements InitializationService, BootstrapState, NewTariffListener, CustomerServiceAccessor { //static private Logger log = // Logger.getLogger(CustomerModelService.class.getName()); @Autowired private TimeService timeService; @Autowired private TimeslotRepo timeslotRepo; @Autowired private CustomerRepo customerRepo; @Autowired private ServerConfiguration serverConfig; @Autowired private WeatherReportRepo weatherReportRepo; @Autowired private RandomSeedRepo randomSeedRepo; @Autowired private TariffRepo tariffRepo; @Autowired private TariffSubscriptionRepo tariffSubscriptionRepo; @Autowired private TariffMarket tariffMarketService; // Customer model collection //private ArrayList<Class<AbstractCustomerDeprecated>> modelTypes; private ArrayList<AbstractCustomer> models; @Override public void setDefaults() { // Obsolete } @Override public String initialize(Competition competition, List<String> completedInits) { if (!completedInits.contains("DefaultBroker") || !completedInits.contains("TariffMarket")) return null; super.init(); tariffMarketService.registerNewTariffListener(this); //modelTypes = new ArrayList<Class<AbstractCustomerDeprecated>>(); models = new ArrayList<AbstractCustomer>(); // extract the model types ServiceLoader<AbstractCustomer> loader = ServiceLoader.load(AbstractCustomer.class); // Populate and initialize the models. // Note that the instances loaded by the service loader are discarded -- // the real instances are created by serverConfig. Iterator<AbstractCustomer> modelIterator = loader.iterator(); while (modelIterator.hasNext()) { AbstractCustomer modelEx =; for (Object modelObj : serverConfig.configureInstances(modelEx.getClass())) { AbstractCustomer model = (AbstractCustomer) modelObj; models.add(model); model.setServiceAccessor(this); model.initialize(); // set default tariff here to make models testable outside Spring. for (CustomerInfo cust : model.getCustomerInfos()) { tariffMarketService.subscribeToTariff(tariffMarketService.getDefaultTariff(cust.getPowerType()), cust, cust.getPopulation()); customerRepo.add(cust); } } } return "Customer"; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.powertac.common.interfaces.TimeslotPhaseProcessor#activate(org.joda.time.Instant, int) */ @Override public void activate(Instant time, int phaseNumber) { for (AbstractCustomer model : models) { model.step(); } } @Override public void publishNewTariffs(List<Tariff> tariffs) { for (AbstractCustomer model : models) { model.evaluateTariffs(tariffs); } } // test support methods List<AbstractCustomer> getModelList() { return models; } @Override public void saveBootstrapState() { serverConfig.saveBootstrapState(models); for (AbstractCustomer model : models) { // some models have to save local state model.saveBootstrapState(); } } // ============================== // CustomerServiceAccessor API // ============================== @Override public CustomerRepo getCustomerRepo() { return customerRepo; } @Override public RandomSeedRepo getRandomSeedRepo() { return randomSeedRepo; } @Override public TariffRepo getTariffRepo() { return tariffRepo; } @Override public TariffSubscriptionRepo getTariffSubscriptionRepo() { return tariffSubscriptionRepo; } @Override public TimeslotRepo getTimeslotRepo() { return timeslotRepo; } @Override public WeatherReportRepo getWeatherReportRepo() { return weatherReportRepo; } @Override public ServerConfiguration getServerConfiguration() { return serverConfig; } }