Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2011-2014 by John Collins. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.powertac.common.repo; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.powertac.common.Broker; import org.powertac.common.Rate; import org.powertac.common.Tariff; import org.powertac.common.TariffSpecification; import org.powertac.common.enumerations.PowerType; import org.powertac.common.msg.BalancingOrder; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; /** * Repository for TariffSpecifications, Tariffs, Rates, and other related types. * @author John Collins */ @Repository public class TariffRepo implements DomainRepo { static private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TariffRepo.class.getName()); //@Autowired //private TimeService timeService; private HashMap<Long, TariffSpecification> specs; private HashSet<Long> deletedTariffs; private HashMap<PowerType, Tariff> defaultTariffs; private HashMap<Long, Tariff> tariffs; private HashMap<Long, Rate> rates; private HashMap<Long, BoPair> balancingOrders; private HashMap<Long, LinkedList<Tariff>> brokerTariffs; public TariffRepo() { super(); specs = new HashMap<Long, TariffSpecification>(); deletedTariffs = new HashSet<Long>(); defaultTariffs = new HashMap<PowerType, Tariff>(); tariffs = new HashMap<Long, Tariff>(); brokerTariffs = new HashMap<Long, LinkedList<Tariff>>(); rates = new HashMap<Long, Rate>(); balancingOrders = new HashMap<Long, BoPair>(); } /** * Adds a TariffSpecification to the repo just in case another spec * (or this one) has not already been added sometime in the past. */ public synchronized void addSpecification(TariffSpecification spec) { if (isRemoved(spec.getId()) || null != specs.get(spec.getId())) { log.error("Attempt to insert tariff spec with duplicate ID " + spec.getId()); return; } specs.put(spec.getId(), spec); for (Rate r : spec.getRates()) { rates.put(r.getId(), r); } } public void removeSpecification(long id) { specs.remove(id); } public void setDefaultTariff(TariffSpecification newSpec) { addSpecification(newSpec); Tariff tariff = new Tariff(newSpec); tariff.init(); defaultTariffs.put(newSpec.getPowerType(), tariff); } public Tariff getDefaultTariff(PowerType type) { Tariff result = defaultTariffs.get(type); if (null == result) { result = defaultTariffs.get(type.getGenericType()); } if (null == result) { log.error("Cannot find default tariff for PowerType " + type); } return result; } public synchronized TariffSpecification findSpecificationById(long id) { return specs.get(id); } public synchronized List<TariffSpecification> findTariffSpecificationsByBroker(Broker broker) { List<TariffSpecification> result = new ArrayList<TariffSpecification>(); for (TariffSpecification spec : specs.values()) { if (spec.getBroker() == broker) { result.add(spec); } } return result; } public synchronized List<TariffSpecification> findTariffSpecificationsByPowerType(PowerType type) { List<TariffSpecification> result = new ArrayList<TariffSpecification>(); for (TariffSpecification spec : specs.values()) { if (spec.getPowerType().canUse(type)) { result.add(spec); } } return result; } public synchronized List<TariffSpecification> findAllTariffSpecifications() { return new ArrayList<TariffSpecification>(specs.values()); } public synchronized void addTariff(Tariff tariff) { // add to the tariffs list if (isRemoved(tariff.getId()) || null != tariffs.get(tariff.getId())) { log.error("Attempt to insert tariff with duplicate ID " + tariff.getId()); return; } tariffs.put(tariff.getId(), tariff); // add to the brokerTariffs list LinkedList<Tariff> tariffList = brokerTariffs.get(tariff.getBroker().getId()); if (null == tariffList) { tariffList = new LinkedList<Tariff>(); brokerTariffs.put(tariff.getBroker().getId(), tariffList); } tariffList.push(tariff); } public synchronized Tariff findTariffById(long id) { return tariffs.get(id); } public synchronized List<Tariff> findAllTariffs() { return new ArrayList<Tariff>(tariffs.values()); } public synchronized List<Tariff> findTariffsByState(Tariff.State state) { ArrayList<Tariff> result = new ArrayList<Tariff>(); for (Tariff tariff : tariffs.values()) { if (state == tariff.getState()) { result.add(tariff); } } return result; } /** * Returns the list of active tariffs that exactly match the given * PowerType. */ public synchronized List<Tariff> findActiveTariffs(PowerType type) { List<Tariff> result = new ArrayList<Tariff>(); for (Tariff tariff : tariffs.values()) { if (tariff.getPowerType() == type && tariff.isSubscribable()) { result.add(tariff); } } return result; } /** * Returns the list of active tariffs that can be used by a customer * of the given PowerType, including those that are more generic than * the specific type. */ public synchronized List<Tariff> findAllActiveTariffs(PowerType type) { List<Tariff> result = new ArrayList<Tariff>(); for (Tariff tariff : tariffs.values()) { if (type.canUse(tariff.getPowerType()) && tariff.isSubscribable()) { result.add(tariff); } } return result; } /** * Returns the n most "recent" active tariffs from each broker * that can be used by a customer with the given powerType. */ public synchronized List<Tariff> findRecentActiveTariffs(int n, PowerType type) { List<Tariff> result = new ArrayList<Tariff>(); HashMap<PowerType, Integer> ptCounter = new HashMap<PowerType, Integer>(); for (Long id : brokerTariffs.keySet()) { ptCounter.clear(); for (Tariff tariff : brokerTariffs.get(id)) { PowerType pt = tariff.getPowerType(); if (tariff.isSubscribable() && type.canUse(pt)) { Integer count = ptCounter.get(pt); if (null == count) count = 0; if (count < n) { result.add(tariff); ptCounter.put(pt, count + 1); } } } } return result; } public List<Tariff> findTariffsByBroker(Broker broker) { List<Tariff> result = brokerTariffs.get(broker.getId()); if (null == result) return new LinkedList<Tariff>(); else return result; } /** * Removes a tariff and its specification from the repo. remembers that tariff * has been removed, prevents re-adding. */ public synchronized void removeTariff(Tariff tariff) { tariffs.remove(tariff.getId()); deletedTariffs.add(tariff.getId()); removeSpecification(tariff.getId()); } /** * Deletes a tariff and its specification from the repo, without tracking. * Should not be used in the server. */ public synchronized void deleteTariff(Tariff tariff) { tariffs.remove(tariff.getId()); List<Tariff> bt = brokerTariffs.get(tariff.getBroker().getId()); bt.remove(tariff); removeSpecification(tariff.getId()); } /** * Tests whether a tariff has been deleted. */ public synchronized boolean isRemoved(long tariffId) { return deletedTariffs.contains(tariffId); } public synchronized Rate findRateById(long id) { return rates.get(id); } /** * Adds a balancing order, indexed by its TariffSpec */ public synchronized void addBalancingOrder(BalancingOrder order) { long tariffId = order.getTariffId(); if (null != specs.get(tariffId)) { BoPair pair = balancingOrders.get(tariffId); if (null == pair) { pair = new BoPair(); balancingOrders.put(tariffId, pair); } pair.add(order); } } /** * Retrieves the complete set of balancing orders */ public synchronized Collection<BalancingOrder> getBalancingOrders() { ArrayList<BalancingOrder> result = new ArrayList<BalancingOrder>(); for (BoPair pair : balancingOrders.values()) { for (BalancingOrder item : pair.getOrders()) { result.add(item); } } return result; } @Override public synchronized void recycle() { specs.clear(); tariffs.clear(); defaultTariffs.clear(); deletedTariffs.clear(); rates.clear(); balancingOrders.clear(); brokerTariffs.clear(); } // Balancing orders come in pairs class BoPair { private BalancingOrder upOrder; private BalancingOrder downOrder; BoPair() { super(); } BalancingOrder getUpOrder() { return upOrder; } void setUpOrder(BalancingOrder order) { upOrder = order; } BalancingOrder getDownOrder() { return downOrder; } void setDownOrder(BalancingOrder order) { downOrder = order; } // adds a new order of either gender void add(BalancingOrder order) { if (order.getExerciseRatio() >= 0.0) upOrder = order; else downOrder = order; } // returns contents as a list List<BalancingOrder> getOrders() { List<BalancingOrder> result = new ArrayList<BalancingOrder>(); if (null != upOrder) result.add(upOrder); if (null != downOrder) result.add(downOrder); return result; } } }