Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2010-2011 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language * governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package org.powertac.accounting; import static org.powertac.util.MessageDispatcher.dispatch; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.joda.time.Instant; import org.powertac.common.*; import org.powertac.common.TariffTransaction.Type; import org.powertac.common.config.ConfigurableValue; import org.powertac.common.interfaces.*; import org.powertac.common.msg.DistributionReport; import org.powertac.common.repo.BrokerRepo; import org.powertac.common.repo.RandomSeedRepo; import org.powertac.common.repo.TariffRepo; import org.powertac.common.repo.TimeslotRepo; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; /** * Implementation of {@link org.powertac.common.interfaces.Accounting} * @author John Collins */ @Service public class AccountingService extends TimeslotPhaseProcessor implements Accounting, InitializationService { static private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AccountingService.class.getSimpleName()); @Autowired private TimeService timeService; @Autowired private TariffRepo tariffRepo; @Autowired private TimeslotRepo timeslotRepo; @Autowired private BrokerRepo brokerRepo; @Autowired private BrokerProxy brokerProxyService; @Autowired private RandomSeedRepo randomSeedService; @Autowired private TransactionFactory txFactory; @Autowired private ServerConfiguration serverProps; private ArrayList<BrokerTransaction> pendingTransactions; private DistributionReport distributionReport; private HashMap<Timeslot, ArrayList<MarketTransaction>> pendingMarketTransactions; // read this from configuration @ConfigurableValue(valueType = "Double", description = "low end of bank interest rate range") private double minInterest = 0.04; @ConfigurableValue(valueType = "Double", description = "high end of bank interest rate range") private double maxInterest = 0.12; @ConfigurableValue(valueType = "Double", publish = true, description = "override random setting of bank interest rate") private Double bankInterest = null; public AccountingService() { super(); pendingTransactions = new ArrayList<BrokerTransaction>(); pendingMarketTransactions = new HashMap<Timeslot, ArrayList<MarketTransaction>>(); } @Override public void setDefaults() { } @Override public String initialize(Competition competition, List<String> completedInits) { pendingTransactions.clear(); super.init(); bankInterest = null; serverProps.configureMe(this); RandomSeed random = randomSeedService.getRandomSeed("AccountingService", 0l, "interest"); if (bankInterest == null) { // interest will be non-null in case it was overridden in the config bankInterest = (minInterest + (random.nextDouble() * (maxInterest - minInterest)));"bank interest: " + bankInterest); } serverProps.publishConfiguration(this); return "AccountingService"; } @Override public synchronized MarketTransaction addMarketTransaction(Broker broker, Timeslot timeslot, double mWh, double price) { MarketTransaction mtx = txFactory.makeMarketTransaction(broker, timeslot, mWh, price); // post pending tx so it gets sent to broker pendingTransactions.add(mtx); updateBrokerMarketPosition(mtx); // defer posting to delivery timeslot ArrayList<MarketTransaction> theList = pendingMarketTransactions.get(timeslot); if (null == theList) { theList = new ArrayList<MarketTransaction>(); pendingMarketTransactions.put(timeslot, theList); } theList.add(mtx); return mtx; } @Override public synchronized TariffTransaction addTariffTransaction(TariffTransaction.Type txType, Tariff tariff, CustomerInfo customer, int customerCount, double kWh, double charge) { TariffTransaction ttx = txFactory.makeTariffTransaction(tariff.getBroker(), txType, tariffRepo.findSpecificationById(tariff.getSpecId()), customer, customerCount, kWh, charge); if (null == ttx.getTariffSpec()) log.error("Null tariff spec in addTariffTx()"); pendingTransactions.add(ttx); return ttx; } @Override public synchronized DistributionTransaction addDistributionTransaction(Broker broker, double kWh, double charge) { DistributionTransaction dtx = txFactory.makeDistributionTransaction(broker, kWh, charge); pendingTransactions.add(dtx); return dtx; } @Override public synchronized BalancingTransaction addBalancingTransaction(Broker broker, double kWh, double charge) { BalancingTransaction btx = txFactory.makeBalancingTransaction(broker, kWh, charge); pendingTransactions.add(btx); return btx; } /** * Returns the net load for the given broker in the current timeslot. * Note that this only works AFTER the customer models have run, and * BEFORE the day's transactions have been processed. The value will be * negative if the broker's customers are consuming more than they produce * in the current timeslot. */ @Override public synchronized double getCurrentNetLoad(Broker broker) { double netLoad = 0.0; for (BrokerTransaction btx : pendingTransactions) { if (btx instanceof TariffTransaction) { TariffTransaction ttx = (TariffTransaction) btx; if (ttx.getBroker().getUsername().equals(broker.getUsername())) { if (ttx.getTxType() == TariffTransaction.Type.CONSUME || ttx.getTxType() == TariffTransaction.Type.PRODUCE) { netLoad += ttx.getKWh(); } } } }"net load for " + broker.getUsername() + ": " + netLoad); return netLoad; } /** * Returns a mapping of brokers to total supply and demand among subscribed * customers. */ @Override public Map<Broker, Map<Type, Double>> getCurrentSupplyDemandByBroker() { HashMap<Broker, Map<Type, Double>> result = new HashMap<Broker, Map<Type, Double>>(); for (BrokerTransaction btx : pendingTransactions) { if (btx instanceof TariffTransaction) { TariffTransaction ttx = (TariffTransaction) btx; Broker broker = ttx.getBroker(); Map<Type, Double> record = result.get(broker); if (null == record) { record = new HashMap<Type, Double>(); result.put(broker, record); record.put(Type.CONSUME, 0.0); record.put(Type.PRODUCE, 0.0); } if (ttx.getTxType() == Type.CONSUME) record.put(Type.CONSUME, record.get(Type.CONSUME) + ttx.getKWh()); else if (ttx.getTxType() == Type.PRODUCE) record.put(Type.PRODUCE, record.get(Type.PRODUCE) + ttx.getKWh()); } } return result; } /** * Gets the net market position for the current timeslot. This only works on * processed transactions, but it can be used before activation in case there * can be no new market transactions for the current timeslot. This is the * normal case. The value will be positive if the broker is importing power * during the current timeslot. */ @Override public synchronized double getCurrentMarketPosition(Broker broker) { Timeslot current = timeslotRepo.currentTimeslot(); log.debug("current timeslot: " + current.getSerialNumber()); MarketPosition position = broker.findMarketPositionByTimeslot(current.getSerialNumber()); if (position == null) { log.debug("null position for ts " + current.getSerialNumber()); return 0.0; }"market position for " + broker.getUsername() + ": " + position.getOverallBalance()); return position.getOverallBalance(); } /** * Processes the pending transaction list, computes interest, sends * updates to brokers */ @Override public void activate(Instant time, int phaseNumber) {"Activate: " + pendingTransactions.size() + " messages"); HashMap<Broker, List<Object>> brokerMsg = new HashMap<Broker, List<Object>>(); for (Broker broker : brokerRepo.list()) { brokerMsg.put(broker, new ArrayList<Object>()); } // initialize the distribution report distributionReport = new DistributionReport(); // walk through the pending transactions and run the updates for (BrokerTransaction tx : getPendingTransactionList()) { // need to refresh the transaction first if (tx.getBroker() == null) { log.error("tx " + tx.getClass().getName() + ":" + tx.getId() + " has null broker"); } if (brokerMsg.get(tx.getBroker()) == null) { log.error("tx " + tx.getClass().getName() + ":" + tx.getId() + " has unknown broker " + tx.getBroker().getUsername()); } brokerMsg.get(tx.getBroker()).add(tx); // process transactions by method lookup dispatch(this, "processTransaction", tx, brokerMsg.get(tx.getBroker())); } // handle the backed-up mkt transactions for this timeslot handleMarketTransactionsForTimeslot(timeslotRepo.currentTimeslot()); // for each broker, compute interest and send messages double rate = bankInterest / 365.0; for (Broker broker : brokerRepo.list()) { // run interest payments at midnight if (timeService.getHourOfDay() == 0) { double brokerRate = rate; double cash = broker.getCashBalance(); if (cash >= 0.0) { // rate on positive balance is 1/2 of negative brokerRate /= 2.0; } double interest = cash * brokerRate; brokerMsg.get(broker).add(txFactory.makeBankTransaction(broker, interest)); broker.updateCash(interest); } // add the cash position to the list and send messages brokerMsg.get(broker).add(txFactory.makeCashPosition(broker, broker.getCashBalance()));"Sending " + brokerMsg.get(broker).size() + " messages to " + broker.getUsername()); brokerProxyService.sendMessages(broker, brokerMsg.get(broker)); } // send the distribution report brokerProxyService.broadcastMessage(distributionReport); } /** * Copies out the pending transaction list with concurrency protection, * clears the pending transaction list, and returns the copy. */ private synchronized List<BrokerTransaction> getPendingTransactionList() { ArrayList<BrokerTransaction> result = new ArrayList<BrokerTransaction>(pendingTransactions); pendingTransactions.clear(); return result; } // process a tariff transaction public void processTransaction(TariffTransaction tx, ArrayList<Object> messages) { //"processing tariff tx " + tx.toString()); updateCash(tx.getBroker(), tx.getCharge()); // update the distribution report if (TariffTransaction.Type.CONSUME == tx.getTxType()) distributionReport.addConsumption(-tx.getKWh()); else if (TariffTransaction.Type.PRODUCE == tx.getTxType()) distributionReport.addProduction(tx.getKWh()); } // process a balance transaction public void processTransaction(BalancingTransaction tx, ArrayList<Object> messages) { updateCash(tx.getBroker(), tx.getCharge()); } // process a DU fee transaction public void processTransaction(DistributionTransaction tx, ArrayList<Object> messages) { updateCash(tx.getBroker(), tx.getCharge()); } // process market transaction by sending update market position. // actual transaction posting is deferred to delivery time public void processTransaction(MarketTransaction tx, ArrayList<Object> messages) { MarketPosition mkt = tx.getBroker().findMarketPositionByTimeslot(tx.getTimeslotIndex()); if (!messages.contains(mkt)) messages.add(mkt); } // process deferred market transactions for the current timeslot public void handleMarketTransactionsForTimeslot(Timeslot ts) { ArrayList<MarketTransaction> pending = pendingMarketTransactions.get(ts); if (null == pending) return; for (MarketTransaction tx : pending) { Broker broker = tx.getBroker(); updateCash(broker, tx.getPrice() * Math.abs(tx.getMWh())); } } // pre-process a market transaction public void updateBrokerMarketPosition(MarketTransaction tx) { Broker broker = tx.getBroker(); MarketPosition mkt = broker.findMarketPositionByTimeslot(tx.getTimeslotIndex()); if (mkt == null) { mkt = new MarketPosition(broker, tx.getTimeslot(), tx.getMWh()); log.debug("New MarketPosition(" + broker.getUsername() + ", " + tx.getTimeslot().getSerialNumber() + "): " + mkt.getId()); broker.addMarketPosition(mkt, tx.getTimeslotIndex()); } else { mkt.updateBalance(tx.getMWh()); } } private void updateCash(Broker broker, double amount) { broker.updateCash(amount); } public void processTransaction(BankTransaction tx, ArrayList<Object> messages) { log.error("tx " + tx.toString() + " calls processTransaction - should not happen"); } /** * Returns the current list of pending tariff transactions. This will be * non-empty only after the customer model has run and before accounting * has run in the current timeslot. */ @Override public synchronized List<TariffTransaction> getPendingTariffTransactions() { List<TariffTransaction> result = new ArrayList<TariffTransaction>(); for (BrokerTransaction tx : pendingTransactions) { if (tx instanceof TariffTransaction) result.add((TariffTransaction) tx); } return result; } // test support List<BrokerTransaction> getPendingTransactions() { return pendingTransactions; } public double getMinInterest() { return minInterest; } public double getMaxInterest() { return maxInterest; } public Double getBankInterest() { return bankInterest; } // test support void setBankInterest(Double interest) { bankInterest = interest; } }