Java tutorial
package org.pocketcampus.plugin.moodle.server.old; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import; import; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.eclipse.jetty.util.MultiMap; import org.eclipse.jetty.util.UrlEncoded; import org.pocketcampus.plugin.authentication.server.AuthenticationServiceImpl; import org.pocketcampus.plugin.moodle.server.old.MoodleServiceImpl.NodeJson.ItemJson; import org.pocketcampus.plugin.moodle.server.old.MoodleServiceImpl.SectionNode.ModuleNode; import org.pocketcampus.plugin.moodle.server.old.MoodleServiceImpl.SectionNode.ModuleNode.ModuleContent; import org.pocketcampus.plugin.moodle.shared.TequilaToken; import org.pocketcampus.platform.server.launcher.PocketCampusServer; import org.pocketcampus.platform.shared.utils.Cookie; import org.pocketcampus.platform.shared.utils.PostDataBuilder; import org.pocketcampus.platform.shared.utils.StringUtils; import org.pocketcampus.plugin.moodle.shared.CoursesListReply; import org.pocketcampus.plugin.moodle.shared.MoodleCourse; import org.pocketcampus.plugin.moodle.shared.MoodleRequest; import org.pocketcampus.plugin.moodle.shared.MoodleResource; import org.pocketcampus.plugin.moodle.shared.MoodleSection; import org.pocketcampus.plugin.moodle.shared.MoodleSession; import org.pocketcampus.plugin.moodle.shared.SectionsListReply; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * MoodleServiceImpl * * The implementation of the server side of the Moodle Plugin. * * It fetches the user's Moodle data from the Moodle servers. * * @author Amer <> * */ public class MoodleServiceImpl { public static final String MOODLE_WEBSERVICE_URL = ""; public MoodleServiceImpl() { System.out.println("Starting Moodle plugin server ..."); } public TequilaToken getTequilaTokenForMoodle() throws TException { System.out.println("getTequilaTokenForMoodle"); try { HttpURLConnection conn2 = (HttpURLConnection) new URL("") .openConnection(); conn2.setInstanceFollowRedirects(false); conn2.getInputStream(); URL url = new URL(conn2.getHeaderField("Location")); MultiMap<String> params = new MultiMap<String>(); UrlEncoded.decodeTo(url.getQuery(), params, "UTF-8"); TequilaToken teqToken = new TequilaToken(params.getString("requestkey")); Cookie cookie = new Cookie(); for (String header : conn2.getHeaderFields().get("Set-Cookie")) { cookie.addFromHeader(header); } teqToken.setLoginCookie(cookie.cookie()); return teqToken; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new TException("Failed to getTequilaToken from upstream server"); } } public MoodleSession getMoodleSession(TequilaToken iTequilaToken) throws TException { System.out.println("getMoodleSession"); try { HttpURLConnection conn2 = (HttpURLConnection) new URL("") .openConnection(); conn2.setRequestProperty("Cookie", iTequilaToken.getLoginCookie()); conn2.setInstanceFollowRedirects(false); conn2.getInputStream(); if ("".equals(conn2.getHeaderField("Location"))) return new MoodleSession(iTequilaToken.getLoginCookie()); else throw new TException("Authentication failed"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new TException("Failed to getMoodleSession from upstream server"); } } public static class NodeJson { public List<ItemJson> children; public static class ItemJson { public String key; public String name; public String title; public int type; public String link; } } static Gson gson = new Gson(); static JsonParser jsonParser = new JsonParser(); private List<ItemJson> fetchNode(Cookie cookie, String reqKey, int reqType, int filterType) { //System.out.println("fetching id=" + reqKey + "&type=" + reqType); try { List<ItemJson> children = new LinkedList<ItemJson>(); String page = getPageWithCookie( "" + reqKey + "&type=" + reqType, cookie); JsonObject jo = jsonParser.parse(page).getAsJsonObject(); if (jo.has("children")) { JsonArray ja = jo.get("children").getAsJsonArray(); for (int i = 0; i < ja.size(); i++) { if (!ja.get(i).isJsonObject()) continue; JsonObject jo2 = ja.get(i).getAsJsonObject(); if (!jo2.has("type")) continue; if (jo2.get("type").getAsInt() != filterType) continue; ItemJson ij = new ItemJson(); ij.type = filterType; if (jo2.has("key")) ij.key = jo2.get("key").getAsString(); if (jo2.has("name")) = jo2.get("name").getAsString(); if (jo2.has("title")) ij.title = jo2.get("title").getAsString(); if (jo2.has("link")) = jo2.get("link").getAsString(); children.add(ij); } } /*NodeJson node = gson.fromJson(page, NodeJson.class); if(node.children != null) { for(ItemJson i : node.children) { if(i.type == filterType) children.add(i); } }*/ return children; } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public CoursesListReply getCoursesList(MoodleRequest iRequest) throws TException { //iRequest.setICourseId(523);//tcpip //iRequest.setICourseId(225);//Course Demonstrator //iRequest.setICourseId(12101);//MI-023 //iRequest.setICourseId(12271);//CF10100009 //System.out.println(getCourseSections(iRequest)); //System.out.println(getEventsList(iRequest)); System.out.println("getCoursesList"); String page = null; // Gson gson = new Gson(); //NodeJson courses = null; Cookie cookie = new Cookie(); cookie.importFromString(iRequest.getISessionId().getMoodleCookie()); try { page = getPageWithCookie("", cookie); //page2 = getPageWithCookie("", cookie); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return new CoursesListReply(404); } if (page == null || page.indexOf("login/logout.php") == -1) { System.out.println("not logged in"); return new CoursesListReply(407); } List<ItemJson> courses = fetchNode(cookie, "mycourses", 0, 20); if (courses == null) { return new CoursesListReply(404); } LinkedList<MoodleCourse> tCourses = new LinkedList<MoodleCourse>(); for (ItemJson mcj : courses) { MoodleCourse mc = new MoodleCourse(); mc.setITitle(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(mcj.title)); mc.setIId(Integer.parseInt(mcj.key)); tCourses.add(mc); } CoursesListReply cl = new CoursesListReply(200); cl.setICourses(tCourses); return cl; } public static class CourseNode { int id; String shortname; String fullname; int enrolledusercount; String idnumber; int visible; } // public static interface CourseList extends List<CourseNode> { // } public static class UsersNode { List<UserNode> users; public static class UserNode { int id; String username; String firstname; String lastname; String fullname; String email; String address; String phone1; String department; String institution; String idnumber; String url; String city; String country; String profileimageurlsmall; } } public CoursesListReply getCoursesListAPI(String dummy) throws TException { String sciper = AuthenticationServiceImpl.authGetUserSciper(); if (sciper == null) { return new CoursesListReply(407); } Gson gson = new Gson(); LinkedList<MoodleCourse> tCourses = new LinkedList<MoodleCourse>(); try { HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(MOODLE_WEBSERVICE_URL).openConnection(); PostDataBuilder pd = new PostDataBuilder().addParam("moodlewsrestformat", "json") .addParam("wstoken", PocketCampusServer.CONFIG.getString("MOODLE_ACCESS_TOKEN")) .addParam("wsfunction", "core_user_get_users").addParam("criteria[0][key]", "idnumber") .addParam("criteria[0][value]", sciper); conn.setDoOutput(true); conn.getOutputStream().write(pd.toString().getBytes()); String result = StringUtils.fromStream(conn.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"); UsersNode usrNodes = gson.fromJson(result, UsersNode.class); int theId = usrNodes.users.get(0).id; conn = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(MOODLE_WEBSERVICE_URL).openConnection(); pd = new PostDataBuilder().addParam("moodlewsrestformat", "json") .addParam("wstoken", PocketCampusServer.CONFIG.getString("MOODLE_ACCESS_TOKEN")) .addParam("wsfunction", "core_enrol_get_users_courses").addParam("userid", "" + theId); conn.setDoOutput(true); conn.getOutputStream().write(pd.toString().getBytes()); result = StringUtils.fromStream(conn.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"); Type listType = new TypeToken<List<CourseNode>>() { }.getType(); List<CourseNode> lcn = gson.fromJson(result, listType); for (CourseNode mcj : lcn) { if (mcj.visible != 1) continue; MoodleCourse mc = new MoodleCourse(); mc.setITitle(mcj.fullname); mc.setIId(; tCourses.add(mc); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } CoursesListReply cl = new CoursesListReply(200); cl.setICourses(tCourses); return cl; } public SectionsListReply getCourseSections(MoodleRequest iRequest) throws TException { System.out.println("getCourseSections"); String page = null; Cookie cookie = new Cookie(); cookie.importFromString(iRequest.getISessionId().getMoodleCookie()); if (!iRequest.isSetICourseId()) { return new SectionsListReply(405); } try { page = getPageWithCookie("" + iRequest.getICourseId(), cookie); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return new SectionsListReply(404); } if (page == null || page.indexOf("login/index.php") != -1) { System.out.println("not logged in"); return new SectionsListReply(407); } List<ItemJson> sections = fetchNode(cookie, "" + iRequest.getICourseId(), 20, 30); if (sections == null) { return new SectionsListReply(404); } LinkedList<MoodleSection> msl = new LinkedList<MoodleSection>(); for (ItemJson sj : sections) { LinkedList<MoodleResource> mrl = new LinkedList<MoodleResource>(); List<ItemJson> resources = fetchNode(cookie, sj.key, 30, 40); if (resources == null) { continue; } for (ItemJson rj : resources) { if ("/mod/resource/view.php?") != -1 ||"/mod/folder/view.php?") != -1) { // if it is a Moodle resource, get all files from it LinkedList<String> urls = getAllFilesFromMoodleResource(, cookie); for (String k : urls) { mrl.add(new MoodleResource(, k)); } } } MoodleSection ms = new MoodleSection(mrl,; msl.add(ms); } SectionsListReply sl = new SectionsListReply(200); sl.setISections(msl); return sl; } public static class SectionNode { int id; String name; int visible; String summary; int summaryformat; List<ModuleNode> modules; public static class ModuleNode { int id; String url; String name; int visible; String modicon; String modname; String modplural; long availablefrom; long availableuntil; int indent; String description; List<ModuleContent> contents; public static class ModuleContent { String author; String filename; String filepath; int filesize; String fileurl; String license; int sortorder; long timecreated; long timemodified; String type; int userid; } } } public SectionsListReply getCourseSectionsAPI(String courseId) throws TException { if (courseId == null) return new SectionsListReply(405); String gaspar = AuthenticationServiceImpl.authGetUserGaspar(); if (gaspar == null) { // TODO check if user is enrolled in this course return new SectionsListReply(407); } Gson gson = new Gson(); LinkedList<MoodleSection> msl = new LinkedList<MoodleSection>(); try { HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(MOODLE_WEBSERVICE_URL).openConnection(); PostDataBuilder pd = new PostDataBuilder().addParam("moodlewsrestformat", "json") .addParam("wstoken", PocketCampusServer.CONFIG.getString("MOODLE_ACCESS_TOKEN")) .addParam("wsfunction", "core_course_get_contents").addParam("courseid", courseId); conn.setDoOutput(true); conn.getOutputStream().write(pd.toString().getBytes()); String result = StringUtils.fromStream(conn.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"); // System.out.println(result); Type listType = new TypeToken<List<SectionNode>>() { }.getType(); List<SectionNode> lsn = gson.fromJson(result, listType); for (SectionNode sn : lsn) { if (sn.visible != 1) continue; LinkedList<MoodleResource> mrl = new LinkedList<MoodleResource>(); for (ModuleNode mn : sn.modules) { if (mn.visible != 1) continue; if (mn.availablefrom != 0 && mn.availablefrom * 1000 > System.currentTimeMillis()) continue; if (mn.availableuntil != 0 && mn.availableuntil * 1000 < System.currentTimeMillis()) continue; if (!"resource".equals(mn.modname) && !"folder".equals(mn.modname)) continue; for (ModuleContent c : mn.contents) mrl.add(new MoodleResource(, c.fileurl)); } MoodleSection ms = new MoodleSection(mrl,; msl.add(ms); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } SectionsListReply sl = new SectionsListReply(200); sl.setISections(msl); return sl; } /** * HELPER FUNCTIONS */ private class HttpPageReply { private String page; private String location; public HttpPageReply(String page, String location) { = page; this.location = location; } public String getPage() { return page; } public String getLocation() { return location; } } private String getPageWithCookie(String url, Cookie cookie) throws IOException { return getHttpReplyWithCookie(url, cookie).getPage(); } private HttpPageReply getHttpReplyWithCookie(String url, Cookie cookie) throws IOException { HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(url).openConnection(); conn.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"); conn.setInstanceFollowRedirects(false); conn.setRequestProperty("Cookie", cookie.cookie()); if (conn.getResponseCode() == 200) return new HttpPageReply(StringUtils.fromStream(conn.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"), null); if (conn.getResponseCode() / 100 == 3) return new HttpPageReply(null, conn.getHeaderField("Location")); return new HttpPageReply(null, null); } private LinkedList<String> getAllSubstringsBetween(String orig, String before, String after) { LinkedList<String> ssl = new LinkedList<String>(); if (orig.length() == 0 || before.length() == 0 || after.length() == 0) return ssl; while (true) { int b = orig.indexOf(before); if (b == -1) return ssl; int a = orig.indexOf(after, b + before.length()); if (a == -1) return ssl; b = orig.lastIndexOf(before, a - before.length()); ssl.add(orig.substring(b + before.length(), a)); orig = orig.substring(a + after.length()); } } private LinkedList<String> getAllFilesFromMoodleResource(String resourceUrl, Cookie cookie) { LinkedList<String> urls = new LinkedList<String>(); HttpPageReply httpReply = null; try { httpReply = getHttpReplyWithCookie(resourceUrl, cookie); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return urls; // failed, do not crash } if (httpReply.getPage() != null) { for (MoodleResource j : getLinks(httpReply.getPage())) { if (j.getIUrl().indexOf("/pluginfile.php/") != -1) if (!urls.contains(j.getIUrl())) urls.add(stripOffQueryString(j.getIUrl())); } } else if (httpReply.getLocation() != null) { if (httpReply.getLocation().indexOf("/pluginfile.php/") != -1) urls.add(stripOffQueryString(httpReply.getLocation())); } else { System.out.println("error while processing " + resourceUrl); } return urls; } private String stripOffQueryString(String url) { if (url.indexOf("?") == -1) return url; return url.substring(0, url.indexOf("?")); } private LinkedList<MoodleResource> getLinks(String html) { LinkedList<MoodleResource> mrl = new LinkedList<MoodleResource>(); for (String j : getAllSubstringsBetween(html, "href=\"", "</a>")) { String url = j.substring(0, j.indexOf("\"")); // target String name = stripHtmlTags(j.substring(j.indexOf(">") + 1)); // innerHTML mrl.add(new MoodleResource(name, url)); } return mrl; } private String stripHtmlTags(String html) { // or keep it client-side // android.text.Html.fromHtml(instruction).toString() // should first remove invisible elements html = html.replaceAll("class=\"left side[^<]+<", ""); html = html.replaceAll("class=\"weekdates[^<]+<", ""); html = html.replaceAll("class=\"accesshide[^<]+<", ""); html = html.replaceAll("<br />", "\n"); html = html.replaceAll("<h2>", "\n"); html = html.replaceAll("</h2>", "\n"); html = html.replaceAll("<[^>]+>", ""); html = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(html); html = html.replaceAll("[\\xA0]+", " "); // replace non-breaking spaces (code 160) with normal spaces (code 32) html = html.replaceAll("[\\t\\r\\v\\f]+", ""); // remove some weird characters html = html.replaceAll("[\\n][ ]+", "\n"); // remove spaces at the beginning of a line html = html.replaceAll("[ ]+[\\n]", "\n"); // remove spaces at the end of a line html = html.replaceAll("[ ]+", " "); // remove consecutive spaces html = html.replaceAll("[\\n]+", "\n"); // remove consecutive new-lines html = html.replaceAll("^[\\n]+", ""); // remove new-line characters at the beginning html = html.replaceAll("[\\n]+$", ""); // remove new-line characters at the end return html.trim(); } }