Java tutorial
/** * Copyright [2009] [PLOIN GmbH ->] * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.ploin.pmf.impl; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.ploin.pmf.IPropertiesLoader; import org.ploin.pmf.MailFactoryException; import org.ploin.pmf.entity.MailConfig; import org.ploin.pmf.entity.Recipient; import org.ploin.pmf.entity.TemplateConfig; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; /** * Description: Implementation of the {@link IPropertiesLoader} interface.<br> * This class is responsible to read properties files.<br/> * <p/> * $LastChangedBy: r.reiz $<br> * $Revision: 83 $<br> * $Date: 2010-08-09 11:14:25 +0200 (Mon, 09 Aug 2010) $<br> */ public class PropertiesLoader implements IPropertiesLoader, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5587041290421008476L; private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PropertiesLoader.class); private String directory; private String propertiesFilename = ""; private Map<String, Properties> propertiesCache = new HashMap<String, Properties>(); // *** Public Interface Methods *** public String getValue(String key) throws MailFactoryException { return getValue(null, key); } public String getValue(String client, String key) throws MailFactoryException { try { Properties properties = getPropertiesOnlyClient(client, propertiesFilename); return getValueFromProperties(properties, key); } catch (MailFactoryException mfe) { log.debug("No client-specific properties"); } try { Properties properties = getPropertiesOnlyDirectory(propertiesFilename); return getValueFromProperties(properties, key); } catch (MailFactoryException mfe) { log.debug("No properties in directory"); } Properties properties = getPropertiesOnlyRoot(propertiesFilename); return getValueFromProperties(properties, key); } public void replaceVariables(TemplateConfig templateConfig) throws MailFactoryException { String client = templateConfig.getClient(); Map<String, String> map = templateConfig.getMap(); Set<String> keys = map.keySet(); for (String key : keys) { String value = map.get(key); String replacedValue = getReplacedValue(client, value); map.put(key, replacedValue); } } public void replaceVariables(String client, MailConfig mailConfig) throws MailFactoryException { for (Recipient recipient : mailConfig.getToRecipients()) { String value = recipient.getEmail(); recipient.setEmail(getReplacedValue(client, value)); } for (Recipient recipient : mailConfig.getToRecipients()) { String value = recipient.getEmail(); recipient.setEmail(getReplacedValue(client, value)); } for (Recipient recipient : mailConfig.getToRecipients()) { String value = recipient.getEmail(); recipient.setEmail(getReplacedValue(client, value)); } String value = mailConfig.getSubject(); mailConfig.setSubject(getReplacedValue(client, value)); } public Properties getProperties(String client, String name) throws MailFactoryException { try { return getPropertiesOnlyClient(client, name); } catch (MailFactoryException mfe) { log.debug("No client-specific property"); } try { return getPropertiesOnlyDirectory(name); } catch (MailFactoryException mfe) { log.debug("No property in directory"); } return getPropertiesOnlyRoot(name); } public Properties getPropertiesOnlyClient(String client, String name) throws MailFactoryException { String key = getKeyForPropertiesCache(client, name); Properties properties = propertiesCache.get(key); if (properties != null) return properties; StringBuffer path = new StringBuffer(); path.append(directory); path.append("/"); path.append(client); path.append("/"); path.append(name); properties = loadProperties(path.toString()); propertiesCache.put(key, properties); return properties; } public Properties getPropertiesOnlyDirectory(String name) throws MailFactoryException { String key = getKeyForPropertiesCache(directory, name); Properties properties = propertiesCache.get(key); if (properties != null) return properties; StringBuffer path = new StringBuffer(); path.append(directory); path.append("/"); path.append(name); properties = loadProperties(path.toString()); propertiesCache.put(key, properties); return properties; } public Properties getPropertiesOnlyRoot(String name) throws MailFactoryException { String key = getKeyForPropertiesCache("root", name); Properties properties = propertiesCache.get(key); if (properties != null) return properties; properties = loadProperties(name); propertiesCache.put(key, properties); return properties; } // *** Private Methods *** /** * * @param name * @return */ private Properties loadProperties(String name) throws MailFactoryException { try { ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); if (loader == null) loader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); InputStream in = loader.getResourceAsStream(name); Properties result = new Properties(); result.load(in); return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new MailFactoryException("Error trying to load properties " + name); } } /** * * @param part1 * @param part2 * @return */ private String getKeyForPropertiesCache(String part1, String part2) throws MailFactoryException { if (part2 == null || "".equals(part2)) throw new MailFactoryException("Illegal argument in getKeyForPropertiesCache()"); StringBuffer key = new StringBuffer(); key.append(part1); key.append("_"); key.append(part2); return key.toString(); } private String getValueFromProperties(Properties properties, String key) throws MailFactoryException { try { String value = properties.getProperty(key); if (value == null) throw new MailFactoryException("Property '" + key + "' not found"); return value; } catch (Exception e) { throw new MailFactoryException(e); } } private String getReplacedValue(String client, String value) throws MailFactoryException { if (value == null) value = ""; if (value.startsWith("${") && value.endsWith("}")) { String propertyKey = value.substring(2, value.length() - 1); return getValue(client, propertyKey); } return value; } // *** Getter and Setter Methods *** public String getDirectory() { return directory; } public void setDirectory(String directory) { = directory; } public String getPropFile() { return propertiesFilename; } public void setPropFile(String propFile) { this.propertiesFilename = propFile; } }