Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014-present the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.pivotal.gemfire.cache; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.Cache; import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.CacheFactory; import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.DataPolicy; import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.Region; import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.RegionFactory; import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.Query; import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.QueryService; import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.SelectResults; import org.codeprimate.lang.ObjectUtils; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.springframework.util.Assert; /** * The CacheRegionQueryUsingToDateTest class is a test suite of test cases testing the contract and functionality * of GemFire's Query execution using the TO_DATE(..) function. * * @author John Blum * @see com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.Cache * @see com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.Region * @see com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.Query * @see com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.query.QueryService * @since 1.0.0 */ public class CacheRegionQueryUsingToDateTest { private static final AtomicLong ID_SEQUENCE = new AtomicLong(0l); private Cache gemfireCache; @Before public void setup() { gemfireCache = new CacheFactory().set("name", getClass().getSimpleName()).set("mcast-port", "0") .set("log-level", "config").create(); assertThat(gemfireCache, is(not(nullValue()))); RegionFactory<Long, Person> peopleRegionFactory = gemfireCache.createRegionFactory(); peopleRegionFactory.setDataPolicy(DataPolicy.REPLICATE); peopleRegionFactory.setInitialCapacity(11); peopleRegionFactory.setLoadFactor(0.85f); peopleRegionFactory.setKeyConstraint(Long.class); peopleRegionFactory.setValueConstraint(Person.class); Region people = peopleRegionFactory.create("People"); assertThat(people, is(not(nullValue()))); assertThat(people.getName(), is(equalTo("People"))); assertThat(people.getFullPath(), is(equalTo(String.format("%1$s%2$s", Region.SEPARATOR, "People")))); assertThat(people.getAttributes(), is(not(nullValue()))); assertThat(people.getAttributes().getDataPolicy(), is(equalTo(DataPolicy.REPLICATE))); } @Before public void setupPeople() { Region<Long, Person> localPeople = gemfireCache.getRegion("/People"); put(localPeople, createPerson("Jon", "Doe", createDate(1979, Calendar.MAY, 15))); put(localPeople, createPerson("Jane", "Doe", createDate(1981, Calendar.APRIL, 21))); put(localPeople, createPerson("Pie", "Doe", createDate(1997, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 22))); put(localPeople, createPerson("Cookie", "Doe", createDate(2008, Calendar.AUGUST, 16))); put(localPeople, createPerson("Sour", "Doe", createDate(2012, Calendar.DECEMBER, 1))); put(localPeople, createPerson("Jack", "Handy", createDate(1977, Calendar.MAY, 10))); put(localPeople, createPerson("Sandy", "Handy", createDate(1977, Calendar.MARCH, 3))); put(localPeople, createPerson("Jack", "Black", createDate(1972, Calendar.JUNE, 26))); put(localPeople, createPerson("Ben", "Dover", createDate(1969, Calendar.MAY, 5))); put(localPeople, createPerson("Ima", "Pigg", createDate(1975, Calendar.JULY, 17))); assertThat(localPeople.size(), is(equalTo(10))); } @After public void tearDown() { gemfireCache.close(); gemfireCache = null; } protected Date createDate(final int year, final int month, final int day) { Calendar dateTime = Calendar.getInstance(); dateTime.clear(); dateTime.set(Calendar.YEAR, year); dateTime.set(Calendar.MONTH, month); dateTime.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, day); return dateTime.getTime(); } protected Person createPerson(final String firstName, final String lastName, final Date birthDate) { Person person = new Person(firstName, lastName, birthDate); person.setId(ID_SEQUENCE.incrementAndGet()); return person; } protected void put(final Region<Long, Person> region, final Person person) { Assert.notNull(person.getId(), "person ID must not be null"); region.put(person.getId(), person); } protected String toString(final List<Person> people) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder("["); for (Person person : people) { buffer.append(buffer.length() > 1 ? ", " : ""); buffer.append(person.getName()); } buffer.append("]"); return buffer.toString(); } @Test @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void queryMayBirthdays() throws Exception { QueryService queryService = gemfireCache.getQueryService(); Query query = queryService.newQuery( "<trace> SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /People p WHERE p.getBirthDateAsString('MM') = '05' ORDER BY p.lastName"); //Query query = queryService.newQuery("SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /People p WHERE p.birthDate = TO_DATE('1979-05-15', 'yyyy-MM-dd') ORDER BY p.lastName"); SelectResults<Person> results = (SelectResults<Person>) query.execute(); List<Person> people = results.asList(); assertThat(toString(people), is(equalTo("[Jon Doe, Ben Dover, Jack Handy]"))); } @Test @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void querySpecificBirthDate() throws Exception { QueryService queryService = gemfireCache.getQueryService(); Query query = queryService.newQuery( "<trace> SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /People p WHERE p.birthDate = TO_DATE('1979-05-15', 'yyyy-MM-dd') ORDER BY p.lastName"); SelectResults<Person> results = (SelectResults<Person>) query.execute(); List<Person> people = results.asList(); assertThat(toString(people), is(equalTo("[Jon Doe]"))); } public static class Person { protected static final String BIRTH_DATE_FORMAT_PATTERN = "yyyy-MM-dd"; private final Date birthDate; private Long id; private final String firstName; private final String lastName; public Person(final String firstName, final String lastName, final Date birthDate) { this.firstName = firstName; this.lastName = lastName; this.birthDate = birthDate; } public Long getId() { return id; } public void setId(final Long id) { = id; } public Date getBirthDate() { return birthDate; } public String getBirthDateAsString() { return getBirthDateAsString(BIRTH_DATE_FORMAT_PATTERN); } public String getBirthDateAsString(final String pattern) { return new SimpleDateFormat(pattern).format(getBirthDate()); } public String getFirstName() { return firstName; } public String getLastName() { return lastName; } public String getName() { return String.format("%1$s %2$s", getFirstName(), getLastName()); } @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof Person)) { return false; } Person that = (Person) obj; return ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(this.getFirstName(), that.getFirstName()) && ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(this.getLastName(), that.getLastName()) && ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(this.getBirthDate(), that.getBirthDate()); } @Override public int hashCode() { int hashValue = 17; hashValue = 37 * hashValue + ObjectUtils.hashCode(getFirstName()); hashValue = 37 * hashValue + ObjectUtils.hashCode(getLastName()); hashValue = 37 * hashValue + ObjectUtils.hashCode(getBirthDate()); return hashValue; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("%1$s, born %2$s", getName(), getBirthDateAsString()); } } }