Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Leon Blakey <lord.quackstar at> * * This file is part of PircBotX. * * PircBotX is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * PircBotX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with PircBotX. If not, see <>. */ package org.pircbotx; import; import; import org.pircbotx.hooks.managers.GenericListenerManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import static org.testng.Assert.*; import static org.mockito.Mockito.*; /** * Test the output of PircBotX. Depend on ConnectTests to check mocked sockets * @author Leon Blakey <lord.quackstar at> */ @Test(/*dependsOnGroups = "ConnectTests", */singleThreaded = true) public class PircBotXOutputTest { protected final String aString = "I'm some super long string that has multiple words"; protected PircBotX bot; protected SocketFactory socketFactory; protected BufferedReader botOut; protected User aUser; protected Channel aChannel; protected CountDownLatch inputLatch; protected InputStream in; @BeforeMethod public void botSetup() throws Exception { //Setup bot inputLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); bot = new PircBotX() { @Override protected InputThread createInputThread(Socket socket, BufferedReader breader) { return new InputThread(bot, socket, breader) { @Override public void run() { //Do nothing } }; } }; bot.setListenerManager(new GenericListenerManager()); bot.setNick("PircBotXBot"); bot.setName("PircBotXBot"); bot.setMessageDelay(0L); //Setup streams for bot PipedOutputStream out = new PipedOutputStream(); //Create an input stream that we'll kill later in = new ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes()); Socket socket = mock(Socket.class); when(socket.isConnected()).thenReturn(true); when(socket.getInputStream()).thenReturn(in); when(socket.getOutputStream()).thenReturn(out); socketFactory = mock(SocketFactory.class); when(socketFactory.createSocket("", 6667, null, 0)).thenReturn(socket); //Setup ability to read from bots output botOut = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new PipedInputStream(out))); //Connect the bot to the socket bot.connect("", 6667, null, socketFactory); //Make sure the bot is connected verify(socketFactory).createSocket("", 6667, null, 0); //Setup useful vars aUser = bot.getUser("aUser"); aChannel = bot.getChannel("#aChannel"); } @AfterMethod public void cleanUp() { inputLatch.countDown(); bot.shutdown(); } @Test(description = "Verify sendRawLine works correctly") public void sendRawLineTest() throws Exception { bot.sendRawLine(aString); checkOutput(aString); } @Test(description = "Verify sendRawLineNow works correctly") public void sendRawLineNowTest() throws Exception { bot.sendRawLineNow(aString); checkOutput(aString); } @Test(description = "Verify sendRawLineSplit works correctly with short strings") public void sendRawLineSplitShort() throws Exception { String beginning = "BEGIN"; String ending = "END"; bot.sendRawLineSplit(beginning, aString, ending); checkOutput(beginning + aString + ending); } @Test(description = "Verify sendRawLineSplit works correctly with long strings") public void sendRawLineSplitLong() throws Exception { //Generate string parts String seedString = " - "; String beginning = "BEGIN"; String ending = "END"; Random random = new Random(); while ((beginning + "1" + seedString + ending).length() < bot.getMaxLineLength() - 2) seedString = seedString + (char) (random.nextInt(26) + 'a'); String[] stringParts = new String[] { "1" + seedString, "2" + seedString, "3" + seedString.substring(0, bot.getMaxLineLength() / 2) }; //Send the message, joining all the message parts into one big chunck bot.sendRawLineSplit(beginning, StringUtils.join(stringParts, ""), ending); //Verify sent lines, making sure they come out in parts checkOutput(beginning + stringParts[0] + ending); //Verify further lines assertEquals(botOut.readLine(), beginning + stringParts[1] + ending, "Second string part doesn't match"); assertEquals(botOut.readLine(), beginning + stringParts[2] + ending, "Third string part doesn't match"); } @Test(description = "Verify sendAction to user") public void sendActionUserTest() throws Exception { bot.sendAction(aUser, aString); checkOutput("PRIVMSG aUser :\u0001ACTION " + aString + "\u0001"); } @Test(description = "Verify sendAction to channel") public void sendActionChannelTest() throws Exception { bot.sendAction(aChannel, aString); checkOutput("PRIVMSG #aChannel :\u0001ACTION " + aString + "\u0001"); } @Test(description = "Verify sendAction by string") public void sendActionStringTest() throws Exception { bot.sendAction("#aChannel", aString); checkOutput("PRIVMSG #aChannel :\u0001ACTION " + aString + "\u0001"); } @Test(description = "Verify sendCTCPCommand to user") public void sendCTCPCommandUserTest() throws Exception { bot.sendCTCPCommand(aUser, aString); checkOutput("PRIVMSG aUser :\u0001" + aString + "\u0001"); } @Test(description = "Verify sendCTCPCommand to channel") public void sendCTCPCommandChannelTest() throws Exception { bot.sendCTCPCommand(aChannel, aString); checkOutput("PRIVMSG #aChannel :\u0001" + aString + "\u0001"); } @Test(description = "Verify sendCTCPCommand by string") public void sendCTCPCommandStringTest() throws Exception { bot.sendCTCPCommand("#aChannel", aString); checkOutput("PRIVMSG #aChannel :\u0001" + aString + "\u0001"); } @Test(description = "Verify sendCTCPResponse to user") public void sendCTCPResponseUserTest() throws Exception { bot.sendCTCPResponse(aUser, aString); checkOutput("NOTICE aUser :\u0001" + aString + "\u0001"); } @Test(description = "Verify sendCTCPResponse by string") public void sendCTCPResponseStringTest() throws Exception { bot.sendCTCPResponse("aUser", aString); checkOutput("NOTICE aUser :\u0001" + aString + "\u0001"); } @Test(description = "Verify sendInvite to user") public void sendInviteUserChannelTest() throws Exception { bot.sendInvite(aUser, aChannel); checkOutput("INVITE aUser :#aChannel"); } @Test(description = "Verify sendInvite to channel") public void sendInviteChannelChannelTest() throws Exception { bot.sendInvite(aChannel, bot.getChannel("#otherChannel")); checkOutput("INVITE #aChannel :#otherChannel"); } @Test(description = "Verify sendInvite to channel by string") public void sendInviteChannelStringlTest() throws Exception { bot.sendInvite(aUser, "#aChannel"); checkOutput("INVITE aUser :#aChannel"); } @Test(description = "Verify sendInvite by string") public void sendInviteStringlTest() throws Exception { bot.sendInvite("aUser", "#aChannel"); checkOutput("INVITE aUser :#aChannel"); } @Test(description = "Verify sendMessage to channel") public void sendMessageChannelTest() throws Exception { bot.sendMessage(aChannel, aString); checkOutput("PRIVMSG #aChannel :" + aString); } @Test(description = "Verify sendMessage to user in channel") public void sendMessageChannelUserTest() throws Exception { bot.sendMessage(aChannel, aUser, aString); checkOutput("PRIVMSG #aChannel :aUser: " + aString); } @Test(description = "Verify sendMessage to user") public void sendMessageUserTest() throws Exception { bot.sendMessage(aUser, aString); checkOutput("PRIVMSG aUser :" + aString); } @Test(description = "Verify sendMessage by string") public void sendMessageStringTest() throws Exception { bot.sendMessage("aUser", aString); checkOutput("PRIVMSG aUser :" + aString); } @Test(description = "Verify sendNotice to channel") public void sendNoticeChannelTest() throws Exception { bot.sendNotice(aChannel, aString); checkOutput("NOTICE #aChannel :" + aString); } @Test(description = "Verify sendNotice to user") public void sendNoticeUserTest() throws Exception { bot.sendNotice(aUser, aString); checkOutput("NOTICE aUser :" + aString); } @Test(description = "Verify sendNotice by String") public void sendNoticeStringTest() throws Exception { bot.sendNotice("aUser", aString); checkOutput("NOTICE aUser :" + aString); } /** * Check the output for one line that equals the expected value. * @param expected */ protected void checkOutput(String expected) throws IOException { //Handle the first 2 lines from the bot System.out.println("Reading first line"); assertEquals(botOut.readLine(), "NICK PircBotXBot", "Unexecpted first line"); System.out.println("Reading second line"); String line = botOut.readLine(); assertNotNull(line, "Second output line is null"); assertTrue(line.startsWith("USER PircBotX 8 * :"), "Unexpected second line: " + line); //Make sure the remaining line is okay System.out.println("Reading third line"); line = botOut.readLine(); System.out.println("Finished reading lines"); //assertEquals(lines.length, 1, "Too many/few lines: " + StringUtils.join(lines, System.getProperty("line.separator"))); assertEquals(line, expected); } }